miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (2) 


Explore these three pages and tell me three things you have learnt about the Renaissance and three about Shakespeare.

55 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I learned that:
    Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago,John Shakespeare was an important man in the town of Stratford,young Shakespeare left school by the time he was 16.
    The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire,a big part of the Renaissance was a cultural movement called humanism and the Renaissance started in Florence.
    Cecilia Cáceres Mariscal 3ºB

  3. I have learned about williams:

    -William Shakespeare was born in 1564.He grew up in Tudor England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I

    -Most of the poems Shakespeare wrote are called sonnets. He wrote 154 sonnets

    -Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago. Yet people still go to see his plays

    I learned about the Renaissance:

    -The true geniuses of the Renaissance were great examples of this. Leonardo da Vinci was a master painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer

    -One of the fun facts about the Renaissance Hunting was a popular form of entertainment for the wealthy

    -Some Books for reference Everyday Life in the Renaissance By Kathryn Hinds, 2004

    Lucia Garcia 3ºB

    Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England. Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago. Shakespeare’s sonnets were published in 1609. His wife’s name was Anne Hathaway.

    Much of the advances in science, art, and government that had been made by the Greeks and Romans were lost during this time.A big part of the Renaissance was a cultural movement called humanism. Humanism was a philosophy that all people should strive to be educated and learned in the classical arts, literature, and science. One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato. Many men studied Plato's writings at the Academy in Florence.


    William Shakespere was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England. He went to London, to be an actor. But he became famous for writing plays. He lived more than 400 years ago. Yet people still go to see his plays.
    Shakespeare lived around the late 16th century and early 17th century, and in between the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I.

    The Renaissance was a period of time from the 14th to the 17th century in Europe. This era bridged the time between the Middle Ages and modern times.Much of the advances in science, art, and government that had been made by the Greeks and Romans were lost during this time.
    The Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark". It was a rebirth of education, science, art, literature, music, and a better life for people in general

    Rocío Navarro Campos 3 ESO B

  6. What I've learn from William Shakespeare is that:

    -He was an actor before he wrote his poems and plays.
    -He was also known as ‘The Bard of Avon'
    -Women couldn't act in Shakespeare's time, so female characters were played by man.

    What I've learn about the Renaissance is that:
    -This period of time was also called The Dark Times, because most of the things that they've learned was lost.
    -They've changed the concept of proportion and perspective.
    -Michelangelo and Da Vinci were rivals, because Michelangelo had fun of Da Vinci because he didn't finish a statue of a horse.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  7. I have learned about williams:

    -William Shakespeare was born in 1564.He grew up in Tudor England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I

    -Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago

    -William Shakespere was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England.

    About Renaissance:

    -Some Books for reference Everyday Life in the Renaissance By Kathryn Hinds, 2004

    -The Renaissance was a period of time from the 14th to the 17th century in Europe.

    -Renaissance was a cultural movement called humanism and the Renaissance started in Florence.

    Victor Bejarano Guzman 3B.

    Most of the poems Shakespeare wrote are called sonnets.
    Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.

    In 23 April 1616 William Shakespeare died.

    He had five friends who were famous: Sir Walter Raleigh,
    Ben Johnson, Henry Wriothesley, Richard Burbage and Christopher Marlowe.

    The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy.

    The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire.

    Leonardo da Vinci was a master painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer.

    Zacarías Suárez Pérez 3ºB

    - In 1582, Shakespeare got married. His wife, Anne Hathaway, was a farmer's daughter. She was 8 years older than him. Soon they had a family - a daughter Susanna, and in 1585 twins, named Judith and Hamnet.
    - Shakespeare became an actor. Soon he was writing plays too.
    - For a time, he lived with a French family in London.

    - The dance form of ballet was invented during the Italian Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries.
    - The first violin was invented during the Renaissance by Italian Andrea Amati in 1555.
    - The most important invention of the Renaissance, and perhaps in the history of the world, was the printing press. It was invented by GermanJohannes Gutenberg around 1440.

    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

    A big part of the Renaissance was a cultural movement called humanism.
    One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato. Many men studied Plato's writings at the Academy in Florence.
    Hunting was a popular form of entertainment for the wealthy.

    He went to London, to be an actor.
    Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.
    He wrote 154 sonnets!


  11. *Three new things that I learn about Willian Shakespeare:
    -Shakespeare was probably in London when the Spanish Armada sailed to attack England in 1588.
    -He had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
    -He wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.

