domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Opinion essay

Should schools ban mobile phones?

61 comentarios:


    This topic is about why mobile phones should be banned in schools, without being able to use them, in the text I will talk about things in favor and things I find to carry the mobiles and the conclusion.

    I think there is nothing wrong with taking the phones as long as they are not distracted and use them to do nothing in the classes and not attend to the explanations of some agenda which may be important.

    In favor of taking them The mobiles, I think it is not bad since they may be necessary in many occasions, to look for information of some subject, to warn relatives to something necessary and can be used in mometos in which they do not have classes or at recess

    In conclusion , I think they should let them take the mobiles because even sometimes the teachers need it to use, I think some people are mature asentar to know when to use the mobile or not

    Rocio Navarro Campos 4°ESO D


    nowadays everybothy had mobilephones, an this are in all aspect of life, all the kids and teens have mobilephones and the mayority used them in school, this is good or bad, i really don´t know.

    maybe can be a distraction and the kids can take adictios problem, is right that all dont used the mobilephone in class ton search information, they play games or tolk, and, the primary schol´s boys are to young to use all time.

    but they´re good things, for example serch infotmation or traslate any words, mobilphones well used can be a help to teachers, and, if an student forgive anything can call or chatt with the family about that.

    In my opinion mobilephone must be legal in the higschool but not in the primary school, because the kids maybe create and adictation but the teens can be more responsible , but I didn´t say that teen must have mobilephones all school day only in necesary moments.

    Rocío García Rodríguez 4 D

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. "Mobile phones should be forbidden at schools"

    I think that mobile phones shouldn't be forbidden at schools and teachers should leave some time a week for us to get their mobile phones and do some work or things like that.

    In one hand, I think that there are some students that instead of doing the work, they do other things with their mobile phones, and that is bad for their education and they will not pay attention to the teacher.

    But in the other hand, students will be better in classes, and if they use mobile phones well they can also learn a lot of things, but only in the case that they do some work, not playing or chatting with friends.

    In conclusion, I think that mobile phones shouldn't be forbidden, and teachers can do things with them but always controlling what students do.

    Jesus Muñoz Molina, 4 ESO-D.


    This topic talks about the ban on mobile phones in school, especially I will comment things in favor and things against this fact.

    First of all, I'm going to tell you things in favor of this. I think it is not bad to take the mobile phones to school because if there is a problem we can communicate with our parents, of course teachers will say that in the teacher's room there are phones to communicate, but only used in extreme classes not as per example to give us some material that we have forgotten.

    Secondly, I'm going to tell you something against mobile phones. I think that the bad thing that has to carry the mobiles is the fact to be all day with them in the classes and not to realize to the teacher who is explaining to me, thing that to me it seems to me of little education, but in these cases what The teachers have to do is remove the mobile at the beginning of the class to the student who knows that he will be all day with the mobile.

    In conclusion I think there should be no prohibition for this, the only thing I see more logical is to remove the cell to that student who is not counting the explanation.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºESO D

  6. In this opinion essay we are going to see this topic: 'MOBILE PHONES SHOULD BE FORBIDDEN AT SCHOOLS', should they be banned or not? Below we will see the arguments against and the arguments in favour of this topic.

    Now, I'm going to say the arguments against my opinion. I think it is not wrong to take the mobile to the institute, but what I do see wrong is that they are with the mobile in the classroom instead of attending in class. There are many children who do, but that has its consequences.

    Instead, I am in favour because in the case that you are sick you can communicate with your family to pick you up or for an unforeseen event.

    In my conclusion, mobile phones shouldn't be forbidden at schools but there are a limit to take the mobile phone, only for emergencies.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4ºD

  7. Currently, many people argue about if mobile phones should be forbidden or not at schools. Today, teenagers and adults use gadgets and technologies almost for everything.They are very useful but they are dangerous if we don´t use them correctly. Everyone knows that students bring their phones even if the don´t use it, the teacher forbidde themm or the rules of the centre forbidde them.

    Firstly, students at schools don´t need the mobile phones because if they need to look for information, they are allowed to use the computers that are in special classrooms or in the library.Although there are rules that forbidde the use of phones at classs, students keep on bringing and using the phones. Furthermore, many of the problems that students have between them are because of phones: a photo that was taken without permission,etc.

