lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Tutorials and Recipes

How to...

Recipes 1

Recipes 2

Write a tutorial ("How to...") about something you are good at and send it to the blog. Use the imperative, must and have to.

63 comentarios:


    The first thing to do is wash your hair, brush and put it to one side.

    Divide the hair into two, a big lock on the left and one on the right, like two hairtails.

    Hold the hair with one hand so that it does not move and takes another lock on the left side of the external zone. Put one centimeter below we have held in the hand and hold back and do the same.

    Then you should do the same with the other side.

    You do it with all locks and tighten as you want ..

    Finally when you finish do the same with all the locks, braid tied with a rubber band or hairclip

    Tip: To last longer braid must throw hairspray.

    Lucía García 3B

  2. How put the laces?
    Introduction: you wear shoes
    First step - You take the two ends of the cords.
    Seconds step - You make a cross with the ends and one of them go under.
    Third step - You push and strong one end make a circle.
    Fourth step - With the other surround it and you put it through the gap remains and you squeeze.

    Made by Zacarías Suárez Pérez


    1. To bake cake: Preheat oven to 325°C. Prepare 3 8-pers cake pans by greasing with butter, adding parchment paper circles to the bottom. Butter the papers and dust with cocoa, tapping out any excess.
    2. In a medium-size bowl, sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
    3. Heat milk and vanilla over medium-low heat, until small bubbles begin to form. Remove from heat, and whisk in melted chocolate until combined. Set aside.
    4. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat butter and sugar on medium, until just combined. Beat in eggs, 1 at a time, scraping down as needed. Turn mixer on low, and alternatively add flour mixture in 3 parts and milk mixture in 2 parts, until just incorporated.
    5. Divide batter between prepared pans. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean, about 35 minutes. Cool in pans for a few minutes, then run a knife around the edges of the pans and turn out cakes onto a wire rack to cool completely.
    6. To make icing: In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat butter at medium speed until whipped and fluffy, about 1 to 2 minutes. Beat in vanilla. Turn mixer to low, and alternate between mixing in powdered sugar and cocoa powder (in 1-cup increments) and milk (in 1-tablespoon increments). Add more or less milk, depending on how dry the icing is. Beat until ingredients are incorporated and icing reaches desired consistency. It should be creamy, whipped, and easily malleable while still holding peaks. Transfer 2 heaping cups of frosting to a separate bowl for the crumb coat.
    7. To assemble: Use a serrated knife to trip the tops of the cake layers to make level. Dab a bit of frosting onto the center of a cake turntable or large, flat platter. Place on 1 layer of cake on top of frosting and press slightly down to secure it. Using an offset spatula, place a third of the reserved crumb coat frosting in the center of the cake, and spread it over top until it starts to spill over the edges then spread over the sides of cake. Carefully place the second layer of cake on top of first, and repeat process with another 1/3 of the frosting. Add the third layer of cake on top, and spread the rest of the reserved frosting over the top and sides. Transfer cake to the fridge (for 30 minutes) or freezer (15 minutes) until set. Thoroughly wash and dry offset spatula.
    8. Once crumb coat has completely set, remove cake from the fridge or freezer. Place remaining frosting in the center of the cake, and spread over the top until it spills over the edges, then spread it over the sides of the cake

    Manuel Rodriguez Chico 3ºB

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    First Step.- Put on your boots,(if it is the first time you ride a horse, you must put on a helmet and a protector).

    Second step.-Have a whip and get on the horse from the left side.

    Third step.-Intrude the feet into the left stirrup.

    Fourth step.-Take the reins with the left hand and intrude the fingers between them.

    Fifth step.-You must put your back straight.

    Sixth step.-Give a little kick to the horse's belly for it walk.
    Seventh step.-If you want that the horse run, you must give it more little kicks.

    Eighth step.-When you want to finish, pull back the rains and the horse will stop.

    Ángela Cotán 3°B

  6. How to paint a painting?:

    1.Buy or take all the materials you need: canvas, paintings (achrilics, oil painting, etc.) pencil, rubber, easel, solvents, brushes, cloth, etc. Look for a place in which you can be comfortable and place all the things on its place. Don't forget a picture or previous idea of what you are going to paint!

    2.Take the picture in one hand and, with the other, place the different things on the canvas. If it's a person, you should draw a species of skeleton, only with basic human anatomy (muscles and bones). It's useful to place first the center.

