lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016


Imperatives:  "Put a Tiger in your Tank"  (Esso)

Statements beyond doubt:  "Guinness is good for you" 

Adjectives: "Great ideas for small rooms" (Ikea)

Superlatives and comparatives:  "Its better to travel in groups" "Probably the best beer in the world"

Puns: ‘Be Cointreauversial’ – a campaign for the liqueur Cointreau


more slogans

Choose five interesting slogans and explain them

65 comentarios:

  1. Seize the day.
    This slogan means that we do not waste a moment of the day.
    Make it happen.
    It means that what you think or what dreams you can make it come true.
    Make mistakes.
    This slogan tells us that we have to make mistakes in life, that no one is perfect.
    Do small things with great love
    Tells us that everything we do, even the least we do with love.
    Enjoy every moment.
    This slogan tells us to enjoy every moment of the day so we will always be happy.

    David Sanz Rodrigguez 4 D

  2. These are the slogans that I founded more interesting,most of them is the first time i know them.
    ·Enjoy every moment
    As I understand it, it means that you just have one life, and if you enjoy everyday it, you will be happier.That is also connected with our daily ife, we are so estressed, so bussy, and we waist time working,studing,doing things, instead of being at home, with familiy, and enjoy of every little moment, because these are the good things of life.

    ·Take a moment and breath.
    That is similar to the previous slogan that I have just descript.This slogan akes us think about our routine, lot of wok, lot of study, many things to do, there isn't enought time for being relax, with family, at home, taking a breath.We should take a breath with more frequencie, because it is good for our mid, for our health, etc.

    ·Make mistakes
    That slogan is so interesting, at least, for me.We think that we always must do the things in a correct way, we mustn't have any mistakes, we must be perfect in everything, and that is not correct. If we have mistakes, is normal, it isn't bad, because with mistakes we learn a lot for the next time.

    ·Make it happen
    I heard before about it, and I love it. There are many people who hope something, but they don't do nothing, they hope that the thing they want fells from the sky as a present.And that's no the way to get something, if you want something, you must go for it, work hard, sometimes you get angry and you are in the point to stop, but you must keep on going, then, in the most of the cases, you get it. This slogan is directly sended to theese people that aren't positive or they are not enought hard working

    ·Do something good today.
    By my point of view, that slogan is very sensitive,because it seems to sa that, if we do something good, as helping poor families, old people, classmates that not understand something... we will feel better, and that's true, because if we don t take our person as the centre of the world, and instead, we help a little bit everyday, is fantastic, absoulte fantastic, you feel good because you are servitial, and the other person feels good to becase he or she gets the help that he needed.

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD.

  3. FIRST SLOGAN-Live in the moment:
    This slogan means that you have to enjoy every minute you live to be able to use it to the maximum

    SECOND SLOGAN- Be happy for this moment.
    The slogan is to say that you always have to be content at every moment of life to enjoy them better happy than sad

    THIRD SLOGAN-This moment is your life.
    The slogan tries to transmit to us the good thing that is our moment in the life and that it is necessary to have it present at all times in order to enjoy in a good way and bad things around

    FOURTH SLOGAN-Do small things with great love.
    Refers to small things made with love, can prove much more than gifts bought and without affection for the other person

    FIFTH SLOGAN-Please and thank you are still magic words.
    We try to remember that the word remember and thank you must be in us always, in order to respect us all and always speak well without disturbing and with education

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4 eso D

  4. Do small things with great love.
    This slogan means that the small details mark the direction and that for very little it is, if you do it with affection is better.
    Adjective slogan.

    Enjoy every moment.
    This slogan means that you have to enjoy all the moments of your life, it is a slogan of positivism and encouragement.
    Imperative slogan.

    Laughter is the best medicine.
    Also, just like the previous is a slogan of encouragement, it means that when you are wrong, it is best to soreir, think positvo and move on.
    Statements beyond doubt slogan.

    Seize the day.
    It means to do productive things, to make the most of the day.
    Imperative slogan.

    Make it happen.
    It means that if something does not happen you have to fight for it and make it happen.
    Imperative slogan.


  5. It will all work out.
    This slogan wants to encourage us to do things and motivate us by saying that everything is going to work out, it is a slogan that shows us positivity. This slogan contains a statement.
    Live what you love.
    This slogan tells us to enjoy to the maximum what we really want to do and not miss the opportunities we have to do something we like. This slogan contains the imperative.
    Make it happen.
    It means if you want to do something, you do it. That if you want something to happen, make it happen. This slogan contains the imperative.
    Make mistakes.
    It means that if you have to make mistakes, you kites, that no one is perfect and mistakes serve to learn. This slogan contains the imperative.
    A day without laughter is a day wasted.
    This slogan means that the best thing for everything is to smile and you will have a better and more fun day. This slogan contains adjectives.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  6. FIRST SLOGAN- Live the moment this slogan means that you have to enjoy every moment of your life.This slogan contains a statement.

    SECOND SLOGAN- the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
    This slogan means that nobody can say you that you cannot do anything and your demostrate that you can do it very well.This slogan contains a statement.

    THIRD SLOGAN- Life is good LG- this slogan means that your having a TV or Mobile phone os this marks LG your life is better. This slogan is in superlative.

    FOURTH SLOGAN. Great ideas for small rooms IKEA-This slogan means that your you have small rooms and in IKEA you can find real-estate adapted for your small spaces.This slogan is in comparatives.

    FIVETH SLOGAN- Impossible is nothing Adidas-This slogan means that nothing in this life is impossible.This slogan contains a statement.

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  7. 1.Think Different. By Apple. I think this slogan means that if you have a Apple`s product you will diferent and better that the others.

    2.Open happiness. By Coca-Cola. The use the verb open to their drinks and happiness because you will happy drinking it(Because it delicious)

    3.Sheer Driving pleasure. By BWM. It means you will be pleasure to drive a BWM car, so the car will be fantastic.

    4.Next is now. By Samsung. They used this slogan to present their new mobile phone in 2015. It means that the future is here and they bring it in their new mobile phone.

    5.Mercedes Benz. The best or nothing. Means that if you have a Mercedes you will have the best car. If you have not, you will have nothing.

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4B

  8. By : Ángel Fraile Delgado

    Don’t be so hard on yourself: It means that don´t cryticize yourself a lot be happy with the things you can do.

    Dreams don’t work unless you do : That the thinks you want don´t just appear you have to do it.

    Enjoy every moment: It means that you must feel every moment you have to be happy all time.

    Laughter is the best medicine : that the laugh make you feel happy and confortable.

    Take a moment and breathe : It means that you must have a break and look around .

  9. A day without laughther is a day wasted, it means thaht is you don´t laught in a day you can be happy.

    Make it happen. it means that you can do posible your dreams and you have to fight for it.


    The glass is half full. it means that you haven´t done all

    Enjoy every moment.It means you can´t waste any moment

    Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. Every moment you have to be happy to enjoy the life

  10. Flirt with adventure: this slogan means that everything you do is an adventure for you and enjoy it as if it were an adventure

    Live what you love: this slogan means that you live as you like

    The rejection is not fatal.: this slogan means that the rejection is not the worst thing that can happen

    The glass is half full: this slogan means that from the point of view that it look can be positive or negative

    One day at a time: This slogan means that one day you can do whatever you want

  11. SLOGANS:
    -'Impossible is nothing'(Adiddas)
    What is meant by the brand of sport adiddas with this slogan is that in life there is nothing impossible if you fight to get it, it occurs not only in sport but also in what you prpose.It uses statements beyond doubt.

    -'It's hard to be nice if you don't feel comfortable' (Dockers jeans)
    This slogan plays with the comfort of trousers to tell us what if a person is not comfortable they can't show their true character.Also it used the statements beyond doubt.

    -'Share something good'(Tostitos crunchy chips brand)
    This slogan make us see that these potatoes are so good that we have to share them with the best we have in our life: family, ffriends, co-workers. There it uses an adjective that is good referring to potatoes.

    -'Everything is easier on a Mac'(Apple computer)
    In this slogan using the adjective easy it pretends that all the users of an apple device will improve their style of life making it easier.

    -'Life is good'(LG)
    In this slogan a pun appear with the letters l and g, the letter l refers to the word life and the letter g refers to the word good indicating that the LG brand will improve the quality of our lives.

    Belén Torres 4ºB

    It is a motivating slogan. To have things isn't as important as being more from you are and doing more. This is what I got out of this slogan.

    I like very much this slogan because I have a t-shirt which has a sentence almost the same as it, and it is: “what is coming is better than what is gone”. They both means the same, that the past is the past, and is sure that there will be something better in front of us.

    It is something like “I’m sorry I haven't done my homework.”, instead of “I’m sorry I haven't done my homework because my dog ate them.” The first one is apologizing. On the other hand, the other isn't accepting responsibility and probably is lying and making excuses.

    Its meaning is that if you want something happen, it's in your hands that it became true.

    It's like saying: “have free time to yourself”

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  13. Bite off more than you can chew:
    Its meaning is you have to aspier higher than you can do.

    Bloom where you’re planted:
    I think this slogan talk about you must adapt wherever you are.

    Enjoy every moment:
    It say that you must live every moment becouse it can be the last.

    Have less. Do more, Be More:
    It is a very beautiful slogan that say that the peoples who have nothing and give more things, than they have, are the mots richs.

    It’s the little things:
    It means that the little things are the mots highlightes and the beginig of the big things.

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. 1. Don’t put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket:
    This slogan tells us that it should not be if the other person makes you happy you will be happy, the key to your happiness should be with you always and although other people fail you or do not meet your expectations, you can be happy because it is your choice

    2. Laughter is the best medicine:
    This slogan tells us that have a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh can be beneficial to mental, physical and emotional health.

    3. It's hard to be nice if you don't feel comfortable:
    This slogan wants to tell us that when we aren’t being welcomed or we aren’t in a comfortable climate, it is difficult to treat people with kindness.

    4. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. 
This slogan tells us that the better we do things, the greater the success. It gives us the example of the better the ingredient with which you make the pizza, the better the pizza will be.

    5. You’re in good hands:
    This slogan tells us that we meet people who always will treat us really well and these will prevent anything from happening to us.
    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  16. Everything is easier on a Mac. (Apple Computer):
    I think that this slogan means that the mac is the best computer in the world and if you have a mac your life is easier that a person that have other computer.

    Pure life. (Nestle Natural Spring Water).
    I think that this slogan means that if you drink this water you have more health than if you drink other water.

    Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. (Papa John's pizza):
    I think that this slogan means that this pizzas have the best ingredients and that have the best pizza that you can eat.

    Good food, good life. (Nestle Food Company):
    I think that this slogan means that if you eat healthy food like the food of Nestle Food Company you have a healthy life.

    Life is good. (LG):
    I think that this slogan means that the life is good and if you see the life in a TV of LG you see better the life.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  17. Impossible is nothing (adidas). This slogan is a statements and mean that if you want to do anything you can do it although the life put obstacles.

    Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.(Papa John's pizza).It use a comparative and It mean that if you have ingredients with high quality you can do better products.

    Great ideas for small rooms. (Ikea). This slogan use adjectives and mean that you can have best ideas and decoration in a small rooms because Ikea have the best products for all types of rooms. And you can have a big room but the worst decoration.

    Do small things with great love. This slogan use adjectives and imperatives. This means that if you have things with love, things are better even if the things are small. That is to say that everything you do with love.

    Life is good. (LG) This use a puns because Life the capital letter is L and Good the capital letter is G and this form LG. So as LG is a mark of electrodomestic means that if you for example see the TV LG the life is better.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  18. *Laughter is the best medicine
    This slogan said that if you laught is better for your mind and makes you feel better.

    *Impossible is nothing (Adidas)
    This slogan said that there is nothing impossible if your propose it and if you have something so fight, it will get no obstacle to it is to prevent.

    *Make mistakes.
    This slogan is interesting. Is good make mistakes some times because for the next time that you going to do, it will do well and you feel satisfied

    *Life is good (LG)
    Life is good is a slogan of somes electrodomestics, like the TV and this said that if you see the TV LG, all is more better.

    *Live in the moment
    This slogan said that live in the present and enjoy them, because the past is past and in the future we don´t know how will happens.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    It's the slogan of the American Red Cross. It means that the worst thing that can happen you is to be or to feel indifferent because this means that you don't provide anything at you are insignificant. This slogan relates the indifference with the American Red Cross, because this organization helps people who have suffered natural disasters and make them feel important and useful. This slogan use the superlative in the word great.

    It's the slogan of, an American electronic commerce company. It means that in Internet, a virtual world because it is through a screen and where you can't touch anything, there is a real company, amazon, where you can buy electronic devices and have hem in real life. This slogan use the adjectives real and virtual.

    It's the slogan of Bonded Tobacco Co. It means, although smoke is bad if you want to be "safe" smoking you have to use this brand of tobacco. This slogan use an imperative in make and the adjective safe.

    It's the slogan of Houghton Australian Wines. It means, when you are in important occasions where the family and friends are togheter, when they start drinking, the best wine you can drink is Houghton Wine. This slogan use the adjective perfect.

    This slogan is used a lot by Christians and it means that as good Christians, we must be faithful in the place where God has planted us, with all he give us and waiting for you to make us shine. If you aren't christian I think this slogan is saying that you must grow with all the life gives you. This slogan has an imperative in bloom.


  21. First slogan:"Laughter is the best medicine"
    It mean that if you are happy you have a good health and also it will make you a better person.

    Second slogan: "Live in the moment"
    This slogan mean that you have to live on the things that are in aroud you because this moment is not going to happen again.

    Third slogan: "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life"
    This slogan mean that you have to live in the moment because this things will be going with you all your life.

    Fouth slogan: "Have it your way"
    This slogan mean that you have to do the things of your life how you want and not copy the people bacuse if you do this you don't be happy.

    Fith slogan: "Impossible is nothing"
    This slogan mean that there is nothing impossible if your porpose it and if you have something so fight, it will get no obstacle to it is to prevent.

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 4°D

  22. The slogans that I've chosen are:

    First of all, Skittles are fruit sweets. There are a lot of different colours depending on the flavour, as for instance the yellow sweet has banana flavour. The slogan is connected with the logo, in which we can see a rainbow with some Skittles along it. As I said before, there are different colours of Skittles, so the slogan means that if you eat a Skittle you will try how the rainbow tastes. The Skittles’s slogan uses an imperative.

    Nokia is a communication and technology company which sells smartphones and tablets. The logo is also related with the slogan because we can see two people shaking their hands. This slogan means that if you buy a Nokia, you'll communicate with anyone you want. Nokia’s slogan uses a statement beyond doubt.

    Red Bull is an energy drink called this way because in its logo we can see two red bulls. Its slogan "Red Bull gives you wings" is due to it contains caffeine which stimulate you, so if you drink it you will have the feeling to be more active. Red Bull can extend our sleep need. Red Bull’s slogan uses a statement beyond doubt.

    De Beers is a brand which sells diamond jewels. The slogan “A diamond is forever” wants to say us that if you buy one of their products made of diamonds you will have it forever, because of the qualities of the diamond. De Beers’s slogan uses a statement beyond doubt.

    L'oreal is a cosmetic and beauty brand with products for both men and women. Its slogan 'Because you're worth it' is known all over the world. When it was created it was a message mainly directed to women, which wants to say that they have to love themselves and take care of them. Hence, they announce their products as a way of take care of themselves. L’oreal’s slogan uses a statement beyond doubt.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4ºESO B

    (Statements beyond doubt). This slogan says that the hotel (Ramada) is a place where you can be very comfortable, and very relaxing.

    2.-LIFE IS GOOD. (LG).
    This slogan is trying to make people buy LG's TVs, and it's saying with this that they're very good TVs, and that life is good by whatching this.

    This slogan is about the embottled water, and says to you that if you drink it, you'll have a very pure life.

    This is a slogan of ADIDAS, a marc of trainers and clothes, and it saying that with these you won't have any problem and nothing imposible to do, all can be possible.

    This is a slogan of a toothbrush , that it's “better” than the others and you'll have a cleaner mouth.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  24. first slogan: ''impossible is nothing''
    This slogan is from adidas and says that nothing is impossible, that everything can be done.

    second slogan: ''make it better''
    This slogan is of the boots timberlard, it means that you can do better, referring to that with the boots everything you can do better.

    third slogan: ''everything is easier on a mac''
    This slogan is very famous because it is apple and many people know it, it means that everything is easier having a computer of this type.

    four slogan: ''good food, good life''
    This slogan is about chocolate nestle means that if you eat good food you will have a good life.

    five slogan: ''life is good''
    This lg slogan says that life is good, referring to if you have a LG you have a good life, there is also the LG logo.

    Lucia Garcia 4ºD

  25. First slogan: Impossible is nothing!!
    It means that if you want you can and there is nothing that is impossible to do or get.

    Second slogan: Laughter is the best medicine!!
    It means that it is good for your mental, physical and emotional health and very beneficial.

    Third slogan: Make it happen!!
    It is you who have to do everything possible until something happens and fight for it.

    Fourth slogan: Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life!!
    It means that you have to live in a hundred percent because you do not know when you will live it more

    Fifth slogan: Make mistakes!!
    Everyone makes mistakes and you have to know how to accept them because sometimes it is good for the next time to do well.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  26. The slogans that I've chosen are:

    This slogan,tries to convince that if you buy a Nokia you can connect with the people.

    This slogan tries to say to us that comamo everything what queramon and it tries to sell his ice creams.

    This slogan says to us that impossible is nothing.Since it is a brand where the players have obtained his aims for his effort.

    This slogan says to us that chocolate nutella is delicious, because if spreand you are happy with his flavour.

    This slogan tries to say that if open the Coca-Cola we are happy.


  27. 1.Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
    This slogan was said by Omar Khayyam. Is a statement beyond doubt, because this sentence say with all security that you have to be happy because your moment is NOW, and NOW is ALWAYS. It means you must to be happy all of moments in your life.

    2.Do small things with great love.
    This one, is a imperative slogan. It was emerged by a sentence said by Mother Teresa (In this life we cannot do great things. We can only small things with great love). It means that sometimes we think that we only make happy we love ones with great things, but really we make happy they with small things with great love, like a smile, a kiss or a simple 'I love you'.

    3.Laughter is the best medicine.
    This slogan is a statement beyond doubt. This means that when you are sad or you have a bad day, you only have to smile. If you smile you will forget all your problems and you will feel better; you, and all the persons love you and see you smiling.

    4.Dreams don’t work unless you do.
    This slogan is also a statement beyond doubt, and was said by John C. Maxwell. This means that you can't stay sittin and think that your dreams, your work, yout studies.. will make alone. If you want anything, you have to search it, you have to work for it and you have to earn it.

    5.Make it better.
    This slogan is a imperative. I think this slogan means that all things can be better always, and we are who have to make it better. All things have arrangement and if the thing is good, you can do it better.

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  29. The slogan that I chose are:

    1. Impossible is nothing.(Adidas)

    This slogan that does not want us to know is that all the things that you propose you can overcome, that is, all the goals you have in your life you overcome if you want. This slogan uses the superlative.

    2. Laughter is the best medicine!!

    This slogan that does not want to teach us that first of all the problems that we have we can smile, that there is nothing more beautiful than a smile of a person. This slogan uses adjectives.

    3. Perfect for when friends drop in.(Houghton Australian Wines)

    This slogan does not mean that although all our families are very close friends also belongs to part of our family so we must treat them in the same way, and that an afternoon of friends also has a great time. This slogan uses the adjective.

    4. Give you wings. (Red Bull)

    This slogan means that this drink gives you wings as it has lots of caffeine and can keep you awake for a long time. It is not good for you to drink many times in a row because you lose your sleep. Use the superlative.

    5. Make it better

    This slogan means that everything can be much better than you think if you put it on your side. This slogan uses the imperative.


  30. First slogan - Be happy for this moment.
    The motto is to say that you always have to be content to enjoy them better happy than sad

    Second slogan - Make it happen. This slogan means that with the effort dreams are made.

    Third slogan: Seize the day. This slogan means that the party is just in time.

    Fourth slogan: Take a moment and breathe.
    That's similar to the previous lemma I just described. This motto makes us think about our routine, much study, many things to do.

    Fifth slogan: make mistakes.
    That motto is so interesting because it means that no one is perfect.

    Zacarías Suárez Pérez 4ºD

  31. SLOGANS:


    This slogan of Adidas to say that nothing is impossible and you can do everything with effort.


    This slogan of BIC saying that it is the pen more popular in the world because it is the most widely used by students and teachers.


    This slogan of Wikipedia this represented that all students looking for information for different subjects and work.


    This slogan means that you have to enjoy life every minute that you live to enjoy it.


    This slogan of Monopoly means that with this game you can have fun ruining your friends.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  32. 1.- Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. (Papa John's pizza) This slogan means that if it has good ingredients, it is the best pizza. Use the superlatives.
    2.- Milk's favorite cookie. (Oreo sandwich cookies) This slogan means that this cookie is the favorite of the milk, since you have to wet it with milk. Use the adjectives.
    3.- Life is good. (LG)
    This slogan means that the this life well if you buy a mobile LG. Use the adjectives.
    4.- Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. (Pantene Shampoo) This slogan means that the hair is nice when you use pantene. Use the adjectives.
    5.- Unbelievably delicious. (Chocolate covered biscuits)
    This slogan means that you buy these cookies since they are very good. Use the adjectives.
    Mari Carmen Quintanilla 4ºD.



    This is the slogan of Nike and i think that want to say that if you can`t do something if you try you can do good.

    Open Happiness:

    This is a slogan of coca cola and it refered that if you open a coca cola bottle inmediatly you feel happy.


    This is a slogan of adidas and it means the same that the nike slogan . It means that if you never try is impossible to do.


    This is the slogan of New Balance and this slogan contains a puns that in the slogan have a word that have the mark.


    This is the slogan of LG and it means that if you buy a product of LG system you can see and life the life better than if you buy another product

    Antonio José García Delgado 4ºD

  34. life is good.
    this slogan means that the life is good if you have got a LG.
    Everything is easier on a mac.
    This slogan means that all is easier if you have got a computer of apple.
    Better ingredients. Better pizza.
    This slogan means that the pizza is good if you eat with the better ingredients and the better dough.
    impossible is nothing.
    This slogan means that you do everything with adidas clothes.
    Live in the moment.
    This slogan means that you have to enjoy your life .

  35. Make it happen: It means that you must make your dreams come true.

    A day without laughter is a day wasted: It means that you should be happy always, because life is too short as for waste your time in sad things.

    The glass is half full: It means that a person is getting angry.

    Impossible is nothing: It means that if you want anything, you must fight for that, because all is possible if you really want it.

    Good things take time: It means that things that are maken slowly are better that things that are maken quickly.

    Ángela Cotán 4D

  36. FIRST SLOGAN: Enjoy every moment. This talk about to take advantage of the life.
    SECOND SLOGAN: Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. This talk about be happy everymoment.
    THIRD SLOGAN: Make mistakes. This talk about make mistakes for learning them and not doing them again.
    FOURTH SLOGAN: Laughter is the best medicine. This talk about if you smile, bad things will never happen.
    FIFTH SLOGAN: It will all work out. This talk about being calm because everything will work out.

    Angel Jose Lopez Garcia de 4ºB

  37. FIRST SLOGAN: Enjoy every moment. This talk about to take advantage of the life.
    SECOND SLOGAN: Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. This talk about be happy everymoment.
    THIRD SLOGAN: Make mistakes. This talk about make mistakes for learning them and not doing them again.
    FOURTH SLOGAN: Laughter is the best medicine. This talk about if you smile, bad things will never happen.
    FIFTH SLOGAN: It will all work out. This talk about being calm because everything will work out.

    Angel Jose Lopez Garcia de 4ºB

  38. -Do small things with great love: this slogan mean that always you are something with love looks like better
    -A day without laughter is a day wasted: this mean that all the days you must laught for you happy
    -Enjoy every moment: This mean that you must live all the moment because yo can't know what occur tomorrow
    -Make it happen: Mean that you are the responsable to doing the things you want do.
    -Make mistakes: It's mean that you have make mistake to learn of this.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4°D

  39. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  40. JUST DO IT
    The slogan mean that you don't have to think something that you want you have to do It
    The slogan mean that nothing un the world is impossible and you can do all the things that you want
    The slogan mean that the energética drink REDBULL have a lot of caffeine and give you a lot of energy
    The slogan mean that you have to live this moment because you don't know if this moment Will replay in your life
    It say that you must live every moment becouse it can be the last moment of your life

    Gerardo Ibáñez Torres 4*D


    This slogan means that if you buy Lg's products your life will be betterr and you will be more happy.


    This slogan of Adidas means that all that you can think, if you want you will get it.


    Redbull is a energetic drink if you drink Red Bull you will be feel very nervous and you will start to do a lot of things.


    This slogan of Nike means that you don't have to think anything only you have to do it.


    This is a Coca Cola's slogan means that if you drink Coca Cola you will be feel happy all the day.

    Jose Angel Cea Torres 4D

  42. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  43. 1.Twister: Spin your your to second base!
    This slogan means that you have to move all the parts of your body to play in this game.
    2.KFC : It´s finger lickin´ good ¡
    This slogan means that the food that you eat there are very good and you eat this with your hands and when you finish to eat ,lick your fingers.
    3.Ben Jerry´s :Eat away your feelings.
    This slogan means that this ice-creams are excellent and when you eat it you feel very good.
    4.Gillete: We´re just to keep adding more blades.
    This slogan means that if you buy this machine, you don´t have to throw away this , only you have to change the blade.
    5.Candy Crush : The game versión of pure cocaine.
    This slogan means that this game is very good and addict you as the cocaine. Express that when you play one time you can´t stop playing.

    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  44. -It's hard to be nice if you don't feel comfortable. (Dockers Jeans)
    This is trying to say that you have to be happy with what you are wearing (jeans) if you want to be a good/nice person in that moment. It uses adjectives.

    - Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. (Pantene Shampoo)
    I think it means that you are more important than other people just for the fact that you have a beautiful hair.

    - The best part of the day. (Evening Herald tabloid newspaper, Dublin, Ireland)
    It means that read the newspaper, and specifically that, is the best part of the day because you can be relaxed and just chilling while reading the newspaper.

    - Share something good. (Tostitos crunchy chips brand)
    It means that you can have a good time with somebody and eat chips together because they are really tasty.

    - Good things take time. (Redwood Creek, Californian wine)
    It means that their wines are really good because they are so old.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  45. Done is better than perfect.

    I think that this slogans means that is better do a lot of things although the things that you do are not perfect.

    It’s the little things.

    This slogans means that sometimes the little things are more rewarding than a big or expensive thing.
    Is like I prefer to always be with my friends before they give me an expensive gift.

    Enjoy every moment.

    I think that this means do not waste your time because in the future you will regret it when you can not do it.

    Laughter is the best medicine.

    This means that you should laugh when you have a bad day or you feel bad because laugh will make you feel better.

    Sometimes the wrong choices brings us to the right places.

    Nothing happens if you do mistakes because in the future some of your mistakes will make you better.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4°D

  46. -Just do it(Nike):
    The slogan mean that you don't have to think something that you want you have to do it.

    -Impossible nothing(Adidas):
    This is a slogan of adidas and it means the same that the nike slogan . It means that if you never try is impossible to do.

    -Give you wings(Red Bull):
    This slogan means that this drink gives you wings as it has lots of caffeine and can keep you awake for a long time.

    -Open Happiness(Coca Cola)
    This slogan tries to say that if open the Coca-Cola we are happy.

    -Life is good(LG):
    Life is good is a slogan of somes electrodomestics, like the TV and this said that if you see the TV LG, all is more better.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  47. Seize the day.
    This slogan means that we do not waste a moment of the day.
    Make it happen.
    It means that what you think or what dreams you can make it come true.
    Make mistakes.
    This slogan tells us that we have to make mistakes in life, that no one is perfect.
    Do small things with great love
    Tells us that everything we do, even the least we do with love.
    Enjoy every moment.
    This slogan tells us to enjoy every moment of the day so we will always be happy.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra

  48. A day without laughter is a day wasted
    It means that if you don´t laught every day the life doesn´t have any value.

    Enjoy every moment
    It means that we have to enjoy what we are doing because the life are only two days.

    Do more with less
    It means that we don´t have to be think about having things and enjoy the ones that we have

    Make it happen
    It means that you have to struggle to become your dreams real

    Live what you love
    It means that you have to do things that you want without thinking what other are saying


  49. The slogans that I chose are:
    -Good food, good life
    This slogan means that if you have got a good food, you will have got a good life.This slogan has got adjectives.
    This slogan means that the bigger food is the better food. This slogan has got a comparatives adjectives.
    -Always first
    This slogan means that you always are the first. This slogan is imperative.
    -Milk's favorite cookie
    This slogan mean that the the cookie is the favorite cookie for Milk.
    -The best part of the day.
    This slogan mean that the best part of the day is when you can read the newspaper.This slogan has got superlative adjectives.

  50. 1. Spread the happy (nutella)
    This slogan means that the nutella is a synonims of happy, when you eat nutella you are happy.
    2. Life is good (LG)
    This slogan I think that means that your life is better when you have a mobile phone LG.
    3. Red Bull give your wiings (red bull)
    This slogan means that you can do everything you want when you drink red bull. You can fulfill your wishes when you drink red bull.
    4. Open happines (Coke)
    This slogan means that the coke is happines, when you open a coke you open the happines.
    5. Where dreams can true (Walt Disney WORLD)
    This slogan means that when you go to Walt Disney all your dreams and your fantasy can done.


  51. -Impossible is nothing. (Adidas)

    This slogan explains that although something seems impossible, you should try because nothing is impossible and you always have to try to get it.

    -Enduring comfort. (Bridgedale socks)

    This slogan says that what is announced is very comfortable and that comfort is going to last a lot thanks to the product that is announced.

    -Good food, good life. (Nestle Food Company)

    In this slogan what it says is that if you eat good food like the one you advertise will have a good life because the product is of good quality

    -Pure. Fresh. Clean. (Colgate Oxygen toothpaste)
    This slogan refers to the toothpaste being advertised that will leave your mouth fresh and leave it clean.

    -The best part of the day. (Evening Herald tabloid newspaper, Dublin, Ireland)

    This slogan says that when you use the product that is advertised as a newspaper will be the most fun time of the day when you read.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  52. -Impossible is nothing. (Adidas)

    This slogan explains that although something seems impossible, you should try because nothing is impossible and you always have to try to get it.

    -Enduring comfort. (Bridgedale socks)

    This slogan says that what is announced is very comfortable and that comfort is going to last a lot thanks to the product that is announced.

    -Good food, good life. (Nestle Food Company)

    In this slogan what it says is that if you eat good food like the one you advertise will have a good life because the product is of good quality

    -Pure. Fresh. Clean. (Colgate Oxygen toothpaste)
    This slogan refers to the toothpaste being advertised that will leave your mouth fresh and leave it clean.

    -The best part of the day. (Evening Herald tabloid newspaper, Dublin, Ireland)

    This slogan says that when you use the product that is advertised as a newspaper will be the most fun time of the day when you read.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  53. Enjoy every moment:
    That slogan mean that you have to live every moment to the fullest because if you do not, you may regret not enjoyin it in all.

    A day without laughter is a day wasted:
    That slogan means that every day you have to smile for something even if it is nonsense, because if you don't smile you will have lost a day of your life without being happy in some way.

    Do small things with great love:
    Thay slogan means it's worth more to do a small thing with a lot of love than to make a big one without feeling or sense of why you're doing it.

    Do something good today:
    That slogan means that you do every day something that helps you to be happy.

    Just do it:
    This slogan means that you have to do the things that you want to do as difficult or impossible as they seem because after all it's something that you want or wanted in your life.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  54. Great ideas for small rooms. (Ikea)
    This slogan is adjective because it tells us what ideas are for small rooms.This slogan is from a store that sells furniture.I think that it is an attractive slogan.

    -The best a man can get. (Gillette)
    This is a superlative and comparative slogan, because it tells us that it is the best thing a man can get, that is to say it is a superlative adjective. This advert is about a brand of shaving machines. I think it's a slogan that does not go very well with the advert.

    -Pure.Fresh.Clean. (Colgate Oxygen toothpaste).
    This slogan is adjective since it is formed by words that are adjectives. The advert is about a toothpaste that according to its slogan is pure, fresh and clean. I think that this toothpaste could be mint because the slogan gives it as a refreshing track. I like this slogan.

    -The ultimate driving experience. (BMW automobile)
    This slogan is statements beyond doubt because it tells you that it is only the experience of driving, that is, that you haven't tried another driving better than that. This is the motto of an automobile company. I don't understand this slogan very much.

    -Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. (Pantene Shampoo)
    I think this is an imperative slogan because it says that you don't hate me for being beautiful giving an order or at least I think so. This is the slogan of an advert for a woman's hair shampoo. I love this slogan, it is very well thought out.
    Mayte Macías Díez. 4ºB

  55. Great ideas for small rooms. (Ikea)
    This slogan is adjective because it tells us what ideas are for small rooms.This slogan is from a store that sells furniture.I think that it is an attractive slogan.

    -The best a man can get. (Gillette)
    This is a superlative and comparative slogan, because it tells us that it is the best thing a man can get, that is to say it is a superlative adjective. This advert is about a brand of shaving machines. I think it's a slogan that does not go very well with the advert.

    -Pure.Fresh.Clean. (Colgate Oxygen toothpaste).
    This slogan is adjective since it is formed by words that are adjectives. The advert is about a toothpaste that according to its slogan is pure, fresh and clean. I think that this toothpaste could be mint because the slogan gives it as a refreshing track. I like this slogan.

    -The ultimate driving experience. (BMW automobile)
    This slogan is statements beyond doubt because it tells you that it is only the experience of driving, that is, that you haven't tried another driving better than that. This is the motto of an automobile company. I don't understand this slogan very much.

    -Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. (Pantene Shampoo)
    I think this is an imperative slogan because it says that you don't hate me for being beautiful giving an order or at least I think so. This is the slogan of an advert for a woman's hair shampoo. I love this slogan, it is very well thought out.
    Mayte Macías Díez. 4ºB

  56. Live by the sun, love by the moon:
    Its mean to live your normal life by day and romance and fun is for the night.

    The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do:
    This mean that you do what people tell you that you can not do it to prove otherwise

    Please and thank you are still magic words:
    This means that it is considered somewhat polite to say this words since almost nobody does

    Dreams don't work unless you do:
    It means that if you want something that is your dream you have to do it because if it does not make you to dream it

    It's the little things:
    This means that it's the little things that really make you happy.

    Paula Castro Rodríguez 4ºB

  57. Good food, good life
    This slogan wants to make you understand that if you eat the food you advertise you will have a good life, since its product is of very good quality

    Take a moment and breath
    This slogan makes us think about our routine, there is not much time to relax. We should relax more often, because it is good for our health

    Life is good
    In this slogan a pun appear with the letters l and g, the letter l refers to the word life and the letter g refers to the word good indicating that the LG brand will improve the quality of our lives.

    Laughter is the best medicine
    This slogan tells us that have a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh can be beneficial to mental, physical and emotional health.

    Make mistakes
    This slogan means that we must do things correctly, but that is not normal. We all have mistakes, it's not bad, because with mistakes we learn


  58. JUST DO IT
    Is an imperative slogan that means that you have to do the things that you have think


    It says it for use MasterCard for buy other things


    It fills the packages with air and chips


    It means that you have to do things for your dreams become true

  59. A day without laughter is a day wasted.

    This slogan means that if you dont smile one day this day is wasted, because if you dont laught you arent happy and if you didnt feel good you dont live your live as well as If you are happy this means that you are smailing and laughing.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself.

    This slogan means that you havent have to be hard with yourself. If you do as well as you can dont be harder with yourself because you do a big effort and dont get hungry with yourself because of the exams or a match that you have lost.

    Have less. Do more, Be More.

    This slogan means that with less you can do more and be more than one that have more.For example a person with not much money if he work hard he will be more importat and do more thigs.

    Do small things with great love.

    This slogan means that if you do for example a charity acction like give money too a poor people Its didnt have to be so much if you do with great love the person will gave you thanks.

    Make mistakes.

    This slogan means that all people makes mistakes and is good because you learn with the mistakes that you do.
    In this slogan said that you have to make mistakes and you wuodnt comit again.

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B

    This slogan means that if you don't buy it , you don't know how to write with it becouse all the pen that you buy, probably, are not better than bic's pens

    This means that though they are all of different color, they all are going to taste so good becouse are equal.

    This means that this product is extraordinary and only need to add more blades to be the best of all.

    This means that all the things that you like to do, you can do with this clothes, and trainer beocuse are the best of this category about sport's clothes.

    This slogans means that all the information that need a studient to the school, hight school or university, you can here where ever you want.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  61. Real solutions for today’s women.(Playtex lingerie brand (bras, panties and shapewear)
    This slogan use the statement. This slogan means that in this shop you can find what do you want when you are in a dificul situation.

    It looks good, it tastes good, and by golly it does you good. (Mackeson Beer)
    In this slogan they use the adjectives. this slogan mean that this beer ir the best on the world and that it have all that you want in a beer.

    GoodNites mean good mornings. (Goodnites underpants: diapers for bedwetting kids)
    In this slogan they use puns. This slogan means that your children are sleeping well and they don't wake up you to clean his bed because they do her needs in the bed.

    It makes perfect. (The Sunday Post, Scottish newspaper)
    In this slogan they use the statements. This slogan means that this newspaper make your day perfect because you know all that happen in Scotland.

    A very good place to be. (Ramada Hotel) In this slogan they use adjectives. This slogan means that this is a perfect hotel to stay because they have a good setting and good service

    Marta Reyes López 4°B

  62. The slogans that I've chosen are:

    *1. JUST DO IT:
    In this slogan is reflected a message that says "Just do it"; What I understand why, whatever it is and whatever it costs, if you want something, you just have to do it or at least try to do it and get it. This slogan is from a clothing brand called "Nike".

    This slogan is also from a brand of sportswear called "Adidas". From my point of view, I understand that it means that as the slogan itself says "impossible is nothing", that everything is possible if you propose it, with effort and dedication

    This slogan belongs to a brand that is quite advanced in the market, is called "Apple". In this slogan I think they wanted to reflect all that progress they have achieved, and if you have something of this brand, you will think differently and you will go more advanced than other people.

    This slogan belongs to a brand of drink called Coca-Cola. And we assume that this slogan means that if you open a can of Coke, you open a world to happiness, because of its taste and what makes you feel when you drink it.

    This slogan, as can be seen, belongs to the navy. It has a message that invites people to join the navy, because it can become "cool" for people who like this type of high-risk trades and nothing boring.From my point of view, it is a fairly simple slogan but at the same time quite clear.

    Marta María Maldonado Parejo. 4ºB.

  63. JUST DO IT
    It means you can get the objetive that you have.

    it means that you can´t give up for anything and you have to do it.


    it means that you can´t waste any second


    Means you can do all the things that you want


    means you have to eat saludable to have a good life


  64. First slogan: Live in the moment:
    This slogan means that you have to enjoy every minute you live to be able to use it to the maximum

    Second slogan: Take a moment and breath.
    That is similar to the previous slogan that I have just descript.This slogan akes us think about our routine, lot of wok, lot of study, many things to do, there isn't enought time for being relax, with family, at home, taking a breath.We should take a breath with more frequencie, because it is good for our mid, for our health, etc.

    Third slogan: Enjoy every moment.
    This slogan means that you have to enjoy all the moments of your life, it is a slogan of positivism and encouragement.

    Fourth slogan-Impossible is nothing Adidas.
    This slogan means that nothing in this life is impossible if you don't succes, try it harder.This slogan contains a statement.

    Fifth slogan: Mercedes Benz. The best or nothing.
    Means that if you have a Mercedes you will have the best car. If you have not, you will have nothing.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD
