lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Letter to the editor: giving your opinion

Write a letter to the editor giving your opinión about a controversial topic.

Write four paragraphs following this structure:

1. Introduction
2. Arguments against your opinion
3. Arguments in favour of your opinion
4. Conclusion: your final opinion

54 comentarios:

  1. By: Ángel Fraile Delgado

    Iḿ going to talk about if bullfighting have to be forbidden or not. Bullfighting is a spanish sport who consist of killing a bull .

    Some people say that is a spanish tradition with a lot of history and that the bull is bornt to be killed in this sport so they don´t suffer because they are trained to be killed suffering.

    But in the other hand and in my opinion it is cruel and an awful act the bullfighting because the bull suffer a lot while it is dying and the bullfighters and the farmers hit them when they are growing up to train them.

    In my opinion bullfighting should be forbidden due to it´s cruelty and that is an awful act.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I am going to talk about the bullfighting

    I agree with the bullfighting because is a tradition of Spain, and the bulls live so good to their dead

    But in the another hand it is a little bit cruel to see a animal suffering to dying.

    In my opinion bulls will be like now and don´t make changes to it

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 4ºB

  4. I will talk about bullfighting. Currently, in Spain there is a "fight" between people who defends bullfightng and people who criticize. Bulfighting is a tradition of the country since hundreds and hundreds of years.

    On the one hand,I understand that people are in favor of the pets, even I do,I understand that some people dosen´t like or think that is a little bit disgusting. I already know that a contry must keep on wth progress, making changes on it.

    On the other hand, it´s our culture, our tradition, why change our own culture?Do bulfighters kill people? Although many people think that animals are like people, I feel that it isn´t like that.Firstly, I am keen on that tradition and i defend that because attracts turist and the country specially Seville earns a lot of money. Secondly, it is a tradition, the culture and if we change our own things, the rest of countries will laugh of us because we introduce the culture of other countries and we delete our. More ever, I disagree with people who apparts of being against laugh of it and hope hat bullfighters died.

    To sum up, I think bullfighting should continue in Spain, cause forbidde our culture is stupid and hasn´t got sense.

    Lola Valverde González 4ºD

  5. I will talk about bullfighting. Currently, in Spain there is a "fight" between people who defends bullfightng and people who criticize. Bulfighting is a tradition of the country since hundreds and hundreds of years.

    On the one hand,I understand that people are in favor of the pets, even I do,I understand that some people dosen´t like or think that is a little bit disgusting. I already know that a contry must keep on wth progress, making changes on it.

    On the other hand, it´s our culture, our tradition, why change our own culture?Do bulfighters kill people? Although many people think that animals are like people, I feel that it isn´t like that.Firstly, I am keen on that tradition and i defend that because attracts turist and the country specially Seville earns a lot of money. Secondly, it is a tradition, the culture and if we change our own things, the rest of countries will laugh of us because we introduce the culture of other countries and we delete our. More ever, I disagree with people who apparts of being against laugh of it and hope hat bullfighters died.

    To sum up, I think bullfighting should continue in Spain, cause forbidde our culture is stupid and hasn´t got sense.

    Lola Valverde González 4ºD

  6. Then, I'll talk about: Should boys and girls be separated at schools? I'm going to talk about this topic since I find it very interesting and This caught my attention a lot.

    I disagree with this topic, because I think that if in the schools there are boys and girls it will be more fun and you have a lot of friends, and not all of them are girls. Also, if in the school there are boys, you can find your love.

    On the other hand, I understand the opinion of the people and I respect it, because it is true, that if there are no boys, there will be more silence in the classes and will focus more on the studies.

    To end, my opinion is that girls and boys shouldn't be separated at schools.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  7. Then, I'll talk about: Should boys and girls be separated at schools? I'm going to talk about this topic since I find it very interesting and This caught my attention a lot.

    I disagree with this topic, because I think that if in the schools there are boys and girls it will be more fun and you have a lot of friends, and not all of them are girls. Also, if in the school there are boys, you can find your love.

    On the other hand, I understand the opinion of the people and I respect it, because it is true, that if there are no boys, there will be more silence in the classes and will focus more on the studies.

    To end, my opinion is that girls and boys shouldn't be separated at schools.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  8. Should to continue being bullfights celebrated? I'm going to talk about this interesting topic.

    At first I understand that they do not want to prohibit the bulls because it is a culture of Spain and attracts many persons.

    On the other hand I think that to live at the cost of killing to a few bulls that are animal and less to celebrate when he dies. The bull is an animal and suffers without having one because only because it is a tradition? I don´t think this.

    To end I think that the bulls should not continue being celebrated and less a death of an animal.

    Carmen Gonzalez Fuentes 4ºD

  9. I will talk about bullfighting

    First paragraph: Bullfights are considered the national holiday of Spain. However, many people, among whom I tell myself, we are against these spectacles. There are people who say that bullfighting is a lifelong tradition, without stopping to think that the fun of a few takes life with suffering Of many animals

    Second paragraph: on the other hand I respect the people who like this, since for these people it is a tradition that has been since many years

    Third paragraph: I am against the bullfights, in the first place, because I see that there is unnecessary animal abuse in them and that the bulls suffer. Secondly, because it seems horrible to me that children are educated with an idea of ​​animal vexation is an art. And in the third and last place, because the fact of denominating culture to what is slaughter with vain is nonetheless a paradox.

    Fourth paragraph: I think that this supposed tradition should be removed from our country, since it is an animal abuse.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4ºESO D

  10. Should Abortion be legal?

    Currently, abortion in Spain is legal, any woman over 18 years can abort voluntarily before 14 weeks of pregnancy

    It is one of the most controversial issues. People who are against use arguments like any child should be desired, I agree with this argument

    The people who are in favor, say that the woman has the right to an abortion because she has a right to her body or that children with deficiencies must be eliminated

    In my opinion, The abortion must be legal in case it is for violation, the child comes with some malformation or the life of the woman is in danger. Otherwise, it should not be legal, because there are many ways to avoid pregnancy

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4ºB

  11. Should bullfighting be forbidden in Spain?
    In my opinion the bullfighting is Spanish tradition and shouldn’t be forbidden.
    Of that works they survive many people, for example: farmers, bullfighters…
    Firstly, moreover of that many people are employed at this trade also, the bulls are raised for it as it is very expensive keep them.

    Secondly, it is true that it is possible that is a mistreatment and that there are persons who do not see it well. Everything is respectable.

    In conclusion, the bullfighting shouldn’t be forbidden and it should follow the tradition

  12. In Spain is considered as national holiday, the bullfights. It is known by all that it is a spectacle where the bullfighter shows his art in a round square and finally ends his life

    Although it is considered as a national holiday there are diverse opinions about it. Many consider it as something spectacular, while others think it is an animal torture.

    In my point of view I consider that all extremes are bad. I do not say that it is prohibited, because there are many people who eat of it, but if I think that it must be modified. The bullfighter and the bull do not face equality. The animal is helpless, it only has him, while the bullfighter has stock, crutches, cloaks, 'banderillas'. For what I think is not fair and therefore should be modified.

    In conclusion I will say that they can do this kind of shows without damaging the animal and of course without ending their life, because it seems horrible that after so much suffering, I ended up dying from a stock. Please be sure to review this and take some action.

    Belén Torres 4°B


    Should boys and girls be separated at schools? It is a question that for many years the government is asking himself.

    Obviously the students concentrate better on stud, the classroom are more silence and there are lees people and is easier for the teachers

    But in my opinion it is sexist, the relationship between boys and girls is limited and they can´t find good boyfriend or girlfriend.

    In conclusion, the schools are very good with boys and girls together.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  14. I talk about bullfighters

    Mainly on this topic we can have different points of view,one may think they disagree but others if they are.

    On the other hand, I would like to reflect my opinion, that is, to say a little about what I think about this subject. To continue, my theme about the bulls seems to me that it is a culture that you always want to be doing in Spain.

    In my opinion, I think that this culture should not be taken away since all Spainiards like to go to see a bullfight, not because of the fact of killing an animal, but because of the fact of a taste.

    In conclusion, I think that this culture must continue as it is and that they should not interfere with the bullfighters since it is a trade more like others. Regarding antibullfighting I respect them but I do not share their opinion.

    Rocio Olivo García 4°D

  15. I am going to talk about bullfighting

    On the topic of bullfighting, I think that they form part of the Spanich culture and traditions. It also is one of the form to attract tourists.

    I understand that persons who want in excess to the animals that were against of this tradition but they have to respect our.

    I think that is not an animal mistreatment, is a way of expressing the art and a form of supporting our culture and traditions. Also I think that if the bullfighting were prohibiting these animals themselves not will be so well how they are now. Also this tradition is one of the form to attreact tourists of all the world.

    In conclusion for these things I think that it is not necessary to phohibit the bullfighting

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  16. I am going to talk about bullfighting

    On the topic of bullfighting, I think that they form part of the Spanich culture and traditions. It also is one of the form to attract tourists.

    I understand that persons who want in excess to the animals that were against of this tradition but they have to respect our.

    I think that is not an animal mistreatment, is a way of expressing the art and a form of supporting our culture and traditions. Also I think that if the bullfighting were prohibiting these animals themselves not will be so well how they are now. Also this tradition is one of the form to attreact tourists of all the world.

    In conclusion for these things I think that it is not necessary to phohibit the bullfighting

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  19. I am going to talk about that should abortion be illegal. Nowadays in Spain abortion is legal but in some countries is illegal. Abortion is a way of not have children unwanted.

    On the one hand abortion have to be ilegal because they are killing a child and kill someone is not right. Also because the mother can have some type of disease.

    On the other hand abortion have to be legal for different causes. Firstly is if the mother does not want have the child or is a teenager she can abort. Secondly if the girl is rape she doesn´t have to have a child that is does not is of their boyfriend. In addition if the baby have a illness or a malformation she can abort.

    In conclusion I think that is not right kill someone, but if is necessary it can do it for the good of the person.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  20. Letter to the Editor:

    I want to talk about bullfighting.

    The bullfighting is a cultural term that rxist for along of time and thanks of that spain is famous and have a lot of tourist. Also the bulfighter is Spain was like a Hollywood actor in USA.

    Also i known that the animal suffer with this games, and i also known that some people dont like this brutallity and this babary.

    But also we known that the bull live very well in this countryside. And the meat can be used for eat and for alimentate the people. We also know that thank of the bullfighting atract a lot of tourist and the tourist leave a lot of money in Spain and this mean an important rise of the economy of the country.

    In my opinion we have to respect the culture of the bullfighting and leave this controversial topics. If anybody dont like ths is not obligatory to watch this and is not obligatory to go to a bullfighting place

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  21. Letter to the Editor:

    I want to talk about bullfighting.

    The bullfighting is a cultural term that rxist for along of time and thanks of that spain is famous and have a lot of tourist. Also the bulfighter is Spain was like a Hollywood actor in USA.

    Also i known that the animal suffer with this games, and i also known that some people dont like this brutallity and this babary.

    But also we known that the bull live very well in this countryside. And the meat can be used for eat and for alimentate the people. We also know that thank of the bullfighting atract a lot of tourist and the tourist leave a lot of money in Spain and this mean an important rise of the economy of the country.

    In my opinion we have to respect the culture of the bullfighting and leave this controversial topics. If anybody dont like ths is not obligatory to watch this and is not obligatory to go to a bullfighting place

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  22. I'm going to talk about bullfighting to be forbidden or not. Bullfighting is a Spanish sport who consist of killing a bull.

    I understand that bullfighting in Spain is a cultural tradition where the human kills the bull, is a story for many years and is the hobby of many people living it.

    But on the other hand I do not agree, because the bull is an animal and should not die that way, mistreated I know it is a tradition and not everyone sees it, but from my point of view for me it is An animal like another and I do not like to be killed.

    In conclusion, everyone does not think the same everyone has their opinion on this subject, we must respect everyone whether we like it or not.

    By: Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 4ºD

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. I am going to talk about Bullfightings:

    Nowadays the bullfighting are legal because she is a tradicional culture that define a Spain and that is present since the eighteen century. And this party also get a lot of tourist who enrich our country.

    On the other hand are, the persons who think that the bullfighting is a mistreatment and unfair to kill bulls with this form of torture. I understand who many people are against that, but also has good choses.

    It is true that the bulls die in a horrible way but in part i'd go along with that because thank to bullfighting, the bulls exist. If this culture disappear the bulls also because a bull is a big animal which eat and drink a lot, and need a big land for live, this animals
    would not exist if it were not for bullfighting.

    To sum up i think that the bullfightings should continue to exist for bulls dont disappear although i do not agree at all

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4°B

  25. Letter to the Editor:

    I want to talk about bullfighting.

    Bullfighting is still popular in parts of Spain, where it is seen as a traditional spactacle, with many traditions and customs. Spanish-style bullfighting is called corrida de toros (literally "running of bulls").

    Arguments again my opinion is that the practice is barbaric. The bullfighting is ritually slaughtering an animal purely for fun. It is not just the bulls who suffer, horses are also injured and suffer death (not to mention the bullfighters them selves, who cam be maimed or
    killed as well.

    In favour of bullfighting is an art form, and should be seen as an equivalent to dance, or painting, or music. It is a traditional in many areas and in places like Spain.

    In my opinion I think that the bullfighting is a traditional and cultural spectacle for Spain.
    It probably goes right back to at least the Roman period.
    The bullfighting is living history.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  26. I'm going to talk about bullfighting.

    I agree with them for two reasons:
    1º Because it is a very old Spanish tradition.
    2 ° Because bulls disappear, the breed would tend to disappear, since it is not profitable for breeders, because they are expensive and difficult to handle, meat production is much lower than other races.

    However I am not happy with the way of sacrificing the animals in the square.

    To conclude, I agree with the celebration of bullfights, but without death in the square, as they do in another country (Portugal)

    Oscar Gómez Bascón 4ºB

  27. I will talk about bullfighting, because this is practice in Spain and many people is agree with this and many people is disagree with this.
    Everyone knows that it is a tradition of Spain. This tradition consist in kill to a bull and everybody knows that the bull suffer.
    However the bullfighting is a very popular tradition in Spain and people all over the world go to Spain for see this. The bullfighting leaves a lot of money in Spain and it is culture of Spain.
    In conclusion I think that the bullfighting is a good culture and tradition. Also I think that the one who don't like the bullfighting that he doesn't see it.

  28. I´m going to talk about the bullfighting.
    I´m agree with these because is a tradition very old and because is considered an art.

    Against my opinion, I think that is a little unpleasant see these things and as this animal suffers little by little until it die.

    In favour of my opinión: I think that this is a tradition that is considered very important in a country like Spain that not we should lose because it is very old and is considered to be an art.

    In my opinion I think that is one oof the most important culture in Spain and should continue keeping alive.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  29. I am going to talk about bullfighting.

    Bullfighting is a tradition of the culture Spain and in Spain a lot of people loves this tradition and other people dislikes this tradition. This tradition consist y some mens are doing things to the bull and hitting with a sword. In the end the bull dead. In my opinion the bullfighting are very important in the culture of Spain, a lot of opeople live thanks the bullfighting. If the government eliminates this tradition a lot of people will be very angry.

    José Ángel Cea Torres 4ºD

  30. I want to talk about bullfighting.

    Bullfighting is still popular in parts of Spain, where it is seen as a traditional spactacle, with many traditions and customs.

    There are people who like it and others do not, but I think it should not be eliminated because there are many people who are very hooked to Bullfighting.

    Ramón García Díaz 4ºD

  31. I'm going to talk about the bull world and why I agree with that.

    I agree with the bullfights because it is part of Spain and its culture.

    I also understand that not everyone likes that culture or that they agree, but they have to understand that the bull is born for that.

    I understand that it is a hard time to see when they kill him in the bullring but as I said before is history of Spain and culture, it also attracts many tourists.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  32. Should be boys and girls separated at school?

    There are still schools where boys and girls are separated in differents classes or parts of the school, or directly there are schools only for girls or only for boys. But, the most of schools are mixed.

    I know that there are differents points of view like as all the things, and that there are people who think that boys and girls have to be educated in different place. Maybe they have a few of reason because there are girls and boys that when they are in adolescence they only think about have a girlfriend or boyfriend.

    In my point of view it only depends of the person and not if they are studied with girls and boys. If the boy or girl is educated in her or his house in the right way they don't have a reason for are distracted in class. And on the other hand, I think that when parents are prohibited something, they tend to do that which they are prohibite them.

    In summary, I think girls and boys don't have to be separated in the schools. Only we have the guilt if we are distracted in the class when there are girls and boys, we have to be responsible for this isn't a problem.


    The abortion is known as the interruption (voluntary or involuntary) of the pregnancy before the foetus is 22 weeks old. Currently, there are a lot of different opinions since some people agree with its illegality and others disagree. In some countries it is forbidden and in others it isn't.

    On the one hand, I understand that in particular cases (like a violation) it's normal if the woman aborts and doesn't want to have the child. Furthermore, I comprehend that the women have the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies and their lifes.

    On the other hand, everyone has the right to life. If you abort, it's like you're killing someone and that's horrible from my point of view. Moreover, abortions can cause depression in some women and they can also cause women a lot of harmful effects, for instance, the probability of breast cancer is increased in women who have had an abortion.

    To sum it up, I agree with the illegal abortion, because I think that if you're mature enough to have sexual relations without contraceptive methods, you must be as mature as you have been before to confront the consequences that it can bring.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  34. Should abortion be legal?
    I am going to talk about the Abortion legal. In Spain the abortion is considered legal and all women can may abort.

    In my opinion, the abortion haven´t any advantage because you haven´t solve some problems creating some big new problem so you can´t solve the pregnancy killing babys because this problem is big.

    The abort have a lot of disavantages but the most important is that in the article 3 the book of the human rigth appear the rigth of the life so the abortion it fails the rigth of the life because they kill the babys.

    In Concluion I am desagree with the abort because I think that the rigth of the life is a right that must all people.


  35. Should boys and girls be segregated on schools?
    Back to arise the question, together or separated? It is not the first time that lifelong of the history we ask ourselves the good things of study together or separated.

    It is true that if we observe nowadays , we see that boys and girls, when they are kids, they do their activities separated,moved by some tastes and maybe because the diferences between sexes are very pronounced

    In my opinión, they must be together, as since they are kids, make a relation of equality and colaboration that in a future could be better

    To conclude, I believe that it should be continued as it is now, to continue colaborating in making the diferences smaller


  36. Should abortion be legal?
    I´m chose the abortion topic for do my opinion, because this seems to me insteresting, as this is becoming fashionable and we do not see the true reality of life.

    I think that the abortion can´t be legal, but also I accept the girls that do it because they have seen rapped and now doesn´t like to have a children because this is unpleasant.

    I think that his can be legal because you kill a life and you have to stick to the consequences, and not have relationshipt with the first person that you know.

    I cannot respect the person that kill a life for the simple fact the they don´t wanted to have a children, because you can take actions.

    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  37. CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC: The segregation of boys and girls at school

    I ‘m to talk about the segregation of the boys and girls at schools, that it’s a topic that is really talking in the society.

    Concentrating on the point of view of many people that are in favor with it, I understand it is a way of anticipating that the girls remain pregnant women, and also the boys and girls too can be more concentrating because they haven’t got relation between theirs.

    In my opinion, this is not the best thing to anticipating it, because, they can be in love with someone and thin in it during the class and also they can be a pregnant women with a boy outside of the school. Also this is an disadvantages to the relation between theirs, because outside of the school they cannot connect with boys or girls together.

    For me this is an idea that it’s not necessary absolutely because if you separate boys and girls at school, you cannot do this in the society because all people are together.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  38. I'm going to talk about bullfighting Bull if they should be banned or not. The run-on of Bull are an art and a sport Spanish that consists in killing to a bull

    The people say that is a tradition Spanish since the Bull is born to die and is trained for that there are people to that not you like this sport but there are things good

    Without this sport does not exist great varieties of bulls since this sport is very good and that the bulls need many things such as; much food, much water, ground to live... And without those people who care for him and those people who kill it this animal does not exist

    My conclusion is that it is a sport a bit wild but very traditional it makes me sad for all the bulls that die but if not die would not be normal is a beautiful and a little wild and dangerous sport


  39. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  40. Hello my name is Mari Carmen and I am going to talk about bullfighting.
    This is a party in Spain that consist that some persons run doing bad things to a bull and the bull suffer a lot. At the end the bull dead.

    I know that this party is not very beautiful for some people that don't like this. I also know that this is so bad for the childrens, because the children see the bull with blood and suffer a lot.

    I am in favour of bullfighting because it is very famous party in Spain and it take part of the culture of the country of Spain. Also the bullfighting's world is very important for the economy of a lot of people ,because they live thanks to this party and the last thing the bulls live vert well in the countryside all the life.

    In conclusion the bullfighting is something very important in Spain. To improve the visitist of the tourist.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla 4°D

    I have chosen this topic because I think it is very interesting and questionable.

    From another point of view that is not mine, It has to be necessary because it is more formal. Normally uniforms are worn in private schools, not in public schools. Uniforms are overvalued in almost all the centers. People thinks that schools that wear uniforms have higher marks.

    In my opinion this have to be opcional. Uniforms are very formal but I think that people has to be free of wearing whatever they want. It will be better if students can wear the uniform when the want, I mean, that if one day the want to wear it, they will wear the uniform. But if they do not want; they won't wear it.

    Finally, I think that wearing uniforms have to be opcional, like I have explained before.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  42. I will talk about the bullfighting, it is a Spanish tradition that there are people who are in favor and other people who are against. I am in favor of this tradition.

    There are many people who are against this tradition because they say that it is very cruel to see how they kill the bull and that although it is a tradition should not mistreat animals in that way.

    There are people like me who are in favor of this. I think that if the bull did not kill him, they would kill him to make food and we got to the same things that the bull dies equally and if it is the tradition of Spain should remain.

    In conclusion, that although there are many people against the bullfighting there are many more people who think that it should remain as one of the symbols of Spain.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  43. I am going to speak against abortion.
    Abortion is a voluntary or involuntary discontinuation of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to live outside the womb.

    44% of the people in our country are in favor of abortion, since they could disappear an embryo that comes with some type of malformation or disease or can cause damage to the mother. And I share this opinion.

    Although I share the opinion above said also I think that if the embryo comes perfectly and the mother will not suffer damage, it must live, since the abortion would be only due to an oversight or a lack of irresponsibility on the part of the couple.

    In conclusion I think that abortion should be allowed only for specific cases such as rape, but unfortunately this is not so and abortion is legal in our country.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  44. I'm going to talk about whether abortion should be illegal. In Spain it is legal to abort during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy since February 2010.

    On the one hand the abortion should be illegal because you want that the embryos are not also living beings and would be killing living beings. Also if a person does not look for a mother and even so he becomes pregnant and when he can not abort he has to become responsible and thus he could also make people more responsible for his actions.

    On the other hand if abortion is legal, would be a great opportunity for mothers who have become pregnant and can not support their children, this way even though it would be killing a living being but at least you are not giving an unfortunate future . Also the baby may come with medical problems and would have very little life expectancy and aborting could let him rest and not suffer for his problems until his death.

    I sincerely think that abortion must be legal because every mother decides what to do with her child and does not have to be forced to raise a child that is not wanted or the mother can not keep it.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB


    The bullfighting is a Spanish tradition and a part of the Spanish’s culture. There are a lot of people that are against it and a lot of people are in favour of it

    From another point of view, the bullfighting is a party to have enjoy with animal abuse
    or killing the bulls and they think that it’s very cruel to see how a bull is killed. They think also that the animals must live in freedom and not in the plots of the livestock farmers

    But from my point of view, I think that the bullfighting is an art and a part of Spain’s culture. I think that the bulls, finally they are going to die for gastronomic purposes

    In conclusion, I think that the bullfighting shouldn’t be illegal due to it’s a Spanish tradition and a part of our culture

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  46. I'm going to talk about bullfighting

    I know that this is a tradition in Spain for a long time and that represents it for tourists.

    But on the other hand I find it rather cruel that they have to kill living beings and say that it is their duty as an animal, to live to be killed. Let people say that this is art as there are other ways of representing this last. That they have to be exhibited in a square and that they nail swords and spears. I would like to see his reaction to feel like the bull feels. He feels and suffers as a dog or a cat would and if it were so everyone would go crazy saying that it is animal abuse

    In conclusion this “tradition” should be removed forever and look for art in other things

    Paula Castro 4ºB


    Nowadays in Spain the schools where there are only boys or girls have to be private school. Because it is an outdated method that one of the reasons why it was put was because the children have higher academic performance. Most of the population don't want to have. In my opinion boys and girls don't be segregated at school.

    It is true there could be some positive things if they are segregated like children could concentrate better on study. Also the interest of girls and boys sometimes are different and classes would lead to better behavior.

    But in my opinion the segregation doesn't help to children because they haven't social life. Also they don't lern about work in groups with girls and boys together and it is very important for the future because they are going to work with boys and girls together. Nowadays many boys and girls have the same interests because there is more freedom so it is a nonsense separate children because of the interest. For example many girls likes the sport.

    I agree with that schools with boys and girls segregated going to be only private. Because school segregation don't help for children at future. And the first aim of a school is to guide the children in the right direction for have a good future.


  48. I will talk about bullfighting, because this is practice in Spain and many people is agree with this and many people is disagree with this.
    Everyone knows that it is a tradition of Spain. This tradition consist in kill to a bull and everybody knows that the bull suffer.
    However the bullfighting is a very popular tradition in Spain and people all over the world go to Spain for see this. The bullfighting leaves a lot of money in Spain and it is culture of Spain.

    In conclusion this “tradition” should be removed forever and look for art in other things

  49. I am going to talk you about bullfighting in Spain because I think that is a good topic of conversation.

    I know that bullfighting is a tradition in Spain, and I know that everyone say that the bull don't suffer a lot because it is train to suffer.

    But I think that kill in these conditions a bull is so cruel because anybody deserve to die in this way.

    In conclusion I think that bullfighting have to be forbidden.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  50. I am going to talk you about bullfighting in Spain because I think that is a good topic of conversation.

    I know that bullfighting is a tradition in Spain, and I know that everyone say that the bull don't suffer a lot because it is train to suffer.

    But I think that kill in these conditions a bull is so cruel because anybody deserve to die in this way.

    In conclusion I think that bullfighting have to be forbidden.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  51. I'll give my opinion about bullfighting be fordibben,because nowadays common topic of discussion.

    Although many people think that the bullfighting is animal abuse (I respect this), but from my point of view I am disagree with their opinion I don't think that the bullfight is a animal abuse.

    In my opinion I think that the bullfighting is a national tradition in my country and it is part of the culture of Spain.
    I think that this tradiction should not be banned
    Paula Delgado Román

  52. Bullfighting

    The bullfighting is a spanish tradition, that nowadays is a topic there are very different opinion, there are people think that is tradition and culture and other that is disagree.

    It's often argued thet the people are favor is because consider bullfighting a tradition , that they don't want to lose the spanish tradition and another reason among many more is the bullfighting creating many job position. And the other position of the people that don't like the bullfighting, is that animals suffer a lot.

    In my opinion the bullfighting is a tradition that must be maintained and I think that they shouldn't prohibited since they are our country's heritage.

    The conclusion is that there are people don't like and other like but the most important is respect.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4ºD

  53. Should bullfighting be forbidden?

    Bullfighting is a Spanish tradition that consist on killing a bull, a man has to do it and he has to wear specific clothes, that suppost to be beautiful, he has to kill the bull with a kind of sword.

    I understand that it is a spanish tradition and people don´t want to get rid of it. It is true that bulls are very good fed before they die. It is clear that a lot of people live thanks to bullfighting and if it disapears a lot of jobs will disappear too.

    In my point of view it is not logical that a person has the power to kill an animal for no reason. I think that it encourages the aggressiveness.

    To sum up I think that bullfighting shouldn´t be forbidden but they could choosea bull that has an illness that doesn´t affect to its capacity of movement, so that they can fight.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  54. I'm going to talk about the bullfighting that nowadays It seems that is so important and the people are not sure what to do with it.
    In my opinion I am not agree about this point because I think that we can have fun without looking a person killing am animal. I'm accord also that some people like it because is an spanish culture.

    In my point of view I can't have fun looking an animal that is goging to be kill. Also os aggresive.
    The conclusion is that I respect the opinion of the other people but I think that I'm saying the correct opinion.
    Cecilia Cáceres Mariscal
