miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Sherlock Holmes

We are going to read an original short story, A Scandal in Bohemia.

It is not an adapted story, so it is very difficult. Will you able to understand the most important parts of the story? You will have to skip the words you don't know and concentrate on the ones you understand.

Read pages 1 and 2 and send a summary of what you have understood to the blog.  This could be the beginning:  

"Sherlock Holes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. 
His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street..."

61 comentarios:

  1. -Page 1:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent, but very cold, like ice. His friend Dr. Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.
    -Page 2:
    Sherlock and Watson start to discuss about observing and watching. Then, Sherlock gives Watson a note that he received. In the note, it says that a man will arrive the chamber, asking for Sherlock's services. Then, Watson and Sherlock start to guess things, and they figure out that htis man can be german, and that the paper was from Bohemia.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  2. 1º Page:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend ,Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. Watson rang the bell and Sherlock opened him. Sherlock didn't recieve him effusively but Watson noticed that he was happy for seeing him. They started talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless. Watson was amazed by the skills that Sherlock still have and Sherlock said that him was careless.

    2º page:
    Sherlock said to Watson that he looks a lot of things but he doesn't observe meticulousness, he explains his deductions with the examples of his house stairs , later Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal information. Watson read carefully, in their note you can read that a man who Knows his work will appear probably with a mask at eight o'clock. Sherlock deduce that for the type of paper it has to be a rich man because tha paper couldn't be bought in a normal shop because it's very stong and stiffs. At the same time he realised that the paper wasn't English. Watson holded the note up to the light an he saw some initials (EgPGt).Sherlock asks Watson what can be deduce about the initials and he makes a mistake in the answer. So Sherlock explains the meaning of each letters and he get to the conclusion that the paper is from a factory in Bohemia(Germany). Only a German will use that type of expressions. Now we just have to discover why he prefered to came with a mask. Now we will discover the mystery( horses behicle sound).

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  3. 1º Page:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend ,Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. They started talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless.

    2º page:
    Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal information. In the note, it says that a man will arrive the chamber, asking for Sherlock's services. Watson holded the note up to the light an he saw some initials (Eg PGt). So Sherlock explains the meaning of each letters and he get to the conclusion that the paper is from a factory in Bohemia(Germany).

    Rocío Olivo García 3º ESO B

  4. First page:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice.
    His friend Watson is married.
    He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Second Page:
    Sherlock and Watson started discussing, but then, Sherlock threw Watson a paper, that was a letter.
    Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man, because of the type of paper.
    The note was from a German, and he deduce it because of the sentence written. They together deduced a lot of things ç, of course, and another thing that they guessed was that the paper was from Bohemia.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. In the first part Sherlock and Watson talk about Watson´s girlfriend Mary Jane and how Sherlock discover that Watson have a girlfriend a how his girlfriend make cuts on his shoes to clean the mud and Sherlock explain to Watson that he look but doesn´t observ he ask how many steps are in the stairs and watson don´t know because he look but he don observ and Sherlock knows that are 17 steps and Sherlock receive a pink letter without adress or writer
    in which is write that someone and they make a guess about who writes the note he is a wealthy man and that the paper is not from england

  7. 1ºPage:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. When they spoke Sherlock Holmes perceived that Watson was an active member of the medical profession.

    Sherlock and dr Watson talked about watch and oberve and Sherlock explained that it wasn't the same. When he finished, he showed to Watson a anonymous letter that he received. Between the two they could guess that the person who sent the letter was a rich Germany who wrote upon Bohemian paper.

  8. 1ºpage: Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    2ºpage: Sherlock gives Watson received a note, saying that a man reach the camera calling Sherlock services, to be discussing it with Watson realize that man could be German and that the letter was from Bohemia.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  9. In the page one:

    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    In page two:

    When Sherlock and Watson began to discuss, Sherlock surrender to Watson a onde notes. The note was undated.
    He deduce more things, the most importants:
    1. That the paper was from a rich man, for the type of paper.
    2. That the paper is not English.
    3. The initials (EgPGt), that deduce that:
    -The letter "G" with the small "t" is the word (Gesellschaft).
    - The letter "P", the word is (Papier).
    - The letters "Eg", the word is (Eglow).
    4. Finally he deduce that the paper was from form Bohemia.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3ºB

  10. -Page 1⬇
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent, but very cold, like ice. His friend Dr. Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street

    -Page 2⬇
    Sherlock and Watson talk and discuss about observing and watching.Watson a anonymous letter that he received.
    They talk and deduced things, and other thing, they guessed was that the paper was from Bohemia.

