miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

A scandal in Bohemia (page 7)

Who was the German gentleman? 

Sherlock Holmes received a note from Bohemia written by a German gentleman. This man was going to visit him to ask for his services.
This is what happened on page 6 of the short story "A scandal in Bohemia".

Now you have to read page 7 and send a summary of this page to the blog.

54 comentarios:

  1. Page 7:
    While Sherlock was talking, he heard that the misterious a man was arriving on a horse carriage and Watson told Sherlock that he better went out, but Sherlock asked him to stay, no matter what the man told him. Then, the man asked to not say anything anywhere from the conversation for, at least, two years, because it might influence European history.
    The man told them that this story includes the great House of Ormstein, hereditary kings of Bohemia. Then, the man threw the mask and showed his face, and it was the king of Bohemia, and he told Sherlock that the thing was so delicate, that he came directly from Prage only to talk to him.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  2. Page 7:

    Holmes sounds like the man who sent the letter arrives in a cab. Watson wanted to leave so as not to hear the man said, but as we finally came to say who he was and to tell the mysterious secret that hid, Holmes asked him to stay. The man was called Von Kramm and wanted to be called ue Count Von Kramm. The man asked the two that please do not tell anything about the secret until queno spend two years as it could influence his reign.
    At the end we discover that this mysterious man was the King of Bohemia and expressly came from Prague to tell the secret.

    Rocío Olivo García 3ºESO B

  3. Page seven
    Sherlock Holmes heard a man who send the letter. Watson wanted to leaveso he don,t heard the man said but finally came to say who he was to tell the secret that hi say , Sherlock asked him. The manwas called Von Kramm and wanted to be secret until spend two years it influence his reign. Then, the man threw the mask and showed his face, and it was the king of Bohemia, and he told Sherlock that the thing was so delicate, that he came directly from Prage only to talk to him.
    Antonio Bueno Gonzalez 3 B

  4. PAGE 7-

    Watson says to Holmes that he is going to leave, and Holmes says to him that he should stay because he might need his help.
    Somebody Knocks the door and Holmes says 'come in'. The visitor looks like a rich man and he ask Holmes if he had recieve the note, Holmes says 'yes' and 'take a sit' and also that Watson is his patner. the visitor says that his name is Count Von Kramm. He ask Holmes if he trust his patner he doesn't mind that Watson stay but if not he would prefer to speak alone. The reason is that this matter is of grand influence in the European History and they must keep this in secret for two years. The visitor says to them that he works for somebody that wants to be unknown and that the reason for the mask and the false name. Holmes says that he already Knows that .The visitor says that this matter is of grand influence that implies hereditary King of Bohemia. Holmes repite that he already Knows that.
    The visitor keeps talking and Holmes says something that make the visitor get nervous anad starts crying and he admit that he's the King, he says to Holmes that he should understand that he never does this type of business in his own person because this could put him in danger and that is why he's coming incognito to consult him.

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  5. Page seven:
    Somebody Knocks the door and Sherlock Holmes tells you enter. Watson and Sherlonck, they see a rich man, the man asks the letter and Sherlock says it feels. His name is Count von Kramm. The man works for a person who can not be knownfor that reason I have put a mask. The reason is that it is a matter of great influence but Holmes says that he knows who he is. The man admitted, was the king of Bohemia. King put on a mask to not to endanger yourself.

    Lucia Garcia 3B

  6. Page seven:

    Watson and Sherlock are going to speak with the doctor. Then a man came into a carriage of horses. He was high, with the chest and the members of Hercules. It was going with a rich dress.
    -It took a boots, a hat and a black mask. He was looking like a man of strong character. When they appeared, Watson said that direct to him as: Count Von Kramm.
    The reason is that this matter is of grand influence in the European History and they must keep this in secret for two years.
    The man told them that this story includes the great House of Ormstein, hereditary kings of Bohemia.
    (This is all, I not understand more)

