lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Cover letter

What is a cover letter?

To be considered for almost any position, you will need to write a letter of application. Such a letter introduces you, explains your purpose for writing, highlights a few of your experiences or skills, and requests an opportunity to meet personally with the potential employer.

Cover letter: instructions and example

Look at these three summer jobs adverts. Which job do you prefer? Write a cover letter applying for one of these jobs.

Au pair 
We are looking for a cheerful, reliable young person to look after a 6 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. We live just outside New York City.  Responsibilities-- to be with the children and prepare meals during the day.  

Summer camp in Ireland
We need someone who love sport to teach PE on our summer camp. You need to be a good communicator a very organized. 

Big supermarket needs part-time workers in August. Are you hard-working? Are you sociable? Do you like working in a team? Excellent conditions.

1. Introduction: 
Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm writing about your advertisement....
I'm writing to apply for the post of...

2. Your skills, qualities, abilities

3. Your past achievements

4. Questions about the job

5. Close:
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

74 comentarios:

  1. Dear Sir :

    I´m writting to apply for the post of Summer Camp in Ireland

    Im 22 years old and i know some languages like Fench and English.

    Im good for the summer camp because i like the nature and im good to look after boys that are younger than me, also i like to play with other boys like football etc.
    Also i like to travel to ireland and to know something new about the culture and the tradotions of this country.

    I went two years before to a camp in Almeria and i lost my frineds for 1 day. For 1 day alone in the forest but at final I found my frinds and my classmates.

    I have somes questions for the job:

    The travel is all pay?

    Also the food is paid?

    How many money do you earn?

    How many days do you stay in the Summer Camp?

    This is all:
    Thank for your attention and for read this letter, Im looking foward to hearing from you.

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  2. Dear Madam,
    I am writing to apply for the post of Au pair.

    I think that I should have this job because I have the ability to look after small children, I think I am a good person for this job because I love being with small children, be they as old as 8 years old. I help them with their homework in case they have and I always teach them something new to learn

    From very early on, from the age of 19 I have been caring for the children of my relatives, small cousins, children of friends of my parents, etc. And now I am 23. I am very responsible with my work and I have never had any problems

    -How many children do you have?
    -How old are they?
    -Do they have any illness, allergy or have to take any medication?
    -They are naughty?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Rocio Navarro Campos

    Rocio Navarro Campos 4º ESO D

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. 413/5000
    I am writing this letter because I have seen your advertisement on the internet and I think I am the right one for this job. I work hard every day to earn my salary. I work very well with my colleagues, very close. I am applying for this job because I believe I am the best in this job. I have worked in many restaurants in Seville and some bars in my town. How much do you earn per month with this job?

  5. Dear Madam,
    I'm writing about your advertisement of Au pair, because I'm very interested in this work and I think I'm good for this.I would love to have the opportunity to take care of your children and I assure you that you will not regret it.

    Then I'll tell you a little bit about me, my qualities, etc.
    I am 27 years old and have a child, therefore, I have experience with small children. I love children and I am a very smiling girl. I am always very nice and I have a lot of patience, I can help them with homework, to shower, to have dinner and everything. I will be for everything you need, both you and the children, and I'm not distracted almost never. I am a responsible girl and I take care of my things and my responsibilities.

    I have been working as a nanny for four years and have never had any complaints from me. I do not just work as a babysitter, I also clean, cook, do the errands, etc. So even if it is a nanny job, it could help with homework. Also, since I was 15 years old I have been taking care of my brothers, who are smaller than me, and my cousins.

    I would like to ask you some questions to be careful with children, such as:
    Does anyone have an allergy or disease?
    The foods that they like, and especially those that do not, to take it into account.
    Do they usually bring a lot of homework to school?
    Are they children quiet or naughty?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,
    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  6. Dear sir or madam,
    I´m writting to apply for the post of Au Pair.
    I´m a 21 year old girl perfect to this job because I´m so reliable and cheerful person, also I love children, I think that children are the future and I love look after them, and I´m so responsable, with me the children have a too balanced diet.
    I have so expenrience I work of Au Pair other years In London and in France, also I look after my young brother and cousin.
    Finish I have any question, like how much do you pay, and how much time during the job.
    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.

    Rocío García Rodríguez 4D

  7. Dear Sir,
    I'm writing to apply for the post of au pair and I hope to be invited to an interview. I think I am a person qualified fot the job, because I love doing that and is very easy work with me too because I will not cause problems.

    I have special abilities for children, I am able to have the children entertained, if they are just babys even teenagers of 16-17 years old during all the day. I amvery socialeandreliable,so,in one week,the child will think i am a member of the family. I am cheerful, funny, I have enough imagination to invent games, I am very patient so I will not get angry or shout to them because is very very difficult to make me feel angry.
    I am good at art and crafts so the children and I will be entertained all the day long.
    I will also teach them to be responsbale, fair, and other values that make a person be a good person, and I think that's a good point to apply to me the job.I am able to make easy meals, buth healthy because at the age of children, is very important to have an healthy diet and do some sport. I have been teaching swimming for children during 2 years so we could do somesport twice at week at least.

    Previously, when I was younger,I used to lookafter my two cousins when the parentswere working, and the majority of weekends I picked up them and I was with them all the weekend, they are really lively and they wanted to change of game constanstly,so I needed lot of imagination and patience.

    I will like to know about the money I will learn inthe case I get the job and the timetable I should follow. If I get the job and I am good at it, would I continue working during the course?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.Thanks.

    Lola Valverde González,4ºD.

  8. Dear Mr Bieber,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of the supermarket.
    I need a job for this summer because I have to earn some extra money this year for reparing some things in my new house.

