martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Shakespeare in Love

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  3. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at a party. But they come from families which hate each other. They are sure they will not be allowed to marry. Nevertheless, helped by Friar Laurence, they marry in secret instead. Unfortunately, before their wedding night Romeo kills Juliet's cousin in a duel, and in the morning he is forced to leave her. If he ever returns to the city, he will be put to death.

    Juliet's parents told her she must marry Paris. Her parents do not know she is already married. She refuses in the beginning, but later agrees because she plans to fake her death and escape to be with Romeo forever; again with the help of Friar Laurence.

    Frair Laurence designs the plan. He gives Juliet a sleeping potion. She appears to be dead and was put in a tomb. However, Romeo does not know about the plan, visits her grave, thinks she is dead, and kills himself. When Juliet finally wakes up, she discovers that Romeo is dead and then kills herself.

    Marta Ibáñez García 3ºB

  4. Love, despite being reciprocated, it is impossible, since Viola is already engaged to another man. However, neither of the two protagonists is willing to dissolve their love just like that.
    Viola, who in addition to William, love theater desperately disguises himself as an actor (as at this time women could not perform in the theater) and performs the test to get the lead role in the last work of Shakespeare. This at first does not know, but later just realizing. Thereafter, both passionately live all kinds of moments and situations, from the funniest to the most dramatic, passing yes.

    Claudia Carmona Román 3ºB

  5. The young William Shakespeare suffers a total blockage in his inspiration. Even if tries it, and despite the pressure received from the owners of the theaters unable to concentrate on the writing of his new work. While acts in a play for the Queen meets Viola, the daughter of a nobleman. He falls for her, even if you are sure that would not make her case while it manages to dance and talk to her, because she is compromiso. Viola, who love the theater,pretends to be a man and makes a test done to be able to act in the last shakespeare's work. From the day of the work, Shakespeare and Viola will pass happy moments and dramatic moments, and also through the best moments of romance.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  6. William Shakespeare was a writer but one day he didn't have the inspiration and when he feels in love with Viola, that was the daughter of a nobleman, the inspiration come again.
    Viola loves the theater and she want to act but women can not act but she dresses like a man.
    Shakespeare didn't know that she was Viola because Viola was like a man but when he knows that she was Viola they feels in love. Viola must married with other man and she didn't want to married because she is in love with William.
    The day of the wedding Viola went to the premiere of “Romeo and Juliet” and she act with the character of Juliet.
    The police arrived to the theater and saw that a women was acting but the people liked.
    In the end Viola went to America with her husband and William was thinking about her writing novels.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

  7. The movie start with the young shakespeare, that he wasn´t inspirated, he was in a aventure prostitute, and he strart to write a play, the next day he see his girlfriend with another man and he broke the play. The next day he start to write another, and in the play it appared a ``man´´ that represented romeo and shakespeared discover that he was a woman, and law representand appared and he discover the woman and he closed the theater, and in the end they represent the play in the rival´s and the queen accept that in the theater can play woman and they lived happy

    by:Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 3ºA

  8. By: Ángel Fraile Delgado

    William Shakespeare suffer a blockage when he falls in love with Viola the daughter of a nobleman who doesn´t want william shakespeare to be the housband of her daughter when he falls in love he finds the inspiration
    and he started writing romeo and juliet a romance , tragedy in the play viola act and this is ilegal and they have some problems with the Fryar

    Shakespeare is a writter but this writter dont have the inspiration to writte a novel. Then he meet a woman and he fall in love with this man but this man is a prostitute and Shakespeare falls in a depression. One day Shakespeare meet Viola a nobleman daughter. Viola fall in love with shakespeare and shakespeare fall in love with Viola. But the nobleman dont want Shakespeare like his daughter boyfriend and then Viola and Shakespeare meet hide. But the nobleman want to marry his daughter with another nobleman but Viola doesnt want this. Then Shaskespeare write his novel. the name is Romeo and Juliet and he dont plays in the theatre because one actor is a girl and then he plays the novels in another theatre. Then Viola go to the new world and Shakespeare falls in depression again.
