domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016

Presentation: European countries (groups of four students)

1) Choose an European country
2) Find information about:

Ethnic groups

3) Prepare a presentation where you use graphs, charts, tables, maps and statistics

Send me the members of the group, the country you have chosen and why.

18 comentarios:

  1. We are a group of 3 peoples

    Antonio José

    We have been chosen Russia because we think that russian people are very crazy and we like the russian history and her economy

  2. We are a group of four, Antonio Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, Jose Ángel Cea Torres, Gerardo Ibañez Torres and Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra. We choose Germany because we love the culture and how they live the football in this country. Also because we like their parties with beers

    Antonio Manuel Gonzalez Garcia
    Jose Ángel Cea Torres
    Gerardo Ibañez Torres
    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra

  3. Hi,
    In our group we are: Verónica González, David Sanz, Rocío Navarro and María Escudero.
    We have chosen Italy because is very interesting and the language is very beautiful.
    We think that the monuments are very incredible and the culture is very nice.
    We are very interested in this country.

  4. Components of the group:

    1.-Maria Cecilia Cáceres Mariscal.
    2.-Ana Guiomar Marín Jimeno.
    3.-Jesús Muñoz Molina.
    4.-Lola Valverde González.

    We're in 4ºESO-D.

    We've chosen Greece because we're studying "Latin" and we want to know more about their culture, language ...

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. We are a group of four people of 4ºD:
    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez
    José Manuel Méndez González
    Manuel Reyes López
    Zacarías Suárez Pérez
    We chose Poland because we like the culture and the language because there are very interesting, it's a country with a lot of forest and because anybody chose this country.

  7. We are a group of four:

    Ángela Fraile Gelo
    Carmen Gónzalez Fuentes
    Cristina Antón Llorente
    Marta Ibáñez García

    We are students of 4ºD

    We choose France because we like the culture and have places that are very interesting.

  8. We are group of four,Elena Gelo,MªCarmen Quintanilla,Lucia Garcia and Marta Barba. we choosse Filand because is very beautiful

  9. We are group of four people of 4º ESO D:
    Ángela Cótan Cotán
    María García Fernández
    Sara Álvarez Pérez
    Rocío Olivo García
    We are choose United Kingdom because we like so much, and we want travel to United Kingdom and with this project we can learn more for this culture

  10. We are group of four: Elena Gelo, Mari Carmen Quintanilla ,Lucía García and Marta Barba.
    We are going to choose Finland because this country is very beautiful and we would like to see the Notherm lights and also we like the weather.

  11. We are a group of 5: Fidel Ibañez, Carlos Lopez, Santiago Jara, Paco Reyes and Ramon Rodriguez. We are going to choose Belgium because this country is very beautiful, it have a perfect weather and it has a lot of interestings things.

  12. My group of four is: Anabel Rodríguez Silva, Ana Isabel Morán Sánchez, Desirée Rodríguez Lopez and Paula Castro Rodríguez. We are going to choose United Kingdom because there are a lot of monuments and we think that is a very interesting country.

  13. We are a group of four : Rodrigo , Óscar , Ángel and Mustafá.
    We have chosen Germany because is a big country so when can find easier charts and graphics and is a very powerful country.

  14. we are group of five people:
    Piedad López López
    Marta Maldonado Parejo
    Mayte Macias Diez
    Marta Rodriguez Murillo
    Iván Suárez Méndez.
    We are going to the Italy because this country is very interesting and is very beautiful.

  15. We are a group of four : Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo , Óscar Gómez Bascón , Ángel Fraile Delgado and Mustafá Amallahi Tabohout.
    We have chosen Germany because is a big country so when can find easier charts and graphics and is a very powerful country.

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. This is our group:
    -Elena Bautista Linde.
    -Victoria Fraile Pallares.
    -Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera.
    -Nati Montero Cotán.
    -Belén Torres Delgado.

    We have chosen Greece because it has beautiful and peaceful beaches. It also has great sightseeings including important monuments like Parthenon or important places like Olympia.

  18. We are a group of 4ºB:
    -Rocío Peña Carrera
    -Marta Reyes López
    -Monte Fraile Campos
    -Paula Delgado Román
    -Clara Pérez López

    We have chosen Denmark.
    As we don't know anything about this country we have seen some photos at internet. In the photos there was a lot of monuments very interesting as Palacio de Amalienborg in Copenhague and houses with colors next to the see. This photos produced curiosity for us so we choose this country. We can learn a lot about Denmark.
