miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016

Welcome to 4º ESO!

Let's start with a little bit of Geography!

Europe: countries quiz

Europe: capital cities quiz

Europe: languages quiz

Imagine you get a grant to study and live in an European country for a year. Choose a country and write a paragraph explaining why.

68 comentarios:

  1. I would like to go to Italy because it is my dream for several years and I have family there that I do not know and I would like to know.
    I think Italy is a beautiful city with very beautiful monuments and a very interesting language.
    I would like to speak Italian very well and live there for a year to have more experience and enjoy
    and I think in Italy learn a lot about the culture and history.


  2. I would like go to United States because I think that this city is very interesting and is a good place to study. United States is very nice and beautiful because it have a lot of incredible monuments and I think that there are many people with different cultures and customs, and I could discover and learn many things.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4ºD

  3. If I get the chance of studying in a foreign country with a grant,it will be dificult for me to choose one European country, because I like all of them.I have been twice in differents cities of France, so I won't repeat that country again, maybe I will choose eitgher Belgium or Germany, because I think they are interesting and they mix the culture and ancients buildings with new buildings and that is a thing that I find different, unusual and cool.
    In one hand, they are countries with a high level of security, and that makes me think that I will be save.
    BUt,to get a grant, first I must get good marks, learn a lot and study as best as I could.

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD.

  4. I would like to travel to London because people talk me that it is a very beautiful city. it is a big city with a lots of big buildings. London has a lot of monuments and museums that are very exotic.

    David Sanz rodriguez 4D

  5. I would like to go to Chicago because is a big state and is a good city to study and to learn a lot of english and big monuments and Chicago has different cultures to learn all the cultures and customs.I like football and basketball and Chicago has great teams like Chicago Bulls and Chicago Fire and I would like to visit that teams and learn that sports.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4ºD

  6. I would like to travel to London. I think this city is very good to live and study there. There you can learn much English and this is so good. It has much monuments and I would like them all because I think they are very beautiful and interesting. It also has centers where you can study and many shopping centers. One could study much culture and history. I would like to travel there.

    Cecilia Cáceres Mariscal 4ºD

  7. I've get a grant to study in an European country for a year and I've decided to study in London.
    I've choosed London because it's my dream since I was a child, I want to study there because I will study English philology, apart from I love English and I've seen photos from the city and I think that it's interesting to live there for a time.
    I would like to work by oper because I like children and I want to have a job there, get money, for when I come with this money pay my study's expenses.

    Ángela Cotán 4ºD

  8. I would travel to Germany for a year because I want to study to be a teacher and I like dealing with children too, so as I have a cousin living there have the opportunity to enjoy that, while learning languages there in Germany I would like to work helping children. When you finished that year there learning and find a temporary job. After it I would come again to continue my studies. Germany Furthermore has some quite beautiful and interesting monuments can say that because I have had the opportunity to know.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  9. I would like to go to Miami because it is a very big city and since I have an Englishman's base I would like to take more the accent and his custom. To know new persons and to discover since is the life there and I would like to learn the accent to American's people

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  10. I would like, if I had the opportunity to travel abroad to study would choose France, Italy or the United States because they are the countries that I like. Among those three would be a difficult decision but I would stay with the United States since I have never traveled there and would love to know the culture and monuments of the country, apart from studying.
    I would like to work in administration and business management, and if I travel to the United States each day add a level of English currently much higher than I have. I would consider there to finish the race and once completed, would return to Spain or I go to another country to look for work if that place will not find it.
    I love traveling and so I love to meet new cultures and new countries.

    Rocío Olivo Garcia 4º ESO D

  11. I,m Ángel Fraile Delgado from 4ºB.

    I will choose go to Great Britain due to its high level of the unervisities here and i have been there so know some traditions an di have family here so they can help me to understand everithing and the people of the city in great britain are more polite and respectful with the enviroment and the traditions of the different people and in London there are a lot of spanish inmigrant .

