martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016


Winston Smith lives in a world where everyone is watched every second of the day. It is a world where Big Brother and The Thought Police control the past as well as the present. They decide what you must do and, even more frighteningly, what you must think.

Whe Winston fights this world of hate, hunger and pain, he fights with love. His love for Julia, and her love for him, is vrave and beautiful. it is also dangerous because love can be punished by death.

Level 4 (intermediate)

ISBN 0-582-77731-3


Read the Introduction, write a summary (one or two paragraphs) and send it to the blog.

59 comentarios:

  1. That's my summary of the introduction of the book 1984 by George Orwell.
    Wiston Smith,a character lives in a world where everething people do is control and watched by cameras.Private and public spaces are full of cameras,microphones,, and other gadgets to control.He,Wiston seems to be the only person who doesn't like that.Wiston is in danger, cause of he writes everyday in a diary, he could be killed or punished.He usually makes questions to his own,is he really alone,could someone understand him?He thought that there must be a person like him, trying to have freedom.The answers to these questions are going to be found in the George Orwell's book called 1984 and written in 1948.

    In 1948,Europe was suffering the World War people felt proud because they had helped to win an important war and they were still free.The nais control all Europe and lots European coutries.Sixty years later, the book 1948 was written and itr was about a prediction of the future, there will be cameras everywhere,micrphones...Winston Smith lives and
    works in Oceania, where the government is only interested in power.There is an iteresting sentence that a official said to Winston and is the following one:if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face.In 1984, the state has three ways to have the power to change the reality, one of ti is to control the language.In 1984,Wiston Smith job is to rewrite the history. In 1984, a new language,'Newspeak',
    is being invented. It will eventually take the place of English and will take away people's ability to think for themselves.In 1948 he wrote the last book,1984 and had a big effect in people's mind.

    Lola Valverde González,4ºD

  2. Winston lives in a word that is very strange, all that they do is controlated by cameras and microphones. But he thought that he was the only person who didn't like this live.
    Th change this live they had a war in 1984 to changed it because some people were dissapointed but others no. So they were figthing to what to do, to change or to stay at the same. This was an important day on their lives.
    They called the programme wich controlated everything BIG BROTHER.
    George Orwell was born in India. He was unhappy about the British treatmen of Burmese people.

    Cecilia Caceres Mariscal

  3. The story is about a man named Watson who lives in a world where it is controlled by the police and it seems that he is the only one who agrees with that.
    He writes a diary, but if that is discovered (his diary) can go to jail, even killed.
    There are also hidden and spy microphones everywhere so that life is dangerous there.
    About life in England after the war. The Nazis had just lost control, but there were other countries where governments seemed to be cruel and the people seemed to be free.
    They began to see computers in everyday life. Almost sixty years after 1984 was written, but people are not so sure. He after doing different jobs in France returned to England dende I opened a shop. Soon I began to write. It was not popular, but it was one of the best.


  4. Winston Smith is a man (the main character) created by the author. He lives in the terrible world of the future. He only wants freedom, happiness and scape from his terrible and dangerous life.

    Orwell, the author, was not saying that the world in 1984 will be the same in the real world, he only was warning us about the dangers of powers.
    All the world is controlated by cameras and these things (Big Brother).
    He (Winston) is one of the only people that aren't agree with this, and he wants to change it.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  5. This book is about a man named Witson lived in England but it was a city full of police and cameras in every home and also placed microphones and spies here comes the famous Big Brother. But Witson did not agree with that lifestyle where they could not even think or express Witson had a diary where he wrote all his thoughts and teni well kept but if that day finds his life is danger it could put you in jail or even matarlo.Los Nazis had just lost control, but there were other countries where and people seemed to be free. Witson after having been doing work in France, he returned to England and wrote his last book there and caused a great effect on people.and as we have seen it still makes people think deeply about life , power and society today.
    I think that this book it is very ineresting

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  6. Introduction

    It's about Winston Smith living in a place where he has no privacy,there are cameras, microphones and spies everywhere. This makes him unhappy.Winston writes every day in a journal, so he can be killed or punished. He concluded that there had to be more people who did not like being watched. In 1948 the Nazis control all of Europe and many European countries. A few years later, the 1948 book was written. Winston lives in Oceania, and he was told a very interesting phrase that was: If you want an image of the future, imagine a boot that stamps on a human face. In 1984 Winston's work is to rewrite history.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4ºD

  7. Winston is the main character, he world is very strange because he lives in the future. He writes everyday in a diary that writes his prediction of the future. The big brother is controlated by cameras, microphones and things of this type.

  8. The story is about a man called Winston that live in a world that everything is controled by cameras and microphones and all the places are full of cameras, but he don't like this life and he write every day a díary and because this he is in danger and he could be killed.

    In 1948 Europe was living the second world war and George Orwell write this book imagine the furure and when the year 1984 is coming the people aks himselfs if all of the book was real but the people see that everything is no real.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4 ° D

  9. This book is about a man named Witson, lived in England, and realized that it was a city where there were many policemen, cameras in every home, microphones and spies, etc. He did not like that lifestyle, and decided to write in a diary, his thoughts, though he had danger because they could put in jail or they could kill, he did because he said that there could not be expressed or think. Witson returned to England after having been in France working and there wrote his last book.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  10. The introduction is about alittle sumary of the boock in were tell us that the main character, named Wiston, live in a wordl in were the party, the big brother, control the people, control is feeling, his dreaming, all his live, the big brother see all with cameras, Wilston´s job is changed the history, an hes dangerous hobby is to write all his dreaming and feeling in a diary.
    In this introducction mention to some evaluates of the book, i there evaluates people crititize that the future dosn´t like that, there not cameras everywere, till the end had a little biography of the author.
    Rocío García Rodríguez 4ºD

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. This book is about the story of a man named Winston living in England. But the country was too controlled, as in every home and street had cameras and microphones. So Wiston decides to write a diary told what was happening every day. Or had little fear that if the police saw was a crime so he could put him in prison or even death cost.

    In 1948, Europe was in World War II. It was in that year where Winston wrote this book. What happens in this book is not called the same year it wrote. Winston came up with the idea of changing the year and put 1948 instead of 1984.

    Rocío Olivo García 4º ESO D

  13. 1984 is George Orwell’s vision of the future. It is a spooky representation of how the power of the state could come to dominate the lives of each. This novel shows how Winston Smith’s individual personality is wiped out and how he is recreated in the Party’s image until he does not just obey but even loves Big Brother.

  14. This book is about a man named Winston who lives in England, is the main character. He lives in a very strange country where everything is controlled by cameras, police, telepantallas, all this is controlled by the 'big brother' he did not like this life and everything he thought about the vigilance of the country wrote it in a Daily, since he could not say anything of everything he thought, but writing this was in danger because if the cameras saw him he could die.
    I think this book is very interesting

    Lucia Garcia 4ºD

  15. This book talk about a man called Winston who is the main character. He lived in a world who he didn't like because cameras were always watching him and what he did.
    Orwell wrote this book in 1948, talking about what would happen in 1984. But he didn't tell that the world in 1984 would be exactly the same as the world of the book he had written, he only wanted to protect the people for the bad powers. Finally this book had a great effect on the people's thinking.

    Ángela Cotán 4ºD

  16. This book talk about the life of winston that dont like the goverment that have her country they feel observated by the cameras that have all the people in all of they rooms. and also they say his point of view of the world in 1984. Orwell wrote this book in 1948 after the World War II and in this book expresed the feels of the goberments that the world need the observation of her people like The Alemania Nazi have in German. And also tell about the biography of Orwell and he tell us that he participated int the Spanish Civil War and he wrote some books between the Wrold War II

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  17. A man called Winston lives in a world where all is controlled by The Big Brother (it is something relationated with the police), they say what you have to do and what you have to think and they are always watching you. As they decide what you have to think nobody can be against them, but there is a man who is against it, Winston. He make questions like, Am I alone in my fight against the Party? And this questions were all answered in a book called 1984, that was written in 1948.

    In 1948 after the World War II the people in Britain felt proud of themselves because they helped to win the war. Then the 1984 came and the people started to compare the book with the reality and it wasn't as similar. Sixty years after 1984 was written, the governments were taking more control over people.
    Winston lives and works in Oceania where the government was only interested in power and not in the people. They change the reality, the love wasn't allowed, and they changed the language the Newspeak so you couldn't express what you thought.

    Then it talks about George Orwell who is the man that wrote this book.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  18. In the introduction tells us about a man that is called Winston. This man talks about his life, he says that in his country in all houses there are cameras and microphones and also in the streets. He started writing a diary. He wrote in the diary things that if the diary was found by the cameras they would punish him with death or with twenty-five years in a prison camp.
    Also he wrote a book in 1948 that is about the things that would happen sixty years later. This was true because sixty years later the things that were in the book passed in real life.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  19. This book tells about the life of winston that dont like the goverment that have they feel observated by the cameras that have all the people in all of they rooms.Talking about what would happen in 1984,the governments were taking more control over people.
    I think this good book and interesting
    Zacarías Suárez Pérez 4ºD

  20. This book is about a man called Winston who is the main character. He lived in a world where in all the places were cameras, polices, microphones...a world that all was controlated. He decided write a diary told what was happening every day because he don't like lived in this world.

    In 1948, Europe was in World War II. It was in that year where Winston wrote this book. The people think that all of this book must pass but then they realized that all of this book was not real.

    Manuel Reyes López 4°D

  21. The novel takes place in 1984, in the city of London, in Oceania. Which are controlled by the Big Brother who with great power manages to monitor all the inhabitants. It represents an organized society, which follows the principles of INGSOC. There are two social classes, the GH and the proletariat, and there are slaves who are not considered part of society. With respect to the proletariat, they were not watched because they considered them animals and ignorant, that they lived in the misery and had no rights, by which they were eliminated if they were dangerous for the party.
    Alfonso González Valero 4B

  22. winston, the main character lived in a futurist world where people is always controlated by "Great Brother". He felt nonely and scare about this awful goverment And this questions were all answered in a book called 1984, that was written in 1948. After the World War II Europe was weak but atleast they were free not like in Russia or china. those contries seemed to be cruel with their habitans but it also could happen in United Kindom. sixty years after 1984 was written the goverment were taking more control over the people. Winston lives in Oceania and his gorverment was not interested in the people just in the power.

  23. By : Ángel Fraile Delgado .

    In the introduction first it talks about 1984 the book writen by George Orwell , here it says that in the year 1984 we are going to be controlled by the power , and there is going to be a police which control your thougts and if you think in a different way or against them they send you to prision or they kill you, everyone will be dressed exactly equal and all the people will be watched in their houses and in public too and after it talks about George Orwell.

  24. This book is about a man called Winston Smith who is the main character. He lived in England where in all the places were cameras and microphones, a world that all was controlated. He decided write a diary told what was happening every day because he don't like lived in this world. Wiston is in danger, cause of he writes a diary and he could be killed or punished. He wrote this book in 1948, talking about what would happen in 1984.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4ºD

  25. what the index means is that the book wanted to warn us of what happened in the future. Speaking also on all people will be observing the 24h day and that what is rewarded is hate and not love Verda, also true talking about their memories about what he did
    Carlos Rodriguez Mondejar 4B

  26. This book is about a man called Winston Smith who is the main character. He lived in England where in all the places were cameras and microphones, a world that all was controlated.
    He wrote in the diary things that if the diary was found by the cameras they would punish him with death or with twenty-five years in a prison camp. Winston came up with the idea of changing the year and put 1948 instead of 1984.
    Marta Barba 4ºD

  27. Wiston Smith,a character lives in a world where everething people do is control and watched by cameras.Private and public spaces are full of cameras,microphones,, and other gadgets to control.
    He wrote in the diary things that if the diary was found by the cameras they would punish him with death or with twenty-five years in a prison camp. Winston came up with the idea of changing the year and put 1948 instead of 1984.
    Marta Ibáñez García 4ºD

  28. Winston is a man that live in a world who all the people is controlated with cameras, he live in the future and he don´t like these life because he can be killed.
    In 1948 was the World War II that is when he decide to wrote a book called 1984 about what would be hapennig 6 years laters, and all the things that he was wrote in the book, six years laters passed all of this things in the real life.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  29. This book talk about the life of winston that dont like the goverment that have her country they feel observated by the cameras that have all the people in all of they rooms. and also they say his point of view of the world in 1984. In 1948, Europe was in World War II. It was in that year where Winston wrote this book. The people think that all of this book must pass but then they realized that all of this book was not real.

  30. winston, the main character lived in a futurist world where people is always controlated by "Great Brother". He felt nonely and scare about this awful goverment And this questions were all answered in a book called 1984.
    In 1948, Europe was in World War II. It was in that year where Winston wrote this book. The people think that all of this book must pass but then they realized that all of this book was not real.

  31. This book is about a man called Winston Smith, the main character, who lived in a world where everything is control by cameras, microphones etc... He began to write a diary because he didn´t like this live. He could be kill or punished because of the diary, He wrote what will happen sixty years laters too. Then sixty years laters it happen.

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4ºB

  32. This book talk about the control with camaras, microphones for old of the places in the world. The protagonist is a man called Winston Smith that started to write a diary of all of the things that happened in it during six years ago. This was in n 1948 when Europe was in the World War. And all the things that he wrote, was real in the real life.

