domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

Our trip to Asturias

Share with us your experience in Asturias (in four paragraphs):

1) Where have you been? What are the places you have seen? What is the one you liked the most?
2) What are the activities you did? Which one was your favourite?
3) Tell us some anecdotes with your partners or teachers.
4) Do you recommend this trip to other students? Why?

Let's upload some of your favourite picture on the blog!

73 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm going to talk about my trip to Aturias.

    There we visited many villages, and places such as Cangas de Onil, Llanes, Los Lagos de Covadonga, Cantabrian Sea along the San Pedro promenade, Santander, the hostel was in Mestas de Con, there were several cabins and in each one of them we were with Our group that used to be 5 or 6 people separating girls and boys, there also met several boys and girls from other places.

    We did a lot of activities, in each place a different one, for almost all we had to take the bus less for paintball than we did in our hostel, then we did trekking, canyoning, went to an adventure park, canoeing and caving.

    The last day we went to a pub very popular in the village next to the one we were in, some stayed in the hostel but I went, we were there dancing and drinking and when we were going to go to the hostel, my roommate wrote me a Message asking me that when we returned and I having drunk I could not write so I gave the cell to my other partner, the next day I read all the messages and I think it was the day I laughed the most while in Asturias.

    In general Asturias is very beautiful, I have loved it and would go back thousands of times, what I liked most was the canoeing, although I recommend it more to the people who are from the countryside since there everything is very rural, there are Field everywhere, animals etc. Overall everything very nice.

    María Escudero Parra, 4ºD.

  2. I'm going to talk about my trip to Asturias.

    We settled in a hostel. There we visited many places and towns which were precious as Llanes, Cangas de Onias, Santander, Cantabria, El Paseo de San Pedro, Mestas de Con, etc. But the one I liked the most was "Los Lagos de Covadonga".

    We did many activities such as paintball, the descent of the Sella, adventure park, hiking, caving, but for me the best was the descent of Canyons, although the water was a bit cold.

    Every day I had a great time with my colleagues and also other people from different institutes with the limes had a great time. I remember that one night all my roommates went to bed early because apart at 12 o'clock I had to be in the rooms because a guard came, but I was not sleepy and another roommate picked me up to go to another room waking up to all the My cabin turned on the light and we were out until 3 in the morning.

    This trip I recommend it to all the students because it is a week of relaxation, in which you enjoy everything much and you have a great time visiting places and doing the activities.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4º ESO D

  3. My Holly week:

    In my easter i went to some pleces to see some "pazos" like Sanlucar, Salteras, Olivares, Albaidas, Sevilla. In Sunday i went to Sevilla , in Monday also i went to Sevilla and in the other days i went to salteras, sanlucar, olivares, albaida.

    In Sunday i went to Sevile to saw "La Borriquita" "La Ultima Cena" "La Estrella" In Monday i saw the San Gonzalo and i saw Santa Genoveva and Vera Cruz also i ate in McDonnals.In tuesday i didnt went to seville because i am very tired. This day i went to a restaurant with my Wednesday i kept in my house and i went in the tv the Legion with el Cristo de la Muerte.In thursday i went to Olivares and i saw the cruceros brotherhood, i wanted to went to La madruga but i couldnt and now i feel good because in la Madruga somme people prodeuced a fake terrorist attacked. In Friday i saw the Soleanos brotherhood and thev albaida brotherhood.

    My anecdotes are good and also a bad anecdote is when in seville i lost my mobile phone but finally i got it.

    I recomended the sevilla holly week because is very beautiful.

    Antonio José García Delgado 4ºD

  4. Last Week I have been in Asturias with our high school and it was an amazing trip.

    We stayed in Mestas de Com but we visited Cangas de Onís, Llanes, Santander, Santillana del Mar and the lakes of Covadonga. The place that I liked the most was the lakes of Covadonga because there we did increible photos to remember.

    We did canoe, paintball, speleology, hiking and decrease of cannons. My activitie favourite was the decrease of cannons because it was very cool with a lot of adrenaline with a final jump that was recorded.

    The last night in Mestas de Com we were to a pub with the teachers where we danced a lot and drink a lot. But the person that drank the most was Angel the teacher of PE. When we were out of the pub he was a little drunk and he fell to the floor doing the ridiculous one.

    It was an increible trip that I had fun a lot and I recommend it a lot to all the students and they are not to be sorry.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  5. In Holly Week I have been in many places. I've been in Seville for three times, also I was in my riding school for four times.

    I was to Seville to see procession on "Domingo Ramos". On Monday I was in Seville in a garage with my dad. Later I went to the riding school. On Tuesday morning I also went with my dad to the garage and in the afternoon I also went to the riding school. On wednesday I was all day in the riding school and in my country with my parents. On thursday and friday morning I was in my country with my parents and in the afternoon I saw the processions of Albaida and Olivares. On Saturday and Sunday I was with my family in the country.

    The "Domingo de Ramos" I was in Seville with my friends. I don't like too much going to Seville to see processions and at half past seven more or less I was too tired and my friends didn't want to come back so I put Google Maps in my phone and I went to Plaza de Armas to take the bus alone, from this day I didn't went more to Seville to see procesions.

    For me going to Seville is very beutiful but this year was too much hot and I didn't like it I was too much troubel but next year if it is a little bit colder I would like to go more.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD

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  7. This holiday I spent a week on the beach where I met two children from Seville and I went fishing with my father, and another week watching steps from my house on the Mail TV.

    On the beach we visited many villages around. We visited some very beautiful villages on the coast of Cadiz. At the beach I spent most of my time playing soccer with my brother and my father and when I was not playing I was asleep on the sun lounger.

    The following week of vacations I spent in my house with my family, while my mother and my brother were going to visit sevilla I stayed cn my father in my house with my father watching movies, watching TV, playing play and sleeping.

    I spent 3 days in a field with friends who did not go to the Asturias trip and played soccer and PS4 all the time, from time to time we went out for a walk around the town.


  8. Two weeks ago I went to Asturias and I stayed in a camping near Cangas de Onís. I saw a lot of places. We visited Cangas de Onís, Llanes, the Covadonga's lakes, Santillana del Mar and Cantabria (Santander).
    One of the lasts days we went to a Pub in Cangas de Onís.

    The place wich I liked the most was The Covadonga's lakes but I didn't want to do trekking to access to the lakes and we had to walk a lot.
    We did also speleology in an artificial cave because the real one is protected, and only five persons each week can get into the real cave.
    We played also paintball and football, and we did some activities on trees like zip lifts. I had a very good time doing canoying, but I hurt my leg. We also had a party.

    I spent a very bad night because one day I was with a lot of people of my high school and others that came to the same camping, and I took off my glasses for a photo (while I was sit on the stairs) and when I get up I forget them, I went looking for them but when I saw its they were broken. I communicate it to the teacher and she said me that when we went to Llanes, we were going to look for a Glasses Shop to fix them.
    Finally I had my glasses repared.

    I would recommend this trip. I had a very good time and If I have the opportunity I will go again. The only drawback is the time in the bus. I would recommend all the activities and places because it will be a great experience that you won't forget.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  9. Next I will tell you my experience in Asturias. It has been a trip of the institute, and we have gone the students of 4º ESO. It was an unforgettable trip, I liked it very much and I had a great time.

    First, we settled in a hostel in Mestas de Con. The sites we visited were Los Lagos de Covadonga, Cangas de Onis, Santander, Llanes, Santillana del Mar, Cantabria, Neocueva de Altamira, El Paseo de San Pedro, but without a doubt, the one I liked most was Los Lagos Of Covadonga, there were very beautiful lakes and I made many precious photos.

    The activities I liked very much, I had never practiced any of these activities and was very curious. It is always good to know new things. The activities we practiced were paintball, speleology, canyoning, hiking, the activity of Multiaventura (zip lines and activities of that type) and canoeing down the Sella river.

    I'm going to tell you an anecdote about canyoning activity. For those who do not know what this activity is about, it was necessary to get into rivers and try to avoid the stones and walk along the river, although in some places, it was deep. There were also water slides and sometimes you had to jump up very high. That river was 5 degrees or less, so the water was frozen and immersed in the contrast of the heat from outside with the heat inside, you cut off the circulation, and I, who I am very cold, because I was very cold , And I had a very bad time. When I got to the end of the activity, I could not take it anymore, my lips were purple and frozen, and the man who was there told me to sit in the sun to catch the same color as always.

    I recommend this trip to Asturias to all who want to go, both students and teachers or elderly people, it is great fun, I recommend everything, for my point of view it has been an unforgettable trip and I would like to go back.