    In my opinion, i think phones shouldn´t be forbidden at schools.On the one hand, thare isn´t any danger if the students do a right use of them, but on the other hand, I already know that this will be really difficult. So i think that, together, students and teachers should make some rules that allows the use of them but with restrinctions, to make the use of it safer for all of us.
    I think that we should keep on using them at the corridors for example, between classes, if you don´t like the music that sound at the school, you use the phone with headphones to listen to your music, as we used to do in P.E. class. Also, the phone isn´t a disturb, because the teachers usually say that we can use them.

    To sum up, if we use the phones in a right way, there will be no problems at school,so that, teachers and students should have a reunion and discuss it.

    By Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  8. By:Ángel Fraile Delgado 4ºB

    From my point of view mobilephones shouldn´t be forbidden in highshool because they are useful also they have some problems and teachers and parents want to forbid the use of mobilephones in schools.

    In one hand mobiles can be used to play games during the class , thing that is very bad and teachers have to control , secondly students use the mobile phone to do traps in exam and in some language subjects to translate words or other things.

    On the other hand they can be used to look for information to do help in some works taking photographs , and they are used in some free hours when a teacher don´t come to the class or when there´s a strike the students use them to play but the other thing they can do a lot of time in strikes is to get bored or paint so is better to play with the mobile than doing nothing.

    At the end in my opinion , I think mobile phones shouldn´t be forbidden at schools or highschool because their utility in works and to have fun

  9. It's a normal topic between parents, teachers and students. Students want to have the freedom to use wherever and whenever they want but parents and teachers agree in the opinion about this theme; "Mobile phones are not possitive for children's educations.

    The professorate and parents think that children will use the mobile phonte to surf in the net or play video games.

    In my oppinion the mobile phones are a really good instrument for augmented reality in schools, or search unknow information without the help of the teacher, or even comunicate with your family if you need help.

    at the end the mobile phone potential is so big and if the teachers wanted to make the teaching interesting and not just pay for read texts to an uninterested thirty students group

    By José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo 4ESO B

    It is a subject very commented lately because today the
    mobile for all is a very efficient and very popular tool because we can communicate with people that there is much distance between these people. I will give my opinion and give the conclusión.

    I understand that they want to ban the mobiles because it is an addiction and that leads to certain people not attending in class has no relationship with peers.

    In my opinion I believe that mobile phones should not be banned in school as there are people who know how to respond at the time they should be picked up. There are people who know that in a class it is time to learn not to pick up the cell phone and Respects and when you are with your colleagues also know that they should have a little off the pone.

    In conclusion I think that everyone should respect when you have to take the phone because you must respect the teachers and your colleagues who want to learn.

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  11. "Mobiles phone shoul be forbidden in schools"
    Nowadays, It is a thing very difficult because the majority of students bring the phone at schools because the teenagers have a addiction to him.

    It is obvious that if you bring the mobile phone at school you are less concentrated and you not attend in class. Moreover somebody can steal or broke your mobile. In addition you can be without him for more than 6 hours considering that you can clear you mind.

    In my view, I think that mobile phone shouldn´t be forbidden in schools why if the internet in a computer class doesn´t work you can use your mobile for search something in internet and if you are sick you can call your wherever you want. Also in a class where the teacher miss you can listen music while you are working.

    In conclusion a good option is that teenager can bring the mobile but the teacher can collect their at the begining of the class and when the class finish return.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB


    Here we will talk about my opinion about the use of mobiles in schools, what I think about it, what I think is good or what I think is wrong.

    I can understand people who think that the use of mobiles in the centers is bad as it can cause students distraction, can cause a vice, can damage their minds or even affect their eyesight.

    But in my opinion I do not think that it is necessary to prohibit them since it can learn to the children to know when they should use the mobiles and when not, on the contrary if he / she arrives at his house after being all morning without the mobile can take it And not let go of what will prevent you from doing activities at home, studying for exams etc.

    In conclusion I agree with banning them in classes but banning it at the center for me is excessive.