    *Three new things that I learn about The Renaissance:
    -A part of the Middle Ages is actually called the Dark Ages because so much of what was learned earlier was lost.
    -The humanism was a philosophy that all people should strive to be educated and learned in the classical arts, literature, and science.
    -Venice was famous for its glass work, while Milan was famous for its iron smiths.

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  12. Three things that you have learnt:

    1. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England.
    2. William Shakespeare was born in 1564.
    3. 23 April 1616, William Shakespeare died.


    1. The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire.
    2. Leonardo da Vinci was a master painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer.
    3. One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato.

  13. 3 things that I leanrt about Shakespeare:

    1.-Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
    2.-Shakespeare’s first plays were performed by the Lord Chamberlain’s Men.
    3.-Some phrases that Shakespeare wrote in his plays are things we still say today.

    3 things that learnt about the renaissance:

    1.-Two of the biggest changes to art from the Middle Ages were the concepts of proportion and perspective.
    2.-The Mona Lisa - perhaps the world's most famous painting - was painted during the Renaissance
    3.-The true geniuses of the Renaissance were great examples of this. Leonardo da Vinci was a master painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 3ºB

  14. He lived 400 years ago.
    He worked in the armada.
    He grew up in Tudor England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I.
    William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564.
    Shakespeare’s theatre group performed in the Globe Theatre and the Blackfriars Theatre.
    Some phrases that Shakespeare wrote in his plays are things we still say today.

  15. Reading about William Shakespeare I have learnt that he lived more than 400 years ago, I though that it wasn't so much time ago. I also learnt that he wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays. I think that it is too much for about 52 years that he lived. Also, I have learnt that nobody know the date that William Shakespeare was born, they just know the date that he was baptised.

    Reading about the Renaissance I have learnt that The Mona Lisa was painted during the Renaissance, and perhaps it is the world's most famous painting. I have also learnet that the Renaissance started in Florence, Italy. Also, I have learnt that the term Renaissance Man refers to a person that is an expert and talented in many areas.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  16. About Shakespeare,I've learnt that he was an actor in London; that he saw the coronation of king James I, that he had three children and that women didn't act in his plays so boys had to play as women!

    Aboun Renaissance, I've learnt that hunting was a popular form of entertainment for rich people; that Michelangelo was also a good painter, sculpttor and architect and that Venice was famous for its glass work.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  17. The things that I have learnt about Williams Shakespeare are:

    -That he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England.
    -That he wanted to be an actor so he went to London but he become in a famous writer plays.
    -That he had three children called Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.

    The things that I have learnt about renaissance are:

    -That one of the reasons because its started was because the italians rich wanted to spend their money supporting artists and geniuses.
    -That Michelangelo and Leonardo became rivals when da Vinci didn´t finish a statue of a horse and Michelangelo laugh of Da vinci.
    -That part of the Middle Ages is actually called the Dark Ages because so much of what was learned earlier was lost.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  19. I have learned about Williams Shakespeare that:
    In 1582, Shakespeare got married. His wife Anne Hathaway, was a farmer's daughter. She was 8 years older than him. Soon they had a family, a daughter Susanna, and in 1585 twins, named Judith and Hamnet.

    He was an actor before he wrote his poems and plays.

    In 23 April 1616 William Shakespeare died.

    About renaissance:
    They have changed the concept of proportion and perspective.

    A part of the Middle Ages is actually called the Dark Ages because so much of what was learned earlier was lost.

    The Middle Ages began with the fall o the Roman Empire.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  20. I learned from Shakespeare that he and Cervantes were in the same period, te renaissance. Also I learned that some phrases he wrote have become part of our everyday language. Finally I learned that he first play e performed was in 1594.

    I learned from Renaissance that "The Mona Lisa" was painted during this period. Also I learned that Michelangelo mocked da Vinci for not finising a statue of a horse. And finally I learned tat the man wore colorful tights or stockings with a shirt and a coat. The coat was generally tight fitting and was called a dounblet. They often wore hats as well.

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  21. The new things that I have learnt from Shakespeare are that people write books about Shakespeare, that he was probably in London when the Spanish Armada sailed to attack England in 1588 and I didn’t know also that he did not write his life story, and some of his life is a mystery. I thought that he had written something of his life, at least in some of his stories.

    And the new things that I have learnt from the Renaissance that the Mona Lisa was painted during the Renaissance. I didn’t know also nothing about the term Renaissance Man, that refers to a person that is an expert and talented in many areas, and I have learnt also that it was a time of "coming out of the dark".

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.


    I learned that William Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago, I have also learned that William Shakespeare born in 1564. I learned that saw the coronation of King James I in 1603. 1605 was the year of the Gunpowder Plot.


    I have learned the Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark". It was a rebirth of education, science, art, literature, music, and a better life for people in general. Also I have learned that Francis I, King of France, was patron of the arts and helped Renaissance art spread from Italy to France. I have learned artists and architects would often compete for a job, or commission, to create a piece of art.


    I have learnt that he went to London, to be an actor. But he became famous for writing plays. That young Shakespeare left school by the time he was 16. We do not know what job he did. Perhaps he worked as a teacher and he helped his father. And that Shakespeare had three children named Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet and Judith were twins.

    I have learnt that city-states played a big role in the rule of Italy at the time. They were often ruled by a powerful family, that One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato. Many men studied Plato's writings at the Academy in Florence and the last that rtists and architects would often compete for a job, or commission, to create a piece of art.


    He was born in England.

    Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago.

    Shakespeare’s wife’s name was Anne Hathaway


    The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire.

    A big part of the Renaissance was a cultural movement called humanism.

    The Renaissance was a period of time from the 14th to the 17th century in Europe

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 3ºA

  25. 3 things about william shakespeare:

    →Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays for the theatre
    →He wrote poetry.(Romeo and Juliet, Othello...)
    →Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.

    3 things about the renaissance:

    →The Mona Lisa was painted during the Renaissance.
    →The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy. Part of the reason it began in Italy was because of the history of Rome and the Roman Empire.
    →There was two important men in the renaissance : Leonardo Da Vinci , that was painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer. And Michelangelo that was painter, sculptor, and architect.

    Carmen Fraile Campos 3A


    The first thing that I have learnt is that Shakespeare lived more than 400 years old.Other thing that I have learnt is that Shakespeare left school when he was 16 years old and the last thing that I have learnt is that he had twins called Hammlet and Judith and a daughter called Susana.


    The first thing that I have learnt is that Leonardo Da Vinci was a master painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer. The second thing that I had learnt is that the Renaissance was a period of time from 14th century to 17th century. The third thing that I have learnt is that the Renaissance was a time of coming out of the dark.

    Elena Bautista Linde 3ºA

  27. Shakespeare
    he wrote the history for example : othello and hamlet

    Shakespeare used more English words than any other writer.

    Shakespeare was a member of a company of actors, called the Lord Chamberlain's Men.


    One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato. Many men studied Plato's writings at the Academy in Florence.

    Michelangelo and Leonardo became rivals when Michelangelo mocked da Vinci for not finishing a statue of a horse.

    Another reason it began in Italy was because Italy had become very wealthy and the wealthy were willing to spend their money supporting artists and geniuses.

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  28. By Ángel Fraile Delgado.

    Willian Shakespeare.

    We dodn´t know when he was born we just know when he was baptised , he has trhee children and two were twins he wrote 154 sonnets and 40 plays


    In this age most of the men studied about Plato and the artista were initially thougtof as craftsmen two changes about art were the proportion and perspective

  29. Three things about the Renaissance:
    1. I have lerarnt that the Renaissance is a period of the history that begins in Italy and later, it spread-out to the other countries of Europe because of the history of Rome

    2. The most important person of this period is Leonardo Da Vinci. He was a famous pinter, sculptor, inventor, scientific, architect. Also was Michelangelo an other genius
    3. The Renaissance begins with the fall of the Roman Empire. It takes the Greek and Roman culture.

    Three things of William Shakespeare
    1. He wrote a lot of plays: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth , Othero...
    2. When he was young, he wanted be an actor no a writer
    3. Shakespeare died in 1616

    Paco Reyes 3ºA

  30. Willian Shakespeare where in London when the Spanish Armada attack London. The wife`s name is Anne and her surname is Hathaway.Shakespeare never write novels he write plays.

    Antonio Jose Garcia Delgado 3ºA
    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance started in Florencia (Italy).
    The most famous pintor in the renaissance was Leonardo da Vinci.
    Hunting was a popular form of entretainment for the wealthy

  31. Three things of william shakespeare:

    *William Shakespeare is one of the world's greatest writers.
    *He wrote plays for the theatre.
    *Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.

    Three things about the Renaissance:

    *The Mona Lisa perhaps the world's most famous painting ,was painted during the Renaissance.
    *The Renaissance started in Florence,Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy.
    *One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato. Many men studied Plato's writings at the Academy in Florence.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA


    1. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England

    2. He wrote Romeo and Julliet, that is about love.

    3. His first play was in 1594.


    1. Miguel de Cervantes belong to this period.

    2. It was found in Fiorencia, ITALY.

    3. Appear the Humanism.

    José Ángel Cea Torres, 3ºA

    -He went to London, to be an actor
    -Shakespeare had three children named Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet and Judith were twins.
    -Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.

    -The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy
    -Two of the biggest changes to art from the Middle Ages were the concepts of proportion and perspective.
    -Michelangelo and Leonardo became rivals when Michelangelo mocked da Vinci for not finishing a statue of a horse.

    Manuel Ryes López 3ºA

  34. shakespeare had three children and two were twins. The most of plays he wrote was sonetos. We don't really know when he was born.

    The renaissance was a movement that affected all the arts. This was worn in Florence. The most important celebrities of renaissance were Leoranco da Vinci and Michelangelo.

    José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

    Shakespeare had three children named Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet and Judith were twins.
    He saw the coronation of King James I in 1603.
    Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.

    The Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark".
    One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato.
    Hunting was a popular form of entertainment for the wealthy.

    BY:Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA


    -Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
    -Shakespeare’s wife’s name was Anne Hathaway
    -Shakespeare wrote almost 40 plays

    -Hunting was a popular form of entertainment for the wealthy.
    -Francis I, King of France, was patron of the arts and helped Renaissance art spread from Italy to France.
    -Venice was famous for its glass work, while Milan was famous for its iron smiths

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  37. Sheakspeare
    1st: He was an actor before he wrote his poems and plays.
    2nd: Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago.
    3rd: He was also known as The Bard of Avon.

    1st: The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire.
    2nd: The first violin was invented during the Renaissance by Italian Andrea Amati in 1555.
    3rd: Some Books for reference Everyday Life in the Renaissance By Kathryn Hinds (2004)

    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA

  38. Three thigs about williams shakespeare:

    Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon
    He was an actor
    William Shakespeare was born in 1564

    Three thigs about the Renaissance:
    The Mona Lisa was painted during the Renaissance.
    Two of the biggest changes to art from the Middle Ages were the concepts of proportion and perspective.
    Some Books for reference Everyday Life in the Renaissance By Kathryn Hinds, 2004
    Santiago jara montero 3A

  39. Three new things for me about the renaissance:
    -I didn ´t know that it began in Italy.
    -I didn´t know that there were a cultural movement called humanism.
    - I didn´t know that thye style of architecture was taken by Greece and Rome
    Three new things for me about William Shaquespere:
    -He lived more than 400 years ago and the people still go to see their plays at the theatre.
    -Some of his life is a mistery.
    -Shaquespere´s actors became The King´s men after the queen died.

    Lola Valverde González 3ºA


    -He has 3 children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
    -He was an actor before he wrote
    -He wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.


    -It was found in Fiorencia, Italy.
    -The Renaissance was a period of time from the 14th to the 17th
    -Venice was famous for its glass work

    Ramón Rodriguez Bejarano

    1.William Shakespeare is one of the world's greatest writers.
    2.Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago.
    3.William Shakespeare was born in 1564.

    1.The Renaissance was a period of time from the 14th to the 17th century in Europe.
    2.A big part of the Renaissance was a cultural movement called humanism.
    3.The Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark".

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  42. Shakespeare
    -He had 3 children, Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
    -He was lived more than 400 years ago
    -Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.

    -The Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark".
    -It was found in Fiorencia, Italy.
    -One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  43. I learned from Shakespeare that was one of the world's greatest writers. He wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays. Also I learned that he had three children named Susanna, Hamnet and Judith were twins and that some phrases that Shakespeare wrote in his plays are things we still say today.

    I learned about the Renaissance that his art was often divided up into two periods; Early Renaissance and High Renaissance. I learned that the kind of food that people ate during the Renaissance depended on where they lived and his economy. Finally, I didn't know that Leonardo da Vinci was generally considered the perfect example of the Renaissance man.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºA

  44. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  45. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  46. About William Shakespeare, I learned that Shakespeare was a actor too. Also, Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago. And also, I learned that this grew up in Tudor, England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I.
    About the Renaissance, I learned that a big part of the Renaissance was humanism, a cultural movement. Other things that I learned from Renaissance that this started in Florence, Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy. Also, I learned that the true geniuses of the Renaissance were Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

    Paula Delgado Román 3ºA

  47. I learned to Shakespeare that he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in England, that Shakespeare’s wife’s name was Anne Hathaway and that Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
    And to the Renaissance I learned that it was a rebirth of education, science, art, literature, music, and a better life for people in general, that the Renaissance started in Florence, Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy and that the term Renaissance Man refers to a person that is an expert and talented in many areas.
    I don't know nothing about this and I learned a lot of things about Shakespeare and the Renaissance reading this documents.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 3°A

  48. I don't know about Shakespeare:
    -Shakespeare was probably in London when the Spanish Armada sailed to attack England in 1588.
    -He saw the coronation of King James I in 1603.
    -Shakespeare had three children named Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet and Judith were twins.

    I don't know about renaissance:
    -Part of the Middle Ages is actually called the Dark Ages because so much of what was learned earlier was lost.
    -Venice was famous for its glass work, while Milan was famous for its iron smiths.
    -Artists and architects would often compete for a job, or commission, to create a piece of art.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

    _Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England and Shakespeare died in 1616.
    -Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
    -Shakespeare’s wife’s name was Anne Hathaway.

    -It was a rebirth of education, science, art, literature, music, and a better life for people in general.
    -It began in Italy The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy and spread to other city-states in Italy.
    -Some important city-states included Florence, Milan, Venice, and Ferrara.

    Marta Reyes López 3ºA

  50. The three things that I have learned about Shakespeare are:
    He saw the coronation of King James I in 1603.
    He wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.
    He had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.

    The three things that I have learned about renaissance are:
    The word "Renaissance" means "rebirth".
    Francis I, King of France, was patron of the arts and helped Renaissance art spread from Italy to France.
    Hunting was a popular form of entertainment for the wealthy.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºESO A

  51. I learned to Shakespeare that he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in England, that Shakespeare’s wife’s name was Anne Hathaway and that Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Also he wrote 154 sonnets and 40 plays.
    I have learnt about renaissance are:
    One of the fun facts about the Renaissance Hunting was a popular form of entertainment for the wealthy. Also that Michelangelo and Leonardo became rivals when da Vinci didn´t finish a statue of a horse and Michelangelo laugh of Da vinci. And the most important invention of the Renaissance was the printing press. It was invented by GermanJohannes Gutenberg.
    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA

  52. Shakespeare
    Shakespeare was probably in London when the Spanish Armada sailed to attack England in 1588.
    I didn´t know that there were a cultural movement called humanism.
    He wrote 154 sonnets and around 40 plays.
    The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire.
    The Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark".
    Venice was famous for its glass work, while Milan was famous for its iron smiths

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3ºA

  53. shakespeare:
    He was lived more than 400 years ago
    -Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith
    He saw the coronation of King James I in 1603.

    It was invented by GermanJohannes Gutenberg.
    One of the most popular Greek philosophers was Plato.
    The Mona Lisa was painted during the Renaissance.


    - I have learnt that William Shakespeare was born in 1564.

    - In 23 April 1616 William Shakespeare died.

    - He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England.


    -"The Mona Lisa" was painted during this period.

    -This period of time was also called The Dark Times.

    -Leonardo da Vinci was a master painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer, and writer.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3°B

  55. Once upon a time, in a town far away called Sevilla lived two families, that are on bad terms
    Jesus , a christian was in love with a girl that didn't love him back. One day he met Anna and fell in love with her. Anna was an atheistic set to marry in Jaén but after meeting Jesús that wasn't a option.
    The next day, Jesus and Anna express their love by getting married, in a private tried so no one knows
    One day Jesus and Jose Maria were play fighting with Manuel and other christians. When things got a little out of control. So
    When the Prince finds out about what happened, he is very angry. He banishes Romeo from Verona, and this makes Juliet very sad.
    Since no one knows that Jesus and Anna are together her parents set up a marriage between Anna and Jaén
    Anna then goes to Málaga for help on a plan to get with Jesus and not marry Jaén.
    The plan is for Anna to drink a potion that will make her sleep for hours and she will look like she's dead. Then her family will bury her in the christian tomb and by night Romeo will come and get her and take her away from Málaga to live.
    The next day the plan goes well and Anna drinks the potion and everyone thinks she's dead and they bury her in the tomb. Romeo's servant, Jose María sees this and goes to tell Jesus right away.
    Jesus doesn't get the letter that tells about the plan because there was a sickness between towns and no one was allowed to go through. So when he hears that Anna is dead, he goes to buy poison and rides a horse to the atheistic tomb.
    Then, right in front of Juliet he kills himself by drinking the poison. |Anna then wakes up and finds Jesus dead. She looks at him and notices the bottle of poison, so she tries to drink some of it too. After she realizes there's no more left she takes his sword and stabs herself.
    When the christians and atheistic find out about Jesus and Anna's secret love, they are ashamed and they end the family fued forever.