    3.Start painting! You have to start with the background, but you musn't use plain colors. You must always leave the lines of pencil where you can see, and, if you accidentally erase one of the lines, you have to draw it back, it doesn't matter if there's painting on the point. You have to loose fear of making a mistake, because you can cover it with painting, but don't make mistakes once every minute because is a loose of time.

    4.When you finish with the background, start with the main figures in the painting. You mustn't focus on details, because that comes later.

    5.Add some details you like to put. You must take care of the perspective, what comes before and what comes later, because that's very important in paintings.

    6.Make shure that every place in the canvas is full of painting, including if a place is white. Cover up some mistakes if you see them.

    7.Sign it! It's very important because, if your beautiful painting goes viral, you can say it's made by you. Put the date also.

    -Personal advices:
    ·Enjoy painting. If you don't like it, don't make it.
    ·Relax!! Put some music on or put the radio, or talk to someone while making it, whatever you need to be entretained and don't get bored.
    ·Take some reast to eat, to sleep, to dance, to whatch TV, etc. because beeing focus every hour makes you loose interest.Even you can take a reast of months or years! (I do it sometimes)
    ·Once in a while, stay away of the canvas to whatch how you've been doing it and to realise of the mistakes that you can't see from that close.

    Hope you now know some things about painting!!

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B


    -5 cases of CDs that you don't use.
    -4 photos that you really like.
    -A little candle.


    Step 1
    Crop the photos so they fit on the cases of the CDs.

    Step 2
    Put the photos in the cases of the CDs.

    Step 3
    Cover a paste (glue) with the othes cases to forming a cube.

    Step 4
    You have to glue the base(the last case of the CDs).

    Step 5
    Let dry.

    Step 6
    Put in the middle the candle.


    Removing the candle it can have more profits as pencil box, to put make-up brushes...

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB.


    First of all we must wash the hands. Then, we start:

    To start, we have to peel the potatoes and wash with water.

    In the second step, add salt and fry the potatoes.

    Then, we have to mix the potatoes with the eggs. The number of eggs depend on the quantity of potatoes.

    Finaly, we put the omelette on the fried food, during fifteen minutes. We have to back to the wing omelette.

    We can serve it with differents sauces.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3°B


    First of all we must wash the hands. Then, we start:

    To start, we have to peel the potatoes and wash with water.

    In the second step, add salt and fry the potatoes.

    Then, we have to mix the potatoes with the eggs. The number of eggs depend on the quantity of potatoes.

    Finaly, we put the omelette on the fried food, during fifteen minutes. We have to back to the wing omelette.

    We can serve it with differents sauces.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3°B

  10. how to download a song in your mobile phone without using an app:

    FIRST STEP: open you Internet app.
    SECOND STEP: click on the search bar and write youtube.
    THIRD STEP: you have to write the song that you want to download. Then click on it.
    – First of all, you have to know that you are going to download the sound of the song that you've chosen before. --
    FOURTH STEP: above the search bar there's a link. Copy that.
    FIFTH STEP: leaving it in that window, you must open another window and write convertidor youtube a mp3.
    SIXTH STEP: open the first result.
    SEVENTH STEP: stick the link on the bar and press intro.
    EIGHTH STEP: press on download. And it will begin downloading.
    --You must wait for the download. –
    Then, you can open your gallery of music and find the song. You'll see that there.

  11. I'm going to teach you how to skate:

    First of all you need a skateboard.
    I recommend you that previously you try to stand up in the board for the balance and for remove the scare.
    Now I will say you useful information like the front is the pointed part and the back is the up part; in the front and in the back it has four screws that it will help you with the position of your feet.

    The steps are:

    1. Put your foot depend if you are left-footed or right-footed in the four screws of the front in parallel of the skateboard.

    2. Then you have to put the other foot in the four screws of the back in perpendicular of the skateboard.

    3. Then for start to skate you must to put the back foot in the floor and impulse you.

    4. And then you have to put your foot on the same place in the board.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3°B

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  13. tutorial on how to make the bed.
    Step 1: Remove the dirty sheets. Before you start making the beds must remove those that are dirty to begin with.
    Step 2: Place the first sheet. Select the sheet that you want to place and stretch it by placing it well so that there is no wrinkles .
    Step 3 : Place a blanket. Place a blanket , better be warm for the cold reguardarte taut and place it above
    Step 4 : Place another sheet or duvet . This step is optional, but I do not have cold. Just place it on

    Step 5 : Place the pillowcase . Only you have to grab her by one end and insert

    Step 6 : tuck in the sheets. This step is not for you between hot and the bed is not so easily undone.