    María Escudero Parra, 4ºD

  13. "Mobile phones should be forbidden at schools"
    Currently, all students go to school with the mobile phone , only some students don´t take the mobile phone to school.

    I think that there are students that need the mobile phone because for example their parents are work and he need the mobile phone to communicate with their parents and the mobile phone has some advantages because nowdays all students have mobile phone and in some activities the teacher can resquet the phone without worriying because all students have phone.

    But in my opinion I think that the mobile phone distract very students because in the class they are with the phone and they don´t listen the teacher, also some people are with the phone and they don´t spoke with their friends, too the students use the phone tocopy in the exams.

    In conclusion I think that the the students should leave their phones in their houses because distract a lot and nothing is wrong if you don´t have your phone during 6 hours



    This topic is about why mobile phones should be banned in schools, without being able to use them, in the text I will talk about things in favor and things I find to carry the mobiles and the conclusion.

    I think that there are students that need the mobile phone because for example their parents are work and he need the mobile phone to communicate with their parents and the mobile phone has some advantages because nowdays all students have mobile phone and in some activities the teacher can resquet the phone without worriying because all students have phone.

    But in my opinion I do not think that it is necessary to prohibit them since it can learn to the children to know when they should use the mobiles and when not, on the contrary if he / she arrives at his house after being all morning without the mobile can take it And not let go of what will prevent you from doing activities at home, studying for exams etc.

    In conclusion a good option is that teenager can bring the mobile but the teacher can collect their at the begining of the class and when the class finish return.

    David sanz

  15. Mobile phones should be forbidden at Schools

    I think that mobile phones musn't be forbidden because te students can be sick and maybe he can call his parents ir he don't know the number of his parents, the mobile phone have a lot of advantages for example the students can find information and when the are Boring the y can play games

    But in the other hand ti is bad too because the students are distracted because they can chat with their friends and they can get bad marks and fail the subject

    In my opinion the mobile phones are necesary and not too because ir can help or it can hurt you ir I can decide i will not forbid the mobile phones at school

    Antonio Rodríguez Fuentes 4*B

    Nowadays, the majority of the students, go to the schools with their mobile pones.
    I think that this have somes consequences positive and some negative.

    I think that the bad part of this is that in the schools you can distract with the mobile and not paying attention in the classrooms, another thing bad is that the teachers can see that you are using the mobile and you have a sanction, and also that is forbidden to take the phone to the schools, special because you distract many with this.

    Apart that is forbidden, also this have positives things. One on the positives things is that is useful for example to search information to a work instead of using computers. Another thing is that If your family just happened something serious and you have to tell because they call you, as your can call it if you something happens to you also.

    In conclusion, I think that the mobile phones didn´t be forbbiden because for the students may be useful and necessary like they are for the teachers

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD


    Nowadays is very difficult see a student that hasn´t got a mobile phone and this produce that most of the student go to the school with his or her mobile phone.

    It is clear that if the students go to the school with the mobile phone they don´t pay attention in class or pay less attention, also some students play games in the mobile phone.

    In my point of view the mobile phone can be a useful tool for the students and they can learn by other way but sometimes the mobile phone is used bad and the students no study or use the mobile for study and they use the mobile in class for play games or for social networks.

    In conclusion I think that the mobile phone shouldn´t be forbidden because they can be a tool for the students providing that it is in use well and the students that don´t use the mobile well have a penalty.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD


    The mobile phone is like a portable computer, sometimes is a good achine but sometimes is very bad. Nowadays we need it like our hands, and we cant go to some place without it, in the teenage is when the mobile phone is so dangerous, because the teenagers use the mobile phone for play and for chat with somebody.

    I agree that a lot of problems comes when we use the mobile phone bad, and can carry a lot of problems like adicticion(phubbing) agresivity... also we can spend a lot of money in bets or games etc.

    But we know that the mobile phone can be a great machine and a very useful gadget, and we can use thit for search information or if you dont know a word you can look for in your mobile phone and you can know the solutions. You can download a lot of very useful apps like a calculator or Wikiperdia that heps you in your homework or in your jobs.

    I think that the mobile phone shouldnt be forbiden in the school or in the highschool. But if you dont believe the boys and the girls you can put a password that the bays and the gils cant look the internet. But only use the internet for works or homeworks in the highschool.