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. In the first page;
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice.
    His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    In the second page:
    Sherlock and Watson are talking when Sherlock think that a paper that is on his table can be interesting for Watson. Then, he throw it to Watson. They deduce that it is not an English paper, then they read the letter and they think that the person who wrote the letter is a German person and that the paper was made in Bohemia.

    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

  13. 1º page:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like a ice. His friend, Dr. Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    2º page:
    Sherlock and Watson start to talk and discuss about observing and watching. Later, Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal information, they think that the person who wrote the note is a German and he wrote the letter in a Bohemian paper.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  14. These are my summaries of pages 1 and 2

    Page 1 :
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr. Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. Holmes is happy to see his friend but he doesn't show it. He tells Watson that he's better since he's married. Holmes knows some things about Watson because he deduces them.

    Page 2 :
    Holmes tells Watson about his own deductions and Watson says him that all of this is very funny for him. Watson says that he can do all that Holmes does . Holmes says him that it's not true, he says that Watson sees , but he doesn't observe.
    Holmes shows Watson an anonymous note that he has recived. Watson reads it. It's very mysterious, they don't know what it means. After consider it, they find out that it's from a German but it was written in Bohemia.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  15. 1ºpage:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Sherlock and Watson are devating about the importance of observing. Then, Sherlock shows Watson a note that he received. In the note says that a man will arrive and ask for Sherlock's services. Then, Watson and Sherlock are deducing, and finally they think that the man that wrote the note is German and the paper of it is frome Bohemia.

    Ana Mª Castaño Candeas 3ºESO

  16. Page 1:
    Watson is describing his friend Holmes who he had seen little of lately. Is a person that never expresses emotion and has a cold, precise balanced mind. Holmes is a detective who lives and works in Baker street. One night Watson decides to visit Holmes. Holmes knows things about Watson and what he has been doing just obseving him.

    Page 2:
    Watson tell holmes that they deductions are very funny.
    Watson shows Holmes an anonymous letter and they realiced that it was written in Germany for the letters and how to write, but from Bohemia.

    Mª Victoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. 1ºPage:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend Dr. Watson is married. I have visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes Watson perceived That was member of the medical profession.Holmes is happy to see His friend but I have does not show it.
    Sherlock and Watson are reading the anonymous letter received Sherlock Holmes, they said that the letter was from a rich German and who had written on paper of bohemia.

    Zacarías Suárez Pérez 3ºB

  19. First part: Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like a ice. His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Second part: Sherlock and Watson are talking about a anonymous letter that Sherlock received. They observed the letter, and they came to the conclusion that the letter was
    written by a aleman man and that the paper was of Bohemia.

    Anabel Rodríguez 3ºB

  20. -Page 1:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent, but very cold, like ice. His friend Dr. Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.
    -Page 2:
    Sherlock and Watson start to discuss about observing and watching. Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man, because of the type of paper. Between the two they could guess that the person who sent the letter was a rich Germany who wrote upon Bohemian paper.

  21. PAGE 1º:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend ,Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. Watson rang the bell and Sherlock opened him. Sherlock didn't receive him effusively but Watson noticed that he was happy for seeing him.

    PAGE 2º:
    Sherlock and Watson are debating about the importance of observing.Sherlock and Watson started discussing, but then, Sherlock threw Watson a paper, that was a letter.Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man, because of the type of paper.Watson holded the note up to the light an he saw some initials (EgPGt). The note was from a German, and he deduce it because of the sentence written. They together deduced a lot of things and another thing that they guessed was that the paper was from Bohemia.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 3ºB

  22. First page:
    Sherlock Holmes is vey observer and he is very cold with the people. There is a woman called Irene Adler and he always call her “ the woman” .The narrator that is Watson is walking in the street and he visit Sherlock Holmes at his house. Here they are talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless.

    Second page:
    Sherlock Holmes give to Watson a note about a man that wants the services of Watson that is a doctor; but the note haven't got any information about the writer . They notice that there are some letters (EgPGt ) but he have to put the note on the light to see it. Sherlock think about the letters and then he notice that the note is from a factory in Bohemia, and they say that the this person wear a mask.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  23. Part 1 :
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr. Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Part 2
    Watson and Sherlock are reading the anonymous letter that Sherlock Holmes received before. They both think that this letter was written by a rich German

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  24. Part 1 :
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr. Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Part 2
    Watson and Sherlock are reading the anonymous letter that Sherlock Holmes received before. They both think that this letter was written by a rich German

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  25. A Scandal in Bohemia

    Page 1

    Sherlock Holmes works as a detective. He is a very intelligent but very cold person.
    His friend, Dr. Watson is married and he goes to visit him in Baker Street. When Sherlock see him, he tell him that he has seat in their armchair. Sherlock gives him a cigarette pack and a glass of spirit.

    Page 2

    Sherlock Holmes is in house with Watson, when he tell him that he is in a case in which there are a lot of money and the man who commissioned it is about to arrive home.
    When Watson see him, he thinks that he is a very tall man with the chest of Hercules and wearing very expensive clothes. The mistery man also was wearing a black mask. When he start to tell the story of the case Sherlock and Watson are surprised, because he say that it is a serious case that will affect to an European Royal Family, to be more concret a the Bohemia Royal Family. When the mas discovers his identity, both are amazed because it is the king himself

    By: Paco Reyes 3ºA

  26. Page 1:

    Sherlock Holmes is a detective , he is a very intelligent and cold men. His friend Watson is married. Watson visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Page 2:

    Sherlock received a anonymous letter , the letter said , that a men ask for the services of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock observed the letter and he discovered that this letter is from a rich man, for the type of paper, the paper was made in Bohemia, Germany , so the letter was wrote for a German.

    By:José David Díez Fuentes 3ºA

  27. A scandal in bohemia

    Page 1:

    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold. Dt Watson visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. They started talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless.

    Page 2:

    Sherlock and Watson start to discuss about observing and watching. Later Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal information.
    In the note, it says that a man will arrive the chamber, asking for Sherlock's services. They togueter will guess lot of things about the note and they think that the person can be german.

  28. Sherlock Holmes was a very intelillent and cold man he was a very famous detective. Watson his frind was walking near his house and visit Sherlock Holmes both change physically Holmes was very worried he was in a case.
    Sherlock recived a letter without a name the letter was from boemia they deduced that the letter was write by a German people.

    Santiago Jara Montero 3A

  29. Part 1:
    Sherlock holmes is very intelligent but very cold like ice
    His friend Doctor Watson visited here in baker street and then Sherlock Holmes said to Watson tha hie is in a case

    Part 2: Then Sherlock recive a paper and this paper is not a english paper because he saw a large E with a small g and p and a large G with a small t this paper is from Bohemia in Germany and the man also is a german because a german was uncourteous to his verbs.

  30. Page 1:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice.
    His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. Sherlock opened door and Watson said that he was very happy to see him.

    Page 2:
    Sherlock said to Watson that he looks a lot of things but he doesn't observe meticulousness, he explains his deductions with the examples of his house stairs. Later Sherlock and Watson started discussing, but then, Sherlock threw Watson a paper, that was a letter saying that a man reach the camera calling Sherlock services.

    Rocio Peña Carrera 3ºA

  31. A Scandal in Bohemia

    Page 1:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice.
    His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.One day, Watson the best friend of Sherlock Holmes, was walking in Baker Street and he decided to visit Sherlock.They started to talked about the physically changes.

    Page 2:
    Suddenly, Watson gives to Sherlock a letter. In it letter, a rich man said that he needed his services and they deduced that it was a letter from Bohemia written by a german person.

  32. Page 1:
    It analze Sherlock Holmes: he is a very intelligent detective, but he is very cold.He lived by cocaine and other drugs.It also analyze the firend of him, Dt Watson, he was completely happy with his marriage.The friend,Watson, visited Sherlock at his house in the Baker Street.The night of march in 1888, Watson visited Sherlock and they started to raise a conversation.

    Page 2:
    Sherlock and Watson discussed, and said that he don´t observe carefully,then Sherlock give to Watson a pink-tinted note-paper,and said:"Read it aloud".

    By:Lola Valverde González, 3ºA.

  33. A Scandal in Bohemia

    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man, because of the type of paper.
    The letter was from German person, together deduce a lot of things for example was a rich man and needed his

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  34. First page
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.
    Second page
    Sherlock and Watson talk and discuss about observing and watching.Watson a anonymous letter that he received.
    They talk and deduced things, and other thing, they guessed was that the paper was from Bohemia.

  35. A scandal in Bohemia

    Page 1: Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold. Dt Watson visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. They started talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless.The night of march in 1888, Watson visited Sherlock and they started to raise a conversation.

    Page 2: Sherlock and Watson start to discuss about observing and watching. Later Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal information.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA


    Page 1

    Sherlock Holmes is a very intelligent detective he is very cold, his friend Dt Watson is married and he visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Page 2

    Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal informátion, Sherlock deduce that for the type of paper it has to be a rich man, Watson holded the note up to the light and he saw some initials (EgPGt). Sherlock explain the meaning of each Letterman and he get to the conclusion that the paper is from a factory in Bohemia(Germany)

    José Manuel Méndez González 3 ° A

  37. 1º Page:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend ,Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.They started to talked about the physically changes. Sherlock Holmes knows some things about Watson already he knew them.
    2º page:
    Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal information. In the note you can read that a man who knows his work will appear with a mask at eight o'clock. Watson took the note and in it he saw some initals. Only a German use this type of communications.

  38. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  39. A Scandal in Bohemia.

    Page 1:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street and one night of March year 1888 they started to raise a conversations, about their physical changes and how Watson was carelees.

    Page 2:
    Sherlock Holmes shows to his friend Watson a note. In which says that a man will arrive the chamber asking for the sevices of Sherlock Holmes.
    Watson saw some initials (Eg PGt) in the note while watching this up to the light.
    Then after having examined the note fell into the conclusion that the man who wrote it was presumably well to do because it's a peculiarly strong and stiff. Also it's not an English paper.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco. 3ºA

    Sherlock Holes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice.
    His friend, Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.They started talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless.

    Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man becausethe type of paper is peculiar. The man who wrote the note is a German because the book was made in Bohemia. Later, they continued their review of paper.



    Page 1:
    Sherlock holmes is a very intelligent detective, but he is very cold.He lived by cocaine and other drugs.He has a friend called Dr. Watson,he is married and he vistit Holmes in Baker street.When Sherlock see him, he tell him that he has seat in their armchair.Sherlock gives him a cigarette pack and a glass of spirit.

    Page 2:
    Sherlock and Watson are devating about the importance of observing. Then, Sherlock shows Watson a anonymous note that he received.In the note,it says that a man will arrive the chamber, asking for Sherlock's services.They think that the man who wrote it was presumably well to do because it's a peculiarly strong and stiff. Also it's not an English paper.

    Manoli Domínguez Fuentes 3ºA

  42. Page 1
    The first page talk about that the famous Sherlock Holmes.He is a detective and it very intteligent.Him personality it very cold.Him friend is Dr Watson and Watson is married.One night in the year 1888 they started to talk about their physical changes.

    Page 2
    Sherlock shows Watson a anonymous note that he received,Then they deduced that who is a man.The man who wrote the note is a German because the book was made in Bohemia.

    It is very interesting

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  43. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  44. Page 1
    Sherlock Holmes are a detective very intelligent.His friend is Dr doctor Watson, he is married, one day in the year 1888 they started speaking about his physical changes.

    page 2
    One day sherlock show a note to Watson that there is received. They discover that a man wrotten the note. The man that sending the note age a German person, because the book was in German.

    Cristina Anton Llorente 3ºA

  45. Page 1
    The first page, talk about Sherlock Holmes that is very intelligent.His friend ,Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.Watson rang the bell and Sherlock opened him.They started talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless

    Page 2
    Sherlock said to Watson that he looks a lot of things but he doesn't observe meticulousness.Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived in the last post and without personal information. Watson read carefully, in their note you can read that a man who Knows his work will appear probably with a mask at eight o'clock. They discover the mystery. The man who wote the note is a German bescause the note was made in Bohemia.

    Manuel Reyes Loópez 3ºA

  46. the first page→is about the description of Sherlock Holmes, that is very intelligent and that is like a machine because is cold. Also it occurs that Dt Watson (his friend ) is married and they start to talk about the physical changes of him.

    the second page → Watson shows a note to Sherlock that had arrived in the last post and hasn't personal information and they discover that the man who wrote the note is from Germany because it was made there.

    Carmen Fraile Campos 3A

  47. Page 1

    Is about Sherlock that is a very intelligent detective. He has got a friend called Dr.Watson. They started to talk in the Baker Street about physical changes.

    Page 2

    Sherlock Holmes show to his friend Watson a note. He say that the note is from a German's rich men. The letter was from Boemia

    José Ángel Cea Torres 3A

  48. Page1: Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold and his friend Dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.

    Page2: Sherlock and Watson start to discuss about observing and watching. Later Sherlock shows Watson a note that had arrived. Watson saw some initials (Eg PGt) in the note. Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man and the man who wrote the note is a German because the book was made in Bohemia.

  49. 1° PAGE :

    Sherlock Holmes is a very intelligent person and cold. his friend Watson married. Watson goes to visit Sherlock and they start talking about one developed the physical changes that have .

    2° PAGE :

    Sherlock shows to Watson a letter he had arrived without personal information but Sherlock only with the paper know that is from a rich person and that is from Germany.

    Marta Reyes López 3°A

  50. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  51. First page: Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend, Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. They were talking about their changes in their aspects. Watson was surprised because he saw that Sherlock still preserved his good abilities.

    Second page: Watson received a note from Sherlock that said that a man will arrive the chamber, asking for Sherlock's services. They were investigating and they discovered that this note could be from a german person, concretly from Bohemia (Germany).

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºESO A

  52. Page 1
    Sherlock Holmes is a very intelligent person but he is very cold. Sherlock have a friend, Dt Watson that is married, he visit Sherlock in Baker street and they were talking about their changes but Sherlock have his good abilities.
    Page 2
    Sherlock Holmes and Dt Watson start to discuss about observing and watching. Then, Sherlock gives Watson a note that he received. In the note, it says that a man will arrive the chamber, asking for Sherlock's services. Then, Watson and Sherlock start to guess things and they now that the paper was from Bohemia.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3ªA

  53. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  54. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  55. Page 1:
    Sherlock is a very inteligent person but also is a very cold person. Dt watson is married and he visit sherlock un the bake street
    Page 2:
    Sherlock give to Watson a note aften they have disguss. In the note that a man will arrive the chamber asking sherlock's services. They investigate and find that the note is from bohemia

    Monte Fraile Campos 3A

  56. Page 1
    Sherlock is a detective that is very inteligent but is a cold and ice person. Dt Watson visit Sherlock in the Bake Street
    Page 2
    Sherlock give Watson a note that he recived that say that man will arrive to the Chambers asking for services of Sherlock. Sherlock is a good detective and with the help of Watson discover that the note is from Bohemia.
    Paula Delgado Román 3°A

  57. Page 1:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. When they spoke Sherlock Holmes perceived that Watson was an active member of the medical profession.

    -Page 2:
    Sherlock and Watson talk and discuss about observing and watching.Watson a anonymous letter that he received.
    They talk and deduced things, and other thing, they guessed was that the paper was from Bohemia.

    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA

  58. Page 1:
    Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent but very cold, like ice. His friend dr Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street. When they spoke Sherlock Holmes perceived that Watson was an active member of the medical profession.

    -Page 2:
    Sherlock and Watson talk and discuss about observing and watching.Watson a anonymous letter that he received.
    They talk and deduced things, and other thing, they guessed was that the paper was from Bohemia.

    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA

  59. FIRST PAGE:The first page, talk about Sherlock Holmes that is very intelligent.His friend ,Dt Watson is married. He visits Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.Watson rang the bell and Sherlock opened him.They started talking about their physical changes and how Watson was careless.

    SECOND PAGE:Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man becausethe type of paper is peculiar. The man who wrote the note is a German because the book was made in Bohemia. Later, they continued their review of paper.


  60. Page 1º: In this page we got a description of sherlock Holmes. He is a very intelligent person but also very could. He got a friend called Watson but he's married. Watson visit sherlock Holmes In his house in Baker Street.

    Page 2º:Sherlock and Watson talk about a note that Sherlock recived. This note was anonime. After Watch the note they deduce the nate was from bohemia.

    José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  61. Page 1:
    Sherlock is a very inteligent person but also is a very cold person.Sherlock have a friend, called Dt Watson that he is married, he visit Sherlock in Baker Street and they were talking about their changes.
    Sherlock and Watson start to discuss about observing and watching. Sherlock deduce that the paper was form a rich man, because of the type of paper. Between the two they could guess that the person who sent the letter was a rich Germany who wrote upon Bohemian paper.
    Miguel Angel Carmona Parra
