miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet----

 Romeo and Juliet scenes

 The Globe Theatre----

Write an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet to modern times using the summary of the first link and send it to the blog.

49 comentarios:

  1. S: Romeo and Juliet- the Kid Version
    BC: Made by two best friends (: | Tina and Lyssa
    FC: By: Alyssa Slack and Christina Suchomel | Romeo and Juliet The Kid Version
    1: Dedicated to Mrs. McGee for being a great language teacher Made in January 2010 at Columbus Middle School
    2: Once upon a time, in a city far away called Verona lived two families, the Montagues and the Capulets. For years their families have been fighting for a iPhone.
    3: <- The Montagues | The Capulets ->
    4: Romeo, a Montague was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Juliet in Instagram and he fall in love with her. Juliet was a Capulet set to marry Paris but after meeting Romeo that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married in meetic.com, in a private virtual church so no one knows but the Nurse and Friar Laurance.
    6: One day Romeo and Mercutio were play fighting with Tybalt and other Capulets. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo became furious because Mercutio was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Tybalt and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Verona, and this makes Juliet very sad, and she closed his Twitter.
    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Paris.
    11: Juliet then goes to Friar Laurance for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Paris.
    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a coke that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Capulet's tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Verona to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the coke and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Benvolio sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.
    15: Romeo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy a bottle of enchanted Ron Barcelo and rides a horse to the Capulet's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Capulets and Montegues find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    Victor Bejarano Guzman 3B

  2. Romeo and Juliet- the Kids Version - Page Text Content
    2: Nowadays, in a town nearby called Gerena live two families, the Montagues and the Capulets. For months their families have been fighting.
    3: <- The Muñoz | The Molinas ->
    4: Romeo, a Muñoz was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. Last week he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a Molina set to marry Paris but after meeting Romeo that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, on Thursday, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married, in a private church, in Albaida, so no one knows but the Nurse and Friar González..
    6: On Saturday, Romeo and Mercutio were play fighting with Tybalt and other Molinas. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo became furious because Mercutio was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Tybalt and killed him.
    8: When the Olivare's Lord Mayor finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Gerena, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Paris.
    11: Juliet then goes to Friar González for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Paris.
    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink an insecticide that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Molina's tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Gerena to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the insecticide and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Benvolio sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.
    15: Romeo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Molina's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Muñoz and Molinas find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina,3ºB.

  3. S: Romeo and Juliet of the children's version

    BC: Manufactured by two best friends (: | Tina and Lyssa

    FC: By: Alyssa Slack and Christina Suchomel | Romeo and Juliet The Kid Version

    1: Dedicated to Mrs. McGee for being a great teacher of languages ​​Done in January 2016 in High School Heliche

    2: There was once, in a town called Olivares lived two families, Suarez and Ruíz. For years, families have been struggling.

    3: <- Los Suarez | The Ruíz ->

    4: Romeo a Montague was in love with a girl who did not want him back. One day he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Julieta Ruiz was set to marry Paris, but after meeting Romeo that was not an option.

    5: The next day Romeo and Juliet express their love to marry in a public church.

    6: One day, Romeo and Mercutio were a fighting game with Theobald and other Ruíz. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo was furious because Mercutio was his best friend. And then he went after Tybalt Romeo and killed him.

    8: When the prince learns what happened, he is very angry. Olivares banishes Romeo and Juliet this makes very sad.

    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together parents establish a link between Juliet and Paris.

    11: Juliet then goes to Friar Laurance for help with a plan to get married Romeo and Paris.

    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a juice that will make you sleep for 68 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then your family will be buried in the tomb of Romeo Ruiz and night come to look and take it away from Olivares live.

    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the juice and everyone thinks she is dead and bury in the grave. the servant of Romeo, Benvolio sees this and goes to tell Romeo immediately.

    15: Romeo does not receive the whatsapp that tells about the plan because it was not a disease among people and no one was allowed to pass. So when he finds out that Juliet is dead, he will buy mataratas and riding a horse at the tomb of Ruíz

    17: Then, right in front of Juliet is killed by drinking the mataratas. | Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and realizes mataratas bottle, so try to drink some of it too. After she realizes that there is more to the left takes his knife and stabs.

    18: When Suarez Ruíz and find out about secret love Romeo and Juliet, ashamed and end the FUED family always.

    Once upon a time, in a Spanish town, called Seville, lived two friends groups. For years this groups have been fighting.
    Romeo, a boy of one of the two groups was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a girl of the other group of friends, and her family were forced she to marry with Paris but after meeting Romeo, she wanted even less.
    The next day, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married even with the age of 15, but the parents of Juliet didn't know anything. But, when she talk they about this they were very angry! And she was punished without going with her friends.
    One day Romeo and Mercutio were face at a football match in the PlayStation, fighting with Tybalt and other friends of the other group. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt brokes Mercutio's mobile phone and Romeo became furious because Mercutio was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Tybalt and broken his mobile phone too.
    When the Juliet's mother finds out about what happened, she is very angry. She prohibits to Juliet see Romeo again. And this makes Juliet very sad.
    Since only a one of the all of their friends knew about their love, Friar Laurance , Juliet call he for help on a plan to she could escape and went with Romeo far.
    The plan is for Juliet to drink a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her mother will bury her in the tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Seville to live.
    The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Benvolio sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.
    Romeo doesn't get the Whatsapp that tells about the plan because Juliet didn't have Megas enough to send the message. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and he wento to take the bus to the Juliet's tomb.
    Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she runs to buy a pillbox and she drinks there to die at his side.
    When the the two groups of friend find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the friends forever. They grew up together and repent all of their lives of this adolescents' fight that ended with Romeo and Juliet's lives.

    Anabel Rodríguez Silva, 3ºB


    This is the story of two teenagers that were in the University of Seville, when they were studying the medical career.
    Abdul was a muslim boy who arrived in Seville to study because his parents moved to Spain to work.
    Throw fate he met Valentina, who would became the only love of his life and therefore would fight against all odds to be with her.
    Valentina was a sevillian girl with very conservative parents.
    They met at university because the microbiology professor ordered them to do a project together. They had barely seen in the three year of career, but fate brought them each other together. The fell in love at first side, a chemical reaction made them realized that they were meant for each other.
    At first their relationship was secret for fear of their families,as both knew that their love was impossible.
    Nevertheless,they were both willing to do anything to be together. After several months of living together unforgettable moments they decided to make public thair courtship and tell their families that they wanted to marry.Abdul and Valentina went separately to tell their parents what they felt ,but both families refused to accept such a relationship.
    Abdul's parents had already commited him to a muslim girl since childhood, and they weren't willing to give up. The parents of Valentina being so conservative and not conceiving that their daughter marry a muslim.
    Both are very distressed without the approval of their parents but what they felt was beyond what their families wanted and continued their relationship.
    Abdul's and Valentina's parents now that they knew of the relationship, tried to separate them in the most cruel ways that we can't imagine. They were separated, they got other people involved to separate them and they were publically humiliated but despite everything to them their love decided what the only way was to have a child. A so pure and intimate link would never separate them. And so it was that, Abdul and Valentina despite their beliefs made love for a while until she became pregnant. That time was magical for them and the fact they conceive the fruit of their love made them stonger.
    Both met their relatives and gave them the news of there pregnancy, there parents saw that they couldn't do anything to separate them and they understood that despite cultural differences between the two families , their love was sincere and they deserved to be together, and that's how Abdul and Valentina lived this beautiful and at the same time traumatic LOVE STORY.

