lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Voluntary work

Raleigh International

Visit the webpage of Raleigh International, think about the best way to help them according to your interests and abilities, and write them a letter offering your help.

1. Introduction
2. Personal information: skills and experience
2. Where, when, how to help
3. Conclusion and farewell

59 comentarios:

  1. Good morning, dear friends of Raleigh International, I tell you that I would like to go to Borneo.
    I would like to volunteer, because I have a lot of experience in these areas of helping the neediest.
    I am available every day, while I can help people in need, I can every day.
    I would like to be accepted as an assistant, because as I said earlier I like to help the neediest.

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Good afternoon my name is Juan Carlos and I would like to work as a volunteer in a social dining room since I like to help people and talk to them and support them.
    This is because I am sociable and empathetic with people, if they do not mind I would like to work in America to learn new habits.
    Thanks for your time.

    Juan carlos lopez gelo 4b

  4. Dear Otton von Bismark ,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of Volunteer in Nepal. I would like to help there because five years ago I went to Nepal, to see my girlfriend's family an when we arrived into the airport A blackman shot her and he killed her I just want to help child and try be happier after that awful action.

    I had study medicine in oxford and I did a master in war medicy. I help in second world war and in Vietnam by volunteer. I also have no semite family if you wonder that. I am a pure German.

    As I said I want to help in Nepal as soon I Could, I can heal and look after ills and burn corpse. Also did a course in arquitecture so I can help in school's building.

    thank you for you attention, I am looking forward to hear about your sir Otton von Bismark.

    By: José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  5. Ángel Fraile Delgado 4ºB

    Dear Sir

    I'm writing to apply for the post of volunteer in Nepal to help the poor children who live here , I want to help them building their houses and teaching them.

    I think I´m good for the post because I´m a good teacher and I can teach them in orthography , writing , spelling , maths ... also I´m very strong so I can help building the houses , I can work as a bricklayer

    I can go to Nepal on the first fortnight of July this summer because I will finish my studies in teacher training and I won´t have a work.

    In conclusion I want to go to Nepal in the first fortnight of July due to the love I have to the children.

    I´m looking forward to hear about you

  6. Dear Sir

    I'm writing about your advertisement for help in Costa Rica for indigenous communities and protecting natural resources and work on Effective use of natural resources.

    I think I will be good there because I like nature, forests... so I like this job I will enjoy it. I know about plants in general so it´s good.

    I want to work in Costa Rica because there are incredible array of natural environments. i will facilitate freshwater systems to indigenous.

    To sum up, I think I will be a good volunteer and I will enjoy it and help and have fun with indigenous.

    I´m looking forward to hear about you

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4B

  7. Dear professor

    I’m writing you to help in your organization (Raleigh International) because I have a break year and I want to do a voluntary work and What is better than helping another people? then I will finish the university. If it is possible I would like to go to Costa Rica.

    I’m a reliable person and I’m also persistent I wouldn’t leave the voluntary work the first week or the first month If I start something I will finish I know pefectly Spanish because I’m Spanish I am hard-working and sociable I don’t mind realice hard work also I am cherfull and I am in the last year of the dregree of architecture I am able to build a hospital or a school I have the driving licence and I know English and French.I don’t mind shearing a tent or a room.

    I would like to go to Costa Rica the next year complete I would like to start in Febrary of 2018. I will help to build houses hospitals and schools also to transport medications or something that another voluntary need. Also I will help with the ilness people.

    Finaly I want to know if there is food for gluten intolerant In conclusión I want to go in February of 2018 to build infrastructures.

    I’m looking forwardto hearing from you.

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. Dejar Midorilla

    Nepal is one of the poorest and less developed country in the world with approximately half of the population living under the line of poverty.I chose this country because Nepal is one of the most beautibull and wonderful place with a great spiritual symbolism and also because i love the asiatic culture and their inhabitans. And for these reasons i think that all, in expecially the jaune people should give a hand.

    I think that I would help because I made a course of plumbing two years ago and currently I was working like a builder.Therefore I serve to help on improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene and strengthening livelihoods also.As well to construit infraestructures and churches.I will stay in some poor villege of Katmandú for two years.

    From my point of view this is a magnific form to help other people and the expedition also helps young people develop their leadership skills as well as building their confidence and transferable skills.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully

    Leo Doínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  10. Dear Sir.:

    Good afternoon, my name is Paula Delgado Román, I live in Spain. I would like to participate as a volunteer as it is a very beautiful job. I would like to volunteer in Nicaragua.

    I think that I could be a good volunteer since I easily adapt to the conditions even if they are hard conditions, I am a person who doesn't need much to rest. I have also dealt with a children from other countries in my church, every summer we welcome children who live in harsh conditions during the rest of the year.

    I have always liked to help people who live in undeveloped places and need help, and from my point of view this makes you be more humble and more honest.

    I would really make myself very happy if they choose me as a volunteer, I enjoy having others happy.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Paula.

    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  11. My name is Sara Álvarez and I want go to Tanzania like a volunteer.
    I'm 20 years old and I live in Seville. I study social worker in the University of Seville. I speak four different languajes: French, English, german and russian.

    I'm a social, cheerful, nice and friendly person. I have got experience for this because two years ago when I'm 18 years old I go to Honduras for help and look after people that are poor also I teach some of languaje, maths, music. The most important for me is the people know write and read and this I do in Honduras teach to children of write and read.

    I want go to Tanzania because is a very beautiful place that I that are a lot poor people andI want help. I'm a volenteer of everything, I don't mind what do I can do all, for example one day I can teach and other build. I like go to Tanzania in holidays summer because the rest of the year I study in the University.

    In conclusion I like son much that I receive the opotunity to go to Tanzani, because I think that is a experience that I forget in the life.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,Sara.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Dear sir,
    I am studyng at the university but I would like to have a different way of rest in the summer, so that I thought it would be a great idea to help in countries that aren´t as developed as European countries. I would like to have an experience in Costa Rica.

    There are some skills that avolunter must have, and I think I have most of them; i am a cheerful person, but quite serious, so I will work hard to make sure that I did the most I could. I am responsable and organized, is very easy to work with me because I will work without someone tells me. I am reliable and social too, so I could help people who are little bit shy.

    So, definitly, I would like to help in Costa Rica during this summer.I read that Raleigh needs volunteers in Costa Rica to improve the Spanish,cause I am spanish I don´t think i need to improve it, but i love languages, learning new things and teaching,so i will be a great volunteer there.

    To sum up, I would like to go there to live new experiences, learn things that i didn´t know and to come back wit lots of anecdotes and the ilussion to come back.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  14. Dear sir,
    I am Rocío Olivo, I have got 23 years old and I live in Seville. I am studying at the university, the administrative career, I have got 5 languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian and Chinese. I would love going to volunteer Nicaragua.

    I'm social, funny, reliable and a very good person. I have got experience about this because I went to the other country to do more or less the same that this. I went to Costa Rica and I help many people with medicine, I like soo much this jobs because I met many new friends.

    I want to Nicaragua because I don't known about the problem to have in this country and I like to know whats happen there. I think that this country is very beautiful and underdeveloped country. I don't mind lose all the summer holiday in this country.

    In conclusion, I like very much this country and what I want is help the oder people to need help, and to have a dificult problems with her health.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Rocío.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºD

  15. Dear Sir,
    My name is Verónica González, I am 22 years old and I would love to go to Costa Rica as a volunteer.
    I live in Seville, and I study criminology at the University of Seville. I love the career I'm studying but I want to go on vacation somewhere to do something effective, that is, to help others. I have been investigating and I am very interested in traveling to Costa Rica, and I find it very nice to help other people.

    I am a person who likes to meet new people, that is to say, I am a sociable girl, who gets along with everyone, and I never have problems with anyone. Everyone considers me nice, and with a lot of humor. The dream of my life is to travel all over the world, because I love to meet new places, new people, new languages, or new cultures.

    I think it would be a good job for me, because I love teaching my culture to all people. I have experience in this work because I have traveled as a volunteer more times to other countries, and I do not want to miss this opportunity, because I think it will be an unforgettable experience.

    In conclusion, I would be very excited and would be very happy to be chosen for this experience. I assure you that you will not regret it. Thank you very much.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Veronica Gonzalez Sevilla 4D

  16. Hello
    I am 16 years old and I think that at this age I can not help mich economically so the best thing to help is to volunteer for the country that has needs and to help them.

    My name is david, I'm 16 years old, as I said before, I live in a town in Seville. I think I am very good helping people not to be sad because I am always happy, I can help control the budgets of the NGO because I am very good at economics.

    With the subject of the economy could help from home sending gmails to the managers who are there, and to help there if I would have to travel to the country that they need me.

    In short, I can do whatever you ask but my specialties are the ones I've tried previously.

  17. Dear sir,
    My name is Carmen Gonzalez I am 23 years old I am studying the third year in law university and Business Management I love my careers but one of the things that I like and I find very nice is to be able to help people who need it and if it is with My help is better.

    One of my qualities is to be very sociable I like to talk and meet new people, other of my qualities is that I am very funny I like people to laugh with me and to forget a little about the problems they have. I do not mind going to another country to help people 2 years ago I was in Malaysia helping with feeding problems and giving medication I was very impacted by the situations but at the same time I felt happy because I was helping other people and I learned their cultures and habits

    I would like to go to Nicaragua it seems a nice country and where I could help many people who need it, I also really like people to know my experience explain my culture my habits, teach them new things and experience but above all have a good time And have fun with my presence.

    In conclusion I assure you that if you choose me to live this experience you will not regret it and for me it will be unforgettable.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  18. Dear sir,

    My name is Cruz. I'm 19 years old and I live in Albaida del Aljarafe (Seville). I am studying at the secondary school but I would like to travel the next spring for another special place, I will miss my family. I would like to go to Nepal.

    I am a cheerful, responsable and organized boy and also I am very social. I like to help people that need help because I am feel pleased of me .

    I would like to help in Nepal during the next spring.I would like to help children especially because it is very important that they know how to speak.I also really like collaborating with older people.
    I speak different languages like English, Italian or French.