    I am very sociable with other people and I love those places where you are around them, and not alone inside an office.
    I will adapt to the hours I have to work and it doesn't matter because it will be summer and I won't have anything to do.

    I don't have much experience about working at a sumermarket but I know that I can do it very well and that's why I'm applying for this job.

    Will I have to clean also the supermarket? I sometimes like cleaning but if it's my job, I won't like it. If I work there I would do it as a cashier or replacer.

    Answer me as soon as possible, because if not I would have to look for another job and I will have to forget about working at your supermarket. I like a lot this job and I will work very hard if you hires me.
    Thanks a lot before anwers.

    Yours faithfully,

    Jesús Muñoz Molina.


  9. Dear Mr Michel,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of the supermarket.
    I need this job because I want to earn some money to buy a house near the city.

    I am a very sociable person and above all very educated, that you can trust. I can work all the hours that are necessary since we are in summer and have nothing to do but enjoy the summer.

    I have experience some regarding work in a supermarket since previously in other supermarket, both replenishing products as manager, cashier ..

    Do I have to do all the tasks possible? I can do everything that is needed, both cleaning the supermarket, cashier, putting products ... I do not care what it is. The important thing is to enjoy both the people from outside and my own colleagues.

    If it can be answered as soon as possible, in case you do not give me this interesting job as a job, find me another one but I would be very sorry.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,Rocío.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºD

  10. Dear Sir or Madam:

    I am writing to apply for the post of to work in your supermarket. I think it would be a good job for me, because I love working in supermarkets. I am very tidy, I am also very sociable, and that is why I would like to work in your supermarket.

    Previously I worked in one of the big supermarkets such as "Carrefour" and "Mercadona", and I have a lot of experience in supermarkets.

    I hope to receive your answers !!
    Yours faithfully, Alfonso

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  11. Dear Mr. Michael

    I'm writing to apply for the post of supermarket clerk.

    I'm cheerful, sociable and hard-working. I have power of coviction because I'm annoying.

    I worked in uncle's shop during 1 year and profits rose.

    How long will I work? How much profits will I get out of benefits? How long will I have to rest throughout the week?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Ángel José López García

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Dear Madam, I am writing about your advertisement because I am very interested from the post of au pair.

    I am a kind, fun and very patient person and I think that it is very important for this job, I love kids and I enjoy when I see the kids with a smile. I love play with them with all the toys that they have and I love take care of them.

    I have experience in this post of au pair because I have two little cousins and when my aunts have something to do I take care of them. Apart of this, I have a football team, I am trainer of a team of kids over 4 and 6 years old.

    I would like to ask you some things, for example: How much would you pay? Would I have to stay with them? Would I have some free time? If the last one is not possible, doesn't matter, because I will not leave them alone, but it is true that I would also like to have free time.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Desirée.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4ºB

  14. Dear sir.

    I am writing to apply for the post of PE teacher in Ireland campside because I love sport and children and I Have a lot of experience in teaching sport but never in Ireland.

    I learnt many sport a lot time ago and I studied the teacher career in south Africa and The PHD in north korea.

    I was the fastest potato in sam's farm. 100% real no fake.
    haha was just a prank it's and example of my humor sense, children love it

    I just have two question about the post, the first one is. how much money I will earn? and the second, If I could do my own cocaine in the campside?.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,

    By: Jose Rodrigo Sanchez Toledo

  15. By: Ángel Fraile Delgado

    Dear Sir

    I'm writing to apply for the post of babysitter due to the proximity of your house to mine and because i love children and babies.

    I´m good at looking for children because I´m very responsible and careful also I´m very funny so I can entertain your sons and I´m very tidy and clean.

    I´ve looked for my two little cousin of five and three years old , I´ve worked as entertainer in birthday parties and other parties also I´ve worked as houseman in some houses of my family and I´ve cook in bars and restaurants , i was alomst in all the restaurants the cheff

    How much money will I earn if I get the job ? and How many time will I work ? Have I to stayb all night with the children ?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. Dear Mr.Michael

    I´m writting to apply for the job of Summer camp in Ireland.
    I need this job because since I came back from vietnam I am not the same

    I am sociable, I know a lot of survival tips and to find food in the forest

    I have experience working fifty eight years in the vietnam war and two days in the Mcdonald's but they fire me of the job because when i see a hamburger i remember the burned meat of my friends in vietnam, I am twenty years old

    If I can do all the tasks? Yes I can, I can teach the kids how to survive , I can kill bears with my hands and I can teach the kids how to make a bed with nails and sharped rocks and I can teach them how to potablize water with a bottle.

    In the case you don´t give me the job I will find you
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully. Antonio

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 4ºB

  18. Dear Mr Michel

    I´m writing to apply for the post of the supermarket
    I need some money because my father hasn´t got work.

    I am sociable and very fond of people, I like this job because it took me 3 years working in carrefour but I had to leave this job since I had to move to another country in search of work for my father.

    I like to work as a team but I have a question, do I have to wear a uniform?
    Thanks for your time.

    I hope news about you and about this work.

    Juan carlos 4eso b

  19. -Dear Sir Osama bin Laden

    -I'm writing to apply for the post of Supermarket

    - I have much experience since I was working for 100 years in a psychiatric prison, I have been for 100 years in vietnam kill more than 300 terrorists, dismantle a whole tank only with a nail clip, grab a missile in the air and save more Of 777 people and teaches poor children to make rompecascos, when I find beggars in the street I give them oreos with toothpaste and then I give 2 cent to ask them forgiveness. If you do not give me the job, nothing happens, I'll just tell you where you live.

    -Yours faithfully

    Carlos Rodríguez Mondéjar 4ºB

  20. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  21. Dear Mr Michel.