  12. I'would like to go to Dinamarca because it is easy and they pay for you for study.
    Angel Jose Lopez Garcia 4 B

  13. I will chose go Russia beacause i like the cold countries and I like the Russian culture and the lenguage because it is different to the other languages and I like too the monuments for example the Moscú kerlim and the Moscow's Red Square.

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 4ºB

  14. I would like to go to United Kingdom. I like so much english and i can to make it perfect there. It´s a big and beautiful country and there i can visit so much famous places. And finally i would like to visit mclaren´s house and see f1 cars. I think there are very good universities there. I can visit football stadium like manchesrter too. It´s a complete country in my opinion

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4B

  15. I would like to go to Germany. I really like this country for study because I think that the lenguages are very important and I want to learn german, I think that german is a very important lenguage in the world. I would like study psychology, I want help people with their cotidians poblems. And I think that germany is a very good country for study and for clear my mean in some ocassions.

    Désirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  16. I would like to go to Italy. I would like to learn Italian language because I think that it is very interesting. Also I would like go because there, there are a lot of monuments such as Colusseum, Tower of Pisa, Vatican Museums,etc. I like also the houses that are very colorful and they are in the middle of lakes. I would like to see the Papa in the Vatican. There I can learn a lot of things about the religion, studies... It´s a very nice country

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  17. If I have the opportunity to go to another country for study english, I would like go to United Kingdom because I have a lot of curiosity for visit this country. I think that this would like a very good idea because while we are visiting and enjoying the city, monuments, museums... we learn a lot when we talk and listen people that live there.
    I don't know yet what I will study, but now english is important for all works and while more experiences you have with english, more opportunities you have to enter in the work that you want.

  18. I would like to go to France because i like this country and i think that is un amazing opportunity fot get speak better french and also know more for his culture,geography and meet new fiends and a lot of people.I love this country because they have many specials and beautiful pleaces with also his story

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  19. If one day,I have to go to other country for study English I would like Germany. I think that Germany is a country very important because in Germany are the concentration camps and the Berlin wall and these country have very history. Also I like Germany because the people are cheefull and the monuments are bbeatiful: appleman brandenburger tor ...I know her costum , her traditional foods as the frankfout etc And I think that is a good oportunity to learn German and the university are very good. I enjoy very much in Germany

  20. I want to go to England. I think that is a good chance for improve my English and learn more.
    Is a good country because I know more o less the language and I can understand the people.
    Have a good climate although it´s cool the most of the days. The traditions are similar of Spain and is very good but I think that the culture is different. I don´t know the festivities so I want to know and have fun. There are many monuments to visit and they are interesting and beautiful for example: the eye of London , the Great fire, the Buckingham Palace..
    The physical aspect of the people are similar than the people of Spain, but they have lighter skin.
    The way of life is very good and I think that it`s a good place to live and learn.

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

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  22. If I could choose a country, I'd choose Denmark. I have always wanted to visit this country and I have heard that people is very kind and quiet. I think it is a good opportunity to know other language, other culture, other places... and also to make new friends and have fun with them, without forget the university. Denmark is located in a good place because it is near of Germany, an interesting country too. Also you can travel to Sweden and Norway by boat in a few hours. The weather in this country is very unstable, but have a cool weather is not a problem to me. I believe that the language will be not a problem, because there are free courses to learn Danish and most of the people understand and talk English. Also, I know that in Denmark there is a good athletics team and that's a positive thing because I want to continue doing this sport.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4ºESO B

  23. I would like to travel to Italy because I love history and in Italy there are a lot of monuments and the language is very easy and interesting for me.

    Cristina Antón Llorente 4ºD

  24. I would like to go to France because i like this country. France is very big and i can visit many monuments. My language favourite is french and i think that it is a good opportunity for my.

  25. If I had to choose between one of european countries, I would choose Italy, because it is one of the intentions that I have in my life, to go at least once in my life. Also because I think that they have a great culture and language. Has many monuments and nice places in which to enjoy and also to live during a time far from my family to live the experience.I think that it is one of the most beautiful countries of the world and because it I would like to go.

