miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Personal Description

Write a description of you and your best friend.

Write about:

- if you are similar or different
- your appearance (height, build, hair length, hair colour)
- your personality
- your interests (sports, leisure activities)
- the clothes you usually wear (including accesories and styles)

68 comentarios:

  1. we are kinda similar.
    our appearance is quite similar. same height, he's slimer than me and have same hair colour and lenght.

    both are lazy but I like realise a lots of diferent activities while he just play basket and watch TV. he's clever but need to study more than me.

    Both play basket but I also play the piano in my breakouts.

    He usually wear tracksuit and T-shirt, sometimes he wear jeans and jacket.

    By: José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo 3ºESO A

  2. My description is about angel and me:
    We are different.
    I am taller than him but he is tall, we are slim and we have the brown eyes and a straigh short dark hair, I am kind, funny and happy. And he is funny and happy. My interest is the cycling and him interest is the futboll. I usually wear jeans, t-shirts and polo shirts. And he usually wear jeans and shirts.

    By: Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes

    He and me arent similar. im medium size he is also medium size he is thin i am fat i am a normal build he is a normal build too he have browm hair i also have browm hair. he have short hair i also have short hair. Im a kind person and he also is a kind person he is afunny person and
    im not a funny person. He like the sports specially the bicycle but i dont like the bycicle too muchand i like the football. He usually wear tracksuit and i also wear tracksuit. He wear trainers and he also wear jeans. is not usal for he to wear jeans but sometimes he wear it and me also wear sometimes jeans. I dont know who is this style but i look like similar whith me.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Me and Antonio M
    We are similar more or less.
    I weigh more than Antonio M
    I´m taller than he,I have short and black hair similar than he,I´m quiet, intelligent and funny, he is intelligentand funny too.
    Both love play football and basketball and we go to french class.
    Both usually wear the same clothes, sweat,trausers and trainers

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3ºA

  6. Me and Gerard.
    We are similar because whe have los of things in common.
    I´m talkative and he´s very quiet. His hair is black and mine is brown.I weigh less than he because I'm thinner. Ours interests are similar. We like play football a lot and in the afternoon we have french classes.
    We usually wear sweat and trousers with shoes except when we have to do sport.
    It´s all about both.

    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA

  7. I'm thinner than Desirée, and a little higher too. I have green eyes, while Desirée has brown eyes. I have the shorter than her hair, wear glasses while she did not. No we outstanding. I like most to dress in jeans and vest, while she likes more dress with tights and a sweatshirt. We both have the same hair color, ie brown. She does not wear necklace, while I can. She has the round that I face, and has the thicker than hair.

    I'm more proud and spiteful, as she is more jealous. I take more time than she laughing because I laugh at everything. At two we like the same music, although Desirée likes the pop, and my reggaeton and rap. Desirée football practice, and I do not practice any sport. In studies, it depends on the subject she takes more note I, for example in mathematics. Normally, she gets angry sooner than I, but depends on the time. The two are equally direct, ie, we say things to your face, you must be why we say everything we have to say we almost never discussed. Best of all is that even though we are very different, we got along very well and we are very confident.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3A

  8. Manoli and CarmenF
    We are more or less similar in personality but not in the appearance , because I'm a bit taller than she and she is more thin than me. I have big brown eyes and she has big green eyes and I have medium lenght, curly brown hair and she has long, straight , brown hair.
    We both like reading novels and romance stories , we like going out , going to the beach , the summer , go shopping and seeing love stories , comedy and fantasy films.I can paint well but my friend can't do it.We wear always jeans , t-shirts and jumpers for going to the high school but for going out I preffer to wear skirts and she usually wears dresses.

    Carmen Fraile Campos 3a

  9. Cristina and me

    Cristina is mas low that I cristina is mas big that I, I am mas proud that cristina, cristina is very generous is nice like I we are very seemed in the personality.
    Cristina has the blond hair, (she) likes the football, cristina has the hair mas shortly that I she does not take glasses she does not like to read books on the other hand to my if, she does not take earrings to cristina he likes the petrol and ride rings .

    His aficciones are the football and the holy week she is in the habit of being dressed in sports style, his time frees she likes to stay with the friends to listen music she likes to go to the cinema She likes the Sevilla Supportes and I like the Betis Supportes

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. I am going to compere with Paula.
    Paula and me have some things that are similar and others different. In the personality, first I want to talk about the appearance. She has got black long straight hair, beautiful green eyes. She is thinner and shorter than me.
    Also, she has got pink glasses. Her smile is more beutiful than my smile, becouse she has braces. Also she has earrings.
    I have got blong long wave hair , blue eyes, build. I'm medium side but taller than Paula.
    Then, I going to talk about the personality.
    She is funnier than me and also more friendly. I'm shier than Paula. In the beigining I am more silent but you meet me I am a open person. When I am like that the personality of our are similar.
    I like more the sport than Paula, but she like dancing. It's her hobby. I'm love horse riding, it's my hobby but also, I like so much other sport like atletims, or football.
    About the stile of the clother some times are similar but others no. She like to wears clother informal for example jeans, t-shirt or thinks like that like me, but when whe have to wear formal clother the stile are different.
    We have a lot of friend in comon , some from the hight school, some from the El Rocio. I can play the guitar but she can't and she can dancing very well but I don't doing very good.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA


    Jose Angel and me are very similar in personality and also a bit in physics.
    He is a handsome guy and all girls loves him. He has short brown wavy hair and also brown small eyes. He is well-built and have good-looking. He is medium-height but also a little bit tall.

