lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Letter to the editor: complaint

Write a letter to the editor complaining about your school.

Write four paragraphs following this structure:

1. Introduction
2. Complaints
3. Suggestions and solutions
4. Conclusion and expectations

52 comentarios:

  1. Should boys and girls be separated in schools?

    This means that if in your opinion the girls should be separated from the children in school, ask if or because you do not think they should be.
    I can understand perfectly the people who believe that they should be separated since they may think that they do not entertain themselves and focus on the studies leaving aside the loves, but in my opinion I think it is silly that these are separated since Apart from being a very sexist attitude I think that if a person wants to fall in love or wants to focus on another person does not need to see him in school much less.

    In conclusion I believe that boys and girls should be together in schools as they learn to relate to people of their opposite sex.


    Good afternoon, Madam Director.
    I am writing this to tell you that after collecting signatures from the 789 students, we would like you to start uniforms at the institute of IES Heliche, I understand that it is a great expense but I think to compensate it could sell some of the Tactile slates because with computers and the normal blackboard is enough, not all classes have to have tactile slates of latest technologies.

    In conclusion I think it would be a very interesting subject and for which many of the students of the center would be interested, in uniforms.

    Your sincerely.


  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. By: Ángel Fraile Delgado

    Dear Mr García

    I want to tell you about the bad conditions of the toilets in the highschool.

    Most of the toilets are painted and disgusting and there aren´t a lot of water closet.

    I think a solution is to put cameras on the toilets or itś ilegal to put more severe sanctions a to expulse people when a teacher sees a student painting or destroying things in the toilet .

    I think we have to find a solution to the bad condition of the toilet and that one of them is to put cameras on the toilet.

    Yours sincerely.

  4. Dear Ms director,
    As you will know, the high school is quite old, the building isn´t too bad, but the furniture has got an horrible condition.There are lots of things why I could send a complaint, but I will fous n this theme.

    The chairs and desks of students are painted, broken or een there isn´t enough for all of us.Students who are not keen on learnng, waste te time and the money of all of us by painting or breaking the furniture.

    A great idea to put the end for that problema s to make a bigger punishment to the student, make him clean it or pay it.AAnother solution could be introduce new furniture and new rules, harder for the sudents who paints the furniture.

    In conlucssion, we must put an end to the bad conditions of Heliche´s furniture.

    Your sincerely.

    Lola Valverde González,4ºD

  5. Then, I'll tell you what I think of the institute, what I do not like, what I like, some solutions to solve this, etc.

    Honestly, the only complaint I have about the institute, is that they send a lot of homework or much subject to study, because otherwise, I see everything right. Actually, although many people complain about the institute and do not like anything, I do not know what I would do without it, because thanks to the institute I see my friends every day and also, I learn, even if we do not see it as necessary, it's going to be better for our future.

    Some solutions to solve this complaint, would be to send less subjects to study and to send less homework. If the teachers did not send so many homework, the children would not complain so much about the institute.

    In my conclusion, I see the institute as an obligation to have a very good future, although I have to study and sometimes I do not like it.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  6. Dear Mr Director

    I would like to communicate my little opinion about the bad behavior of some students of this center.

    Especially I would like to reflect, in the little education that many students have in this institute, they have bad words and do not have respect neither to their teachers nor to their classmates since many of them are going to learn.

    Secondly, I would like to tell you above all, that they take some measure about the minor children smoking in the center or in the surroundings of the center. Since as they say is prohibited the sale of tobacco to minors.

    In conclusion, in my opinion, I think that for these students there should be a kind of support and that they learn to respect both their classmates and their teachers.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºD

  7. Dear Director,

    I wanted to comment on the poor condition of some of the institute's sites which should be improved.

    In the first place the school material as chairs and tables which several of them can be broken, lame painted with chewing gums, which the students do not like, second the baths, which every day smell worse and Spanish in worse conditions already That some doors do not close and finally, to improve a little the exterior aesthetics of the building since this is a dirty and spoiled

    I believe that during holiday and holiday seasons, you could fix the damage, whistle the building, call bricklayers to fix the bathrooms and try to buy new materials saving a little instead of spending the money on billboards that have no meaning

    In conclusion, I think this should be arranged to give our institute better opinions about him

    Yours sincerely.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4ºESO D

  8. Belén Torres Delgado

    Carmen Serrano.


    Dear Ms Serrano, director of the center,

    I would like to inform you of an aspect which I believe has been happening in this center for some time, and it is none other than the intimidation of some studemts to others, not only inside the high school that is your responsibility, as outside the high school.

    It is not fair that many of them, feel lower with respect to others. I think we are all the same, but with different ideas, and not for that we have to judge them, or think that they are not doing the right thing.

    I would like the tutors of each class, the guidance counselors of the center, to follow up on all the students, who do not always have to be the most controversial ones, because, as the saying goes, ‘defending myself from the tame bull, Of the brave I do’ to be able to solve this problem.

    With this I only pretend that cordiality can exist among all, and that all the companions can freely express without ties, but always measuring that the freedom of one begins when the other ends.

    Thank you very much for your time. I am looking to hearing from you.

    Your sincerely Belén.

  9. Mr García.
    I would like to inform about the behavior some teachers.
    Some teachers disrespect to the students and that cause a bad of the class functioning.
    It is obvious that the students this awkward and do not have good results in his evaluations.

    In my opinion the teachers they should change his forms and the respect is not absent to the student.

    In conclusion, the teachers and students has to be have a good relation

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. Mrs Serrano
    I will talk about the bad conditions of the tables and the chairs and the bad conditions of the High School.

    The chairs and tables of the High School are nearly all painted and broken and the installation of the Center is in bad condition not in very bad but the installation could be improved.

    I think that to improve the poor conditions of the chairs and tables is that whenever someone paint tables or chairs that person clean of them.

    In conclusion everyone must respect the materials of the High School.

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  12. José Manuel Méndez González

    Carmen Serrano

    Dear mrs Serrano:
    I´m José Manuel Méndez González from 4ºD I am writing you because I would to inform you of some aspects of the school that I don´t like.

    First I think that the material of the center is very old or damaged like chairs and desk because there are a lot of names and painting for all the desk and in the wall and also the book are very old and the solutions of the activities are written in the book.

    I know that you can´t control all desk, chairs and book of the schools but I think that the teachers and you working together for the better state of the material can help.

    I expect that you and the teacher can control the state of the material

    Your sincerely.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

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  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. Dear Michael:

    I want to complaint about the highschool.

    I dont like that the highschool is so dirty, when you go out you can see a lot of rabish that is threw by students and i dont like this. Out exist bins that is been used by students a lot of times but another students prefeer throw thee rubish out of the bins.

    One solution of this problems is that if anybody throw a rubish out of the bins, this boy wanted to be punished by teachers, and when the boy is punish never throw the rubish outside the bin.

    In my conclusions we have to make this highschool better and one of this things to make it better is this, in my expectation if all the boys are punished by teachers never want tho throw a rubish outside the bins.

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  16. Letter to the editor about bullfighting:

    Jesús Muñoz. Olivares.

    Susana Díaz.
    17, February 2017.

    Dear Ms. Susana Díaz,

    Bullfighting is one of the worst things that humans can do with animals in fact of being happy when they die.

    I know that bullfighting is a tradition but it has to change. I don't know how people can have fun, watching how a man kills a bull, little by little, until the end.

    Bulls are animals and they also suffer, and the bullfighters have arms to kill them. They haven't got nothing to do in front of a human.

    Bullfighting must be forbidden, and people has to recognise the situation, without thinking about the history of Spain.


    Dear Mr Luis,

    I'm writting to you because I know that you will comuicate the director about this complains that IES HELICHE has.

    I don't know why students can't stay inside high school instead of only outside. There are some teachers also that I think they are not prepare to give lessons on high school and they woulnd't be there; and also the level I think is higher than in other places.

    One solution is to bring new teachers for students, because the problem is not the mark at the end, is how many things have we learnt, and with the same level as other schools of our ages.

    In conclusion, I think high school must change some things, that are not generally false.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  17. Dear Ms Serrano, director of the center.

    I wanted to talk about the new school they are building next to our institute.

    We can not teach or do exams with noise, in some classrooms we do not hear the noise but in others, however, we hear a lot and it is very annoying, especially in building A, in a French classroom a crack has come in the Ground of vibration.

    I think we could stop teaching for a few days or not teach with technology because it is where you can see the movement and noise.

    In conclusion, we were disturbed by the noise.

    From: Lucia Garcia 4ºD

  18. Dear Mrs. Director.

    In this letter I am writing to you to discuss the lack of books in some subjects and the status of them.

    There is a shortage of books and in some cases these have to be shared by two students, and the vast majority are in very poor condition
    One of the possible solutions is to renew those that are very deteriorated although the estimated time of use has not been fulfilled and that as many books as there are students in the center are requested.

    In conclusion, apart from the control of whoever has been awarded each book, the status they present when they are returned should also be checked, and the person who does not deliver it as he was given, not to be re-awarded a new one.

    Oscar Gómez Bascón 4ºB

  19. Dear Mr.James

    I am going to talk about bullfighting and my point of view.

    I known that kill a bull is not good but in my point of view I like that because for me is art and is a espectacule and is an art like music or dance and the bulls live like kings.

    I known that for other people is not an art because they kill bulls and for some people animals are the wordl but for me no.

    In conclusion i like some much bullfighting and i like that art

    Dear Mrs.Director

    I am going to talk you about the teachers and the date that they put the exams.

    There is a problem with the date of an exam when a teacher was ill the days before the exam and later the teacher won't to change the date.

    I know that when a teacher put the date of an exam the exam is that day and they haven't to change the exam but if the teacher is ill they must change the exam.

    In conclusion I want that when a teacher can't put the exam because is ill they must change the exam.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4·D

  20. Marta Rodriguez Murillo

    Carmen Serrano.


    Dear Ms Serrano, director of the center.

    I wanted talk with you about the books of 4 ESO.

    I don't understand that the 1º and 3º of ESO have got a new book when the books of 4ºESO have got 10 years. This books is painted,brooked and in bad condition.

    Maybe the books of 1º and 3º are worse than the books of 4º, but I don't think this.

    I ask her that if you can, you should change the books of 4ºESO.

    Thank you very much for your time. I am looking to hearing from you.

    Your sincerely Marta.

  21. Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 27/02/2017

    To Director

    Dear Mr Director.I'm going to tell you about the problem that we are having 4eso Students.

    It´s about the state of the books. Most books i have this year, are in a horrible condition, they have around 8 years, and they are broken or painted.

    I think they must be replaced, because they are too old, like other groups.

    I hope you can help us to have new books to study better and more!

    Thanks, Write me as soon as possible


  22. Dear Ms Serrano.

    I talk with you for said some things that I suppose are bad for the high school.

    Firstly there are many book that have more than ten years and are totally painted and broken. Moreover the object of the department of physical education are also broken as racket or other things. Secondly the tables, chairs and wall are painted.

    I know that this is not a problem yours but you must take some solutions as the teachers pay more attetion or others step similar.

    In conclusion I expect that this problem have solutions quick and we have a better high school.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Your sincerely, Rocío.

    Rocio Peña Carrera 4ºB

  23. Dear Ms Director,

    I would like to complain about the books of the center.

    They are very deteriorated, in many of them there are full pages painted and all the pages for which they have started.

    I suggest that the books be changed at least that the students respect them and that is A material from around the world.

    In conclusion I think that with new books and in good condition it will be all the easier at the time of study and there would be so many discussions between students.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  24. Dear Mr.Angel

    I will complain aboout the books.

    We have got a lots of subjetcs. But we only have books in 4 or 5 subjects, because the highscool doesn´t have much money to buy books of all subjects that we study.

    The books that we have are in very bad conditions , are broken, painted and very old. In some books have the answers written by students of lasts years.

    I sugguest to the highschool that earn moiney this year to buy new books for the nexts students, of the next years. To improve the way of study.

    In conclusion I think that the highschool doesn´t have a lot of money to buy new books.

    Joé Ángel Cea Torres 4ºD

  25. Dear headmisster,

    I am a student of 4ESO and I'm not happy with all of the things of the center and I think that is a good idea say this to you.
    First, the books that we have are very old, the most are broken. It have passed through the hands of 6 or 7 persons, and it are too many years. Also, the classrooms are very dirty, I think the cleaners work few hours or they don't clean enough. And finally, we have to endure the noise of the works that are next to the high school, but not only this, the work causes that everything vibrate and heads hurts to us.
    I think that for the books the direction have to use the money for buy new ones, we now that the budget is low but it's a thing that is really necessary. For the cleaning of the class and the center in general, I think that the cleaners have to worried more for the students and the people who work here and clean the center better. Finally, for the noise and the consecuences of the work, if they can, I think they must work in the afternoon when we aren't studying and the don't annoy to anyone.
    In conclusion, I think that the direction have to think about this problems because some problems affect in part to our health. And also, I want you know we also think the problems that you have for solved this problems, and we really understand you.

  26. Dear Ms Serrano,

    Writing this letter, I would like to complain about the attitude of some teachers of the high school and the number of students per class.

    First of all, I know that in classes we speak more than we should, but in a class with 34 students it is very difficult for us to be in total silence. As consequence, in many subjects we go delayed in relation to the syllabus: the classes goes very slowly because we are so many people and each one does not understand a different part of the lesson, so we spend a lot of time asking different things. Additionally, the attitude of some teachers is not the right one. They demand our respect, but they talk to us with scornful tones. That's not all... Sometimes, when we make a question they tease us and they do not answer our doubt.

    What I propose to improve these points is, on the one hand, instead of organizing 4 classes of 4ºESO with nearly 35 students in each one, organize 5 classes with 26-27 students per class, facilitating the passing of the classes. On the other hand, regarding to the attitude of some teachers, I think a good solution is talk with them and reprimand them. Besides, I think they should have clear that they have to have respect to the students (as we have it to them).

    In conclusion, I think this aspects must change to have better environment in the school and a learning more effective and comfortable to everybody (teachers and students).

    Thanks for all, I am looking to hearing from you.

    Your sincerely, Dulce Nombre.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4ºESO B

  27. Dear Ms Serrano,
    Hello , how are you? I´m writing to you because I want to propose you that we can instale tackers in the highschool.
    The idea is to instale tackers in the school for the childrens, there are a lot of space and the childrens will thank you.
    I think that this is a good idea because the children haven´t got to carry on our school bag and our back suffer if we carry so much weigth.
    I hope that at least you think the idea that I have proposed I think that the childrens can help for the instalation of them.
    See you son.
    María Victoria Fraile
    María Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  28. Dear Ms Serrano,

    I want to manifest the bad conditions of the equipment that we have in Physical Education and the complaints of the teachers and the students.

    The bad situation, it is motivated mainly of the bad use that students do with the equipment and the Little amount and variety of it

    I propose a campaign of awareness to the students to learn to care the equipment of the school and apply to the Counseling give to the centre more money to buy more thing to the students, to take advantage of the subject

    In conclusion, I think that the students have to care the equipment, to enjoy the subject better.

    Your sincerely,

    Elena Bautista Linde 4ºB

  29. Olivares. C/Cristo Rey. Nº 24
    I.E.S. Heliche. Olivares

    Dear Mrs. Serrano, director of the center,
    Hello, director, I send you this letter because, there is a projector broken.

    In the projector of this class, the light flicker and also the colors changes to black and white. This is not good for any people, there are some of them that have epilepsy and with this they can have epileptic seizure.

    I think that is a good idea to changes the projector because it is very old, but if it is very expensive the best option is changes the light.

    I hope that you can read this letter, and make an effort to changes this because is one of the best tools for the teachers to teach them.

    I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

    Monte Fraile Campos

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  30. Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 28/02/17

    Dear Mr. Serrano

    Hello, my name is Mari Carmen and I am going to talk about the amount of students that are in each classs

    I know that the highschool doesn't have much money to give work to more teachers. The classes nowdays are too big, for example 4°D has got 33 students in the class. There isn't a good way to improve the study of all the students of the class.

    I have though some ways to pass this problem. One way is doing the classes more small. For example 4°D with 33 students. The solutions is do 2 classes with 17 students. This is better for everybody

    In conclussion I hope that you will give a solution to this problem.
    Your sincerely, Mari Carmen.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla 4°D

  31. Dear director
    Wanted to inform you about the bulling that there is on them people in this Center and also on all the people that smoke in the Center

    I do not think either that there are kids who feel inferior to others already by anything and people that by entering this Institute it together with improper persons either by a due problem, and begin to try things that had not been tried before

    I would like to each teacher tutoring or counsellors of the Centre to make classes specific on these two issues since at this centre there is much the two things

    With this only I want to say that between all can do something by these two factors so important that make damage to these people and that can put us between all in agreement so has less cases of these in this wonderful Center

    Thank you very much for everything and I hope to read at least these facts as important thank you


  32. Dear, Ms director

    I'm going to talk about the bad conditions that this institute Ies heliche.

    I think the institute is very old and they should do something to improve it, because the materials are very bad (painted, broken ...). There are more and more students who are not interested in studying and who do what they can so that their classmates can not study.

    To solve these problems, since there is not so much money to buy new materials, one should be more attentive to that the students do not break or paint the materials of the institute and to do it punish them harder than there are because although there are punishments Teachers do not care much about what students do.

    In conclusion, I believe that teachers should watch over and punish students more for those things and that students will think more about what those materials are to them.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  33. Dear Director.
    I understand that our high school is old and therefore the furniture too.

    I think that the tables and chairs of the students are a little deteriorated as they paint and in them and sometimes they are even broken. In most classrooms the walls are painted and in one of the classrooms there is a crack in the wall that is gradually getting bigger due to the works that we have next to our high school.

    For the improvement of the aforementioned of the tables and chairs I think that more serious measures should be taken against the people who do this and thus the material of the classrooms will be kept in condition. Regarding the works, they should have been done in a time of the year (in summer) in which the students would not be affected by them, and although I know that this is not a problem our center should have taken measures since they knew That these works would be launched and have filed a complaint.

    In conclusion I think our institute would be much better with the improvements previously announced and I would not change anything else.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.


    Dear Mr. Director

    I know the years and the conditions of this high school but there are some things very deteriorated

    Firstly, I would like to tell you the bad state in which are some chairs and tables of the majority of the classes. There also many walls without painting too.

    In the second place, I would like to transmit the complaint for the noise caused by the work being carried out on the plot annexed to the institute and which I think is the cause of many headaches or dizziness of students and teachers as well as the appearance of cracks in some walls of the building

    I am looking forward to your response

    Sincerely, Francisco Reyes Madrid

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB


    Dear Mr. Director

    I know the years and the conditions of this high school but there are some things very deteriorated

    Firstly, I would like to tell you the bad state in which are some chairs and tables of the majority of the classes. There also many walls without painting too.

    In the second place, I would like to transmit the complaint for the noise caused by the work being carried out on the plot annexed to the institute and which I think is the cause of many headaches or dizziness of students and teachers as well as the appearance of cracks in some walls of the building

    I am looking forward to your response

    Sincerely, Francisco Reyes Madrid

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  36. C/ Isaías Álvarez Nº 8

    C/ Tallista Luís Jiménez Espinosa
    Monday, 28th February 2017

    Dear Mr Serrano,
    What I am going to talk is about the bilingual programme. About the bilingual subjects and the bilingual teachers.

    I disagree with the bilingual programme bacause it is not as well as I expected. I entered in bilingual on the third of ESO and I had the expectation to have the B1 level. It is suposed that when students in this high school finish the ESO are capable to do a B1 exam, but it is not true. I am in an academy of English and I had done the B1 exam by myself, not by this high school.
    Another thing is the bilingual teachers and subjects. This year we only work in English in Social Science, but only a bit, and of course in English (the subject). It's a pity that teachers do not give us the work in English, in this way students will be capable to defend theirselves in English.

    I suggest to prepare the teachers more than now, because some of them do not know as much English as they should. Or maybe to contract qualificated teachers.

    With this solution, in this high school the level will increase . It is what I expect for maybe two or three years. I hope that you consider this letter.

    I'm looking forward to your answer.

    Your sincerely, Irene Montañés.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

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  38. Dear Mrs Serrano,

    I would like to tell you some opinions about the state of high school which you could take as a reference to improve some aspects of the high school "IES Heliche".

    In the first place the state of the material is bad, this will affect the performance of the students since some pages of the books that are delivered appear broken, painted or even arracadas since some come to have up to 10 years of use. Also the material of education is scarce what makes it difficult for the teachers of physical education to carry out some activities.

    Secondly the deterioration of classroom material, tables and chairs painted or broken. Also some of the walls of the classes are painted and cracked; Agunas have
    appeared recently for the works that are being carried out next to the high school.

    Thirdly the noise of the works next to the high school are hindering the performance of the students and the teachers since they are probocando a headache and dizziness.

    All these problems could be solved with a better maintenance of the classes, an increase of material and asking the workers of the work to change their schedule. I know that the high school does not have a lot of budget but the money used to put the doors of the services with card in my opinion has been a bad expense of the budget since it could have been used to increase some aspects that in my opinion is more urgent.

    I hope that this letter will help at least next year improve some of the aspects that I have commented on better use the budget of the high school.

    Your sincerel.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

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  40. Dear Mrs Serrano

    I am writing this to inform you of the number of homework and tests we have on the last days of each trimester.
    I know most do not give time to give their corresponding subjects during the quarter and it is difficult due to the behavior of my classmates, but students once we reach the end of the quarter we are terrified of trying to do everything at once.

    I would like teachers to take action like sending them out before or even sending something simple. We are very overwhelmed and there are even students who can not sleep. in short, I think there is nothing more to change about that.

    In other respects the institute is quite well, is an obligation and thanks to it, prepare us for a good future

    Your sincerel

    Paula Castro 4ºB

  41. Dear Mrs Serrano

    I would like talk with you about a problem that there is in the higth school.

    In the high school, on cold days the teachers take the students to the courtyard and they are very cold.

    I would like that you think this and on the days cold you have inside the school your students because they are more confortable here.

    I hope that you listen me and soon we haven´t to go outside and we can enjoy of our playtime without cold.
    Thanks for your attention.

    Nati Montero Cotan 4B

  42. Dear Mr Gonzalez

    I am going to talk about the bad technologies that we have in Ies Heliche.

    First I think that compoters and blackboards are old and sometimes when we have to use them we can´t. For example on monday in english lessons we go to a ICT classroom but we can´t go there more.

    A solution for this problem is that all the directors that have this problem in their high school send a letter to “Junta de Andalucía”

    I hope that this problem is solved, because nowadays is important to use technologies and you learn a lot.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4º

  43. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  44. Dear Ms Serrano

    There are many things that could be improved in the high school some more urgent than others. The most important for me are the books that have given us this year, these books have been in the high school since 2008.

    Firstly like I just say the books of 4ºESO are a disaster, they have most of the pages broken and painted. They have been at high school for nine years. Secondly there are many classes with around 35 students and It's almost impossible to keep 35 many people quiet so the classes become very boring, we lose a lot of time and people interested on study don't could be concentrated. Tertiary there is much lack of material in physical education classes but I also recognize that we are guilty for not using them adequately. Fourtly I think that we don't do many activities.

    Some solutions could be for example instead of giving new books to courses that his books don't take so long give to us. Also could be more classes with less students to improve the behavior. We must use better the materials so we take advantage more of it and the lack will be smaller. And finally we would be funny celebrating the special dates like the Andalusian day doing performances or with the Andalusian breakfast like this year. We could do more activities so that while we study we have a good time.

    I hope that little by little everything will improve. And also we must put our part for example leaving the playground and corridors more clean.

    I am lookink forward to hearing.

    Your sincerely, Clara Pérez.


  45. Dear Mrs Serrano,

    I would like to tell you some opinions about the state of high school which you could take as a reference to improve some aspects of the high school "IES Heliche".

    In the first place the state of the material is bad, this will affect the performance of the students since some pages of the books that are delivered appear broken, painted or even arracadas since some come to have up to 10 years of use. Also the material of education is scarce what makes it difficult for the teachers of physical education to carry out some activities.
    the books of 4ºESO are a disaster, they have most of the pages broken and painted. They have been at high school for nine years

    Some solutions could be for example instead of giving new books to courses that his books don't take so long give to us.

  46. Leo Domínguez Rodríguez

    Carmen Serrano

    Dear Ms Serrano:

    I am a student of this center(Ies Heliche) and i am writting this letter to tell you like the works next to the high school affects de members of the center and like some teacher should be more strict.

    In the first pleace, i want to speak about the noise that produce the works in front of the center. I think that the workers could work in other timetable who don't cause discomfort. This noise and this vides that they produce, cause a terrible headache especially to teacher who are in the same class all the day. I hope that you with the help of the other teachers get the change, the hours of work.

    In the second place, i want that some teachers who are many permissive should be more fussy and strict in their classes, thanks that the alums will be more applied and the classes will be silent.

    To sum up the center sould make that their teachers will be more fussy and try change the hours of the construction of the other school.

    Thanks for your time, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Your Sincerely, Leo

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  47. Dear Ms Serrano:

    I want to complaint you about the books in 4th of ESO.
    The awful aspect of those books. Some ones have wrong information, other have not complete themes.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you

    Your Sincerely, Rodrigo

    José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  48. I would like to tell you about the conditions of the bathrooms in our hitu school

    Firstly they are too dirty secondly there are many badly maintained, clogged and broken

    I think that there should be solutions as on the part of the students as part of the cleaners. In my opinion should have more children controlled not to break the bathrooms like a good initiative would be that every time that a child left a bathroom a teacher will check that everything was in the same way as when the student came in and as for cleaning the bathrooms a more frequent cleaning of them by the cleaners.

    I think that the bathrooms should be more careful both by the student and the cleaner.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  49. Dear Mrs. Perez

    I wanted to tell you about the general cleanliness of the high school since it is not adequate.
    Besides the unhygienic we are the students we could find a lot of dust and dirt in the classrooms. Also it is easy to find graffiti in any classroom.
    We could paint the classroom with its initial color and check if at the end of the class if there are painted on the walls of the classroom since the supervision of teachers is low.
    Paula Delgado Román 4°B


    *Dear Ms. Serrano:

    I am a student of 4º of eso from this center. At the moment, I have to write the letter to tell yoy the things that this center should improve.

    First of all, I wanted to talk about the dirt that exist in this center. The truth is that it is incredible as the courtyard is after half an hour free. Most os the students of this center, do not make use of the bins that have for all public. The state which is the courtyard after this is truly disgusting.

    To what it should be this?

    I think that although students have the largest part of guilt, if teachers on duty were more attentive and harder could not be the possibility that no one did not use bins.

    On the other hand, also come to claim you by the noises that cause them Works of the beside the high school. These works have been already several weeks without stopping , and also cause tremors in the center.

    The conclusion on these two themes, is that on the one hand, the teachers should of be more pending with the conduct of them students in the center , and instill to the students that should keep the center clean.
    And on the other hand, I think that it could ask that works be made at other times, so do not halt the hours of class and that we had silence and tranquility.

    Thanks for your attention.

    A greeting, Marta.

    Marta Maldonado Parejo. 4ºESO

  51. Dear Ms Serrano:

    In this letter I want to complain about the bad WIFI in the high school.

    When a teacher want to do an exercise in the projector usually they can not because the wifi does not work, so we lose a class trying to make the wifi work, but we usually can not. It also happens in the computers that we use in the ICT class, the wifi does not workso we have to do it in our notebooks and then do it in our computers at home.

    I do not actually know how does the contract of the wifi works but I think that you could contract a better one, or talk with the Junta de Andalucía, or tell a ICT teacher to make it works.

    In my opinion I think that the best idea is to tell the ICT teachers if they can solve the problem, and then if the can not you could send a letter or an email to the Junta de Andalucía.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  52. Manuel Reyes López

    Carmen Serrano

    Dear mrs Serrano:
    I´m Manuel Reyes López from 4ºD I am writing you because I would to inform you of some aspects of the school that I don´t like.

    First I think that the material of the center is very old or damaged like chairs and desk because there are painting for all the desk and in the wall and also the book are very old and the solutions of the activities are written in the book.

    I know that you can´t control all desk, chairs and book of the schools but I think that the teachers and the students have more respecto to the things that are from al.

    I expect that you and the teacher can control the state of the material

    Your sincerely
