lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

News, news, news!

Go to EL PAIS in English, choose five headlines and explain them using your own words.

51 comentarios:

  1. 1st headline-In court, Catalan official defends right to "debate independence"
    Nowadays, one of the news that is more and more important is about the independence of Cataluña of Spain.
    So that, the headline say that the catalan people are today defending the rights of being independent of Spain, and they are going to do in the Court, that is called the "Debate Independence".

    2nd headline-(Zara)Inditex sales jump 11% in first nine months of 2016 as profits surge
    Zara is taking benefits after nine months without benefits, cause of the sales that have jump the 11%,so that, is a good new for them because, after nine months of being without benefits, now, thay have thanks of the sales.

    3rd headline-Lasarte becomes latest Spanish eatery to win three Michelin stars
    Well, Lasarte, the famous cook is the latest spanish person that wins three Michelin starts, that means, that he tkaes the longest for win that famous prizes in the gastronomy world.

    4th headline- easyJet to open 10 new routes in bid to double growth in Spain
    The company, easyJet is planning to open ten new routes in Spain, making a double growth.
    So, the company is growing, and one of the reasons are that the easyJet is going to open 10 new routes in Spain

    5th headline-The big decision for Spanish viewers: Netflix, HBO or Movistar?
    That headline directly talks about the free time of the Spanish people, do spanish people prefer Netflix, HBO or Movistar? These three tv channels are the three most view, so, which one is going to "win", which one is the favourite of Spanish, which one have more viewers in the other side of the screen?

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  2. Fist New:(Spain to spend €450 million on youth wage subsidies)It refers to the fact that Spain will contribute 450 euros to young people who work and have left their studies

    Second New:(From punch to playback: 10 moments of Bieber in Barcelona)It means that justin bieber has happened to sing in playback and that in the concert of bacerlona has seen 10 moment in which they have realized

    Thrid New:(Real Madrid kit request in boy's Christmas letter to dead dad)This boy asks him in the letter of the wise men writes to his dead father to comunicale that they have accepted his request in the Real Madrid

    Fourth New:(Ronaldo scores his 500th professional club goal)It means that one of the players best known again in the profession, is one of the greatest scorers

    Fifth New:(A tour of 15 Spanish cities through their most typical dishes)This news means that there will be a tour to see 15 cities with the most known and typical foods of the place

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4eso D

  3. First new-
    Usaint Bolt: Mission accomplished
    This means that Usain Bolt has already fulfilled his mission as an athlete after so much time, because he is tired.
    Second new-
    In court, Catalan official defends right to "debate independence"
    This means that the Catalans continue defending their right to become independent in the courts.
    Third new-Parents of ill girl planned to flee after getting caught in charity scam
    This means that the parents of a sick girl want to flee the country before the police took it because they lived on what the daughter charged
    Fourth new-Trump inauguration clouded by lawsuit with Spanish chef José Andrés
    It means that a famous chez named Jose Andres retires from a project, to open his new Spanish restaurant with the company of Donal Trump
    Fifth new-Thick Madrid fog gives plane passengers stunning views of city
    This means that there is a lot of fog in Madrid and the whole city is seen under that thick fog, and only on the tops of some skyscrapers.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  4. FIRST NEW: Trump removes name from Brazil hotel named in criminal investigation.
    This new means that Donald Trump him name of an hotel because this hotel is in a criminal investigation.

    SECOND NEW: Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished.
    This new means that Usain Bolt is ready for he was withdrawing of the athletics because he complete everything that he wanted to do in atletism.

    THIRTH NEW: Parents of ill girl planned to flee after getting caught in charity scam.
    This new means that the parents of a ill girl that they use the money of charity scam to go out of the country.

    FOURTH NEW: An inflatable sex doll to reactivate Chile’s economy.
    This new means that in a ceremony in Chile they give to the economy´s minister a inflatable sex doll.

    FIFTH NEW: Trump inauguration clouded by lawsuit with Spanish chef José Andrés.
    This new means that in an inauguration of an hotel of Donald Trump was clouded because of the lawsuit of Spanish chef José Andrés to Donald Trump.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  5. Colombia’s FARC takes first steps on road to political mainstream

    I think that this headline means that the Rebolucionary armed force of Colombia wants to negociate the peace of the terrorist ataccks and the peace of the war in colombia with the colombian goberment.

    In court, Catalan official defends right to “debate independence”

    This advert means that the people of Cataluña have the rigths to be indepence and the Spanish Goberment dont want the independece of Cataluña.

    Spanish government proposes “pact” to end working day at 6pm

    This Headline means that the Spanish Goberment want to postpone the
    working Day tho the 6 pm and the Spanish want a pact for the other political party to apply this.

    All the colors of the Spanish Civil War

    This Headline sponsor the new Tv Serie called Civil war in color in Dmax.

    This is one of the most important contemporary moments of the spanish hystory and now is in color.

    Ronaldo scores his 500th professional club goal

    This headline means that Cristiano Ronaldo have 500 goals in his career and want more goals in the Real Madrid Football Club

  6. 1.-All the colors of the Spanish Civil War:

    There were some videos of the Spanish Civil War, but they were in black and white, but with lot of work, a group of persons have put the colours on them.

    2.-Catalans who burnt photo of Spanish king released after refusing to testify:

    Five members of a group of people burnt a photograph of the King (Felipe VI), and then, they didn't answer any question from the judge.

    3.-Spain to spend 450 million euros on youth wage subsidies:

    Spain is going to spend 450 million of euros, in youth subsidies, for studyings and so things.

    4.-From the punch to the playback: 10 moments from Bieber in Barcelona:

    This new is about the principal moments highlightened about the concert of Justin Bieber in Barcelona. Since Justin gave a punch to a fan that went to his car when he was getting inside the Palau Sant Jordi.

    5.-The Venezuelan retirees trapped in Spain with no pension:

    This new is saying that the retirees venezuelan people that are in spain are “trapped” here (in Spain) because the Government doesn't let them collect any pension of their worked ages.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  7. NEWS
    1.- Catalans who burnt photo of Spanish king released after refusing to testify.
    This new talk about a group of Catalans, that burnt a photo of Felipe VI the king, demonstrating like that, that they want the independence with Spain, and because of that they are in judgment but they are deny to declarate.

    2.- Chilean boy tortured and killed after being ‘falsely accused’ of rape
    It talks about a case in Chile, in which the parents of a 5 years girl have tortured and killed a 13 years old boy who they thought he had rape their daughter.

    3.-'Andalunglish': the English words Spaniards have borrowed from Gibraltar
    It is a new language created in La Línea de la Concepción, which is a mix between the English spoken in Gibraltar (an English territory situated in Spain) and Andalucía, the Spain south.

    4.- Lasarte becomes latest Spanish eatery to win three Michelin stars.
    It refers to the restaurant called Lasarte, situated in Barcelona, have win 3 Michelin stars and it has been possible because of this restaurant's chef Martín Berasategui. Martín have said that he is the happiest guy in the world because of that, and it's because a Michelin star is very important for the chefs and restaurants world.

    5.- Police shut down Madrid bakery after rats spotted in counter.
    This new is refered to a bakery situated in Madrid (the capital of Spain), that has been closed by the police because it had rats, and people have recorded it, so police has close it because it's bad for people's health that buy the bread in this bakery.

    Ángela Cotán 4°D

  8. News
    1. Aleppo crisis: Spanish PM Rajoy calls on UN to find humanitarian solution.
    Spanish PM says end to Syrian conflict “a priority for the international community”
    2. Spanish courts hear 426 domestic violence complaints every day.
    Nearly seven out of 10 trials end in conviction, new stats released by Spain’s legal watchdog show
    3. Spanish aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan.
    Two Red Cross vehicles attacked by armed men with criminals thought to be responsible
    4. Ayotzinapa massacre: leaked report highlights flaws in investigation.
    State Attorney’s internal audit details confessions under torture and efforts to protect police and army
    5. State Attorney’s internal audit details confessions under torture and efforts to protect police and arm.
    Podemos and Ciudadanos have been effectively sidelined in the new Congress while voter dissatisfaction is growing

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  9. By : Ángel Fraile Delgado

    1)The origin of Spain’s Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight Napoleon

    This headlines talks about the origin of christmas lottery in Spain which is to earn money to buy guns and bullets to fight against Napoleón.

    2)Spanish courts hear average of 426 domestic violence complaints every day.

    This headline talks about the number of complaints against genre violence

    3)Spanish aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan.

    The headline is talking about two red cross workers who were kidnapped in Afghhanistan while they were working.

    4)A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant.

    This new talks about the two new parties in Spain , Pòdemos and Ciudadanos which are very powerful ewven it´s their first elections.

    5)Watch UK comedian Eddie Izzard on Facebook Live

    This headline talks about the english comedian Eddie Izzard who has come to El Pais to give and interview about his personal life .

  10. News:
    1.-"Spanish aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan"
    It means some Spanish has been Kidnapped at Afghanistan by terrorist in this country at civil war.

    2.-"A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant"
    In Spain since a year new parties are growing at importance and they try to stay at the lead.

    3.-"The origin of Spain’s Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight Napoleon"
    In this new we can know how the Spain's Christmas lottery was created. It was a war effort to fight against Napoleon.

    4.-"Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished"
    Usain Bolt is tired because of his athletic career and he's thinking about finish it.

    5.-"Venezuelans trapped in Spain with no pension"
    Some Velezuelans can't go back to their country because they have no money and Spain give them no pension.

  11. 1. Aleppo crisis: Spanish PM Rajoy calls on UN to find humanitarian solution
    Rajoy is wanting to send help to aleppo
    2.Spanish aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan
    Some spanish red cross worker were kidnapped by terrorist and the police are looking for they

    3.The Venezuelan retirees trapped in Spain with no pension
    Some Venezuelans are in Spain with no money and they can´t go to their country becasue they are unworkers

    4.Ayotzinapa massacre: leaked report highlights flaws in investigation
    In Mexico’s State Attorney’s Office disappeared 43 students

    5.Parents of ill girl planned to flee after getting caught in charity scam
    The parents of a girl made a scam by they was lending money for the charity and the get the money for theirself


    It want said that a boy has died for accused of rape when all is false. He was not who raped the girl.

    It said that Usain Bolt is been retired of her career of athletism but with all that he wanted. He has won 20 gold and is considered the fastest sprinter.