    Jose Angel is very good person with his friends. He is a simple and humble person because he never presumed to be handsome. He is a very firnedly person with his friends of all the life and with the friends that he lately meets. He is a kind and nice person because he always helps the persons that needs his help. Both loves football, but each one are fan of differents teams. He really likes Betis and I love Sevilla FC. She plays tennis in Albaida's public tennis school and I plays football in Villanueva's team. Both likes music but each one plays different instruments. He plays the trumpet and I plays the trombone. We often wears jeans with a T- shirt and a jumper for the high-school.

    I'm taller than him but girls say that he is more handsome than me and there I don't mess.
    Both are a little bit untidy and forgetful boys. He is a person in who you can trust. I meet Jose Angel recently but has become one of my best friends.

    Paco Reyes Madrid 3ºA

  13. I am going to compere with Monte.
    We are quite similar, but we have differences in opinions, personality and intesrests,we get on well and we are good friends.

    Attending to the apperance,her hair is straight, long and blond, mine is straightshort and darker than her.I am welt built, she is thinger and we have more or less the same lenght.Her eyes are beautiful, are blue, contrasting with me, mines are green.We have the same skin colour, we are so white.She is thinner than me,I am well built.

    Attending to the personality, we have our differences.She is a little be impatient, i am so quiet and patient, she is inquiet, she never stops!But we are similar in something,we like the thig that are good made, and we are hard working.We are respectful and polite.She is a hepful person.She is n open person, me too but I am a little bit shy.She is talkative and friendly.

    Attending to the interests,that is the topic were we have lots of differences.She loves riding horse, but I prefer swimming, she pays the guitar,a little bit of violin,I don t play any instrument.I love do works with fabric, I know how to use the machine of fabric.I love do works with papers, she too.

    Accoridng to the way we waer the clothes, we are so similar, we are siple, we don' t like to be the centre of view, we usually wears jeans,troussers,t shirt,trainers.We have more or less the same style.We both wears earrings,brazalets.

    According to the skills of us, she can ridind horse, I can t .I can read a book in two or three days.She can play the guitar, and I can t. She can play a little bit of violin, but I can t.

    Lola Valverde Gonzalez, 3A

  14. We are similars but diferent in some aspects.

    He is taller than me. He is fatter than me. He has brown eyes and brown hair.

    He is quite and lazy like me.

    He practice sport with me because we play in the same team of basketball.

    He usually wear jeans, a t-shirt and shoes.

    David sanz rodriguez

  15. I´m similar Miguel Angel. We are of similar height,We have an average height. We also seem in body, we are not very thin, but not too fat.
    We both have short black hair. Both are good students, are good people and we get along very well with many people. We like the same sport (tennis) and train together. Normally we wear tracksuits and sometimes jeans. We don´t wear bracelets or accessories.

    Miguel Angel can ride horses but me no.
    Miguel Angel likes reggaeton but i like pop music.
    I like F1 but Miguel Angel likes more motorcycles

  16. Carmen is lower than me , she has got curly brown hair.
    She has got glasses and earrings.
    She hasn´t got freckles , or apparatus or tattoos.
    She and me are almost never agree

    Carmen is very proud and very funny almost as much as me, we have similar personalities
    She likes volleyball , music and Easter and me like football , music and Easter .
    Carmen likes to read books and play with his dog.
    She loves go to cinema.
    She is betis supporters and I am sevilla supporters.

    For the institute usually wear sports clothes like most people and when we go out she wearing a formal clothes.

    Cristina Antón Llorente 3ºA

  17. My friend called Chema is more or less similar to me, is a restless person and crazy person like me and good people, is a sociable and disorganized person opposite to me. He is intelligent and a funny person.Has brown and short hair, is a short person unlike me, I have black hair and I'm tall and I have green eyes and he brown eyes. It is a polite, friendly and a friend of his friends person. His hobbies are dancing and playing tennis and my hobbies are playing basketball and doing soffing. He normally wears clothes of sport the opposite to me I like primp He like sport clothings because he is more comfortable. We are very good persons.

    Manuel Reyes López 3ºA

  18. My friend Manuel and me are diferent in some things.

    -I am short and my friend Manuel is tall , I have brown eyes and Manuel have green eyes ,I have short and brown hair and Manuel has short and dark hair, I am medium-build and Manuel is thin, I think that I am a good person Manuel is very good person , I think that I am clever, Manuel also is clever ,and I like interacting with people , I love dance, Manuel likes athletics and tenis , I like wear with sports clotes Manuel like wear with formal clotes.