    THE END !

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Romeo and Juliet- the Kids Version - Page Text Content

    S: Romeo and Juliet- the Kid Version

    BC: Made by two best friends (: | Tina and Lyssa

    FC: By: Alyssa Slack and Christina Suchomel | Romeo and Juliet The Kid Version

    1: Dedicated to Mrs. McGee for being a great language teacher Made in January 2010 at Columbus Middle School

    2: Once upon a time, in a town far away called Olivares lived two families, the Olivo and the García. For years their families have been fighting.

    3: <- The Olivo| The García ->

    4: Romeo, a Olivo was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a García set to marry Madrid but after meeting Romeo that wasn't a option.

    5: The next day, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married, in a town hall, by the Lord Major, called Fernando.

    6: One day Romeo and Roberto were play fighting with Carlos and other García. When things got a little out of control, Carlos killed Roberto and Romeo became furious because Roberto was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Carlos and killed him.

    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Olivares, and this makes Juliet very sad.

    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Londres.

    11: Juliet then goes to Fernando for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Londres.

    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the García tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Olivares to live.

    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Miguel sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.

    15: Romeo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the García tomb.

    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.

    18: When the García and Olivo find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.



    Recently in a village called Olivares lived two families, the Pérez and the López.

    They didn't get along because a day they had an accident and one of the López died. The López never forgive that.

    A day Lucas , a Pérez went a party where he knew María López. He started to feel something for María. He tried to talk to her but he couldn't.

    The next day he went to María's house. María toll him that there could not speak. So they went to a park to talk. There María and Pérez expressed their feeling.

    They says theirs families what had happened. The López couldn't understand how she felt something after death a family member because of him. So any family approved this love.

    This love grew so the only option that he had was to escape together. At four of the morning they took a car and they went where the fate throws at them.

    When families realized they came together to look they. A misfortune occurred when they found they could see that the car was upside down and threw a lot of smoke. They had an accident!

    They called an ambulance but it was too late.The both had a big thumb and they died.

    The families were ashamed and they felt guilty.

    The next day was the funeral. And families stop arguing.

    María and Lucas died but their love is still there where they went.


  9. Two or three years ago, in a city not so far away called California lived two families, the Dunphys and the Holloways. For years their families have been estranged,they were enemies.
    John, a Dunphy was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Elisabeth on Meetic and fell in love with her. Elisabeth was a Holloway set to marry Henry but after meeting John that wasn't an option.
    The next day, John and Elisabeth go on a date and express their love by posting a photo on Instagram,so no one of their families will know it, only their friends and followers (they had a private account).
    One day John and Marc were play fighting with Terry and other Holloways. When things got a little out of control, Terry broke Marc's mobile phone and John became furious because Marc was his best friend and now he is very sad. So John then went after Terry and broke his mobile phone also.
    When the Lord Mayor finds out about what happened, he is very angry because in this city he is who pays all the mobile phones. He banishes John from California because he doesn't want to have more broken mobile phones or other problems, and this makes Elisabeth very sad.
    Since Elisabeth parents don't know that John and Elisabeth are together, they force her to get married with Henry.
    Elisabeth then goes to Friar Luke for help on a plan to get with John and not marry Henry.
    The plan is for Elisabeth to take a tablet that will make her sleep for 48 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Holloway's tomb and by night John will come and get her and take her away from California to live together.
    The next day the plan goes well and Elisabeth takes the tablet and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. John's friend, Nathan, sees this and sends a message through WhatsApp to tell John right away.
    John doesn't receive the message that tells about the plan because there wasn't WiFi in his house. So when he hears that Elisabeth is dead, he goes to buy tablets and drives his car to the Holloway's tomb.
    Then, right in front of Elisabeth he kills himself by taking some tablets. Elisabeth then wakes up and finds John dead. She looks at him and notices the empty box of tablets, so she tries to take one more tablet but the box is completely empty so she takes his gun and shoots herself.
    When the Holloways and Dunphys find out about John and Elisabeth's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family feud forever.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  10. 2: Once upon a time, in a distant country to our call Mexico lived two families, the Montenegro and the Gomez Luna. For years their families have you face.
    3.<< Montenegros / Gomez Luna>>
    4: David, a Gomez Luna was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Regina and fell in love with her. Regina was a Montenegro set to marry Alberto but after meeting David that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, David and Regina express their love each other.
    6: One day David and her friend Pablo were doing business with Teodoro and other Montenegros. When things got a little out of control, Teodoro killed Pablo and David became furious because Pablo was his best friend. So David then went after Julio and shot him.
    8: When the father's David finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes David from his house , and this makes Regina very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that David and Regina are together her parents set up a marriage between Regina and Alberto.
    11: Regina then goes to Wshington for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Paris.
    12: The plan is for Regina was fleeing in the place where it was David and be with him and never find them.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Regina goes without saying anythingsand his family is worried.
    15: David does not know of this plan because the message of Regina didn't come and he returns homes, to go from Montenegro's home to fight for Regina and love.
    17: Regina learns when it comes back as quickly as possible and go her home where ir David, his father and her father.
    18: Regina and David will explain everythings and the two parents leand realize that their children are more important than buisness and bury the hatchet for David and Regina can be comfortable together