    Manuel Chico Mateos, 3ºB

  7. Page 7
    A man knocks the door and Sherlock Holmes said that enter. Sherlock Holmes and Watson for what they saw was a rich man, the man asked if Holmes had the letter, Holmes said to the man that take a seat. When it did, Holmes presented his friend Watson.The man told him that he could call him Count Von Kramm. The man said that the reason of such weight it may have an influence upon European history. The man said that your majesty had not spoken before i was aware that he was addresing Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein and hereditary King of Bohemia.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  8. Page seven:

    The rich man went there in a horse carriage. Then he knocked the door and Holmes said him to came into the chamber. He said that he was called Count Von Kramm. He had the chest and the limbs like Hercules. He also was wearing a black mask to cover his face because the person who employs him desired that his worker had to be anonymous.
    The man wanted to speak only with Holmes, so Watson decided to leave the chamber, but Holmes didn't let him.
    Then, the man, said that this case had to be in secret for two years. He also told that the situation associates the mammoth House of Ormstein.
    After, Holmes asked him if he would be in charge of that case. That words made that the visitor get nervous. Finally he admited that he really was the King. He justified it removing his mask and explaining that isn't habitual to him doing such business in his own person, because he could be in danger.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  9. Page 7:

    While Sherlock was talking, he heard that the misterious a man was arriving on a horse carriage, then Watson says to Holmes that he is going to leave, and Holmes says to him that he should stay because he might need his help.Someone Somebody Knocks the door and Holmes says 'come in'.
    His name is Count von Kramm. The visitor says to them that he works for somebody that wants to be unknown and that the reason for the mask and the false name. Then the visitor get nervous and he admit that he is the king.

    Ramón Rodríguez Bejarano

  10. Holmes and Watson were talking when a horse carriage cames and one men touch the door Holmes opened the door and there was a men.(that was a very rich men with very expensive clothes and a mask and was accompained with another men)The men said to Holmes if he recibed the note Holmes said yes and he said to yhe estrange men that take seat.
    Holmes said that Watson was a friend and he were going to help him in the case the men made promise that Holmes and Watson didnt said anything about the things that they were going to say.The men said that he is the hereditary king of Boemia and take out his mask.

    Santiago Jara Montero 3A

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. The man who wrote the note went to visit them. He came into the house. Holmes, Watson and he were talking about the case and the letter that he had sent time ago.
    Holmes explained to he that they will take part of the case, and then, the rich man said that...he was the King of Bohemia!, while he threw his mask down.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB. (Page 7, the third page).

  13. The German man of the letter arrived, and Watson wanted to go out , but Sherlock said him that he stay with him. The mas was called Count Von Kramm. He sayed them that not say the secret for at least two years, because it could affect to Europe history. The man was wearing a mask, that finally took it off, and recognized who was actually the king of Bohemia.

    Anabel Rodríguez Silva 3ºB

  14. Pag 7

    Someone stops at the door, Sherlock invites you to spend, is the king of Bohemia, you need to recover some embarrassing photos that poses with Irene Adler because he wants to marry Princess Scandinavia and photos are an obstacle, all money exchange.

    By: Ángel Gámez Augusto. 3ºB

  15. Pag 7

    Someone stops at the door, Sherlock invites you to spend, is the king of Bohemia, you need to recover some embarrassing photos that poses with Irene Adler because he wants to marry Princess Scandinavia and photos are an obstacle, all money exchange.

    By: Ángel Gámez Augusto. 3ºB

  16. Page 7:
    Holmes is the man who sent the letter in a taxi, Watson did not want to hear the man, but alfinal told who he was and to tell the mysterious secret Holmes requested him to stay.
    The man's name was Von Kramm, the man told them please do not say anything, you keep the secret until at least two years, since he could annoy his reign finally discovered that this man was the king of Bohemia and came from Prague to tell the secret to others.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  17. PAGE 7:

    When Sherlock Holmes and dr Watson were talking, a carriage arrived with the anonymous that wrote the letter. When Watson was ready to go Holmes forced to stay there. The anonymous said that he was the count Von Kramm but as he couldn't stand, he removed the mask that he was wearing and they couldn't see that he was the Bohemia's king. He said that he went from Praga for talk with Holmes, for solve a serious problem which could influence the history of Europe.