    I was excited to see your advert and I'm writing to apply for the post of Au Pair

    I would like to have this job because I love children and I have a lot of experience in that age group.The truth is that I have always been a girl to whom children are given very well, that is, to entertain them in any way and to spend the best possible time. On the other hand, also do all kinds of houseworks , such as doing the food , cleaning the house, do laundry ... This I think is also very important in this type of work, and is that I am a person of confidence, you do not have to worry about anything about it; and besides I am a very kind, funny and nice girl.

    In previous years, I have worked in summer schools with children from 3 years to 16 years.I was called for four years in a row to be an English teacher for children aged five and six years. And lastly, I have been two times in other countries, looking after small children and teaching Spanish.

    I would like to ask you also, several aspects about the work. In case you chose me for work, would you pay me the trip to New York or would I have to find the trip myself?
    Would the work be full-time, part-time or just a few hours?And finally, would I have to move to your house or stay in a hotel?

    The truth is that I would really like to work on this, because apart from that I love children, traveling to New York would be a new experience in my life. I hope you call me for the interview.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Marta.

    Marta Maldonado Parejo. 4ºB

  22. Dear Sir,
    I am writing to apply for the au pair position and I look forward to talking to you personally. I think I'm a good candidate for the job because I like children very much.

    I have many skills with children, I can be entertaining them all day. I am very social and trustworthy, in a short time I could become like your older sister. I'm funny, I really like to play with children. I'm very patient, I would not mind having to be all day for someone to do something.

    Last summer I was taking care of my little cousins, I lifted them up for breakfast and we played until their mother arrived. In the afternoon her mother would go back and I would continue to take care of them, I would give them a snack and we would play until I showered them. They fell asleep.

    I would like to know about the money I will earn if I get the job and the schedule I would have. I will only be working in summer

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Piedad López López

    Piedad López López 4ºB

  23. Dear Mr Michael I'm writing about your advertisement of the supermarket. I think I would be a good candidate to take this place because I´m hard-working person.

    I have som skills that I can use in this job. I´m very sociable so I can talk with people who come to buy things to the supermarket. I´m fast too. I can collect the goods of the person who is going to pay very fast. And finally I like organized things so I can organized and distribute food and thing in the supermarket.

    I have worked in another Supermarket Carrefour. They were very happy with me but i decided to left it because studies. Now,I´m not studying so I want to return to work, If it can be at a supermarket.

    I would like to know how many money i will get at this job. I would like to know how many hours I will work.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Ramon Rodriguez

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4ºB

  24. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  25. Dear profesor
    I’m writting to apply for the post of summer camp in Ireland I want the job because I need money to buy a new car

    I think I am good for the job because I am reliable and I love children I’m use to deal with a lot of children because I’m the sixth of nine brothers also I’m hard worker and so creative to have entertained the children I am in well conditions physiques .

    I studied in Yaxley I studied medicine I was doing practises in a hospital in Spain . In Yaxley I studied Germany and French in the school and I know English perfectly so If there are children from many countries I would be able to comunícate with them.

    I would like to know in which months will be the post I want to know how many you paid When I finish the job also
    I want to know if the food is included or I have to do by myself If it isnt to much I want to know how many teachers children and break days I have.

    I’m looking forward to hearing from you

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B

  26. Dear Mrs Daniella

    I'm writing to apply for the post of Au Pair, I am a young girl 23 years I assure you that you will not regret giving me the opportunity to work with your family and with you. I really like children and cook.

    I am a very patient girl organized and above all you can trust me. The main thing is that I have a car of my own which makes it easier to take the children to school. Other of my qualities is that I am very efficient. I can help your children with their tasks jobs etc ...

    3 years ago I was working in a house of a family with children I had no problem. There, besides taking care of the children, I also cleaned, cooked, ironed the children to help them do their homework etc ... I would not mind doing the same if you let me.

    I have some questions for you:

    The trip would you pay or would I pay? (If you do not pay it you are not inconvenientfor me)

    I would have a full day?

    I’m looking forward to hearing from you because it is very interesting learn and know different country and the costumes and also learn and practise my English

    Yours faithfully, Carmen González Fuentes

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  27. Mr. Michael

    I´m writting to apply for the post of Summer Camp in Ireland

    Im 18 years old and i know some languages like Germany and Russian

    I am good for the summer camp because I love the sport and the environment. I have got a good level of english and of other languages. I love the childrens and play with them. I think that this is the best job that I can have.Also one of my hobbies is to travel in the world.

    Other years my friend call me to a summer camp in Albacete but this summer camp was too boring. Because it was of childrens with the age of 4 years. Also it wasn't a sport camp. But also it was good and I have fun.

    -How old are the childrens?
    -How many time I stay there?
    -Can I go by boat?
    -Is too expensive?
    -What is the best thing?
    -What is the worst thing?
    -Can I play the guitar there?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, José Angel

    José Angel Cea Torres 4°D

  28. Dear Ms. Simons,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of au pair, I think I could be such a good option for this job.

    I'm a happy young woman. I had always looked after my cousins, I love to play games with them and I'm a very good at telling and inventing stories. But I also know when to stop and leave the children sleep.
    I can cook pretty well and I make healthy food that children love.

    I usually work as a babysitter in summer to earn extra money and I have worked in a kindergarten for one year. I had always looked after my cousins and when there is a family meeting I always play with the children.

    I would like to know some things about the job:
    - How much money will I earn?
    - Do I have to pay the flight?
    - Will I have breaks?
    - Will I stay always in your house?
    - Do I have to do the shopping?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  29. Dear Sir

    I'm writing to apply for the post of supermarket

    I'm a young men.I'm very sociable, fast and hard-working

    I have worked in a shop in my village

    I would like to know some things about the job:
    -Will I have breaks?
    -How much money will I earn?
    -How many hours will I work?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you
    Yours faithfully

  30. Dear Sir

    I´m writing about your advertisement of supermarket. I am Rocío and I am 19 years old. I´m interested for your advertisement because I need the money for paid my degree that I would study also because I have to go a other city because in mine there is not the degree of optician that is what I want study.

    I think that I am a good candidate for this job. Firstly I am a hard working and organized person, also I am sociable and I have some experiences because I worked in a shop here in Olivares and such I am sociable, lot of people knows me but I have to let because I fell and broke my leg. Finally, I like work in a team because I think that work like that you learn more.

    About my past, I have studied ESO and BACH in the high school of Olivares. When I was a child I loved play to do the purchase with my sister. Also I travel to London in where I improved my english also I have the B2 of english, so I am good with the languages.

    For this job I have some questions such as, How much are you paid me?, or How long I will work?Also I want know what tasks I am going to do.

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  31. Dear sir:

    I'm writing to apply for the post of the summer camp in Ireland. My name is José Manuel and I am 19 years old. I am interested in this work because I am in my Gap Year and I need money to the next year to study in the university.

    I think that I am skilled because I´m Hard-working, very cheerful but when the children are bad I can be serious, also I´m very organized and sociable. Also I like so much travel, sports and adventures.

    Previously I think that isn´t a work because they don´t pay me but I went three years to a camp like a volunteer and I had a group of children and we go to do sports activities, in the three years I only have a problem that was that a day a boy lost in the forest but I found the boy in thirty minutes.

    I have some questions about the job:
    - How old are the children?
    - How many money you pay?
    - How many days is the camp?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, José Manuel Méndez González.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD


  32. Dear Sir,

    I am writing to apply for the au pair position and I look forward to talking to you personally.
    I think that I am a good candidate for the job because I love taking care of children. I also really like helping with the housework and that is why I would like to put it into practice.

    I have two nieces and I love to take care of them, I think I am a very sociable girl, patient and above all I love to be happy and make children laugh.

    Two years ago I worked at the house of a co-worker of my mother taking care of her children and I was a year. I picked them up from school, gave them lunch and dinner, and in the afternoons I took them to the park, they were a girl and a boy, the 4 year old girl and the 2 year old boy, we took a lot of affection for each other.

    I would like to know what you think about it and I would also like to have such a beautiful experience.
    These are some of the things I would have:
    -How much money would I earn to do my job?
    -How long would I be?
    -How many children would they care for?
    -How old would they be for children?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, María García Fernández.

    María García Fernández 4°D

  33. Dear Sir

    I'm writing to apply for the post of au pair.
    I am 15 years old. I know I'm too young but I'm very reliable, hard-working and organized. I have two younger cousins (7 and 9 years old) and I usually look after them when my uncles are not in their house because I love babysitting. I'm also good at cooking and cleaning.
    I would like to ask some questions about the job:
    - Will I be free at the weekend?
    - What responsibilities will I have?
    - How many children will I take care of?

    Please reply as soon as possible because I am very interested in this job.

    Yours faithfully

    Ángela Cotán

    Ángela Cotán 4*D

  34. Dear Sir,
    I´m writing o apply for the post of babysitting. I´m 18 years old and I´m studing physiotherapy in the university of Seville. But I want to earn money for study in a foreign country.

    I´m very sociable, and I like very much care the childrens and play with them. I´m very entertainment and I think that the childrens like staywith me.

    Also I have a little sister andis habitual that my parents leave me to take care of her. In summer I care in weekends of the chldrens of my neighbor.

    I have some questions:
    How much would you pay me?
    How many hours I have to stay in the day?
    How many weeks I have to care of the childrens?
    How much you will pay to me?
    I´m looking forward hearing from you,
    Yours faithfully, Maria Victoria.

    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  35. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  36. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  37. Dear Sir,
    My name is Clara Pérez. I am 18 years old and I am from Spain. Specifically I live in Olivares, a town in Seville. I'm writing to apply for the post of au pair. I don't have problem moving to the outside of New York because I like to travel and also I don't have problem with the language, children and with preparing meals.

    As I said before I don't have problem with the language because I have B2 and I'm studying hard because in one week I do the exam to have the C1. The same with children, I love children and I looked after my little cousins many times. That's why I know the responsibility of this work and I learnt from very young to be a responsable person. My mother taught me to cook little by little when I went to my cousins' house because her parents had to go outside and I had prepare meals. I try to be kind and cheerful with children and I could teach them a little Spanish if you wanted.

    I studied in the school "El Prado" and these year I finish my studies in the high school. My past achievements are few because I am young but the most important for this work I have them. Which are that I have the experience of looking after children and I have learned to cook dairy meals. And also I have a good level of English. My future plan is to study administration and business management but I want to study it in English so I think it would be perfect to improve my English. When I have a very good level which I think I will have if I go to work I will start studying. I don't mind losing a year or two of studies because at the same time I'm learning language. At the same time I also earn money to pay for my studies so my parents wouldn't have to pay it. It is very important for me because the studies cost a lot of money.

    I have some questions about this work like: How long is this job? I would like to know because I can't work more than two years as I would have to start my studies. What I can do is keep working in the summer if you want. How many holidays would I have in a year? How much money do you pay me? I would also like to know if before work I can make contact with you to know you and your children better.

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,


  38. Dear Sir.
    I am writing to apply for the summer camp instructor's post in Ireland.
    I have been an instructor in the army for 10 years, so I like the sport and I am physically prepared for the job. As you will understand in the army I needed the recruits to pay attention to me, so I communicate well with a large number of people.
    My skills are: being an army instructor I have the ability to teach young people, another of the qualities is that I know what it takes to live in nature, and I can teach it to young people if they ever find themselves in these conditions.
    My achievements are: I am a specialist in survival and nursing, I have been recognized with a medal, etc.
    -How much money will I earn during the summer?
    What will my work schedule be like?
    -What is it necessary that I should teach young people about nature / survival?
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Óscar

    Óscar Gómez Bascón 4ºB

  39. Dear sir:

    I am writing this letter because I have seen your advertisement on the internet and I am interested.
    I am the right person for this job. I have worked as a waiter and in a shop.

    How much money do you pay?

    Ramón García Díaz 4ºD

  40. Dear Sir lawlilet

    I am writting to apply for the post of the au pair. I think that I'm a skilled person for this job because I'm very cherfull with the kids and love them, funny and realible also. I'm a yound creative boy with 26 years old who need the money to pay the university.

    I am a person with many qualilties, one of them is that I am hard-working and a excelent chef in the kitchen.Other ability is that I am a lot of free time in the summer for be with the childrens and one advantage is that I live near here.

    In the past I was working like a babysitter to get in the university,now this is possible. When I was little, I was always surrounded by kids, because i was in my family the biggest cousin and all my little cousins always came for play with my and my house seemed to have magnetism for the children.Thank that I get along very well with the childrens.

    I would like to ask some questions about the job:
    -How many hours have I to work in a day?
    -How much money I earn to do the job?
    -What responsibilities will I have with the childrens?
    -Will I work on the weekend?
    -Have they some disease?
    -Do they need some medicine?
    -How long is the work?
    -Are the childrens allergic to anything?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully


    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  41. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I'm writing about your advertisement Au pair because I hope to be invited for an interview.

    I can do this work because apart from I like children, I'm cheerful but I know when I must be serious, also I know how are children: why they cry, when they want play, when they want eat or drink, etc. I know how I must talk them to make that they feel understood. On the other hand, I know prepare meals, either a breakfast or a dinner. But the little problem is my level of english, but it's not important I can fend with english, and I think this would be a good opportunity for teach Spanish to your children.

    Previously, I have passed a lot of time with babys and children, including mums of my street or my mother's boss, have called me for to be with her children or grandchildren, and with this way I've shown that I really know how we have to be with children. On the other hand, I have studies from school to ESO and I will studied Bachillerato. About english, I will do B1 but I think is soon, I haven't hurry.

    Finally, I have some questions about the work: Have you had any problem with your children and other babysitters? Need your children special medicines? Will I take and pick up them to school and in this case, how?; Will I live with you?, In this case, How many days will have free?... I think this are all my questions.

    If you decide make me an interview, this is my personal information: cell (777-777-777), home (999-999-999), email ( I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully,

  42. Dear Sir or Madam,
    I'm writing about your advertisement Summer camp in Ireland.

    I think I have some very good qualities to teach physical education, because I love sports and I practice a lot.
    It is good for me to speak in public and I would have no problem speaking in front of many children.

    I am finishing the ESO and think to do baccalaureate and so get me some title monitor later.
    I'll probably get the B1 in English.
    The most practical sport is soccer, because I am a goalkeeper, but I get a lot of sports and I am qualified to teach children how beautiful the sport is.

    I would like to ask some questions about the work:

    How many children would come to the camp?
    How many days would the camp last?
    How much would you charge per day?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully.

  43. Dear Mr Michael
    I write for your advertisement, I have been very interested because I am a teacher of physical education in Ireland. I am Spanish but I speak the language very well because I have been here 15 years and I am qualified for the position of teaching PE in the camp of Ireland.

    I am qualified for this post because I have been teaching PE for 10 years in a school in Ireland because my girlfriend is from here, I am also targeting a soccer team here and I am the top scorer. Every year I do a marathon and for this I prepare the whole year. I really like teaching children and being able to play with them in the camp I would like a lot.

    In my fifth year in this school I was named the best teacher in the school and the children love me very much. 3 years ago I won the marathon they do in this city and they gave me a great prize.

    If you do not mind I will do some prefuntas about the work:
    - How long would we be in the camp?
    - How old are the children?
    - How much would you pay me?
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4 ° B

  44. Dear Madam,

    I'm writing about your advertisement in which you were looking for supermarket workers. You also have mencioned that the worker must have some good conditions. I know that it is a very demanding job, but I combined all of them. I am a very hard-working person and I take all my jobs seriously. I also am very sociable and I love working in teams.

    Previously I have worked in some big supermarkets, like the Carrefour and the Mercadona. I have worked there only some hours at weekend but it was a very worthwhile job because it was very well-paid.

    On the other hand, I have some questions about the job, like how many am I going to earn working, and the other is if I will have breaks.

    I will be very pleased if you choose me for the job, it will be another awesome experience.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Irene.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  45. Dear Sir:
    I´m write for your advertistment of Au pair.

    I like very much the childrens, and I think that I would do good job. I´m qualified because I know when a children is bad or good, also I know when a children want to play, if a children are crying I know how as reassure him, of if a children is a bad behavior how to scold him and punish him in a way special which does not make it more.

    In my past, I was teacher for 3 years with babys and 4 years teachers in a school with childrens, also I´m When not had work, I have many child care while their parents worked.

    I´m going to realice some questions that I have to know:
    -How long is this job?
    -Any children have some kind of allergy?
    -Have they to take any special medicine?
    -How many money I´m going to win?

    I look forward to hearing from you
    Your, faithfully

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD

  46. Dear Sir or Madam
    I am Gerardo and I am 19 years old. I am from Olivares and I am writing you about yor advertisment of a Summer camp in Ireland.

    I love sports and practice it, i do not have problems to speak language and it is because i think that I would be very good like physical education for the childrens in the summer camp.

    Last year I go to a summer camp in Oxford and it was one of the best experience in my life, and last year I was named monitor of the year in a summer camp in Olivares that is my town. Because that I tell you that I have a lot of experience in summer camps and I really like this.

