lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016


59 comentarios:

  1. The first video is about telling you to take the bus that is better than cars for example and with more segurity.
    The second video is that is better if you are in groups instead to be alone.
    The third video is if you work in groups is better tan alone.
    The last video is about if you are in groups all is better.

    The mayority idea of the videos is that if you work or travel or do something in groups is better tan alone, so take the bus.

    Cecilia Cáceres Mariscal 4ºD

  2. these videos means that team work better than one and it is easier to act together to defend and videos animals defend themselves from predators

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4ºD

  3. All of the adverts transmits our that travel in groups is more insurance than travel alone.
    David sanz Rodriguez 4 esoD

  4. I think that the mean of the advertising is that when we travell in groups is better than travell alone.

    In the pinguin advert all of then go to the other part of the ice and the wail crash with the part of the ice.

    In the ant advert all the ant form a ball to beat the tapir

    In the crabs advert all the crabs they join to beat the seagull

    In the Firefles advert the firefliesthat go alone crash with all the trees but the fireflies that go unity have the light to see the trees and dont crash with them.

    All of this advert mean that if you dont cant alone you can join with other people to beat.

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  5. These videos want us to understand that it is better to always go in groups to go alone. The first video is about penguins that are on ice and a shark had hoped to eat. The second video is about ants go in groups and one remains behind, a mole wants to eat them but the group of ants that went before help her. The third video is that some crabs are walking and suddenly comes a seagull who wants to eat them but they all come together and bite the gull. The fourth video is that some fireflies flying in group but one of them is lost and crashes into the trees while the others are in groups.

    Veronica Gonzalez Sevilla 4D

  6. video 1
    A group of penguins in an igloo, when they realize that a whale wants to drop them pushing the igloo, then all get together and decide to force.

    video 2
    They are a group of ants working when suddenly comes a mole who wants to eat them, then all together forming a ball so that the ball does not fit in his mouth.

    video 3
    There is a group of crabs on the beach when suddenly are reaching a seagull who wants to eat them and they get together and get their claws beat the seagull.

    video 4
    There is a firefly that this alone and suddenly his tail begins to stop shining, when you see a group of fireflies together all are shining, and realizes that if you are in a group and lets you shine the tail can do with that of her companions.

    CONCLUSION: These videos shows us that if we as a group we can be helpful, to be alone sometimes is necessary but not always good.


  7. the adverts go about animals, that, working united can save him selves or go better, in the first was pinguins against a sharck, they go all to a part off iceburg and make the sharck beat on in his nose, in the second a group off ant working united to kill a anteater, in the third a group off crab cut the seagul´s feather, and, in the forth one fireflay was travel alone and see a group of fire flies that go better, all advert said that in group traveler better and encourage to take the buss

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. In the first video, a pinguin saw a whale whose was going directly to eat them, he comunicated with his group to move the ice-berg and beat the whale.

    In the second video the ants worked in group to help one of them who was going to die, but they win the anteater working together.

    In the third video we can see that the crabs made like a shield to be defended of the bird, and then, with their tweezers, they win.

    In the fourth video we can see a fireflie which is alone, without a group, and he had an accident. Then he saw a group like him and he tried to go with them but he couldn't fly well and he crashed with a tree.

    In general I can see that the life in group is better than going everywhere alone, and it's very helpful.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºD.

  10. These adverts shows as the importance of travelling together using public transport as the bus.If we use our individual transport,we are polluting the world, making it unhealthy.These adverts use funny and cutes animals to make us think about, how about travelling together?
    Every advert has different animals,but hey have things in common, they seems to be weak, then, when an anial bigger than them arrives, the join, creating a group against the big animal, and finally they win.
    So,by my point of view, what the adverts wants to say is that if we travel with more people, in the bus, we will win the pollution.

    1st Advert:About a group of penguins, afraid of a shark that wants to hurt them.They have a little argument or fight, bur finally they survive to that huge animal.

    2nd Advert:It talks about a groups of ants, that make a "ball" by joinning lots of them, to protect themselves and their food of the animal that wants to destroy them.Again, thay act together, and they survive to an animal.

    3rd Advert: THay are crabs, that are going to be eaten by the seagull, but finally, the win against it, acting together and joinning their powers.

    4th Advert:About a fireflie that travels alone, it fells down, suddenly,it watchs lots of fireflies that are travelling together, thay have a powerful light, so they will not fell and they will see better the country and they will go without a problem.

  11. In all the adverts there are a group of animals and other alone in what the group work united to solve the problems.
    The slogan is: It's smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus

  12. I think the video don't have too much sense, I mean, I think the adverts don't explain well what they are trying to say, because for me the adverts mean that we have to be in group but they don't explain that is in transport (take the bus).

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  13. In the first video the pinguins go to the other part of ice to beat the wail.

    In the second video ant form a group to beat the tapir.

    In the third video the crabs form a group to beat the tweezers to seagull.

    In the fourth video the fireflies fly in group for dont crash to the tree.

    Ramón García Díaz 4ºD

  14. These ads state that we need to be in a group and be united.Yes I like the adverts and the meaning of the adverts.
    The meaning of the slogan is that is better to stay and work in group because is more easy.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4ºD

  15. I like the four advertisings.
    In the first one it treats of a group of penguins in an iceberg that is saved of that a shark they do not eat them.
    In the second advertisement it treats of a group of ants going shown eaten and to one of them an ant bear her wants to eat up but other ants help them forming a ball.

    In the third advertisement it treats of a group of crabs in the shore and a gull it tries to eat up all the crabs and all the crabs damage to them with his tweezer.

    In the quarter it treats of a group of fireflies that they go in group and light all his way and another firefly goes alone and is shocked and then it realizes that in group of it goes better than alone.

    In conclusion the fours advertisings it recommends to you to travel more in bus and in group

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  16. I think that the videos mean that if you work in group or do something in group is better and also I think that in the videos they try to promute the use of the bus instead the car because the pollution

    José Manuel Méndez González 4°D

  17. I think that the videos mean that if you work in group or do something in group is better and also I think that in the videos they try to promute the use of the bus instead the car because the pollution

    José Manuel Méndez González 4°D

  18. I think the four advert will not want to lead you to think that the better the union in group one. I also think that these advert want to advertise on buses for all to use and not use both cars to avoid contaminating So if we go by bus ears can pollute much less.

    First advert: in this advert can be viewed as a group of penguins scared of a shark that wants to take them. But thanks to the union of all manage to save themselves.

    Second advert: in this advert looks like an animal you want to eat an ant but the "boss" ant calls all ants to make a ball and so to save the life of his friend, and to save the food they carried.

    Third advert: we can see how a crab will be the food of a seagull but again thanks to his friends and life-saving food is not seagull

    Fourth advert: can be seen as a firefly going traveling and hit a tree, but her friends again for them and light their way.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºESO D

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. I think that in all the videos they try to say that it is necessary to be employed as a team, because they help each others, they have more security... , specially in that they help each others, since we can see in the video of the ants,this are the meaning of the videos, work in group.

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  21. In these videos we can see how the group work. It is always good to do things in groups helping with each other. Since we have the example of the crab scaring gull and not eat one of his companions, together they have achieved that crab not die.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  22. In the four advert has different animals,but hey have things in common, they seems to be weak,when an animal bigger than them arrives, the join, creating a group against the big animal, and at the end they win.

  23. First video:
    In this video we can see a group of pinguins that are uploaded in a piece of ice in the middle of the sea, comes a shark and tries to let them fall but as are in group, is impossible let them fall

    Second video:
    In this video we can see as some ants are being loaded with food but the halfway, one runs out to continue walking since another animal prevents it is, other ants come back to help her, they form a group and together they kill the animal

    Third video:
    In this video we can see a den crabs group that is on the beach and there is one that is more apart from the group, then sees a bird and wants to go kill him, the other crabs form a group and take away all the bird feathers

    Forth video:
    In this video we can see a fireflie that goes alone and had a accident, the fireflie see a group of fireflies and try to goes with they, but the fireflie couldn't fly well and crash with a tree

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  24. the first three ads mean working in team. slogan: if they work as a team no one that you detenganel fourth announcement means that you can not go for the single life. Slogan: in life you can not go only

  25. All of the videos show us the important thing that is stay together, helping others.

    First video:
    In the first we can see how the penguins helps each other putting them together in the same side of the ice.

    Second video:
    This video shows us how ants helps each other so that they are not eating.
    Third video:
    I can see how the crabs make a plan to stop the eagle and help the baby crab.

    Fourth video:
    The video shows you how one of the fireflies is lost and the others shows it how to find the travel to continue with the others.

  26. First video: This video is a shark would eat about penguins, and that the shark did not eat penguins, penguins went to one side of the iceberg, so that the shark is collided with that thing. Second video: This video is that ants were taking ants normally and suddenly gets an anteater and try to eat ants, and all the ants together came together and formed a ball, and left without breathing anteater . Third video: This video is an eagle would eat some crawfish and crabs gathered and removed all the eagle feathers. Fourth cideo: This video features a young firefly collides with a tree and falls to the ground and saw other fireflies pass and went with them

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  27. all the adverstisement explain diferent things because yo need travel in a group. In the first advertisement yo can see a lot of penguin work in a group for defender for the fish. In the third advertisement you can see a crab ,when the bird go down for eat the crab ,the others crabs go to help this.The logan is better travel in a group, travel by bus
    juan carlos lopez gelo 4B

  28. There are 4 videos on the same advertising campaign which tries to convince people to use the bus through cartoons. In the video you can see that the work group has more benefits.

    1Penguins defend a predator

    2Ants are attacked by an anteater

    3A seagull attacks a group of crabs

    4A firefly traveling alone at night and hit a tree

  29. In the first video appared a lot of penguins and they move the iceberg to hit the whale
    In the second video it appared a lot of ants and behind them there is a anteater and they go together and they make a ball to choke the anteater.
    In the third video it appared a lot of crab and a seagull, and they make a group to hit the seagull
    In the fourth video it appard alone firefly and it find a group and with the group it can see.

    All the videos have in common that it is better to go by group


  30. First video:
    In this video we see a group of pinguins that are in a iceberg.Then arrive a killer whale but the penguing don't fall because they are united.

    Second video:
    In this there are a group of ants that they are work. After arrive a anteater that want eat a ant but they united and he left

    Third video:
    In this there are a group of crabs. Arrive a bird and the crabs united so the bird died because the crabs remove feather.

    Forth video:
    We see a firefly that are alone. In other side there are a group of firefly. The firefly that is alone lost.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  31. First video:
    In this video shows you that is better to travel in bus because is safer and you are with people, not be alone.

    Second video:
    In this video shows you that if you are small but are many of you can help and together can be stroger than an animal that is bigger.

    Third video:
    In this video shows than you have to use your habilities although you are small and the other animal atack you are bigger, for example the crabs use their tweezers for save.

    If you are alone you can lose and if you are with a group is better and you can choose a idea together.

    MºVictoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  32. In this adverts use cute animals for advert that the travel in groups are better, because the persons in cars, for example, contaminate more the world and in bus can travel a lot of persons contaminate less.

    In first advert appear a lot of penguins on a piece of ice and when appear a shark who want to eat them, and all the penguins works in group for that the shark don't eat them.

    In second advert appear a lot of ants and a anteater that want to eat an ant and all the ants join and the anteater can't eat them.

    In third advert appear a lot of crabs and a seagull that want to eat a little crab and the crab call the others crabs and they protect him.

    In fourth advert appear a lot of fireflies together and one fireflie alone and the fireflies that are together go to all places that they want and that the fireflie that is alone can't go anywhere.

    Desirée Rodríguez 4ºB

  33. Ángel Fraile Delgado 4B

    In the first video you can see how a group of penguins make fun of a whale due to the try to eat them and it can´t

    In the second one youcna see how a group of ants beat a ant eater making it can´t breath

    Inthe third you can see how seagull try to eat a crab and all the crabs work together to defend one of them

    In last video you can see a firefly that it hit with the trees because alone it can´t light all the place and after you see a group of fireflies together that they light all the place.