  18. PAGE 7:
    Holmes and Watson were talking when the anonymous person who wrote the letter arrived. The anonymous person said to them that he was Count Von Kramm, a Bohemian nobleman. He was wearing a mask because he was the Boemia's king, but he didn't want that they said anything, because he wasn't accustomed to doing such business in his own person.

    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

  19. Sherlock Holmes listened a carriage coming. Count Von Kramm came from Prague to tell you a secret, which could not revealing at least two years. In the end, the man took off his mask and threw it, and saw that it was the king of Bohemia.

    Zacarías Suárez Pérez (Page 7)

  20. Watson and Holmes are in a room and knock on the door was opened and a man on a horse. He was a man who was wearing a scarf, with high boots and a hat and did not know who he was.
    They began to tell something about the letter of bohemia
    nobody could find out anything and I would not tell anyone.
    When the mask is removed, there was a king and they were talking with him and told him that he would continue to report.

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  21. PAGE 7:
    Holmes and Watson heard a sound of horses outside. There were a nice little brougham and a pair of beauties. Watson told Holmes that he was going to go but Holmes told him to stay there because he needed him.
    They heard a heavy step behind the door. A strong and richly dressed man came into the house. He gave the impresion of barbaric opulence and appeared to be a strong character man. He put himself a black mask.
    The man said that they may call him as the Cant Von Kramm, a Bohemian nobleman, but then he said that it was not his real name. This man said if Watson was a man of honour because if he wasn't, he couldn't be there. Holmes said that it was both , or none.
    The man said that they will have to mantein in secret this case for two years. He told them about the case, that was very important and was implicating kings and important persons. Then, he stood up very nervous from his chair. Finally, he tore the mask from his face and said that he was the king.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  22. Page 3:

    Holmes and Watson are talking while a man enter in the room. He wears a black vizard mask and this man is the one who wrote the note. The man wants to talk with Holmes alone but Holmes say to Watson to stay there. The man says that what he are going to told is a secret and they can´t say nothing about this until two years because this influence European history.The man is talking and Holmes discover that the man is the king of Bohemia, and the man remove his mask.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  23. In the page 7, Holmes and Watson are in the room and later a mystery man came whith a mask and he appears like a rich man. They were talking and he said to Holmes a one secret but them he tore the mask from his face and hurled it upon the ground. HE IS THE KING OF BOHEMIA¡

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

  24. Page 7:
    While Holmes and Watson where deducing about the mysterious letter, Holmes heared a man on a horse out at the door. Holmes told him to enter; the man was the one of the letter, he was the same that they have deducing. This man was talking with Holmes for a long thime and he told him that he couldn't say nothing about that conversation. The man was talking about a story, when he finish he threw the mask; he was the king of Bohemia.

    Ana Mª Castaño Candeas 3ºESO B

  25. PAGE 7

    The man told them not to say anything about this and
    He said that this story was related to the house of Ormstein. The man threw the mask and showed his face. He is the king of Bohemia.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3°B

  26. Page 7-
    Sherlock and Watson were deducing the case when they hearded slows and heavies steps.Sherlock allowed him to enter at the room, the man was small and he was well dressed.He twisted the Sherlock´s wrist.He said that was a private conversation, for both or noone, it looks like to be very important.The man tell him a story and when he finished, he threw the mask,incredible, he was the king of Bohemia.

    Lola Valverde González, 3ºA

  27. Watson and Sherlock Holmes were deducing about the mysterious letter.He twisted the Sherlock´s wrist.He said that was a private conversation, and when he finished, he threw the mask, incredible, he was the king of Bohemia.

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  28. Page 7-
    Sherlock and Watson was talking when a men touch the door. Holmes opened the door.After they talk about the case and the letter than he had sent..Holmes said that he was part of the case.
    Then, the man threw the mask and showed his face, and it was the king of Bohemia.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  29. While Holmes and Watson where deducing about the mysterious letter, Holmes heared a man on a horse out at the door. Holmes opened the door and Holmes said that he was part of the case.In the end, the man took off his mask and threw it, and said that it was the king of Bohemia.

