domingo, 29 de enero de 2017



The presttiest villages in Spain

The 10 best places to visit in England

Write a feature about the nicest places to visit in your town

52 comentarios:

  1. OLivares is an old town located in the Aljarafe, Seville. It's got lots of squares and a big avenue.It has three churches and three brotherhoods.There are also lots of markets wherre you can buy food, but there isn't any shop where you can buy clothes.

    In my opinion, the best thing about living here, and specially my house that is far from the centre, is that is a quite town.It's quite bigso you can take about 45 minutes to walk form one place to another. The village has an amount of 10.000 inhabitants.There isn't good shops actually, there is a disco and lots of bars.

    Althought Olivares isa good place to live, there are things that I don't like about it. It's quite and friendly but sometimes is too bored that you could get angry.It's an old town, and the new building are too ugly and doesn't go with the rest of builings.
    Olivares is my town, and in general but not always, I like living here.

    Now,I will talk abou the 10 places thatyou must visit if you come to Olivares.
    1. San Antonio's tower.
    It is located at the suburbs, far away form the centre. It used to bea place to save the people and make signals with the other village at medieval's times.

    The church of Olivares is a colegiata, and it has a realy interesting story. Is one of the best of the Aljarafe.

    3.Church of Vera Cruz
    Vera Cruz is a brotherhood wich has is own churhc, the other brotherhood hasn't got. This church is really big, and has a beautiful story behind him. Althought you don't believe in God, you must visit that fantastic church. The brotherhood has two importants days. The Thursday Saint, in holy week, there is a procession, and the Sunday, the day od Resurrection.

    4. Church of Rocio brotherhood.
    Thereis a church dedicated specially to the Rocio virgin, and it has is own image, which is the only one in Aljarafe.

    5.Palace of Conde Duque.
    Nowadays, this palace is the council. It is really famous in Spain, because the duque that used to lived there had relation with the nobility and the king.

    6.La Coriana
    La Coriana is a park which nowadays is abandonated. It has a fount where animals used to drink,there were lots of animals there, but nowadays, it is dirty.

    7.El camarín
    Is the coldest place in the town and it looks like a tunnel between the square and a street.

    The Sombrero is a quite famous disco where teenagers usually go at weekend. You can be with your fiends, in a friendly air. You can dance or drink a coke.

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Albaida del Aljarafe, is a Spanish municipality of the province of Seville, Andalusia. In the year 2016 it had 3,135 inhabitants. Its superficial extension is of 11 km ² and has a density of 285 hab / km ². It is located at an altitude of 162 meters. Villa located 18 kilometers from the capital of the province, between Gerena, Sanlúcar la Mayor and Olivares.
    Number of inhabitants in the last ten years. There is a progressive growth of inhabitants, triggered in recent years by the massive construction of single-family houses.

    In Albaida del Aljarafe, you can visit several places:

    1. Church of the Assumption, where this place inhabits the patron saint of the town and throughout the year the headlines of the Brotherhood of "Soledad".

    2. Torremocha. That it is a stone, which the Romans put there, and sent it to Don Fadrique.

    3. The "Barranca". It is a ravine, that is to the outskirts of the town.

    4. Oratory of the "Soledad". As its name says, it belongs to the Brotherhood of Solitude, that headlines are all year in the Church of the People, who only go to the oratory for Easter and its festival.

    5. Chapel of the Veracruz. As well as its name says it belongs to the Brotherhood of Veracruz, that calls very much attention the ceiling of the Chapel and the patrimony of said Brotherhood.

    6. Courtyard of the Brotherhood of Veracruz. The patio of the Brotherhood of Veracruz, next to the Chapel of said Brotherhood, is very interesting.

    7. Chapel of the Brotherhood of the Virgen del Rocío. It is a small chapel that is dedicated to the Virgen del Rocío, which is located in some streets attached to the center.

    8. Winery "El Poli". As it is said is a winery where you eat very well.

    They are the only ones that I put, because in Albaida del Aljarafe, it does not call attention any more, what if I say is that the town should be visited for the celebrations of Corpus Christi and the festivities of the Brotherhoods there for the expected month of September.
    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  4. Olivares is a town that is not quite big and does not have many places to visit but the most interesting are the ones I will say next:
    1) '' El Sombrero '' is a cocktail bar that children of my age used to go to, but now they can only be over seventeen. It is a bar where you can be very calm and have a good time with your friends.
    2) The church. It is not very big or very small but it is quite good to go to hang out, usually go especially the elderly.
    3) The Plaza of España, is a square in which there are always people, and it is next to the church. It is a place with a lot of atmosphere, especially in the afternoon.
    4) Olivares Town Hall (Palacio de Conde Duque). It is a good place to visit, inside it is very pretty and I recommend it a lot.
    5) Library. It's a great place to study and do things in silence. You can concentrate a lot and there are computers and many books, in case you have any doubts.
    6) Sports center. It is a very comfortable place to train and hang out.
    7) Soccer field. It is a place where many football matches are held and have a good time with friends and entertaining you watching football.
    8) Atarazana. It is another cocktail bar which is very comfortable although it is a bit small, but to be there is pretty good.
    9) College '' The Eucalyptus '' or '' The Prado ''. They are two colleges that are very well and there go all the children to study.
    10) The Hermita. It is a place where the Virgen del Rocío is and is very well also, with much light at night.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  5. Albaida is a small town of Seville. Albaida has Torremocha the monument of the town. Albaida has a stadium of football that play C.D.A. Also has a restaurant next to the church. In my opinion the best thing of Albaida is that the town is small and we meet all the inhabitants of the town.
    The bad thing in Albaida is also that is small and hasn´t got other things like places to play basketball indoors, it hasn´t got more than one restaurant and its to quite.

    In Albaida you can visit:

    1. Torremocha, the monument of the town.

    2. El Poli, one of the best restaurants of Albaida

    3. The "Barranca". It is a ravine, that is to the outskirts of the town.

    4.Oratory of the "Soledad" it belongs to the Brotherhood of Solitude, that headlines are all year in the Church of the People.

    5. Polideportivo municipal, is a place where we can pactrise tennis, basket...

    6. The stadium of the town.

    David sanz rodtiguez 4 eso D

  6. My village Olivares

    I live in a big village called Olivares , it has two schools and an highschool , it has a big square called “Plaza de España” where is the townhall and the church.

    The village is very confortable because everything is near your house and it has two or three places , where you can play billiards and table futbol.

    The bad thing is that it is a very small town and there isn´t hospital , you have to go to bormujos to go to an hospital.

    It´s a big and good village but isn´t big enough to be a town.

    1)Spain square: is the central square of Olivares where is located the church and the townhall.

    2)The Colegiata : is the church of Olivares it is a Colegiata because it isn´t a normal church.

    3)The Townhall : It´s in front of the church it was built in the epoch of the Duke of Olivares llike the church.

    4)The sport centre : here we have a sport centre near to the school “El Prado”

    5)CEIP “Los Eucaliptos”: It´s a primary school of Olivares which is near the “Feria campside”

    6)The Tequila : it´s a pub where you can find a billiard and a table football.

    7)The Healthcare center :It´s located in front of the restaurant “La barriada”

    8)The Prado : It´s other school , it´s near Salteras.

    9)IES Heliche :It´s the highschool of the town , it´s in a very large a wide street which go from the “Capilla of the Rocío” to Villanueva.

    By : Ángel Fraile Delgado

  7. My village Albaida.

    Albaida is a small town of seville. She has got a sport center, a football stadium, and restaurants.

    1)I like Albaida because it is a small town and you don´t need go to far to buy things.

    2)Albaida has got a monument, his name is Torremocha.

    3)The church is in the center of the village in front of the townhall.

    4)The football stadium is one of the best in Aljarafe.

    5)In the sport center you can find a pool.

    6)Albaida is near to Olivares, to Sanlucar by roads, then Albaida is surroads of countryside.

    7)In the center of Albaida you can find a square, her name is Plaza España¨.

    8)Next to of ¨Plaza España¨ you can find EL POLI, a big restaurants.

    9)Albaida has got a famous park, his name is ¨Parque Er Poti¨.

    juan carlos lopez gelo 4b

  8. My village Olivares

    Olivares has got one square and two churches. Also has got a market where you can buy all types of food.

    In my opinion the best thing about living here in Olivares is that it´s very friendly place to live. It doesn´t take very long to go from one place to another. There are some good place to go eat and also good pubs to drink something.

    However, there is something about Olivares that I don´t like. It´s friendly place but sometimes it´s too noisy. It´s a normal city.

    Olivares is my town and in general I like living here. It´s good place to be with my friends.

    In Olivares you can visit:

    1. “El Sombrero”

    It a pub that the teenager usually go it at weekend. This pub is usually for teenager that have got 18 years old. It´s a good pub and I like some much.

    2. “Saint Antonio´s Tower”

    It is located at the suburbs, near to “The Coriana”. It is a monument of a medieval. The people use for divide Olivares to the other village.

    3. “The church”

    This place it is more or less big, also beautiful. This place is comfortable. The people of the other village also look here.

    4. “Spain Square”

    It is located in front of the town hall. It is more or less big square. Some people go here to set down and spend time. The children play here.

    5. “El Palacio Del Conde Duque de Olivares”

    This place is too big. Many of people work here. It is a good place to visit.

    6.“Hermita del Rocio”

    This is located in front of the Eucaliptus School. This place not be enough, this is the place where the people who go to The ROCIO leave.

    7. “Eucaliptus school”

    This is a big school. It is the school that I studied when I was a child. I learned very well. I recommended this school for all the children.

    8. “Bar la Barriada”

    This is a bar that you stop and eat. In this bar you can eat very well. It is located in front of the “square of the well”

    9.“Prado School”

    It is a school that located near to the sport center. It is a big school. That has children to 4-12 years old.

    10. “La Coriana”

    This is a place that you go for a picnic or for go out to walk. I like some much this place.


  9. Olivares is an old village. It's not too big, but more or less bigger than some villages around it, like Albaida, Villanueva, Gerena ... It has got some squares, but the biggest one is in the centre. There are two big markets of food.

    In my opinion, Olivares is a quite place for living here but you'll know a lot of people, and that's a negative thing for me that I hate.

    But in the other hand, there aren't too many places to go and you have to take the bus to go to another places better than the ones that are in Olivares.

    I like living in Olivares but it wouldn't be the best place for your free time.


    1.-The council. It's more or less in the centre of the Village. It was the palace were the Conde Duque of Olivares lived. It has some tunnels under it, communicating the palace (the council nowadays) and the church.

    2.-Church. It's in front of the Conde Duque's palace. It's too big, and it has been reformed some weeks ago. Under it, there are some tomb, were some family of the Conde Duque are buried.

    3.-La Coriana Fountain. It's between Olivares and Gerena. It's a very old fountain and has water, but it's not very clean.

    4.-El Sombrero. It's a cafe bar in Olivares. It's near the Olivares' central square, and the people use to go on Fridays and Saturdays.

    5.-La Torre de San Antonio. It's between Olivares and Gerena, in the middle of a part of countryside. It's big, but inside is too dirty. There are some bats living inside, and you have to be careful.

    6.-La Ermita del Rocío. It's a little church located at the end of Olivares, near the road that goes to Sanlucar la Mayor.

    7.-El Prado School. It's one of the two schools that are in olivares. It's in front of a cafe and some shops. It has two buildings.

    8.-Capilla Vera Cruz. It's behind the church which is around the principal square of the town. The walls are very colourful and it's very big.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  10. My village Olivares.
    Olivares is a old town. It´s got a long avenue called Larga street. It also has two churches and many markets where you can buy all types of food.

    In my opinion, the best thing about living here in Olivares is that it´s a very friendly place to live. There is a good football champ and some interesting bars. I usually go to the Sombrero bar at the weekend.

    However, there are some things about Olivares that I don´t like. Olivares hasn´t

    10.- “Sombrero” → it is a bar of drink where the teenagersgo at the weekend. It´s a very nice place for be with your friends. Also usually go adults people.

    9.- “Coriana” → it is a place in the highway between Gerena. Is similar a park with a famous fountain where people go for picnic.

    8.- “Football field” → it is very nice and old. Not long ago there is of soil, but make two year was reapair and putted grass. Now is very big and a lot of people go there.

    7.- “La Portada” → It is a restaurant which usually go the party days. There also can celebrate event as communion. There the food are very nice and is not very expensive.

    6.- “ Church of Rocio Brotherhood ” → It is a church locate at the beginning of Olivares in the Sanlucar highway. In this there things of el Rocio as the Vigin.

    5.- “Saint Antonio Tower” → It is between Olivares and Gerena. Before people go there for a romeria.

    4.- “Plaza del Barrio” → It is a square where in the centre there is a statue of St. Angela. Also there are a lot of bench.

    3.- “Capilla de Veracruz” → It is locate in the centre of the town and belong to a brotherhood. There there are a museum of things of Holy week. This brotherhood leave the “Jueves Santo”.

    2.- “Council” → It is locate at the centre. These was the Palace of Conde Duque in where he lived and now is the council.

    1.- “Church” → It is locate in front of council. There are a museum of relic, also you can go for mass. It is one of the most interesting and beautiful church in Seville.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  11. My village is Albaida.
    Albaida is a small village of Seville but very antiquety town and beutiful

    I like to live in Albaida because I know all the people that live here, and it has very friendly people.
    The bad things of Albaida is that it is very quiet, and there are no many spaces for the young persons.

    Places that you can visit.

    1-Sport center. in this place you can practise any sports with your friends and you can meet a other people.

    2-Oratorio Virgen de los Dolores. Ii is locate in the center of my village, in this place you can visit the Brotherhood of "Los Soleanos".

    3-Capilla Vera Cruz.It locate in the center of my village too in this place you can visit de brotherhood of "Los Cruceros".

    4-El poli. It locate near th Oratorio In this place you came and eat very good it is the best restaurant of my town.

    5-Torremocha.It very famous monument in my village and it it a very ancient monument.

    6-El poti.This place is the place for young people.

    7- Soccer Field. If you can see matches this is the place.

    8- Bar Colon. This place it is near to Capilla , this place you can drink cofee and eat too it is a café and bar.

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  12. My village Albaida.

    I live in a big village called Albida , it has two schools, it has a big square called “Plaza de España” where is the townhall and the church.

    The village is very confortable because everything is near your house .

    The bad thing is that it is a very small town and the people is very gossip.
    It´s a median and good village but isn´t big enough to be a town.
    1.-Poti: this place is a park where the young people go in the weekend.
    2.-Torremocha: it is a ancient and important monument in Albaida.
    3.-Bar Colon: this place is near to town hall and to Capilla, in this place you can dinner, have lunch, have a snack and drink cofee.
    4.-Capilla Vera Cruz:this place is locate in font of the Bar Colon. It is a small church.
    5.- Sport Center: in this place the people can play different tips of deports.
    6.-Soccer field: in this place you can play football and see this deport.
    7.- Oratorio Virgen de los Dolores: this place is in front of town hall.
    8.-El Poli : is a famous bar in Albaida. You can eat in this bar and have a good time with you family.
    9.-Parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion: it this the church of Albaida .

  13. Olivares is my town. Olivares is a village in the Aljarafe (Sevilla).
    Has more or less 10.000 habitants and has 102 kilometers more or less.
    Has somes restaurants for eample: "La Placita", "El Bolido", etc. here are someone of the best restaurants in Olivares. Also has 2 churchs and three bars: "El Sombrero", "El Conde" and "La Atarazana".
    In my opinion the best thing that has Olivares that is very still but have a lot o people to do things. Also has a lots of parties for eample the most famous is "El Barroco".
    However, there is something about Olivares that I don´t like. It´s very still somestimes.

    Places that you can visit in Olivares:

    1. The church "St. Maria de las Nieves" it is one of the best church in Seville and in Spain. The church has the best second altarpiece of Spain.

    2.The shrine of Vera Cru. Is on the center of the village and is one of the nicest places in all the twon. Also you can see a museum of Holy Week.

    3.The St. Antonio tower, is one of the symbols o Olivares. It is a tower begins for the Arabs in the XI century.

    4.Palace of the Count Duque of Olivares. Now is the council. It is on the center of the town.

    5."El Sombrero", it is a bar of drink where the teenagersgo at the weekend. It´s a very nice place for be with your friends. Also usually go adults people.

    6.“Plaza del Barrio” → It is a square where in the centre there is a statue of St. Angela. Also there are a lot of bench.

    7.“Spain Square”.It is located in front of the town hall. It is more or less big square. Some people go here to set down and spend time. The children play here.

    8. “La Coriana”This is a place that you go for a picnic or for go out to walk. I like some much this place.

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  14. My village is small, called Vva del Ariscal. has more less 3000 habitants. they produce wine. His more important holidays is Santiago in July. The fair is celebratede in September.
    In my opinion, the best thing about living here in Vva del Ariscal is that it´s a very friendly place to live.

    Places that you can visit in vva del Ariscal:
    1.The Church "Santa Maria de las Nieves"

    2.El MELLI, EL COCO, EL NIÑO LA CASERA are very famous taberns.

    3. PUB DE MADERA Place where the young go on Fridays and Saturdays at night

    4. COLEGIO SAN ANTONIO There live nuns and orphan girls you can visit his chapel.

    5.Sport center. in this place you can practise any sports with your friends and you can meet a other people.

    6. LA Ermita There is in the chapel the "Inmaculada" In front of this house the brotherhood of the virgin of the rocio

    7. CHAPEL SANTIAGO is chapel Of the pattern from Village.

    8 HIGH SCHOLL AL-ISCAR you can see February 28 representations of students

    Marta Barba 4ºD

  15. Albaida del Aljarafe is a town that is in "el aljarafe" in Seville. Albaida has got a small square with the town hall, the church and a famous pub, called "El Poli"

    I think that the best thing of Albaida all the people are known. Because have a small population. Also have two supermarket. One in the center of the town and the other in the surroundings. Albaida has a park for young people, this park is called "el poti".

    The thing that I don't like of Albaida is that it doesn't have a pavilion. When it is raining. My team of basketball can't go to play basketball. But in general I like Albaida.

    Places that you can visit in Albaida:

    1. "TORREMOCHA". It's an old monument in the center of the town. It's too near to the church.

    2. "FUENTE ARCHENA". It's a terrain in the middle of the country-side. In this terrain there is a fountain.

    3. "ORATORIO". It's like a small church where a grup of people go to proud to the saints that go out the Friday day in Easter Week.

    4. "CAPILLA". It's similar to the oratorio but it's bigger. It's next to the square.

    5. "ASUNCION'S CHURCH". The church of the village in the square. All sundays all the families go there.

    6. "POTY'S PARK". A park where the young people go all the weekends.

  16. I live in Olivares, a village between Albaida, Salteras, Villanueva and Sanlúcar la Mayor. It's situated in a flat place. It has only one church.
    In my opinion, the best thing about living here in Olivares is that there aren't as much noise as in the city. Olivares is a quite village, without too much cars and pollution. It has a lot of big and small parks. It isn't very big, so you don't waste a lot of time going from one place to another in the village. There are also a lot of sweet shops.
    In the other hamd, there are some things about Olivares that I don't like. One of them is that there aren't any shopping centre or almost any clothes shop. And it's too far from Seville.
    The conclusion is that I like my village in spite of the disadvantages.

    1. El Sombrero
    It's a public pub almost in the edge of the village. It's very big. It has an huge yard. Here you can smoke shisha and drink alcohol.

    2. Spain Square
    It is a big square with a lot of trees and banks where children are almost always playing football and also there're sometimes old people who are sitting in the banks. It is between the church and many restaurants.

    3. Pizzeria Flash
    It is an establishment where you can eat pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and also salad. There're a good service but all the food is very expensive.

    4. The Kebab
    It is an establishment where you can eat and order the food you want. There're many menus. You can eat kebab, chips, two types of hamburgers and more. The establishment is very nice.

    5. La Despensa
    It is a sweet shop situated near to the Spanish Square. When you enter in that shop you see all types of sweet at the bottom.

    6. Dental White
    It is a dental clinic situated near to the Spanish Square. The clinic isn't very big but it is well-decorated.

    7. Cash Olivares
    It is a huge shop when you can find all you didn't know that is invented. It is a chinese establishment. The service is awfull and the products are worse, but it's very economic.

    8. La plaza de Abastos
    It's a market situated next to the pizzeria Flash. It has a delicatessen, two fruit shops, a butcher's and a fish market.

    9. Bar La Placita
    It it a restaurant where you can eat, it isn't very big, but the service is great. It is situated next to Plaza de Abastos.

    10. Coliseo
    It is a bar situated next to the Spanish Square. It is just at the corner of it. It isn't very big, but the food is great.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  17. Olivares is an old villaje. It´s big and there are many squares for the childrens and a long street called Larga. Also there are two churches and many supermarkets.
    In my opinión the best thing about living in Olivares it´s a quiet place to live. Also there is a sport center for do different sports. There are many shops for buy food and we don´t have to go to another place to buy. Alo there is a big highschool that come many childrens of another villages.
    However there are some things of Olivares that I don´t like. For example there aren´t discos. And there isn´t a swimming pool. And we have to go to Salteras for swim.
    Olivares is my villaje in general I like living here. It´s a good place to live.
    1. Sport center. There is a big sport center that you can practise many sports. And also next to there you can find a big sport pavilion.
    2. Paddle tennis courts. Also apart from the sport center in another place there are paddle tennis courts that you can go with your friends or go to individual clases for learn.
    3. Kebab. There is a restaurant to eat fast food. For example hamburguer,chips,kebab..
    4. Sombrero. There is a pub that the people go at night to drink a coke, gin or something and also there are hookahs.
    5. The central church. There is a central church that is very important and there is historical. Here is the tumb of the Conde Duque and also there is a museum.
    6. Ambulatory. There is an ambulatory. Not is as an hospital but there are doctors and help you if you got heath problems.
    7. Dentist. There are two dentists in Olivares that are very good and you don´t have to go to another place if you have a problem with your teeth.
    8. Hairdressers. There are also four or five hairdressers in all the village that comb and cut the hair very well.
    9. Bookshop. There are two or three bookshops that you can buy the materials for the school.
    10. Police office. There is a police office that if you got problems with the law , the
    security, or something that you can need for the police they help you.

    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  18. Olivares is an old town. It´s got two or three squares, about 10.000 inhabitants and a big avenue called Larga Street.
    It also has three churches and many markets where you can buy all types of food.

    In my opinion, the best thing about living here is that is a big town, has many bars that are very nice and also a big High School.

    However, there are some things about Olivares that I don´t like. It´s a quite town and bored, doesn´t have shops for buy clothes, and places where Young people can go.

    Olivares is my town and sometimes I like to live here, but in general, I prefer to live in another place.

    Some places that you can visit if you come to Olivares:

    1. Colegiata: Is the church of Olivares that is very big and with a many interesting things. You can find in the center of the town.

    2. Church Rocio Brotherhood: Is a church not very big that is in front of the school ¨Los Eucaliptus¨

    3. Spain Square: Is the most important square and it is in the center of the town, like the Colegiata.

    4. El Sombrero: Is a place where the teenagers go all weekends.

    5 San Antonio´s Tower: Is a tower Arabic of the century XI that is situate at the outskirts of Olivares.

    6: Conde Duque Palace: Is where now you can find the council of Olivares that is next to the Spain Square.

    7: Plaza del Barrio: Is another square, and in the middle of the square there is a statue of St. Angela

    8: The Coriana: Is a place near to the San Antonio´s Tower, where people going to make picnic and things like this.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  19. Olivares is a town located in seville, it have a proximated 10,000 inhabitants and it have a lts of sreets and one avenue called Andalucia avenue, also have 3 churches and a big market with a lot of products called mercado de abastos.

    One of the best things to live in Olivares is that there is a small town with a lot of good people, with all the buildings that you need. Instead of a disco but Olivares have a pub called "El sombrero" that is similar to a disco.

    The worst thing of Olivares is that this town is a quiet dead but ones of the best thing is the parties like El Baroco o La Feria.


    The conde-duque Palace.
    is one of the best places to visit in olivares because of the history and the beauty of the place.

    La Colegiata:

    Is one of the 3 church that have olivares and in my opinion this is the best church that have Olivares.

    El sombrero:
    Is one odf the best arty place that have Olivares. if you want to feel good, go to sombrero pub.

    Spain Square:
    It is located next to the conde-duque Palace and is very beautiful.

    San Antonio's tower: It is located in the skirts of the town and is a beautiful historical and cultural monuments.

    La coriana: is one of the best places if you want to go for a walk or for a run, is a beautiful place.

    La Ermita del Rocío:

    is the second chrch that i most like, and is the house of "La Virgen Del Rocio"

    El Casino: is one of the best restaurant that have Olivares, is beautiful and elegant.

    Antnoio José Garcia Delgado. 4ºD

  20. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  21. My village is Albaida.

    It´s a small town but It has many things. Close it there are other villages like olivares,salteras etc...It has some markets where you can buy what you want. There are some squares too, a church, parks, swinmming pool etc...

    The best thing of albaida is that it´s a peaceful place to live. There are many good restaurants where you can eat and good people and you can go everywhere in a moment because it´s not too big.

    Some bad things of Albaida: It´s has not a cinema or big markets to buy clothes, so you have to go to another place.

    My favourite 8 places i like of Albaida and I recomend you to go:

    1-El poti: It´s a park where usually young people go there at weekends.

    2-La torremocha:It´s and old and historic built which you can visit.

    3-The church: It´s near the townhall. It´s not too big but not too small. The priest is called Don Fermin. It´s a very happy person. I recomend you to go the church.

    4-The chapel to visit the pace of the vera cruz and the oratorio to visit the pace of the soledad.

    5-Pub colon: If you don´t know where to breakfast I recommend you go here next to the chapel

    6-El poli- Another good restaurant, I recommend you to lunch here, they have a good menu

    7-Salones El quema: If you want to celebrate a wedding or something like that, it´s a very good place with big lounges and very good menu

    8-La barranca: It´s a natural space. The earth has a great difference

  22. Olivares is a town is Seville. It´s got two big squares like the square of Spain or square of the “barrio”, and a very long street clled the log street. Also have a principal church, a chapel and a hermitage.

    In my opinion, the best things about living here in Olivares is that you can practise a lot of sports like footbal, basketball, dance… and also the village paties like Barroco or the fair also I like the Holy Week because in Spain ans principaly in Seville is very important.

    The bad things are that there isn´t any place for the youngth people like disco, Mc donal´s, cinema, only there are two pub that are “El Sombrero” and “Atarazana”.

    9 interestings places to visit in Olivares:

    Is the principal church of Olivares and is on the Square of Spain

    Is also in the square of Spain and is one of the most importants palace of the Barroco and now is the town hall.

    Is a very beautiful chapel and is next to the house of this brotherhood.

    Is near to the place where we celebrate the fair and is vary beautiful and improtant for the people who like tha virgin of the rocio.

    Is between Olivares and Gerena and is a place where pepople went to a romeria many years ago.

    Is a pub where youngth people goes to pass a great night or afternoon.

    7- LA CORIANA.
    Is a place that are between Gerena and Olivares and people go to the coriana to pass the day and make picnic.

    8- LA PORTADA.
    Is a restaurant that people goes specialy in especials days .

    9- ALDOAN.
    Is other restaurant but people goes to aldoan in a normal day like a Saturday or Sunday.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  23. Olivares:
    Olivares is a small town in the Aljarafe, in Seville; it has a lot of small squares and a big one where the council that was the Conde Duque of Olivares palace and the church are.

    It is quite, and it is near to the city. There are small shops where you can buy things and every Sturday there is like a market in the street where you can buy really cheap stuff. There are such a lot of good restaurants.

    There aren´t many leisure places to go like cinemas, bowling alley... In the summer it´s so hot and there isn´t a public swimming pool. Some streets have cracks on the asphalt. It is not very modern.

    Olivares is a great and quite village to live, I think that it is better for adults than for childrens.

    The 10 nicest places to visit in Olivares:

    1.The Council, that was the Conde Duque of Olivares palace. It is in the España square.

    2.La Coriana, it is a place where you can do picnics, people usually go there to do birthday parties for children for example.

    3. The church, it is in the España square in front of the council

    4.La torre de San Antonio, it is an arabic tower and it is between Olivares and Gerena.

    5.Kebab, it is a fast food restaurant where you can eat for a really cheap price

    6. España square, it is more or less in the middle of the village.

    7.El Prado school, it is one of the two schools of Olivares

    8. The library, it is new and it is near to El prado school, it used to be in other place of Olivares but it moved.

    9.La ermita, it it where the people star the pilgrimage to El Rocio

    10.The sport centre, is where people go to sport class, for example dance, basketball... It is near El Prado school

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  24. Albaida del Aljarafe is a very beautiful and small village that is in Seville. Albaida has got a church and famous pub, called “El Poli”, there you will find a very tasty food. In the square is in the center of the village, and next to this square is the towm hall.

    I think that the best thing of Albaida is a small village and that we know all the people. Also have a supermarket in the center of village and other in the surroundings. In addiction, there is a public swimming pool. Also have a park called “El Poti” that all Young people go on weekends.

    I don’t like of Albaida is that it isn’t high school.

    My favourite 9 places I like of Albaida and I recomend you to go:

    1.-La Torremocha: The torremocha is an old monument that is a tower but does not end as a tower and is in the street parallel to the square.

    2.-The Church: The Church is next to the square and near the town hall, there we find the images of some crucifixes and virgins of the village.

    3.-Capilla Vera+Cruz: Is a chapel where there are the images of this brotherhood.

    4.-Oratorio: Is a chapel where there are the images of this brotherhood, because Albaida there are four brotherhood.

    5.-Bar Colón: The bar Colon, it is a bar that is placed next to the chapel Vera+Cruz and this bar has a very good breakfasts.

    6.-El Poli: Is a warehouse that this one placed next to the square and it has a very tasty food, his meat and his fish are very good.

    7.-La barranca: Is a slope with a viewing-point where one sees some natural conference of field.

    8.-El Poti: Is a park where the young people go all the weekends.

    9.- Fuente Archena: It's a terrain in the middle of the country-side and there is a fountain.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4ºD.

  25. OLivares is a village located in the Aljarafe, Seville. It is a small village and has three churches and three brotherhoods.There are also lots of little shops and supermarkets. The village has an amount of 10.000 inhabitants.

    In Olivares you can visit:

    The church of Olivares, is not very big but y beautifull. In it yo can see the Soledad brotherhood

    3.Church of Vera Cruz
    Vera Cruz is a brotherhood and is a normal church

    4. Church of Rocio brotherhood.
    Thereis a church dedicated specially to the Rocio virgin.

    5.Palace of Conde Duque. The duque that used to lived there

    6.La Coriana
    La Coriana is a park that is next to the clean point. There you could spend the day doing baboons

    The Sombrero is a cocktail bar where the young people spend most of tje nigth. There are music, drinks, cachimbas, etc. It's great to spend a night there with your friends

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4eso D

  26. Olivares is an old town whose got two or three squares but the most important one is the "Plaza de España". It has a long street called "Calle Larga" and 4 or 5 markets where you can buy all types of food too and also it has the palace of 'El Conde Duque de Olivares' which now is the council.
    In my opinion the best thing about living here in Olivares is that all people knows each other and it doesn't take very long to go from one place to another. There are some interesting bars and discos. We usually go to 'El Sombrero' cocktail bar on Saturdays.
    However, there are some things about Olivares that I don't like. It's a good place to live but it's usually so quiet, and also it's not a modern town and there aren't many cocktail bars to go, but there is a spectacular church to visit called 'La Colegiata de Santa María de las Nieves'.
    Olivares is my town and in general I like living here. It's a good place to be calm.
    Places to visit in my town:
    1.- 'Colegiata de Sta. María de las Nieves':
    It's our church and it has the second most important shrine of Spain. We're so lucky to have it.

    2.-'Palacio del Conde Duque de Olivares':
    It's the palace where the 'Conde Duque de Olivares' lived. It's so large and nowadays it's our council.

    3.-'Ermita del Rocío': It's where we have our replica of 'La Virgen del Rocio'. It's not too big but it's very beautiful.

    4.-'Vera+Cruz': It's a brotherhood, which has 4 replicas of christian images but the most important one are 'El Cristo de la Salud' and "his mother" 'La Virgen de la Antigua'. Next to the caple there is the brotherhood house.
    5.-'La Portada': It's a place where you can eat very well. It has restaurant but it also has a part who is like a bar.

    6.-'Torre de San Antonio': It's an Arab tower of the XI century that was built to control the road between Olivares and Gerena. Many years ago, people went there celebrating a pilgrimage.

    7.-'Plaza de Abastos': It's a market in which there are located many differents food shops, like greengrocers, butchers, fishmongers...

    8.-'El Polideportivo': It's a big place where you can do lots of different sports. It has 4 tracks, 2 of football and the others are both of basketball. It also has two or three pavilions where monitors teach crossfit classes.
    9.-'Soledad': It's the other brotherhood we have in our town. They have 3 images, 'La Virgen de los Dolores', 'Jesus Nazareno' and 'Cristo Yacente' who are located in the back of the church, but the brotherhood house is a street below.

    10.-'El Sombrero': It's a cocktail bar where young people usually go. There, you can smoke hookahs but only adult people can drink alcohol. Sometimes there is a Dj.

    Ángela Cotán 4°D

  27. Olivares has got some squares but the most important is the España square because is next to the church and is the place where celebrate the Barroco that is a very typical party os Olivares.
    In my opinion the best thing about living here in Olivares is that it's very friendly place to live. It's small and you can go walking for any place to another. There are very good restaurant, for example:
    'La Portada' or 'Aldoan'
    However there are some thing about Olivares that I don't like it's friendly place but but there isn't many place to young people.
    Olivares is my town and in general, I like living here because I have got here my friends.
    1Colegiata: It's the church of the Olivares and is a very beautiful church with a lot of old pictures and painting.
    2Museum of the Soledasd: It's a place where the hermandad teach the clothes or something similars.
    3Ermita: Is a small church where there is a similar esculture of the original virgen of rocio.
    4La Portada: It's one of the best restaurant that are in Olivares. The food is very good and the waitress also.
    5Aldoan: It's a restaurant with a very good kitchen like you mum's food
    6Palace of Conde Duque: It's a monumental place of Olivares is very important of all Spain.
    7El Sombrero: It's a pub where the young people go.
    8San Antonio tower: Its a tower in the out of Olivares that is a interesting place to visit.
    9La coriana : It's a park that you can go every time you want.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4°D

  28. Olivares is a small town in Seville; it has a lot of small squares and a big one where the council that was the Conde Duque of Olivares palace and the church was, i like that is a small and friendly town but is very quiet and boring, has very good restaurants for example:
    El Bolido:is the best restaurant in Olivares and is next to the church and around this restaurant are too much pubs.
    1Chapel of Vera cruz:Is a very beautiful chapel and is next to the house of this brotherhood.
    2Ermita del Rocío:It's where we have our replica of 'La Virgen del Rocio'. It's not too big but it's very beautiful.
    3The Church: The Church is next to the square and near the town hall, there we find the images of some crucifixes and virgins of the village.
    4El Casino:is one of the best restaurant that have Olivares, is beautiful and elegant.
    5El Sombrero:is a tipical spanish pub.
    6La Barriada:is a restaurant next to the school
    7El Dia:is the best supermarket that you can go to Olivares
    8Sport centre:is next to «el prado» and you can go to play sports.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4 D

  29. Olivares is a village, in Seville; it has a lot of small squares and a big one where the council that was the Conde Duque of Olivares palace and the church are. There are 10,000 inhabitants

    It is quite, and it is near to the city. There are small shops where you can buy things. There are also a lot of good restaurants.

    There aren´t many leisure places to go like cinemas, bowling alley... In the summer it´s so hot and there isn´t a public swimming pool. Some streets have some breaks on the street. It is not very modern.

    1.-El sombrero: Is a pub where the teenagers go
    2.-Palace of conde duque.Is also in the square of Spain and is one of the most importants palace of the Barroco and now is the town hall.
    3.-La ermita, it it where the people star the pilgrimage to El Rocio
    4.-La Colegiata:is one of the 3 church that have olivares and in my opinion this is the best church that have Olivares.
    5.-Bookshop: There are two or three bookshops that you can buy the materials for the school.
    6.- Police office. There is a police office that if you got problems with the law , the
    security, or something that you can need for the police they help you.
    7.-“Bar la Barriada":This is a bar that you stop and eat. In this bar you can eat very well. It is located in front of the “square of the well”
    8.-Soccer field. It is a place where many football matches are held and have a good time with friends and entertaining you watching football.
    9.-Atarazana. It is another cocktail bar which is very comfortable although it is a bit small, but to be there is pretty good.
    10.-San Antonio's tower:It is located at the suburbs, far away form the centre. It used to bea place to save the people and make signals with the other village at medieval's times.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD

  30. Olivares is an old village. It's not too big, but more or less bigger than some villages around it, like Albaida, Villanueva, Gerena ... It has got some squares, but the biggest one is in the centre. There are two big markets of food.

    Some places to visit are:

    1.- "Colegiata": The church of Olivares, is not very big but y beautifull. In it yo can see the Soledad brotherhood

    2.- '' El Sombrero '' is a cocktail bar that children of my age used to go to, but now they can only be over seventeen. It is a bar where you can be very calm and have a good time with your friends.

    3.- “Coriana”: it is a place in the highway between Gerena. Is similar a park with a famous fountain where people go for picnic.

    4.- "LA PORTADA": Is a restaurant that people goes specialy in especials days .

    5.- "El camarín": Is the coldest place in the town and it looks like a tunnel between the square and a street.

    6.- "THE SAN ANTONIO´S TOWER": Is between Olivares and Gerena and is a place where pepople went to a romeria many years ago.

    7.- "El Prado school": it is one of the two schools of Olivares.

    8.- "ALDOAN":Is other restaurant but people goes to aldoan in a normal day like a Saturday or Sunday.

    9.- "Spain Square": It is located next to the conde-duque Palace and is very beautiful.

    10.- Pizzeria Flash
    It is an establishment where you can eat pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and also salad. There're a good service but all the food is very expensive.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  31. Albaida is a small village.

    I like live in Albaida because the people who live in Albaida are very generous.

    1. The swimming pool. In the summer the people go to the swimming pool to swim.

    2.The church. The church of Albaida is next to the square, is beautifull is this church celebrate all the events.

    3. ``El Poli´´. El Poli is a magnific restaurant and tyhe most important of the Aljarafe.
    In this restaurant you eat very well.

    4. The tower of Don Fadrique. Is a tower built for Don Fadrique, is the special monument of Albaida.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  32. Villanueva del Ariscal is my town located in Saville, it forms part of a group of villages called "El Aljarafe". It is not very big, it has a church,a high school, a primary school, three supermarkets...
    In my opinion the best thing about living in Villanueva is that is a beautiful village, where you know all the people and they are very kind. Also, an important thing of Villanueva is the gastronomy.
    Finally, there are things that I don't like is that there isn't anything for teenagers like discos or places to stay.
    In general, Villanueva is my town and I like living there.

    Best places of Villanueva:
    1.The church of Santa Maria de las Nieves: is the only and more important church in Villanueva, it was built in 1538.
    2.Ermita San Miguel: in that hermitage you can see the image of Inmaculada de la Concepción and inside is very beautiful.
    3.Bodegas Góngora : is considered a monument in the andalusia heritage, that wineries make the process to convert the fruit into wine.
    4."El Mellizo": it is a famous tavern, that was built in 1954,it has 63 years old, it has been visited by politicians, musicians, footballs players...
    5.Santiago and Corpus: is a procession celebrated the 25 of July it is a tradition.
    6.Sacramental square:is a square located in the centre of the village, where is located the Hermandad Sacramental.
    7. The park of the Cruz de Velasco: is Park located in the beginning of the village, that is very big
    8.Colegio "San Antonio": is a school located in Villanueva that welcomes girls , inside there is a very beautiful capilla where they pray, that was blessed in 19653 by the cardenal Segura y Sáez.

  33. Olivares is a village that is in Sevilla. Is an old town and have 9415 inhabitants. His mayor is Isidoro Ramos and her Patron Saint is the Nieves's virgin. I like very much Olivares because is very beautifull. Some places of Olivares are:

    1. The San Antonio's tower: It was an arabian tower that the people used to control the road between Gerena and Olivares. The tower is very beatifull and very big and is located in the outskirt of Olivares

    2. The collegiate: Is one of the best example of the architecture religious of the XVII century. Was built in 1552.

    3. "La Coriana" : La Coriana is a fountain that is localizated in Olivares. It was a place where the animals rested but today is a place with picnic areas.

    4. "Soledad" Is a brotherhood that was founded in 1712. This brotherhood have 3 images but the most importan is the " Virgen de los Dolores".

    5. Veras+Cruz : The Brotherhood of Vera cruz was founded in 1552 in the XVI century. This BrOTHERHOOD have 2 images the " Cristo de la Salud " and the "Virgen de la antigua".

    6. The Conde Duque's palce: It was founded in the XVI century with some reforms together with the building of the Collegiate Church make up the square.

    7. The Olivares's square. This square was the old courtyarf of weapon. Its function was the formation of the troops. All this space was declared joint historical artistic in 1971.

    8. "Ermita del ROCIO".Started in 1934. Arises during the second Republic. In 1934 it is sponsored, to the parent Brotherhood of Almonte by the Ginés.

    9."El Sombrero" Is a pub that is localizated in Olivares. Is a very good place because all the people go and you are very confortable with your friend.

  34. My town is Olivares.
    Olivares is a old village. It has got more than ten littles squares and a big square in the center called Spain Square.
    It also have a big church and some littles shops where you can buy differents things.
    In my opinion, the best thing about living here is that all people are known and the majoriy are nice people. Is a town with a long history before. There are some good parks, where children always are playing with her friends.
    Also, there are some interesting bars. We usually go to The Hat at the weekend.

    However, there are some things about Olivares that I don't like. For example, on summer this town is very hot, but in winter, normally, the temperature is so good.

    The best things of my town, Olivares, for me are:
    1.Spain Square, where we put part of The Baroque and where we can find the more interesting places.Here we can find surrounding it trees, to the sides two lampposts, and in the center, on the floor, the Olivares shield.
    2.The church of Olivares, that have a long history and we can find a lot of curiosities into it. It's very beautiful and have at the top, a big clock.
    3.The Camarin, that is a little tunnel that you can find the explication of its history next to it, this tunnel have a little door that was a prision a long time ago.
    4.The Town Hall, that this was the jaila long time ago, and more time yet, this was the Count-Duke of Olivares' palace.
    5.The Looker, where people go there for to be calm and pass a good time, because there we can find a beautiful scenery.
    6.The Ermitage of the Dew, that is so beautiful and where people that likes Dew so much visit it usually.
    7.The Fair,yhis is in front of the Ermitage of Daw, where in august we celebrate the fair of Olivares, and in different days of the year like 28 of February, Town Hall organizate a career, activities for children, a minibar, performances and others.
    8.Center of Olivares, here we can find the majority of little shops to buy all you need, like greengrocer, fish market, jewelry shops, clothes shops,etc.
    9.The theater, is on the center of Olivares, sometime here there are differents interesant performances of theater, dance, sing.. and sometimes Olivares band play here.
    10.Football and paddel track, is a very good bar to visit because is a bar, coffe shop and a place where you can pay for play football or paddel. Also you can see people that are playing while you are eating and/or drinking, or you can put in into there for are more calm.

  35. Olivares is a village located in the heart of Seville's Aljarafe, 16 km from Seville. It is known for its connection to the Guzmanes, especially Mr.Gaspar de Guzman and Pimentel, validated by King Philip IV.

    It is a quiet town, surrounded by a great tourist interest, because it is strongly linked to the Baroque style. What stands out is its people, generous and welcoming people.

    We would say that it is a town that needs to improve many aspects, including infrastructures, and places where young people between the ages of 13-17 could be.

    In short, Olivares is a town to visit, not only for its cultural interest, but also for the good work done by its people, who receive from outside as if it were one of the people.

    1- The collegiate church of Olivares
    It is one of the buildings more linked to the figure of the Count-Duke. It was founded as a chapel by its parents and reaches the rank of Collegiate with the own Mr.Gaspar. It is an example of the architecture of the XIII century and it has a great heritage.

    2- The chapel of the Relics
    It is located inside the collegiate Santa Maria de las Nieves, and is considered the second temple of Spain in quantity and quality of the same.

    3-Palace of Conde-Duque of Olivares
    It is nowadays the seat of the city council. It was residence of the Guzmanes and administrative center of its county.

    4-Spain's square
    It is the neuralgic center of the locality. It was a courtyard of Arms of the Condal Palace. It is delimited by the Collegiate Church, the Palace and the Posito.

    In Olivares we can highlight two 'hermandades' of 'Semana Santa' with a great heritage that leaves us the mark of the Baroque.

    5-The 'hermandad' of Vera Cruz
    It has started in an old hospital of the sixteenth century (c / Roelas, 1).

    6-The Brotherhood of Solitude
    They reside inside the Collegiate Church.

    7-Tower of San Antonio
    It is an Arab tower of the XI century located between Olivares and Gerena, and served to control the road between both villages.

    8-Winery 'El Bolido'
    It is a winery located near the chapel of Vera-Cruz and near the Spain's square. Ideal place to stay with family or friends to eat 'tapitas'.

    9-Cerveceria 'El Rinconcito'
    Located in the Plaza de España where you can enjoy a family atmosphere together with an artistic environment surrounded.

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  36. select Albaida beacause I live there.
    Albaida is a little town but it have a lot of thing because is quiet and calm, the are more or less 4000 of 5000 inhabitants.
    But it also have bad thing for example you can´t go calling the attention of people in the street because all the people know you, Albaida haven´t bad thing else.

    I will talk you my 10 favourites places in Albaida

    1st.La barranca, is like a mountain but without rocks and stones, is a famous place because a men colled Bastian throw himselfby it.

    2nd.The poli is a bar in the middle of Albaida their most famous food is the sirloin

    3.The bar colon is a bar next to the poli is like the poli but a little bit cheaper.

    4.the library is a library next to olivares and there is an square next to it

    5.The soprtcenter is a sportcenter next to the cementery where you can practise basketball, futboll and tennis

    6.The dolmenes is a bar in the Albaida´s suburns

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 4ºB

  37. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    Olivares is a village that is in the Aljarafe. It’s got a square near the church and the local government. It has an avenue called Andalucía. Also, Olivares has bars and some supermarket with all things you want.

    In my opinion the best of this village is that all the shops, supermarket or bars are so close one to other and it’s easier to go to all the places you want. There is a bar near to Albaida called “El Sombrero” that is good place for teenagers to go the weekends. Sometimes there is a group of music and it’s so comfortable and fun. Also Olivares has two schools and one high school called IES Heliche.

    However, Olivares is a small village and it’s alone a night. There aren’t any cinemas or big shop center. Also, there are places that you can’t enter and the only places that you can go sometimes are the square or go to a house of a friend.

    Olivares is a village that I like living here because of the comfortable to live there. It’s small but, I not need more, it’s fantastic because of my friend and my family that we can meet with their where ever we want.

    1º. El sombrero: It’s a bar of that is near Alvaida. It’s a good place to go the weekends at night with your friends. The mayority of people that go are teenagers between 12 to 19 but also go people older. Sometimes there is a group of music that has actual music like reggeton, pop and of course flamenco. Next to it there is a big meeting room that you can celebrate a birthday and sometimes a party but depends of the day and others thing.

    2º.La Barriada: It’s a restaurant so good that is in a corner near a bar called Tekila and to a square called El Pozo. In it you can eat very well and have a lot of variety of dishes. Also there is very cheaper and the waiters are very likeable.

    3º.El Tekila: It’s a bar that is in front of the pharmacy. In this bar the people that go usual are older but also teenagers. It’s the different between it and El Sombrero. Also have a living room for pool and table football. People go a lot of time to see math of football.

    4ºEl Buchito: It’s near to the chapel of El Rocío and in front of a pizzeria. It’s like La Barriada, you can eat very good and it’s big but the waiter are so slowly when you ask for any dishes. It’s cheap and have heater for winter and it’s the things that I like so much.

    5º.The pavilion: It’s near to one of the school called CEIP El Prado. It’s has a lot of rooms, one for each sport. The installation are very good and this is the reason for the all extactivities of Olivares. It’s comfortable to do sport but also, you can save room and this is fantastic. Also in it all years there is an Olivaton.

    6º The church of Las Nieves: It’s in the center of the villager like the local government and the square. I like so much because it’s very big, also have a lot of saint so beautiful. There is a place at the botton of it that the choir singing all Sunday. At last there is a sacristy so big and a room for the cure. It’s marvelous.

    7º.Ermita del Rocío: It’s near to one of the school called CEIP Los Eucaliptos. It not very big but it very comfortable. There is a replica of La Virgen del Rocío and when you go to it is fantastic to see that. There is a small room where the board meets.

    8º. El Bólido: It near of the chapel of VERA+CRUZ. It is a place where you can eat with your family. Usually, the people that go are older or family. It’s a good place to celebrate communion, birthday o some things like that.

    9º . The theater: It’s one of the best things of Olivares, is small but it’s the only one of the Aljarafe. There are some rooms to prepare all things that need before act.

    10º. Dia: It’s next to the polygon. It’s the best supermarket of Olivares, you can find where ever you want; food, vegetables, ice cream, bread, sweet, wine, soft-drinks….

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  39. Olivares is a little town,not too big. It's got many olives and a past story.Also there is a important churt barroc with
    one of the biggest relics santuaries of the world, the third behind Roma and other country that i don't remenber.

    In my opinion, the best thing about living here is the silence and the environment, that there aren't in the city. And the
    other important thing is that you meet all the inhabitants because is a little village, and the relief since being on a plateau,
    is a very good place for make mountain bike.

    The aren't nothing in my tonw where i don't like.

    Olivares is my village and in general i like this life outside the town. It's a good place for enjoy and to be wiht your friends.

    Olivares is next to Albaida del Aljarafe(a little village with a few more 3.000 inhabitants) and between them there are some
    places very beautiful:

    1.La Coriana:
    This place was a ancient thoug where the beast arrived for drink.It's situated at the outskirts of village, and it has got a park.

    2.The little cliff:
    This's a place that only know where it's located just a few friends and me.Is a little cliff outside the town with a beautiful pond make by rain.

    3.The Green Corridor:
    Is a group of ways which are around the some Aljarafes's villages.This corridor it's along the Guadiamar river and it's got a lot classes of plants,tree and
    a big biodiversity.

    Although the name sound boring, for me who love cycling is a magnific place because it's got an amazing slope.

    5.The churt:
    It's in the town's center and this barroc collegiate has got a important santuaries, and a beautiful Major altarpiece which is very well preserved. But also has got
    other important treasure that there, is the tomb of the painter Juan de Roelas and whose there are many paintings his. The tomb of the Conde Duque de Olivares(Valid from Felipe IV)
    and his family are there also.

    6.Santiago Martinez:
    In the start of Olivares there are a big mansion, it was the summer house of Santiago Martinez who was the cutter painter of the Alfonso XIII of Spain. In this house
    born my uncle because his parents are the homemade of the house when the painter isn't there.

    7.Chapel of the cross:
    This is a ancient hospital where they take the sick of the village and now is the chapel of the cross where they meet when someone dies and also one of the two brotherhoods in Olivares.

    8.The tower of San Antonio:
    Long time ago it was a watchtower that severd for comunicate the tonw when something happened and it warned Albaida by other tower which is located in this other village.

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4°B

  40. Olivares is known because of his history and Conde Duque. It's got three or four squares, a theatre, three churches and a centre of sport.

    In my opinion the best things about Olivares is the parties especially "Barroco" and "Semana Santa". It is a medium size town.". It has two or there big supermarkets and two bars with music for young people; "Atarazana" and "Sombrero".

    But Olivares don't have a swimming pool and there are gew shops. Also at night there aren't many people in the streets.

    Olivares is my town and I don't need more to live. For me is better than many others.

    The best ten places to visit in Olivares are:

    1. Olivares's Church (Church st Maria de las Nieves)
    The church of Olivares is located in the center of the village in front of Palace of Conde Duque. It began to be built in the second half of XVI century by order of Pedro de Guzmán and Zúñiga, first Count of Olivares. The reliquary of the church of Olivares is considered as the second best reliquary in Spain in quantity and quality. In the church are Olivares's patrons and among many other saints. Soledad's brotherhood is the owner of a part of the church in which there is the images of the brotherhood. I am for this brotherhood.

    2. Palace of Conde Duque (Town hall)
    It began to be built in the first half of the XVI century with some later reforms. It was an important residential building whose most important member of the house was Don Gaspar de Guzmán and Pimentel, favorite by King Felipe IV. The Count-Duke's Palace has begun to be center of activity in Olivares as it was in the past. Beacuse nowadays it is the town hall of Olivares and it is many times visited .

    3.Rocio's hermitage.
    On April 20, 1995, Rocio's brotherhood inaugurates its Chapel. It has a large dome, stained glass windows and two towers, it is a landmark in the whole Aljarafe to the point of being the only Rocio's brotherhood in the region that has its own image and chapel.

    4. Vera Cruz's chapel.
    The Brotherhood of Vera Cruz of Olivares was founded on May 12, 1552 by Don Pedro de Guzmán. The chapel has different styles, the Renaissance and the Baroque. In her are the images of the brotherhood of Vera Cruz, among others as Saint Angela.

    5. San Antonio's Tower.
    It is an Arab tower of the XI century, which was used to control the road between Olivares and Gerena. At the end of September was celebrated the pilgrimage "El Verdeo" around the tower San Antonio, in which goes a small cart with an olive tree and many carts behind.

    6. Coriana's fountain.
    La Coriana fountain and trough presents works from different eras, and traces of Islamic times, to the most recent restoration in the eighties of the last century. For centuries it was used as a source of water for peasants and animals.

    7. Sportcenter
    It has two gymnasium in which there are among many other, dance classes. There are two basketball and tennis fields and one football field. It also has a pavilion in which there is a big football field and inside other two basketball fields. Many sports are practised (dance, zumba, basketball, tennis, rhythmic gymnasia...)

    8. Sombrero
    Is a bar more usually occupied by young people at night and along day by all people. Because they usually put current music and set it up as a disco.

    It is very big. There are music concerts, also are represented a lot of plays like "La Pasión en el siglo XXI".

    10.Football field
    It has a lot of years. Since not many time It was made of land. But it was remplaced for grass for be more comfortable.


  41. Olivares is my town located in Seville. My town is not very big and there are few inhabitants, it has a church, the town hall,high school,bars,park.. It does not take place to go out the teenagers. Olivares is next to Albaida del Aljarafe.
    In general, I like live in my town
    1ºPalace of Conde Duque: Is now the town hall, where lived “ Conde Duque of Olivares” and your family.
    2º Chapel of Vera+Cruz: Is the sisterhood and it has four important holders. Is next to convent and sisterhood house.
    3ºEl Conde: It is a bar of glasses for the young persons and especially for de adult (25-30 years old)
    4ºLa Coriana: It is a park where you can make barbecue and play the children .
    5.El Casino: Is one the best restaurant and next to the Palace of Conde Duque.
    6ºLa Colegiata: Is the monument very important in my town, here you will find the patron, “La Virgen de las Nieves”. Your history is very interesting.
    7ªLa Plaza de España: Is the square of my town, is the center of de town and it is between of the hill town and Colegiata. In the square is held “El Barroco”
    8º Schools “Los Eucaliptos” and “EL Prado”: Is the school of children and where I studied .
    9º Sisterhood of the Soledad: Is the other sisterhood, where three important holders. This one inside of the church and the museum is very fabulous.
    10ºEl Pósito: It is like a tunnel where they kept the crops.

  42. Olivares is an old town in the top of the aljarafe close to salteras and albaida. is not so big, have 2 schools and one high school. the closer town is Albaida. At night is so dangerous walk alone cause some road have no light.

    1ºLa plaza España: Is an square in the middle of the town with the church and the townhall.
    2ºThe church: The church of Olivares is located in the center of the village in front of the townhall
    3ºº.El Tekila: It’s a bar that is in front of the pharmacy. In this bar the people that go usualy. Also have a living room for pool and table football.
    4º El Sombrero: Is a pub in Olivares. Is a very good place because all the people go and you are very confortable.
    5ºThe collegiate of Olivares: It is one of the buildings more linked to the figure of the Count-Duke. It is an example of the arquitecture in XVII.
    6º Rocio's hermitage: On April 20, 1995, Rocio's brotherhood inaugurates its Chapel. it is a landmark in the whole Aljarafe to the point of being the only Rocio's brotherhood.
    7ºSchool Los Eucaliptos is a school located in the north of the town and is smaller than El prado.
    8º El prado: located in the south of The town and the biggest. mostly of children in High school came from this primary school.
    9ºAljarafesa. Although the name sound boring and it's boring but in the central the water is depurated yo our own consume
    10º The barroco is an event over may where the town simulate the barroco period and sell artesanal products.

    By: José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  43. Villanueva del Ariscal is an ancient town. It’s got four or five squares and a big avenue called Palm Avenue. It also has two churches and a market where you can buy fish, meat, fruit, milk…

    In my opinion, one of the best things of Villanueva is the gastronomy and the friendly that liver here. The typical product of the gastronomy Villanueva is the white wine, There are also some good restaurants like El Mellizo or Pepe Lopez. There are some squares interesting too as Vendimiadora square

    However, there are some things about Villanueva that I don’t like. Sometimes it’s a very boring place without any place to teenagers’ leisure and also the gossip.

    Villanueva is mi town and in general I like living here!! It’s a good place to stay

    The 10 places of Villanueva that you must visit:

    · El Mellizo: Founded in 1954. Charming tavern with albero floor. The must you serve it, the food will take it to the table
    · El Melao: The interior is a traditional tavern with very adequate decoration and outside they put some tables to the sun in which it is very comfortable
    · Casa Pepe López: Great menu that combines both classic dishes and innovation. Good wine cellar and very friendly service
    · El Potro: Who knows El Potro, knows that there smells of art, good people, music and like no home cooking
    · Ermita of San Miguel: From the XVI century, the decoration of its cover of the XVIII century stands out
    · Iglesia Parroquial Santa María de las Nieves: In its altarpieces and chapels are images and canvases from the XVII, XVIII and XIX centuries
    · Góngora wineries: In them they produce some of the best wines of the region: Señorío de Heliche
    · Hacienda Pata de Hierro: Former estate founded in 1682, now converted into Góngora wineries, where oil and wine were obtained and tanning.

    By: Paco Reyes Madrid 4°B

  44. Olivares is a Village is small with many suburbs two churchs two schools and one high school there is one market called Mercado de abastos were you can buy all types of food.

    1Sombrero: It is a young place to meet is a bar that is located near the church is a good place to go because you get fun with yours friends but is a peaty that now you have to have 18 years old

    2Plaza de España:Is located in the middle of the town it has a historical past so curieux,

    3 The tower of Saint Antonio is located in the outskirts of the town its an acient building that is so high is between Olivares and Gerena

    4 The sport center is located near el prado a school this installations are mostly for basketball because Olinares has a very good team of basketball the seniors are in national league

    5The Church of las Nieves is in the Spanish place is big it is there since 1689 it has been build again it has some rests of important catolic personas.

    6 IES HELICHE is a high school that teach more or less 1000 students from different villages like Albaida or Salteras and a few from Villanueva

    7 El bólido it is a bar that is near the Las Nieves church it is a typical bar from Olivares were you always can find a teacher from IES HELICHE the biology teacher.

    8 If you want to came to Olivares go in the dates of barroco a party that we celebrate here in Olivares is a party that show as the epoc of barroco

    9 The buchito is a bar were you can eat so good it has plenty of things it is a good place to drink a bejar

    10 Padel its a placer were you can practise Padel and is so good because there is also a ground were you can play football and also there is a bar inside

    Olivares has also bad things like the inhabitants that are so gossip and they know all the things you do.

    In conclusion Olivares is a good place for childreen but not for teenegers

    Santiago Jara Montero

  45. Olivares is an old town located in the Aljarafe, Sevilla. It's got lots of squares and a big avenue. Olivares have 9.564 inhabitants. The villages that is located around this village are Albaida, Salteras and Sanlucar.
    In my opinion the best thing ogf Olivares is the square that is big and is surronding by some restaurant where youu can eat and drink somethings. In the square is the church and the palace of Conde Duque of Olivares. I would put a cinema or big shop center and the other shops of ocio.
    In the night is very cold but I like living in this town because is very confortable and the people are very confortable.

    10 places of Olivares:
    1)Church "St Maria de las Nieves".
    Is a very beautiful church and very old and that has many relics that can be seen.
    2)School "Los Eucaliptos".
    This school is next to the road that goes towards Sanlucar. It is a big school. That has children to 4-12 years old.
    3)"El Sombrero".
    It's a cafe bar in Olivares. It's near the Olivares' central square, and the people use to go on Fridays and Saturdays.
    4)Football field.
    Here the town club plays (Atletico Olivarense) and is started with the clubs of other towns.
    5)"Ermita del Rocio".
    Is a very beautiful hermitage. Here are many celebrations such as marriage, masses ...
    Is a place where everyone wants to see events of all kinds.
    7)"The St. Antonio tower".
    It is a very old tower that is in the road between Olivares and Gerena.
    8)"La coriana".
    It is a picnic where usually people go to spend the day with the family outdoors. There is a very old fountain where people come to see it.
    9)Palace of the Conde Duque de Olivares.
    Here lived the Count Duke of Olivares and now have become the town hall of Olivares.
    There is a library that has changed places and now is much better so that people can enjoy more.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  46. I live in Albaida, is a small town in the Aljarafe Sevillian where people live good, quiet and very pleasant.
    We can find bars where you can enjoy the typical dishes of Albaida, supermarkets, two schools and some other clothing store.
    I think that in Albaida there are very few bad things, obviously because it is my village but we can say that since we do not have an institute we have to go to our neighboring town Olivares every day and although it is not far away it is uncomfortable and it would be nice if we had Albaida our own.
    If you go to Albaida I recommend you visit some of the following places that make Albaida a great town.

    1-The chapel of the Brotherhood of vera + cross, where we can venerate the holders of this brotherhood.
    2-La Torremocha (Tower of Don Fadrique), a tower located in the old town of our town since 1253.
    3-The Church, where the pattern of the town is encuntrated.
    4-The Plaza of Spain, a square where all the children play and have fun, located next to the Church previously named.
    5-The sports center Principe Felipe, where you can find multiple fields where you can play balloon, volleyball, chess and a large pool where you can cool off in summer.
    6-Park "El Poti", is a park where we usually meet friends to spend the afternoons.This is not its original name, but we call it that because next to it there is a kiosk of trinkets and it's called that.
    7-La Barranca, is a natural balcony located in the fields of Albaida, where formerly they extracted mud for the bricks.
    8-The house Hermandad del Rocio, where is the cart that carries the simpecado on his pilgrimage to the village of Rocío.
    9-Bodega El Poli, where we can enjoy tasty typical dishes of our village Albaida.
    10-Campo de Futbol "San Sebastian" is the place where different teams of different categories are faced with other villages around us in a football match.
    I hope you will visit our town and be of your pleasure.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB

  47. I live in Albaida, is a small town in the Aljarafe Sevillian where people live good, quiet and very pleasant.
    We can find bars where you can enjoy the typical dishes of Albaida, supermarkets, two schools and some other clothing store.
    I think that in Albaida there are very few bad things, obviously because it is my village but we can say that since we do not have an institute we have to go to our neighboring town Olivares every day and although it is not far away it is uncomfortable and it would be nice if we had Albaida our own.
    If you go to Albaida I recommend you visit some of the following places that make Albaida a great town.

    1-The chapel of the Brotherhood of vera + cross, where we can venerate the holders of this brotherhood.
    2-La Torremocha (Tower of Don Fadrique), a tower located in the old town of our town since 1253.
    3-The Church, where the pattern of the town is encuntrated.
    4-The Plaza of Spain, a square where all the children play and have fun, located next to the Church previously named.
    5-The sports center Principe Felipe, where you can find multiple fields where you can play balloon, volleyball, chess and a large pool where you can cool off in summer.
    6-Park "El Poti", is a park where we usually meet friends to spend the afternoons.This is not its original name, but we call it that because next to it there is a kiosk of trinkets and it's called that.
    7-La Barranca, is a natural balcony located in the fields of Albaida, where formerly they extracted mud for the bricks.
    8-The house Hermandad del Rocio, where is the cart that carries the simpecado on his pilgrimage to the village of Rocío.
    9-Bodega El Poli, where we can enjoy tasty typical dishes of our village Albaida.
    10-Campo de Futbol "San Sebastian" is the place where different teams of different categories are faced with other villages around us in a football match.
    I hope you will visit our town and be of your pleasure.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB

  48. My village is Albaida del Aljarafe. My village have 4000 people. Albaida has a big canyon also a big contryside.

    +Albaida is very small by what all the world is known is a people humble and with good people

    -Albaida is fair and lacks recreational areas for youth and more doctors

    It has a very big and beautiful church. There's a lot of young people and a big gym with a pool. It has three schools, there is a lot of restaurant. There is a great cementery also it has big library

    Library: is very spacious and with many types of books, with an area of computers for the adults and a zone of children small to do their tasks

    Soccer field: this recently refurbished and it is great both inside as their stands and also has a great bar

    Church: is very large and spacious has many statues of virgins and cristos and a sacristy very big

    Town Hall: it is very large and out gives a good and beautiful image to the people

    Gym: it has two floors, the ground floor is where the machines to do fitness and the upper floor is a plant in which do is drills as karate...

    Pool: is very long and it sees the separations of Rails in the water

    Sports Centre: it has a soccer Court and a tennis court, also the pool and when there are sports like volleyball in the middle of the football field are networks

    Cemetery: it is wide and well maintained

    Schools: there are two schools very large with a few patios, kinds and dining rooms well maintained and very large

    Ovens: it is a seal of antiquity that existed in Albaida, are two ovens that are in good condition

  49. Olivares is a beautiful and old village that is located in Seville. Have a lot of beautifuls streets , an important church called “Parish Santa Maria de las Nieves”, a lot of parks and some squares. The most important square in Olivares is the Spain square that is in the center of the town.
    In my opinion Olivares is a good place to live because here everyone are very friendly. There’re a lot of restaurant with a good gastronomy like "El Bolido". The parks have a lot of toys for the children.
    But Olivares in my opinion is very big and are a lot of distance between the houses of me friends and my house. Also in Olivares aren’t good shops where we can buy things and a cinema.
    However Olivares is a good place to live and I like to live here.

    1.- Parish of Santa María de las Nieves
    It is a church that is in the center of the village in front of the town hall. This church is very important for its great collection of relics.
    2.- Olivares town hall
    It is the old palace of the Count Duke of Olivares. Is located in the center of the village, in front of the Parish of Santa Maria de las Nieves.
    3.- Chapel of the Brotherhood of Vera + Cruz
    Is a church next to the church where are found the images of the brotherhood of Vera + Cruz. Also we can find a great museum with the brotherhood's baras and the vestments of the images
    4.- The porch
    Is on the left side of the parish. Is the place where my friends and I stayed. In Holy Week is where the come out of the Brotherhood of Soledad begins.
    5.-“El Bolido”
    Is a restaurant that is close to the parish. Has the typical gastronomy of Olivares.
    6.- The fair
    Is the place where races are held and a village party. Is located next to the road between Sanlucar and Olivares
    7.- The square of Saint Ángela
    Is a meeting place for young people that is located in "El Barrio" (near the center of Olivares). In this square is a statue of Saint Angela
    8.-The “Coriana”
    It is a picnic place on the outskirts of the village where we made a stop at the old Berdeo party.
    9.- Square "Pozo Nuevo"
    Is a square near the road between Olivares and Sanlucar where the young people also meet and where we can find a statue of the Virgen del Rocio
    10.- House of the brotherhood of the Soledad
    It is near the center of Olivares. In it we can find a museum with the baras and the vestments of the images of the brotherhood.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  50. Olivares is an old village with many inhabitants, has a large square in the center of the village and some other shops, restaurants, etc.

    I like to live in Olivares because of the tranquility that exists, and above all because of the convenience of having almost everything you need in your village.

    I don't like people being so gossipy, and everyone knows what you're doing and what you've done

    Overall I love the town and would like to continue living here.

    The most important places in Olivares that all the next world should visit are:

    1.- The Palace of Conde Duque de Olivares: it is an old palace that now has happened to be the Town hall of the town. It has many works as pictures on the walls and a very nice patio with lovely balconies too.

    2.- The Church: it is a very old church also, of the XVI century, that deserves to visit it, this one just restores and is very pretty.

    3.- La Portada: great restaurant where you can eat very well and nothing comes out expensive, also the waiters are very friendly.

    4.- El Sombrero: a pub where you can go at night when you want to have a friends night, the waiters are also very friendly here and they treat you very well.

    5.- Capilla of Vera + Cruz: it is right next to the church and it is a very beautiful capilla where the Cristo de la Salud and the Virgen de la Antigua one, are two precious steps of holy week that are worth to see them.

    6.- Plaza de España: it is a large plaza in the middle of the town that is located between the church and the town hall, there many people go there in the evenings and it is almost never empty.

    7.- Library: is a very large library that has three rooms: one for study, another for work and another for younger children.

    8.- Ermita del Rocio: especially for those who like Rocio is a perfect place to visit.

    9.- The Tower of San Antonio: it is a tower that is between Olivares and Gerena, it is not very big but it is pretty.

    10.- The Pizzeria Flash: is a cheap pizzeria with very good pizzas and more food apart.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  51. Olivares is a small and old town of Seville. Olivares has got a lots of places: squares,a palace, churches, a big avenue...
    In my opinion, Olivares is even small town, this is good town because has a lot of supermarkets and restaurants. I like live here because is very comfortable.
    The 10 nicest places places in Olivares are:
    1. Palace of Conde Duque.
    Is located in the centro of Olivares. This is very important because was the home and here there had relation with the nobility and the king.
    2.Spanish's square.
    Also, it's located in the centre of the town, this is the most important square of the town because is the central square.
    It's the most important church, it is located in the centre, the collegiate is opposite the palace.
    4. Rocio's hermitage.
    Rocio's hermitage is far of the centre, it isn’t very big but it’s very beautiful.
    5. Saint Antonio tower.
    It’s far from the village and it’s close to the Coriana
    6. La Coriana.
    A place where you can go to have a picnic and you can go to contact nature, there you can go hiking.
    7. Footbal field.
    The football field is a bit old but it is good since we have grass. Also it is a very big field so that the players of the town can train without problems.
    8. El Sombrero.
    This is a bar where many young people attend every weekend, is a little small but is very well decorated and there the young feel comfortable.
    9. Coliseo Bar.
    This bar is located in the centre, near to the Spanish square and the Palace of Conde Duque. Also it’s situated next to the collegiate. This is a good bar as you eats very well.
    10. Sport Centre.
    It’s situated far from the centre and it has got good facilities and there you can practise a lot of types of sports: tennis, football, dance, bssketball, karate, pilates …
    Paula Delgado Román 4°B

  52. Olivares is an old Spanish municipality of the province of Seville. I like Olivares because it is small and you can communicate with your friends more easily. But being so small there are not many shops to visit
    The most important places to visit in Olivares are:

    1-Plaza España: It is one of the most important places in Olivares. There is a church where the Count Duke's family was buried

    2El sombrero: It is a local bar of drinks where you can have a good time with your friends and enjoy good music

    3The Flash:It's a small pizzeria to go there on weekends and enjoy your meals

    4The Coriana: It is a park where to spend a good sunny day. Has a fountain next to it so children can play

    5Poli: It is a pavilion where they play sports like basketball. Is a good place to exercise

    6Kebak: It is a fast food store where you can eat without spending a lot of money

    7Conde:It is another drink bar but for older people where they make good hookahs and it is very quiet

    8The shrine of Soledad:It is a good place to see old costumes and to discover something more of the history of Olivares

    9Library:It is a place where you can read many books and borrow them. You can also enjoy free wifi

    10Square Abastos: It is a square where you can enjoy many shops together. If you are in a hurry this is a good place to go

    Paula Castro Rodríguez 4ºB