    The slogan iS : It´s smarter to travel in groups take the bus .

    In this advert they try to make you know that work in groups is better and easier and that you must use more the public tranport

  34. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  35. In this adverts we can see that travel in bus is safer using animals to express it.

    FIRST ADVERT:In this video we can see that with smal groups we can beat a lot of things.

    SECOND ADVERT:we can see that we if we join together and help we can save people

    THIRD ADVERT: In this video we can see that if we help another that is small we can protect him from another thig more dangerous.

    FOURTH ADVERT: Inthis video we can see that with more people is easier to do somethig than if you do alone.

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B

  36. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  37. In the three advers said that teamwork is much better than working alone because asin if one fails the other can help you improve
    Carlos Rodríguez Mondéjar 4 B

  38. In the first video you can see a group of penguin in an iceberg. The group of penguin work in group and are spared of the whale.
    In the second video you can see a group of ant that work in group to save an ant of the anteater.
    In the third video you can see a group of crab that work in group to save a small crab of the eagle.
    In the fourth video you can see a group of firefly that work in group to avoid missing in the forest.
    Conclusion:it is smarter to travel in groups.Take the bus.

  39. In this adverts you can see the diferents animals working in groups, using that for to know that work in groups are more insurance and easier, and that the bus polluted less.

    In the first advert one small group of penguins win a killer whale working in group.

    In the second advert the other ants help a ant the being eaten for the anteater, meaking a big ball.

    In the third advert the diferents crabs working together for win a hungry seagull

    And in the fourth advert you can see a firefly flying alone and it doesn´t see while all the others fireflys flying together, they can see

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  40. 1º video- In this video appear a group of pinguins and they are rounded by a shark. Pinguins are in an ice stone and the shark will eat them but they are together so they work in group to move to a part of the ice to make the shark clas with the ice.

    2ºvideo- In this video I saw a group of ants that are collecting food maybe for the winter ans suddenly an anteater appears and want to eat them, they work together to not eat anyone and to beat the anteater.

    3ºvideo-In this video appear a group of crabs that are walking on the sand and suddenly a seagull appear and want to eat one of them. Then all the crabs are together and beat with their pincers the seagull.

    4ºvideo-In this video I saw a firefly that is lonely and their light doesn't work too much. Then the firefly see a group of fireflies that are together so that nobody is left without light.

    CONCLUSION- This adverts show us that work in groups it leads to complete a job successfully.Because each brings his creativity, the tasks are done together and the relationships between them are developed and this makes us grow as people

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  41. I think that all the advertisings want to transmit the message of that we work in group we can obtain better resolutions.
    • First advertising: In this advertising, a group of penguins are in a ice stone and they are surround by a shark. Thanks to the all group to move for a part of the ice stone, the shark crushes with the other part of the ice stone.
    • Second advertising: In this advertising, we can see how a group of ants are carrying food and suddenly an anteater appears to eat them but they form a ball and anteater can’t eat them
    • Third advertising: In this one, we can see a group of crabs walking and suddenly a seagull appears to eat them. Then they form a group and they cut the seagull with their tweezers.
    • Fourth advertising: In this one, we can see a fireflies flying alone in the night and it crush with a tree when suddenly it see a group of fireflies flying together and they don’t crush with anything
    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  42. I think that the four adverts have the same message,it express that if we work or travel in group the reward is better than if we work or travel alone.

    FIRST VIDEO: We can see some penguins on an iceberg, suddenly they are attacked by a killer whale. Then the penguins are cast to the side so that the killer whale not jump over the iceberg and thus collision with the iceberg.

    SECOND VIDEO:We can see an ant that go to their nest, derepente an ant is absorbed by an anteater. The others ants decide to help her, make a ball all together and when they reach the snout of the anteater, anteater is choking and the ants go their way.

    THIRD VIDEO:We can see a group of crabs that are on the beach. In the sky you see a seagull is set at a crab. The seagull is thrown against a crab and suddenly all crabs pluck the feather the gull.

    FOURTH VIDEO:We can see a single firefly, suddenly passed a group of fireflies. The firefly that was alone try to join the group of fireflies but fails.