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 3ºA

  30. PAGE 7

    Sherloock and Watson are taklking when a man arrive. He was mysterius man that he was wearing with a mask and boots that came to the knees. The mysterius man told them that them to keep absolute secrecy for two years. When he removed her mak , he was the king. Sherloock and Watson talked with he but they were very surprised.


  31. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  32. Page 7:

    Sherlock Holmes and Watson were talking, when a misterious man touch the door, Sherlock Holmes opened the door and he looked that the misterious man appears like a rich man and he was wearing a mask , the three man talked about the case. Then the misterious man threw the mask and he said his name Count Von Kramm and he said that he was the king of Bohemia.

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  33. Page 7.

    Holmes and his friend Watson heard a sound of horses outside. Watson says to Holmes that was going to go away, but this one answers him that it should not do it since probably it might need his help. It is when someone calls to the door and Holmes invites him to happen.
    He is a man who seems to be rich and asks Holmes that if it had received the letter, this says yes. They take seat and the visitor tells him that his name is Conde Von Kramm, and he asks to holmes that if was not worrying him that his ptner was remaining there, since it preferred speaking to alone without Watson. The visitor says to them that it works for a person who does not want to be known. Also it tells them that the reason of this matter supposes a great influence in the European history and that also it implies the hereditary king of Bohemia, for what both must guard the secret for two years.Holmes says to him that already it knows everything what had just told him. Both continue conversing but a comment on the part of Holmes does on that the visitor puts very nervously and starts crying and he admit that he's the King of Bohemia.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºA.

  34. Page 7:
    While Sherlock was talking, he heard that the misterious a man was arriving on a horse carriage and Watson told Sherlock that he better went out, but Sherlock asked him to stay, no matter what the man told him. Then, the man asked to not say anything anywhere from the conversation for, at least, two years, because it might influence European history.

    His name is Count von Kramm. The man works for a person who can not be knownfor that reason I have put a mask. The reason is that it is a matter of great influence but Holmes says that he knows who he is. The man admitted, was the king of Bohemia. King put on a mask to not to endanger yourself.

    Antonio Manue González García 3ºA

  35. Watson wanted to leaveso he don,t heard the man said but finally came to say who he was to tell the secret that hi say , Sherlock asked him. The manwas called Von Kramm and wanted to be secret until spend two years it influence his reign. Then, the man threw the mask and showed his
    face, and it was the king of Bohemia, and he told
    Sherlock that the thing was so delicate, that he came directly from Prage only to talk to him.
    Marta Barba Granados 3ºA

  36. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  37. Page7:
    Holmes and Watson were talking when they heard a horse carriage. They decided stay in the room, then the door openned a the anonymous person into to the room. The anonymous person said to them that he was Count Von Kramm, and then he said that he was the Bohemia's King , but he also said that he didn't want that they said anything, because he wasn't accustomed to doing such business in his own person.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  38. Page 7:
    Sherlock and Watson heart a horse carrige.They were talking,Watson wanted to go outside but Sherlock said to he that was better inside.A person called to the door and Sherlock invited to go inside.
    This rich man called Count Von Kramm, asked to Holme that if he recived de letter. Watson go to another place and Holme an Kramm talked together, and he said to his that he is the King of Bohemia and also that he had a great influence in the European history.King put on a mask to not to endanger yourself.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

  39. When Sherlock and Watson were talkng they heard a horse carriage. Then a person called to the door He was very tall and He weared a rich clothes that he possible were rich. He`s name were Count Von Kramm and they went to a sherlock holmes house for asked him that if he received the letter but Dr Watson went to another place because Von Kramm and Sherlock wanted to talk alone. Then Von Kramm talked with Sherlock to the bohemian case