    Rocio Navarro Campos 3B

  14. How to the deviled egg for six people?

    Here's the solution


    12 eggs
    3 cans of tuna
    1 jar of mayonnaise

    The steps are:

    Step 1: Cook the eggs load with water in a pot during 20 minutes.

    Step 2: Throw the water credit cooked the eggs and refills the pot of cold water so you do not burn and better peel.

    Step 3: Peel the egg and cut landscape in half.

    Step 4: In a bowl, remove yolks to the egg and fuse with the 3 cans of tuna and the mayonnaise necessary to taste.

    Step 5: Mix the ingredients.

    Step 6: With a small spoon fill the half to the eggs with the mix made.

    Step 7: Serve on a platter.

    This is the deviled eggs.

    Rocío Olivo García 3ºESO B

  15. How to broke an arm.

    1. Get ready to avoid the blow of the adversary
    2. Deflects the opponent with the fist opposite arm with the hit you.
    3. Grabs her wrist and turns his arm forcing you to duck
    4. Hits your face with your knee to stun
    5. Hits your elbow with your fist taking advantage of this tense and facedown for rmperlo.
    6. Place your foot closer you are to your ankles behind his legs.
    7. Puts your fingers into his eyes that he lost his sense of balance.
    8. Takes him towards the leg after you placed.
    9. If you have overthrown over onto his back give him a kick in the face.

    By: Ángel Gámez

  16. I'm going to teach you how to skate:

    First of all you need a skateboard.
    I recommend you that previously you try to stand up in the board for the balance and for remove the scare.
    Now I will say you useful information like the front is the pointed part and the back is the up part; in the front and in the back it has four screws that it will help you with the position of your feet.

    The steps are:

    1. Put your foot depend if you are left-footed or right-footed in the four screws of the front in parallel of the skateboard.

    2. Then you have to put the other foot in the four screws of the back in perpendicular of the skateboard.

    3. Then for start to skate you must to put the back foot in the floor and impulse you.

    4. And then you have to put your foot on the same place in the board.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3°B

  17. How to do Taekwondo?

    Step 1.-The first thing you have to do, is knowing something about this.

    Step 2.-Also you have to know that Taekwondo is not for attacking you a person, is only for defense causes.

    Step 3.-You have to know how to equilibrate your energy, such as to know the "Punsets" and differen types of kicks, and also its names...

    Step 4.-You have to buy obviously your clothes for it (White), and be prepared for learning Taekwondo.

    Step 5.-You have to be physically prepared for the warm-up, and for the training.

    Step 6.-Every year more or less you have to pass a test for the teacher to know your level, and then, if he think you merit other colour's belt, he will give you the next.

    Step 7.-You have to know the order of the belts: white, white and yellow, yellow, yellow and orange, orange, orange and green, green, green and blue, blue, brown, and the last one, is black.

    Step 8.-The last step is that you have to kwnow that the black belt is not the last one! After the black belt, there are other thing (in letters) that are of more level, but these things are not for younger people.

    Hope you really like this tutorial.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  18. What do you need?
    - 2 eggs
    - olive oil
    - salt

    What you do?
    -Beat four eggs in a bowl, add a little salt, and heat a thin layer of oil in a small skillet
    -We take the beaten eggs into the pan and mix well extend. When the curd almost folded in half or give two turns to wind

    By: Antonio Bueno González

  19. Since a few American cookies do

    -Flour of wheat, 200 grams.
    -Milk informs, 200 ml.
    -Sugar, a spoonful.
    -Olive oil, a spoonful.
    -Yeast, one on point.
    -New-laid eggs, two big ones.
    -Go out thin, half teaspoonful.

    1. Mix first the dry ingredients.
    2. Then it adds the humid ingredients.
    3. Mix well, until it stays wthout grumes.
    4. Pour small quantities in a frying pan lubricated with butter (slow fire up to way in order that they do not burn).
    5. Do it the return to the cookie when it starts forming bubbles.
    6. End, you can decorate the pancakes with chocolate, suggar, sweets...


  20. Since a few American cookies do

    -Flour of wheat, 200 grams.
    -Milk informs, 200 ml.
    -Sugar, a spoonful.
    -Olive oil, a spoonful.
    -Yeast, one on point.
    -New-laid eggs, two big ones.
    -Go out thin, half teaspoonful.

    1. Mix first the dry ingredients.
    2. Then it adds the humid ingredients.
    3. Mix well, until it stays wthout grumes.
    4. Pour small quantities in a frying pan lubricated with butter (slow fire up to way in order that they do not burn).
    5. Do it the return to the cookie when it starts forming bubbles.
    6. End, you can decorate the pancakes with chocolate, suggar, sweets...


  21. How to make a caramel nougat
    *half tablet of nougat
    *a quarter of cream
    *250 grs of milk
    *100 grs of sugar
    1 envelope of curd
    for the caramel: 2 spoons of sugar and a few drops of lemon.

    Put in a saucepan the sugar and the lemon drops, when miss candy, cast in a mold. We take the nougat, cut very small and blend in the mixer. Put it in a saucepan with the milk and sugar, move the brick of cream add it and also add the sachet of curd, move it and leave it about 6 minutes to fire. We put the prepared mold and let that be cool. Put in the refrigerator 2 hours and you're ready to eat.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  22. How to make a fresh custard?
    (custard produced in the Thermomix)
    - 4 eggs
    - 2 cups sugar.
    - 7 cups of milk.
    - 2 envelopes of curd.
    - Liquid candy.
    Step 1: put the four eggs and two cups of sugar 2 minutes at 40 degrees and 3 speed.
    Step 2: convert the seven cups of milk and curd two envelopes for 15 minutes at 80 degrees and 3 speed.
    Step 3: grabs the mold, pour the caramel mixture and add the already done and gets into the refrigerator until set.
    Ready to serve.

    Claudia Carmona Roman 3ºB

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. HOW TO WASH.
    People who don't have dishwasher, must follow these steps so the cutlery will be very well clean.

    1step: You have to put the sink stopper so the water doesn't go.

    2step: Fill a part of the sink with water and a few Fairy and another part with only water. Because we have to wash and rinse off.

    3step: Then we must put a few Fairy in the scoure because it makes a lot of foam.

    4step: You have to put the dishes, glasses, spoons, knives, forks, pots ... one by one in the wash to rub and clean them. If you want you can leave the tap open. But be careful because the water can overflow. You must rub well the pots.

    5step: Put the objects in the water for the foam put off.

    6step: Before putting the objects in the drainer, rinse this again if they have foam.

    7step: When It's in the drainer you must put off the sink stopper and with a cleaning cloth clean the wash.

    The water can be cold or hot. I prefer the water hot because it's very cold.
    If you don't want to wait that the objects keep them dry, take a rag and dry them.
    With these steps,the objects will be as clean if you put in the diswasher.

  25. How to clean:

    Step 1: You have to pick a cube and a mop.

    Step 2: You have to fill the cube with water.

    Step 3: You have to pour the cleaning fluid and remove with the mop.

    Step 4: Drain the mop and clean the floor.

    Step 5: Put the mop in the cube and wet it, then clean other time and so on.

    Step 6: When you have the water dirty you change the water.

    Remember to change the water when is dirty and pour other time the cleaning fluid!

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB.

  26. How to do the bed:

    1-Clear the bed

    2-Put the fitted sheet on.

    3-Put the top sheet on

    4-Make hospital corners.

    5-Place the duvet or comforter on top. 

    6-Fold the top sheet and duvet down.

    7-Fluff the pillows.

    8-Add the cushions.

    You have to make every day your bed.

    Elena Gelo 3ºB


    Step 1: First put the right hand on the top, and the left hand on the bottom.

    Step 2: Then you must stand up a little the clarinet.

    Step 3: When everything is in the correct position, start to blow to produce sound.

    Step 4: You must blow always in the same tone, so you always will heard the same tone but not the same notes.

    Step 5: When you want to hear other note, you must cover the hole on the note you want to hear.

    This is how to play the clarinet in a very easy way.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  29. How to make rice pudding:

    First the ingredients:
    -1 half liter and milk
    -1 / 2 kg of rice
    -cinnamon sticks and ground
    -lemon peel

    Step 1: In a saucepan with milk cinnamon stick and lemon peel and put boil.

    STEP 2: sugar and add the rice, stirring constantly and goes for the rice does not stick.

    Step 3: Once all this is in the pot, boil about 25 or 30 minutes.

    STEP 4: Once the rice is tender is getting into different containers and esporrea with ground cinnamon.

    Step 5: You put in the fridge. When cool enough you can eat.

    Iván Suárez Méndez 3ºB

  30. How to make a handcraft stress ball.

    What you need:

    - Two medium-sized balloons.
    - An empty plastic bottle of 1 litre of capacity.
    - Some flour
    - Scissors
    - A funnel or a piece of paper

    How to make it:

    Step 1: Take the funnel(if you don't have one you can make it with the piece of paper)and put it on the lip of the bottle.
    Step 2: Place the flour into the bottle to fill a quarter of it.You must be careful with the flour!
    Step 3: Remove the funnel.
    Step 4: Inflate a balloon and put its lip on the lip of the bottle.
    Step 5: Pass the flour from the bottle to the balloon.
    Step 6: Let the air out the balloon. You must do it slowly.
    Step 7: Cut the lip of the balloon. Now you have a ball.
    Step 8: Take the other balloon and cut also the lip of it.
    Step 9: Cover the ball with this second balloon.

    So, that's all! Now, you will never be stressed.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  31. How to do a fried egg?
    To start do a fried egg, grab the egg, the oil and the frying pan, and clean the clock top. Now, turn on the clock top and wait a few minutes for the clock top is hot. Then, add the oil in the frying pan for that the egg don't sticking in it. After, you must to give a small blow to the egg and carefully throw it into the frying pan. While the egg is being done you have to be careful because the oil can splash. Wait a few minutes and finished! You just upset carefully the frying pan in the plate, to drop the fried egg in it.

    Anabel Rodríguez Silva 3ºB

  32. Hellow, I'm going to teach you how to do a stamp.


    1 cap of a bottle
    Goma Eva
    vegetable paper


    1-Draw the shape of the cap in a piece of paper.
    2-Inside of the small circle you have to draw anything you want to stamp.
    3-Copy the drawing to the vegetable paper and then copy that to de Goma Eva for 3 times.
    4-Cut the figures.
    5-Glue the 3 figures together (one on the other) and this figure you must glue to the cap. You must use the silicone.
    6-Let it dry.
    7-Whith the ink and your new stamp you can do all the staps that you want.

    Ana María Castaño Candeas 3ºB

  33. How to make brownie:


    - 250 grams unsalted butter
    - 125 grams of cake flour
    - 225 grams of sugar
    - 150 grams of chocolate to melt
    - 4 eggs
    - 5 grams of powdered cinnamon
    - 5 grams of a little vanilla extract

    STEP 1

    Melt the chocolate for dessert, using a small pot slow cooked. Once it is almost entirely melted, add butter cut into cubes, and melt with chocolate, until they form a perfect mix. Aside this container for reuse later.

    STEP 2

    In another bowl will beat the eggs, then adding sugar and stirring with the aid of rods or hand mixer, until a paste forms pallid. Pour the contents of the container in the first, and re-mix thoroughly with the rods. Adding also cinnamon and vanilla.

    STEP 3

    Preheat oven to 180 ° C, if we have not already done so to reach that temperature before putting the mold for Brownie.

    STEP 4

    Pour the dough into the mold chosen, then we put in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Before the end of time we recommend clicking the Brownie and check the interior is well baked.

    STEP 5

    Once you are just right let cool and unmold. And we can enjoy our Brownie.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3°B

  34. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  35. how to kick a ball to the goal hard and precise.
    1 the first is put the ball on the floor correctly
    2 go three steps down because you are kick the ball hard
    3 when you kick the ball shot this with the down part of your food
    4 Then the ball go hardy and precise!!!!!

    By: Antonio José Garcia Delgado 3ºA

  36. How to climb a ladder without falling

    1.put your feet and hands on the sides of the ladder
    2.You need someone that hold the ladder
    3.go up slowly lower the ladder do the same
    4. You can jump but you need to be careful to don't break your nouse and your hands.