    Rocío Navarro Campos 3B

  11. Romeo and Juliet- the Kids Version - Page Text Content
    2: Once upon a time, in a town far away called Salteras lived two families, the Montagues and the Capulets. For years their families have been fighting.
    3: <- The Garcia | The Fernandez->
    4: Romeo, a Garcia was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. Last week he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a Fernandez set to marry Paris but after meeting Romeo that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day on Friday, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married, in a private church, in Olivares, so no one knows but the Nurse and Friar Gelo.
    6: On Sunday, Romeo and Mercutio were play fighting with Tybalt and other Fernandez. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo became furious because Mercutio was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Tybalt and killed him.
    8: When the Albaida's Lord Mayor finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Salteras, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Paris.
    11: Juliet then goes to Friar Gelo for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Paris.
    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a insecticide that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Fernandez's tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Salteras to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the insecticide and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Benvolio sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.
    15: Romeo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Fernandez's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Garcia and Fernandez find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  12. Once upon a time, in a town far away called Olivares lived two families, the Fraile´s and the Gonzalez. For years their families have been fighting.
    <- The Fraile´s | The Gonzalez ->
    Sergio, a Fraile was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Laura and fell in love with her. Laura was a Gonzalez set to marry Jose but after meeting Sergio that wasn't a option.
    The next day, Sergio and Laura express their love by getting married, in a city council so no one knows only the Lord Mayor.
    One day Sergio and Juan were play fighting with Manolo and other Gonzalez. When things got a little out of control, Manolo killed Juan and Sergio became furious because Juan was his best friend. So Sergio so then went after Manolo and killed him.
    When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Sergio from Olivares, and this makes Laura very sad.
    Since no one knows that Sergio and JLaura are together her parents set up a marriage between Laura and Jose.
    Laura then goes to the Lord Mayor for help on a plan to get with Sergio and not marry Jose.
    The plan is for Laura to drink a coke with a tablet that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Gonzalez tomb and by night Sergio will come and get her and take her away from Cordoba to live.
    The next day the plan goes well and Laura drinks the coke and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Sergio's servant, Agustin sees this and goes to tell Sergio right away.
    Sergio doesn't get the e-mail that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Laura is dead, he took a knife and rides a horse to the Gonzalez tomb.
    Then, right in front of Laura he kills himself with yhe knife. | Laura then wakes up and finds Sergio dead. She looks at him and see the knife, so she tries to kill himself also . After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    When the Fraile´s and Gonzalez find out about Sergio and Laura´s secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  13. Once upon a time, in a town far away called Olivares lived two families, the Cotans and the Garcías. For years their families have been angry among them.
    3: <- The Cotans | The Garcías ->
    4: Mario, a Cotans was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Berta and fell in love with her. Berta was a Garcías set to marry Madrid but after meeting Mario that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Mario and Berta express their love by getting married, in a private church so no one knows but the police-officer and Jose Manuel Casas.
    6: One day Mario and Rafael were doing a motorbike race with Nacho and other Garcías. When things got a little out of control, Nacho run over Rafael and Mario became furious because Rafael was his best friend. So Mario then went after Nacho and killed him with a razor.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Mario from Olivares, and this makes Berta very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Mario and Berta are together her parents set up a marriage between Berta and Madrid.
    11: Berta then goes to Jose Manuel Casas for help on a plan to get with Mario and not marry Madrid.
    12: The plan is for Berta to get into a tomb for 24 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the García's tomb and by night Mario will come and get her and take her away from Olivares to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Berta go into the tomb and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Mario's servant, Marcelino sees this and goes to tell Mario right away.
    15: Mario doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a plague between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Berta is dead, he takes his razor and his motorbike and goes to the García's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Berta he kills himself by cutting his head.| Berta then wakes up and finds Mario dead. She looks to the ground and sees his head, so she tries to kill her too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Garcías and Cotans find out about Mario and Berta's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

  14. My story:

    Once upon a time, in a town called Albaida lived two families, the Gelos and the Garcia. For years their families have been fighting.

    Romeo, a Gelo One day he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a Garcia. but Juliet force her to marry another man

    The next day, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married, in a private church.

    A day Romeo fight with a man who killed his best friend, then killed the man Romeo

    When the Prince finds out about what happened, He banishes Romeo from Verona, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    Juliet's parents make marry another man

    Julieta makes a plan The plan is Juliet Coca cola drinks and try to pretend that the dead to be buried and meets secretly romeo and live with romeo...

    But the plan did not include Romeo and when going to the tower mocha albaida and sees Juliet dead, climb the tower and pulled down

    Juliet was not dead then to wake up and see a dead romeo driving a motorcycle and buy poison made it to the coke and drink it

    When gelo garcia family and learn of the tragedy are forgiven and are happy.

    Lucía García González 3ºB

  15. Once upon a time, in a city far away called Seville lived two political parties, the PPs and the PSOEs. For years their parties have been fighting.

    Mariano, a PP was in love with Rita Barberá, a PP that didn't love him back. One day he met Susana and fell in love with her. Susana was a PSOE set to marry Manuel Chaves but after meeting Mariano that wasn't an option.

    The next day, Mariano and Susana express their love by a photo in Instagram, in a private account so no one knows but the supporters.

    One day Mariano and Jorge were play fighting with Pedro Sánchez and other PSOEs. When things got a little out of control, Pedro accused Jorge in the case NOOS and Mariano became furious because Jorge was his best worker. So Mariano then went after Pedro and accused him.

    When the King Felipe VI finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Mariano from Seville, and this makes Susana very sad.

    Since no one knows that Mariano and Susana are together her parents set up a marriage between Susana and Manuel.

    Susana then goes to Pablo Iglesias, one of the supporter, for help on a plan to get with Mariano and not marry Manuel.

    The plan is for Susana to take pills for sleep, called Valerian that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's de in coma. Then her family will take her to the hospital and then a false doctor will say Susana is dead. In the PSOEs deathwatch Mariano will come and get her and take her away from Spain to live.

    The next day the plan goes well and Susana take the pills and everyone thinks she's in coma and then dead and moved to the deathwatch. Mariano´s sister, Pepa sees this and send to him a Gmail to tell Mariano right away.

    Mariano doesn't get the Gmail that tells about the plan because there wasn´t Internet. So when he hears that Susana is dead, he goes to buy lethal drugs and take a limousine to the deathwatch.

    Then, right in front of Susana he kills himself by smoking the drugs. Susana then wakes up and finds Mariano dead. She looks at him and notices the drug´s cigarette butt, so she tries to smoke some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.

    When the PPs and PSOEs find out about Mariano and Susana's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the political feud forever.

    Ana Mª Castaño Candeas 3ºB

  16. Once upon a time, in a city far away called Poodies lived two families, the Somerhalders and the Pettyfers. For years their families have been fighting. Melo, a Somerhalder girl, was in love with a girl that didn't love her back. One day she met Gloria and fell in love with her. Gloria was a Pettyfer set to marry Rubén but after meeting Melo, that wasn't a option, because she realized that she loved girls, and that she loved one only girl, Melo.

    The next day, Melo and Gloria express their love by updating their state on facebook from 'single' to 'married', and by posting a photo with the gay flag at the background and eating donuts.

    One day, Melo and Markimoo were fighting in a whatsapp group with Ian and other Pettyfers. When things got a little out of control, Markimoo got offended because of Ian's insults, and Melo became furious, because Markimoo was her best friend. So Melo disliked all of Ian's videos on YouTube, and posted hate comments and spam in all of them.

    When Mr. YouTube finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Melo from YouTube and Poodies, and this makes Gloria very sad.

    Since no one knows that Melo and Gloria are together her parents set up a marriage between Gloria and Rubén. Gloria then goes to Ask.fm for help on a plan to get with Melo and not marry Rubén. But, since the only messages that she got was from stupid (and gross) 12 year old boys, she went to visit her even better friend, Stiles, and he helped her.

    The plan is for Stiles to make a hold to Gloria that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then, her family will bury her in the Pettyfers' tomb and, by night, Melo will come and get her and take her away from Poodies to Boom, in Belgium, because they both would liked to go to Tomorrowland, the music festival.

    The next day the plan goes well and Stiles make Gloria the hold, and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Melo's servant, Rush sees this and goes to tell Melo right away. Melo doesn't get the direct message on Twitter that tells her about the plan because she run out of battery on her phone. So when she hears that Gloria is dead, she goes to the street, to where she left her car, and goes to the Pettyfers' tomb. Then, right in front of Gloria she kills herself by going to the 'Monument to Poods',because it was near, and throwing herself from the top.