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

    The mobile phone is a portable computer that nowadays you take it to all the places that you go because it can be important.

    I now that the mobile phone is a distraction and you go to the school to study but if you have an emergency in some school you can´t call your mother easier that with your mobile phone and you don´t have to do a bad use for it.

    I like mobile phones because is a incredible gadget for all the days and all the moments, you can take photos, call someone in an emergency, play games but in the school you mustn´t play games, in the school you must use mobile phone to see what time it isor for an emergency.

    In conclusion I think that if you do the correct use in the school they haven´t to suprime the mobile phones in the school.

    Gerardo Ibáñez Torres 4ºD


    What I am going to talk is about the ban of bringing or not the mobile phones to school. It is a very controversial topic because many people talk about it.

    From one point of view that is not mine, is important not to bring mobile phones at school because the students will get distracted. Everyone knows that almost all students who studies with their mobile phone near to them, they won't be as well concentrated as if they are not with their phones.

    But now, from my point of view, phones are very useful while we are studying, because we can search for information on the Net, we can ask to some friends about the doubdts of excercises...

    Tu sum up, is useful to use phones while studying, but in a moderate way to not get distracted with the social Net.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

    I'll start by saying that we used the mobile phone before birth. Being in the belly of our mothers they put music from them so that we listen, and at birth our parents give us the mobile phone to entertain us.

    I know that a good use of the mobile phone makes our lives more comfortable. Among some of the things I will highlight surfing the internet, paying for things, using GPS, among others.

    However it has become something essential for us. We no longer know how to be without it and its use prevents us from relating to others, since it leads to total distraction. That is why I believe that it is not necessary to be forbidden in high schools, but to use it only when it is necessary.

    In conclusion, everything that leads to good use is not bad, but a bad use becomes even sickly.

    Belén Torres 4ºB

  22. “Mobile phones should be forbidden at schools”
    This topics talk about the mobile phones at school. Nowadays everybody has mobile phone, both adults and children. I going to talk about things in favour and against and my opinion for this topic.

    Firstly, I’m going to say the arguments in favour. I think that the children are mobile phones when they are very young, I also think that the mobile phone can help us when doing work in school. On the other hand the students can be use the mobile phones when a teacher don’t come to the class and when a computer class doesn’t work you can use your mobile phone.

    Secondly, I think that when children go to school they take the mobile phone because they see it as a normal thing. The children can be use the mobile phone to play during the class and to do traps in exam.

    In my opinion mobile phones shouldn’t be forbidden at school because is a good instrument to many things but should only be used in some moments.

    Lucia Garcia 4°D

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. I´m going to talk abaut mobile phones in schools. Nowadays most of the children have a mobile phone. And there are many of them that bring their mobile phone at schools.

    Firstly the mobile phones are good for example to take photos to the blackboard to the things that you cannot copy, for this cases are useful but if you use its to send messages or play games,your concetration is in another place and you don´t pay attention to the teacher.

    In my opinion the children have to control when use the mobile phone. And if their cannot be without use the mobile the must leave in their houses because their aren´t learning in the clases.

    In conclusion I think that its depends if the children control their situations. But the majority of the childrens,use in clases and must be forbidden in the schools.

    MºVictoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  25. Should mobile phones be forbidden at schools?

    Right now mobiles phones are allowed in schools, you can carry your mobile to the school and you can use it there but you can´t use it in the class, although it depends on the teacher.

    Is true that if students bring their phones to class, sometimes they don´t pay as much attention as they should; and sometimes people use their phones to cheat on the exams.

    But from my point of view I think that have your mobile in the school is good, because if you have a doubt you can search it on the internet; if you are sick you can text or call your parents and if you have a free hour you can just chill out with your mobile if you don´t have to do nothing and the teacher let you to do it.

    So, in conclusion I think that mobiles should be forbidden in schools but in the class you can only use it if the teacher let you do it. And I think that in exams teachers should take our mobiles, so that we can´t cheat.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

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  27. Nowadays the mobile phone is the most important invention for teenagers. But it's a problem for someones.

    I know that it's an importan tool to surf the internet or to know the latest news but lots of people use it in the class and it's a bad actitud that is going to get worse marks.

    But in my opinion the mobile phone can't be forbidden in the high school because if you gets ill you have to call your parents.

    Finally I think that the best option is to can use the mobile phone in the break or with the permission of the teacher.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4°D


    Nowadays, mobile phones are everywhere because people are always using them for call someone or maybe for listen to music but texting is the most important reason of it.

    First of all, students use mobile phones during lesson time, it is known that students cannot use it when the teacher is teaching but however, some students use it under their desks or behind their textbook. Furthermore students use them to copy in the exams so in my opinion those students must keep them in the school bags before they come into the classroom.
    Also, bringing mobile phones to school increase the temptations of other students to steal them to students have the lastest phones. Also some students can forget them in their classrooms so it tempts other students to steal them.

    However there are some reasons why mobile phones should not be forbidden in schools. For example, if there is a family emergency, their parents will be able to contact them.

    In conclusion, considering all the reasons, I agree with that mobile phones should be forbidden because it is a distraction to the students and their phones might get stolen.

    Ángela Cotán 4D

  29. Mobiles phone should be forbidden in schools.

    I think that depends from the point of view you see that, should be forbidden or not. Nowadays, mobiles phones are used for all, from taking photos to paying at the supermarket so is important to think if it should be forbidden.

    On the one hand, it should be forbidden because there are a lot of students that are using the mobile phone in class for send messages by whatsapp, or see photos on Instagram, etc. Also, the students do things that are forbidden at schools, like taking photos, listenig music, puting off the computer, etc.

    On the other hand, if the students have the mobile phone in the classroom, when the teacher said ''Can you search it on internet?'' or ''If you don't know this, you can search on your mobiles phones'', they could take its mobiles phones and use it for this.

    In conclusion, the mobiles phones, although it have bad things, it shouldt'n be forbidden at schools.

    The mobile phone is a portable computer that is very useful and important nowadays.

    The mobile phone distracts a lot for that, can not be used in school, but in case of emergency is very important. So there know how to use it.

    I love the mobiles because it entertains a lot, you can play games, call, take photos, but at the institute just to call.

    In short, if you use the mobile phone well do not have to ban it in high school.
    Zacarías Suárez 4ºD

  31. Mobiles phone should be forbidden in schools.
    I think that nowadays the mobile phones are in use for everything and there persons who work with them.

    If they should be prohibited because any students use mobile phone in class and they do not pay attention.

    On the other hand, The student use the mobile phone when teacher ask for it or when ask for permission and teacher let him do.

    In conclusion, the mobile phone should forbidden it depends if teacher admits it or no


    Nowadays everybody have a mobile pone is usefull but it distract a lot.
    On one hand the students can be playing with the mobile pone in class and they dont paid attention
    The students make photos to another student and this is ilegal
    In the break time they only are with the mobile phone and they dont talk each other.They can use it to copy in the exams

    On the other handthe mobile phone is usefull for search information. You can record the clases of biology and then you heard in your house to study morover you can listen to music while you are doing maths exercises or you can make photos to the blackboard If you has not time for copying.

    In conclusion I think that the mobile phone shouldnt be forbideen at school but the teachers have to control it and the students musnt have to do whatever they want.

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B

    Nowadays, the persons it goes with his mobile for the street, when it stays with his friends or in his free times...

    In the schools the mobiles should be prohibited, both for students and for teachers. Because the teachers can see the lists, and happen his free time with the computer, not with the mobile. Though they have families, the families can call to the mobile of the school.

    For another hand I think that the mobiles should not be prohibited, because there are cases that the students are sick and the teachers do not allow that the students should call to his family.

    To sum up, I say that they should prohibit the mobiles in the schools, because besides that to the school it is going to be studied, the teachers and the students remove every hour with the mobile.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4ºD.

  34. The mobile phones is a very controversial topic because there are very differents opinions.

    First there is people that thing that a mobile phone is a distraction for the young people and students.

    In my opinion the mobile phone is a ver good tool of work because is a very easy form to work. And nowadays is a object that have all the people.

    In conclusion there are good and bad thing about the mobile phone but I think that there are more good.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4D

  35. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    Nowadays the mobiles always carry it on as much as older people as children of up to ten years.

    I think on the one hand that the fact of taking the mobiles to the school is dangerous and an entertainment for the students, since the majority of the pupils In the school they use it to copy in the exams, to play while the teachers explain, also they use it a lot to make photos, etc.

    Normally, when teachers see a pupil take a photo, they are attracted by the fact that there may be some problem with another pupil, and from these things conflicts arise.

    In conclusion, I think it's okay to ban the mobiles phones at school so the students pay more attention, but I also think that sometimes the mobiles can be good in case of an emergency and you have to call a family member.

    María García Fernández 4°D

  37. "Mobile phones should be forbidden at schools"

    This topic is very interesting and controversial. Usually the excessive use of these usually occurs in young people.
    I understand that the young people want to take the mobile to school but they could be misused. Many people think what it could serve as a tool.
    I respect your opinion but I do not agree knowing the young people would not use the mobile as a tool and could wake up.
    In conclusion the mobiles should be forbidden schools but students could use it as a tool when it comes to studying without abusing it.
    Paula Delgado Román 4°B

  38. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    This topic is about why mobile phones should be forbidden in schools, without being able to use them, in the text I am going to talk about advantages and disadvantages.

    Now, I'm going to say the disadvantages of my opinion. I think it is not wrong to take the mobile to the highschool, Some boys are with the mobile in the classroom instead of attending in class.

    For another hand I think that the mobiles should not be forbidden, because sometimes the students are sick and the teachers don't allow that the students go out to call to his family.

    In conclusion, I think that mobile phones shouldn't be forbidden, because sometimes they are important to use it.

    José Ángel Cea Torres 4ºD

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  41. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  42. "Mobile phones should be forbidden at schools"

    Nowadays everybody have a mobile phone is usefull but it distract a lot.

    Some students playing with the mobile phone into the class and they are punished by the teachers. In the free time they only are with the mobile phone and they don't talk with her friends.

    I like so much the mobile phone but sometimes we have like an addiction because we are the majority times on the day with them, you can take photos, call in an emergency, play games but in the school, in the school you must use mobile phone to see what time it is or for an emergency.

    In conclusion there are good and bad thing about the mobile phone but I think that there are better.

    Marta Ibáñez García 4ºD

  43. ¨Mobile Phones Should Be Forbidden At Schools¨

    A lot of schools have already forbide the movile phones at schools.

    Many people think firstly that the mobile phones distract a lot and sencondly the teachers think that the guys can copy with them, finally all parent think that their sons have addiction to mobile phones and that it's good to stay at home for at least 6 hours.

    I think that is good that the mobile phone stay at home many hours but in one hand I think that we need them for example when the school have not internet and we have to look for same information in the internet and in other hand it is important for when we have an emergence we can call our parents with them too, and for this I think that the mobile phones are good in the schools.

    In conclussion I know that mobile phones can have bad uses at school but I think that it is necessary in same ocassions.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4ºB

  44. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  45. I'm going to talk about the mobile phone should be forbidden at schools.Nowdays many teenagers have got mobile phone and they take it to him to the high school, often without the parents know it.

    On the one hand I know that many teenagers copy in this exams with the mobile phone and you go to high school you go to high school for learn and take the mobile school to high school can have many problems.
    But on the other hand, you often need to take the mobile phone. For example: when you became bad and you need to call your mother, when you haven't got time for copy the notes and take a photo.
    In conclusion I think that take the mobile photo at school have got some good things and other bad things
    Marta Rodriguez Murillo 4ºB

    Nowadays young people are all day with the mobile phones and social networks and they can't do anything without it. They are obssesed with this and from the age of 10 the majority of young people have mobile phones.

    It is true that sometimes mobile phones can be a good tool to work in schools. For example you can work faster shearching information on mobile phones, you can use the calculator of the mobile if you forget bring to class, you can listen to music for be more concentrated, you can talk with your family if there are some urgences...

    From my point of view there are more negative than positive things for use mobiles phones in schools. Firstly young people are obssesed with the social networks so it desconcentrated to them. They are all day making and sending photos to the social networks and they forget that social life is very important. If they don't bring the mobile phone it will be good for them because they are thinking in anothers things and they have more social life.

    In conclusion I think mobiles phones shouldn't be forbidden in schools but students only can use if the teachers let this. If they don't respect the rules the teacher can collect the mobiles phones in the beginning of the lesson.


  47. I'm going to talk about if mobile phone should be forbidden in school. this a controversial unit because the mobile phone have a lot of good and bad thing for the students.

    In one hand the mobile is a distraction for the students because they are constantly connected to the social networks and it can be affected the performance of the students in their studies. Also the mobile phone is a form to do cheating on exams.

    In the other hand the mobiles phones is a tool where we can find information for the homework. With the mobile phone we can communicate with the partners and with the teacher if we have some doubt. Also with some App of the mobile phone we can organizate better us with the studies.

    In my opinion the mobile don't should be forbidden beause have a lot of things good to help the student. I really think that the new tecnologies make better the performance of the students.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  48. Should schools ban mobile phones?

    I’m going to talk about if use mobiles in schools should be allowed. This is a topic that it’s very interesting because there is a lot of different point of view.

    A lot of people, especially adults like teachers, think that mobile phone should be prohibited because a lot of students are distracted with it. They play games and use social networks, also, they use it to make photos and videos in class that make joke.

    From my point of view, I think that the mobile phone it’s a good tool for the students and also for the teachers. We can use to look for information, unload documents of the unit if we can’t print it, and also we can have digital books. Digital books it’s a good way to avoid problems in the back due to the weight of the rucksack. Also, we can use to record the lesson if the teacher wants, to collect all the information that we need.

    In conclusion, I think that phones in the high schools are not bad idea to take information, or unload document, but only we can use it when the teacher give us permission.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB


    Today, the mobile phone is the object that all people carry with themselves everywhere. In some places its use is forbidden, like in the hospital waiting rooms or in the schools. However, people continue using them ignoring these prohibitions. I’m going to focus in the case of the school, where it is completely forbidden although the majority of the students bring it.

    On the one hand, I understand that teenagers and their parents are worried about safety in schools as well as on public transport and in the streets. They see the mobile phone as a vital way of keeping in touch. Furthermore, some teachers believe that the mobile phones could be used in class, for instance, to find out information via the Internet.

    On the other hand, if their use is allowed, students are going to use it in classes, so they will be distracted and the lesson will be disrupted. Some students text each other during lessons and even use WhatsApp to cheat in exams. And in addition, it increases the risk of suffering bullying by text message. I think that nothing happens if you do not have your mobile phone during 6 hours, even you have time to talk with your friends and have good moments with them in free time. To me, the number of disadvantages is almost infinite.

    On the whole, I think that the negative things surpass the positive ones with a big difference, so for me mobile phones should be banned at schools but not only for students, for teachers too.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  50. Should mobile phones be forbidden at schools?

    Currently the mobile phone has become a fundamental element and more than 34.4 million people have an active smartphone

    On the one hand I know that it is bad for your studies because it can distract you and so do not listen to what the teachers explain. In addition, the use of the cell phone has become an addiction, leaving people outside of what surrounds him

    In the other hand Cell phones are essential if you have a problem or someone in your family has it and needs to communicate with you urgently. It also helps you take pictures in case you do not have time to copy or record what the teachers say because it goes very fast But anyway it is not good that we use it in classes

    To sump up Mobiles should not be banned in schools but should be banned in classrooms

    Paula Castro Rodríguez 4ºB

  51. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  52. Nowadays, It is a thing very difficult because the majority of students bring the phone at schools because the teenagers have a addiction to him.

    On the one hand mobiles can be used to play games during the class , thing that is very bad and teachers have to control , secondly students use the mobile phone to do traps in exam and in some language subjects to translate words or other things.

    On the other hand they can be used to look for information to do help in some works taking photographs , and they are used in some free hours when a teacher don´t come to the class or when there´s a strike the students use them to play but the other thing they can do a lot of time in strikes is to get bored or paint so is better to play with the mobile than doing nothing.

    In conclusion a good option is that teenager can bring the mobile but the teacher can collect their at the begining of the class and when the class finish return.

    Angel Jose Lopez Garcia 4ºB

  53. I'm going to talk about whether mobile phones should be banned at school or not. In theory mobile phones are banned, at least in our school. I will then give my opinion on this subject and explain what it seems to me.

    Some parents of students think that they should not take the phone to school and other parents think that yes, this also happens with some teachers. The cell phone could be allowed as long as the teacher in the classroom allows so that the students could be distracted playing with the phone and not pay attention to the teacher's explanations.

    From my point of view the cell phone should be banned, because if one day a student gets sick and gets sick the school has a cell phone to call their parents to inform them. I also think that it should be prohibited because the students could Copy yourself in the exams and get more note of the one that corresponds.

    In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages for this topic, everyone has their opinion, mine is the one I name in the previous paragraph.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  54. I'm going to talk about whether they should ban mobile phones at school. This can have some advantages and some disadvantages that can make change of opinion to some people.

    On the one hand this could be an inconvenience since the students would pay more attention to the phone than to the explanations of the teachers, could be copied in the exams of the cell phone, could also be lost, students would take pictures when that is prohibited in school , But on the other hand having the cell phone in school could have some advantages like using it when you are bored at recess, calling your parents when you are sick, etc.

    In my opinion, I think that the mobiles should not be prohibited since whenever you need it you could use it whenever the teachers allow it, when this is not so and the teachers do not let it use it I think that the students should keep it and not dry it anymore. Mobiles should not be prohibited when teachers allow them to use it.

    In conclusion, the mobiles should be allowed when teachers allow it, because of the inconveniences that I explained earlier could cause serious problems in school.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  55. Mobiles are technological devices in which many things can be done with the

    For me the mobiles are very useful in all the senses and if it should take to all sides

    The mobiles in the school have many advantages you can use it for the dictionary, copy ..... and has a disadvantage that takes time to the kids in the classes

    For me the mobiles if they should be taken to the institute for many reasons especially all emergencies

  56. Many people are asking for forbidde the phones at schools but there are also many people against that idea

    I take your idea that if you have the phone at school you can be distract and you don't pay attention to the teachers. I also understand that the school is a dangerous place where your phone can be stolen

    But from my point of view, I think that the phone is a useful tool that you can use when there is no internet and then you can look for information. In addition I think that while the time pass the people must use new technologies because it is very useful to the future

    In conclusion, I think that the mobile phones shouldn't be forbidde because it is a useful thing

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4°B

  57. In my opinion the phrases can you use at school, because if you a you can speak with your mother.

    But the other face is that the childrens use this for play and they don't pay attention at school

    The others peoples think that the mobil phones are the bad things that you don't take at school.

    In conclusion the mobile phones can uses at school but not in class


    I think that mobile phones shouldn't be forbidden at schools, because it has a lot of good things for help the students.

    In one hand, I think that the students can play with their mobile phones and they not play attention to the teacher, but if they can take their mobile phones for search information in the school or study .

    Therefor, students will be better in classes,they should be take the phone only in the case that they do some work, not playing or chatting.

    In conclusion, I think that mobile phones shouldn't be forbidden,because it has a lot of good things for the work of the students but the teachers always controlling what students do.

    Marta Maldonado Parejo 4°B

  59. Nowadays there are a lot of people who think that the mobile phones should be forbidden at school and the rest who have the oposite point of view.

    On the one hand are the people who think that the mobile phones souldn't be forbidden in class because you can use them, for search information easier and faster than others. Moreover to make photos when you haven't got time for vopy the lesson in the blackboard, and when you need ask for help.

    On the other hand i believ that the mobile phones should be forbidden if class because of them you haven't got play atention is class and listen also to the teacher very well. Furthermore you don't apreciate what surrounds you.

    To sum up the are more people who think that the mobile phones sould be forbidden at school however there is a small percentage who don't think that.

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

    I'm going to talk about the prohibition of mobile phones in the institute. I am going to give my opinion on this subject

    Some people think they should be banned because they are a great distraction for students and can get bad grades

    I think mobile phones should not be banned in institutes because they are a great help in finding information individually ...

    In conclusion the mobiles can be good or bad according to the point of view of each one

    Piedad López López 4ºB

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