    In conclusion, I would like to go there especially to HELP and learn new things.
    I´m looking forward to hear about you.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

  19. Dear Sir,

    I am writing you to help in your organization. I am Rocío, I am 23 years old and I live in Seville. I am studying medicine at the university. I would like to have an experience of volunteer in Nicaragua. I speak differents language such as English, French...

    I think will be good candidate for volunteer because I am sociable and hard working. I have some experience so the last year I went to Sudrafrica with the university to help put vaccines, helping in the hospital, etc. It was such as practice for be a good doctor. I also like help people and I am a cheerful person.

    I like go to Nicaragua because is a beautiful country and situated in a very nice place. I want go in summer because is when I do not have university although I don´t have poblems with other date. I can help treat with medicines, vaccine, etc. Also I can do anything because I think that I am good for example teaching language, maths and others things such as doing food.

    In conclusion, I want go to Nicaragua for help the people more poor ,for learn about differents things and for learn that there are a lots of people live in very difficult situation that with a little thing they are happy.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Rocío.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  20. Dear sir:

    My name is José Manuel I am 20 years old and I’m from Seville (Spain). I’m writing you because. I’m studying geography and history in the university of Seville. I would like to help in your organization because I like know new cultures and countries and also help people, I would like help in Costa Rica.

    I think that I can be a good candidate to be a volunteer because I’m sociable, hard-working and also cheerful, also I think that I can be a great volunteer because I speak five languages that are: Spanish, English, French, German, and Chinese.

    I can do a lot of activities like help to build something or help children with his homework or also teach the children history or languages or any subjects, I don’t mind the activities that are because I think that I can do everything. Also I don’t mind the date because I really like to help other people, I prefer in summer but if is in winter, I can go also.

    In conclusion, I would like to help poor people in Costa Rica because I like to help and learn how live in others countries poor like Costa Rica and also because I know that if I help they, they are very happy whit very little things.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, José Manuel.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  21. Dear Sir

    My name is Ramón. I'm 20 years old and I live in Olivares.
    I studying at the secondary school. I would like to go to Italy to learn Italian.

    I am a cheerful, responsable and organized boy and also I am very social.

    I speak English, Germany and French.

    In conclusion I want to travel to Italy because I want to learn Italian.

    Ramón García Díaz 4ºD

  22. Dear friend

    My name is Mari Carmen,I'm writing to apply for the post of volunteer in Nicaragua to help the poor people who do her life there , I want to help them buying some food and new clothes that I think that is the most important thing.

    I think I´m good for this work because I´m a good person that love talk with people, I am sociable, ambitious, modest... also I know cook, I can work as a chef, doing the food.

    I can go to Nicaragua this year this summer because I will go there on holidays. I think that this is the best option.

    Finally I hope that the work will be mine. Because I am very nervous.
    I´m looking forward to hear about you

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4°D

  23. Dear Sir,
    My name is Marta and I am writing to become a volunteer in Nepal.I would like in Nepal because I have already gone to other volunteer countries to help people and I think Nepal needs our help and we must help them to make this a better world.

    I am 23 years old and I am studying a career to create companies, and part of the money that the company earns is sent to the people who need it most.We speak several languages ​​like French, German ...As I said to you before I have gone different countries of volunteer with other campaigns, I used to go with my little girl, but this experience of going to Nepal I would like to live alone.I am very hardworking and I like to make the most of the days to work.

    I would like to go to Nepal in summer because it is when I have holidays, but if you give me the opportunity to go now I would also.One of the best ways to help is to get young people to go to these places and help and know how to value what they have.

    In conclusion I think she would be a volunteer and I would love to travel to Nepal and help as much as possible.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  24. Dear sir,

    I would want to offer my skills and to help other people with the volunteering. I like this type of things. Some persons doesn't have anything and that's why I want to help them.

    I don't have much experience in these things but always there's a first time. I'm very helpful and I like playing and doing activities with children and to help them with not analphabetism.

    It doesn't matter where I go. I'd want to go to the place where they need more help. I will go this month or the other but not later, I could dp it right now if you wish.

    In conclusion I want to go there with all the volunteers that there are and to take part on it. I will be very pleased if you allow me to stay there some time.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4 ESO-D.

  25. Dear Sir:

    My name is Manuel Reyes López I´m 23 years old, I´m from Seville(Spain) and now I am studying veterinary in the University of Seville. I would like to help in your organization because I like know new cultures and countries and also help people, I would like help in Tanzania. Also always it has been one of my dreams to go to Tanzania.

    I don´t have much experiences in these things of volunteers. But always have to be the first time. I have some experience in the medicine of animals and I can help in the health. Also I am very cheerful and hard working. Also I can help on the schools with the children. I can help in the things that you ask me.

    I want to go to Tanzania because this has been one of my dreams. I love the lanscape of the savanna and the annimals that are there.

    In conclusion I want to go to Tanzania with all the volunteers and also I will do a lot of friends. I think that this experience can be the best important thing that you can do in your life. For all this I want to go to be volunteer and hel poor people because it is a way of growing as person .