    I am going to realice some questions about the summer camp
    -How long will be?
    -How many children will go to the summer camp?
    -How old are the childrens?

    If you want to contact me write a message at ( or call )829-924-838)

    I will be very pleased if you choose me for the job, it will be another awesome experience.

    Gerarfo Ibañez Torres 4·D

  47. Dear Sir.
    I am writing to apply for the au pair since I need to earn money during the summer to continue paying my studies and I have taken advantage of this opportunity as I think it is a great job for me.
    My name is Mayte, I am from a small town in Seville, I am 18 years old and soon I will turn 19. I am very cheerful, responsible, loving and you will have no problem trusting me. I care about children because I have a brother who is similar to your children. I have worked in restaurants recently, so I would have no problem feeding them. I am studying a career to be an air traffic controller so I could also help your children with their homework.
    I worked in a Michelin three star restaurant, very young as previously explained with the permission of my parents, and I cooked with one of the best chef. I studied at Heliche high school where I obtained my school graduate and I am currently studying at the University of Seville the aeronautical engineering course to be an air controller.
    I have great interest in getting this job so I would like to know the schedule that I would have to be with the children, if I have to find a residence or I would stay in your house, the salary I would have and if I have any day to rest.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully , Mayte.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  48. Dear Sir,

    I'm writing about your advertisement au pair.I offer myself to this job because I am very sociable and I adore children. I am very organized since I do not like having all the lost things. I like to be punctual to the places that I go to because I have many responsibilities.I am able to take care of the children and to make the food, my specialty is the soup of vegetables, besides I can also help them with the homework of school.

    I have been a babysitter before, I have taken care of 2 twin brothers of 4 years, but they have moved, so I want this job. I have studied in the university the race of infant teacher and I have a graduate in French and in German, reason why it would be able to teach the children these languages ​​to them while they take care of them.

    I have some questions about this work:I have to take care of the children in weeks? What time would I start working? Would you clean and make the purchase? Have you got pets?Could you take the kids to the park?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,Marta

  49. Dear Sir,

    I´m writting to apply for the post of Supermarket

    Im 22 years old and i study a layer carreer in the university.

    I am good for the supermarket because I like very much talk with the people about somethings. I have got a good level of english and of some languages. I love the conversation with all the people and play with them. I think that this is a good opportunity for my future.Also one of my thinking when I was a girl was be in a supermarket working.

    I am hard working and sociable. I think that the work is the most important thing that a person have to do. If I work in a supermarket I will be very happy and very comfortable because also I am for the town.

    -Where is the supermarket?
    -Is a good person the boss?
    -How much paid?
    -Is it a good village to live?
    -Is it a good opportunity for a young person?
    -Can I learn things here?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Mari Carmen

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4°D

  50. Dear Sir,

    I am writting to apply for the post of the au pair. I think that I'm a skilled person for this job because I'm very cherfull with the childrens and love them. I´m qualified because I know when a children is bad or good, also I know when a children want to play.

    I usually work as a babysitter in summer to earn extra money. I had always looked after my cousins and when there is a family meeting I always play with the children.

    I have some questions:
    -How much would you pay me?
    -How many hours I have to stay in the day?
    -How many weeks I have to care of the childrens?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Marta


  51. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  52. Dear Sir,
    I am writing to apply for au pair position (nanny). My name is Belén, I am 20 years old and I am studying the second year of university design.

    I am a responsible, very tidy, cheerful, funny and reliable girl. Because of what I am studying, I am very creative and I am continually imagining and creating things.
    I know how to cook, I love playing with children, but I'm also very responsible and I know what to do at any moment, that is, first you have to perform the work and then the fun.

    As for my references I could say that despite not having worked anywhere , if I can tell you that I have experience with children, because I have a sister 10 years younger than me whose I have always have cared. Because of that reason I have been a girl that matured very soon, that's why my responsibility. You can also ask for references at the University and at the residence where I live, so that you can check for yourself that I am not lying to you.

    I have a driver's license, so I can move around and even if I had to take the kids anywhere, since you live far from the city center. I am available at any time, even if you had to go out at night, and I had to stay with them. I live only 5 km from where you live, in the Student Residence from the University of Design. Besides speaking English, I speak French and Spanish.
    I can also teach your children if some subjects are difficult for them .

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  53. Dear Sir,
    I´m writing about your advertisement of Au pair.
    I am 24 years old and I am in my last year of University of History. I need this job because when I finish the University I want to study more and I need money. I am from Spain but I don´t care to travel to New York.

    About children, I love all of them in special with the childrens that are between 5-12 because I have a sister with 6 years old and 8 cousins with that age. About me, I am a very cheerful and reliable person. I love met new people and talk with differents people. You don´t have to worry about my spoken English because I have a perfect English. Also I can drive a car , If you need to take the kids somewhere. I know how to cook, I cook since I was 6 years because I love the food and I think that I do a delicious meals.

    I have experiences wiith childrens, a part from my sister of course. In the summer of 2015 I worked as a Au pair in England. I was working a month with two twins that were 6 years old. I think that I did very well my first job that was this. Also if you want I can give you the number of this family and talk about me and ask how was me work there?

    I would like to ask you some questions.
    Would I have to sleep in your house? How much do you pay? Would I have some free time?

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  54. Dear Michael,
    I´m writing to apply for the post of a teacher of PE in the Summer Camp of Ireland.It will be a very good part-time job for me because I love sports and meet kids, I love them. Also, I know how to teach them because I have done lots of that.

    To begining, I can say that I´am really sociable,affectionate, creative, extroverted, joyful so I would do it very well. Although, I have a lttle bit problema to start to order them, but in a Little time I could get confidence.