    This new said that a Spanish person is kidnapped by four armed men in Afganistan.

    It want to say that two people are died in Spain due to a heavy rain that are caused flooding claims.

    It mean that in Mexico are fines the fans´soccer due to sing chants that are homophobic.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  13. -Spanish courts hear average of 426 domestic violence complaints every day

    In spain there is a lots of domestic complaints.A lot of womens are died by the violence

    -Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished

    Bolt is tired of his athletic´s life. He wins all the competitions.

    -A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant

    Podemos and Ciudadanos have been effectively sidelined in the new Congress while voter dissatisfaction is growing

    -Constitutional Court halts call for Catalan independence vote

    Tribunal warns regional premier about his duty to “prevent or paralyze” any initiative that ignores freeze

    -Uber rolls out premium Tesla taxi service in Madrid

    Online car service will offer electric vehicles with internet access via a tablet

    José Ángel Cea Torres 4ºD

  14. 1: Chilean boy tortured and killed after being ´falsely accused´ of rape.
    This new said that a boy has died for being acussed of a violation that no was true

    2: The big decisión for Spanish viewers: Netflix, HBO or Movistar.
    This are the three channels that people see more in the TV, then have to decide which of these three is the cannel more view.

    3: Spain to spend 450 million euros on youth wage subsidies.
    This new said that Spain going to spend this money on subsidies like studies...

    4:Ronaldo scores his 500th professional club goal
    This said that one of players more known in the world had made a total of 500th scores in his profession

    5: Parents of ill girl planned to flee after getting caught in charity scam
    The new said that the parents of a girl that is ill, decided go to another conutry because they caught in charity scam

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  15. A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant:::Matches are relieving because previous nominations have failed the planed by why are forming new nominations

    Five possible destinations for James rodriguez :James is tired of not play by that this by contacting with other clubs for his March of the Real Madrid

    Usain Bolt: mision acvomplished; Bolt is removed by the hard life which is to be an athlete

    Cerci in line for first Atlético appearance in two years
    =} Cerci is looking forward to premiering as Atletico but must wait two years to be able to play

    Messi: Bartomeu expecting star to finish career at Barcelona:The Barcelona renewed to the best footballer in the world to make you retire at barcelona


  16. *Police shut down Madrid bakery after rats spotted in counter:That means who the police close a Madrid bakery because they dicover in her a plage of rats.

    *Internet giant Google signs deal to boost download speeds in Cuba
    The google enterprise make a contract whit cuba for boost download speeds.

    *The big decision for Spanish viewers: Netflix, HBO or Movistar?
    The spanish viewers don't know if dicided of netflix, HBO or Movistar because both are very well

    *Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished
    Usain Bolt become one of the best deportist and the fastest ever.

    *Pursued by demons: Picasso and ‘Guernica’
    It’s means that this painting by Picasso is a dark work with suffering and sadness

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  17. 'Aleppo crisis: Spanish Pm Rajoy calls on UN to find humanitarian solution'
    Rajoy is the Spanish first minister,asks the UN to solve as a top priority the conflict of Aleppo with Syria.

    'Spanish and worker kidnapped in Afghanistan'
    Ared cross worker has been kidnapped by terrorists in Afghanistan.The red cross tries to solve this event without intervention of the Spanish goverment.

    'A year on from elections, Spain's new parties fight to stay relevant'
    After having spent a year of the general elections of Spain the two new political parties 'Podemos and Ciudadanos' despite being part of the new goverment, they continue fighting to be relevant in the national politics.

    'In court, Catalan official defends right to debate independence'
    There are some Catalans who foment the debates on the independence of Catalonia. A spokeswoman for the Catalan assembly is being investigated after allowing a vote in the court, since it thinks that if the people of the street speak of independence, why could not deputies do it?

    'IMF, calls on Spain to raise VAT and revise health education spending'
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) calls on Spain to raise taxes (VAT, FUEL, TOBACCO ...) in order to reduce the deficit and public debt as it thinks that the Spanish economy is highly vulnerable to external shocks.

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  18. -Lasarte becomes latest Spanish eatery to win three Michelin stars:
    It means that this restaurant has been the last to get three michelin stars. Twenty-two restaurants have gotten one star and seven two-star restaurants but only this restaurant has gotten three michelin stars.
    -A tour of 15 Spanish cities through their most typical dishes:
    It is a tour where there is a typical dish of fifteen cities of Spain. You can try them and think which one you like the most.
    -Dramatic rescue of woman from roof of floating car in Spain:
    They rescued a woman who was on the roof of a car because of the rains. The rains were so strong that they flooded a road and she tried to pass and could not because the water entered the car and she saved herself had to climb to the roof of the car.
    -The origin of Spain's Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight napoleon:
    The origin of the Christmas lottery in Spain: buy bullets to fight against Napoleon.
    The origin of the traditional Christmas lottery of Spain was to buy bullets to make cannons and combat the troops of Napoleon.
    -Spanish courts hear an average of 426 reports of domestic violence each day:
    This news tells us that there are four hundred and twenty-six complaints of domestic violence every day in Spain.These complaints have increased fourteen percent compared to last year.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. -Spaniard injured in Berlin: “The truck ran into me and right over my legs”

    Iñaki Ellacuria, a 21-year-old from the Basque city of Bilbao, is the only Spaniard injured Monday night in the alleged terrorist attack in Berlin. Using social networks, Ellakuria recounted how the truck broke her legs in several places and fractured her hip.

    -FIFA fines Mexico for fifth time over fans’ homophobic soccer chants

    This is the fifth time that the international governing body of association football has slapped the Mexican Football Federation with a fine for the homophobicchanting, heard at the last two games played by the national side.

    -Flooding claims two lives as heavy rain hits southeastern Spain

    In southeastern Spain after a long time of drought this year began to heavy rain and to make very much wind and have died two people because of these conditions

    -Spanish Red Cross worker kidnapped in Kunduz province in Afghanistan

    A Spanish Red Cross worker was kidnapped on Monday in Afghanistan by four armed men in Kunduz province while travelling with colleagues in two vehicles. The Red Cross has not asked the Spanish government to intervene, saying it hopes to resolve the issue itself.

    -An inflatable sex doll to reactivate Chile’s economy

    People with high positions of chile asked for forgiveness, for posing with a swelling doll with a paper in the mouth that said "to stimulate the economy". This happened in an important meeting in which they were the minister of economy and two people who are going to appear to the presidency.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  21. Venezuelans are trapped in Spain, since they are not Europeans they do not have pensions
    Use an inflatable doll to revive the Chilean economy
    Uber launches new taxi services tesla in madrid
    You prefer benidorm or the man who bottled the sun


    This notice, means that,this Monday a worker of Red Cross has been kidnapped by terrorist from Kunduz, the capital of Afghanistan.

    Here talk about,the fight of all of the parties, that even after have been almost a year without a goverment, want it to have the goverment.

    This means that Benidorm has become in a expectacular turist beach because of the great weather of there, thanks to a man called Pedro.

    The lottery populary know as “el Gordo”, it's called that, because , during this month, all the people that fight with Napoleon buy a lot of bullets.

    The plane's company called Easy Jet, want to open others routes to have the posibility to travel to others places of the world, and grown the spanish's turists.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. Inditex sales jump 11% in first nine months of 2016 as profits surge
    Zara is taking benefits after nine months without benefits, cause of the sales that have jump the 11%,so that, is a good new for them because, after nine months of being without benefits, now, thay have thanks of the sales.

    Aleppo crisis: Spanish PM Rajoy calls on UN to find humanitarian solution
    Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Monday recapped his country’s rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council with a call to end the humanitarian crisis in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

    Spanish courts hear 426 domestic violence complaints every day.
    the number of complaints for gender violence filed with Spanish courts were up 14% from June to September compared with the same period in 2015, according to a specialized government body. That is an average of just over 426 cases a day.Broken down by regions, the highest rate of victims of domestic violence is to be found in the Balearic Islands, with 29.6 cases for every 10,000 women, and the Canary Islands, with 23.1 cases. The lowest ratio is in La Rioja, with 7. The national average is 15.2 cases per 10,000 women.

    In court, Catalan official defends right to “debate independence”
    Carme Forcadell, on Friday defended the regional chamber’s right to foster debates about independence.The vote builds on a landmark motion passed by the Catalan parliament to start breaking away from Spain.

    Lasarte becomes latest Spanish eatery to win three Michelin stars.
    The newly released 2017 Michelin Guide for Spain and Portugal has added a three-star restaurant to its list: Lasarte, a Barcelona eatery run by celebrity Basque chef Martín Berasategui.

    Marta Barba Granados 4ºD

  25. 1-''The origin of Spain’s Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight Napoleon'' The fat one of Christmas divides the fortune and the joy but in principle was created to buy bullets and to fight against the French troops.

    2-''Aleppo crisis: Spanish Pm Rajoy calls on UN to find humanitarian solution''
    The conflict between Aleppo and Syria has asked Rajoy to resolve the UN

    3-''Spain opts to maintain terrorism threat level after Paris attacks'' The first minister, express their solidarity with France and appease the possible attacks.

    4-''Spanish police arrest suspected lone wolf ISIS terrorist'' Spanish police have arrested a man suspected of being a terrorist preparing to carry out an act of terrorism

    5-''Trump makes peace with Mexican mogul Carlos Slim'' Donald trump aims to make peace with one of the most important businessmen of Mexico, Carlos Slim.

    Lucia Garcia

  26. -Parents of ill girl planned to flee after getting caught in charity scam:
    the parents of a girl that was sick were asking for money to be used for the illness of the girl, but they used it for other things, and when the police caughted them they scaped.

    -Aleppo crisis: Spanish PM Rajoy calls on UN to find humanitarian solution:
    There is a crisis in the city of Aleppo and Mariano Rajoy had talked to the UN to find a solution.

    -Chilean boy tortured and killed after being ‘falsely accused’ of rape:
    A chilean boy was accused of a rape but the truth is that he didn´t do it and as a punishment they tortured him and killed him.

    -Church holds out begging bowl for Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue:
    The statue requires a lot of money so they are going to ask for money.

    -FIFA fines Mexico for fifth time over fans’ homophobic soccer chants:
    The fans from Mexico had said homophobic comments and FIFA has reported Mexico for that

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

    This headline means that Spain hasn't government after a year and the new parties continue fighting with strength to stand out between the others and trying to govern Spain.

    This headline means that a worker of Spanish Red Cross while he was working in Afghanistan helping people with others workers was kidnapped by four armed men. The men was going to Baghlan. The Spanish govern is trying to free him.

    This headlines means that a group of Catalans burnt a photo of the king of Spain. And then the suspects were reported but they didn't want to testify, that means to affirm or declare a fact in where you are a witness. Because they think they didn't do a crime.

    This headline means that the athlete Usain Bolt a person with a lot of awards, records and the best in his country is going to be retirement next year. And he speak for others future plans.

    This headlines means that a spanish was in the terrorism attack in Berlin above a Christmas Market. And he talks about how everything happened and how he felt. The headline is impressive because he describes how the truck was going over his legs.


  28. Spaniard injured in Berlin: “The truck ran into me and right over my legs”

    The news draws the testimony of a young Spaniard from Bilbao who has been one of the many victims who suffered the terrorist attack in Berlin last night. The young man has already manifested through social networks to express that he is well despite everything and to explain how the events happened. He is out of all danger although he suffers a fracture in tibia and fibula of the right leg and rupture of one of his hips

    FIFA fines Mexico for fifth time over fans’ homophobic soccer chants

    The news explains how the Mexican Football Federation has been fined for the fifth time after the homophobic songs of their fans. The federation must pay $ 19,000 due to the attitude of their fans although it is little since the last time they had to pay $ 102,000. The facts took place in two matches corresponding to 11 and 15 November

    Spanish courts hear average of 426 domestic violence complaints every day

    The news reports how allegations of gender-based violence have risen by 14% over last year in a study conducted in a period from June to September by a government corporation. In the third quarter of the year, 69.5% of cases ended in a ruling against the abuser, compared with 64.1% in the same period in 2015.

    The origin of Spain’s Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight Napoleon

    The news tells the origins of the draw of the Christmas lottery and explains that apart from sharing wealth and joy, the draw was used to raise money to buy bullets and make cannons to fight Napoleon's troops in Cadiz during 1812

    Flooding claims two lives as heavy rain hits southeastern Spain

    The news recounts how after years of severe drought, southeastern Spain dawned on Monday morning with the state of emergency activated after multiple floods after a weekend of very strong winds and heavy rains that have taken the lives of two people

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  29. 1-Lasarte becomes latest Spanish eatery to win three Michelin stars
    Well, Lasarte, the famous cook is the latest spanish person that wins three Michelin starts, that means, that he tkaes the longest for win that famous prizes in the gastronomy world.

    2-An inflatable sex doll to reactivate Chile’s economy.
    This new means that in a ceremony in Chile they give to the economy´s minister a inflatable sex doll.

    3-Ronaldo scores his 500th professional club goal.
    This headline means that Cristiano Ronaldo have 500 goals in his career and want more goals in the Real Madrid Football Club 

     4-Police shut down Madrid bakery after rats spotted in counter.
    This new is refered to a bakery situated in Madrid, that has been closed by the police because it had rats, and people have recorded it, so police has close it because it's bad for people's health that buy the bread in this bakery.

    5-The origin of Spain’s Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight Napoleon.
    This headlines talks about the origin of christmas lottery in Spain which is to earn money to buy guns and bullets to fight against Napoleón.

    Marta Ibáñez García 4ºD

  30. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  31. 1.- Retired Venezuelans trapped in Spain without pension:

    This is what the Venezuelan people are "trapped" here (in Spain) because the Government does not allow to collect any pension for the years of work they carry.

    2.- Spain will allocate 450 million euros to salary subsidies for young people:

    Spain will spend 450 million euros, in grants for young people, for studies and other related to young people.

    3.-The Catalans who burned the photo of the king released after refusing to declare:

    Five members of a group of Catalan people burned a photograph of the king (Philip VI), and refused to answer any questions from the judge at the trial.

    4.-From punch to playback: 10 moments of Bieber in Barcelona:

    This news speaks of the highlights in the Justin Bieber concert in Barcelona. Justin punched a fan who came to greet him from his car as he was entering the Palau Sant Jordi.

    5.-All the colors of the Spanish Civil War:

    There were some recorded videos of the Spanish Civil War, but they had a problem; And it was that they were in black and white, but with a lot of work, a group of people specialized in that managed to put the colors.

    Marta Maldonado Parejo 4ºB

  32. The headlines that I've chosen are:

    What this headline tells us is that in Monday evening’s terrorist attack in Berlin there was a wounded Spanish. In the headline, we can also read the literal words that the victim said, which are “The truck ran into me and right over my legs”. These words explain what happened to him, the truck hit him and he was hurt.

    What this headline tells us is that Mexican soccer fans have been fined for have an unsportsmanlike conduct saying ugly words to the opposite team of Mexico while they are playing a soccer match. It isn't the first time that FIFA fined them; they did it four times before. This is the fifth time!!

    What this headline tells us is that some Catalans burnt a photo of Spain’s King Felipe VI and they were detained because of does it. A judge made some questions to them, but they denied answering because they think they haven't committed any crime. On Tuesday they were released.

    What this headline tells us is that the restaurant Lasarte in Barcelona runs by the Basque chef Martín Berasategui is the latest Spanish restaurant that has won three Michelin stars. We can imagine the happiness that Berasategui must have now, because for a chef it is a great news to receive a Michelin star.

