martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Telephone conversations

Telephone conversations
Telephone conversations 2
Your adaptation of Romeo and Juliet should include a telephone conversation. Send this scene to the blog.

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  2. Telephone conversation between Laura and Ana:
    Laura: Is Ana in?
    Ana: Yes, I'm. What do you need?
    Laura: Can you come quiclky to Saltera's council?
    Ana: OK, for?
    Laura: Please come here. Later I'll explain it to you later.
    Ana: OK, in 5 minutes I'll be there.
    Laura: Thanks!

  3. Dialogue

    A friend of Pedro called Kiko call at Pedro's house:
    Kiko: Is Pedro there?
    Pedro's mother: Yes, just hang on one second.
    Pedro: Hello?
    Kiko: Hi, I have to tell you a very bad new.
    Pedro: What happen?
    Kiko: Julia hang on herserlf this morning.
    Pedro: What? I can't believe it!
    Kiko: I think you have to go there, right?
    Pedro: Yes, I think too. Bye thanks, see you soon.
    Kiko: You're welcome. Sorry for all.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno, Irene Montañés Ramos and Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

    -Clara Pérez López.
    -Rocío Olivo García.
    -María Escudero Parra.
    -Belén Torres Delgado.

    SCENE 3-

    Valentina(Belén): Hello?

    Valentina's mother(Clara): Valentina, Where are you?, It's late.

    Valentina: Mum, I am finishing a work, but I already heading home. See you soon.

    Valentina's mother: Don't be late, your father and me are very worried. Who are you with?

    Valentina : No mum, I'm going. I'm with a classmate.

    Valentina's mother: Is Antonio?

    Valentina: mmm... no, It's a new classmate.

    Valentina's mother: Ok, you'll tell me later.

    Valentina:Good bye mum!

    Valentina'a mother : Bye!

  5. Telephone conversation between Iván and Zacarías:
    Ivan:Hello,who is?
    Zacarias:Is Ivan there,please?
    I:Yes, I am
    Z:Hi Ivan I am very worry because my mother saw our conversation and she was angry.
    I:Ohhh, is a big problem. What are we going to do?
    Z:I have thought of scape
    I:That is dangerous
    Z:My battery is low and my mother is come to my bedroom. Bye bye
    I:Byee,tomorrow see you in the Mcdonalds my love

    Conversation between Zacarias' mother and Ivan's mother:
    Zacarias' mother:Is the Ivan's mother there please?
    Ivan's mother:Yes, I am , I want with talk to you because I have heard a conversatiton of nmy son with Ivan and they decided to scape.
    Zacarias' mother:Oh my good , why?
    Ivan's mother: Because they are in love , what can we do?
    Zacarias' mother:Oh , I don't know, tomorrow see you and talk about this.

    Project by:
    Zacarías Suárez
    Lucía García
    Iván Suárez
    Anabel Rodríguez

  6. Scene 2 (telephone conversation):

    Gloria: Hello, is it Stiles?

    Stiles: Yes, it´s me.

    Gloria: Hi, my dear friend! I was asking for help on but I couldn't find it so I will need yours.

    Stiles: Ok, tell me.

    Gloria: My parents are going to marry me with Ruben but the person that I really love is Melo, so I need a plan to avoid it.

    Stiles: Right, let me think about it. I call you later.

    Gloria: Thank you, bye!

    Ten minutes later...

    Gloria: Hi Stiles, I was impatient for this call, what have you planned?

    Stiles: Hello, I know. That's why I have think it very quickly, but I think it's a good plan:
    So, as I know a little bit of karate, I can make you a hold, so that you look like you are dead, and then your family will bury you in your family's tomb.

    Gloria: Ok, and then? I hope this doesn't end like that.

    Stiles: No! After that, at night, Melo will come and get you out the tomb to go to Tomorrowland with the plain tickets that he will buy.

    Gloria: Wow! That's a great plan, I hope it works. Thank you very much! Let's do it tomorrow. Bye!

    Stiles: Yeah! I know it will work perfectly. Bye!


    Rocío Cotán Pallares
    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Perez
    Sol Benítez Reyes
    Ana María Castaño Candeas

    3ª ESO B

  7. "Montagues then receives a call"

    Montagues: Hello? What? Pasame with it !! You're good? Come on there !!
    Montagues: Homeboys band Snake kidnapped my wife.
    Romeo: "Shout to the members of the band" Come, by Mr Montagues.
    "Everyone leaves local and mounted on their bikes.

    End of the first act.

  8. Telephone conversation between the mayors in the first scene.

    -Mayor villalba's middle: Hello, is the mayor of villalba's left there, please?
    -Mayor villalba's left: Yes. It's me what is the matter you called me?
    -Mayor villalba's middle: I like to invited you and your family to go to a concert of a very good singer called Robustiana. Will be the next night.
    -Mayor villalba's left: …... Ok, I think that could be good idea, Thanks for calling
    -Mayor villalba's middle: Perfect, see you later!
    -Mayor villalba's left: See you soon!

    Now, talk with the mayor of Villalba's right.
    -Mayor villalba's middle: Hello, is the mayor of Villalba's right there, please?
    -Mayor villalba's right: Yes, It's me, I'm very happy to have a telephone conversation with you.
    -Mayor villalba's middle:I would like to invite you tu eat with me these night to tell you something important about a party.
    -Mayor villalba's right: …. I thing that is not a good idea becouse we are to tired
    -Mayor villalba's middle : Well, no problem this night talk about it.
    -Mayor villalba's right: ok see ,you later.

    Paula Delgado Roman
    Monte Fraile Campos
    Sara Alvarez Perez
    Lola Valverde Gonzalez

  9. Narator: One day Juan talking by the telephone with Antigua to give him the telephone number of Ana. Antigua sent the telephone and he was nervious to talking with Ana. He talked with Ana:

    Juan: Hi Ana! I´m Juan the friend of Antigua.

    Ana: Ah, hello how are you?

    Juan: Good, thank you. And you?

    Ana: Very Good, thanks

    Juan: you want to metting with me today?

    Ana: Ok, but at what time? I´ve got English class at eight o´clock.

    Juan: Yes, we can meet at half past five.

    Ana: Ok, see you later.

    Juan: Ok bye

    Jose Manuel Méndez Gónzalez
    Marta Reyes López
    Manuel Reyes López
    Rocío Peña Carrera

  10. Cristina Antón 3ºA
    Manoli Domínguez 3ºA
    Carmen González 3ºA

    Telephone Conversations

    Erick: Amy,Aaron will not let us live in peace.

    Amy:I know it,but what can we do?

    Erick:I think we should die together and so be together forever in peace.

    Amy:I'm afraid,but if it is with you,I'll do it.

    Erick:I love you Amy Wood!!!

    Amy:I love you Erick Harrison!!

  11. Leonor's mum: Hello? Are you Leonor?
    Leonor: Yes, I am.
    Leonor's mum: And where are you??!! It's too late!!
    Leonor: I am in the library mum. Wait a moment and I will arrive home.
    Leonor's mum: OK. Don't take too long.
    Leonor: All right. Bye!
    Leonor's mum: Bye.


    Narrator: Leonor went to her bedroom very unhappy and crying. When she stopped crying and she was calmer, she took the phone and called Jonny.
    Leonor: Jonny are you?
    Jonny: Yes, are you OK?
    Leonor: No, I have to tell you something...
    Jonny: Leonor what happened?
    Leonor: My mother doesn't want me to have a gypsy boyfriend.
    *Jonny hanged up the phone call*

    Eva Fernández Franco
    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo
    Nati Montero Cotán
    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera

    3º ESO A.

  12. 'Romeo called Juliet for meet'
    Romeo: Hello! Is it Juliet?
    Juliet: Yes, it´s me.
    Romeo: Could you meet with me?
    Juliet: Yes, is a good idea. Where?
    Romeo: In the cafe that is in front of the library
    Juliet: I love this place. At six o'clock?
    Romeo: Perfect. See you later.
    Juliet: Good bye.

    Desirée Rodríguez González
    Carmen Fraile Campos
    Verónica González Sevilla

  13. Lila:Hello Joan,Do you want to come to my house?
    Joan:Yes I do, at what time I go to your house?
    Lila: You can come at seven o'clock.
    Joan:Do I have to carry something?
    Lila: No ,y parents are going to prepare everything.
    Joan:Okey, see you later.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres
    Antonio Manuel Gonzalez Garcia
    Jose David Diez Fuentes
    Miguel Angel Carmona Parra

  14. conversation
    AMBULANCE:hello,is Andrés in?
    ANDRÉS:yes I am
    AMBULANCE:Your grilfriend isn here with us, she is very ill.
    ANDRÉS:What happened?
    AMBULANCE:Your wife is very illand you weren't at home.
    ANDRÉS:I am going to go there
    BARBARA:I'm already better. If you want don't come
    Marta Barba Granados3ºA
    Paco Reyes Madrid
    Elena Bautista LINDE

  15. Telephone conversation:
    Sergio:Hello is Fernando in
    Fernando:Hello Sergio what do you want
    Sergio: If you are going to go to the cinema with me
    Fernando: Yes I say you before
    Sergio:Ok see you later
    Fernando: Bye Bye.