    MartaReyes López 4ºB

  43. The slogan of these ads is “It’s smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus”. In general, they want to convey us that any work will be easier for everyone if we do it in groups and also, we will obtain better results.

    ▪ First ad: we can see some penguins on an iceberg. They are in danger, because an enormous shark is approaching them. The penguins do teamwork, and they move to the left, raising the right part of the iceberg. Then, the shark hits with the ice and thanks to the cooperation, the penguins were not devoured by the shark.

    ▪ Second ad: In this case, is about a group of ants who are collecting things to eat. An anteater appears and one of the ants is attacked by it. All the ants have seen that one is in danger, so they go to help it. Then, they make a circular structure and they cover the anteater's nose, leaving it without respiration. The ants, doing teamwork, get to avoid the death of one of them.

    ▪ Third ad: in this video, a group of crabs are walking on the beach while a seagull is stalking them on the sky. The seagull flies approaching them to eat one of the crabs, but when the crab sees the seagull, it calls the rest of them and they pluck the seagull with their pincers. Again, a group of small animals beat a bigger animal, doing teamwork.

    ▪ Fourth ad: as we can see, at the beginning there’s a firefly flying alone at night. This firefly clashes with a tree and it falls, losing its light. Suddenly, a group of fireflies appear flying all together with a great amount of light, so they can see in the dark. The alone firefly sees them and it tries to follow the big group, but it clashes with a tree and the firefly falls again due to the low amount of light that it has to see.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  44. Firt video: In this videos we can see pinguins in a ice that are in the middle of the sea. There ir a shark that try to throw the pinguins to the water, but he can't becouse a group of pinguins it stronger than a shark. The slogan is It's smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus

    Second video: In this video there ir a animals that try to eat one ant, but the others help it. They make a ball and cap her nose The slogan is “It’s smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus”

    Third video: In this video we can see a group of crabs walking on the beach. There ir s bird that see the crabs to eat them, but they are so clever, so, they use there pincers and make hurt to the bird. The slogan is The slogan is It's smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus

    Fourth video: In This video there is a firefly fly alone in the night . He crashed whith a tree and thenm see a groups of firefly that are shiny and so happy. The slogan is It's smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  45. These videos have a message that is that you never travell alone because you have more segurity when you go with people.
    In the first video I can see a group of pinguins in a ice. There is a shark that want aproveching them but the group of pinguins is more strong than the shark.

    The second video is a group of ant that are recollecting food but appear an anmal that want eat them. The others ants help her.

    In the third video I can see a group of crabs. There is a bird that see them but the crab call the rest of his geup and they use they pincers.

    In the fourth video I can see a firefly fly in the nigth. She is alone but in this moment appear a group of firefly and the firefly that is alone go with her group

    Nati Montero Cotan 4b

  46. All the videos use the examples when the animals do differents things together and they do it better than when they do it alone; so in the videos are use this examples for encourage people to take the bus.
    The examples in the differents videos are:

    First adverd, the penguins are saved when the shark go where the penguins are because as they are a lot, they move together and the shark hit with the iceberg.

    Second adverd, the ants are walking and appears the anteater to eat them but they form together a ball and the anteater can't eat them.

    Third adverd, when the crabs see the seagull go to eat them they come together and go up his crabs for cut the seagull.

    Fourth adverd, the fireflies always fly together to see well with her lights.

  47. First video: In this video we can see a group of penguins that are on a portion of ice. Suddenly a shark around them and when it go to the ice the penguis think a plan. All at once move to a part of the ice so the shark clash with the ice.

    Second video: In this video a group of ants are collecting and working to have foods and a house, because they are very workers. Then an anteater try to eat an ant. And to saved it they put toghether in to a ball. So they choke the anteater when they try to eat all the ants.

    Third video: In this video there are crabs walking at the beach and then a seagull enraged arrive to eat them. The crabs put together and with its pincers up to remove the feathers seagull.

    Fourth video: A firefly is flying but it has a low light so it clash with a tree. Then it see a big group of fireflies with a powerfull light because each one provide a bit light.

    The slogan of the four videos is IT'S SMARTER TO TRAVEL IN GROUPS, TAKE THE BUS. I think that the message of these videos is that the work in group is always more satisfactory because each members of the group can provide a quality. And then with this we can do big things in the life. While if you work alone only you can provide ideas and rarely you can triumph. The adverts say that take the bus probably beacuse is a transport where there are a big group of people.


  48. First video: In this video we can see a group of penguins that are on a portion of ice. Suddenly a shark around them and when it go to the ice the penguis think a plan. All at once move to a part of the ice so the shark clash with the ice.

    Second video: In this video a group of ants are collecting and working to have foods and a house, because they are very workers. Then an anteater try to eat an ant. And to saved it they put toghether in to a ball. So they choke the anteater when they try to eat all the ants.

    Third video: In this video there are crabs walking at the beach and then a seagull enraged arrive to eat them. The crabs put together and with its pincers up to remove the feathers seagull.

    Fourth video: A firefly is flying but it has a low light so it clash with a tree. Then it see a big group of fireflies with a powerfull light because each one provide a bit light.

    The slogan of the four videos is IT'S SMARTER TO TRAVEL IN GROUPS, TAKE THE BUS. I think that the message of these videos is that the work in group is always more satisfactory because each members of the group can provide a quality. And then with this we can do big things in the life. While if you work alone only you can provide ideas and rarely you can triumph. The adverts say that take the bus probably beacuse is a transport where there are a big group of people.


  49. The slogan of these adverts is “It’s smarter to travel in groups. Take the bus”.

    *In the first advert, we can see how a group of penguins are on a piece of ice and a pinguin saw a whale whose was going to eat them, they moved the ice-berg for the shark could not reach them.

    *In the second advert, we can see a group of ants worked in group to help one of them from an anteater.

    *In the third advert, we can see another group of crabs made a shield to be defended of one bird, and they win.

    *In the fourth advert, we can see a fireflie is alone. Then he saw a group of fireflie and he tried to go with them but he hits a tree again.

    In general, We can see that the life in group is better than going everywhere alone.

    Marta María Maldonado Parejo 4ºB

  50. Four videoes of the same thing, of the defense in group and to be able to defend one alone and to his companions.

    -FIRST VIDEO:In this video we can see like estan a few penguins on an iceberg and they see as a shark that wants to attack them, they think a plan and in group they hit to the shark with iceberg

    -SECOND VIDEO:In this video we can see as the ants are employed at group, an ant bear tries to eat up to one of them, they all in group save it

    -Third video:In this video we can see a group of crabs they are attacked by a bird and they with his tweezers defend themselves

    -Fourth video:In this video we can see as a dragonfly it is struck with a tree and his light goes out. She sees one group of dragonfly and wants to go with them, but it cannot illuminate

    The slogan is "It's smater to travel in group"

  51. The first video is a group of penguins who were on a patch of ice and moved to the side so that a shark that came was collided with the ice

    The second video is a group of ants passing with food and an anteater wanted to eat ants. All joined into a ball and ended the anteater

    The third video is a group of crabs on the beach. A bird is approaching very fast and all the crabs plucked the bird with its pincers

    the fourth video is a lonely firefly who falls and has no light then saw pass a group of fireflies bright

    the motto if you work in the group will get more success

  52. In the first video we can see a group of penguins on a iceberd and tirubron surrounding the iceberd, the shark wants to kill them but they all do a good teamwork and get the shark crash with iceberd.
    The second video is about of an anteater who wants to aspire to a group of ants using his trunk, the ants want flee, but an ant fails to escape, all the ants work together into a ball, when the anteater inhaled the ball, the ball stayed clogging the trunk and the anteater dies.
    Third advert appears a lot of crabs and a seagull who wants to eat some crab and crab called other crabs and protect it taking away all the feathers to the seagull.
    In the fourth video, we can see a firefly flying alone at night, the firefly with little light strikes a tree when suddenly see a group of fireflies flying together and see that it can not go ahead because it has enough light so the group of fireflies when working together can move.
    Paula Delgado Román 4°B

  53. In the first video we can see a group of penguins on a iceberd and tirubron surrounding the iceberd, the shark wants to kill them but they all do a good teamwork and get the shark crash with iceberd.
    The second video is about of an anteater who wants to aspire to a group of ants using his trunk, the ants want flee, but an ant fails to escape, all the ants work together into a ball, when the anteater inhaled the ball, the ball stayed clogging the trunk and the anteater dies.
    Third advert appears a lot of crabs and a seagull who wants to eat some crab and crab called other crabs and protect it taking away all the feathers to the seagull.
    In the fourth video, we can see a firefly flying alone at night, the firefly with little light strikes a tree when suddenly see a group of fireflies flying together and see that it can not go ahead because it has enough light so the group of fireflies when working together can move.
    Paula Delgado Román 4°B

  54. The slogan is "it's smarter to travel in groups" and means that if you can not do it alone group that is easier.
    In the first ad you can be seen as a group of penguins are surrounded by a shark but because they are in a group can be rid of the shark.
    In the second announcement is a group of ants that are in line to get food, but there is an anteater who want to eat an ant and the others agree to destroy him.
    In the third announcement is a group of crabs walking along the seashore but a crab realizes that they will attack a bird and put into pocision with tweezers looking at the sky and kill the bird.
    In the fourth ad looks to a single firefly that this bumping with all the columns and when it collides with a realizes that if you are in a group like the others have more light and no longer collide with columns.
    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4ºB

  55. The slogan is "it's smarter to travel in groups" and means that if you can not do it alone group that is easier.
    In the first advert you can be seen as a group of penguins are surrounded by a shark but because they are in a group can be rid of the shark.
    In the second advert is a group of ants that are in line to get food, but there is an anteater who want to eat an ant and the others agree to destroy him.
    In the third advert is a group of crabs walking along the seashore but a crab realizes that they will attack a bird and put into pocision with tweezers looking at the sky and kill the bird.
    In the fourth advert looks to a single firefly that this bumping with all the columns and when it collides with a realizes that if you are in a group like the others have more light and no longer collide with columns.
    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4ºB

  56. The slogan is "it's smarter to travel in groups" and means that if something costs you do it alone, you can do as a group and is not so difficult.
    First:You can see a group of penguins on a piece of ice water and a shark around trying to eat them but penguins agree and kill him
    Second:Now it's a group of ants that are catching their food, but an ant is attacked by an anteater and the other ants help you and end with the anteater.
    Third:It is a group of crabs that are walking along the beach and the smallest crab realizes that they will attack a bird and indicates a plan and all crabs join up with tweezers and pluck the bird.
    Fourth:In this case there is only a firefly but that shines so little to be bumping around and realizes that if you are in a group like the other fireflies shineth more and no longer crash.
    Mayte Macias Diez 4°B

    It's about a group of penguins that are on a block of ice all together. They all move to their right and the shark that is going to eat them crash with the ice.

    In this video we can see a group of ants who are all in group. Behind them there's an anteater which wants to eat them, so they work in group and beat the anteater.

    It's about a group of crabs which are going to be eaten by a seagull. The crabs gather and they beat the seagull.

    In this video we can see a fireflie which is in a dark cave and its own light isn't enought to see for where he's going. Far away he can see a group of fireflies which are all together and they can see all the cave bacause of all their light together.

    CONCLUSION: watching all this videos I've realised that doing things in gruop is easier than doing by yourself.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  58. In these videos we see how group work is better and has better results. To us it shows us how is important fellowship
    I also think that these advert want to advertise on buses for all to use and not use both cars to avoid contaminating
    Marta Barba 4ºD

  59. In this adverts we can see:
    First video:
    In the first we can see how the penguins Helps Each Other.

    Second video:In the second advert each other Helps the ants, meaking a big ball.

    Third video:we can see how the crabs make a plan to stop the eagle but again thanks to his Friends get it.

    Fourth video:the video shows a firefly is lost and think this group is better and has more light.

    conclusion: sometimes it is better to be with more people than alone, they you may need on many occasions.

    Lucia Garcia 4ºD