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 3 A

  37. How to trhow well to a basket

    1.Look at the basket
    2.Point the basket with your feet
    3.Take the ball with your hands and make a T with your thumbs in the ball.
    4.Put the ball next to your waist.
    5.Rise the ball to your chest.
    6.Then rise it over your head making a right degree with your shoulder and your elbow
    By: Ángel Fraile Delgado 3ºA

  38. How to decorate well a room?
    The main points that you would make are:
    *Make visiually bigger the room
    *Make that eerything is useful and connected.
    Now, the main steps:

    1-Use a large cortine, that would make taller the celling.

    2-Use natural and soft colors in the blankets, pillows,ed, and sofa.

    3-Use eautiful plates and cups.

    4-Add differents complements to make the space more natural and reaist.

    5-Use different types of texture in the pillow, all from the same color, but different,like, stripes, spots, flowers.

    Now you will get a perfect room with points of natural and comfortabe elements.
    By:Lola Valverde Gonzále, 3ºA.

  39. Ingredients for 7-8 Crepes:

    - 150 grams of cake flour
    - 250 ml of milk
    - 15 ml of extra virgin olive oil
    - 5 grams sugar
    - 3 large eggs
    -, A pinch salt


    We begin sifting and throwing flour in the bowl of a mixer. Also add a pinch of salt, sugar, eggs and milk, and beat rods, manual or those of the mixer itself. Once these ingredients are well blended, add the flour and beat back the rods.

    When you pass that time we will need a crepe, are also going to need a bit of butter to make the crepes, without salt must not change the taste of our mass.

    We take the dough from the refrigerator and put to heat the pan. We'll take a teaspoon of butter and once melted, pour in the pan mass crepes enough to cover the surface, being careful not to take too much and we have left a pancake too fat.

    Being a rather thin pancake, do not ye too long because you will be well done and you lose that characteristic texture and there is just so nice to eat.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  40. How to made celiaco's bread.

    You need
    200 miligrams of water
    50 miligrms of oil
    3 spoons of sugar
    1 spoon of salt
    350 grams of flour
    5-10 grams of yeast

    1 First you have to have a making bread machine
    2 Then you have to add 200 miligrams of water
    3 Then you have to add 50 mmiligrams of oil
    4 Then you have to add a spoon of sal
    5 Then you have to add three spoons of sugar
    6 Then you have to add 350 grams of flour without gluten
    7 Finally you have to add 5 or 10 grams of yeast

    Santiago Jara Montero 3A


    all you need is:
    1 glass of orange juice
    1 glass of oil
    3 glasses of flour
    2 glasses of sugar
    lemon zest
    four eggs

    the steps are:
    1)beat the eggs
    2)add yeast , flour
    3)add the orange juice , sugar and oil
    4)beat all the ingredients
    5)introduce them in the oven at 180 degrees 45 minutes.

    Carmen Fraile Campos 3A

  42. How to play parchis:

    You need:

    -Parchis board
    -Colored tabs

    1ºEach player choose a color
    2ºThe players put the tabs in the beginning
    3ºEach one pulls his dice and the player that get more puntuation is the first to play.
    4ºWhen a player pulls the dice and the number is 5 the player start to play
    5º In each move, you count the points for move the tab.
    6ºIf a player fall in the pigeonhole of the other player, you kill the tab and you count 20 with your tab.
    7ºIf you get to the goal with a tab, with other tab you have to count 10.
    8ºWin the player that put the 4 tabs of his color in the final check.


  43. How to do an omelet:
    2 eggs
    Step1: Beat the eggs and add a pinch of salt
    Step2: Cut the cheese and add
    Step3: Add a pinch of oil in the frying pan
    Step4: When the oil is hot, add the eggs, salt and cheese in the frying pan.
    Step5: Fold the omelet and wait that the omelet is finished.
    Mari Carmen Quintanilla 3ºA.

  44. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  45. How to do a omelette

    You need

    - 3 potatoes
    - 2 eggs
    - salt
    - oil

    - cut the potatoes.
    - fry the potatoes
    - beat the eggs
    - put together the eggs and the potatoes
    - throw in a frying pan

    José Manuel Méndez González 3°A

  46. How clean the floor

    STEP 1
    Take the ammoniam and the soap

    STEP 2
    Take the mop and enter it in the cube

    STEP 3
    Scrub the floor and remove the dirt

    STEP 4
    Pulls out the mop and rinse. later,returns enter it in the cube and clean the floor

    Nati Montero Cotan

  47. How to clean the bathroom

    You need:
    -1 cleaning
    -1 cloth
    -1 bucket the mop
    -1 mop

    -Take the clothing and wet it in water and bleach.
    -Clean with the clothing the toilet,the washbasin and the bath.
    -Dry with the cloth also the toilet, the washbasin and the bath.
    -Full the bucket of mop of water.
    -Clean the floor with the mop and the bucket.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  48. How to do a spanish omelette
    · Two eggs · Two or three potatoes
    · A bit of salt · Oil
    · Frying pan · Knife · Bowl
    1.- Peel the potatoes
    2.-Cut into small pieces.
    3.- Light the fire
    4.- Put the oil in the frying pan
    5.- Beat the egg in the bowl and pour salt
    6.- Put the pieces of potatoes in the bowl with the eggs.
    7.- Put all in the frying pan until it is made
    8.- Put the omelette in a plate
    9.- Then, you can eat it.
    By: Paco Reyes 3ºA

  49. I am going to tell you how to do long jump:

    STEP 1: Inspect the long jump area. Analyze all the aspects that could affect your jumping, like the position of the jumping board. Be sure that you are able to jump more than the distance between the board and the sand of the pit.

    STEP 2: Find your dominant foot. Ask someone to gently push you forward from behind. The foot that you step forward with is your dominant foot.

    STEP 3: Count your steps. Start with your dominant foot located on top of the jumping board. Then run at the rate that you are expecting to run towards the jump. Measure 7 or 8 steps.

    STEP 4: Mark the place where you finish the steps. Do this with a piece of tape or a chalk to the side of the track. And then check your mark, running as if was a normal jump, but when arrive to the jumping board don't jump, continue running until stop.

    STEP 5: Get in position. Put your dominant foot on your line with your mark. Make sure that no one will cross the track while you are running.

    STEP 6: Ask someone to check your footstep on the jumping board. Of don't arrive or go ahead of the jumping board, you can move your mark further from or closer to the pit.

    STEP 7: Run on the track. Do long, fast strides and keep your back straight, looking straight forward. When you come near the jumping board, don't look down.

    STEP 8: Jump. When you come to the board, jump (your speed will carry you forward). When you jump, put your chest out, and look to the sky with your arms in back of your body.

    STEP 9: Throw your hands to your feet when you land. You will be measured from the furthest back mark you make, so don't fall backwards. Neither put the hands behind the mark you do with the feet, because it diminish you some cm.

    STEP 10: Walk out the front side of the pit. You can't leave the pit walking to behind, because that will be a invalid jump.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºESO A.

  50. How to play tennis(tennis serve)

    You need:
    Tennis ball
    You must be on a tennis court


    1.You must not walk on the white line.
    2.Put your raquet behind you
    3.Throw the ball up
    4.(Optional)You can bend your knees before hitting the ball.
    5.Finally,you have to jump and move your raquet forward to get a good and strong serve.
    6.The ball must bounce in the adversary's box.

  51. How to make a paper plane:
    1)We need a rectangular paper
    2)Fold the two longs sides together
    3)Fold two sides of the poinsts that we do it in the steep second to the center line that we do it in the first steep.
    4)Doing the same that the steep 3.
    5)Fold should hide all of the other fold inside.
    6)Fold dowm the two top flaps to make the wings.

    Manuel Reyes López 3°A

  52. How to make a fruit salad

    banana, apple, watermelon, pineapple, strawberry and pear
    Step1:Buy the fruit you need
    Step2:Cut all the fruit in small piece
    Step3:Put the piece in a bol
    Step4:Mix the piece in the bol

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  53. I am going to tell you how to make a braid root:

    STEP 1: If you have bangs you should pick back with hairpins. Since it will be much easier to start making the braid.

    STEP 2: It's very important that the hairs is untangles without knots to facilitate the work.

    STEP 3: If you have curly hair is much better to braid hair wet.

    STEP 4: You should begins separating a lock of hair crown area.

    STEP 5: Divides into three parts and braiding a normal braid twice.

    STEP 6: And the third time you have to do is add a side lock of hair.

    STEP 7: Next you should repeat braiding hair lateral adding ensuring fine braiding.

    STEP 8: You can help comb to make it easier.

    STEP 9: You must repeat several times until you reach the area of the neck and not lame more hair on the sides.

    STEP 10: Once at this points is just braiding to the tip like a normal three strand braid and secure with a rubber band so it doesn't slip.

    And you have finished your pretty and easy braid.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºA



    Royal brand Pudding mix (8 servings)
    1 Litre of cooking liquid cream
    1 bar of Nestlé brand Chocolate
    Royal brand caramel


    Pour the liquid cream into a saucepan and put it on a low fire.

    Add the pudding mix.

    Add the chocolate bar in small pieces.

    Stir it continuously with a spoon.

    When it starts to boil, pour it into a bowl on whose bottom we have previously put a layer of liquid caramel.

    Finally once it has cooled down, put it into the fridge for 24 hours approximately, before its consumption.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3*A

    200g dark chocolate
    4 eggs
    1 glass of lugar
    250g unsalted butter
    50g walnuts
    Orante zest
    50g Cocoa powder

    Melt the chocolate together with the butter on low heat.
    Mix the egg with the sugar and flour and beat them until you get a smooth scream.
    Add the mixture to the melted chocolate.
    Finally, put the walnuts in very y small pieces into the dough.
    Preheat the oven for about 10 minutes.
    Pour into a greased oven proofdish.
    Baker for about 40 minutes(160°)

    By:Marta Reyes López 3°A

  56. How to preparing and ride a horse:
    Object that we need:
    -clean's hulls

    1ºPut the compress to the horse and tie it.
    2ºUse the brush and the scraper to clean it
    3ºTake the leg of the horse and clean the hulls with the clean's hulls.
    4ºPut the saddle on the horse and the compress to ride also.
    5ºThen, put the stirrups to your measure.
    6ºTake both reins with the left hand.
    7ºPut the left leg in the left stirrup.
    8ºJump and spends the right leg over the croup of the horse without he touching it.
    9º Put the right leg in the right stirrup
    And finish!!!

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

  57. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2 cups all-purpose flour
    2 ½ tsp baking powder
    ½ tsp salt
    1 egg, beaten lightly
    1 ½ cups milk
    2 tbsp butter, melted

    How to do pancakes!!
    Sift together first three ingredients (to prevent lumps). In a separate bowl, mix egg and milk, then add it to flour mix, stirring until just smooth. Then stir in butter. If you want to mix it up, throw in blueberries, a tiny dice of apple, or bits of banana. Grease a griddle or nonstick pan with cooking spray or a little vegetable oil. Heat pan on medium for about ten minutes. Pour batter to form pancakes of whatever size you like. Cook first side until bubbles form on top, about three minutes; then flip and cook other side until it, too, is brown, about two minutes. Serve immediately with butter and syrup or hold briefly in warm oven. Serves four.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA



    First washes you eat them, cut eat them in the shape of squares, cut the onions in small chunks. Later you beat eggs once fried eat them we spilt the well-trodden eggs and we it threw everything the complete one to the frying pan and later we turn until one sees made

    We wait a few minutes and I list to eat

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  60. How to play the trumpet.

    You only nedd a trumpet.

    1. Caught the trumpet with the hands.
    2. Put the mouthpiece in the center of the mouth.
    3. Caught air and kepp the air in the stomach.
    4. Blow hard.
    5. The sound start to exit in the trumpet.
    6. Put the fingers in the keys.
    7. Press the keys to play the musical scale.

    José Ángel Cea Torres 3ºA

  61. How to make a rice salad:
    -Cooked rice
    -Chopped lettuce
    -Boiled egg
    -Chopped tomato

    1.Dress all the ingredients with olive oil and salt.
    2.Mix very well
    3.Reserve in the refrigerator until serve

    Paula Delgado Román 3ºA

  62. How to play football.
    Only we will need a ball and, if we want to throw and to practise the shot, a desk. If we want to practise another series of things also we will need obstacles as cones, for example.
    Steps to play: We take the ball and put it in the soil or lawn, if we have other players to play with them, can make different exercises since spend the ball, haggle, practise the pass, etc. But there are players, we can become on one serious of exercises, as zigzag. And this way after time practising, you will learn to play football.

  63. How to throw in basketball
    1. Place opposite to the basket with your feet at a height of your shoulders.
    2. Place the ball in the position of "pocket".
    3. Support the ball correctly. Your hand of shot must be in such a way that the yolks of your fingers are perpendicular to the seam of the ball
    4. Push the ball up with the hand with which you throw.
    5. Stretch your legs and jump.
    6. Throw the ball.

    David Sanz Rodriguez