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 3ºA

  40. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  41. PAGE 7:
    While Sherlock was talking, he heard that a misterious a man was arriving on a horse carriage.They were talking,Watson wanted to go outside but Sherlock said to him that he was better inside.A person called to the door and Sherlock invited to go inside. Holmes told him to enter,the man was the one of the letter, he was the same that they have deducing. This man was talking with Holmes for a long time and he told him that he couldn't say nothing about that conversation. The man was talking about a story, when he finish he threw the mask; he was the king of Bohemia.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA

  42. By : Ángel Fraile Delgado.
    Page 7 .
    While Watson and Sherlock were speaking , they heard a horse carriage .
    After this a person knocked the door. Sherlock invited him to enter he wore wealthy clothes and he was very tall and he was named Von Kramm. Von kramm and Sherlock went to sherlock´s house because they want to spaek alone so Watson went to another place and they talked about this case.

    Ángel Fraile Delgado 3A

  43. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  44. Page 7

    Sherlock Holmes is in house with Watson, when he tell him that he is in a case in which there are a lot of money and the man who commissioned it is about to arrive home.
    When Watson see him, he thinks that he is a very tall man with the chest of Hercules and wearing very expensive clothes. The mistery man also was wearing a black mask. When he start to tell the story of the case Sherlock and Watson are surprised, because he say that it is a serious case that will affect to an European Royal Family, to be more concret a the Bohemia Royal Family. When the mas discovers his identity, both are amazed because it is the king himself

    By: Paco Reyes 3º

  45. PAGE 7:
    Holmes and Watson were talking about the case and the letter that send the mysterious man time ago.The man who wrote the note went to visit them. He came into the house and Holmes ask him ¡Come in!
    Then Holmes and the man talking about one story and the man threw the mask and he was the KING OF BOHEMIA!!

    Manuel Reyes López 3ºA

  46. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  47. PAGE 7:
    Sherlock and Watson was together and Watson asked to Sherlock if he could go but Sherlock told him to stay there if he was going to need his help. At that time they knock on the door and it was a rich man who was asking about the note that had been given them to Sherlock.
    The rich man was the king of Bohemia. He told them that the theme was important and influential he was concerned and he was could endanger you.

    Marta Reyes López 3ºA

  48. Page 7

    Sherlock was in her house with Watson, when suddenly a person called to the door and entered .He was a rich men called Van Kramm. The men started to tell the story and Holmes and Watson was surprised. This man was the king of Bohemia.watson went to another place in the house,because Holmes and Van Kramm was talking. Also he asked to Holmes if he recived the letter.

    Jose Angel Cea Torres 3 A

  49. page 7

    Sherlock was in his house talking with Watson about the letter and they heard that a person rode a horse was arrived. The misterious man called to the door and entered into the house. He said that his name was Van Kramm and that he was the king of Bohemia. He was the person who wrote the letter and he asked to Sherlock if he recieved the letter.

    carmen fraile 3A


  50. Page7: Holmes and his friend Watson heard a sound of horses outside. Someone calls to the door and Holmes oppened the door. He is a man who to be rich and asks Holmes that if it had received the letter, this says yes. The name of this men is Conde Von Kramm. And he must guard the secret for two years. Continue conversing but a comment on the part of Holmes does on that the Conde Von Kramm puts very nervously and he admit that he's the King of Bohemia.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA.

  51. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  52. Page 7;
    Sherlock and Holmes were talking when someone arrived on a horse carriage. The mysterious person knocked the door and Holmes invited him to enter. This man wore a mask to protect himself. His name was Count von Kramm and he was the king of Bohemia and the man who wrote the letter that they received. He also said that he had a great influence in the European history.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3°ESO A

  53. Sherlock and Watson heart a horse carrige.They were talking,Watson wanted to go outside but Sherlock said to he that was better inside.A person called to the door and Sherlock invited to go inside.
    Then, the man threw the mask and showed his face, and it was the king of Bohemia

  54. Page 7
    Sherlock and Watson are talking when suddenly someone arrives in a horse cart.
    That person hit the door and Holmes invited him.
    The man wore a mask, and his name was Von Kramm.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA
