lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

Talking about personal experiences using pictures

Listen to the teacher describing these photographs

1. Where was he?
2. When?
3. What was he doing?
4. Why?
5. Who was he with?
6. What was he wearing?
7. How was he feeling?
8. What had happened before?
9. What happened later?
10. Ask him a question about something he didn't mention but you would like to know about the picture

Send the answers to the blog!
The first three students will get a prize!

72 comentarios:

  1. The second photo.The teacher was travelling a New York.In Brooklyn in 2009.He was visited a bridge and saw the skyscrapers.The teacher was travell because he worked,the teacher was travell with the differents teacher of countries.The teacher was wearing a T-shirth black and shorts.The teacher feeling exiciting very happy and friendly.Before the teacher was in boston and later the teacher travella washington
    Do you like go to united states? Yes,He likes
    Carmen González Fuentes 3A

  2. In the second photo, he was in the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. It was in 2009, he went there because he had a grant. There he did a course about the USA. He flew alone, but there he met a group of english teachers. In the photo, he was wearing a t -shirt and shorts and he was very happy because it was a new experience. The day before, he visited Washington DC and the day after he visited Bosoton. He was there about two months.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. I have chosen the third photo. The teacher was in London and the photo was taken in summer, about 9 years ago. He was visiting a wax museum called Madame Tussand. The teacher visited this museum because he was in London for holidays and he thought that it was interesting. He stayed in London with his wife and his two sons for a week. He was wearing a T-shirt and he also had a backpack. The teacher felt very proud to be with Angelina Jolie. He also felt happy. Before this photo, he and his family went to visit the Big Ben and the Parlament. Later, they went to a restaurant called “The Rock Café”.
      Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºA

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Photo 2: The teacher was in New York in the Brooklyn 6 years ago he was wearing a T-Shirt and shorts, He was in New York because the government gave a grant to the teacher, He went to New York with a group of teachers, He was very exited because he never was in New York
    Antonio Rodríguez Fuentes 3ºA

  6. Third photo.

    Michael travelled to London 9 years ago, he took the photo in a museum of wax, and in the photo he is with the figure of Angelina Jolie's wax, before visiting the museum, he went to visit the Big Ben, and after visiting the museum of wax, he went to have lunch with his son, this day was wearing a backpack and a blue T-shirt, this day he felt happy, proud and funny.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 3ºA

  7. In the third photograph, he travelling a London, in 2006. He was visiting a museum called Madame Tussauds, beacuse the museum is very interesting.
    He travelling with his family for a week. He was wearing a T-shirt and a backpack. The teacher felt happy and very proud because he take a photo with Angelina Jolie. Before, they went to visit the Parlament and the Big Ben. Later, he and his family went to a restaurant.
    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA

  8. Photo 3

    The teacher was in London nine years ago in the summer. He visited the wax museum with their family, he visited the museum because was very interesting.
    In the photo he was with Angelina Yoli.He is wearing a back pack and a T-shirt He felt very surprised and proud.
    Before , he visted the big ben and the parlament and later he went to restaurant that his name is " Rock coffe" with him soon

    I am Nati Montero Cotan 3A

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. Photo 2: He was in New York 6 years ago. He went alone but in New York knew other teachers of diferents countries. He was wearing a t-shirt and short. He felt happy and exited. Before he visited Washington and after he visited Boston.David Sanz 3 A

  11. Photo 1: 3 years ago Michael's students prepared a surprise party for michael, it's because was their last day and year with Michael. this happened 3 years ago. He was with all his students of 4º of ESO. They gave him 2 gifts: a T-shirt for run and a building helmet because that year michael had an accident with his mobile phone. Michael felt really surprise and a bit sad because they were together 4 years.

    José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo. 3ºA


    I choose this photo because is for students of IES HELICHE

    The teacher was in a classroom of the highschool. The photo was took three years ago. He was celebrating a party, because it was the last day of the school year. The class that appear in the photo is very important for the teacher. He was wearing a t-shirt, trousers, trainers and a helmet. He felt very happy and sad at the same time. Before he taught this class four years and later he see this students. The teacher said that he knew very well this students.

    José Ángel Cea Torres

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. I chose the second photo, because is very interesting. The teacher was in Brooklyn,in New York (USA), in 2009. It was a grant. Miguel was with other teachers. He visited New York, Chicago, Boston, Colorado and Washington. He was wearing a black T-shirt and shorts, because it was summer. The teacher was two months (July and August). He went to Washington DC before the photo. Later, the teacher went to Boston. He was very excited, glad and friendly.
    Paula Delgado Román 3ºA.

  15. I choose the second photo becouse I think that is very interesting. The teacher went to New York City. In the photo I see that the teacher was in the Brooklyn Brich that join the neighbourhood of Manhattan and Brooklyn.The teacher went to NYC two month, six years ago, in 2009.In this photo he is in the Brookklyn Brinch and in the background there are some skycrapers. He was very exiting becouse there are thirty teachers of different countries that they comunicated with the English. IN this two moth he was very exiting, funny and friendly with all of the teachers.He was wearing a t-shirt of New York and short.Before went to NYC he went to Washington and later, he went to Boston.He learned all abaut the U.S.A. in a course. The United States gave to his 600€ to bought books about U.S.A.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

  16. In the second photo, he was in New York. It was in 2009,. There he did a course about the USA. He flew alone, but there he met a group of english teachers. In the photo, he was wearing a t -shirt He was a new experience. The day before, he visited Washington DC and the day after he visited Bosoton.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. Third photo:
    he was in london nine years ago he visited the wax museum whit their family because is very interesting.
    in this photo he is with angelina jolie, he wearing a grey t-shirt and a back pak.
    he felt very funny and pround
    before that he visit teh Big Ben and the parlament.
    after that he went to the restaurant "Rock Cafe"
    José Manuel Méndez Gonzáles 3ºA

  19. Photo 2:
    The teacher went to New York in the summer of 2009.He visited New York,Boston,Chicago,Colorado,Washington...He went alone, but he met 29 teachers of different countries like South Africa,India...they were just teachers, because it was a grant.He told us that he felt very glad,agreeable,friendly,excited...The travel was for two moths:July and August, that is the reason why he was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, because it was so hot.Before the moment that tooks the picture, he went to Washington DC, and after that moment he went to Boston.Everything was free, the hotel,the food,even he received money to buy books of the cities,presents,concert,to use the bus...
    Lola Valverde González,3ºA.

  20. Photo 3
    In this photo, the teacher was in London. He went London 9 years ago with his wife and his two sons. He was in a wax museum and he was there because he thought it was an interesting visit. He was wearing a T-shirt and a backpack where he put the water bottle, the documentation...
    He felt very funny and proud because he had a photo with his favourite actress ( Angelina Jolie ) . Before, he went to Big Ben and The Parliament and later he went to a famous restaurant called: Rock Café. He had more 150 photos with different people

    Paco Reyes Madrid 3A

  21. The teacher went to New York six years ago for a cours with another teacher from all over the world he go because se want to learned more english and was free, all the plane the hotel the food and then they gave he 600 dolars yo buy books.
    He feel very happy he think is his favourite experience.
    He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts
    In the background is the Empire state building. Then he went to Washington and later he went to Boston. He actually has the contact of the other teachers and t hey still are friends.
    Santiago Jara Montero

  22. The teacher went to New York six years ago for a cours with another teacher from all over the world he go because se want to learned more english and was free, all the plane the hotel the food and then they gave he 600 dolars yo buy books.
    He feel very happy he think is his favourite experience.
    He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts
    In the background is the Empire state building. Then he went to Washington and later he went to Boston. He actually has the contact of the other teachers and t hey still are friends.
    Santiago Jara Montero

  23. PHOTO 1:In this photo the teacher is in a classroom ,this happened 3 years ago,the were doing a party,because it was the last da y that they were together,he was with his students of 4° ESO,he was wearing a t-shirt yellow and black.He was feeling,surprised and happy,the students tells the teacher that he must to go to another classroom,and they have a surprised party,the best lf the classroom is Inmaculada García.
    Manoli Domínguez Fuentes. 3°A

  24. Second Photograph
    He was on New York 6 years ago. He went alone but there he met a group of teachers
    He was very exiting because he was knowing new things.The travel lasted 2 months. He was wearing a T-shrit and shorts because the weather was sunny. Before the photo he was on Washington and after he wents to Boston.
    The best was that the travel was totally free!!
    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 3A

  25. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  26. Photo 3
    I choose this photo because I like very much London.
    The teacher was in London, he went to London 9 years ago with his family, he liked very much the experience because when he was in London, he wanted to see his favourite actress( Angelina Jolie ) and he saw in the Madame Tussaud musseum.
    He was wearing a T-shirt and a backpack,he visited the Big Ben and he liked very much, later he ate in the Rock Cafe beause his son Miguel like very much.
    Gerardo Ibáñez Torres 3ºA

  27. Photo 3.

    The teacher went to London. He visited a museum whith his family, because he thought that the museum was very interesting and he decided to visit. He is wearing a back pack and a blue t-shirt. He felt surprised and proud.
    Also he visited the Big Ben and then he went to lunch with his son.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  28. I choose the photograph number three because I love London.
    The teacher travelled with his family for a week in the summer in 2006. He visited a wax museum called Madame Tussand. The teacher visited this museum because he thought that it was very interesting, because in this museum there are statues of famous person. He was wearing a T-shirt and a backpack.
    The teacher felt happy, funny and proud because he taked a photograph with Angelina Jolie. Before they visited the museum, he and his family went to visit the Parlament and the Big-Ben. Late, went to a restaurant called ''The Rock Cafe'' for lunch.

    Eva María Fdez Franco.3ºA

  29. PHOTO 3

    I like this photo because I think that the Museum Madame Tussauds is an interesting site. The teacher was there 9 years ago with her family , they were in London for the holidays. The teacher took a photo with Angelina Jolie because is his favourite actress, he feel proud for this. He also feel fun because all the famous stars was there and he and his family was having a good time. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a backpack with necessary things (a bottle..). Before he visit the museum he went to the big ben and later he went to a very famous restaurant called "Rock cafe".

    Carmen Fraile Campos 3A

    1. PHOTO 3

      I like this photo because I think that the Museum Madame Tussauds is an interesting site. The teacher was there 9 years ago with her family , they were in London for the holidays. The teacher took a photo with Angelina Jolie because is his favourite actress, he felt proud for this. He also felt fun because all the famous stars was there and he and his family was having a good time. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a backpack with necessary things (a bottle..). Before he visited the museum he went to the big ben and later he went to a very famous restaurant called "Rock cafe".

      Carmen Fraile Campos 3A

  30. PHOTO 2
    I choose this photo because I want to visit New York in the future.
    The teacher visited new york in 2009 for 3 months. The goverment granted his travel. He went alone but in New York he went with other teachers. In this travel he visited lot of states. The teacher said it was the best experience in his life.
    In this photo he went to visit a bridge and he saw skyscraper. in this photo he weared a t-shirt and a backpack.
    Before the photo he was in Washintong. Later the photo he went to Boston.

    Marta Reyes López from 3A

  31. Photo 2

    The teacher was in the Brooklyn bridge ( New York) ,when he went in 2009 with 30 teachers for many countries.He went to NY because received a grant.There he did a free course for learned all about U.S.A .He related was the best experience he lived. In the background of the photo we can see a lot of skyscrapers. In this travel he felt exciting, happy, and friendly...
    Before this moment he went to Washington and more later he went to Boston

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  32. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  33. Photo 2

    The teacher was in the Brookling brigde in New York. He went 6 years ago (2009). He stayed about two month, July and August because he was free due to he had a grant. In New York, he visited all the stated but before, he went to Washingtong and later to Boston. He was the only Spanish teacher but there, he knew other countries teachers. In the background of the photo we can see a lot of skyscrapers and also we can see the teacher. He was wearing a black New York t-shirt and a grey trousers. He felt exciting. The teacher think that it was the best experience of his life.

    Rocio Peña Carrera 3ºA

  34. Photo 1:
    In this picture we can see the teacher with some students. It was his 4 ESO bilingual class. The picture was tacken three years ago. in the photo the teacher is wearing a t-shirt and a helmet, the helmet was a present from his students. They organised a surprise party becouse he was the last year they were together, they have been togethers for four years. He was surprise and happy but also sad becouse it was the last year that he will teach them. Actually he haves some of this studens in other class.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 3A

  35. I choose the photo number two:
    At the photo we can see the teacher and a lot of buildings [skyscraper] was in New York, this was at 2009 the months july and august .He went whith a lot of teachers from others countries and he was the only teacher of Andalucia to went. The photo was taken in a bridge, before they visited all the statues and later they went to Washinton and Boston. The teacher was wearing with a black T-shirt and a grey trousers. I choose this photo because one of my challenges is go to New York.

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 3ºA

  36. Photo2
    the teacher was in the Brooklyn bridge, this was at 2009 the months july and august, he was free due to he had a grant, the teacher was wearing with a black t-shirt and a grey trousers, in the photo we can see a lot of skyscrapers, he visited all the stated but before, he went to washingtong and later to boston, he felt exciting and he related was the best experience he lived.

    Cristina Antón Llorente 3ºA

  37. Photo 3.

    The teacher went to London with his family about 9 years ago. They visited the "Wax Museum" because they wanted to have a good time. His sons took a photo with Messi and he took a phot with Angelina Jolie. He was wearing a T-Shirt and a backpack. They was very happy. Later, they go to the Big Ben and have lunch there. They was very happy with this adventure.

    I am Victor Bejarano Guzmán from 3B.

  38. Photo 2:
    He was in the Brooklyn bridge. This was 9 years ago. He was in a course with teachers from other countries. They were very happy. He was wearing a t-shirt from London because there was very hot. Before this they were in London and later they went to Boston. He had a very good time.
    Cecilia Caceres Mariscal.

  39. Photo two
    The teacher was in the Brooklyn bridge , this was at two thousand and nine , He,s go to EEUU free because he had a grand ,the teacher was wearing with a t-shirt , in the photo we can saw skyscrapers , he visited Whashinton , he felt exciting , hes talked this experience is the best of he´s life

    Antonio Bueno Gonzalez 3·B

  40. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  41. Second photo.

    In these photo Michel was in New York in the Brucklim Bridge , six years ago in 2009 summer . He was here because he had a grant that gave him 600 euros for books about U.S.A and payed all including food and other things the grant was for two months and he was with a group of 30 teachers one for each country.
    Michel was wearing a t-shirt of New York and a pair of shorts and he feel happy and friendly with the others teachers .
    Before this he went to Washington DC and after he went to Boston.

    I´m Angel Fraile Delgado from 3ºA

  42. Photo 2:

    In this photo, the teacher Miguel was in New York, specifically in the Brooklyn Brigde. He was there 9 years ago, in 2006. It was summer, so he was wearing a t-shirt and short trousers. The t-shirt had a drawing of skyscrapers, like the ones in the background, and also New York written on it.
    He was feeling excited and happy, because that travel was free, and also proud of himself because he had received a grant to travel around U.S.A. He was with a group of 30 teachers from around the world, who had received the same grant. They were doing a course in english.
    When him and the other teachers wanted to sleep, they stayed where the students at college were sleeping.
    Before the photo was taken, he went to Washington, and, after, he went with the other teachers to Boston.
    In that journey he went also to Manhattan and the Empire State Building. He loved it so much.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares, 3º ESO B.

  43. I've chosen photo number 3.
    In the picture we can see the teacher at the Madame Tussand's Museum, in London. He went there 9 or 10 years ago with his family on holidays.
    In the museum there were a lot of famous for around the world, made by wax.
    In the photo he was taking a photo with "Angelina Jolie". He was wearing a T-Shirt and a backpack, with a camera, water...
    He was very proud for being with "Angelina Jolie".
    Before the photo, the teacher and his family went yo the Big Ben, and after the photo, they went to have lunch at a restaurant called Rock Cafe. They listened to music at Rock Cafe.
    Every there was delicious.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB

  44. Photo 2:
    In the picture the teacher was in the Brooklyn bridge. He was in 2009,in July and August. He was doing course of English. He was wearing a t-shirt and short trousers. He was feeling happy. Before the photo he went to Washington and after he went with differents students to Washington. He was with a group of 30 students.
    He went to Manhattan also in that journey,because he loved the city.

    Zacarías Suárez Pérez,3ºB

  45. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  46. PHOTO 3.

    Teacher went to London to nine or ten years ago. He went with his family on holidays. In the photo, the teacher was in a museum of statues, he could see the statues of peolple like Cristiano Ronaldo, Angelina Jolie, etc. He was feeling very proud when he saw that the statues were very well done. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and his bag. Teacher and his family before take a photo they went to Bing Bang, and later they went to have lunch to a very good restaurant.

    Anabel Rodríguez Silva, 3ºB

  47. I'll take the second picture because in the future I would love to live in New York, the teacher said the trip was funded by the government and was accompanied by many other teachers , the picture is brooclking bridge, wearing a black shirt and pants white, after many skyscrapers can be seen , says it was the best experience of your life and I would love to I live too.

    Ángel Gámez Augusto

  48. PHOTO 3

    The teacher travelled with his family for a week in the summer nine years ago to London. He visited a Wax museum called Madame Tussand. The teacher visited this museum because his children take a photo with Messi and he thought is very interesting. He was wearing a T-shirt and a backpack.
    The teacher felt proud when he come to Spain he could teach the photo made with Angelina Jolie his fiends.
    Before they visited the museum, he and his family went to visit the Parlament and the Big-Ben.
    Late, went to a restaurant called ''The Rock Café'' for lunch.
    He taught us this picture because he liked to remember that nice trip

    Rocio Olivo Garcia 3ºB

  49. PHOTO 2
    In this picture we can see the teacher in New York, in the Brookling bridge. He went to New York in 200. He went becausebecause he had a grand. he didn´t pay anything and stayed in New York for two months. For got this grand he had to travelled to Madrid and had an interview and only chose one of thirty and chose him. He felt exited and pround .
    He went to Boston and Washington.
    There are thirty teachers of different countries and they talk in English.
    In the picture the teacher wear a T-shirt of New York and short.

    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 3B

  50. I'm going to talk about the trird photo.
    The teacher trevelled to London for a week whith his family in the summer of nine or ten years ago. He went to a wax museum called "Madame Tussand". he visit the museum because he thought could be a fun and interesting activity. He was wearing a T-shirt and a backpack.
    The teacher felt very proud because he could takes a photo of he whith Angelina Jolie and he showed to his friend.
    Before that he went to the Big-Ben. After that he went to "The Rock Caffe" to have lunch.
    He enjoyed the trip

  51. PHOTO 1:
    In the photo number one we can see the teacher Miguel and the 4 ESO students. The photo was taken three years ago. The students had prepared a surprised party because it was the last year with the teacher Miguel. When everything was prepared Miguel arrived and they laughed a lot. They offered him a white hat as a present, Miguel was really happy. Later, they eat and drink the things that each one had brought. They spent a very good time.

    Manuel Chico Mateos, 3 B

  52. PHOTO 2:
    I chose this picture because I love New York and this picture was taken in the famous Breech Brooklyn, was about six years ago, when he traveled there alone, as it was a meeting of teachers from 30 different countries. In this picture he wore a short of New York and a black t-shirt, I think he felt happy because he was in a beautiful place and many people from other countries, before this picture he had been in was Washinton and later he go to Boston.
    María Escudero Parra, 3°B.

  53. PHOTO 2:
    I chose this picture because I love New York and this picture was taken in the famous Breech Brooklyn, was about six years ago, when he traveled there alone, as it was a meeting of teachers from 30 different countries. In this picture he wore a short of New York and a black t-shirt, I think he felt happy because he was in a beautiful place and many people from other countries, before this picture he had been in was Washinton and later he go to Boston.
    María Escudero Parra, 3°B.

  54. Photo 2
    The teacher went to New York in the summer of 2006. He was free because the goverment granted his travel. He visited New York, Boston, Colorado, Washington, Chicago... He went with a group of 29 teachers of different countries. He felt excited, happy, proud... He travel 2 months (July and August). He was wearing a T-shirt of New York and a short. Before he was in Washington and later he was in Boston.
    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  55. Photo 1:

    This photo was in a class for high school. When 3 years ago his students of 4 ESO prepared a party for him. They prepared the party because he was the teacher for their during 4 years.
    In the party they ate food that the students brought. He was wearing a t-shirt of football and a helmet that the students gave him. They gave a helmet because he has an accident and they didn't want to happen again and they gave a t-shirt because he like the sport.
    He felt surprised and sad because he liked very much the party but later he didn't teach their anymore.

    Clara Pérez López 3ºB

  56. PHOTO 3:
    In this photo, the teacher Miguel was in London. He went London nine or ten years ago with his family; his wife and his two sons. He visited a wax museum called ``Madame Tussauds´´. He was there because he thought it was an interesting visit because in the museum there are statues of famous person.
    He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a backpack where he put the water bottle, etc...
    The teacher Miguel felt happy and proud because he taked a photo with the actress (Angelina Joli).
    Before, he and his family went to visit the Parlament and the Big - Ben.
    Later, he went to a famous restaurant called ``The Rock Cafe´´ for lunch.

    I´am Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3 A

  57. Photo 2:
    In this photo we can se the teacher, Miguel in the Brookling Bridge, in New York. It was 9 years ago, in 2006. He didn't go with his family, he was there doing a course with other teachers that come from other countries. Miguel was very so excited, proud because the state pay him all the travel and a grand, and very very happy.
    He was wearing a T-shirt of New York and a shorts, because it was in summer, exactly in July and August. Before these, he had been Washington and later he visited Boston. The teacher says that is the best travel that he had do in his life.

    Ángela Cotán 3°B

  58. Photo 2:
    In this photo we can se the teacher, Miguel in the Brookling Bridge, in New York. It was 9 years ago, in 2006. He didn't go with his family, he was there doing a course with other teachers that come from other countries. Miguel was very so excited, proud because the state pay him all the travel and a grand, and very very happy.
    He was wearing a T-shirt of New York and a shorts, because it was in summer, exactly in July and August. Before these, he had been Washington and later he visited Boston. The teacher says that is the best travel that he had do in his life.

    Ángela Cotán 3°B

  59. Photo 3
    In this photo we can see the teacher Miguel, in the museum of London.
    It was in summer, nine or ten years ago. Were his holidays and he went whith his family. In the photo he is with Angelina Jolie because she is one of his favorite actress.
    That day he was wearing a blue T- shirt and one bag.
    Before he went to the big ban and later he went to have lunch.

    Elena Gelo 3ºB

  60. PHOTO 3

    The teacher travelled with his familiy in London one week in summer 9 years ago.
    They visited he museum, the teacher and his children take a photo with famous (Angelina Jolie and Messi).
    He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a backpack.
    Before they went visited the Big Ben.
    Later the teacher went lunch at restaurant "Rock Café"

    Claudia Carmona Román 3ºB

  61. Photo 2.
    I choose this photo because is very beautiful and interesting. The teacher went to New York and he visited the Brookling Bridge. He was in 2009, six years ago in a grant to visit U.S.A he was two months. In this photo I can see the skycrapers in the background. He was with thirty teachers from the different countries of the world. Michael was wearing a NYC t-shirt and shorts. All paid him also they are given six hundred dollars to buy books.
    Before, he has been Washington. Later, he visited Boston.
    Michael and teachers slept in rooms of a university and all spoke English.
    the teacher felt very happy.

    I'm Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 3B

  62. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  63. Photo 2
    In this photo, the teacher was in Brooklyn bridge, in New York. On the background there were a lot of skyscrapers. He was wearing a t-shirt of New York (it was a souvenir for him) and shorts because it was summer and New York is very hot on summer. He went to New York nine years ago and he went alone because he was doing a course of teachers. It was a grant from the United States. Thirty teachers did this course. Each teacher went to a different country. He was feeling excited, because it was a new experience and happy, because it was free. Before this photo he had been in Washington and after this photo he went to Boston. At night, he stayed where the University students sleep. He loves Manhattan (the central island of New York), where the Empire State is.

    Sol Benítez 3ºB

  64. I choose photo number 1:
    The teacher was in a classroom of I.E.S Heliche in the b part. This photo was taken three years ago in the end of the year. His students prepared a surprise party for him because he had had those students for four years. In the photo he appear in the middle of all his students. At that moment he felt very surprised because he didn't think that his students had prepare a surprise party for him. He felt happy and he also felt sad because it was the last time he taught his students. The class had thirty one students and it was the first bilingual group in the high school.

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  65. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  66. Photo 3:

    The teacher was in London and the photo was in summer, about 9 years ago. He was visited a wax museum Madame Tussand, because was very interesting. In the photo he was with Antonina Jolie. He was wearing a T-shirt and a backpack, he visited the Big Ben and the Parlament. Later they went to a restaurant "The Rock Café"

    Marta Ibáñez García 3º ESO B.

    In the first potograph , I can see the teacher Michael with his students.They organised a surprise party becouse he was the last year they were together, they have been togethers for four years. Michael wearing a yellow t-shirt and a white helmet. The best students are Sofia Chico and Inmaculada Garcia.


    I choose this photo because I love London and I want to visit it.
    In this photo the teacher is in the Blookling Bridge, in New York. It was about ten years ago.
    He went to there because some months ago he went to Madrid and he had an interview. There wereabout thirty persons in the interview, and they choose him. He felt very proud. He wan a grant of the trip to New York and he didn't have to pay anything.
    In New York he was doing a course with thirty teachers. One of them was french, other was italian...
    In the photo he was wearing a black teacher of New York and grey shorts. He was very excited beacuse he wanted to see a lot of things.
    Before the photo he had been visited Washington and after it, he went to visit Boston.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  69. PHOTO 1

    We can see the teacher and thirty one students in a classroom of this high school about three years ago, it was the end of the course of 4ºESO and the students did a surprise party for the teacher, cause he taught them for four years. they gave he an adidas t-shirt because he likes sports and a cup cause somes days before he was walking to the bar and he was looking at the mobile phone and he hit him whit a streetlight in his head, they gave the cup for he don´t hit his head anymore. He was surprised and happy for the party but sad because this was the last day he taught them.

    Guiomar Marin Jimeno 3ºB

  70. Photo 3

    Michael traveled to New York and visited the Brooklyn Bridge six years ago in the summer of 2009 in a grant to visit U.S.A. He was with a group ot teachers all from differents parts of the word. Michael was wearing a New York t-shirt and a shorts. He is felt happy and with the others teachers. The grand paid all.
    Before, Michael had been to Washington and later he traveled to Boston

    I am Iván Suárez Méndez