    Gloria then wakes up and finds Melo dead. She looks at her and notices all the blood and that she doesn't breathe, so she goes to the parking, take her car, and tries to stamp it into the 'Monument to Poods'.

    After, she realizes that there are some people in the building that she don’t want to kill, so she decides to leave a goodbye message on her Twitter account and then, she goes to the nearest Ikea to buy a knife and, then, she stabs herself.

    When the Somerhalders and Pettyfers find out about Melo and Gloria's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family feud forever.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  17. In a town called pistachio were two families that were fought. These two families were that of Suarez and that of Perez.

    In these two families they hated gays because they were too gross and very big men.

    In the family of the Suarez the small boy named Ivan and in the family of the Perez the small boy named Zacarias.

    The parents of these two men always told that because they had a girlfriend and they ledecian that later.

    What we did not know is that the two young children of families loved and to know that their families would not accept to be fought and over by hating gays, they decided to make a plan to get married and live a life together.

    First hired a car to escape together but neither knew how to drive, looked on the internet a church and a priest to marry and found poderles Olivares a village far from Pistachio.

    One day in the early morning when everyone was asleep they took the car and went to live their love.

    But when they were already reaching Olivares dog was crossed, which made him collide and lose life.

    Family to learn everything that happened forgave and from there they stopped hating gays.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 3ºB

  18. Not long ago, in a town far away called Seville lived two families, the Maríns and the Jimenos . For years their families have been fighting.

    Pedro, a Marín was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Julia and fell in love with her. Julia was a Jimeno set to marry Paco but after meeting Pedro that wasn't a option.

    The next day, Pedro and Julia express their love by getting married, in a private church so no one knows but a Judge.

     One day Pedro and Pablo were play with the play station with Daniel and other Maríns. When things got a little out of control, Daniel hited Pablo and Pedro became furious because Pablo was his best friend. So Pedro then went after Daniel and hited him.

    When the Lord finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Pedro from Sevilla, and this makes Julia very sad.

    Since no one knows that Pedro and Julia are together her parents set up a marriage between Julia and Paco.

     Julia then goes to the Judge for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Paco.

    The plan is for Julia to take drugs that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Jimeno's tomb and by night Pedro will come and get her and take her away from Huelva to live.

    The next day the plan goes well and Julia takes the drugs and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Pedro's friend, David sees this and goes to tell Pedro right away.

    Pedro doesn't read the WhatsApp that tells about the plan because there was no WI-FI. So when he hears that Julia is dead, he goes to buy drugs and rides a bike to the Jimeno's tomb.

    Then, right in front of Julia he kills himself by taking the drugs. | Julia then wakes up and finds Pedro dead. She looks at him and notices the drugs, so she tries to takes some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his gun and shoots herself.

    When the Maríns and Jimenos find out about Pedro and Julia's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  19. Once upon a time, in a town far away called Olivares lived two families, the Fraile´s and the Fernandez. For years their families have been fighting.

    Alvaro, a Fraile´s was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met and fell in love with her.

    The day before they married, Alvaro see a Laura express his love by getting married, but with other pair.

    Alvaro I had very sad, but days after it occurred this call all his tribe to fight against Laura and his family.
    The day of the fighting Alvaro think that he going to give a special drink Laura to kill, and his family think that was a very well idea.

    The plan of Alvaro was that Laura drink a special drink that will make her dead.

    The next day the plan goes well and Laura drinks the special drink and she' dead and they bury her in the tomb.

    The after day, the family of Laura said to he that she not married with other man, only she was practice the wedding with his best friend, for the wedding day all came out great and was the best day of your life.

    When Alvaro back home felt so bad that I decide to kill it so that he had with Laura and so did.

  20. There are two families the diaz and the luques, the two families were enemys.

    Guillermo and Samuel fall in love the first time that the saw to the other ,Guillermo meets Samuel and the y became firends but they don't now taht their families were enemies, the family of Guillermo employ a detective to investigate that guillermo was doing all the afternoons, this afternoon Guillermo said to Samuel that he fall in love the first time that he speak with he, and Samuel kiss Guillermo.
    The detective recorded all and he sended the video to Guillermo's parents, and theb parents wait to more thinks, 2 months later they get married in secret in the tawnhall of other village, and the detective recorded it all. The parents iof Guillermo were very angry and they desided to do a plan to kill Samuel, Samuel and Guillermo stay in a bar and the waiter puts a suicide pill in Samuel's coca cola and 5 minutes later he died and Guillermo can't live without he and he throw himself in to the balcony and he died.


    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes

  21. sames years ago in Madird A guy called Romeo was trying to make his dream of become in a professional basketball player true And girl called Juliet was studing the audiovisual career. Romeo loved the basketball but he doesn't like the football while Juliet loved it and hated basketball. Romeo also was studing a career but wasn't really focushed in that.

    A day while Romeo was coming to the training he saw Juliet backing from the University and he fell in love. Juliet had a boyfriend who asked her to get marry and she accepted. When Romeo ended his training he saw again Juliet in a bad with her friends. Romea when saw that looked at his mobile phone if some of his friend was close to him. Luckily Mike and Manolo were close to the bar and they met to know Juliet and his friends. At the beginning Romeo and Juliet didn't have many things in common but she wasn't fell in love with him. Romeo tried to speak of a lot of themes but she didn't wanted to talk with him. Slowly he get his mobile phone number and very slowly started to fekk in love with him.

    She had a problem, she will marry with Gerom his boy friend. Gerom was a very important business Man and he wasn't very excited to cancel his marry because Juliet loved other man. Juliet had a plan, to fake his suicide hitting his car with a tree. She was sending a message to Romeo of his fake death when the internet of his home tourned off and the message never arrived to Romeo.

    When Romeo knew of the accident Bougth somes pills and ate all of them trying to suicide. When Juliet arrived to his home and saw the disaster cut his arms with a knief and bled to death.

    By: José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo 3ºESO A

  22. A few weeks ago , in a near town called Albaida lived two families, the Gelos and the Cruz. For years their families have been fighting.
    The Gelos| The Cruz
    Marcelo , a Gelos was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Mary and fell in love with her. Mary was a Cruz set to marry Antonio but after meeting Marcelo that wasn't a option.
    The next day, Marcelo and Mary express their love by getting married, in a private church in Villanueva so no one knows but the priest and Altar boy.
    One day Marcelo and Jose were play fighting with Carlos and other Cruz. When things got a little out of control, Carlos killed Jose and Mary became furious because Jose was his best friend. So Marcelo then went after Carlos and killed him.
    When the Major finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Marcelo from Albaida, and this makes Mary very sad.
    Since no one knows that Marcelo and Mary are together her parents set up a marriage between Mary and Antonio.
    Mary then goes to Altar boy for help on a plan to get with Marcelo and not marry Antonio.
    The plan is for Mary to stay quiet for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Cruz's tomb and by night Marcelo will come and get her and take her away from Albaida to live.
    The next day the plan goes well and Mary slept and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Marcelo's servant, Vilver Frod sees this and goes to tell Marcelo right away.
    Marcelo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy knife and walk to the Cruz's tomb.
    Then, right in front of Mary he kills himself by stabing himself. | Mary then wakes up and finds Marcelo dead. She looks at him and notices the knife, After she takes a gun and shot herself.
    When the Cruz and Gelos find out about Marcelo and Mary's secret love, they are embarrased and they stop their fight due to this