    Veronica Gonzalez Sevilla 4D

  10. Trip to Asturias

    1. We visit many very nice and very enterteining places, some had a landscape very nice and emphasized like llanes and others hadn´t great interest as Santillana Del Mar.
    2. We realize many very enterteining and very sports activities, some of that I liked was caving, canyoning and the decrease of Sella in canoe. Those that less I liked were paintball and the visit to Santillana Del Mar.
    3. Many anecdots things happened to us but some of them are, for the party of farewell they took us to a pub - disco and some of us could drink, spent it to ourselves brilliantly and apart the teachers who accompanied us it were passing genially with us and the teacher Angel fall down, there are many anecdotes but this one is the one that I like.
    4. I personally recommend this trip to the whole world that has not realized it they were spending it brilliantly and were enjoying a heap and especially not regret.

    Cristina Antón Llorente 4ºD

  11. When I went to Astusias with other students we stayed in Mestas de con and we do a lot of diferents activities like paintball, caving, canyoning, decrease of the river seals in canoe, trekking and we visited a lot of villages like Cangas de Onis, Llanes, Santillana del Mar, Covadonga and the city Santander,
    My favourite activity was caving and the second was canyoning; and my favourite village was Cangas de Onis.

    One anecdote very funny was that the last night some students went to a pub with some teachers and when we were going to the place that we stayed the theacher Ángel said that he take a photo to all the student and when the photo finish they said: goodbye student and he fell.

    I recommend this travel because it's very funny and we do a lot of activities.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4º D

  12. Trip to Asturias.
    We stayed in a hostel in Mestas De Con for a week. We visited many beautiful places with a lot of history and culture which explained a lot of important things about each place. Many places like Covadonga, Cangas De Onis, Santander, Santillana Del Mar, Llanes. The most beautiful and different was covadonga apart from that the other places were also beautiful.

    We did many activities some we like more than others but they were all very fun and didactic. The first day group b we did caving was very funny but we spent a lot of anguished and overwhelmed times there we explained the origin of the cave. We hiked there we were in the covadonga lakes we traveled 14km. We also did the activity of canyoning we had in some moments because the water was very cold and the day was cloudy. We also went to Santander to do the activities of the adventure park and the last day we went to do the activity of canoes that were 7km and in the afternoon we did paintball. The one that I liked more was the one of canyoning because this very cool but the one that was less paintball because it made us much damage.

    On Wednesday night we went to disco with 2 masters Angel and Aurora. We had a great time was a very fun night because we had a great time with our friends we took lots of photos and we started dancing and singing in the streets

    I would highly recommend this place has very different landscapes to Andalucia culture and people are very different and it is nice to know and arender new things.

    Carmen Gonzalez Fuentes 4D

  13. Wue have been to Asturias for 7 days. We went by bus for 14 hours. We lived in Mestas de Com in little houses. We went to Cangas de Onís, Lagos de Covadonga, Llanes, Santander and Santillana del Mar. One of the places that I like more was Cangas de Onís because there you have lots of shops to buy there and some beautiful places and also because we went to a party that was really good.

    We did a lot of activities: speleology, trekking for 3 kilometres, canyoning, some zip lifts, paint ball and canoeing. My favourite activity was canyoning because you went to a class of river and you had to walk with the rocks, slide around its and you had to trhow you to one river to another. It was very amazing.

    I had some anecdotes, somes are very good but one was very bad. One of its was terrible because someone took me my purse and inside I had the money,the identity card and the doctor`s card. I couldn`t find it.
    The other anecdote was that my group of people that went with my in my house that we were living when we went to the party we drank a lot and we couldn´t do it. In our house when we arrived of the party we broke the latch of the door and we couldn`t went inside.

    I recommended this trip very much because is very interesting and you do something that you can`t do every day.

  14. This holydays I don´t make much I just make 2 thinks, one see series in my bed, my bed is the donw part of a bunk bed, an there I only need my computer, my mobiphone and any of food, the other important think that I do was in Alamillo, a park with many trees, I also go 2 days to Seville see holyweek paces, one with my family and the other with catechism´s people.

    My octivities in my bed was see series on my telephone, Game of Thrones (OVS) more exactly, with the computer I writre one bery interesting book in were I work, also I see japanise Anime, Jojo´s bizarre adventure, Shingeki no Kyojin and Code Geass, and ofcourse I read a lot, in Alamillo I was in a event cold `campal´,is like a medieval war, with sword, shiels, broadsword... and the res of weapons and all tipe of armore, was so funny.

    I remember a funny moment, see Game of Thrones in were so many people die, in the red wedding, in this moment meny people die, an were I see i told my sister, sho doesn know and I spoild her, I really love her hate face in this moment, I also remember a moment writing inwere i invest for one thing, and, iḿ a little hypocondriac, and I decide not take Monster any more, but this desition was only for that day, in the `campal´ I also have funny histories, like where my mace desapear or when I was so dizzy for the hottest and my armor, the exploration, when my grup must to scape of the mercenarys, and ofcourse the revelion against the king because there are so bad organizatd.

    Ofcourse I recomend the experience of a holydays whith series, anime, listen good and new music writing and reading, is fun, and you learn many thinks like inglihs, I to recomendate the experience of a `campal´ there arev so funny and you make so sport, and be fiting with the friends


  15. Hello I'm going to talk about the trip to Asturias.
    We were in Santillana del Mar, Cangas de Onis, Santander, Llanes, I also saw the Sanctuary of Covadonga, the lakes of Covadonga, the river Sella.
    The place I liked the most was Llanes. Because there were beautiful views and beach.
    We did canoe, canyoning, paintball, speleology and hiking. The descent of canyons was the one that I liked the most.
    In the canoe I went with my friend Cruz and we got off of it, then the canoe went with the current and we had to mount 4 children in a single canoe.
    Another anecdote was one day when Gerardo and I entered a cave in which a man and a woman lived and and we talk to them.
    If I recommend this trip, because I enjoy it very well and it is a very nice experience to travel Asturias.

    Zacarías Suárez 4ºESO Dº

  16. I have been in Asturias with my classmates and four teachers; Aurora, Eva Gloria, Inma and Ángel.
    We travelled in bus for 12 hours with some stop. When we arrived, the teachers share out the rooms.
    In Asturias we visited Mestas de Com; the village that we sleep, Cangas de Onis, Llanes, Covadonga and other day we went to Cantabria in specific Santillana del Mar and Santander.
    The place that I like more are Lakes of Covadonga and Llanes.

    We did a lot of very funny activities, like paintball, descent of Sella, canyoning, speleogy, hiking, visited villages, aventure park....
    But my favourite activity was canyoning because I like very much the water and the extrem sports and this a mix that I enjoyment a lot, the only bad thing was that the water was very cold but I doesn't mater.

    One of the many anecdotes that I will always remember, it was the last night we were in Asturias we were taken by two teachers and a monitor with us to a pub, then Professor Ángel took a picture of some friends and me, then when he turned around He stumbled and fell and we all started to laugh a lot.

    I recommend this travel to person that like the sport and visited places. I repeat this travel all the time I can. Is a travel to meet people because in the place of the rooms were people for other high schools.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4ºD

  17. Two weeks ago I went to Asturias.

    We stayed in Mestas de Com but we were in many different places like Cangas de Onis, Santander, LLanes...
    The most beautiful place that I saw is Santander because I lived a beautiful experience.

    We did different activities that I like so much like paintball, speleology, hiking and the decrease of cannons and it was very cool.

    Tthe best experience was with any teachers, the best experience was in Santander when Zacarias and I enter to a cave and we knew two persons that live there, we gave food to their.

    It was the best trip of my life and I recommend a lot to do this trip.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4ºD

  18. Last week i have been in Asturia with my classmates and four teachers. We tavelled in bus.
    We was youth hostel in Mestas de Com where we ate and sleep. We went to Cangas de Onís, Lagos de Covadonga, Llanes, Santander and Santillana del Mar. The most beautiful place was Lagos de Covadonga and Llanes.

    We did different activities paintball, descent of Sella, canyoning, speleogy, hiking, visited villages, aventure park, but my favourite was canyoning because i never been done.

    One of the anecdotes was that one day in the night our guide
    I take us to a discotheque and when teacher went of return for the autobus he did a photo to us to the group and fell.

    I recomended this travel all people because you can sports and to amuse yourself, you know others person and you know a lot of history and culture.

    Marta Barba Grnados 4ºD

  19. The Holy Week is the holiday I expect more because is the best week in the year. Cause I dind´t want to go to the trip in Asturias, I took advantage during that week and I went to Seville most of the days to visit the differents churches, cause there, there were lots of things to see. So I spended that week having a rest and going shopping.
    On the Holy Week, I didn´t stop! My family and I like to go every year to the Holy Week in Seville, except tuesday and thursday.

    Firstly,the Friday before the Sunday of Bouquet was the day of my saint, so I get many presents I liked a lot. The Sunday of Bouquet was a great day; we took the car in the afternoon and we easily get a carpark in Seville, We saw all the brotherhoods except one, but we were glad because the rest were really beautiful. We came back late and really tired cause we walked a lot. The Holy Monday is the day I likethe most to go to Seville beause is the day that I see the procession I like the most, which is Sta. Marta. My cousin and I took the bus a 4pm and we saw the majority of the brotherhoods, and we saw the output of all of them, which was amazing. The Holy Tuesday was special,my aunt picked up me at 7 and we went to Salteras, I putted on the clothes of nazareno, which are very heavy.The procession finished at 2 in the morning and an half an hour later I was at home. On Holy WednesdayI was´t able to walk as much as the others days, so I stayed at the sofá watching the processions at the TV. The Holy Thurdy is a beautiful day; I gt up early in the morning and I went to church, the rest of the day I passed having a nap and at 8.30 I went to church because I took part as nazareno in the procession. The rest of the days I were at home, looking after my two Little cousins, and because I was tired and other problems, I didn´t go to Seville.

    I can´t renember any anecdote or something funny, just once that I were at the bus in th road to Seville, it was full and we were next to a man who was really funny, we laugeda lot and we had fun during the hole rute.

    I reccomend people to come to Seville and know about the Holy Week because is much more that what we see in the streets, is a beutiful feling and I reccomend people should visit also the towns during this weeks, which brotherhoods are growing and they are special too.

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  20. I have been in Asturias with my classmates and my teachers: Aurora, Ángel, Eva Gloria and Inma.
    We travel in bus for 12 hours, with many stop. When we arrive at refuge, all the teachers divide the rooms.
    In Asturias we stay for 1 week, since 1 of April until 7 o April.

    We did many of activities: paintball, speleology, park of aventure (that we did zip-line), canyoning, descent of Sella, visit of turism like: Santander, Llanes, Cangas de Onis, Mestas de Com (the place that we slep), Covadonga and Santillana del Mar. The places that I like are Cangas de Onis, Covadonga and Llanes.

    The anecdote that I would like to talk is 'Security guard Manolo'
    Manolo is a security guard of the refuge, this man it is very serious and one of the night my room did a lot of noisy (past the hours that we have sleep) and Manolo can to my room and say: 'the next time that I have to come here, you go out the refuge '. When we listen this all the person that stay in my room we sleep, because we are scare.

    In conclusion, I recommende to go there because it is very beautiful and funny. I think that in this place you have met a lot of people and you do all the activities because it is very interesting. Also this trip do some of activities and if you don't like the sport I recommende to don't go there.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºD

  21. Before Easter I went to asturias, a village in the middle of the mountain, the small town had just a supermarket and in the night was completly dark and you could see all the star of the milky way. we slept in bungalows in group composed by 6 persons. my favourite place in asturias was the bungalow.

    We made a lot of different activities in the whole, we played paintball, we did canyoing and we sail in the sella by kayak. also went to the cobadonga's lakes and went to llanes. my favourite activity was speleology we went in to a cave.

    A funny anecdote was when while we were sailing in the sella a kayak overturn that was so funny.

    In conclusion, this experience was so good and I recomend it to person who can go with their friend it's will be a nice experience for you, dont hesitate it.

    By:José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  22. Ángel Fraile Delgado 4ºB

    When we were in Asturias my favourite place was the lakes of Covadonga due to its beautiful scenery and to its confortable temperature .There were astonishing view and we find a very strange animal which is in danger and in risk of disappearance a triton.

    While we were in Asturias we did paintball , Canyoning , we sailed in a river with a Kayak and we went to a cave to do speleology.

    One night in Asturias we were playing with the cards and Rodrigo was sleeping and Soledad hitted the bed and woke up Rodrigo and he went craz<y and start shouting and insulting Leo and he tried to hit Leo then suddenly he fell asleep

    In conclusion going to Asturias is a very good trip to go with your friend and if you can you should go to the trip.

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  24. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  25. My Easter holidays.

    My Holy Week began the Saturday of Passion, which is the Saturday before Palm Sunday. I started that same day in the Seville neighborhood of "Nervión", to see the Brotherhood of the "Milagrosa", and then going to Seville capital, to see the brotherhood of "San José Obrero", another brotherhood that came out that day. On Palm Sunday, I started in Sanlúcar la Mayor, to see the two Brotherhoods that went out there, the one of the "Borriquita" and the one of the "Peace". On Holy Monday I went to Seville, to see the brotherhoods that came out that day "San Pablo", "Redención" (that there I passed the anecdote that I will tell later), "Santa Genoveva", "San Gonzalo", "Vera + Cruz ", And the" Waters ". On Holy Tuesday, I went back to Seville to see the brotherhoods of that day, "El Cerro del Águila", "Los Javieres", "San Esteban", "San Benito", "La Candelaria" and "Santa Cruz". On Holy Wednesday, I went to Seville for the last day, to see the Brotherhoods there, "Carmen Doloroso", "La Sed", "San Bernardo", "Good End", "La Lanzada", "Cristo de Burgos" The Seven Words "and" The Bakers ". On Holy Thursday, I went to Sanlúcar la Mayor where two brotherhoods came out, where I only saw one of them the "Vera + Cruz" (of which the other did not suit me to see it). I woke up on Good Friday morning to see a bit of the Seville "Madrugá", when I learned what had happened in Seville capital, because of some fools who want to play with our traditions. After a while I went to see my brotherhood of the "Vera + Cruz" of Albaida, where my favorite artist (Guillermo Cano), sang to my two owners of the brotherhood. On Holy Friday night I went to Olivares to see the "Soledad". On Saturday I did not go anywhere, and on Easter Sunday I went to Olivares in the morning and in the afternoon to Albaida.

    The only anecdote that happened to me was on Holy Monday when I saw the "Redemption" in the "Plaza del Duque", where I was passing the procession of Nazarenes of that brotherhood and it happened that I saw a Nazarene who was very funny. I told her she was a GIRL and turned out to be a BOY! JAJAJAJA

    The conclusion that I spent very good Easter, and the recommendation is to see a brotherhood Sevillian, known as "The Waters", which is very beautiful

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  26. I have been in Asturias with all the 4th of ESO.
    we have seen to Cangas de Onis, Mestas de Con, To a Sanctuary, to Santander, Santillana del mar and to llanes
    My favorite place is Santillana del mar.
    I have done: paintball, descent of Sella, speleology and park of adventure, my favorite one was paintball.
    Some night in the campaing we were playing to the cards and we made a lot of noise and Rodrigo wakes up shouting "¡hijos de puta, callarse ya cabrones, Que no me dejais dormir!" and he tried to kill leo, after this he get asleep again and we played all the night to the cards with fear to die by Rodrigo
    I recomend this trip for everybody because you enjoy a lot with your friends and you don't stop doing sport

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 4ºB

  27. I am going to talk you about my holidays in Asturias two weeks ago. I went with my friends and four teachers: Aurora Tatay, Angel, Eva Gloria and Inma. I was in Asturias for 5 days and 4 nights and we was in the bus two nights and, in the departure the travel in bus last 14 hours and in the return the travel in bus last 12 hours.

    I went to a lot of places, between them are: Mestas de Com (when we were stayed)Cangas de Onis, Santander, Llanes, Santillana del Mar, Covadonga's lake, Altamira's cave... I did a lot of activities: paintball, canyoning, hiking, canoeing in the Sella's river, caving...

    The anecdote that I want to tell you is: one night we want to tell scary stories, a girl in my room started to tell a lot of stories and when we want to sleep she was scared and she is sleeping with other person, and I started to tell things for scared she more. She started to tell the other person that she want to change the place that she was in, the other person didn't want to change the place, and she get that the other person change the place. It was a nice night.

    I recommend this travel because you can do a lot of activities and go a lot of places with your friends, the monitors in Mestas de Com are very friendly and you can met people from other schools.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4ºB

  28. Two weeks ago I went on a great trip with my high school mates, in this camp we slept in cabins.

    We did many activities: paintball, canyoning, canoeing, hiking ... my favorite activity were paintball and canyoning.

    One of my anecdotes was that manolo our friend the sureta did not let us leave after twelve and to be in my cabin 6 people went around 15 and we scold and we throw them all but then we leave.

    I recommend this trip as you have a lot of fun and meet more people as there are more institutes and colleges.

    Juan Carlos López Gelo 4B

  29. Two weeks ago I went on a great trip with my high school mates, in this camp we slept in cabins.

    We did many activities: paintball, canyoning, canoeing, hiking ... my favorite activity were paintball and canyoning.

    One of my anecdotes was that manolo our friend the sureta did not let us leave after twelve and to be in my cabin 6 people went around 15 and we scold and we throw them all but then we leave.

    I recommend this trip as you have a lot of fun and meet more people as there are more institutes and colleges.

    Juan Carlos López Gelo 4B

  30. Sevilla,Well behind the school

    Sevilla- Run
    Well behind the school - to explore

    In Seville gave a false alarm of a terrorist attack and I had to run because if it did not run I would have crushed a mass of people all shod.

    In the well the staircase was a bit broken but still we went with fear but good it gave a bit of claustrophobia we went down about 56 meters and it was very nice

    In conclusion in sevilla are all crazy but then it is more fun

    The conclusion is that getting down to the well was dangerous but it was fun

    carlos rodriguez mondejar

  31. I didn't went to Asturias so I am going to tell my Holy Week .
    I have been to Seville all the days off the Holy Week I have seen a lot of brotherhoods in a lot of diferent places like the cathedral, El postigo, La cuesta del Bacalao and also to Triana.

    The first day Domingo de Ramos I have been to Triana with my parents and my brothers and I went to a mass before a procession then I went to eat to a Tele pizza then I went with my Friends to see brotherhoods. The next day I went again to Seville with my Friends and we went to see more brotherhoods and we dinner at the McDonald's then we cath the bus. The next two days were quite the same. On thursday I went to Seville and then I went to see the Cruceros brotherhood. On friday I went to see the soleanos brotherhood in Olivares and on saturday I went to a mass. The best brotherhood in my opinión is San Gonzalo or La Lanzada

    A funny anecdote was when I was walking in Seville and I turn to speak to friend and when I turn again I crash with a britsh.

    I recomend to all people to came to Seville in The Holy Week because it is to beautiful to see the brotherhoods and the are a good milieu.



  32. It makes two week went on a trip with the Institute where were at cabana.

    We did many activities come paintbal, hiking... uan's my sport more followers was canyoning and canoeing.

    My time more fun was when we took a fire extinguisher and we got to throw it all the banas also was when we fight with manolo the shades lol I remember

    I chop me this trip recommend it to everyone since it is a very nice and full of adventures trip


  33. We stayed there for 1 week, in a youth hostel. In our trip to Asturias we have been in many places, we visited Santillana del mar, Llanes, Los Lagos de Covadonga, Cangas de Onis, Cantabria (Santander). The place that I liked the most was Los Lagos de Covadonga, because we could see very beautiful views, we had to walk a lot but it was worth it. There we saw a lake and very high mountains, someones with snow.

    We have done lots of activities like paintball, a walk in the mountain, visit a sanctuary, canyoning,
    zip line, canoa descent and speleology. I can´t choose only one activity that I liked so I´m going to tell you the ones that I liked the most, they were zip line, in zip line we had to do it ourselves, I mean we had to put all the chains without help of the instructor, I liked canyoning because it was really cool and I also really liked canoa descent because me and my friend did it very well.

    When we went to do speleology, the helmet was really big and the lantern didn´t work, so when I was crossing a part of the cave that was really narrow I couldn´t see anything because of the helmet and the suit was also very big and that was really annoying.

    I think that you should go to this trip because you spend a really good time in the activities, you can also walk with your friends while you are visiting the villages, the food is not the best thing ever but it was ok, It´s really cool the fact that in the youth hostel we were with people for other parts of Spain so we could meet them.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  34. Reciently I have been in Asturias with my fiends.There, in my trip, I have been in a lot of place, the fist day we were in Cangas de onís in the morning and after in Mestas de Con where was our camping. The second day in Covadonga, the third in Llanes and the fourth day in Santander where we have been in a park of adventures and in Santilla del Mar( Which isn't saint nor have a sea and nor is flat), this village is called the village of the three lies, and the last day the route through the Sella. The place that I like the most was the Covadonga's lake because this is a wonderfull place with a lot of beautifull views of the mountains and the snowy mountains.

    We made many activities: to start: trekking to the Covadonga's lakes, tourisme in differents villages like Llanes,Cangas de Onís, Mestas de Con..., Canyoning, and to end a park of adventures "tirolinas", speleology and canoeing. And that ones my favourite activitie was the speleology, I love the caves and their geological formations.

    There was an anecdote that i will not forget: this happened the second day when one member of our campaing house slept(Rodrigo). He slept in a litter when in the bed up 4 friends play cards a game called "h... p...", we followed play cards at 2am and we made a lot of bruit, Rodrigo got up very quickly and angry, he started to shout up and his eyes were very red, he raised his arms and we were like stones. We didn't talk again during the rest of the night.

    I recommend this trip to other students because this is a magnific way to learnd a lot of and you get be with your friends and get also work like a team, learnig with this many values like: trust, respect, and discover many new things.

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  35. Two weeks ago my classmates and I went by bus to Asturias to stay one week there. We were about 12 hours in the bus from Olivares to Asturias. There we visited some places and we did a lot of diferent and great activities!

    We visited Cangas de Onis, Santillana, Covadoga´s Lakes. We saw cliffs, we visited Altamira´s caves. All places were amazing and beautiful. I enjoyed it a lot!

    We also did some activities like paintball, we walked into a cave near we stayed. We had to lie down to pass some parts of it. We ride in a canoe to descend Sella´s river. We did about 7 km of it.

    A funny anecdote was when we were in the cave, someone who was in front of us could not move forward and began to say things and annoy the others

    I recommend this trip to every student who can go with his classmates as he is going to have a great time. If you can I recommend that you travel by plane as the bus tires a lot but you will enjoy the trip very much!

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4B

  36. Before Holy week I went to the trip to Asturias. I went by bus about 12 hours and with the students of 4º ESO and 4 teachers. The first day we went to Cangas de Onís and Covadonga´s Lake that is very nice. Also we went to Llanes, a small village situated near of the sea. Finally we went to Santillana del Mar that is in Cantabria where visited the Altamira´s cave. The place I liked the most was the Covadonga´s Lake because we took very nice photos and we enjoyed a lot.

    We did a lot of activities such as paintball, canyoning, a multiaventure circuit that had zip-line and similar things, canoe descent in the Sella´s river, speleology. The activity I liked the most was canyoning although the water was very cold. Also I liked the multiaventure circuit.

    A good anecdote was when we were doing speleology. I went with my friend Paula. So we passed next to a teacher that we didn´t see and we scared because we thought that he was a column. The teacher laughed of we and Paula and me still had the fright.

    I recommend this trip to every people because is a very good trip and you do not have time to bored. Although if you travel in bus is a little long trip but you can travel by plane.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

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  38. I'm Ángela and I have been in Asturias.

    First of all I'm going to tell you the places we visited.
    We visited Llanes, Covadonga, Cangas de Onís, Santillana del Mar and Santander. It was wonderful because they're all rounded by the nature, like the Sella river or lots of forests. I've said it was wonderful because I love the nature.

    Secondly, I'm going to tell you the activities we did.
    The first day we did Paint-Ball, and the rest of days (they were 5 in total) we did: trekking, canyoning and speleology. We also went down The Sella River by canoe, we visited the Altamira Neocave and we did a multi-adventure activity. The one who I liked the most is canyoning because it was so funny. OK, the water was very cold but.. it was amazing. I think it's the best experience I've done in my life and I hope to do it again someday.

    The anecdote I'm going to describe is one of the experiences I'll never forget in my life.
    It was the 4rd day, concretely the last night we spent there. I think it was 2 a.m or may be 3 a.m. when we arrived from a pub and we did a lot of noise, so the guard was looking for us but we were in another room where we were almost 15 persons (supposedly there only could were be 6 persons) so we were doing a lot of noise. Suddenly the guard opened the door and he started to shout us saying that we had all to go with the teachers and things like that. At the same time he was shouting, I saw someone slipping away so me and my friends taken advantage and we slipped away too, and when we could arrived to our room without the guard watching us, the other friend Victoria (who had the room key) phoning so she laughed and she didn't believe us so we had to shouted her for opened the door because the guard was going to see us. Finally she opened the door and the guard didn't carried us to the teachers. It was terrible but at the same time it was so funny.

    Finally, of course I recommend it to other students. It's an incredible experience whose they'll never forget.

    Ángela Cotán 4ºD

  39. In the trip to Asturias I have enjoy so much and I have been in a lot of places. The first day I have been in Cangas de Onis, a town where I
    went to have breakfast and spend time with my friends. That afternoon we went to do speleology. Other day, we went to Covadonga lakes that have a beautiful landscape amd views. Other day we went to Llanes to visit the town and to do canoying in a river. Other day we went to Cantabria to a multiadventure park and to visit Santillana del Mar. The last day we went to do kayak and paintball. The hotel was some cabins and I spend a lot of time in my classmates cabins. My favourite place was the multiadventure park because I have enjoyed so much and Convadonga lakes due to the landscape

    One of the funniest anecdotes was that the day that we went to do speolology, they divided us in two groups and when my group entered to the cave some of us fell to the floor and when we tell it to the other group they were scared of the cave

    I recommend this trip to the other students because you enjoy so much, you do a lot of activities and you spend a lot of time with your friends
    Paco Reyes Madrid 4°B

  40. From 1st to 7th April the 4º ESO students and 4 teachers have been in an end of school year trip. Our destination was Asturias, concretely an inn located in Mestas de Con with wood cabins for 5 o 6 students. We move from Olivares to Asturias in bus, it was 12 hours!! We visited some places and we did a lot of different activities.

    The first place that we visited were the Lakes of Covadonga, that are formed by two or three small lakes. They're situated in the Cantabrian Mountains and we stayed all the morning there watching them, taking photos, walking around them... Then, we visited the Holy Cave of Covadonga, a beautiful catholic sanctuary in the middle of a cave with great views. After, we went to visit Cangas de Onís where we had free time to buy souvenirs and have lunch. In this village, we also visited the roman bridge over the river Sella and it was incredible, I loved it. We also visited Llanes, a village in the coast where we were in the Promenade of San Pedro, a long promenade along the coast with beautiful landscape. Other day, we were in Santillana Del Mar, a town in Cantabria known as the Villa of the three lies because it isn't holy, it isn't flat and it there isn't sea. Finally, we also visited the Cave of Altamira (although it was a replica, not the original) and the Altamira museum.

    The activities were very varied. The first day, we played paintball, and the balls hurt me. I had some bruises in my legs and in my arms, but I like the play. The second day, we did my favourite activity, canyoning. I carried the go pro and I did amazing videos in which we appear jumping and having fun. Other day we were in the Forestal Park of Santander, the biggest suspended forest adventure park of Europe. It was really big and there were a lot of zip lines with various lengths and heights. The last morning, we did the descent in canoe of the river Sella. We rowed 7 km and when we did a stop, some of us decided to swim in the river, although the water was very cold. In these last two activities, I also carried the go pro and I filmed funny videos with some friends. The last activity was speleology, where we laugh a lot. It was an interesting activity that I didn't know or had heard before about it.

    A good anecdote was when we were in the Lakes of Covadonga and two Galician women stop us to tell us if we could dance sevillanas. Those who know dance sevillanas, did it and then we talk with the women. They were very kind and when we were saying goodbye to them hey said “Viva Sevilla!!!”. We were very proud and happy to know that other Spanish people like our city and culture.

    I recommend the trip to all the students who can afford it because it is an excellent experience with all your friends and schoolmates from which you will have fantastic memories. You will visit a lot of different and beautiful places in which you've never been and you will do activities that are very exciting.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  41. In this holiday I have gone to see "pazos" of Seville and Olivares.

    The Sunday I was in Seville seeing "pazos".
    The Monday and Tuesday I went eating whit my friends in a fields.
    The wednsday I was to Seville.
    The Thursday and Friday I was the "pazos" in Olivares.

    Ramón García Díaz 4ºD

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  45. Our trip has been to Asturias, we have been students of 4 of that and also four teachers. We traveled by bus to Asturias for 12 hours, making stops for breakfast, rest, etc. for 2 hours about.

    The places that we have visited are the lakes of Covadonga, Cangas de Onis and Santillana del Mar (Santander). Personally, the place that I liked most is Santillana del Mar (Santander), regarding the town, the views that there are and the places spectacular to be, to take pictures, to eat, etc.

    We have done many sporting activities and very fun. We have all enjoyed it together! Speculation, canyoning, paintball, canyoning, canoeing on the Sella River and an Adventure Park. My favorite activity has been the canyoning down the Sella River, even though the water was too cold but I loved it and above all we laughed a lot with falls, shoves, etc.

    A moment that I will not forget the trip and that we laugh too much is that when we arrived the first day to the hut, we put the suitcases and we began to settle down and as soon as a friend entered the bathroom began to shout for that had been a bug. Another very funny anecdote was when one of the teachers the last night of Asturias, was taking a photo of the group and back did not see a step and stumbled, we started all the students to laugh non-stop.

    Finally, I am satisfied to have gone to the trip, I recommend to all the students that they give the opportunity to go, that they go and that they do not stay without doing the activities for fear because there is a lot of security and you have a great time, To go many more times. As for the treatment of the monitors, cooks and people there, it has been excellent and everything very clean.

    María García Fernández 4ºD

  46. Two weeks ago I went on a trip to asturias.

    We visited Cangas de Onis, Covadonga Lakes, Llanes, Santander and Santillana del Mar. The place I liked the most was Llanes, because I had some very nice visits.

    We did a lot of fun activities such as paintball, Sella descent, canyoning, caving, trekking, adventure park and we visited pueblos.lo what I liked was the adventure park, had many ziplines.

    The last day we did paintbaal, when we started I changed the barrier and someone from the other team shot me and I smeared all the paint and saw nothing

    I recommend this trip because it is a lot of fun and you meet many people

    Piedad López López 3ºB

  47. Two weeks ago the students of 4ESO were in Asturias for 5 days. There we do outdoor activities. Asturias is beautiful and has lots of variety of activities available to do there. During those 5 days we visited the Covadonga Lakes, Cangas de Onis, Llanes, the Sanctuary of Covadonga ... What I liked most about landscape are the Covadonga Lakes because it reminded me a lot of Poland, there is a lot of vegetation, beautiful mountains ...

    In Asturias during the 5 days we did many activities, my favorite is the descent of canyons although the water was very cold but I had a very good time since we were surrounded by vegetation and it was beautiful. There we did hiking, down the Sella by canoe, paintball, speleology, multi adventure and visits to villages.

    During our stay in Asturias we did very interesting things such as the falls of the teachers, the binge of food in the room after dinner, the funny name of the monitor or the insensitivity of our hands after the descent of cannons but nevertheless I most liked was during the caving where the roof was very low and did not take two steps that I was already clashing with something or slipping.

    I highly recommend this excursion both for the beautiful landscapes of Asturias and for the activities we do. Other than there you pass a good time is a unique experience.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  48. In Asturias we have stayed in the hostel Mestas de Con. We have visited many places and towns like the lakes of Covadonga, Cangas de Onís, Santillana del Mar (Santander), Llanes and the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Covadonga. The place that I liked the most was the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Covadonga because I loved the virgin and the place where it is, also breathes very well and there was a waterfall where people throw money to make a wish.

    We do many activities such as the descent of the river Sella in canoe, paintball, speleology, multi adventure.
    The activity that I liked most was speleology, because I was excited to enter a cave and see how it had formed and we had to pass between them, it was very fun and beautiful.

    A funny anecdote that happened to my friend Zaki and me was the day we made the descent down the river Sella.
    We were in the canoe and suddenly the canoe was trapped between some stones, we could not continue without moving the canoe, then we got off and the canoe was suddenly taken by the current and we climbed in the canoe of some friends to take the canoe and go back up.

    Of course I recommend this magnificent trip to other students because we know many things and we do many fun activities in nature.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  49. My holy week:

    In Holy Week you can see the processions to Seville, Sanlúcar and Olivares; On Sunday I was in Sanlúcar, Monday and Friday in Seville and on Thursday and Friday I was in olive groves.

    On Sunday I was in Sanlúcar watching the "borriquita", on Monday I was in Seville watching San Gonzalo, El Museo and Vera Cruz, on Thursday I saw the Vera Cruz in olive groves, and on Friday I went to Seville to see "El Cachorro" and later I went to Olivares to see a "La Virgen de la Soledad". On the days we went to Seville we ate at McDonald's, and on Friday we ate at a pizzeria of Olivares groves.

    An anecdote is that on Monday when he was in Seville he asked about a restaurant in Burger King, but we did not find any and decided to go and ask where there were any. We asked an old man, but we got lost in the streets; Later found one on the street san pablo, but right there was a procession passing and we had to wait for it to happen, later we entered the Burger King we saw that there was no room and we see that running towards the McDonald's of "Plaza de Armas"Because our bus was leaving in half an hour. We finally took the bus to our hour, but we ran out of place.

    I recommend Holy Week in Seville because it is something people like to see.

    Óscar Gómez Bascón 4ºB

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  51. Hi, my holly week was like this:

    I've been in Covadonga, in the campsite(obviusly),Cangas de Onis,Llanes and Santander. The campsite served a cabins for residents of 5 or 6 people. My favorite site was the campsite because there I met people from other towns and I have been able to be with friends for play with magic cards.

    We practice canyoning, kayaking, paintball and caving.Of all those my favorite is paintball because I like the guns and shoot.

    One night my cabin was playing cards except Rodrigo who slept, suddenly Rodrigo woke up and he raised his fist towards Leo and he scream "hijos de puta" "dejarme dormir" and "pesados". We were very scared and we did not wake up again to Rodrigo.

    Yes, I recommended the trip to Asturias because you are going to have a great time with your friends in the activities.

    Ángel José López García 4ºB

  52. I didn´t went to Asturias, but in thid week, somedays I went to Seville to the churchs to see somes Brotherhoods. The next week, is the week that I most like in the year, Easter Holidays.

    The Saturday before the Sunday of Bouquet, I stay in my house and I see the Easter in the TV. The Sunday of Bouquet I went to Seville, and I see the output of the Brotherhood ¨Jesús Despojado¨, later I went to ¨Plaza del Duque¨ and I see ¨La Borriquita¨, in ¨Las Setas¨ I see the Brotherhood of ¨La Cena¨ and finally I went to see the output of ¨La Amargura. On Holy Monday I went to Seville and I see the Brotherhoods of ¨San Pablo¨ ¨Redencion¨ ¨Santa Genoveva¨ ¨Santa Marta¨ ¨San Gonzalo¨ and finally ¨Las Aguas¨. On Tuesday, I went to Salteras with my friends to see the Brotherhood of ¨Los Blancos¨. On Wednesday, I went to Seville and I see the Brotherhoods of ¨La Sed¨ , ¨San Bernardo¨, ¨Buen Fin¨, ¨Cristo de Burgos¨, ¨Los Panaderos¨ and later when I come back I stay in Salteras and I see the Brotherhood of ¨Los Negros¨. On Thursday, I stay in Olivares with my friends. On Friday, I get up very early and I wnet to Albaida to see the Brotherhood of ¨Vera-Cruz¨ in the afternoon, I see the other Brotherhood of Albaida ¨La Soledad¨, and to finally this day, I went to Olivares to see my Brotherhood of ¨La Soledad¨ On Satuday, I went to Sanlúcar and I see ¨La Soledad¨ On Sunday in the morning, I stay in Olivares, and in the afternoon I went to Albaida.

    One anecdote was in Tuesday, when I went to Salteras with my friends, we see the Brotherhood, and as before we had gone alone to Salteras and did not know never reach the street where it was the Brotherhood, we followed people, and the last time we saw the Brotherhood, we didn't know where we had that going to get us to take the bus, and I had to call my mother to be telling us where we had that go.

    I recommend to people that didn´t know the Easter Holidays of Seville, that coming and see it, you coming back a beautiful remember, you wanting to return another year and you don´t regret.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  53. Two weeks ago the pupils of 4 of it we were to Asturias.We have been in an hostel of Mestas de Con.The cabin that shared with my friends was the room 101.We have visited Mestas de Con, Santillana de Mar, Santander and Llanes. The place that I like was Llanes's maritime walk, where I did many photos to myself with my friends.

    We used to have several activities for days, some were: the descent of Rio Sella, we did walking and canoe,We also did tirolinas activities in a suspended forest, espedeologia, paintball and many visits. The activity that I liked the most was the descent of the Sella walking, although the water was very cold.

    I have many anecdotes but the one that I found more funny was when One night we were playing cards and the guard came to scold us because we were making a lot of noise, when he left we kept making noise and the guard knocked again at the door and we all ran to the beds and left a friend alone and she Had to endure the fight of the guard while the others we rejoice.

    I recommend this trip for other students although the bus time is very long you have a great time, both on the bus and in the hostel and in the activities. Also when it's time to leave you do not want to leave.

  54. A few weeks ago, my classmates, some teachers and me, went to Asturias because we are in 4ESO and it's the last year in the ESO.
    In Asturias, we have visited a lot of places. Where we were located for sleep, eat, etc; were in ''Mestas de Con'' in a hostel. Also we visited Covadonga where we saw a waterfall that people say if we drink in it, in three weeks we will get married; Cangas de Onís, where we bought souvenirs; Llanes, it's the place I like the most, where we see very beatiful landscapes.

    The activities that we did in Asturias are all very funny, but I like so much the Cayoning, although the water of the river where very cold we really enjoyed this activity. Also, we have seen a museum with old paintings and other interestings things inside caves; we have done a lot of kilometers in canoes, we have visited a little cave where we had to walk carefully because there was mud; and we walked through the Covadonga Lakes, a very beautifl place, I think that it's the most beatiful we have visited in Asturias.

    A good anecdote was when my friends and me were talking in Llanes and we started to singing and dancing sevillanas next to a source that were near to a market in streets, and all people that were buying started to watch us. It was a good moment, people were laughing with us.

    I really recommend this trip, because until now is the best trip that I've done. It's a good opportunity to see very beautiful landscapes, to do activies that we don't do everyday, and especially we pass a very good week with our partners and friends. I really enjoyed this trip, and of course, I would repeat.

  55. In Asturias I spend a good time with my friends. I laugh a lot in my room. Because my friends do a lot of funny things.We visit Cangas de Onís, Santander, Covadonga... A lot of fantastic places that there were amazing. My favourite place was Covadonga. I took a lot of photos here.

    We do a lot of activities for example archeology in a cave, paintball, sailing in the river... My favourite activity was paintball.

    The best moment was in the paintball activity. I wasn't play paintball after. When I went to the countryside where we play to paintball. I went to one side of the field with my team. When the teacher say Go!! I started to shout to the other team. I shout very fast and I lose my lifes. When I went out of the field someone of the other team shout me very hard and I hurt my legs. I suffer a lot with my leg. But It was a very special moment. My clothes was full of colour painting: green, yellow, purple, blue... My friends also have a special moment.

    I recommend this for everybody but specially with students with the same age than me. I will never forget this week in Asturias.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4°D

  56. Hi, I'm going to talk about my trip to Aturias.

    There we visited many villages, and places such as Cangas de Onil, Llanes, Los Lagos de Covadonga, Santander, the hostel was in Mestas de Con. We sleeped on cabins and in each one of them we were with our group that used to 4 or 5 persons.

    In Asturias during the 5 days we did many activities, my favorite is the descent of canyons although the water was very cold but.We were surrounded by vegetation and it was beautiful. There we did hiking, down the Sella by canoe, paintball, speleology that was a very interesant activity, multi adventure and visits to villages.

    The activities were very varied. The first day, we played paintball, and the balls hurt me. I had some bruises in my legs and in my arms, but I like the play so much

    I recomend this trip because is the best trip that you can do because you go with your friends and you can't repeat these. Is one of the things more funny that I do. The best thing is that you are with your friends. I recomend to go because you can't do another time.

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  57. Hi, I'm going to talk about my trip to Aturias.

    There we visited many villages, and places such as Cangas de Onil, Llanes, Los Lagos de Covadonga, Santander, the hostel was in Mestas de Con. We sleeped on cabins and in each one of them we were with our group that used to 4 or 5 persons.

    In Asturias during the 5 days we did many activities, my favorite is the descent of canyons although the water was very cold but.We were surrounded by vegetation and it was beautiful. There we did hiking, down the Sella by canoe, paintball, speleology that was a very interesant activity, multi adventure and visits to villages.

    The activities were very varied. The first day, we played paintball, and the balls hurt me. I had some bruises in my legs and in my arms, but I like the play so much

    I recomend this trip because is the best trip that you can do because you go with your friends and you can't repeat these. Is one of the things more funny that I do. The best thing is that you are with your friends. I recomend to go because you can't do another time.

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  58. This week in Asturias I don't forget never in my life. It was a fantastic week with my friends and my teachers. My room that was for 5. We doesn't sleep in my room in the night. We sleep in others room with other friends. The teachers doesn't say nothing to my friends. We visit a lot of places... Santillana del Mar, Llanes, Cangas de Onís, Santander, Covadonga.... My favourite place was Santander I like it a lot. But the other place also are very beautiful.

    In this week we do a lot of activities that are adventure activities....For example walking in the countryside, archeology, paintball, sailing in the river Sella, descend of canions... My favourite activitie was the archeology and sailing in the river Sella.

    In the sailing I fall to the water with my friend Gerardo, the water was very cold but we wear a clothes to avoid the cold. We laughed a lot when we fall down. Them we take the canoin another time. This moment was too funny.

    I recommend this trip for children with the same age than me. But if i can I change one thing. The travel by plane is better than by bus. By bus is too long an too bored. But this travel in general is amazing, awesome, fantastic...

    Jose Angel Cea Torres 4°D

  59. My week in Asturias was fantastic, I have fun a lot with my friends. It was amazing tri. If I can I will repeat it.
    I visit Santillana del Mar, Llanes, Covadonga, Canga de Onis, Santander and other places...
    My favourite place was Covadonga, because the lakes are too beautiful and I love it. I took a lot of photos here with my friends.

    In the trip we have done a lot of activities very funnies: we have done archeologist, paintball, senderism and others. My favourite activity was paintball because I spend a funny moment with all my friends.

    My best moment in the trip was in the paintball. I was in the same team with my friends. The paintball consist in shoot with a gum that have balls of colourful paintihgs. When I started to shoot to the other team I spend my balls very fast and when I went out of the field a ball of the other team crash in my head and my hair was so dirty.

    I recommend this trip for all the students with the age of 15-16 but the worst thing of the trip is the travel by bus is too boring. In general I was very happy in Asturias.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  60. I'm going to talk about my trip to Asturias. I went to Asturias because is the last year in ESO. We went to "palacio de Teyeria" in Mestas de Con. We travel in bus, one night with stops. Me and my friends stay in Asturias for 1 week, we slept in cabins.

    My favourite place was the lakes of Covadonga, on the second day. I did many activities like a paintball, canyoning, descent of Sella and went to a many villages; Llanes, Cangas de Onis, Santander and Santillana del Mar. My favourite activity was the park of aventure in Santander (Cantabria)

    The anecdote in this travel was very funny. The last night in Asturias, we went to a pub. When we arrive from a pub on 3 o'clock more less, my teacher Angel he fells when we go to the bus, this moment was very funny. I will never forget this moment in my life.

    In conclusion, I recommend to go to Asturias because was a good experience you will go with your friends and do many funny activities.

    Lucia Garcia 4°D


  61. I have been in Asturias for 7 days with my classmates and some teachers at the high school.
    We traveled for 12 hours in bus to get, we stopped sometimes during the travel. When we arrived to Asturias, we stayed in Mestas de Com in a lodging called "Palacio de Teyeria" where we settled.

    During the days we were staying at the lodging, we did a lot of activities for example: paintball, hiking, canyoning, descent of the Sella by canoe... and also we also visited some places of tourist interest for example: Cangas de Onis, Llanes, also we visited Cantabria, other autonomous community, there we visited Santander and Santillana del Mar. My favourite activity was canyonin, I laughted a lot.

    This had been a trip of many anecdotes , but if I had choose one I would choose one that ocurred in the cayoning with Helen. Helen and me were seized by the arms and se were laughting and I saw a slippery stone and I ley Helen to grab me and when Helen passed the stone, Helen climbed the stone, she slipped and she fell back into the water.

    This experience Washington so good. Personally, I recommend this trip to those students to have the opportunity to go. Also I think that I have lived moments that aren't lived every days.

    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  62. My journey to Asturias

    Two weeks ago I have spent a whole week in Asturias with all the students of 4º of ESO. It took from 1st to 7th of April. We went there at Saturday night and it took thirteen hours. We have seen the village of Mestas de Con, which is in Cangas de Onís, and we also spent some time there. We also visited Santander, Santillana del Mar and Llanes. And the last one is the most I liked, it was really beautiful and had fantastic views.

    The first day, just when we arrived, we practised paintball, it seemed to be more enjoyable, but it finished being dangerous because if the balls hit you it hurts a lot. The next day we visited the Covadonga's Lakes and also Cangas de Onís. Just the day after we went down the Sella by foot, and after we visited Llanes. The next day we went to the “adventure park” and we did a lot of activities there. This day almost all of us went to a disco to have a party, but I didn't go because I couldn't. This night was when I went to the hospital because I suffered an asthma attack. The next day I didn't do the activities because the doctor forced me to stay at the cabin, without practising any tipe of physical activity. But all the rest of the students did canyoning on the Sella and in the evening they did speleology. I liked most the descend of the Sella. In spite of the coldness of the water, it finished being very entertaining and funny.

    A funny anecdote was the first nigh that the other high school went to the same enclosure that us. We all were doing new friends. Some of my friends and me were talking to some of the boys of the other high school, they were making jokes, and after we entered in a cabin with all of them, we were knowing them and they seemed really sociable.

    This trip is really recomended for everybody, especially for a big group of friends, because it is a fantastic opportunity to have a great time with your friends working as a team. The only disadvantage is all the time in bus, but it is a trip that I'll never forget.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  63. Two weeks ago, the students from 4 ° of the That went on a trip to Asturias, there we stayed in a hostel located in Mestas de Con. We visited many places like: Cangas de Onis, Llanes, Santillana del Mar and Santander. The best place that I liked was Covadonga Lakes like almost everyone, there was the virgin and underneath it there was a waterfall where people threw money.

     In Asturias we did a lot of fun activities like canoying on the Rio Sella, we went canyoning on a river with very cold water, we went to an adventure park in Santander and paintball that was the activity that I liked the most because I had been wanting to do that activity .

    An anecdote that happened to me was that playing paintball and wearing the suit and the helmet was that someone of my companions gave me over the helmet and I filled the hairs of paint and I was the only one that happened to him and another anecdote is that A partner spent all the balls in two minutes without realizing it and stayed playing without balls until the end and it was very funny.

    I recommend to all the students that you have the opportunity to go to that excurcion that they go because they will not regret it and it passes very well next to your partners, I if I could go again safe to pass me back so well.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B

  64. I´m going to talk abaut my trip to Asturias. We´ve been in Asturias from six days. We visited Cangas de Onis, Covadonga, Santillana del Mar and Llanes. Of all the places that we visited the best for me was cangas de Onis , is big and there are many shops that you can buy souvenirs for the family. Also cross the river Sella in this city and there is an important and interesant bridge.

    We did many activities like canoeing in the river Sella, speology , paintball, canyoning and hiking. The activity that I like the most was canyoning, was a unforgettable experience and was fun. I liked also very much paintball but.. hurt a little!

    One of the anecdotes was that the P.E techer fell, we was in Cangas de Onis and he said.. Bye guys! And he fell. It was funny.
    Another anecdote was when we was canoeing and I, with the oar hurt the face of Nati that was opposite me.. I was very sorry!

    I recommend this trip to another students , the food was good, the log cabin was very good and in the activities you have a great time. Also if you have a problem the teacher are there. The only thing that I don´t like was that we stayed many hours in the bus and for other years they can go in train or plane.

    María Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  65. These holidays ,we went to Asturias and we were in a hostel with other students of different schools. We visited many places like:Cangas de Onis ,Covadonga ,Santillana de Mar.. but my favorite place was Llanes a village that was next to Cangas de Onís. Llnes was very beautifull and there was an cliff where you could see the Cantabrian's sea.

    We did some activities that were so funny like paintball, hiking, the descent of the Sella river.. My favourite activity was canyoning because we put on a neoprene and went to a river where we bathe and swim but the water was very cold. The canyoning was so funny and exciting.

    An anecdote was in the Sella's descent when my friend and I were in the canoe and we were rowing, the canoe stopped so my friend got up to push the canoe and in this moment she hit me in the face with the oar and 20 minutes later I had a bruise in my cheek.

    I recommend this trip because is a trip where you enjoy so much with your friends and you do activities very funnys and also the place that you visit are so beatifull.
    Nati Montero Cotan 4B

  66. I've been in Asturias from the first to the 7th of April. It was my first trip with my patners and I had a great time.
    In this trip we were accompanied by four teachers: Aurora,Ángel, Inma y Eva. We have stayed in a hostal located in Mestas de Con. It was quite far from town.
    Among the places we have visited the most I've like are the Cave of Altamira and Covadonga's lake,although we have stayed in Santander ,Santillana del mar, Cangas de Onís y Cantabria.

    Despite being a long trip to get the place afterwards it was well worth it, as we have made a lot of activities. Among them the descent of canyons or hiking, espeleology, paintball,canoeing,adventure park,sightseeing as the lakes of Covadonga or the cave of Altamira. Of all this activities I have enjoyed the most it's in the adventure park and canoeing. They have been so continuous that when we arrived at the hostel we are so tired that the beds looks like cotton swabs.

    Among the funniest anecdotes are:
    The fall of the teacher Angel in the village pub. I'm not going to tell it because everyone has talked about it.Another anecdote was the rap battles between friends and patners who weren't in our high school, they live in Madrid. Also one night we painted Zacarias like a women and we laugh a lot...
    One of the funniest anecdote was the last day because we were doing paintball and a ball of paint hits Maite in the forehead and she had been paiting in orange all day.

    It's a place I would recommed not just for the place but for what is shared and lived there. I would say it has been a nice experience that has helped me to know themselves, and even know myself.
    It has also served me to value what I have at home , my family and also to solve unexpected situations. I think everyone has been able to behave well and we have lived an experience that will never forget in our lifes.
    Thank you everyone for making this trip possible.

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  67. I went to Asturias with my classmates and some teachers. We went by bus and made 12 hours approximately with many stops. We arrived at 1 in the afternoon we settled in our hostels separated by groups. We visit are Cangas de Onís, the lakes of Covadonga, Santander, Llanes and Santillana del Mar. The place Which I liked the most were the lakes of Covadonga.

    We did various activities such as Paintball, Speleology, Trekking, canyoning, zip lines, canoeing down the Sella. My favorite activity was the tirolinas.

    My most funny anecdote was when we arrived from the farewell party and tried to go to another cabin at 3 o'clock without the guard catching us

    This trip if you recommend it because you have a great time, there are many activities and although you leave from there very tired, it is an unforgettable experience

    Paula Castro Rodríguez 4ºB


    I left Olivares on Saturday at 10 o'clock and I arrived Asturias on Sunday morning at 11 o' clock and we had breaksfast. We arrive where we stayed the 5 days, the hostel "Mestas de Com" at 1 o'clock. The next day we started visiting places, first we went to Covandonga's Lakes. There we could take cool photos, the views were incredible because the mountains had snow in the top and it was very good weather. Later we went to Covadonga Sanctuary, it was spectacular because it was inside a mountain. In the afternoon we visit Cangas de Onis a town in where we bought souvenirs for our families and we saw a important bridge in there. On Tuesday we went to Llanes a coast town, it have beautiful views towards the sea. On Wednesday we went to Santander to do an activity and later we visit Santillana del Mar but this town don't have sea. In my opinion the place more beautiful is Llanes because in there you can see the mountains and very near the sea and also like the others it was a very clean village.

    We did a lots of activities. The first day I did paintball, at the beginning we were very afraid because it is very dangerous if you don't follow the instructions well. We had to protect ourselves with barriers and at the same time attack, from time to time we had to change the barriers. The third day we did canyoning, we putted on a very tight neoprene because we had to walk in a river with a lots of rocks, there were natural slides and waterfalls. The third day we went to a park in Santander, in where we were two hours doing activities of height in the trees, there were many zip lines but the best was a zip line that crossed the whole park. The four day we did the descent of the river Sella, with a canoe and we did 7.5 kilometers. It was very fun and in the beginning of the activity we went down a slide which took us to the river. Also the last day we did speleology and we spent an hour in a cave and we passed through very narrow places. My favourite activity was canyoning but all were very funny I like all the activities.

    We spent a good time in the bus because we were all time singing and laughing. Always we were in the bus we looked for cows that had black spots. Also at night the teachers went to our cabins and we dance sevillanas with him and we taught the teacher Angel to dance sevillanas. Also at nights we ate a lot of sweet and we putted music. Other anecdotes was when we went with two teachers to a pub in the last night and we danced a lot also with the teachers. And we met students of others schools who where also in Mestas de Com.

    I recommend this trip to other students because it had a lots of different activities, you visited a lots of beautiful places, and the most important you spent a very good time with your friends and with the teachers. It was a pity to have only 5 days because there was many places to visit. I WOULD GO BACK AGAIN!!


  69. A few days ago, most of the students of ESO 4 took a trip to Asturias, we settled in a hostel in Mestas de Com, where we visited different places: Llanes, Cangas de Onis, Santillana del Mar, Santander and the The most beautiful place to visit was Los Lagos de Covadonga, it was a beautiful place where we took advantage of to take more photos than we already had.

    We did a lot of fun activities, such as caving, hiking, canyoning, canoeing down the Sella River, we were in an adventure park where you had to wear harnesses so that you could jump on zip lines and thus go beyond the levels and Last we did the activity of painball which we could enjoy without leaving the hostel. The activity that I thought I would most like was the painball and I had the illusion of being able to do it but in the end the activity that I liked was not that, but the Of the canyoning where I had a great time, I had never done this activity but if I went back to Asturias I would certainly repeat it.

    One of the many things that happened to me (being my first trip alone, that is, without my parents, I spent millions of things) was that one day we went to visit the villages we stopped at a store all to buy souvenirsOf our trip for us and for our families, then I did not know that we would stop to buy souvenirs and I did not take money because I am not accustomed to taking money and everyone buying their things and I could not. My mother to talk to her told me that I could not believe it. It was a bad thing that a few days later we visited more villages where I could buy my presents and I was already happy. I do not go out even once without money.

    Of course I recommend it because you will enjoy a lot with your teachers and colleagues of an incredible trip that I would repeat with my eyes closed, it is an opportunity to know a little more of our country and to be fascinated with the landscapes and activities to realize what we have.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  70. I went to Asturias with my classmates and some teachers. The trip was 12 hours by bus with some stops on the way up to Mestas de Con, where our accommodation was.

    We have gone to Llanes, Lagos of Covadonga, Cangas de Onís, Santander and Santilla of the sea. I have loved all the sites I have visited, but the ones that have been Cangas de Onís and Lagos of Covadonga.

    We have done many activities such as Speleology, Canyoning, etc...
    All the activities I have loved, especially Canyoning and adventure park. We have also visited the Altamira cave.

    A good anecdote was the day we went to a Cangas pub where we were dancing with the teachers and another the day we had paintball the opposing team gave him a ball to the teacher Eva in the mouth.

    For my to been one of the best trips of end of course that I have done, I would repeat this trip a thousand times and I recommend it to all the students of the heliche.

    Ana Isabel Morán Sánchez 4°B


    Two weeks ago , I went to Asturias with all the groups of 4º ESO from 1st to 7th April. We stayed in a camping near Cangas de Onís, specifically, in a town called "Mestas de Con". When we arrived at the lodge, we were separated in cabins for sleeping.
    My group of friends and I , stayed in the cabin 102.
    We visited a lot of places, for example : The villages of angas de Onís, Santander, Llanes and Santillana del mar. Also, we visited the neo-cave of Altamira and the lakes of Covadonga.

    We did many different activities throughout the journey. The first day, my group and I made paintball; and although it was very cool, I ended up with many bruises! The second day, was the day that best had so much, because it was the activity that I liked the most "the descent of canyons".
    This activity consisted in descending different canyons that were near the river Sella, in order to do the activity well we were given wetsuits and helmets. The only problem I saw with this activity was the low water temperature, It was freezing!!!! But I had a great time, I would repeat it more times.
    But in addition to this, we made many other activities; for example, we descended the river Sella in canoes, did speleology, paintball... and other activities that I liked and was very nice; It was the path of hiking by the lagos de Covadonga, although I ended up also very tired both to walk! Last, but not least, on different days that we were there, we visited several towns such as Llanes, Santillana del Mar and Cangas de Onis; the truth is that were so beautiful, I loved.

    I have many good moments spent on this trip; But if I had to meet with some, they would be undoubtedly the moments with my friends in each activity, meet new people from other places and do things that had never done.
    A good anecdote was the day that we went to a Pub in Cangas of Onis; back at the campsite, it was too late, and had put a guard so we monitor if we left the cabins or were of messing.I was not in my cabin, because I was going to bed in another; and how we had met several guys in the campsite, my friends and I were going to go to their cabins, to hang out with them and get to know us more.But when we left, we had to climb a slope to get to their huts and sliding much.and when we had already almost reached, guardian us tag and had to run to our cabin.but to get running with the wet ground, I slipped and ended up on the floor! I laughed much but it also hurt.

    The truth, that I had a very good trip and would return it to repeat many times more, because it made me very short and enjoyed; Despite 14 hours of bus ride and how tired reaching Olivares. Recommend it to everyone who wants to spend some unforgettable moments with your friends!!

    Marta Maldonado Parejo 4ºB

  72. I went to Asturias the 1st of April at night with students of 4º ESO and 4 teachers. We took the bus at 22:00h. The trip to Asturias takes between 12 and 14 hours. We went in two buses because we are a lot of students. When we were in our hostel in Mestal de Com, the instructor called Chicho explains the schedule complete to all the week that we were there. In each hut sleep 5 or 6 persons. We visited different beautiful villages that have beach so incredible.

    The first day, when we arrived to the huts, we had lunch. In the afternoon we divided in two groups, the first group did a funny activity called Paint Ball, the other group did speleology. At night, we dinner and then the people of my hut and the people of other hut went to the hut of ours friends and we slept together. The second day, we went to “Lakes of Covadonga. We made a lot of photos all together there and also, we walk a lot! Also we made a Pic-Nic and then we visited shrine of Coadonga. Then we took the bus and we visited Cangas de Onís. It’s a beautiful and old village, but it have a lot f shops and bars and also in the square there was a street market. The third day, we done canyoning in the Sella’s river. This was the best activity that I did in this travel, then in the afternoon we visited Llanes with a guide. The fourth day, We throw ourselves of many tirolinas in the park of adventures of Santander, and when we finished we went to a incredible beach that had beautiful landscape. Also we visited Santillana del Mar and this night Chicho took us to a pub because this night was the last night in the huts. The last day, we did the activity that the other group did the first day and vice versa. This night we come to Olivares.

    One of the anecdotes that I like so much of this travel was when once of the night I played the guitar with my friends, and then a lot of people came to our hut and then Angel one of the teacher came to it and he was dress up of Monster of the cookies, it was so fun! Then some girls learned to Angel to dance sevillanas. Also other of the anecdotes was that I was speeded time to washing up and in this moment, Gerardo and Ramón was played football, and Ramón fall down to a small mountain of something and I laughed a lot of.

    I recommended this travel because it’s an opportunity to visit a lot of places , caves and beach very beautiful and the most important thing, you will pass so good with your friends. It’s an experience that I will like to repeat.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4º ESO B

    Hi teacher! I am going to explain you my experience in the final trip of ESO, where I had fun with my friends and teachers.

    Firstly, when we arrived there, we were dissolve our bags, but wue only had 30 minutes for it, so we had to run. Then, we had lunch, and at 5:00, one group did Paintball, and the otherdid speleology, so we were divided. That day,I was very tired of the trip in the bus, but not only me, all of us were tired. The newt day, We went to Lagos de Covadonga, a beautiful place where we were relax, enjoiyng de natural views and taking photos. Later, we went to Cangas de Onís to visited it, there we have a very good time. Tuesday Morning, we went to do canoying in the Sella river where we spend almost all of the day, although it was avery tired activity. Next day, we wnet to the tirolines, that was my favourite activity, because it was very fun and we enjoy it a lot. The last day, we went to a pub to give off the incredible experience in Asturias.Finally, at 11:00 we took the bus to come to Olivares.

    One good moment, was one day when we were walking around Mestas de Com with the teachers, when suddenly we got lost in the group and we had to ask for the place where we have to go, so it was very fun.

    To sum up, I recommend that trip because, we had passed the bestweek ever with my friends and teachers, and it was the best experience what happened to me.