    What this headline tells us is that the British low-cost airline EasyJet is going to start operating 10 new international routes to and from Spain dropping the prices of them. Also, the new flights will offer more seats available, that's why the headline says that the growth is going to double.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  33. Spaniard injured un Berlin: "The truck run into me and right over muy legs

    This headline talks about the last terrorism atack in the flea marketing Christmas in Berlin where a truck crossed a pedrestian street, killing 12 persons and wounding a lot of people. A spanish person talked about the event because he were there when the truck crossed over his legs

    Flooding claims two lives as heavy rain hits southeastern Spain

    This headline talks about the strong rains that have been ocurred in the southeastern of Spain where two persons has died because of the rains.

    Usain Bolt:mission accoomplished

    This headline talks about Usain Bolt the jamaican athlete, where he said that he is very tired of his frenetic life as an athlete so he wants to leave the athletism

    Trump makes peace with the Mexican mogul Carlos Slim

    It talks about the relations between USA and Mexico where Donald Trump held a private dinner with Carlos Slim to have better relations with México

    FIFA fines México for fith time over fans'homophobic soccer chants

    This headline talks about the penalty fee that the fifa has put to México for sing against homophobic people and it is not the first time, so México have to pay that penalty fee and stop singing that type of songs


  34. FIRST NEW: Mexican drug lord in Spain: “Go there and kill her:
    This tittle want to say that a mexican drug lord ordered ''go there and kill her''; with ''there'' and ''her'' it refers to Spain.

    SECOND NEW: Church holds out begging bowl for Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue:
    This new say that the church is collecting money for pay to employees that are arranging Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue.

    THIRD NEW: Benidorm, or The Man who Bottled the Sun:
    This new use a comparation between Benidorm and ''the man who bottled the sun'', with this it reffers to Benidorm's Mayor, because he designed this city for the middle-class tourist revolution.

    FOURTH NEW: Lugo: the home of free tapas;
    This new say that Lugo is the ''home'' of free tapas because in this city people, pubs, restaurants... do a very good tapas and his express this saying that Lugo is its home.

    FIFTH NEW: This is the milk! Why is Spain obsessed with ‘leche’ expressions?:
    This new begins with a very usually expression in Spain and later, use a question for do intrigue into people for they read the new.

  35. -Trump makes peace with Mexican mogul Carlos Slim
    Trump the future president of states united is in the process of making peace with Mexico. Trump dinner with magnate Carlos Slim.
    -Spanish aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan.
    A Spanish men assistant in the war of Afghanistan,he was kidnapped by terrorist. This kidnap was the last Monday.
    -Ayotzinapa massacre: leaked report highlights flaws in investigation.
    A leaked audit from Mexico’s State Attorney’s Office highlights important irregularities during the investigation.
    -Flooding claims two lives as heavy rain hits southeastern Spain.
    The southeastern Spain awoke to a state of emergency for flooding on Monday after a weekend of unremitting winds and heavy rain.
    -easyJet to open 10 new routes in bid to double growth in Spain.
    The British airline announced on Tuesday that it is planning to start operating 10 new international routes to and from Spain.

  36. -Ayotzinapa massacre: leaked report highlights flaws in investigation
    This news is about the irregulation of the investigation of the desaparton of 43 student n a town on 2014

    -Spanish courts hear 426 domestic violence complaints every day
    this news is about that in Spain the genre violence was grow 14% only in 3 month in this year.

    -Church holds out begging bowl for Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue
    This news want to say tha the Christ Redeemer statu is very spensive to upkeep now because Brasil have a heavy crisis

    -Pursued by demons: Picasso and ‘Guernica’
    this news is about the 80th anniversary of the painting of Guernica and the 25th anniversary of its move to the Reina Sofia gallery in Madrid

    -Lasarte becomes latest Spanish eatery to win three Michelin stars
    This news want to show that the chef Martín Berasategui win his third Michelin star, considering it a world reference for gastronomy.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  37. -Trump makes peace with Mexican mogul Carlos Slim.
    Donal Trump, the new president of eeuu, is making peace with mexico, because he said he will build a wall.

    Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished

    He finished his career in athletics, so he has the mission accomplished. He has a a lot of prizes and records.

    Spaniard injured in Berlin: “The truck ran into me and right over my legs”

    A tragedy occurs and here you can see how a spanish person explain what happened because he was there when it happen.

    -spanish aid worker kidnapped in afganistan.
    It says that a Spanish person is kidnapped men in Afganistan by four armed.

    -Uber rolls out premium Tesla taxi service in Madrid

    Online car service will offer electric vehicles with internet.

  38. First new: 'Spanish aid worker kidnapped in Afganistan'
    Said that a Spanish person is kidnapped by four armed men in Afganistan.

    Second new: 'Andalunglish': the English words Spaniards have borrowed from Gibraltar. Language created in la línea de la concepción, which is a mix between the English spoken in Gibraltar, an English territory situated in Spain, and Andalucía, the Spain south.

    Third new: 'From the punch to the playback: 10 moments from Bieber in Barcelona'
    The principal moments highlightened about the concert of Justin Bieber in Barcelona. Since Justin gave a punch to a fan that went to his car when he was getting inside the Palau Sant Jordi.

    Fourth new: 'A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant'
    Talks about the two new parties in Spain , Podemos and Ciudadanos which are very powerful ewven it's their first elections.

    Fifth new: 'The origin of Spain's Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight Napoleon'
    We can know how the Spain's Christmas lottery was created. It was a war effort to fight against Napoleon.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  39. 1-Mexican drug lord in Spain: “Go there and kill her”: This new it's about the mexican Juan Manuel Muñoz arrested by Spanish police on charges of money laundering and drug trafficking.

    2-Ayotzinapa massacre: leaked report highlights flaws in investigation:México highlights important irregularities during the investigation into the disappearance of 43 students in the small town of Ayotzinapa

    3-Spanish courts hear 426 domestic violence complaints every day:Records kept by the Domestic Violence Observatory of the General Council of the Judiciary, Spain’s legal watchdog, show that 36,079 women filed 38,402 complaints during the three-month period.

    4-Colombia’s FARC takes first steps on road to political mainstream:Just a matter of weeks after the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed off on a new peace deal the guerrilla group has taken its first steps towards becoming a legal political force.

    5-An inflatable sex doll to reactivate Chile’s economy: Seven high-ranking figures, including the economy minister and two presidential candidates – all men – are seen posing with a doll representing a naked woman, with a sign over its mouth reading: “To stimulate the economy.”

    Paula Castro Rodríguez 4ºB

  40. First New
    Usaint Bolt: Mission accomplished
    This means that Usain Bolt has already tired of run in competitions and he wants to do other thing.
    Second New
    Trump in a procesos of peace with México: this means that the New president Trump wants to be in pace with Mexico
    Third New
    The Catalans who burned the photo of the king released after refusing to declare:Five members of a group of Catalan people burned a photograph of the king and refused to answer any questions from the judge.
    Fourth New
    Aleppo crisis: Spanish president Rajoy calls on European Uniom to find humanitarian solution
    Fifth New
    Spanish courts hear average of 426 domestic violence complaints every day:This headline talks about the number of complaints against genre violence

    Gerardo Ibáñez Torres 4*D

  41. FIRST:Spanish red cross worker kidnapped in Kunduz province in Afghanistan. This headline means that a worker of Spanish Red Cross while he was working in Afghanistan helping people with others workers was kidnapped by four armed men. The men was going to Baghlan. The Spanish govern is trying to free him.

    SECOND: The origin of the traditional Christmas lottery of Spain was to buy bullets to make cannons and combat the troops of Napoleon.

    THIRD:Venezuelans trapped in Spain with no pension. Some Velezuelans can't go back to their country because they have no money and Spain give them no pension.

    FORTH:Inditex sales jump 11% in first nine months of 2016 as profits surge. Zara is taking benefits after nine months without benefits, cause of the sales that have jump the 11%,so that, is a good new for them because, after nine months of being without benefits, now, thay have thanks of the sales.

    FIFTH:Usain Bolt: Mission Accomplished.It said that Usain Bolt is been retired of her career of athletism but with all that he wanted. He has won 20 gold and is considered the fastest sprinter.

    Angel Jose Lopez Garcia 4ºB

  42. -Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished:
    Usain Bolt becomes one of the best athletes with 20 gold medals and
    the fastest sprinter in history tells.

    -A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant:
    Podemos and Ciudadanos they stay out to rule of the congress.

    -Trump makes peace with Mexican mogul Carlos Slim:
    Trump wants to reach a state of peace with Mexico and with businessman
    Carlos Slim.

    -Spaniard injured in Berlin: “The truck ran into me and right over my legs”:
    A Spanish young person hurt after the attempt on the Christmas market in Berlin

    -Spanish Red Cross worker kidnapped in Kunduz province in Afghanistan:
    A Spanish hard-working young person of the red cross is kidnapped by four men armed in Afghanistan

    Ana Isabel Morán Sánchez 4°B

  43. First new: Parents of ill girl planned to flee after getting caught in charity scam

    This story tells the story of a girl with a problem, which her parents have invented an alleged operation to earn money, to spend on things that need to be. To this have been joined media and neighbors who have felt cheated.

    Second new: Catalans who burnt photo of Spanish king released after refusing to testify

    This ad tells us how some Catalans burn the picture of the king and were arrested by him. He tells us that this Tuesday has been released.

    Third New: Inditex sales jump 11% in first nine months of 2016

    Zara will raise sales so it will be a good profit for this company, this company after nine months without profit, and then this year has gone up again.

    Fouth New: A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant

    This news tells us that Spain has been without a government for 1 year and we have had to vote twice but still no government came out.

    Fifth New: The origin of Spain’s Christmas lottery: buying bullets to fight Napoleón

    The national lottery is usually known with "the fat one" is called so because at this time all fights by Napoleon and buy many bullets.

    Rocío Olivo Garcia 4ºESO D

  44. The origin of Spain's Chrismast lottery :buying bullets to fight Napoleon.
    El "Gordo" draw was created in Cadiz in 1812

    Usain Bolt: Missiom accomplished
    With 20 golds medals is the fasthest sprinter in history.

    Uber volls out Tesla taxi service in Madrid
    Online car service will oller electric vehicles with internet.

    The catalan telathon celebrites its 25th anniversary.
    The marato of TV3 raises funds every year for health research initiatives.

    From the punch to the playback: 10moments from Bieber in Barcelona.
    The Canadian hearttrob to the Catalan capital.

    Zacarias Suarez Perez 4'D

  45. First--> Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished. This mean that the athletics is very tired and he have a lot of medals.

    Second--> Church holds out begging bowl for Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue. Mean that this sculture need some money for something that are in bad condiction.

    Third --> Spaniard injured in Berlin: “The truck ran into me and right over my legs” Mean that a spain person have got an accident in Berlin with a tractor.

    Fourth--> Trump makes peace with Mexican mogul Carlos Slim. After some years EE.UU are reconcilate with Mexico in this year, but this we don't know how many time this to last.

    Fifth--> Mexican drug lord in Spain: “Go there and kill her”. Mean that the mexican drug lord isn't very friendly with spain when say this.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4ºD

  46. 1. Spaniard injured in Berlin: “The truck ran into me and right over my legs”. These new is about a spanish people that in the attack terrorist , the truck hit him and broke her legs.

    2.Church holds out begging bowl for Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue. This is about the Christ of the Redeemer and the people give money to keep the Brazil´s monument.

    3.A year on from elections, Spain’s new parties fight to stay relevant. Means that the parties politics are doing some thing to are important and attrack to the people.

    4.Uber rolls out premium Tesla taxi service in Madrid. These new mean that a bussine in Madrid spear a new collection of taxis in Madrid , the bussine call: Tesla.

    5.The Catalan telethon celebrates its 25th anniversary. These new mean that in Cataluña , today is celebrated the day os the Catalan telethon that is the 25th anniversary.


  47. First new: FIFA fines Mexico for fifth time over fans’ homophobic soccer chants; The Mexican Football Federation (FMF) was slapped for international governing body of association football with a fine for the homophobic chanting, at the last two games played by the national side.
    Second new: Spanish aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan; A Spanish Red Cross worker was kidnapped on Monday in Afghanistan by four armed men in Kunduz province while travelling with colleagues in two vehicles to Baghlan, Afghan police and the Spanish government have confirmed.
    Third new: Spanish courts hear 426 domestic violence complaints every day; Records kept by the Domestic Violence Observatory of the General Council of the Judiciary show that 36,079 women filed 38,402 complaints during the three-month period.
    Fourth new: Usain Bolt: Mission accomplished; Usain Bolt is a medal-collecting, record-breaking, money-making machine, and a one-man brand who represents the best his country, Jamaica. Now his meteoric rise to the top has been immortalized in I Am Bolt, a documentary that has been released ahead of his retirement next year.
    Fifth new: Lasarte becomes latest Spanish eatery to win three Michelin stars; The newly released 2017 Michelin Guide for Spain and Portugal has added a three-star restaurant to its list: Lasarte, a Barcelona eatery run by celebrity Basque chef Martín Berasategui.
    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  48. 1.Aleppo crisis: spanish pm Rajoy calls on UN to find humanitarian solutions
    This headline says how Rajoy want to fins solutions for the problems of the people and with the human rights.
    2.A year from election : Spain news parties fight to say relevant.
    This headline says that in Spain has cost a lot to have a government until the time that we have finally succeeded and they are fighting for a decent government party.
    3.Catalans who burnt potos os spanish King released after refusing to testify.
    This headline says that the Catalans do not like the state of government that ridge the king and as he refuses to testify because they burn photos of the king.
    4. IMF calls of spain to raise VAT and revise health , education spending.
    This headline says that they have to increase the VAT but they have to be careful with the health and education spend.
    5.From the punch to the playback: 10 momento of Bieber in Barcelona.
    In this headline you can find moments of Justin Bieber in his concert in Barcelona. If you like this singer you can read some moments in this pharagraph.

    MºVictoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  49. -Parents of ill girl planned to flee after getting caught in charity scam
    It says that the couple was living off the donations for their daughter, they have been caught so they have run away.

    -The big decision for Spanish viewers: Netflix, HBO or Movistar?
    It talks about the people's decision between those three services: Netflix, HBO and Movistar. And it considers that it is a difficult choise.

    -Spain's transgender men start menstruating due to drug shortage
    It says that the effects of the hormones had failed. Men who were women have menstruated again, after six years of the treatment.

    -Catalans who burnt photo of Spanish king released after refusing to testify
    It talks that a group of catalans have burnt a photo of Felipe VI, the king of Spain. And after they denied to answer any type of question from the judge.

    -Lugo: the home of free tapas
    It says that the tapas in Lugo (Galicia) are absolutely free.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  50. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  51. In court, Catalan official defends right to “ debate independence”: This titular is about that the independence of Cataluña they want to take the independence of spain and not belong to españa.

    Trump inauguration clouded by lawsuit with Spanish chef José Andrés: This titular is about that Trump have a inaguration but the inaguration closed because Trump have a problem with Chef José Andres.

    Welcome to the other solstice as summer hits South America: this titular is about that in South America come solstice as summer while in Europe is come the solstice as winter.

    Watch UK comedian Eddie Izzard on Facebook Live:
    The British actor and comedian came to the EL PAÍS offices to talk about his current tour, learning Spanish.

    Mexico: At least 31 dead in explosion at fireworks market

    The accident also left 72 people injured while a further hundred are still .

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD
