domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

Mock exam

57 comentarios:

    This graphic says that they will be the ads in 2020.
    45% will be dijitalmente
    35% will be on television
    About 17% will be published in the newspapers
    16% will go abroad
    15% broadcast on the radio
    And 3% will go through magazines

    This ad is from a car brand. It is aimed at the people who drive. In this announcement what stands out most is the Jaguar and the question. The motto of this announcement means that the car that advertises that makes you feel alive.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4 ESO D

  2. In this graph we can see the percentage of advert spending in all media.

    We can see that digital have increase a lot to 0,5 to 45 %
    in 2020
    Also we can see that in Newspaper de percentage have decrease a lot to 35 to 5 % in 2020

    The porcentage of advert in Magazines also have decrease of 10% to 0,2% in 2020

    In the Radio have decrease have decrease a little bit of 9 to 0,5 % in 2020

    And in Outdoors is the same in 2000 that in 2020


    This advert is about a Car Brand Call Jaguar

    This advert is aimed to Know about who aliver are ous and to buy this cars.

    The slogan of this advert is How Alive Are You? and it means that if they are alive to buy this cars.

    In the image we can see a animal call Jaguar like the Brand and they choose this animal because the animals name is like the brand and that means that the cars run a lot

    Antonio Jose Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  3. ·Analysis of a graph:
    Here we can see a graph,it is called digital dominance and it shows us the total porcent of advertysing that we can receive by differents types of comunication, as de television, the newspapers, the magazines, the radio or others ways that is called outdoor, and it means the type of information that we can give to a friend or recieve from a friend, and that is the type of advertysing very common, by an oral way.This graph represent the porcent of advertysing in the differents medias, as we can see the digital, which are internet, videos on youtube,etc, that represent the highest porcentage, and it is around the 45%.Following digital, it is postioned the television, which is a 35%; then, thenewspapers, that has decreased a lot, and nowadays it is on a 8%.Magazines, radio and outdoor, it is around the 4% or 5%.

    ·Analysis of the advert:
    That image is advertysing the expensive and famous marq of cas, that is Jaguar.It tryes to adverts us the cars, even there isn't car on it.There isn't a special audience to show it, it is directly send to everybody, children, teenagers,adults, even old people.The slogan is "open", i mean, it isn't a sentence where everything is clear,it is how alive are you?It means, are you alive? you aren if you haven't got a jaguar. If you have a jaguar, you are more alive, you are happier, with more life, possitives actions.The image is very simple,as the slogan, i think that is also to make an image of the mark, that simply, meansthat jaguar is the best.
    It only appear the jaguar, that is the symbol of the marq, in silver, giving a formal and smart image of it.

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  4. This chart describes where the global adverts are, the digital adverts has increased a lot since 2005 It used to be a 5% and now it is 30%; in the outdoor is more or less the same about 7% it hasn't change; the radio has decrease a little bit, it is now 6%; the magazines has a lower percentage nowadays, it is 4%, the newspapers is going down dramatically it is about 12% now; the TV had made a lot of changes but not very noticeable, it is now at 40%. As you can see digital is the one that has increased the most and newspapers has decreased the most.

    This advert is of a car brand, it is trying to say that their cars are very fast because the jaguars run very fast; it says "How alive are you?" becauseis like if the car is going to give you life.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  5. GRAPH
    This graph that can we see is titled 'Digital dominance' and represents the global advertising spending, and it is represented in percentages. This graph is from 2000 to 2020.
    El gráfico nos dice que en 2020 el digital aumentó de 0,5% a 45%, las revistas disminuyeron de 10% a aproximadamente 0,2%. El periódico en 2020 está aproximadamente en un 35% y baja en 2020 a un 5%. La radio disminuye de 9% casi 10%, a 0'5% en 2020. La television en 2010 sube desde 35% a 40% pero en 2020 vuelve a 35% y en los exteriores está en la misma línea desde 2000 a 2020, es decir, en 0'5%.

    This ad wants to show us a brand of car, bringing us to understand that their cars are very good as they are jaguars and have very good reputation. This ad is addressed to all people to encourage them to buy their cars. The motto is; How alive are you? And in the image we can see an animal that is a jaguar, which is called just like the mark.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. In this graph we can see the percentage of advert spending in all media. We can see that digital have increase a lot to 0,5 to 45 % in 2020. Also we can see that in Newspaper de percentage have decrease a lot to 35 to 5 % in 2020 .The porcentage of advert in Magazines also have decrease of 10% to 0,2% in 2020. In the Radio have decrease have decrease a little bit of 9 to 0,5 % in 2020. And in Outdoors is the same in 2000 that in 2020

    This ad wants to show us a brand of car, bringing us to understand that their cars are very good as they are jaguars and have very good reputation. This ad is addressed to all people to encourage them to buy their cars. The motto is; How alive are you? And in the image we can see an animal that is a jaguar, which is called just like the mark.

  8. this graph we can see in the right the total part of advertasing that we can recive by different types of comication.
    The part of down represents the years that it includes of 2000 until 2002 part Digital increases in 2003 since 3% until more or less 45% in 2020. However, radio lowered its percentage slightly in 2020 since 10% until 5%, as Radio, Magazine drecreased about 10% its emission of advert. Newspapers, in 2000, had about 35%, but now decreases a lot in 2020 where it has 15%.
    Outdoor maintains its percentage since 5%, as well, televisión that like this, maintains its percentage in 35%.
    In conclude, we can see that now in the media the companies benefit the technological advance for introduce its add.

    the advert is about a Car Brand Call Jaguar. That image is advertysing the expensive and famous marq of cars, the slogan it says "How alive are you?" because is like if the car is going to give you life.

    Marta Barba Granados 4ºD

  9. GRAPH:
    This graph show us the percentage of what people like or use frecuently. This are some types of comunication like television, newspaper, magazines or radio. It says that the most frecuently type of comunication is televion with 35%. The next is the newspaper with about 15 or 16%. The least type of comunication are magazines.

    This advert show us a type of car and it is created to people that like cars and can drive. The slogan is How Alive are you? It means how are you living. The image that is there is a jaguar like the name of the car.

  10. By : Ángel Fraile Delgado

    Graph: In the graph it says the percentage of advertising in the media .
    You can see how in last twenty years the digital media has been increasing draticatly and the newspapers has been decreasing dramaticatly . The television will be increasing before the year 2015 after this it will decrease slightly . The magazines , radio and tha advertising outdoors continues more or less equal although the magazines decrease a little bit .

    The advert is advertising jaguar´s cars which are sports cars , here it is highlighted the elegant of the cars because everything is black and the strength and speed due to the jaguar , the product is aimed only for adults , the slogan is how alive are you ? , it challenges you to drive because you will feel better , you will feel alive and excited and the hook is the animal tha jaguar that is strong , quickly and exotic.

  11. By: Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

    In this graph we can see how the empress spend their money in been advertising in the different comunical media. in the last years we see how the Digital media is arised over the Television and this is getting less importance in advertising. Newspapers are losing a huge amount of influence in advertising in last 15 years. Magazines and Radio are also losing influence but slower than nwespapers. Outdoor keep the same percentage over last years.

    This Advert try to sell us jaguar's cars with the slogan "How Alive Are You?" with the mean: Your live will be better if you have a jaguar's car. The hook is the jaguar because this animal mean speed, elegance and strength. This advert is aimed to men between thirty and fifty.

  12. GRAPH:In this graph appeared the digital dominance and it compares by porcentage of digital, television, newspaper, magazine, radio and outdoo. The most popular is digital, the second is television, the third newspaper, the last one is the outdoor.
    From the 2000 to the 20 digital grows a lot and newspaper, magazine and radio are in decrease but television and outdoor are stable.

    ADVERT:In this advert appeared the symbol of the jaguar´s car and it ask you who alive are you?
    It means how happy is your live. The jaguar´s car symbol is a jaguar.The symbol is a jaguar because the car is fast and beautifull


  13. GRAPH:
    In this graph,shows the overall percentage of advertising spending we can receive for different types of communication. The radio, the magazine and the newspaper fall by less than 10% in 2020, the digital advert increase from less than 10% in 2000 to 45% in 2020. Television is the only one that increase and decreases, television increase from 2000 to 2010 and decreases until 2020 and will remain at 35%.


    This advert is of the trademark Jaguar, it is the trademark of a car and what is advertised is the car and the slogan of the advertisement is "How alive are you?" Who asks you how alive you are when you drive that car.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4ºB

  14. In this graph we can see the predictions of the percentage of the media adverts from the year 2000 to 2020. We see the big difference principally in digital adverts, because in 2000 the percentage was too low but along the years this percentage increase and the predictions say that in 2020 the percentage will too high, between 40% and 50%.
    The second percentage that I think the different is big are the advert of newspapers, in 2000 the percentage were more than 30%, but along the years this decrease a lot and the predictions say that the percentage in 2020 will under 10%.
    Finally, the rest of percentages in general haven't a lot of difference. Magazines percentage decrease from more than 10% to under 10% near to 0%. Radio adverts decrease a very little percentage. Outdoor adverts are practically similar. And the last, television adverts increase a decrease along the years but with a little different.

    In this advert we can see a silver jaguar with the slogan under ''How alive are you?''. Appears a jaguar because It's announcing a car, so the jaguar means that the car is too quickly and they compared it for say people that the car is good. The slogan is a question that say if we are alive, is other reason because the jaguar appears, because this animal is so animated.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. GRAPH:
    In this graph we can see the percent of adverts that are in TV, radio, newspaper… for each year we can see that the percent of adverts is going down dramatically since 2000, but the percent of adverts in digital is going up dramatically, in TV the percent of adverts is more or less the same of in 2000(there are a lot of adverts in TV), in magazines, radio and outdoor is also more or less the same percent in 2000(There are only some adverts)

    In this slogan we can see a silver jaguar and down the question How alive are you? That I think that means that the people would have energy as a jaguar.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  17. GRAPH
    the graph describe the porcentage of advertising speding.In the TV the porcentage decrease in 2000 with the porcentage 33% decrease in 2015 with 32% but in 2005 and 2010 decrease with 30% . In newspapers increase in 2000 and decrease a lot in 2005 to 2020 with 8%.In magazines the line is constant but in 2015 decrease to 2020 with2%.In the radio the line is constant too but in 2015 began decrease to 2020 with 6%.

    This advert is about a car and the symbol that represent it is a jaguar and means that the car is fast and very beutifull.The advert like to tell you that if you buy this car your car if be the fastest car and the most beutiful

    Carmen González Fuentes. 4ºD

  18. Graph
    In this graph we can see the percentage of advert spending in all media. Digital have increase a lot to 0,5 to 45 % in 2020.
    Newspaper the percentage have decrease a lot to 35 to 5 % in 2020.
    Magazines also have decrease of 10% to 0,2% in 2020.
    Radio have decrease have decrease a little bit of 9 to 0,5 % in 2020.

    In this advert we can see a jaguar and the slogan of this advert is How Alive Are You? and it means that if they are alive to buy this cars.

    Ramón García Díaz 4ºD

  19. Mayte Macías Díez. 4ºB

    GRAPH:This chart tells us about global advertising spending.We can see that advertising spending on television rose from 2000 to 2010 and then fell again.The advertising spending of the newspaper dropped from 2000 to 2020 from 34 percent more or less to 8 percent. The advertising spending of the radio was more or less constant in the year 2000 had a 9 percent and in the year 2020 would descend a little up to 7 percent or so.The advertising spending of magazines in 2000 was 13 percent but in 2020 it dropped to 2 percent.The advertising spending of billboard is constant between the year 2000 and the year 2020 and lastly the digital advertising spending amounts a lot from the year 2000 to 2020, it rises from 3 percent to 45 percent
    ADVERT:This is an advert of a brand of cars, the slogan is: how alive are you? The logo of this brand is an animal called jaguar, this animal is known for its speed, ie the car will also have the same speed as this animal. The advert is aimed at all the public but only those who have a driving license can enjoy it. The slogan of this announcement is not well understood, I don't know if people can understand it and I think it is necessary to buy the product.

  20. GRAPH: In this graph we see the percentage of media adverts from the year 2000 to 2020, in the year 2000 the percentage is too low but over time increases and predictions say that the percentage will be too high, between forty percent and fifty percent.
    The second big percentage is that of newspapers, in 2000 it was 30% and in 2020 it will be 10%, the rest of percentages do not have much difference the one of the magazines falls a ten percent, and the radio adverts also lower.

    ADVERT:In this advert comes a silver jaguar and advertise a car as they take advantage to compare it with this animal to say how good and how fast this car is. The question `How alive are you? 'Is the slogan of this advert.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  21. In this chart we can see the digital dominance of the mass media around the world. The different medias are television, newspapers, radio, magazines and outdoor and digital. In the bottom part of the chart we have the dates, since 2000 until 2020. The digital dominance in general has been increasing, and it has reached a very high level. The television has been very common since 2000 until 2020 (in the future), with a 35% (more or less) of the advertising spending of percentage of the total, less than the 40% it had in 2010. The newspapers were very common in the past, but it has been increasing very notably; in 2016 it's the second most viewed media, after television,which is the first. The nexts are the outdoor and the radio, whose have more or less the same in 2016, with a 5% and 6%. And the last are the magazines, which have a lower level compared whith the other dates, with a 2 or 3% in 2020.

    This advert is the logo of a car, and Jaguar is the name of this car's marc.
    The advert has a slogan, and in this case the sloan's name is: “How alive are you?” - and the theme ALIVE means that Jaguar cars are unique seductive vehicles.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  22. The graphic is about the global advertising spending. The formes to advert an advertising are:
    -Television that have a 35% in 2020 but in 2007-2010 go up and then go down.
    -Newspaper have 18% in 2020 in the year 2000 the newspaper was in 35% and then go down dramaticaly.
    -Magazines have in the year 2000 12% of adverts but in 2010 go down and in 2020 is on 5 % for wich is going down.
    -Radio have in 2000-10% and more or less the pecent is the same in 2020
    - Outdoor is the same more por lees in al the years
    -Digital is the percent that is going up dramtically all the years in 2000 have 3% and in the future in 2000 will be have 45% the best of al of they.

    The advert is about a mark of cars, the advert has a slogan that is "How alive are you?" this mean that the cars are the best and unique. I think that the hook in the logo is a jaguar that mean that are faster than others cars and also mean that is the best car that you can have.

    Manuel Reyes López 4°D

  23. Digital dominance:
    This graph is about the digital dominance in the wold espress in percentage. If you can see, in this chart, talking about television, newspapers ,radio, magezines and ootdoor between the years 2000 to 2020. The tv started so hight about 35% , between 2005 to 2008 , and then decreasing little by little. Newspapers go down so fast since 35% to less than 10%. Magazines go down too, but less than newspapers. Finally, the radio decreasing to 1% or 2% and outdoor it's similar, around 5%. In the future the digital dominance will be using more is the digital according to the graphs.

    In this advert, is sponsor brand of car that have a picture representent a jaguar. I think that in this advert, the bussines decided to put this animal, because it's a form to indicate that the cars are very fast. And also the slogan it's very important to indicate to the buyer that is the fastest because when you have a car of this brand you really feel it. It's for adult, and the hook is the exating when you go so fast in a car.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

    This graph shows you global advertising spending from 2000 to 2020 (predictions) in percentages. As we can see, the television has the highest percentage. Firstly, the line which represents the TV goes up slightly from 2000 to 2004. Next, the line decreases a little from 2004 to 2007. In 2007, it is recovered gradually. However, in 2011 is failing again till 2020. Apart from that, the newspapers in 2000 have a thirty five percent, but it goes down dramatically until 2020 when it will be underneath ten percent. Magazines, radio and outdoors have more or less the same percentages along all the years (between twelve and two percent). The different between them is that magazines and radio are diminishing (though not much), and outdoors are growing very little. In spite of that, digital is rising sharply. In 2000 it has less than five percent of global advertising spending and at the end; in 2020, it is on forty five percent more or less.

    This image advertises “Jaguar”, a British brand which sells cars. There isn’t anything highlighted about the product, due to it doesn't advertise a specific product, it advertises this cars brand in general. It is aimed at adults, because under age people can't drive. The Jaguar’s slogan is “How alive are you?” which I think his meaning is related with the speed of the car, because if you drive faster, you’ll be more alive. The only thing that we can see in the photo is the shape of a silver jaguar with a dark bottom (which is the logo of the brand). I think the hook of the ad is the challenging question that the slogan suggests.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4ºESO B

  25. GRAPH:
    We can see a line graph that represent the percentage of media spending between the years 2000 to 2020. As we can see the most spending today is television with 35% approximantely. In the year 2000 television spending a 35%, and as the years pass TV spending the same more or less. Newspaper are on the top in 2000 but then gone down. Digital in the pass is not spending a lot and now are increase lightly. Outdoor and Radio are spending not much and now the same with less than 10%.
    In a future between the years 2017 to 2020 it is expected that digital will be on the top with more than 40% and TV also will be spending a lot.

    In this advert advertising a mark of cars. It specifically highlighted the logo that is a jaguar. The aimed is for adults because children don´t buy a car. The slogan is “How alive are you?”. I think that is this slogan because jaguar also is a animal and is very alive so if you buy the car it ask you that how alive are you because refers that the car is alive. The logo is a silver jaguar with a bottom black. The hook is the animal or the rich and happy families.

    Rocio Peña Carrera 4ºB

    This graphic shows us the global advertising spending between 2000 (past) and 2020 (future).
    The newspaper, have decrease since 2000 to actually, and it will decrease more to 2020, and in 2020 it will be a 9% more or less.
    The Digital have increase, and it will increase for the rest of years to 2020, in 2020, it will be 45%.
    The radio was in the 10%, now is in a 7% and it will decrease to a 5%.
    The Magazines has decrease too, from a 12% more or less, to a 5% , and in the future it will decrease too, to 2% more or less.
    The Outdoor was, is and will be more or less the same from 2000 to 2020.
    Television in 2000, was a 35%, it increase not much and it fell again, and then it haveincrease to 41%, then it will decrease to 2020, and it will be in a 35% again, like in 2000.

    It's advertising a car and there isn't anything highlighted about the car. It's aimed to people that can drive. The slogan is "How alive are you?" and the logo is a jaguar. The hook that appears here is rich people.

    Ángela Cotán 4D


  27. GRAFH : This graph shows the total of the percentages of different types of communication advertising spending, some are the radio, magazine and newspaper tadas descend to less than 10% in 2020. He announced digital gain of the 10% in 2000 to the 45% in 2020. Television is the only one that goes up and down normally, television decreases until the year 2020 and is kept or maintained by 35%.

    ANNOUNCEMENT: in this announcement comes a jaguar silver that is the symbol of those cars, a car with this animal shown to tell the good, comfortable and fast which is this car. The question is the following, would as of living you are? That is the slogan of the advertesing

  28. GRAPH:
    In this graph we can see the digital dominance, it is represented in percentages. this information is from 2000 to 2020. In digitals adverts we can see a very bif difference in 2000 the percentage was low, but in 2020 it is estimated that 45% approximately. The second important advert is televisión, this percentage in 2000 was 35% approximately, in 2020 its percentage will be 35% again, between these years, the percentage of televisión has remained between the 30 and 40 percentage. The newspapers in 2000 had a high percentage but during the years it has gone down and in 2020 it will go down to a 8% approximately. Then the magazines, the radio and outdoor have had a low percentage, in 2000 were between 5 to 15% in 2020 fall below the 10%.
    This advert is about a car Brand call Jaguar, in this advert we can see a logo, a jaguar, and the slogan ‘’how alive are you’’ with this slogan I mean that with this car you are alive, the aim is to make people feel alive. He also compares it to a jaguar because jaguars are very fast.

    Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 4ºD

  29. -Digital dominance.
    This graph is about the global advertising spending , percentage total. The line which represent the TV is blue and the line goes up since 2000 to 2005, the these line goes down from 2005 to 2007, and comes black up since 2007 to 2010 and finally goes down. The line which represent the newspaper is green and the line is always take down. The line which represent the magazines is orange and the lines is goes down. The line which represent the radio is gray and the line maintain the level. The line which represent the outdoor is light blue and the line maintain the level. The line which represent the digital is navy blue and the line always goes up , this line is the one that more grown.
    -Jaguars advert
    This image represent a advert about the car. The mark of this advert is the jaguars and the logo is a black animal (jaguars). I think that the jaguars is black because the company make black cars. The slogan of this advert is "How alive are you ?". I think that this advert is for the adult because they can drive.

  30. GRAPH:
    In this graph,shows the overall percentage of advertising spending we can receive for different types of communication. The radio, the magazine and the newspaper fall by less than 10% in 2020, the digital advert increase from less than 10% in 2000 to 45% in 2020. Television is the only one that increase and decreases, television increase from 2000 to 2010 and decreases until 2020 and will remain at 35%.

    This advert show us a type of car and it is created to people that like cars and can drive. The slogan is How Alive are you? It means how are you living and means that if you get a jaguar car you will live better. The image that is there is a jaguar like the name of the car.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  31. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    This photo is about a type of car, his mark is "Jaguar". The symbol is a jaguar running, jaguar is a type of animal that it looks like a leopard. I think that the jaguar reperesent this mark of car because this type of car runs a lot. The slogan of this advert is " How alive are you?" I think that slogan means that you have to be prepared to use a Jaguar and you have to feel good to use jaguar for these reason the symbol is a jaguar running. The hook of this advert is the slogan and the type and colours of the letter.

    In this graph we can see the global advertising and the spending in %of total between the years 2000-2020. The television decrease between the years 2004-2007 but later increase in the year 2010 and decrease again. The newspaper has been decreasing by the use of technologies. The radio and the outdoor are the sames, They haven`t decrease and they haven´t increase. The magazines is decrease but little.


    This graph shows the porcentage the total use of types of comunications and the porcentage of the last sixteen years and the previsions for 2020.
    We can see that the types comunications that use paper like newspaper or magazines decrease too quickly and the previson for 2020 are less that ten percent of total percentage use it.
    The TV increase his use but the it decrease to fourty percent and the previsions for 2020 is less than fourty percent.
    The digital objects increase alarmingly now is more than thirty percentage but in 2020 the previsions are more or less fifty percent of total use.
    The out door stay in the same percentage and the previsions are the same
    The radio decrease a little bit and the previsions for 2020 are less than ten percent of total percentage

    This advertising shows a famous and popular brand the jaguar Symbol that all know that is an empress that sells cars such famous is that also sell Tshirts and more things.
    The jaguar is one of the most faster animals and this symbolize that the car will be faster than anothers this advert its aimed to adults because children cant use it.
    The slogan How alive are you challange you to prove how alive are you driving this car that is the faster car ever.

  34. GRAPH:
    This graphic shows us the percentage of the most frequent means of communication in the population, the most frequent is the television with 35% and the less the magazine with less than 10%.

    This ad is the logo of a car brand, the jaguar. The slogan means that as you live you want to show us that in this type of car you will feel alive and ready for everything.


  35. Graph:

    In this graph we can see that shows how many advertising will be in 2020 in the different types of communication in the world, such as, television, newspapers, radio, magazines ...
    As shown in the right part we can see the total ad that shows us each media and in the lower part we can see the years in which these events occur. As we can show you the highest percentage in 2020 of the advertising will be in the digital with 45%, then the next will be, the television with 35%, followed by the newspapers with 6%, then are in the same place the radio and the outdoor and finally the means of communication with fewer ad percentages will be magazines with about 3%.


    In advert is about an automobile brand called Jaguar, this advert wants to promote the good thing is to have a car and the luxuries that have that brand of car. This advert is directed primarily to parents as they are the people who buy that kind of thing. The motto of this advert is "How alive are you?", It means that the car gives us life.


  36. This graph explain the global advertising spending
    of the differents medias from the year two thousand to two thousand and fiveteen, and also there is a estimated part from the years two thousand and fiveteen to two thousand and twenty.You can see the line bleu(Digital) that grow up continually and is the most popular in the graph. And the line which decrease more is the newspaper because the people now doesn't use the paper. The others: magasines, radio and television decreased a few in the next years, less outdoor that is the same.

    The advert is about jaguar cars and the highlighted is the animal and the big grey letters. The logo means that you buy this cars you can go in them as fast as a jaguar and the slogan want make the people live the life as fast as possible. The hook is the utilization of the jaguar.