    Monte Fraile Campos. 4º B

  33. Witson Smith is dissatisfied with the world in which he lives, without freedrom expression in which the people are always watched. A man's face was everywhere. His face was hard and represented the Government. In the world it describes have cameras in all places, and its manipulated by the gobernment, being the past edited or deleted every day. The police of thought watches over all the inhabitants, so they can't be against the party because they can be condenmed. He has a diary with all his thoughts and if it is found he can be kill.


  34. The introduction of this book is going about Witson Smith. He is dissatisfied about his life because the "Big Brother" control all the movements, actions, etc of the people in the world, he began to wrote a diary about his sad life but if the Big Brother found it Wilson would be died. The introduction is going about too of the Second World War, that the nazis lost power in some countries but in other they have a lot of power. After the book talk us that in Oceania only want the power of them. They don't know what is the love and the happy families. The introduction talk about the ways of control the people and their minds too.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  35. This book treats on the control of the government of a country. Winston Smith, I disappoint this one with the politics of his country, everything this one controlled by chambers and microphones. Winston writes a diary of all the things that this cannot say. It is something is very dangerous and if they find the diary, can kill it.


  36. The story is about a man called Winston that live in a world who he didn't like because cameras were always watching him and what he did.
    George was born in India.He write this book imagine the furure and when the year 1984,Europe was in World War II.

    Nati Montero Cotan

  37. There is a world controled by cameras that always are watching to the people do. The protagonist is Winston and he doesnt like this world

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 4ºB

  38. The introduction is about a men called Winston where all are control with cameras, microphones, etc. So he decided write a diary where write the future of sixty years after.

    In 1948, Europe was in World War II. It was in that year where Winston wrote this book so the people ask if what happened in the book was real.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  39. The introduction talk about a men called Winston that live in a city where all are control with cameras, pólices, microphones...
    One day, he started to write a diary where he wrotes all the things that happen in that place, that he didn´t like. After sixteen years, all the things that he wrote in the diary became real.


  40. The book is about a man named Winston Smith who lives in a world that Big Brother and the Thought Police have everyone controlled with cameras, screens, microphones etc. This man does not like to live in this world because they have everything controlled and decides to write a diary every day in which he puts the things he feels and if they find the diary can kill him so he is in danger.
    Orwell writes this book in 1948 which is when it was World War II.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  41. The instroduction is about Winston Smith, a person lives in a world where everyone is watched every second of the day. He doesn't like the government, because it is only interested in power and they hold power by making people suffer. He thinks that they were controlated people by lenguage, robbing people of their natural feelings and changing the history. George Orwell (whose real name was Eric Blair) wrote some books against the politic.

  42. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  43. Witson Smith doesn´t like the world that he lives because is cotrol always by cameras, microphones...In this book he answer his questions ,that is call 1984.
    Winston lives in Oceania, there the goverment is only interested in powers.
    Then he speaks of George Orwell that is the person who wrote the book.

    María Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  44. This introduction shows that everyone is always controlled,what they do and even their thoughts,but Winston Smith dreams of another way of life in a better world.This is sum up with this sentence'BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU'.Winston is unhappy with his life because he lives in an cruel world. Could there be a life with no one controllling you?
    George Orwell's writes a worrying book called 1984 written in 1948.
    The goverment in those years were cruel with people because they weren't free.George shows in his book that dangerous and cruel goverments could happen anywhere. Around 1984 people compared George's book with reality but there weren't similarities.George wrote in his book that in the future there would be more electronical things like computers and cameras to control us which is what is actually happening now. George wasn't telling people that the future world be exactly the same as his book.He was warning people about dangers in the future. Because in real life there are always wars between countries and people is always frightened.Winston tries that no one knows the truth about the past.
    There is always someone controlling you for example because of the language.
    The estate will have total control over people's thoughts. Many of George's 'New Speak' words have passed into everyday language.1984 show us that there can be no fredoom unless ideas and beliefs can be questioned whithout individual freedom,reality belongs to the people with the power.
    George wrtote other books but the las book was 1984.The book had a great effect on people's thinking at the time.