    Writen by Angel Fraile Delgado 3A

  23. 2: Once upon a time, in a city far away called Seville lived two families, the Seville and the Betis. For years their families have been fighting because Seville wins all wars and Betis were jealous
    3: <- The Seville | The Betis ->
    4: Romeo, a Seville was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a Betis set to marry Malaga but after meeting Romeo that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married, in a private church so no one knows but N'diaye and city's major called Juan Espadas.
    6: One day Romeo and Vitolo were play fighting with Musonda and other Betis. When things got a little out of control, Musonda killed Vitolo and Romeo became furious because Vitolo was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Musonda and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Seville, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Malaga's son.
    11: Juliet then goes to Juan Espadas for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Malaga.
    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a bottle of powerade that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Betis's tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Seville to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the powerade and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Kolodziedjcack sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.
    15: Romeo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Betis's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the. | Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Betis and Seville find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    paco reyes madrid 3ºa

  24. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  25. This one is the history of two teenagers, Maria and Paul. Maria live in Olivares and Pablo in Albaida. They knew themselves in the gym of Olivares and Albaida does not have.

    They started making things together in the gym, speaking about topics and things of pair, though they were wanted very much but had a problem, and it is that between Olivares and Albaida there was a very big rivalry for whom it was better, it had more things, etc. Though it was notable that in the difference was wining Olivares because the only thing that had Albaida more than Olivares was that it had a swimming pool, because Olivares it was bigger and had more things. They decided to support a relation privately, in order that no people was getting angry, they were seen furtively in a park that was between both villages in order that nobody was suspecting.

    One summer day, they got tired of hiding from the people and they took advantage that it was the fair of Olivares, where there were meeting all the inhabitants of both villages because in Albaida there is no fair. When it was going to be the most important actuation of the night, they rose together to the scene of the hand and announced this news, said that they were united, and before nobody should say anything, Paul knelt down and asked for marriage Maria, for whom weeping said to him that yes. The mayors of both villages rose to the scene together and said that this moment had served to demonstrate that between them there should be no difference and that they all should share his things and each one go to where it wanted if they was desiring it. From that moment they reduced a bow of peace and they all were removing well with all and there was any type of rivalry.

    And this is the history of love of two teenagers and the reconciliation of two villages and of the teenagers proud to obtain the peace between their villages.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 3ºA

  26. In a town called Lazytown was living two families (the Garcia’s and the Cotán’s) that were enemies for money.

    One day a girl of the family the Garcia called Ana went to the sport center with a friend and she meet a boy called Juan Cotán and they fell in love, the childrens meet every days, but one day Ana was talking with her brother and she knew that the Cotán’s are her enemies but they was meeting some times and one day the oldest brother of Ana talked with Juan for Whatsapp and meet with he in the sport center and he took a knife , when he was in the sport center, he cut Juan and Juan died, when Ana arrived at sport center and saw that Juan was die she took the knife and she died.
    Since then the Garcia´s and the Cotán’s was friends.

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  27. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  28. Once upon a time, a man called Alex, Alex was an opportunist and a swindler. One day Alex walking it saw a tragic accident. He went to see the persons of the accident, The rough man said to him that tape-worm that counting since was the accident gave to him the direction of where vivian. Alex was and one found the daughter called Sophia. Alex told him quite Sophia cried very much but Alex said a lie to him(her) and the lie was of that the tenia who to be with her to spend these moments .Alex inspired love in Sophia,Alex and Sophia married after one month together as pair. On the following week Sophia I inform that it(she) is embarrassed and the following day when it was going to be told to Alex, Alex gone in the dawn after taking all the money. Sophia realized of that Alex not the queria and only the queria like him said other people, Passed 8 years despues Sophia and his son Max they travelled even her for work.One day Max was in the park and one found Alex jujaron the whole evening and as soon as it was going away Max said to him to Sophia breast and Alex turned and met to Sophia continued looking but Sophia went away.
    After months Alex was giving him account of which he was inspired love of Sofia. He(it) stayed with Sophia and after months it reconquered her and I him ask Alex that of whom he was the child, Sophia between tears answered that yes. Alex also with tears in the eyes I fill of happiness and both three formed(trained) the family that they were dreaming

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  29. Once a time since 1936 broke the Spanish civil war that fighted the spanish republic and the rebelds 
    the two factions had once boss that were the general. The general of the rebels were Francisco Franco Bahamonde and the other general was Snatiago Carillo. The general of the rebelds was fascist and the other generals was comusism. In 1937 the daughter of Carillo and the son of Franco met in a restaurant and he fell in love but the two people had a problem. The problem is that the father are enemies. During the civil war in spanish the two peoples the are 19 years old met in some sure place 
    The two peoples had some friends that helped to this to met hidded. A wat a second i didnt tell us the names of the two peoples¡¡¡ the boys name was Antonio and the girls name was Margarita. 
    Margarita and Antonio wanted to went to Germany but Margarita didnt want to went to Germany because the politics of Germany was fascist. And the they decided to went to Argentina that was neutral. But a person thar was very
    friend of Francisco Franco told her the plans of Antonio and his girldfriend that the friend told that was Margarita the daughter of Santiago Carrillo. Obviously Franco not allowed to Antonio to went to Argentina with Margarita but obviously Antonio ignored the worlds of the generals of the rebels.
    Wen Antonio and Mrgarita went to Argentina hidded the war was finnished and the rebels that commanded by Franco wons the civil war and Franco made captive to Santiago Carrillo and her mans and Franco decided to shot all the republican armed with Carrillo. When Margarita knew this went to the kings palace (That occuped Franco) and she fighted with her. As he was the head of the state the shot Margarita with the rebels armed. When Antonio Know this he decided to shot with Margarita and Franco didnt deny and then the 4th Julie of 1939 the new army opf spain commanded by Franco shot Margarita,Antonio,Carrillo and all the rebels army.

    They dead but they dead in LOVE.

  30. Once upon a time, a man called Antonio was the typical seville person who loves bullfighting, he always wears nice and expensive clothes, even for the gym. One day, he was walking to the cathedral, were an important act take place. He was well suit, as always.Suddenly, he saw a beautiful women, but he hated the people that were sourrounding her.They were a group of people that were against to the bullfighters. When this group saw he, the typical spanish who loves the world of bullfighings, after two weeks metting, they notice that they were made one to protect the other and viceversa.After these 2 weeks, they both decide to get married, in secret,cause of the families woldn´t understand and there could be an error for life.The plan for Martina was to drink a typical drink, to show how deep was the love of her to him.But it was a posion.In 24h she will look that she was dead.The family buried her at a cementary.A friend of Antonio, follow each step that the family did, to make shure that the plan was in the right way.When Antonio heared that she was dead,he ran in one of his cars, rapidly to the cementary, and he kills hisself, when Martina, wokes up, sourpraising people, she notice that he was carring the poison in his pocket, she drank completly.Then, the two families, knew the secret that the son and daughter didn´t said, afraid, that they were in love, and the families felt ashamed.