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  26. Dear Sir,
    Hello! My name is Elena and I am 18 years old.I`m from Spain and I have just finished bachillerato in the high school so I want to do something to help people with not the same opportunities like me. I would like to help in your organization because I love comunícate with people to increase their knowledge and also in the time that I might stay there I could know new cultures that the most of the people don´t know.

    If I talk about me, I think that I`m cheerful, brave, friendly, kind, hard-working so I believe that I have all the characteristics to be a very good volunteer. Also, I am a volunteer in the church with kids and adults, and I have gone to a lot of camps with them, where I have known new friends.

    I would like to go to Tanzania and I choose that place because I love the nature and the natural views although I will go to work I also could visit new places that I hadn´t seen before. But the most important thing to go there is that if you choose me I would do all my best to help people there and teach them things and I learn things too.

    To sum up,if I finally go to Tanzania as a volunteer I will know how people live there and I could see that we must value the things that we have because there are people that don´t have nothing and they are always smiling


  27. Dear sir

    Hello my name is Manuel and I want to be volunteer in Costa Rica

    I live in Spain, I am sociable, cheerfull and hard-working. I have been volunteer also in Chile, Bolivia and Colombia

    I would like to go to Costa Rica in two months because I am good looking after animals and also to improve my spanish

    To sum up, I would like to help the animals in Costa Rica and improve my spanish, I will be very happy if you choose me as a volunteer

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Manuel

  28. hello, my name is Lucia, I'm 19 years old and I'm from Spain. I'm writing because I would like helo in your organisation and I would like to have experience in Tanzania.

    I think I could help because I am a sociable and voluntary person to everything. I have experience because I am helping a poor children co-operative and last year I went to Africa to meet them and help them.

    I would like to go to tanzania because it seems to me a country where you can learn other cultures and other customs, I could help many people and also teach them the Spanish customs, language. Also could help in medicines, school etc.

    In conclusion, I would like to go to Tanzania to help poor people because it is a very good act, where I could learn and be happy.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Lucia 4ºD

  29. Dear sir!
    Hello! My name is Maria and I am 18 years old. I'm from Spain and I just finished high school in high school I would like to do something to help people with opportunities like mine. I would like to help your organization because I like to communicate with people to increase their knowledge, to make everything easier and also in the time that could be there could know new cultures and customs.

    I am a sociable, cheerful, maybe in some Moments serious, kind and above all hardworking. I think I have all the characteristics to be a good volunteer. Also, I am a volunteer in an association of my town in dealing with children and adults, and I do activities for all and to be together.

    I would like to go to Miami and I choose that place because I like cities with a lot of life and it is a place where always There are people in the streets, shopping centers, etc.

    I hope you will be convinced with my letter and I would be very happy to be taken to volunteer.

    María García Fernández 4°D

  30. Dear Sir:

    Im telling you because i would like to go like volunteer to Costa Rica.

    I study 3 years medicine, also i have experience with people, When i have 8 years old a pior person tell me if i borrow her food, i do it and for this time i want to help the most needest person.

    I would like to work like volunteer in Costa Rica this summer because this summer i finish my study work and i have a break. I wabt to go to Costa Rica because i like the american countries and her cultures, and a very positive point is that they speak the same language that me. And also i love the anumals and her existence, i love the nature and all her ecosystem.

    To finish this id like to go two or three mothns because in september i start the school class.

    Im look foward you.

    Your dear friend: Antonio Jose

    Antonio Jose Garcia Delgado 4°D

  31. Dear Sir,

    My name is Guiomar Marín, I am 24 years old and I am spanish. I have just finished the college and I want to be a volunteer before I start working. I have always help by giving money to an NGO, but I really want to go to a developing country to see how people live.

    I am going to talk about me a little bit, I think that I am a cheerful person but I am a bit shy. I am hard-working and I never give up a project. I am also very kind. I don´t actually have a lot of experience being a volunteer but I have helped in a lot of things that the mayor of my village do to help people that need help.

    I would like to be a volunteer in Nicaragua, although I love this place because it has a lot of beautiful views and it has sea I chose it because I think that the purpose that it has is really is good, I think that is an excellent idea to learn young children to work in like a businesses. I think that I could help becauses I have studied a lot of businesses and I would create classes to learn children.

    If I go to Nicaragua think that I will apreciate more the things that we have here, and I will try to make people think about it and make them want to help to developing countries.
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  32. Dear Sir

    My name is Jose Angel, I am from Seville. I am writing to apply for the post of volunteer in Nepal to help the poor men's and women's who suffer there , I want to help them buying medicine for the children who are sick.

    I think that I have got a lot of cualities to do this job...I am a person who love stay with childrens, helps them. Also with the people more old. I only think in help this poor people.

    I can go to Nepal this year this winter because in winter is when the children's suffer more sicks than in summer. I think that this is the best season to go there. I think that this is a beautiful country. I search photos on internet.

    Finally I hope that I can work in Nepal. I will be very comfortable there with all the peoplw. And the most important thing helping them.

    Jose Angel Cea Torres 4°D

  33. Dear Sir

    My name is Ángela and I'm 26 years old and I would like to help your organistation being a volunteer in Costa Rica.

    I'm going to introduce myself. I'm a cheerful, sociable and hard-working person who loves stay with people, and if I can make them feel happy. The only experience I've had in my life was being a volunteer for my church, organaising camps and working with children.

    Like I have said before, I would like to be a volunteer in Costa Rica and I would like to go there in winter because I think it's the hardest season of the year for poor people. I really want to go there because I like helping all people, and of course poor people. It makes me feel good with myself. I've study schoolteaching so I can teach to the children and to all people who wants.

    In conclusion I would like so much to you choose because I think it could be one of importants and beautiful experiences of my life whose I'll never forget.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Ángela.

    Ángela Cotán 4°D

  34. Dear Sir
    I am Gerardo Ibañez from Seville.I am 18 years old and I would like to go like volunteer to Costa Rica.

    I am going to talk about my skills and experience. I am a sociable and hard working man. The only experience that I have is for volunteer in the church of my village.

    I would like to go to Costa Rica the next year complete I would like to start in Febrary of 2018. I will help to build houses hospitals, also to transport medications or something that another voluntary need. Also I will help with ilness people because I like so much.

    I would like that yo select me but to go in summer because in september I have class

    Yours faithfully

    Gerardo Ibañez 4·D

  35. Dear sir,

    I'm writing to apply for the post of Volunteer in Nepal. I would like to help in that place because five years ago I went to Nepal and I saw a lot of chlidrens that need helps becouse they have any money and without our help they won't live for much more time.

    I had study medicine in oxford and I did a master in war medicy. I help in Vietnam by volunteer. I also have no semite family if you wonder that. I am a pure German.

    As I said I want to help in Nepal as soon I can, I can heal and look after ills and burn corpse. I also made a course in arquitecture so I can help in school's building.

    Thank you for you attention, I am looking forward to hear about your sir

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD

  36. I'm writing to apply for the post of volunteer in Nepal to help the poor children who live here , I want to help them building their houses and teaching them.

    I think I´m good for the post because I´m a good teacher and I can teach them in orthography , writing , spelling , maths ... also I´m very strong so I can help building the houses , I can work as a bricklayer

    I would like to help in Nepal during the next spring.I would like to help children especially because it is very important that they know how to speak.I also really like collaborating with older people.
    I speak different languages like English, Italian or French.

    I hope you will be convinced with my letter and I would be very happy to be taken to volunteer.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  37. Hello my name is Zacarias, I am 20 years old and I want to volunteer in Costa Rica because I want to experience what it is to go and help the poor.

    I am from Spain, I am very sociable, cheerful and hardworking.
    I would go in the summer of 2018 because I finished the race and I will go to costa rica and help with a financial contribution of five hundred pounds.
    I will be there in costa rica 15 days.

    In conclusion I want to go there with all the volunteers that there is and to take part in it. I will be very pleased if you allow me to stay there some time.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Zacarías Suárez 4ºD

  38. Dear Raleigh International,

    I’m Monte Fraile Campos, I’m 19 years old. I’m interested to help in this International Citizen Service because part of my family, my grandparents died and I like to fulfill with the dream of theirs. They said to me: “if you have the opportunity to help persons like us, go to this place and happy bundle to these families like we did you”. On the other hand I like so much see people smile and happy because all people like it.

    As for my skills, I think the people that are around you tell you it but I think that the best abilities that I have is that I love talk and play with the people but especially with the children, for that think I can do smile to theirs and forget all the bad things and to be happy almost for some hours. Also I’m very cheerful and I love so many laughs and more if is in accompanied. Also I’m very independent so I don’t have any problem to travel to the abroad. I haven’t got an experience like this but, I am a girl that in the school talks me to make a solution of some people and with my friend always I want to be happy and laugh with us even in sad moment.

    I like to go in July, when I finish all the exams and if is possible started in the first week of this month. I would like to go to Costa Rica because whenever I like to go there. I like to help people to learn read, write… education but also, I like to work with the increase sensitivity of special people that need this type of help.

    To round things up, I would like to thank to all the people that make this organization and also the person that help to this people for their participation that do that this organization continues helping these persons that they deserve to be happy like us.

    Thank you for your time. I’m look forward to hear you
    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  39. Dear Sir,

    I am writing you offering myself to help in all your work abroad. I am Irene Montañés, I am 21 years old and I would like to do the right thing by helping all of you.

    I have finished my medicine degree, so it is supposed that I could help you to avoid almost all types of illness using vacines or natural solutions. I have got some experience because I was doing practics in a hospital so it would not suppose any kind of problems. I am also very sociable and I like dealing with people, I also try my consultations being very pleasants.

    I would like going to South-America to help and offer my services being a volunteer, of course I do not want to make money doing that, that is why it is called "volunteer". It would be a good option if I will go on winter, because is the period of almost all illness.

    I look up to this organization because all of you help people who need it. I would like to live up to your expectations about me.
    Yours faithfully, Irene.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  40. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  41. Dear Sir,

    I'm Anabel Rodríguez, I want to be volunteer because I'm interesed to help people that don't have luck in their lifes and they need people for help them, but volunteers, for this I look for where I would can help them and searchin I find your website.

    I thing I'm a good person for help, because I'm a person that listen and understan the problems that people have. I'm a person who like speak and also help if I can; and I have some characteristics that wont give problems: I have all the free time that I need, because I work, but if you decide choose me for to be volunteer, I leave my work, so I will can travel all the time I need.

    I'm willing to be volunteers where there are less volunteers or where you need more volunteers, but if I can decided I would like to go to Nepal. I don't mind when I would go, as summer, winter as Christmas, but I only wouldn't like to go on summer because is the only time of the year that I see my family that live in Madrid. Finally I would help them with education, like teaching children or parents without education or with hygiene, for example buying things like shampoo, compresses..

    In conclusion, I have a lot of interest to be volunteer and to see the smile of people when you help them.

    Thanks for your attention, I hope your answer.

  42. Dear Raleigh International.

    Good afternoon, to begin with, I would like to introduce myself; my name is Marta Maldonado Parejo and I'm 20 years old.
    I am writing this letter because I have read about your volunteer campaign through young people around the world. The truth is that I have been very attracted to their proposals, given that the idea of making young people like us go out into the world and help people who need it, I think it has many points in favor, because apart from helping People who need it thanks to the energy and vitality that we can contribute, it also helps to make us aware of those outside our country.

    Well, talking about this job, I think I have numerous skills that can help to realize this volunteering. I have always been very happy to help people; Even when I was a little younger, I was dedicating myself to volunteering for my people, helping older people, young people who have problems of social exclusion or even I was in a volunteer of the "Red Cross", helping in the Rehabilitation to people who were in the hospital. I am also very independent so I have no problem traveling abroad, it is more; I love to know the world, and to travel a lot.

    Entering my preferences, if it could be I would like to start volunteering in July; Given to what I am studying a race and thus I would not have to miss the last examinations of my subjects. On the other hand ; I would like to travel to Nicaragua. Why? , Because I read in your page, that your work there focuses on youth entrepreneurship, improving water and sanitation systems managed by the community and protecting natural resources. And also, Nicaragua is the second poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. For that reason, I think that against more hands has helped, the better. I would like to be able to help the young people of Nicaragua to have small businesses to earn a living with, and also to help to have more drinking water for people.
    The truth is that I would like to help in everything I needed, I am ready to do anything for these people; Given that I think that all people deserve to be able to have even some water and food, and also a little work to get them going.

    And to finish this letter, I would like to say that I love that there are such organizations that help so many people who need it, and also help young people to know the situation of people from other countries, and try to raise awareness of all people. Because if we all helped, we could bring many things forward.

    I hope I can give you the opportunity to practice this volunteerism; I will look forward to your reply.
    Thank you for your attention and your time.
    Sincerely; Marta Maldonado Parejo

  43. Dear Sir:

    My name is Paula Castro, I am 19 years old and I volunteer to go to Nicaragua to help children and adults.

    I am studying as a teacher of Language and Mathematics at a University of Seville, that is where I live. I have enough experience as a volunteer, since I have been in other occasions. The truth is, I love being able to help people in need.

    As I said before, I would like to go to Nicaragua since it is a country that has always attracted my attention, and I was even more interested when I saw that it was one of the places that needed more help. Due to my situation, I could go there in the month of June although if that month can not be, I would manage to go the month they tell me. My objective here would be to teach children to learn fundamental concepts for the life of all and to have an education like the rest

    In conclusion, I would love to go there and help you as I can, since they deserve this

    Thanks for your attention. I hope to hear more news from you.
    Paula Castro 4ºB

  44. Dear Mr.of the NGO in Tanzania,

    My name is Belén Torres Delgado, I am 20 years old and I am studying the second year of Engineering. I am writing this letter on the occasion of requesting my volunteer work in Tanzania, in order to contribute to the social work that you are doing there.

    Although I have not completed my studies, I believe that it could be a great help in designing plans and infrastructures with which to carry drinking water to different places in the area, thus achieving a healthier hygiene habits. I have to admit that I do not have much experience, but I wish to contribute to give them a better life.

    I believe that the fact of traveling always opens the mind and allows us to think about on aspects of life that we consider indispensable. I am currently available and I want to help , to learn ,to carry out any activity. I consider myself a tenacious and capable person to handle any situation however complicated.

    In short, I would say that my life has reached the point where it needs to feel useful, doing things for others, to help me improve as a person. Because they consider that the work of volunteers in NGOs is fundamental to the progress of a society.

    Receive cordial greetings, I'm look forward hearing from you, thanking to you and congratulating you on your work.


    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  45. Dear Mr Johnson
    I would like to work as a volunteer in Costa Rica helping focusing on access to basic services for indigenous communities and protecting natural resources

    I want to work there because I have a very good experience helping needed people and doing good labours. Also, Costa Rica is good place because I like so much that landscape and climate

    I am available the whole week. I am Spanish and I am a very reliable person the most needed people and children. I would like to focus my job on natural sources as water, also in buildings as houses and infrastructures as hospitals

    I am looking forward hearing from you

    Paco Reyes 4ºB

  46. Dear Sir

    I am writing to you because I think that I'm good candidate to be volunter. My name is Marta, I'm 21 years old and I'm Spanish. I am interested because apart that I love helping people I think I can contribute
    with some thing that I learn when I'm studing.

    I think I'm a good candidate because I'm sociable, organized, responsible, trustworthy, hard-working and I think that Igood working whith children. I have also taken courses in reacting to dangerous situations and social interactions. I also believe that I can be a good candidate because I have some experiences because I have been helping other NGO such as two years ago during more vacacions travel to the refugee camp to help.

    I would love to go to Tanzania, apart from having some beautiful tropical parks I want to go there because I think I can help a lot. With my studies of social interaction and with other things that I learned while studying. I could go at any time since I finished my studies and I have no fixed date.

    In conclusion I would love to go to Tanzania both to help protect its tropical parks and to help its citizens, I would also love to go because I think I can learn a lot about their culture and I think it will help me to grow as a person.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  47. Dear Sir:
    First of all, My name is Ana Isabel Morán, I am 20 years old and I am studying the last year of agriculture engineering. I am writing this letter because I am interested in working of volunteer in Nepal.
    I do not have a lot of experience in volunteer work but I have experience dealing with people and I love help the people. Also I love learning things new and I believe that work of volunteer me can help learn things new

    I can help in the droughts , in the food plantation and I can help the people in build the channels and wells. We could build new schools for the children and some dining rooms so that no one would go hungry. I can contribute what I have learned during the career to keep the plantations.

    In conclusion I can be good volunteer because I can help the people and I can advise on the keep of the plantation and on the field

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Ana Isabel Morán Sánchez 4ºB

  48. Dear Sir,
    I'm Nati and I am 25 years old and I would like to help in your organization being a volunteer in Costa Rica.

    I'm a cheerfull person and sociable. I'm disorganized but I'm hard working person.I think that I'M good person for the job because I have experience and also, I like so much play with the childrens and help the childrens.My experience like a volunter is when this summer I went like a volunter to the jmj in Krakow and I worked with other volunters helping the people.

    I like to go in September, because the 3 of September I finish my career of nurse and when I finish I can go. I would like to go to Costa Rica because I like so much. I have seen Costa Rica in photos and always I wanted to go. I like to help the children and play with them. I want to read tales, play football with them...

    In conclusion, I thin that is a good opportunity and I can learn about the children and about Costa Rica.

    I am looking forward to hear about your sir

    Nati Montero Cotán 4b

  49. Dear Sir;
    I'm Fidel Ibañez Lopez. I am 24 years old and I live in Villarreal. I am studying at the University of Salamanca and I would like to travel next summer, I would like to go to Nepal.

     I am a kid friendly, sociable, responsible and eager to learn about new cultures. I would like to go to help children and seniors on issues of food and water.

     Also collaborate in all types of project which is done with the families of Nepal. I speak 4 languages in total authorities and I would like to go there to learn new customs and cultures.

    I am looking forward to hear about your sir.

    Fidel Ibañez Lopez 4B

  50. Dear Sir
    I´m writing to you because I think that I am good candidate to this volunteer job. I´m 25 years old and I´m a doctor and I like that all the people are safe.

    I´m very sociable and I think that I am very confident person. Also the last year I studied a curse of psicology. I like very much help to the others people that are in baddly conditions. And also I´m very comprenhensive. Last summer I went to Costa Rica for help the childrens and I like very much is an unforgettable experience.

    I´d like to go to Nepal I think that is a country with many problems and If I go the people that are there can be better. I can go such a doctor ,or for entertain the people and help talking about their problems. I´d like to go in summer if it´s possible but if I have to stay moreI haven´t got problems .

    In conclusion I like very much this type of volunteerung and If you choose me you will not regret i, im very responsable in my job. I wait for your answer.


    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4b

  51. Good morning, Mr. Oliver, I am writing to you because I would like to help you in your organization and I would like to partner with you in the public and non-governmental sectors.

    One of my main qualities is that I love to help people, and above all to give the needs that each person needs attending to the public sector, to build schools and hospitals mainly because I believe that education and health are two fundamental factors of life of a person.

    I would like to go to Costa Rica because I think there are too many poor people who need this type of help, it could help them in the future, since I am a general culture teacher, and I have a medical degree, which could cure them with some Another small disease.

    In conclusion I would like to go with you because I love helping the needy and above all with education and health, I await your response, thank you for the attention.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  52. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  53. Dear Sir,

    I am Clara Pérez López. I live in Seville (Spain). I am 19 years old. I want to go as a volunteer to Tanzania. When I see that his job work focuses on youth entrepreneurship, improving community-managed water and sanitation systems, and strengthening community resilience. I chose it directly.

    I am studying at univertisy of business management. I like very much this studies and I think that I am a good candidate because I did some practices in companies of water and others. I am very responsable and a organized person.

    I have informed about the problems in Tanzania and I would love to help in everything I can. I don't have problem with the language because I have the C2 of English. I would do this job very well because I always like the companies.

    In conclussion I am very excited about this job because it can also help me to improve in my studies.

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,


  54. Dear Sir,

    My name is Dulce Nombre and I’m 18 years old. I currently live in Seville, but I want to move myself to another country for a period of time. I can speak English very well, because I have the C1 certificate from Cambridge University. Obviously, I also can speak Spanish and a little of French. I’m not studying at the moment, what can be an advantage; I want to have a Gap Year. The reason why I’m not studying is because I have finished Bachillerato and I want to spend a year abroad taking new experiences.

    I haven't got experience in voluntary work, I don't know how it can be and I'm so interested to experiment new emotions and feel like a person in a poor area. The more voluntary work videos I see, the more I wish to go. That's something that I've to do before die, and who knows if maybe I'll repeat?! Some of my skills are that I'm so responsible and sociable. In addition, I’m hard-working and an enthusiastic learner, I know I will learn a lot from people there.

    I would like to go to Nepal, because I've been reading what you do in each country and how you help, and this is the one that I liked the most. I think I can be of great help in this country. If I definitely go to Nepal, I would to spend all 2018 there. In reality, I've not an exact date to return to Spain, everything will depend on how I find myself in Nepal during this year. I can help providing food and water to people who need it, specially to these people who suffered the earthquake.

    That's everything for my part, I hope to go to Nepal soon because I've been dreaming with this voluntary work for a long time.

    Yours faithfully,

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4ºESO B

  55. Dear Sir. My name is Mayte Macias, I am 32 years old and I am from Spain. I have studied a career to be an architect, and I have received nursing assistant courses, on weekends when I do not work I go to a social dining room with my husband since we both love helping people who have not been so lucky in the life. I always like to aspire to more so I would like to go to a volunteer country to be able to help those who need it most.

    As I said in the previous paragraph I studied to be an architect and nurse assistant, I am a cheerful, responsible, self-confident, friendly and very hardworking girl who is willing to change people's lives better in need.

    I would like to go voluntarily to Nicaragua where I can provide my information on architecture and together with my workers we can build centers to use as hospitals and I can also contribute my knowledge on nursing to help with those who need medical care. I could leave for as long as I could, although I prefer it to be during the summer.

    In short, I would like to go there to learn about their culture and to learn new things that are never over, I would be very excited to be chosen for this new experience for me, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  56. Dear Sir. My name is Mayte Macias, I am 32 years old and I am from Spain. I have studied a career to be an architect, and I have received nursing assistant courses, on weekends when I do not work I go to a social dining room with my husband since we both love helping people who have not been so lucky in the life. I always like to aspire to more so I would like to go to a volunteer country to be able to help those who need it most.

    As I said in the previous paragraph I studied to be an architect and nurse assistant, I am a cheerful, responsible, self-confident, friendly and very hardworking girl who is willing to change people's lives better in need.

    I would like to go voluntarily to Nicaragua where I can provide my information on architecture and together with my workers we can build centers to use as hospitals and I can also contribute my knowledge on nursing to help with those who need medical care. I could leave for as long as I could, although I prefer it to be during the summer.

    In short, I would like to go there to learn about their culture and to learn new things that are never over, I would be very excited to be chosen for this new experience for me, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  57. Dear Raleigh Internacional:

    My name is Angel Lopez, I'm 19 years old.
    I want to the volunteer because I'm liked help people that don't have luck in their lifes. If I'm volunteer, I will can help the people that need my help in the others countries or in mine because extending the hand is the best thing that can be done

    I think that I'm fit for this post because between my skills I'm cheerful and sociable, I usually have good ideas which gives me leadership power to lead and control a group of volunteers to work harder and better. Between in my experiences I work in other countries like Congo, Madagascar and Sahara.

    I would like work in Costa Rica as soon as possible, I can help carrying with me various groups giving classes in agriculture and livestock.

    Therefore, I am the most suitable for this job.

    I´m looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,

    Ángel José López García 4ºB

  58. Dear Sir
    I am writing to you for the announcement of help in Costa Rica to indigenous communities and the protection of natural resources and work on the effective use of natural resources.
    It would be good because I like nature very much and I know the climate and vegetation of costa rica very well
    I would like to help you because I am a hard worker and could make wells so that the Indians have water, etc ...
    I think I will be a good volunteer and I will have a lot of fun with the Indians
    I hope to hear from you

    Piedad López López 4°B

  59. Dear Mr Michael

    My name is Ivan Suarez Mendez, I am from Spain, I am 33 years old. I am a professor of Physical Education. I am interested in going to Costa Rica as a volunteer because I really like helping and making people happy.

    I have a lot of experience volunteering because I have been to Africa twice, once to Zambia and once to Somalia. In my second experience I had to learn first aid because it was very necessary to go to that country and be able to be sure and able to help other doctors in what I could.

    I want to go to Costa Rica because it is a country that needs help and I can give you all the necessary help. I want to help as a first aid aide and also as a teacher of P.I could entertain children with games and thus make them forget everything for a while.

    In conclusion, I believe that I am a person qualified to be able to go to volunteer to Costa Rica and to help in everything that I can.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully, Ivan.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4°B