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  45. This book talks about a man named Winston. He tells us his life and how he is always watched by cameras and microphones in his house just like in the homes of all the inhabitants of his city. He wants to get away from all this and begins to write a diary that he hides so that he can not find anyone. His diary tells us how the police of thought control everything the people in his city thinks. Winston is not happy about this but he can not say anything because he will be punished.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB

  46. Winston is the main character, the world is strange because he lives in the future. All those days wrote in a daily its forecast of the future. Big brother is controlled by cameras, microphones and more types of electronic light...Winston is not happy about this but he can not say anything because he will be punished

  47. The introduction of 1984 shows us how the people that live in the World are watched by The Big Brother and The Thought Police without any importance. In any place, in any room, in any corner there is a spy, a camera or microphone. It tell us how Winston Smith is a person who is opposed to any movement that attack the freedom of the people and he attack the government’s power.
    This introduction tells us the life of the author of this book: George Orwell. It was born in India, he lived the majority of his life in England but he was a time living in France and another period fighting against Franco; the Spain’s dictator. He wrote some important books as The Road to Wigan Pier and the Animal Farm and in 1948 he wrote this book

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  48. The introductions talks about a man named Winston Smith. He lives in a city, in this city there are cameras and microphones that see the people's life.The Thought Police has the power oh the life of the people thanks to the cameras and microphones. Winston write a diary in his house , in the diary he puts the things he feels.If the cameras find the diary can kill him so he is in danger.
    This book was wrote by George Orwell in 1984.

  49. This book is about a man. He is Winston. He talk about her life and how you watch by camerasand microphones everywhere. You want to leave them and begin to write a diary. The diary tells how the police of thought controls what people think. Winston is against this but can`t say nothing because is punished


  50. The introduction of this book tells of a man named George Winston who lives in a world controlled by cameras, microphones ... George Winston decides to write a diary of the future 60 years.
    The author wrote the book during World War II, and people wondered if the future would be as George Orwell described it.
    With this book Orwell wanted to warn of the danger of technologies.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  51. The introduction is about Winston living in a world where everything is controlled and they tell you everything you have to do. That man who decides this is Big Brother. Winston is against all this and wonders if anyone else is. The government is only interested in its power. The book 1984 is about post-World War II and how Britain felt


  52. The introduction of 1984 is about a men called Winston Smith that live in a world where everyone is watched for cameras of the Thought Pólice and the "Big Brother" is watching you.He has got a diary where he keeps his thoughts and dreams.That is a very dangerous activity because, if he's discovered, they kill it. In this world you can't have dreams. Winston started to write in his diary all of the things that happened in the next sixty years. This book's write in 1948 by George Orwell after the end of the World War II.

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  53. The introduction talks about Winston Smith, a man who lives in a world where he is totally guarded by microphone and cameras. He decides to make a diary, Winston could be punished if his diary is discovered.
    In 1948, Europe was in World War I, the Nazis ended up controlling all of Europe, the 1984 book was written in 1948, created by Winston, the book is based on a prediction of the future.
    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  54. The introduction talks about different themes:

    - It describes the life and the world in which Winston Smith, the protagonist of "1984", lives. It is a controlled world by cameras and microphones, so he is unhappy because he can’t say his opinion about the society and the world (he would be punished or killed). Smith lived and worked in Oceania where the government is only interested in how to get and how to keep the power. Besides, it talks about the 3 main ways that the state had in the book "1984" to change the reality using power.

    - It was written during the II World War, in 1948 concretely. Also, there's some information about the things that occurs in this war.

    - People who had read the book compared the world described in it with reality and they didn’t recognize many similarities. But if we think, we have to admit that nowadays it has some similarities with the real world.

    - It informs us about the main books that the writer George Orwell wrote along the years and the main things that he did during his life, for example became a soldier in the government's international army fighting against Franco.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4ºESO B

  55. This book is about a man called Wiston , he doesn´t like his country because is guarded by cameras and microphones of the police. The author wrote the book during the Civil War II and the book is based in a predicction of the future that he thiks that all the things that he write will appear in the future

    Gerardo Ibáñez Torres 4ºD

  56. This book is about Wiston Smith, a person who lives in a place where all people are contraladas and seen by cameras, everything is covered by micro-organisms and objects to control them. Wiston is in danger and is sketched in his diary always wondering if there would be people like him who did not understand this and wanted to be free just like him, but if they found their diary can be punished or killed. Once after the war the Nazis lost control, but there were other countries where there were bad governments but people were free. After sixty years this book was written and Wiston Smith returned to England and soon began to write

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4 eso D

  57. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  58. This introduction shows that everyone is always seeing you in all places and all the time with cameras microphones they control all the thigs that they do.
    The main caracter is Wiston Smith he is against all these things.
    This books describes how the things the people is controlled in the future and the things that will happend

    This book was written during the second world war. In 1948

    The author of this book is George Orwell he born in a colonie of England in India the 25 of july of 1903

    He wrote more books that were against the poverty or about the conditons of live of some people.

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B