    Lola Valverde González 3ºA


  31. 2: Once upon a time, in a town far away called Olivares lived two families, the Frailes , the owners of Coca Cola and the Campos, the owners of Pepsi. For years their families have been fighting.
    3: <- The Frailes | The Campos ->
    4: Alberto , a Fraile was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Irene and fell in love with her. Irene was a Campos set to marry Paris but after meeting Alberto that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Alberto and Irene express their love by getting married, in a secret court.
    6: One day Alberto and Andrés were play basketball with Luis and other Frailes When things got a little out of control, Luis killed Andrés and Alberto became furious because Andrés was his best friend. So he went after Luis and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Alberto from Olivares , and this makes Irene very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Alberto and Irene are together her parents set up a marriage between Irene and Nicolás.
    11: Irene then goes to Friar Laurance for help on a plan to get with Alberto and not marry Nicolás.
    12: The plan is for Irene to drink a Nestea with a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Campos' tomb and by night Alberto will come and get her and take her away from Olivares to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Irene drinks the Nestea with the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Alberto's servant, Juan sees this and goes to tell Alberto right away.
    15: Alberto doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Irene is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Capulet's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Irene he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Irene then wakes up and finds Alberto dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Campos and Frailes find out about Alberto and Irene's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    Carmen fraile 3A


  32. 2: Once upon a time, in a town far away called Olivares lived two families, the Frailes , the owners of Coca Cola and the Campos, the owners of Pepsi. For years their families have been fighting.
    3: <- The Frailes | The Campos ->
    4: Alberto , a Fraile was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Irene and fell in love with her. Irene was a Campos set to marry Paris but after meeting Alberto that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Alberto and Irene express their love by getting married, in a secret court.
    6: One day Alberto and Andrés were play basketball with Luis and other Frailes When things got a little out of control, Luis killed Andrés and Alberto became furious because Andrés was his best friend. So he went after Luis and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Alberto from Olivares , and this makes Irene very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Alberto and Irene are together her parents set up a marriage between Irene and Nicolás.
    11: Irene then goes to Friar Laurance for help on a plan to get with Alberto and not marry Nicolás.
    12: The plan is for Irene to drink a Nestea with a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Campos' tomb and by night Alberto will come and get her and take her away from Olivares to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Irene drinks the Nestea with the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Alberto's servant, Juan sees this and goes to tell Alberto right away.
    15: Alberto doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Irene is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Capulet's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Irene he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Irene then wakes up and finds Alberto dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Campos and Frailes find out about Alberto and Irene's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    Carmen fraile 3A

  33. S: Joan and Lila- the Kid Version
    BC: Made by Gerardo
    FC: By: Alyssa Slack and Christina Suchomel | Joan and Lila The Kid Version
    1: Dedicated to Mrs. McGee for being a great language teacher Made in January 2010 at Columbus Middle School
    2: Once upon a time, in a town far away called Gerona lived two families, the Garcias and the Jordans . For years their families have been fighting.
    3: <- The Montagues | The Capulets ->
    4:Joan, a Montague was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Lila and fell in love with her. Lila was a Garcia set to marry Paris but after meeting Joan that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Joan and Lila express their love by getting married, in a private church so no one knows but the Nurse and Friar Laurance.
    6: One day Joan and Mercutio were play fighting with Tybalt and other Garcias. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt killed Mercutio and Joan became furious because Mercutio was his best friend. So Joan then went after Tybalt and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Joan from Gerona, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Joan and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Paris.
    11: Lila then goes to Friar Laurance for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Paris.
    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Garcia's tomb and by night Joan will come and get her and take her away from Barcelona to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Joan's servant, Bartomeu sees this and goes to tell Joan right away.
    15: Joan doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Garcia's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Lila then wakes up and finds Joan dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Gracias and Jordans find out about Joan and Lila's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

  34. Once upon a time, in a town far away called Olivares lived two families. For years their families have been fighting. Claire, was in love with a girl that didn't love her back.(Because she likes womans). One day, she met Diana and fell in love with her. The next day, Claire and Diana express their love telling his parents, that they are girlfriends. The father and the mother of Claire knows that their daughter likes womans, but, Claire, is a girl that is very innocent and very good girl, and the girl that she loves, is a girl that doesn't care anything and is a very bad girl, and the fathers of Claire, think that her daughter deserves something better, and the fathers don't accept that her daughter is in love with Diana.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  35. Once upon a time, two foundation called La Unión and El Consuelo, where live disable persons. Between both centers, there was rivalry because each foundation want the money to the people that live there.

    Andrés a disable person of the foundation La Unión was in love with a girl called Bárbara of the foundation of El Consuelo. The directors of every foundation didn´t want that was settling a friendship between persons of both centers.

    One day they used a free moment to marry in a church privately.

    Andrés and Pablo a man of the other foundation were in a meeting, when the things got a little out of control. Both mens started to shout and the other people started to got nervious.

    The directors of both foundations decided to expel them of the foundations.

    When Bárbara found out she became very sad because she thought that she would not return to see him.

    Barbara had a disease so serious that did that she died in a few days.

    When Andrés saw that notice he went out and he was knocked and he died.


  36. 2: Once upon a time, in a country far away called Spain lived two families, the Sevillian and the Basques. For years their families have been fighting.
    3: <- The Sevillian | The Basques ->
    4: Romeo, a Sevillian people was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a Basque person set to marry Paris but after meeting Romeo that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married, in a private church so no one knows but the Nurse and Friar Laurance.
    6: One day Romeo and Mercutio were playing tennis. Tybalt and other Basque. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo became furious because Mercutio was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Tybalt and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Spain, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Paris.
    11: Juliet then goes to Friar Laurance for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Paris.
    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Basque's tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Italy to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Benvolio sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.
    15: Romeo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Basque's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Basque and Sevillian find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    By:Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  37. Romeo and Juliet- the Kids Version - Page Text Content

    S: Romeo and Juliet- the Kid Version
    BC: Made by José Angel

    2: Once upon a time, in a town far away called Albaida lived two families, the Spanish and the Chineses. For years their familied have been fighting.
    3. The Spanishes and the Chinese
    4: John, a Spanish was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Elisa and fell in love with her. John was a Spanish set to marry Roma but after meeting John that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day,John and Elisabeth express their love by getting married, in a private church so no one knows un Albaida city
    6: One day John and Trevor were play fighting with Mary and other Chinese. When things got a little out of control, Mary killed Trevor and Elisa became furious because Trevor was his best friend. So John then went after Mary and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes John from Albaida, and this makes Elisa very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that John and Elisa are together her parents set up a marriage between Elisa in Roma
    11: Elisa helps on a plan to get with John and not marry Roma.
    12: The plan is for Elisa to drink a cup of wine . Then her family will bury her in the Chinese's tomb and by night John will come and get her and take her away from Albaida city to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Elisa drinks the cup and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. John's servant, Oliver sees this and goes to tell John right away.
    15: John doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Elisa is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Chineses tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Elisa he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Elisa then wakes up and finds John dead. She looks at him and notices the cup o wine , so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Chinese and spanishes find out about John and Elisa's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.

    José Ángel Cea Torres 3 A

  38. Once upon a time, in a city called Madrid , were two young called Jack and Cloe that were in love but he was in 2º BACHILLER and she was in 2ºESO. The parents of Cloe didn´t want that Cloe meet with Jack but they met when they go out of the higth school. One day the best friend of Cloe called Martina said to the father of Cloe that Cloe was with she but when the father of Cloe went to the shop he saw that they were be together. He was very ungry and he send Cloe to a high schoool of Olivares(Sevilla) called IES Heliche. Cloe cry a lot and Jack said she that one day he went to Olivares and he would take. Two years later, Jack went to Olivares for look Cloe but when he arrived he saw that Cloe had a new boyfriend called Peter. Jack went back to Madrid and he never see again Cloe.


  39. 2: There was once a city called Seville where they were friends.
    3: Inside the gang of friends was a boy and a girl in love
    4: All knew they were dating and were close friends.
    5: One day, the groom came up with an idea. Take a trip and ask to marry her. Friends said it was a very good idea
    6: The next day they proposed. Everyone agreed. They were to travel to Thailand.
    7: Everything was ready. But suddenly an unexpected occurred. Suddenly a tsunami was approaching. E tsunami swept away everything but she (the girlfriend) was not there.
    8: She had left two hours ago to a mall with friends.
    10: When he learned what had happened, he began to mourn and her friends and she began to look for all your friends
    11: He (Pepito) was in the hospital very serious. The doctor said it was very unlikely recovery and his remaining hours of life
    12: Javier gave the ring to his girlfriend (Juanita) and told him to always love
    13: After half an hour he died. The next day he was buried. Everyone was very sad for the loss
    14: She fell into a deep depression. He never got to wear the ring gave him.
    15: Suddenly one day it disappeared. All his friends were very worried.
    16: A week later his body was back in Tailanda. Beside her was her ring
    17: In the ring was inscribed: "I'll always love" the same words he said Pepito
    18: Since that event, many people recalled the story of love.

    Ramón Rodríguez Bejarano 3A

  40. Once upon a time, in a town called Tarancón lived two families, the Montoya and the Jimenéz.
    Francisco, a gypsy young of the family Montoya was in love with a girl called Laura of the family Jimenéz that also loved he.
    Both were going a time together but his families even did not know his relationship. They were very nice and were afraid of that on having spoken it with his parents someone did not agree.
    One day while they were in a park speaking they thought of telling his relation to his parents, since they were tired of continuing concealing it.
    Though they were continuing with the same fear, they got up and went to francisco's house to be said to his parents. Both were nervous but it was the same thing before or later they would have to do it. They sat down together in the couch opposite to the parents of Francisco, this one counted and they took it very well.
    Then laura went away to his house already without Francisco and when laura come to his house she told to his parents. But after him saying to his parents that the boy was gypsy his parents prohibited him to follow his relation even without knowing he.
    Laura very angry went away to his room and she call a Francisco by telephone. This one could not believe what was telling him. Then they were speaking and to 10 minutes they said goodbye forever. During the whole week Laura showed his anger at all time to his parents for the happened. But these continued thinking at all time that the best pear was all that laura and farancisco were not speaking any more.
    Laura and francisco began very much of less but to a little time francisco went to be lived to another village and already they did not return to see.

    Eva María Fdez Franco 3ºA

  41. Once upon a time, in a town called Majadaonda lived two people Antonio and Isabel. Antonio knew Isabel in a party. One day Antonio said to she if she like to met to know better, but was not Ok. The next day, Antonio and Isabel met another time, and now, the relationship was better and they were in love One day he said to Isabel that he like to present his family to her family, but she said that she had to think about it

    When , she decided that she like to do it, the conversation was not good idea, becouse one family like the party and work the mínimum that is posible and the other family like work a lot and didn’t go to a lot of partys. But they were in love. Since no one knows that Antonio and Isabel were married in secret ina a privated church

    When the family knew that , they decided to separate becouse this was an imposible love to his and her family. They prevent this and convinced the family of Antonio that had to go to the party but lso had to work and the family of Isabel convinced that had to work but also went to the party.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3º A

  42. Once upon a time, in a city far away called Seville lived Amy Wood,the typical good girl,he had a beautiful green eyes and his neighbour Erick Harrison,a handsome teenager,with blond hair.
    Amy Wood was in love with Erick but he didn't love him back. Spent time,a summer evening, Amy was in the pool when Erick came.Amy was still madly in love with him.That evening were all the time together, and unable to contain more desire, they kissed
    The next day,Erick went to Amy's house,to bring her breakfast.Amy does not fit her happiness when they finished breakfast went for a walk,and they were talking about the time that they were not seeing.
    Everything was perfect,but the good thing are not eternal.This night in Amy's house appear a old boyfriend of she,he come saying sorry,crying and saying that he could not live without her, but she was too in love with Erick to leave now because finally they were together.
    When Amy told her she had a boyfriend and she was in love only with him,the face of the boy change completely becoming a face of evil and hatred towards her.
    The next day he threaten to erick kept saying that if he does't leave the city,he wil kill him and Amy.
    The love that they felt was so strong that decided to leave the country but were rsuffer too many risks, dangers,because they had only 17 years and had to leave their families and everything that they had in their city, all made by the intense love they felt.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA.

    Once upon a time a cat and a dog, Coke and Canela , they met in a magnificent kennel where they fall in love. These two animals were a dog and a cat were in cages that were divided in dogs and cat which could not even see . The poor animals in love and when they s the rest slept they spoke and fun but could not be together. One day a family adopt Coke and Canela saw that and think that never return decided to escape and was caught by the guard , who sent him to sacrifice. The next day Coke kennel again looking Canela and found it outside in the street on the floor next to the kennel. Coke then decided to go to a dual to run over. Since then dogs and cats are good in that kennel.

    Marta Reyes López 3A

  44. S: Romeo and Juliet- the Kid Version
    BC: Made by Manuel Reyes Lopez
    FC: By: Alyssa Slack and Christina Suchomel | Romeo and Juliet The Kid Version
    1: Dedicated to Mrs. McGee for being a great language teacher Made in January 2010 at Columbus Middle School
    2: Once upon a time, in two words called Manthen was divided in two types of world , North and South. The south word is poor and the noth rich.
    4: Romeo, one day went to highest mountain in the world south and a girl named Juliet to the highest mountain in the world north. They was in love and they meets all days. Julliet was the daughter of the president of the north world.
    5: One day Romeo and Julliet decide to one of him pass into the other world, and was Julliet.
    6: One day Romeo went to the North Wordl to see Juliet but the police arrested him and imprisoned him but returned to his world
    8: When Romeo and Julliet were in the mountain decided to tell their love.
    10: The father of Julliet went to the South world to kill Romeo but Julliet went in search of Romeo and escaped
    11: The father of Julliet decided kill his daughter and Romeo.
    12: The south world was full of polices.
    14: One day a police gave them and kill them
    15:But the important thing that Romeo and Julliet dead in love
    16:from there the two worlds are equal and can have the love that the people like

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 3ºA

  45. This story is about a tow families: Pérez; they lives un Villalba right and Gonzalez; they lived un Villalba left. These town was confronte. But a day, a town called Villalba medium send a letter that said that the both was guest to a concert of a famous singer called Robustiana. The both towns coincided in the concert. A boy that belonged to the Pérez's family haved a little accident with a girl that belonged to the Gonzalez's family. They didn't think that they could not get to fall in love. But he kissed the girl by mistake but the girl fell un love. They exchanged his mobiles phones. When their families found their friendship, these decided go away but the girl and the boy They escaped and went joints. They was live in Tallin but the boy suffered a cancer an this died.

    Paula Delgado Roman 3°A

  46. This story is about a tow families: Pérez; they lives un Villalba right and Gonzalez; they lived un Villalba left. These town was confronte. But a day, a town called Villalba medium send a letter that said that the both was guest to a concert of a famous singer called Robustiana. The both towns coincided in the concert. A boy that belonged to the Pérez's family haved a little accident with a girl that belonged to the Gonzalez's family. They didn't think that they could not get to fall in love. But he kissed the girl by mistake but the girl fell un love. They exchanged his mobiles phones. When their families found their friendship, these decided go away but the girl and the boy They escaped and went joints. They was live in Tallin but the boy suffered a cancer an this died.

    Paula Delgado Roman 3°A

    Once upon a time, in a town far away called Camas (Seville) lived two families, the Rodríguez and the Torner. For years their families have been fighting.

    <- The Rodríguez| The Torner ->
    Ramón, a Rodríguez was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Julia and fell in love with her. Julia was a Torner set to marry José but after meeting Ramón that change the option.
    The next day, Ramón and Julia want to get married, in a town hall, by the Lord Major, called Antonio.
    One day Ramón and Manolo were play fighting with Francisco and other Torner. When things got a little out of control, Francisco killed Manolo and Ramón became furious because Manolo was his best friend. So Ramón then went after Francisco and killed him.
    When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Ramón from Camas, and this makes Julia very sad.
    Since no one knows that Ramón and Julia are together her parents set up a marriage between Julia and José.
    Julia then goes to Antonio for help on a plan to get with Ramón and not marry Lourdes.
    The plan is for Julia to drink a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Torner tomb and by night Ramón will come and get her and take her away from Camas to live.
    The next day the plan goes well and Julia drinks the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Ramón's servant, Pablo sees this and goes to tell Ramón right away.
    Ramón doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Julia is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Torner tomb.
    Then, right in front of Julia he kills himself by drinking the poison. Julia then wakes up and finds Ramón dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    When the Torner and Rodríguez find out about Ramon and Julia's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family forever.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA.


  48. 1: Dedicated to Mrs. McGee for being a great language teacher Made in January 2010 at Columbus Middle School
    2: Once upon a time, in a town far away called Sevilla lived two families, the Sanz and the Rodriguez. For years their families have been fighting.
    3: <- The Sanz | The Rodriguez ->
    4: Romeo, a Sanz was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Juliet and fell in love with her. Juliet was a Rodriguez set to marry Madrid but after meeting Romeo that wasn't a option.
    5: The next day, Romeo and Juliet express their love by getting married, in a private church so no one knows but the Nurse and Friar Laurance.
    6: One day Romeo and Mercutio were play fighting with Tybalt and other Rodriguez. When things got a little out of control, Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo became furious because Mercutio was his best friend. So Romeo then went after Tybalt and killed him.
    8: When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Sevilla, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    10: Since no one knows that Romeo and Juliet are together her parents set up a marriage between Juliet and Madrid.
    11: Juliet then goes to Friar Laurance for help on a plan to get with Romeo and not marry Madrid.
    12: The plan is for Juliet to drink a potion that will make her sleep for 42 hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the Rodriguez´s tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Verna to live.
    14: The next day the plan goes well and Juliet drinks the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Benvolio sees this and goes to tell Romeo right away.
    15: Romeo doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Juliet is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the Capulet's tomb.
    17: Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. | Juliet then wakes up and finds Romeo dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    18: When the Capulets and Montegues find out about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.


    Once upon a time, in a neighborhood far away called Olivares lived two families, the Montañés and the Rivera. For years their families have been discussing.
    Antonio, a Montañés, was in love with a pretty girl, but it was a platonic relationship beacause their both family are adeversary since hundreds of years.
    One Saturday morning, he met Rosario by chance, and he fell in love with her much more than before, also Rosario fell in love with him. Rosario was a Rivera set to marry Juanjo but after meeting Romeo that wasn't an option.
    The next weekend, Antonio and Rosario express their love by getting married, in a deserted house so no one knew except Antonio and Rosario's friends. In that house there were rats and cockroachs. It was nauseating, but they both love enough to the other to got married there.
    One day Antonio and Manuel were fighting with Jonas and other Riveras. When things got so much out of control, Jonas killed Manuel and Antonio became furious because Manuel was his best friend. So Romeo decided to kill Jonas, and he did it.
    When the Prince found out about what happened, he got very furious. He deported Romeo from Olivares, and this made Rosario very sad.
    As nobody knew that Antonio and Rosario were together her parents set up a marriage between Rosario and Juanjo.
    Rosario then got an idea to get with Antonio and not to marry Juanjo, because she still love Antonio. The plan was that Rosario have to pretend to be dead for 24 hours. Then her family will bury her in the Rivera's tomb. By night Antonio will come, get her and take her away to Villanueva to live, and have a better life where they haven't to hide their feelings. All that has to be sent to Antonio by a letter that Rosario had to wirte.
    The next day the plan goes well and Rosario pretend to be dead and everyone thinks she's dead, so they bury her in the tomb. Antonio's brother, Roberto, saw this and goes to tell him that Rosario have just been bury.
    Antonio doesn't get the letter from Rosario because there was a epidemic between both towns and nobody was allowed to go through. So when he heard that Rosario was dead, he went to buy a knife and rode a horse to the Rivera's tomb.
    Then, Antonio, in front of Rosario, kills himself by stabbing a knife in his heart. Hearing the sound of Antonio's yell, Rosario got out of the tomb and found Antonio dead. She looked at him and noticed the knife and the blood, so she jumped on him and started to cry and to regret about his death.
    But a few seconds later, he opened her eyes and shout to her that it was a surprise for her birthday. She was paralyced and very angry with him, so she kicked him in the shin. But she forgived him, because he gave her a surprise party, where there were Antonio and Julieta's friends.
    When the Riveras and Montañés discovered about Romeo and Juliet's secret love, they both family forgive the fights. And all they started a new life with new friends.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB
