lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

Looking for a job

Find your ideal job at this web page and write a letter telling why you think you are a good candidate.
Introduce yourself, talk about you motivation, your interests, your abilities and how you can contribute.

Looking for a job

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm writing to apply for the post of...

36 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Dear sir.
    I'm writing to apply for the post of clothing designer
    My name is Rocío Navarro Campos, I would like to start working here as a clothing designer helping the young people to get the master. My qualities are very good because I know everything that is needed to indicate them and to be well prepared, to look for work. My motivation is that students enjoy the subject but at the same time know everything they need. I think I am a good candidate for this job because I have always been involved in this world of clothing drawing from my future designs or helping people to choose their clothes for an ideal occasion, I believe if I choose for this job can bequeath Very far away thanks to everything that they are going to learn with me.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4º ESO D


  3. Dear director, I'm david sanz rodriguez and I come to this job because I studied the sport race and I really like helping people in the sport part. I think this job is perfect for me because in the future I want to be a personal trainer and this would be a good experience to be better at that. For this work it is necessary to have patience for students to learn and be able to like people. I think it would be good for this job because I like to deal with people and I can help a lot of people in the sports part or in the diet, so that they have a healthier life.

  4. Dear Sir.

    I am writing to apply for the position of Head of the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work.
    Good afternoon, I have chosen this work since I would love to help people with family problems in relation to their social life, I think this job would give me quite good, I also have a social work career, a degree of social reintegration and a Master in the University of Seville of drug addiction. I am a very extroverted person, I love to interact with the others I transmit security, I am a person with much tact, and little shameful so that I can be very sincere and clear and at the same time keep the forms, always since small it helped to my friends, my Family etc, I would love to be able to go there and help more people who are not from my environment, to know new stories, I would love to go to bed every day knowing that a person sleeps happily thanks to me.
    Thanks for your attention.


  5. Dear sir/madam:

    I´m writing this card to apply for the post of research fellow.

    I´m a joung woman so motivated an with a lot of imagination, like you search, I had all capacity for speak with children and I can stand it well, I have so good ideas.
    I chose this job because I´m really interesting in this, in my opinion is so importan to understand Children’s Reasoning about Peer Rejection based on Status, because is one of the mos important problem in children that can progress to the teenage and make bullying, and social problem in adult age, on other part I love work with children and I think that I can take a new point of view to this proget.

    I´m looking forward to fear of you.

    Rocío García Rodríguez 4D

  6. Dear Sir

    Good morning. I´m Elena Gelo Bejarano and I am 28 years old. I am from Spain and I´m writing to apply for the post of English teacher in China.

    I would like to get this job because I think that I am a good teacher, also I like educate children.
    It is a oportunity to me to practice the chinese language because I studied chinese in the university.

    I have a degree in English,Linguistics, Literature and post grad studies in TESOL and I have experience teaching English in Spain.
    I am very interesed with this job because I would like to know more about culture, food, and the people also I can teach the children things about spain culture for example Flamenco and things about food. I think that the salary is ok and I have not problem.

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  7. Dear Sir

    My job would be a lawyer
    I am a young woman and I have a lot of motivation to help people who are innocent and who fight for their freedom. I think it would be the one indicated in this work since having that motivation and a lot of desire to be able to help people would help me become easier. I am a person that I propose things and until I do not I do not stop. I promise to be a loyal and faithful person to my work.

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  8. Dear sir Thomas Holloway,
    I am writting to apply for the post of Professor and Head of History Department at the University of Holloway,that belongs to the London University.
    I, Lola Valverde, have been always keen on History and History of art.I have studied History and I also get a master.I also have passed the officials exams of Cambridge, so I will not have any problems with the language.I thought I will not work for less than 80000 pounds, so I definitly deleted the opcion of working without salary. As in Spain there isn't job, I choose some especific places in Great Britain, which were: London,Scotland, Wales, and Europe.The aim of studying History was to wotk in the public sector,as Universities and Colleges.

    Because I am so keen on that job and the studies of it, it will be a pleasure for me to work with you and I supose it will be a pleasure to yo too because it´s very easy to work with me and you will not have any problems. I think a person really works well when he/she likes the job, enjoy it; so, because I love History and thanks to my studies and marks, I would like to work there. If the wprker is happy with the work he is doing, the people around he feel happy and relax, so you will choose well if you hire me.

    If I get your permission, I will work in a different way, no the clasic chosen by usual teachers. I could help students to feel more the subjects with activities or trips with good guides, doing other types of exams, for exmple oral exams, or other activities that I will be very proud and glad of explaining and showing to you. If the University decides applies me the job, you will not regret it.

    Yours sincerelly,
    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD.

  9. Dear Mr Harwell

    I am writing to apply for the post of Postdoctoral Training Fellow în Bioimage Informatics i think I am the best for this post due to my universities studies in Biotechnology and my high degree in Image and Sound and because i have a lot of mobility through Europe because I have the interail tickectto travel through all Europe.

    Also I am good as a teacher and I have done some studies in education for teenagers and upper , also I am good at explaining and teaching .

    I don´t mind the salary as long as Mr Harwell give a house or flat to me , a place to live in and a transport media.

    I´m looking forward to hear about you Mr Harwell.

    By : Ángel Fraile Delgado

  10. Dear sir Enrique Cedeño.

    I am writting to apply for the post of profesional coach in Lol. nowadays not many people are able to do this job well. there are no studies about this E-sport and I think I am cualified for the post because I had been playing this game for 7 years. I dont mind the salary as long as the players be professional and wanted to improve I am sure the team will improve so fast.

    I am looing forward to hear from you.

    By: rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  11. Dear sir:

    I am writig to apply for the post of surgeon
    I am Santiago I am 26 years old I have been always keen in sports but I always want to help people and save theirs lives and I have studied in Spain dureng the lenth of the high school time then I have been for five years in the university of Yale and I have learned the languages english and german and also I know a bit of French from the high school I have got experinence in surgery and in doctor of family I have chossen this work because I have a girlfriend in london and because I also have great level of english so I can do my work as beter as someone that is local.

    I can contribute in surgery I am good at this type of work and also I can help teaching another students.
    I think that 60000 pounds will be good also I will work in the morning and in the afternon until six.

    Yours sincerelly


  12. Dear Sir:

    I am writing to request administrative.

    I am Rocio, I am 22 years old and I am from Spain.

    I would like this job because I like it very much. From a young age I have always thought that the administrative work was very interesting since you have many things that I personally like.

    I have several degrees: I have a degree from ESO, BACHILLERATO, a degree in Mathematics and Finance. I also have degrees in several languages, such as English (C1), French, Italian, Chinese, German ... Although during this time I would like to get some more language.

    At the moment I do not have any marital commitment, I do not have children and no person in charge.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Rocio Olivo García 4°D

  13. Dear Sir:
    My name is ELENA,I am 25 years old and now I am unemployed, because I have to left it to continue studying.

    I am talking with you to apply the job of technical coordinator of a University in London. Since I was a kid I was using computers, finding things... So I love it.

    Also, I want that job because it has a very good salary to pay the rental of my flat, to buy food... I have a degree of computer engineer for two years ago, so I know a lot of things of electronic appliances.

    To sump up, I am very good communicating with others, because I am very extroverted.

    Your sincerely.

  14. Dear sir

    I´m writing to apply for the post of optician in London or some village.
    I am Rocío , I am 24 years old and I am from Seville, Spain.
    I have been always keen in sports and in the healths of people. I was very good in biology at school. Then I decided the option of be optician. That it is connected with the health but also is similar a shop.

    I have done the career of Optometry and Optics in the University of Seville. Also I have the C1 of English and B1 of French, so I thinks that I am good in English.

    I would like go to London apart from working, for visited the city and also to stayed in a house and improve my English. I can help in the house with the children, helping the house...

    I do not have any issue because i do not have children nor boyfriend. I can work in the morning and in the afternoon and I am agree with 35000 pounds.

    Your sincerely.

  15. Dear Mr. Perez,
    I introduce myself to you for the job that you have vacant. I think I have the qualities to do it.

    My name is Belén Torres Delgado. I am 25 years old and I live in Olivares (Sevilla). I studied fashion design at the CEADE University in Seville with good grades. I have done numerous courses of styling, cutting and making. I also have the B2 of English and French. I have my own car to join me immediately. I consider myself an ambitious person because I work very hard to get what I have. I am not afraid to work hard, because with effort you can achieve great successes.
    The work has to be done with dedication, because only loving what you like, you will devote all your time.

    Hoping to meet all the requirements for your vacancy I say goodbye to you.

    Write back soon, Nice to meet you

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  16. Dear sir:

    I am writing you because I would like to choose to the chair in the medieval history

    I am José Manuel Méndez González, I am 24 years old and I am from Seville (Spain). Since I was young I liked so much history and I had very good marks at the school, I decided to study History at the University of Seville.

    The language is not a problem for me because I have the B2 of English and the B1 of French. I am agree with £61,179 to £187,777 per annum.

    I would like work and live in Manchester because I can perfect my English and because I like the cities of United Kingdom.

    I wait for his response

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  17. Dear sir Sharon Gewirtz:

    Good evening,

    I am writting to apply for the post of matematic.
    I am 24 years old. I have always wanted to learn math since i was a kid, the last year I finished the math career with an average of 9'8, during my studies I did a two year course in quantum chemistry at the Trinity College in Cambridge.In additions to the math I learned a lot of languages like english,french,german and curently
    I am studing japanese.I can solve all the problems with effectiveness
    and very quickly.

    I can teach in your university or make anything, I agree with the salary what
    do you offer the $64.979 per annum.

    I am looking forward to your answer

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  18. Hello Madan,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of bussinesswomen. I am twenty four years old and I live in Olivares.
    I have chosen this job because I have studied four years business management studies in Seville and I had very good marks. I also like very much the bussiness and all related with the companies. I also did practices in two car companies (Renault and Ford) when I finished studies.

    I am interest in this company because it was very important in Spain and work there was one of my dreams. My greatest dream is run my own company.

    My abilities are that I am an organized person, I like having everything at day and it is very important in a company. I am very good with numbers and also with letters.

    I am a good candidate because I put all my want, I am a very hardworking and very responsible person. And I would like to continue working to get my greatest dream.

    I wait impatiently for your answer


  19. Dear Mr. Perez,
    I introduce myself to you for the job that you have vacant.
    My name is Marta Rodriguez Murillo.I'm 24 years old and I live in Seville.I studied economics in the University of Madrid and I got the best marks of my year.I go out for do the taste and I get a very good recommendations. I consider myself an ambitious person because I work very hard to get what I have. I am not afraid to work hard, because with effort you can achieve great successes.The work has to be done with dedication, because only loving what you like, you will devote all your time.
    I hope that you allow me works for you and let's be able meet prompt.
    Write back soon, Marta Rodriguez Murillo

  20. Dear Madam,
    I´m writing to apply for the post of physio in your sport club.
    I´m Victoria, I´m 25 years old and I´m studied the double degree of Physio and INEF. I did the practices in a basketball club in Seville. I´m very good an English I have the B2 and I´m preparing for the C1.
    For this job you have to be very patient and careful. I would like to get this job on your town Liverpool, because I also can get the C1 easier and I will work in a job that I like, in a sport club.
    I agree with the salary that you will give. I don´t have any problem to fly and state in Liverpool.
    I´m looking forward to Heard abaut you.
    M Victoria.

    María Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  21. Dear Madame
    I'm writting to apply for the post of midwife. I'm Nati Montero Cotan,I'm 23 years old and I studied the degree of nursying and later when I finished my degree I did the master's degree that were 2 years and of midwife so I have the tittle of midwife. I like my job because when I was little I always want to be midwife and I like so much the babys. I think that I'm a good candidate for this job because I'm a person that like much her job and enjoy with my job and doing that I like.

    I hope your answer, NATI

  22. Dear Madam,
    I'm writting to apply of social worker. I'm Sara Álvarez Pérez, I'm 24 years old and I studied in the Seville University the more time and the last year I studied in the Oxford University with the erasmus scholarship. Then I regresed to Seville and I finish my studies in Granada doin a master of social worker. I like my job because I love talk with the people and also help the people there aren't resorts. I decided study this job also because my cousin is social worker and before I study I went one day with she of her work and here was I decided official that social worker was my job. I love my job . I'm a good candidate for this work because I love what I do and And I will put all my desire.

    I hope your answer.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4ºD

  23. Dear Director
    I'm contact you beacuse I'm interesting in you post of jobs in schools.
    I'm 21 years old, I'm from Seville.
    I have always been working with children all my life. In my adolescence I was working as a nanny for several years until I entered the university where I studied teaching. I finished the career with honors and I would love to continue working with children since that is my passion.

    I would love to work there as I have never been and apart from being a teacher I would also love to visit the area and learn new cultures.

    I agree with your criteria, I have no problem of accessibility because I have no partner or children. I agree with the salary and schedule.

    Thanks for your attention.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  24. Dear director .
    My name is Paula Delgado Román. I am writing to apply for the administrative post. I believe that I am sufficiently prepared and motivated to exercise this job, since I finished high school I have not stopped studying administration and management of the company at the University of Seville. I have also taken part in some practices that have offered me and I think it is time to start working. My marks at the University have been high and I have passed most of the tests, I have the ability to work as a team, open and communal attitude and respect for the rules.
    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB


  25. Dear Madam,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of Spanish or Englisj teacher in your universit.

    I am going to introduce myself to your knowledge about me. I am Irene Montañés Ramos, a twenty-seven years old female who is interested on the world of English and Spanish languages. I live in Madrid, Spain.

    I am a good candidate to this job because it consists on teaching Spanish clases in a british school, and I have a C2 level in English, so it means that I am able to teach this subject. I also have the experience of teaching clases of English in some universities of London and Washington. I am very proud about my studies in that two languajes, but I also have a C1 level in French, it means that I also could teach that subject.

    I think I have the qualities for this job, and I am very interested on it.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4°B

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. Dear Madam,

    I am Jesús Muñoz Molina, and I want to work in your bufette. I think I am well prepared for a lawyer and I will be at the high. I will deffend a lot of people, because of their right. I don't mind much if they are guilty or not, I only want to help them. If they are criminals, it will going to stop me a little but ... it will be my job.
    I think I am cualiffied for your job and I will be very glad if I am in your company.

    I have a family and it will be a problem if I have to go abroad, but I will do it.

    I will be very responsible in my work and very methodical. I will only want the good for my company and achieve the objectives that are necessary to achieve what I propose.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4 ESO-D.

  28. Dear Madam,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of secretary in your furniture business.

    First of all I am going to introduce myself so that you can have information about me. My name is Guiomar Marín Jimeno and I am 25 years old. I have done a business career in the university of Seville, I have worked as a coordinator in a company and I also have worked in many other jobs as waitress and babysitter while I was studying. My level of english is a C2 and a B2 in french, I also talk german.

    I am interested in your offer because I think that it will be such a good way to improve my knowledge in business and  I have no children so I will be able to work at any time you order me. As I can talk some languages I can have conversations to companies from other parts of the world and If it is necessary I will go to other country.

    For all of this reasons I think that I am a great option for this job. I will wait for your answer. Thanks for attention.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4°D

  29. Dear Sir

    Good morning, I´m Lucia Garcia Gonzalez and I am 25 years old. I am from Spain and I´m writing to apply for the post of journalist in England.

    I would like to get this job because it is the work of my dreams and something that I love
    And the most important thing is I'm going to practice english a lot.

    I have several languages, English, German, Chinese and French. I have a career as a journalist specializing in sports and a master's degree in tourism.
    I would like to get this job because it is what I like and I would love to get to know england and its culture better.
    Also could learn Spanish culture, as the typical foods.

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.

    Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 4ºD

  30. Dear Madam,
    I'm Monte Fraile Campos, I'm 27 years old, I have the degree of bachiller and also I had studied the caree of medicine in the university of Seville. I have the leve of english B2 and also I know France. I hace the máster of medicine.

    I would like to specialize and to work in pediatrics. I think that I have good marcks but also it's very important that I like a lot of childrens and I condider myself to be a person with many empathy.

    I have a boyfriend and I libertad with he. I know that this is One of the things that can be not positive for me, but I think that It is nota a Big problem.

    I would like yo have this job un this hospital, and to be able to be valued positively for this job.
    I Hope ours answer. Thank you so much.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4°B

  31. Dear Sir
    Hello, My name is Ana Isabel Morán and I have 25 years old.
    I'm writing to apply for the post of forensic doctor in the Police.I would like to be criminologist or forensic doctor because I like everything related to the police and the crimes.
    I like to help the families of the victims also I have a career in Health Science and a manster of criminology.
    I agree with the money and the working hours that offer
    I'm responsible in my work

  32. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  33. Dear Sir,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of internist in your hospital.

    My name is Dulce and I'm thirty-two. I have studied medicine at Oxford University, so I've a good level of English even though I'm from Seville (Spain). In addition, I have passed the Cambridge exams. Talking about medicine, my specialisation is internal medicine.

    Work as internist is one of my dreams, something that I want since I was five years old. I have the motivation of help people, and try to treat them. I like this job because you can help anyone not only people with heart problems (like, for example, a cardiologist).

    One of my best abilities is to understand people problems. This can give you a lot of decisive details, helping the doctor to know the illness of the patient. So, I think that can be an advantage.

    I think I'm a good candidate because I've the necessary studies and english level. Also, I have been practising since I left the medicine degree, so I have some experience.

    The only condition is that if I get this job, I would like to have a minimun salary of 50000 pounds, with a workday of 8 hours.

    I hope your answer.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera.

  34. Dear sir:
    Im Antonio José Garcia Delgado, I'm 24 years old and i am form Olivares.

    I wrote you because i want this economist job,
    I have some masters in econommy and three languajes, Spanish, English and French. Also i worked before in some banks like Santander, BBVA, and like administrative in places like Zara and another bussisness places, I like this job because i like to administrate the money of a bussisness place and when this bussisness places comes good thanks of me i feel very happy.

    I have a family in Spain and it be a problem if i want to work in other country like England, but if the pay iis good i will do it.

    In my coutry i cant search a job and it is my ultimate oportunity.
    If you believe in me i will not fail you.

    I hope your answer.

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  35. Dear sir:
    I am Gerardo a boy from Seville, i am 20 years old
    I wrote you because I want the journalist place.
    I have a lot of experience in journalism wordl and I like so much sport,because that I want a journalist place in Deportes Cuatro, I work in Telecinco Deportes and I like this job because I like sport and be journalist.
    I have my family in Spain but I would work in many places.
    I hope your answer.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4ºD

  36. Dear Sir: I am Fidel Ibañez López, I am 40 years old.

    I write because I like to much work in since you offer that it is to be vigilant.

    I have much experience in the world of security since working in the FBI and CSI leave those jobs as take me 20 years working.

    I want to finish my career more relaxed getting his guard post.

    My family lives in a village of Seville.

    I hope your answers