    If I talk about my last Jobs, I have had a lot of them since a cleaner, particular teacher, missionary in a church... But, the most important job was when I work in a Summer Camp with kids of 8 and 9 years old, it was an incredible experience where I had fun with the other teachers and the kids.

    I have some questions:
    1.How much do you pay for it?
    2.How many hours do I have to work a day?
    3.Do I have to imagine games to play with them?

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you
    Yours faithfully,


  55. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  56. Dear Madam

    I am writing to you by your Au pair ad. My name is Marta, I'm 21 years old and I'm Spanish. I am interested because apart that I love the children, it is also because I want to improve my English to get the C2. Also the money that I'll earn could help me to get the degree of teaching

    I think I'm a good candidate because I'm sociable, organized, responsible, trustworthy, hard-working and I think that Igood working whith children. I have also taken courses in reacting to dangerous situations and social interactions.

    I have studied ESO and Bachillerato in the institute IES Heliche in my town. Apart from the courses mentioned above I have also been working caring for children, for which I have a great deal of experience. Since I was little I liked the children because I have always been playing with my sisters with their wrists.

    I have some questions about the job:
    - Which will be my schedule?
    - Should I do the chores?
    - Would you have a vacation?
    - How much would you pay me?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  57. Dear Sir
    I am writing to apply for Summer camp in Ireland.
    My name is Ana Isabel, I’m is 20 years old and I’m live in Sevilla. I am interested in this work because I like sports and children, It's also because I want to improve my English and learn new things.

    I would be good at this job because I am sociable, kind, responsible in my work and hard working. I did a first aid course and I can put it into practice when necessary.

    I have THE ESO and Bachillerato In addition to the module I have already mentioned, I did the physical education career and a child education module at the University of Seville. I have worked caring for children in the afternoons so I have good experience in that.

    Some questions that come up to me would be:
    -What day would the camp be?
    -How many days would it be?
    -How much do you pay for it?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Ana Isabel Morán Sánchez 4ºB

  58. Dear Madam,
    I’m writing to apply for the post of au pair. My name is Dulce Nombre and I’m 18 years old. I currently live in Seville, but I want to move myself to a British city to improve my English level. I can speak English very well, because I have the C1 certificate from Cambridge University. I’m not studying at the moment, what can be an advantage to take care of your children. The reason why I’m not studying is because I have finished Bachillerato and I want to spend a year abroad taking new experiences.

    I want to work as au pair because I think it is appropriate to my way of being. I am very responsible, attentive and patient. In addition, I like children and I have the ability to work independently. Another important thing that I have is the multitasking capacity, that is, I can manage several things happening at the same time. In addition, I have adaptability, which means that I'm very flexibility respecting to schedules. . I love cooking, I can do light cooking for children as required such as making snacks. To finish, I also have good communication skills which can be very useful and organizational capacity, in the case that I have to take care of more than a child, I could coordinate everything so that there is no problem.

    As I said before, I have finished Bachillerato, specifically the health sciences one and I have the C1 certificate from Cambridge University in English. But I can also have a conversation in French and say basic words in French, what can be an opportunity to your children to speak other languages. . I have the driving permit, so I can take you children to their out-of-school activities. I have some experience because I have been two summers looking after my little neighbours (5 and 12 years old) and earning some money. I know I’m not very qualified but I’m an enthusiastic learner. Besides, I I've been taking care of my little sister since she was born, which can be an extra point.

    But, I also have some questions because I would like to know what my job would be like. How many hours a day will I work? I think an 8-10 hours workday will be sufficient. Will I have free days, like for example on Sundays? I don’t want to work every day, it can be so tired. How much will you pay me? I know that you will maintain me, giving me food and a home but I want a reasonable salary according to the time that I spend working and according to my effort. Have the children any problem as an illness or an allergy to something? I think I have to be informed of everything. I think that's all, but if I forget something I will write you an e-mail with more questions.

    Yours faithfully,

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  59. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  60. I´m writting to apply for the post of au pair, My name is Paula Delgado Román and I’m twenty-five years old, I am from United States.

    I think I have experience since this is not the first time I take care of small children. I am a reliable person, people trust me when they need something. I also like to interact with people of all ages, I am very sociable.

    When I was younger, at the age of fifteen, my aunt called me to take care of my cousins during the summer, since my uncles worked and could not take care of them. When I was older and I was twenty years old I needed a job to be able to take a course outside the United States because I needed earn money and I got a job as a babysitter. Also, I have a degree in child education.

    What salary do you pay for this job?
    How many hours of work do you offer?
    How many children do you have to take care of?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Paula

    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  61. Dear Sir,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of PE teacher in Irland. I'm a girl that like so much children and I
    have and skill to talk and teach the studients.
    I love the sport and I love it more if I do it with children. I'm a jockey and I participate in
    competition of dressage. Also I like to run in my free time and always that I can. Nowa day I have
    two horses, one is for the charret and the other to ride it.

    When I was four years old, I started to ride a horse once time a week.Then when I was seven years
    old, I started to did competitions, and then my parents bought me a horse. I know that a lot of
    people thing that in this sport the horse is the only that do sport and this is not true, you have to
    have an enormous concentration and compenetration. And also it's a sport that you have to be
    sensible and do somethings with an animal that is three times bigger than me but if the horse trust
    you,then you can do anythings that you will like to do with the horse. I continue do competitions
    and also I run more that after. Also in the high school ,every years choose me my teacher to go to a
    copetition of atletism with the studients of others high schools.

    I like to know if in this job I have to work part-time or full-time and whow many paid me. Also, like
    to know if I can talk with the others teachers and with the parents of the chilndren. I'm so interesting
    to work becouse I like to go to the university of medicine and it's so expensive.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  62. Dear Sir
    I am writing to apply for the job of au pair. I am Nati I am 23 years old and I study in the Heliche's high school and in the university of seville . I have 6 brothers more littoe than me and I think that is a good job for me because I know play, look after and quarrel the children.

    I am sociable, cheerfull and reliable but it is true that I am disorganized. I loved the children,when I was little I would loke study midwife becaise I like the babys so much and nowdays I work in the Virgen del Rocio's hospital but I need b1 and I think that this job is a good oportunity to have more level and learn the culture and language.

    I have some questions about the job
    How much will they pay me?
    How many hours will I work?
    I'm going to have free days?

    I'm looking forward for the job. Tanks

  63. Dear Sir Blanco

    I am writing to apply of the post of PE teacher in your summer camp in Ireland. I think it would be a good post for me because I am good at some sports and I always have a good relationship with children

    Previously I have work in some high schools as Heliche or Al-Iscar and also in some sports camps as Sevilla FC summer camp

    How long would take the summer camp?
    How much I would earn?
    In which part of Ireland is the camp?

    I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Paco

    Paco Reyes 4°B

  64. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  65. Dear Sir.
    I'm writting to apply for the post of Au pair. I need this job because I have to earn some extra money to buy a new car.

    I'm 26 years old, I'm educated. Sociable person and so reliable. I lime children because children are the future. I'm hard-working person and responsible girl.

    I have experience with children because I have worked in summer camp and I have got two brothers and two sisters. I work of au pair other years in Ireland and EEUU.

    I have some questions for you:
    I would pay the trip?
    How old are the children?
    Any children have any allergy or other?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully.

    Lucia Garcia 4°D

  66. Dear Sir
    I'm writing to apply for the post of au pair. My name is Sara Álvarez and I'm 18 years old, I live in Olivares a little village of Seville, I love travel and I want the job forsome reason for example I learn more english and I study other culture.

    I think that I'm perfectly for this job because I love the children because I have 3 little brother and I look after for them. I can doing all the activities that the children need. I'm a person sociable,loving,friendly and cheerful. Other reason is I need the money to pay the University.

    I have experience because I look after that my brothers and sometimes I go with my mother to her job that work in a kindergarten.

    I have some questions about the job
    How much will they pay me?
    Have you got animals?
    How many hours you need for job?

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4º D

  67. Dear Sir
    I'm writing to apply for the post of au pair. My name is Sara Álvarez and I'm 18 years old, I live in Olivares a little village of Seville, I love travel and I want the job forsome reason for example I learn more english and I study other culture.

    I think that I'm perfectly for this job because I love the children because I have 3 little brother and I look after for them. I can doing all the activities that the children need. I'm a person sociable,loving,friendly and cheerful. Other reason is I need the money to pay the University.

    I have experience because I look after that my brothers and sometimes I go with my mother to her job that work in a kindergarten.

    I have some questions about the job
    How much will they pay me?
    Have you got animals?
    How many hours you need for job?

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4º D

  68. Dear Sir,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of Au pair.
    I am 20 years old and I am in my last year of the secundary school . I need this job because when I finish to study I want to study more and I need money. I am from Albaida and I like travel to London.

    I am a responsible, very tidy, cheerful, funny and reliable boy. I like very much to take care of small children, I am a person who likes to take care of people and meet new people. I can do light cooking for children. I am very sociable.

    How old are the childrens?
    How many hours will I work?

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  69. Dear Sir,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of Au pair.
    I am 20 years old and I am in my last year of the secundary school . I need this job because when I finish to study I want to study more and I need money. I am from Albaida and I like travel to London.

    I am a responsible, very tidy, cheerful, funny and reliable boy. I like very much to take care of small children, I am a person who likes to take care of people and meet new people. I can do light cooking for children. I am very sociable.

    How old are the childrens?
    How many hours will I work?

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  70. Dear Sir :

    I´m writting to apply for the post of Summer Camp in Ireland

    Im 22 years old and i know some languages like Fench and English.

    I think that I am skilled because I´m Hard-working, very cheerful but when the children are bad I can be serious, also I´m very organized and sociable. Also I like so much travel, sports and adventures.

    Previously I think that isn´t a work because they don´t pay me but I went three years to a camp like a volunteer and I had a group of children and we go to do sports activities, in the three years I only have a problem that was that a day a boy lost in the forest but I found the boy in thirty minutes.

    I have somes questions for the job:

    The travel is all pay?

    Also the food is paid?

    How many money do you earn?

    How many days do you stay in the Summer Camp?

    This is all:
    Thank for your attention and for read this letter, Im looking foward to hearing from you.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4°D

  71. Dear Sir :

    I´m writting to apply for the post of supermarket

    I am24 years old and I know some languages like french, english, spanish and chineese.

    I am skil because I am hardworking you will never have a bad thing about me. I can recomend you the bedt things that you cab buy. Also I am very fast.I cab be serious or friendly.

    I think that for this job you need somes things for example know languages, you have to be friendly, hardworking.. all these things I have got I am the best person that you can found fir this work.

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  72. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  73. Dear Sir
    I am writing to apply for Summer camp in Ireland.
    My name is Miguel Ángel, I’m are 23 years old and I’m live in Sevilla. I am interested in this work because I like sports and children, It's also because I want to improve my English and learn new things.

    I would be good at this job because I am sociable, kind, responsible in my work and hard working. I did a first aid course and I can put it into practice when necessary.

    I have THE ESO and Bachillerato, I did the physical education career and a child education module at the University of Seville. I have worked caring for children in the afternoons so I have good experience in that.

    Some questions that come up to me would be:
    -What day would the camp be?
    -How many days would it be?
    -How much do you pay for it?
    -What will be the age of the chlidrens?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra