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  37. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  38. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  39. GRAPH
    This graphic represent the global advertensin spending. Here we can see like between 2000 and 2020 there are for example: the digital one is increase because in 2000 is 0,5% and in 2020 is 45% but other different example is the newspaper us decrease because in 2000 is 35% and in 2020 is 0,9%. Others like the outdoor is equal in all the years.

    This photo represent the mark “Jaguar”, the symbol of the mark is a jaguar that is running. In this advertising there isn't any highligther. Jaguar it's a mark of cars. The slogan is “How alive are you?”. I think that this mean that a jaguar have got a live with much energy.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4ºD

  40. GRAPH:
    This graph represent the global advertising spending. You can see that the line of digital increase a lot the last ages. In television is increasing a bit but since 2013 to 2020 its began to decrease. The newspaper is decreasing very quicky ,in 2000 have 33% of global advertising spending and now a days it have 12% more o less. The radio is decreasing also a little, before it have 12% and now it have 6% . The magazines is decrasing a lot this years, the magazines already have a Little percentage of advertising spending.
    The digital is the médium of advertising that spend more now a days and is increasing a lot this last years.

    This advert show us that this car brand is very faster, as a jaguar that is the logo of the advert. This advert says if you are ready to drive this type of cars. With this advert try to persuade the people to buy this brand cars. This advert is only for the people that is 18 or more than 18 because are the people that can drive and they probably want to buy a car.
    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  41. Graph:
    This graph represents the digital dominance between 2000 and 2020 and we have differents medias. Tv increases and decreases but finally it has the same percentage. Newspapers is completely different. It deacreases very quikly, begins with 35% and in 2020 it has less than 10%. Radio and Outdoor keeps theirs percentages, lower than other, (less than 10%). Digital is the only one that will grow so much, from 2 or 3% to 45 %.

    Jaguar Advertisement
    The photo represents the logo "jaguar". It´s aimed to adult people because you need an specific age to drive. The slogan is "how alive are you?. I think they use the jaguar logo to compare it to the speed of the car. In my opinion it´s a great Logo.

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4B

  42. GRAPH:
    This graph shows us the global advertising spending in percentage from the year 2000 to the year 2020. We can see six different ways of advertisement: television, newspaper, magazines, radio, outdoor and digital.
    In the year 2000 the most used were television and newspaper. As we can see, they both have almost the similar percentage in this year, but as time goes by, television has been stayed between 40% and 30% of the global advertising spending, on the other hand, newspapers has been decreased a lot since the year 2000, and it's estimated that in 2020 it will be about the 7%.
    Magazines, radio and outdoor were almost similiar in 2000, between 13% and 5%. But with the passage of time they have decreased a bit.
    But as we can see, in 2000 the digital way was part of the 4%, but it will increased sharply. It is predicted that in 2020 the digital will dominate with about the 45% of global advertising spending.

    In this advert we can see that a car is being advertised, the trademark is Jaguar. It is specifically aimed at the adults, because you only are allow to drive a car if you are 18 years old or more. The slogan is 'how alive are you?', which means that this car is very safe. The advert consist of a silver shape of a jaguar, which is the logo, the trademark and the slogan below it. It hasn't got a hook really, but I think the only thing we can consider a hook is the question, which is the slogan.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  43. Graph:
    This graph represents the total percentage, which is based on where the ad comes from. We set the example of the digital, which from the year 2000 until approximately the year 2020, and that line is growing.
    In this slogan represents that the car is equal to a cheetah, bone is as fast as the cheetah

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  44. Graph:
    This graph is about the global advertising spending. We can see the media that the people use more frequently. Also we can see the growth and the decline of this media between the years 2000 and 2020.
    The digitial one has been growing. In 2000 had 5%, nowadays have a 38% and in 2020 will have 45%.
    The TV has been decreasing and growing. In 2000 had a 45%, nowadays have a 47% and in 2020 will have a 43%.
    The newspaper is decreasing. In 2000 had a 32%, nowadays have a 10% and in 2020 will have a 8%.
    The magazines is decreasing. In 2000 had a 11%, nowadays have a 5% and in 2020 will have a 2%.
    The radio started decreased, and more later stayed equal.
    The outdoor is always equal.

    This car is a jaguar, and this advert means that this car is faster, and they want to convince people to buy this car because is more better tan others. The slogan said that if you have this car you fell well and you will live more better.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  45. GRAPH:
    In this graph, we can see the digital dominance and the predictions in 2020.
    In 2020, the digital adverts it increaces to 55%.
    The megazines and radio, in 2000 decreace up to 2020 but the radio in 2020 go up 0'5%
    The TV grows up in 2000 up to 2011 with some jump and dicreace in 2010 up to 2020 with 35%
    The newpapers,in 2000 dicreace up to 2020 in 0'5% and the Outdoor it keeps in 2000 up to 2020 0'5%

    In this advert about a brand of cars.
    The band Jaguars is the brand the more fast cars.
    His name refers to a very fast animal and that is why it name of Jaguars.
    This cars ir very expensive and luxeries. This advert directed usually at people rich.
    The slogan is "HOW ALIVE ARE YOU?"

  46. GRAPH:
    In this graph we can see the evolution of the different digital dominance over the years. The television spend more or less the same in adverts in 2000 than 2020 but it increased a little in 2010. Newspaper in 2000 had 30% , it decreased a lot and in 2020 it have 8% of spend in adverts. The digital plataforms spend more now than in the five last years in adverts, in 2000 it had 3% and now 45%. The spend in adverts in magazine is very low now but on 2000 it was a little be more high with 12% of spending. The radio never growed more than 10% and more or less it is in the same line than in 2000 but with a little decline. In 2000 the spend in adverts in outdoor was less than 10% and it increase dramaticaly and now it have 45%.

    This advert want to sell a car. The logo of these advert is a animal called jaguar and it means that their cars are fastest. The slogan is "How alive are you?" that means that if you want to enjoy the life you need to buy their cars to know what to be alive. This advert is directed to rich people beacuse theirs cars are very spensive.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  47. GRAPH

    This graph shows us the global advertising spending from 2000 until 2020. As we can see in the graph, in 2000 digital had less than 5% of the total but currently, it is the most used with approx. 45%!!. It’s due to the technology development. The television had increase from 2000 to 2010 but as the technology has developed people use more the computers. The newspapers has decrease significantly because of it exists digital newspapers. Currently less than the 10% of the adverts are in the newspapers. It happen the same thin with the magazines but. Very few people already pay attention to the outdoors with a 7% approx. The radio has decrease slightly because always it has been the media lees used with 8%. I think that all the changes are because of the technology developed.


    In this advert, the products that are being advertised are luxury cars of a brand called: Jaguar. The advert is aimed to the people with more than 18 years old that are people that can drive. The slogan is: How alive are you? In the photo appears the logo of the brand that is a jaguar jumping. The principal hook is that are expensive cars for rich lifestyle families.

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  48. In this graph we can see the digital dominance between 2000 and 2020 and we have differents medias. Tv increases and decreases but finally it has the same percentage. Newspapers changed completely. It deacreases very quikly, begins with 35% and in 2020 it has less than 10%. Radio and Outdoor keeps theirs percentages, lower than other. Digital will grow so much, from 2 or 3% to 45 %.

    The advert is about cars, the advert has a slogan that is "How alive are you?" this mean that the cars are the best and unique and yo have ro love It. I think that the hook in the logo is a jaguar and expresa that is one of the best cars that you can buy

  49. In this graph we can see the digital dominance between 2000 and 2020 and we have differents medias. Tv increases and decreases but finally it has the same percentage. Newspapers changed completely. It deacreases very quikly, begins with 35% and in 2020 it has less than 10%. Radio and Outdoor keeps theirs percentages, lower than other. Digital will grow so much, from 2 or 3% to 45 %.

    The advert is about cars, the advert has a slogan that is "How alive are you?" this mean that the cars are the best and unique and yo have ro love It. I think that the hook in the logo is a jaguar and expresa that is one of the best cars that you can buy

  50. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  51. This graph show the global advertising spending, that is the money spended in adverts of differents areas: magazines, radio, outdoor, newspapers, television and digital. It is represented with the percentage of total between the year 2000 until what is predicted between 2017 and 2020. The expenses in adverts in television and newspaper was high in the year 2000, but now in newspapers is increasing dramatically. In radio, magazines and outdoor the expenses is low in all the years. And the highest expences in adverts is in digital that is growing dramatically since 2002. Nowadays television and digital are the mediums with more expenses with 38%. And the medium with less expenses is magazines with 3%. In the future is predicted that digital keep growing and as a consequence, traditional investment decreases.

    It is a British car brand. The logo and I think also the hook, shows a jaguar, a wild animal that is very fast. I think it wants to make you see that the car is very good and fast as a jaguar. The slogan is HOW ALIVE ARE YOU?, in an attempt to show Jaguar as a living brand. The logo attracts a lot of attention, since in all brands has been chosen to strengthen the effects of brightness, reliefs and reflections.


    This graph it's about the global advertising in % of total.In 2000 the least popular advertising was digital but over the years Digital has been increasing dramatically up to 2020,in the future there will be 45% of spending advertising. In 2000 the second leats popular advertising was outdoor adverts with a slow increase to 2020 with more or less 5%. Radio is the third least popular advertising in 2000 and it has fallen slightly until 2020 with 3%. The third most popular advertising in 2000 are magazines and it has been going dropping gradually to 2020 with 2% or 1%. Newspapers are the second most popular advertising with more that the 30% in 2000 and it has slumped sharply into 2020 with a 5% and the first popular in 2000 is television with a slow increase but then in 2004 it decreases and then in 2007 increases a bit until 2010 when it has fallen sharply.

    It's an advert of a car company.The logo is a jaguar.The Jaguar is the animal that is considerated the fastest in the world and this brand is going to transmit that the jaguar cars are the fastest in the world. The slogan is "How alive are you? This slogan intends that the person who drives a jaguar car will be young and is going to look for adventure and new places to discover.

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  53. GRAPH

    This graph represents the global advertising spending in percentage since 2000 to 2020.
    We can see that television was the most used in 2000 with 35% . Television increase in 2010 with 40% but it will decrease in 2020 The secong most used in 2000 was newspaper with 34% and in 2020 it will decrease a lot with 8%.
    The third most used in 2000 was magazines with maybe 13% and it will decrease a lot with 2% in 2020 the least used. The fourth most used in 2000 was Radio with 10% and it will decrease in 2020 with 5%. The fifth most used was outdoor with maybe 7% in 2000 , it increase a little in 2013 but it will have the same percentage as in 2000. And the last one is Digital that started with 3% in 2000 and it will increase a lot in 2020 with 45%.


    This advert is about a brand of a car called jaguar, that have an slogan that is “how alive are you?” I think it means that with this car you will fell alive. The logo of this brand is a jaguar, and I think that represent that this car is as fast as jaguar . I think that is a great comparasion.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  54. First part:
    This is a photograph of a graph, the graph show us the percent total of global advertising between 2000 and 2020. In the graph represent the magazine, television, digital, aoutdoor, radio and newspaper and this is represent between zero and fifty percent.According the graph, digital is represent in a dark blue line that grown with time, at the beginning in 2000 is spend a three percentage and at the end is spend a fourty-five percent.According the graph, outdoor is represent in a light blue line, this line is constant, all time is spends four percent. Radio is represent in a gris line, this line decrease between zero and ten percent.Magazine is represent in a pink line, this line decrease between zero and fifteen percent.News Paper id represent in green line, this line decrease with much difference between thirty five percent and six percent .Television is represent in a blue line, at the beginning the television grown between thirty five and fourty percent but in 2010 the television decrease between fourty and thirty five percent.
    Second part:
    The advert is about of “Jaguar” that is a brand of a car, his slogan is “How alive are you?”. His logo is represent in a jaguar, this wants to say that this car is the fastest car, this advert say that this car is the best and is a single car.
    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  55. This graph represents the percentage of how people have the news and ads from the year 2000 to the predictions of the year 2020.

    The digital way, by computers or digital newspapers has increased from 2% to 45% that is predicted to be in 2020

    The outdoor has not presented any percentage change, has remained at 5% and is predicted to continue to be maintained until 2020 in this percentage.

    The percentage of the radio is decrease 3% in these years.

    In magazines it is noticeable its decrease since, in the year 2000 was 12% and it is predicted that there will be a 2% of people who read news and announcements in magazines in 2020.

    The percentage of newspapers has decreased by approximately 25% since in 2020 it was 33% that the newspapers read and in 2020 they were 8% of the total.

    Finally the television has presented small changes: in 2010 increased by 5% and it is predicted that it will decrease again that 5%.

    This means that digital fashion is and will predominate significantly in recent years.

    This ad advertises luxury jaguar cars, this ad is for people over 18 becouse they are the ones who can have driving license and can buy the car, the slogan is "How alive are you?" And means that as you live to know how to take that car so good, is reflected a jaguar and has chosen that animal because it is very fast and is meant that the car would be like a jaguar, and this, to attract the Public, luxury cars of this brand are used.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  56. GRAPH:
    Here we can see a graph,it is called digital dominance and it shows us the total porcent of advertysing that we can receive by differents types of comunication, as de television, the newspapers, the magazines, the radio or others ways that is called outdoor, and it means the type of information that we can give to a friend or recieve from a friend, and that is the type of advertysing very common, by an oral way.This graph represent the porcent of advertysing in the differents medias, as we can see the digital, which are internet, videos on youtube,etc, that represent the highest porcentage, and it is around the 45%.Following digital, it is postioned the television, which is a 35%; then, thenewspapers, that has decreased a lot, and nowadays it is on a 8%.Magazines, radio and outdoor, it is around the 4% or 5%.

    In this advert, the products that are being advertised are luxury cars of a brand called: Jaguar. The advert is aimed to the people with more than 18 years old that are people that can drive. The slogan is: How alive are you? In the photo appears the logo of the brand that is a jaguar jumping. The principal hook is that are expensive cars for rich lifestyle families.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD

  57. Graph:
    This graph represents the porcetage of how people have the news and ads from the year 2000 to the predictions of the year 2020.
    We can see that in television was the most used in 2000 with 35% . Television increase in 2010 with 40% but it will decrease in 2020 The secong most used in 2000 was newspaper with 34% and in 2020 it will decrease a lot with 8%.It deacreases very quikly, begins with 35% and in 2020 it has less than 10%.

    This advert is about a car brad call jaguar.This advert is aimed to know about that the car is very quikly,the slogan of this advert is "How alive are you?" and it means that as you live to know how to take that car so good and fast as an jaguar animal. In the image we can see a jaguar.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4ºD.