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  19. I'm going to compare myself with Nati.

    Nati is shorter and thinner than me. She has blonde hair and green eyes and I have brown hair. Also, her hair is longer than mine and her eyes are smaller than mine. Her hair is straight and I have wavy hair. Nati skin is less dark than mine. Her legs are shorter than mine and her feet are smaller than mine. Nati nails are shorter than mine. Normally, Nati likes wearing jeans with a sweater and I prefer wearing leggings with a sweatshirt. So, she wear formal clothes and I like wearing sport clothes.

    Nati is less shy and more peaceful than me. She is less clever than me. Nati likes doing sports like swimming and I prefer doing athletics. She likes the action series and I prefer scary ones. I like eat more than Nati and we both love the sweets and the chocolate. Finaly, I use better the computers than she.


  20. Me and Ramón.
    We have an average height, we are very similar in the height. We have more or less the same body. Ramon's hair is black and mine is ¡dark brown, we both have short hair.

    Ramon is a very good student and I am an acepptable student. Both are good persons and we knows lot of people.

    We like tenis and we train together. I also like ridding horse. Ramon can fix problems for the computer but me no. Ramon likes F1 but I preefer motoGP.

    Usually we are in tracksuit but we also use jeans. We use watch and we don't have any more accesories

    Miguel Angel Carmona Parra 3ºA

  21. My description is about Gerardo and my:
    I am very diffent I am taller than he. He is fater than me. Hes hair is black and straight my hair is brown and a little curly.
    Our personality is similar
    We like the football and basketball but I play basketball but he no He loves playstation but me no and I am very bad
    He wear like me we have nearly the same style.
    And we didint carry any accesory.

    Santiago Jara Montero 3A


    I am going to compare Marta Barba and me.

    We are similar because we like almost the same things.

    I am taller than she, I have got long brown hair and she has got long black hair, straight hair, she has got brown eyes like me. She is stronger than me. I think she is prettier than me. She is thin like me. We are very young. She has got glasses and earrings

    She is a nice person like me, I am more shy than she, she is very intelligent. I am more brave than she. We are friendly. She is safe like me. She is very affectionate.

    We like to go out together, I can play tennis but my friend can't. She likes ride a horse, but I can't. She likes listen to music like me, and use our mobiles phones. I like go running but she doesn't like.

    She usually wear jeans and shirts but sometimes she wear dress.

    She is a true friend in wich you can count all.
    She is my best friend

  23. Description

    I´m thiner than my friend Mario also we are both the same size and I´m stronger then he we both have light brown hair but he have very long and i have it short and we have both the same brown eyes and he wears glasses and I´m friendly , funny and kind and I´m very lazy but him is the laziest person I have ever know , He is funny , he always wants to play videogames he also like the films and watching videos in youtube we both like throwing bangers and play with his bow and his dog
    i play basketball but he doesn´t practice any sport and i everyday run to salteras and he plays the guitar in a rockband with his dad we both like anime and playing game cards like magic or poker we both have the same friends Pablo , Marco , Manuel , we both haven´t got faith we both can play the flute i also can practice sports but he can´t because he have asthma .

    By : Ángel Fraile Delgado

  24. Verónica and I are not very similar as for appearance, but often we coincide with way of thinking and put in agreement immediately.

    She is thinner than me, she is higher than me, she has the green eyes and I have the eyes brown, has the hair a bit more short than me. None of the two we have freckles.

    She is more spiteful than me, she is prouder than me but I am more jealous than she, we like more or less the same music but I also like the pop music and dhe doesn't like this music very much, I really like football but she doesn't like football, I practise football but she does not practise any sport. I am more organized as for the studies, but we are in the habit of extracting the same notes.

    She has glasses and I haven't got, we don't take earrings. She goes almost always with jeans and t-shirt and me with leggings and sweatshirt. She has a necklace, I am never have taking necklaces. I take two rings and she doesn't take any.

    She is eating chewing gum always, and I don't eat chewing gum.

    We are not very similar but she meet Veronica 8 years ago.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 3ºA

  25. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  26. My best friend is Jose David, he is similar to me. He weighs a bit more than I. He is more muscular than I, his( hair is longer than mine. The two we have the hair of brown color. He is more funny than I, is more vague than I and the two we are very speaker, always we are the two of joke.

    In the hobbies we are very similar. We like the music, he plays percussion in the conservatory and I play the trumpet. The two like the football and in addition we are of the same team, Betis. We like the holy week.

    In the clothes we are similar, are in the habit of dressing both often in tracksuit and other times in cowherds. In summer we go together to a summer camp where we are with all our friends.


  27. My friend Marta is similar to me. She is tall,thin and pretty. Her hair is short, curly and brown, very similar to me. Both have the eyes brown. She is more sociable and more disorganized than me. I am very shy. She is clever but lazy. Both are very funny,intelligent and crazy.

    Marta like very much rhythmical gymnastic and I like all the sports. Math is ours favourite subject. Both like the bed and meet with our friends. She usually wear sweatshirt and jeans or tracksuit. I like primp more than she. She wear glasses and sometimes wear the hair upsweep. Our clothes are very similar.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  28. My friend Paula is similar to me in somes topic. Attending to the appearance she is more small than me, is thin and her long, straight, black hair.

    About the personality is a funny person, a very good friend, she help in all that she can, we like so much talk in this topic, we are very similar but also we have some differnt for example is that I'm usually more responsable than Paula but she is sometimes is tider than me.

    Attending to the interest we are very similar for example our favorite sport is dance, but I like so much play basketball and handball and she doesn't like. We like the same types of musics and also we like the same activities to doing when we are boring.
    We like the same clothes.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  29. I'm going to compare myself with Dulce.

    Dulce is very good friend, She is very generous.Dulce is more intelligent than me. Dulce is responsible than me. Dulce likes the athletics but I like more the swimming. Dulce is a girl that likes very much the sport but I prefeer meet with my friends. Dulce has very goods marks but I have lowers marks. I am more shy than Dulce. Dulce likes the scare films but I hate the scare films I prefeer the love films. Usually we have the same ideas. Also we both love the chocolate.

    In the appearance Dulce is very different than me. Dulce is a girl very told but I am very small. I am thinner than Dulce. Dulce is stronger than me. He has wavy hair but I have straigth hair. She has brown hair but I have blonde hair, his face is more elongated than my face. Dulce has brown eyes but I have green eyes. Dulce is more brunette. Her legs are longer than me. Her hands are more bigger than me. Dulce, normally wear with leggins and sweatshirt but I prefeer wear with jeans and jumper. I wear bracelets but Dulce don,t wear any bracelets. We both have lenses.


  30. I'm going to compare my friend Rocío with me. We are not very similar but something we seem.
    She is medium height but I'm more height. She is thin and I'm slim. She have the hair very long ,black and curly and I have the hair more or less short , brown and more or less curly.she have her eyes brown and are medium sized and I also have the eyes brown and medium sized.

    She is responsible and I'm more or less disorganized. She is shyest than me. she is more adventurous than I. She is more intelligent than me. She love so much sleep and eat like me. Her favorite sport is the athletics and the soffing like me but I also like the rhythmic gymnastics. Her favorite subjects are Math and Physical Education and I like Math and Music.
    She usually wear a jeans a blouse or a vest white and a convers. She usually wears more arranged.

    Marta Reyes López 3ºA

  31. My best friend is José Ángel, he is taller than my. Both have a medium weigth , but I am fatter than he. I have longer hair than he and both have a brown hair.
    Both almost identical dresses, we like to go fixed, but some days in tracksuit

    He talks a lot and almost always joke, but I speak and I laugh more than he.
    I am more loose than he in the studies.Both have the same hobbies, we like the Easter and music, I play percussion and he the trumpent. We are Real Betis Balompie supporters

    Both have a good appearance and I think that we are a good person and kind

  32. Carmen Fraile and Manoli Domínguez.

    We are similar in the personality, but in the appearence she is a little taller than me,we have the same age,we are slim,she has a beutiful brown eyes and I have a big green eyes,she has a medium lenght brown hair and I have a long brown hair.

    We have the same tastes,we like reading books,our favorite genre of book are the novels and the love stories,we like go shopping,go to the beach,the summer,the partys,see romantic films and we love chocolate.We like the same type of music,we like Justin Bieber and One Direction.For routine we took almost the same clothes, but to go out I like to freshen up more than her.I can do sports well and she don't.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA.

    Elena and me we are very similar.
    she has got long brown hair.She is taller than me.She is very thin.We are funny. she like playing tennis but I like riding a horse. Usually wear whith jeans and blouse. she is more brave than me.She is safe. We like to go out together.
    she like run but I dosen't like. she is orderly.We like to sleep together.we are listen to music.she more camer than me.

  34. My best friend is José Ángel, he is taller than my. Both have a medium weigth , but I am fatter than he. I have longer hair than he and both have a brown hair.
    Both almost identical dresses, we like to go fixed, but some days in tracksuit

    He talks a lot and almost always joke, but I speak and I laugh more than he.
    I am more loose than he in the studies.Both have the same hobbies, we like the Easter and music, I play percussion and he the trumpent. We are Real Betis Balompie supporters

    Both have a good appearance and I think that we are a good person and kind

    José David Díez Fuentes 3ºA

  35. I am goint to compare mi friend Sara Álvarez Peréz with me. I think that Sara is a good friend because she is very friendly and the both are very similar.
    -Due to the appearance, she is taller than me but I am thinner than she. Her hair is longer and curly clearer than mine and her eyes are darker than mine.
    -Due personality, she is more timid than me but we both like to talk much, I am more talkative than she. Also, I think that I am tidier than she but she is more responsable than me. We have got similar personalities.
    -We both like listening to music and the type of music and we both like dance.
    -We have very similar tastes and styles when dressing.
    Paula Delgado Román 3º A

  36. I'm going to compare with my friend Mari Carmen. We are similar in personality and also in physics.

    According to the physical appearance we both have the same height, she has the same age than mine and we have the same hair colour but I have curly hair and she straight. Their skin colour is darker than mine. We dressed in a very similar style with leggins, sweatshirt etc. She use more complement than mine.

    My friend and me have a very similar calmed character though we get angry very easily as later it us passes rapidly. Probably she is more furious than mine and his anger lasts more time. We are respectful and polite with the other persons. She is much shier than mine, she doesn't take so rapidly confidence with other persons.

    Attending to the intesrests we are now very different, when we are young both dance but already I don't dance, and she continues with the same teacher from small. Neither we practice any sport but we are of the same team.

    She is a very good person, she helps the others, can listen and you can trust in her for everything.


  37. I'm going to compare with my friend Elena. We are similar in physical apparence and in personality we aren't much.

    Physical Apparence:
    We are medium height and medium weight. She has got long, straight, brown hair and I have got medium lenght, wavy and dark hair. She has got a small eyes and I have got a big eyes. We have got a dark eyes. And she has got a brace.
    We usually wear with baggy clothes (sweats, leggins, jeans, baggy t-shirt...)

    I am shy and she is sociable, I am pacific and she is pacificer than me, she is confidenter than me and we are cheerful, king, nice, tidy... We love dancing and we go at the same academic and we love so much the chocolate. She likes drama films and I like funny films, she loves football and I like play or run with my dog. We are very differents.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA.

  38. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  39. My friend Maria Victoria is very different than me. She Is shorter than me . I have a shorter hair and she have a very long hair. We have brown hair, but my hair is more black. She is more clever than me. Maria Victoria have brown eyes. She uses contact lentilles, I doesn´t. Both love play music and we go to english class.

    Victor Bejarano Guzman 3B

  40. I talk about my friend Jesús, we are differents, he has glasses, i dont, he is short, imtall, he has dyed his hair an im not, he has good marks but im prefer dont talk about this.., he like differents styles of music that me, for example he love pop and raggaeton, and i like rap and rock, i have alot of accessories but he only have a bracelet, we are really very differents but.. we are veryu goods friends.

    As to the personality he is very shy and me too, he is very generous and me too, hecares for the rest of the people and me too, he is very funny but dont talk a lot becouse is shy like me.

  41. I'm going to compare with my friend Elena.

    Physical Apparence:
    We are of the same height, but different in our physical appearance, she is the longest I and black hair and blond I have it, she has brown eyes and blue,
    She always wears sports unlike me who usually go in jeans ecepto when I have physical education.

    Personality we are more alike, we like the same music singer, we are funny and like to dance even different types of dance. She does not have any tattoo unlike me, if I have one, we love Justin Bieber, Elena is a very good person though at first with people who do not know is a bit shy, but overall is very good ... In studies we more or less the same even if it takes sometimes better grades than me.


  42. I am going to compare with my friend Antonio Bueno. Physical and personality.

    Physical:Antonio and my are medium height and medium weight. He has curly black hair and I has got straight blond hair. His eyes are slanted and dark and my eyes are heavenly. Antonio and me usually wear the same style.

    Personality: Antonio is more generous and I am more sociable than he. He like rap, computer games... and I am more sport person than he, I love football , run ..
    Antonio an me are similar more or less

    Juan Carlos Ruiz Fernández.

  43. My description is about Cecilia and me.

    Physical Apparence.
    I have blond hair and she has got brown hair. I am tall and she is of medium heigh. My eyes are blue and her eyes are darck brown. She usually used comformable clothes (leggins, sweartshirt, t-shirt..) I used baggy and arranged clothes. ( trausers, vans, sweaters, shirts..)

    In personality we are very similar. We like to sing and do stupid things . We have a temper , but are also fun and enjoyable . We always like to be with our friends and have fun. We like the party. We are a few easy to grow fond girls and we like interacting with many people.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 3 eso B

  44. I am going to compare with my friend Antonio Bueno. Physical and personality.

    Physical:Antonio and my are medium height and medium weight. He has curly black hair and I has got straight blond hair. His eyes are slanted and dark and my eyes are heavenly. Antonio and me usually wear the same style.

    Personality: Antonio is more generous and I am more sociable than he. He like rap, computer games... and I am more sport person than he, I love football , run ..
    Antonio an me are similar more or less

    Juan Carlos Ruiz Fernández.

  45. I`m going to compare me and Rocio Navarro.

    Physical Apparence:
    She is taller than me. She has long straight and blond hair. I have long curly and brown hair. Also she has blue eyes and I have it dark brown. Something that we have similar is that we have piercings in our ears.
    She usually wear jeans and I usually wear leggings.

    We are very sociable but I am a little shy in somethings or in some situations. We have the same character. We love usually the same things and we really like go shopping. We don`t like football. She loves dancing but I not much. I like very much horror films but she destested. Also we really like dogs.

  46. I'm going to compare me with Victoria.
    We are very different. I'm very quiet but Victoria is very very nervous, we both are sometimes bad-tempered but we are very polite.
    Victoria is thinner and taller than me. We both have long dark hair and brown eyes. She has big eyes and glasses but she usually wears lenses. I haven't got big eyes, lenses or glasses. She usually wears leggins and sweatshirts, except on Fridays that she wears jeans. I usually wear jeans and shirts, except the gimnastics days that I wear leggins and sweatshirts.
    She likes very much sweets and go shopping but I hate both things.

    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

  47. I´m going to compare with my friend Ángela. We are similar in physical and in personality we are equal.

    Physical Apparence:
    We are a little high , she has short frizzy and colored dark brown hair and I have more or less long red hair color,She has brown eyes and medium colored child and I have green eyes and medium , she is dressed in formal wear.

    We are both very funny , she's very shy like me sometimes but we are also happy and sympathetic with people. We love football and cheer our team and what we like is started laughing , she does not like scary movies but movies like love like me .We are almost equal in all.

    Claudia Carmona Román 3ºB

  48. I´m going to compare my with Antonio:

    We are similars
    I am smaller than he, I am thinner than he, his hair is shorter than my hair, our eyes are brown
    In the personality are similar but I am quiter than he
    We both like play computer games and cycling
    I usually wear tracksuit and he also wears jeans and T-shirt

  49. I'm going to compare myself with Sol. I think we are very good friends, we have our differences, but we are kinda the same in some of ours personality aspects.
    In the physical way, we are not very different, because we both have long dark hair, but I am a little bit taller. I have a very curly hair and she has a wavy hair. Her eyes are green and mines are brown. We both wear glasses normally and we usually have a pony tail. We usually wear sport cothes to go to the high school.
    In our personality, we have some common thoughts, but she likes things related to happiness and enjoying life, and beautiful phrases, but I like funny things, watching gameplays and horror games. I don't enjoy that much those things, I think they're kinda stupid. But we both like the same music and we are very intelligent. We normally get the same marks.
    She's a little bit more introverted than me. I like telling jokes but she's very shy. But I think in the rest of the aspects, we are more or less the same, we think about the same things the same way.
    As I said, I like watching gameplays and she doesn't. We both like social media, she likes better dogs and I like cats. I love reading, but she doesn't. We both love art, and drawing. We both love TV series. She likes more science, and I hate it, because I love languages.
    I think she's a very kind person and a good friend, I'm happy that we are friends.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  50. I'll compare me with Lucia garcia.
    We do not look like much but we are friends.
    She is equally sympathetic to me and she gets angry more than me.
    I am more shy than her.
    In regard to the physical do not look like anything, she's shorter than me, has the longest hair, earrings and she has not, I weigh more than her, but she's bigger than me.
    She has brown eyes and dark green.
    She likes the rhythmic gymnastics more than me and I like football more than her.
    She likes to listen to music more than me but I like playing video games.
    She is a good student more than me and smarter, but I'm more sportsmanlike for her.
    We're both Real Betis.
    I play sports club ALBAIDA and her OLIVARES.
    Their dress has nothing to do with mine, I usually wear sweatpants and jeans, she usually wears tights and jeans.
    I usually wear polo shirts and sweatshirts, she usually wear shirts and sweatshirts.
    Zacarías Suárez Pérez

  51. I'm going to compare myself and Zacarías, we are friend and similar in some aspects.

    He is taller than me and stronger. I have the longest hair but both have the same color.
    we're both thin and also we are funny.
    I'm more intelligent than zacarias, he is more shy than me. We both like to talk much.

    I have brown eyes, he has dark green eyes. We like comedy movies. We both like eat chocolate.
    He likes to play football and play in a football team in Albaida, I do rhythmic gymnastics in Olivares. he likes the sport more than me. I like more shopping.

    We both like Real Betis team. I like listen music than he, he likes to play videogame more.
    He usually wears jeans and sweatshirt, i usually wear sport clothes.

    lucia Garcia 3ºB

  52. I'm going to compare myself with my friend Rocio.
    I think we are a little different,but we have some common personality aspects.We have both long,curly and dark hair and we usually wear a pony tail.My eyes are green and her eyes are brown, but it's only a little difference .We both wear glasses but she usually wear contact lenses.We are more or less the same height and build,but she's a little taller than me.We usually both wear sport clothes but sometimes, I wear jeans or something like that and she doesn't.

    Attending to our personality, we have a similar way to express ourself and to think about live in general,but i'm a little more imaginative,I think.I'm more shy than she and she's a little more extroverted, but we are more or less similar in this aspect.

    About our interests,we are very very different.I love art, dance and dogs and she likes more books and cats but luckily,we agree on one thing: our tastes about films and TV series.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  53. I´m going to compare with my friend Marta. We are very similiar in some aspects.

    I´m more tall, and she is have a medium height. I have short, curly, brown hair and she have medium, curly and dark brown. I have got brown and medium eyes, and she have brown and big eyes. I have got brackets and she has not.

    I am very shy and she is sometimes shy and sometimes associated. We always like to laugh a lot. I´m more responsable and tidier than she. She is very generous, sincery and she talk me all his secrets. My favourites sports are swimming and football and her favourite sport is volleyball. I usually use formal clothes and she is more posh. We are very crazy and always like to laugh a lot.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  54. I'm going to compare with my very good friend Juan Carlos. We are very different in physical apparence and in personality We are similar in personality.

    Physical Apparence:
    We are medium height and medium weight.She has got short, , blond hair and I have got short lenght,and dark hair. He has got a big eyes and I have got small eyes. I have brown eyes and he have blue eyes . We usually wear with tracksuits

    We are happy and sociable, I am nice ,untidy ... We love football and I love the football . He likes acccion films and funny films . We are very similar

    Antonio Bueno Gonzalez 3*B

  55. I am going to compare with a friend Clara. We are similar in personality but we are very different in physical. I think Clara is a very good friend.

    Physical appearance

    They are some thing that we are similar, but some is different, she is thing and medium-weight, but I am medium-height and medium-weight. She has got big and brown eyes and long straight brown hair. I have got big and brown and medium-length wavy brown hair. Clara has got glasses but I have got a scar.
    We usually wear baggy clothes (leggings, jeans, t-shirts, sweats...)

    Personality appearance

    We are similar, we are friendly, polite ang generous, we aren`t untidy, jealous and bad-tempered.
    She is shy and I am sociable, we are lazy, she is a person whom you can trust. Clara is some of my best friend, because we are very similar and we are funny.

    Likes and dislikes

    In this types we are some thing that we are similar, but some that is different.
    Clara likes be with friend and I like it. She likes basketball, but I like dance.
    We love the dog and all the animals. We suffer when we can see a animal what it's going wrong.
    Clara and Me hate bad person, some heavy people and some of vegetable. She dislike study and homework.

    Clara and me have some of this types that are similar but some of them is different.

    Rocío Olivo Garcia 3º ESO B

  56. I'm going to compare with my friend Clara. I think we are different in our personalities and appearance.

    She's smaller than me. She's thinner than me. Both we have the same hair lenght more or less. She has long straigh brown hair and I have long wavy light brown hair. Both have glasses but now I'm try to put contact lens. Both have brown eyes. She is more brunette than me. I have freckles but she isn't.

    She's cleverer than me . I think I am more friendly than her. Both are honest and polite. Normally she has high marks than me but not always. She's funnier than me. She's quieter than me .She's more difficult than me .

    I like very much sports than Clara. I dance better than her. Both like the animals,especially dogs. She likes stay in her home but I like go to parties and go out. Both like spend the time with our friends. She likes more types of food than me. Both like stay with our family. Both go on afternoons to English classes but no for the same classes.

    The clothes she usually wear are leggins and jeans. She wear normally tight clothes. I normally wear leggins also and I wear baggy sweatshirts. For dress I dressed more than her. She doesn't wear heels and I wear heels.

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  57. My friend Victor is very different than me. He is taller than me. I have longer hair than he. We are thin. We have brown hair. He has green eyes and I have brown eyes. He has piercings and I don´t have.
    He is funnier than me. I am clever than Victor. I have better marks than Victor. He likes more listening to music than me. He is more pacific than me. Both are very happy. I am more friendly than Victor. I am more responsable than he.

    He likes dancer and I like swimming. We like very much talk. I like English and he don´t like. I like shopping more than Victor. We like very much meet with our friends. He usually wears trainers and sport clothes but I usually wear jeans and jumper. I love eat chocolate more than he. Victor likes going to Seville more than me. He likes dark clothes and I like light clothes. He likes playing games more than me. I have lentilles and he don´t have.

    María Victoria Fraile Pallares. 3ºB

  58. I'm going to compare with my friend Angela Fraile.
    We are similar in some aspects. We are the both shy and associated.I've brown hair and curly like she, I've brown and big eyes, and she've brown and small.
    She's more tall that me and I've medium height.
    We likes so much lough a lot.My favourite sport is the volleyball and her favourite sport is the football.

    Marta Ibañez Garcia 3ºB

  59. I'm going to compare me with my friend Manuel Chico.

    He is very nervious and I am quiet, he is a sports person and me sometime. Manuel is taller than me
    and we are very funny. He has brown eyes and me too. Manuel is darker than me, he is very attractive, polite and jealous. I am polite, but not jealous.

    He usually wears tracksuits but for weekends he usually wears posh. I also wear like him. He likes ride a horse but I don't like it. He likes play football but me no.

    We both like sweets and meet with our friends.
    I think that Manuel is a very good friend.

    Maria Garcia Fernandez 3ºB

  60. I' m going to compare with my friend Maria Escudero.

    We are very different in physical apparence because she has got long blonde hair and I have long brown hair. She is medium height and medium build like me. She wears glasses and I have got braces.She has got tattoos and I haven't got any tattoos. She has got a small and blue eyes and I have got brown eyes. We both are friendly. She usually wears jeans and sweater and I usually wear baggy clothes.

    We both are funny, she dances funky and I dance flamenco. She is more sociable than I. We like the same singer that is Justin Bieber. I like sports and she doesn't like .. she preffer sing and dance.

  61. I'm going to compare with Maria Garcia.

    I'm very nervious but Maria is very quiet. Maria is sports person, happy, attractive and very bossy. I'm polite, friendly, generous and jealous.
    I'm taller than Maria, we both are thin and very funny. I have brown hair and my eyes are brown, also. Maria has brown hair and her eyes are black. She has glasses and brases but I don't.
    Maria usually wears leggins and sweatshirts. To party, she usually wears posh and I always wear posh, also. I like the football and ride a horse and Maria likes dance, run and walk. Maria likes very much the sweets and I like the meat more. I think that Maria is more beautiful than me and the best friend that I have. Really, we both are similar!!

  62. I'm going to compare my self with my friend Sol. We ar very different buy we have a good relation.

    Attending to our personality, Sol is shy, hard working and quiet and I am frienly, funny and untidy. Both are helpfuul, clever, honest and polite.We are so different because I like relax and she work hardly. I doesn like study but Sol studies a lot.

    In the physical aspect, both have brown hair, my hair is longer than her but she has curly hair and I have straight hair and she is taller than me. Sol have freckle, I don't. Sol has green eyes but, I have brown ones. In general, Sol wears glases like me, my glases are small and pink, and the Sol's ones are purple. I have braces but Sol doesn't have.

    Both like crafts, music, animals, but Sol likes animals more. Sol loves Mr Wonderful but i don't like so much and in conclussion, we like also have fun.

    Ana Mª Castaño Candeas3ºB

  63. My description is about my friend Guiomar and me.

    We aren't similar, but in some things we look like each other. We both have the same height, but I'm a bit smaller. I'm better built than she. She has blonde long hair but I have medium-length brown hair.

    We both are very funny. I'm friendly but she is a bit unsociable. She is more polite than me but I'm more had-working than she. We both are responsible, helpful, romantic and indiviudualistic.

    I practised rythmic gymnastics for six year, but now I'm in a football team in Seville, but she practises dancing.

    We both sometimes wear sweatshirt and leggings or jeans.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  64. I'm going to compare me with my friend and classmate Irene. We are different phisically but our personalities are simliar.
    We both are very funny and when we are together we laugh a lot.
    We both are similar in height but in hair we are very defferent, my hair is long and blonde and her hair is medium-lenght and brown. She has brown eyes are my eyes are green and brown.
    About peronality we are very similar, we both are good students and we both are funny.
    He usually do sport specific footbal but I don't like it. I practise dancing but she doesn't.
    We usually wear very similar wearing, when we have to do sport we wear leggins but in normal days we usually wear jeans and sweatshirt. I have three piercings and she has one.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  65. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  66. I´m going to compare with my friend Ramón.

    He is of medium height but I'm taller than him.His eyes are brown same as mine, has brown and short hair. I am cheerful and generous but is fun and friendly.Ramón usually wear with trousers and sweatshirts and jeans and shirts.
    I am more intelligent than Ramón. We both love playing football.
    In her free time he likes to go out for a walk with friends and I am dedicate to listen to music.
    Ramon doesn´t like junk food but I do like.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3°B

  67. I'm going to compare with my friend Cruz.

    Physical Apparence.
    He is taller than my. His eyes is brown the same as me, his hair is short and brown same me.
    He wears jeans and me with tracksuit.

    He is generous and I am friendly. He is more studious that me. We both like to play football and go out with friends.

    Ramón García Díaz 3ºB

  68. I'm going to describe Belen.

    I think the both Belen and me are friendly. She is bossier than me. I am quieter and shyer than she. She also is very funny and clever.

    She is taller than me and medium weight. I have longer and darker hair than she. I have straight and she curly hair. She has blond hair wicks. My eyes are brown and more darker that Belen's eyes. She also has freckles. And both have glasses, but I put glasses more time that she.

    In the afternoon Belen go to dances and English classes and I go to English classes.

    She usually wear jeans and leaggins for school, in general light and baggy clothes. I dress similar than she for school. But for parties she puts diferents clothes than me.

    Belen is more difficult for eat than me. She like very few food. She loves dancing. I like the animals and meet with my friends. I also like go out for parties with my friends. In school I am better in subjects with letters than she. And she is better in subjects with numbers.