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  26. I would like to go to United Kingdom because is a very beautiful country and because in United Kingdom there are a lot of interesting thinks and monuments and I like to visit the stadiums of the olimpics games and also to perfect my english.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  27. I would like to go to United Kingdom because is a very beautiful country and because in United Kingdom there are a lot of interesting thinks and monuments and I like to visit the stadiums of the olimpics games and also to perfect my english.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  28. I would like go to United Kingdom because is country that I love the monument, the shops and have very good university. Other thing of United Kingdom is that I have got family there, and they can help me in anything I need. And finally I would like there because I upgrade my nivel of english.
    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4°D

  29. I would like go to France. Because I have gone this summer and I have liked it very much and I would like to repeat.France is a very big country with a lot of cities but my favourite city is Paris. Paris is the capital of France and is too big. With very and incredible monuments. For example the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre Museum, The Arc of the Triunfe... France also have a lot of unibersities one is very famous: The University of Lyon. And I study French in the highschool.

    José Ángel 4º D

  30. I've get a grant to study in an European country, I would like go to Italy because last summer I was there, I think it's a spectacular site, there is plenty of languages to learn and many different cultures, where you can learn many things.
    I went to Italy because my uncle was studying there with a Erasmus grant and he recommended that if I was given a grant and had opportunities to go to Italy, because of practice English, learn Italian, that when working the more languages more possibilities you have. if I was given the grant I would be happy, because I would like to come back and not only to visit if not to stay to study.

    Lucia Garcia 4ºD

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  32. The Erasmus grants allow us to grow both personally and professionally.I asked about France as a place for exchange, since I would like to perfect this language. In addition,once I went there on holiday and I was impressed with the place and the way the people treated. But any place would be perfect bacause I consider that with an exchange you can learn and perfect new languages,cultures,costumes,and thus to form and grow professionally and personally.
    After perfecting a foreign language, we can share a flat or residence with other students from other nationalities.
    Leaving home conforts will teach us to respect the space and customs of others, we will learn to fend ourselves and salve our own problems, growing this way as adults.
    We will expand our minds as the university that we will go will have differents subjects and differents things to what we are use to doing.
    We will made new friends who connect with us strongly, because we don't know anyone, so they will be the closest thing to 'having a family'.
    Also we can expand our horizons travelling to visit friends that we know there.
    I also believe that when you start working in companies, they value that we have done an 'Erasmus grant',because they know that we are young ambitious and commited, able to do anything to achieve our dreams.
    I know that not everything will be perfect and we won't always have the protect of our families.Life is a challenge so if we are mature enough to certain things, we have to fight for our future.
    For all this France seems a great place to fight for my objectives, as my mother says:
    'Nobody said it woulb be easy but if you want it,you can get it'.

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  33. If I had to choose a European country would be Italy since it is where ever I wanted to travel. I like to go, to know the country and other aspects such as its monuments, its culture... and also I would like to learn Italian as I have always had curiosity for this language and find it very interesting.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  34. I would like to go to Republica Checa,because she is full of history, beautiful landscapes and above all visit each city, each museum and the cemeteries of Hebrews who lived there at the time of the second world war and I like his capital, Praga.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  35. I would like to go to United Kingdom, specifically in London. I've always wanted to go there.
    I chose this country because in a future I would like to learn more English.
    Also I like the monuments like the Big Ben, the typical telephone box. I think that when I am 10 years more, I will live in London temporarily, and work there.
    I love the people who live there because I love their sympathy and their clothes.
    And finally a would like that my childrens learn English very well.

    Elena Gelo 4º D

  36. I would choose to travel to United Kingdom. I think it's a very interesting country and I can visit a lot of places there. Also in UK they speak in English so I can understand more or less what they'll say to me and it will be easier for me too. The city that I am more interested to go is London I would like to stay there for a week or more in holidays. I think it would be a very good travel.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD

  37. If I imagine that I'm going to receive a grant and I have to choose the country whatever I want to live for one year, it isn't really a difficult decision for me. I would like to travel to England since I was very young, because it's like the place of my dreams. I like England a lot. There are many causes for why I have choosen this country. One of them is that I've been studying English for many years, and I like this languaje a lot, it's very beautiful. Another cause is that English people are very generous and always says 'thank you' and 'please'. England is very beautiful to visit, so to live there I think it will be amazing and incredible. In spite of the weather, that is almost always cold, England is the best place to live.

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  39. I would like to study from a grant to Greece. I have chosen this country, first because although I would have to speak English as I don't know Greek I could learn a lot of this language. I have also chosen because I like history and is a country with a lot of this so I could know it in more depth. In my free time I would like to visit the most important cities as its capital Athens, aslo Sparta ... The climate is Mediterranean so it doesn't be a problem as it is similar to Spain. Another thing I would like is to meet people and then to have a contact from Spain and even go again. I don't care about the where I have to live there. But if I have to choose I would like to go to the capital, Athens.

  40. The country where I would like to live for one year is UK, I chose this country because I think that it is so beautiful and they speak English so I won´t have to learn a new lenguage, I would like to live in a city near to London but not in London because I think it is very crowded or maybe I would like to live in a neighborhood in London where don´t live too much people.
    I also like the weather but I think it´s going to be difficult for me to find myself good with this weather but I would try it.
    I like the views and the different monuments like the London eye, the tower bridge and the river because I like the places with river.
    I think in London there are a lot of activities to do apart from the high school, I would join to dance class, or a sport that I like and I would make friends.
    So I think I would pass a very good year in UK.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  41. I think that the country that we would like to go is Uk besarse i like too much english and the nature of Uk.
    Also i like the weather because i like the rain and in Uk always is raning.
    And the ultimate think that i like to Uk is the system of education and economy system of Uk.
    There are all the resons that i would like to go to the UK

    Antonio Jose García Delgado

  42. I'd like to go for 1 year to Germany: I love this country, and that's why I want to go there. Apart from studying, I want to see the most famous places os Germany. I think it will be a very good idea to go there and I will do it.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina 4°D

  43. I would go to Italy because it is a place that I love and where I could learn many things and appreciate its culture. I also like to go to London where he is one of the best universities to study fashion design and which could prepare well and because I love that city

  44. Iwould go to Francia because I think it's a spectacular site, there is plenty of languages to learn and many different cultures, where you can learn many things.

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  46. I would like to go to United Kingdom because i love football and there are the best teams of the world and there are very importants places to visit to learn a lot.
    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  47. I would like to go to Finland, I think it's a very interesting country and I can visit a lot of places there. You can visit a Father Christmas, and see the Northem lights.
    I swim in the very cold swimming pool, and in winter I see the snow. I like the culture and the cities.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4ºD.

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  49. Hi teacher! If I have the opportunity to go to another country for study english, I would like to go to United Kingdom, because in this country there are cities I would love to know, for example, London is a very big city and it is a global city. Also this England, is by far the most populous country of the United Kingdom. And for these cities and much more, I would like to go to United Kingdom. Bye bye !
    Marta María Maldonado Parejo 4ºB.

  50. I would like to go to Germany because I think it´s a very big country where I can see beautiful places like castles that there are a lot, there I can see the diferent monuments that are very interesting, know a new culture where I can know what they can do habitually.Also it´s a cheap country and I can enjoy it a lot.
    Elena Bautista Linde 4ºC

  51. Hi teacher! I would to like go to turkey because I don´t know this conuntry. I like know her food, her festival and her language.
    Juan Carlos López Gelo 4ºB

  52. I would like to go to Croatia with because I dont now nothig about this country and If I go there I will improve my level of engish I also would like to study there because of the culture or the historical monuments and also to see another type of life and learn his customs and theirs parties and his food or the music and also to visit another country and make a lot friends and have a good year.


  53. I would like to go to England, because there would learn more the English at the University of Oxford, and have always wanted to travel to England to see their culture and the football league. when you have a few more years I would stay there to live and work in England. I think that would be happier in England than anywhere else and more comfortable.
    Zacarías Suárez 4ºD

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  55. Hello teacher!I would like to go away one year to the United Kingdom, since i want to work of baby sister and could learn best english.
    I have chosen this country because I would like to visit the cities of Cambridge and London since I am charmed with them,It has a few monuments very nice and I want to learn his cultures and traditions.

  56. I would like to go to Germany because is the most populous member state of the European Union and teaching and education is of high quality. In schools there are a large number of degree programs, master's and doctoral degrees with an international projection.No fees are payable for the study of the first race. In Germany there are very good career opportunities and has a high quality of life.I go there to study six years.I think a very interesting and beautiful country to go to school with very good starts.

    Paula Castro 4ºB

  57. I will choose to go to Italy because I think a very nice city and where you can enjoy a lot in a year. I informed about the different functions of study there and I've loved because they are very interested and there are many people of Spain with I can communicate more easily and to be more comfortable. And also your life studies can be very good and you can visit many monuments like the Colosseum or the tower pisa that I would like to visit or cities like Rome or Venice are cities that call me much attention. And if it is possible to learn Italian is a language with many words similar to Spanish and I think easy to learn.


  58. I would like to go to France because it is a very beautiful and very interesting country. in able to visit many things, for example: the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe etc ... I would like to study at the Pierre and Marie Curie University

  59. With my scholarship I would go to Denmark, Copenhagen is very nice because I also like to try the food there.

  60. With my scholarship I would go to Denmark, Copenhagen is very nice because I also like to try the food there.
    Angel Jose Lopez Garcia 4ºB

  61. I would like to go to Germany because I don’t know many things of this country although its near here. I think Germany its the most interesting European country because it is the main economic potential of Europe. It has a god weather during practically the whole year and it have a lot of interesting monuments like The Brandenbourg Door or the rests of The Berlin Wall. Some traditions are also beautiful to meet such as: there are more than 1500 types of sausages and the main drink is obviously the beer. In Germany there a lot of festivals too such as The Oktoberfest . This festival take place in Munich and there you can drink and dance a lot. In respect to the physical factors, the main principal place that tourists can visit are the Bavarian Alps

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  62. I decided to travel to Denmark because it is very interesting, in this country you can visit Tivoli Gardens is an amusement park, the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen which is a very famous sculpture or Rundetarn is an observatory.
    I would like to go to learn the language of this country. estudiare at the University of Copenhagen when I'm twenty-one. I hope to learn a lot in this country.

  63. I would like to go to Holland because It is a tolerant country, because everyone speaks English, and the architecture is very beautiful. I could visit different cities on foot or by bike, Holland is small like all their cities. The only bad thing is that we haven't good weather, but when you're lucky and the weather is good is a perfect place

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  64. I would like to go to United kingdom because it's so beautiful and its monument have an interesting history. Also because the University of "Cambridge" it's a good decision to learn british english. The economic it's expensive but is a very good experience.
    Another option that I decide to go is to know different culture and also in UK there are more possibility to have a job. And finally the transport is cheaper becouse it's so near all of them.
    I hope to go there, I think that is so incredible.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  65. I'd like to life in UK because of the universities there. Oxford, Cambridge are wonderfull places to study and I want to learn of the best of the world, also in UK the live style is really interesting and I can practique better the english and prepare the c1 and c2.

    José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo 4ºB

  66. I'd like to go to Italy because it is a country that is living very well and there are plenty of places to study. Also I would like to go because I like much the football and would like to know a great team of Italy (youth, Roma, Inter of Milan...) and that is all. FIDEL LOPEZ IBAÑEZ 4B

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  68. I would like to go to Ireland because it provides quality education; in its big cities we speak very good English. Also has a young population. Ireland is one of the safest countries in the world to live. Ireland is presented as one of the best options to combine work and learning English. It has beautiful scenery and a warm climate, that is ideal for out of doors activities.
    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB
