lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

Give some advice to your classmates

Read all the letters that your classmates have written telling their problems, choose three and write them letters of advice.
"You should... You shouldn't...."
"If I were you, I would...."

63 comentarios:

  1. Dear Gerardo, I understand that you can not study because I also have a younger brother and the same thing happens to me, I can not study because it is always bothering you.

    Because of this, I have to go to the library so nobody will bother me. You can do the same and go to the library to study because there is a lot of peace and you can concentrate on the studies.

    Dear Nati, I understand that the parents of your friend want you to study science instead of letters because you have more possibilities for the future and that your friend has to understand.

    On the other hand I think your friend has to change course because if you like the sciences will never be satisfied with your work no matter how much you pay or no matter how good your colleagues fall because you will not like what you do To prefer before works that you like and you are well related with the letters.

    Dear Ramon Rodriguez, I understand that you are not left to be still very young to go with your friends on vacation without being controlled by them.

    I think partly they are right but on the other hand I think they have to leave you alone because you are also at the age of being left alone to learn to do things on your own and go maturing.

    David Sanz Rodriguez

  2. Dear veronica, I sometimes get very disorganized and stress, but with this, I'm sure you'll be more organized and relaxed.

    If I were you, I would take a day to relax and not think of anything alone in you. To organize you should make a calendar for example, to know the things you have to do in each moment and so do not stress over time or without knowing what to do. Luck

    Hi Maria, I understand why you spend because it is bad for your health that your friend is not that bad.

    I would talk to your friend first so that he knows that he has your support for everything he needs and convince him to Tell his parents everything that happens to him, so that they give him support and to treat him with some psychologist so that his opinion, help and solutions. Good luck and you recover from all this problem

    Dear Manuel, I am also examining up to the top and I do not have much time for things either.

    If it were you, since there are the festivals of your town, get up a little earlier, study everything you can but not without saturation and do not go to the Baroque from the first hour but a little later to be equal times. Good luck and have a great time.

    Rocio Navarro Campos 4ºESO D

  3. Hi Sara,

    I understand your problem and I think it is quite serious and hard as it is not easy to move so soon and leave everything behind.

    But still I think you should tell your parents that they are the ones that can advise and calm you, the better your father may feel sad because his daughter does not want to move but I think the parents know us more than ourselves and not I think it will surprise you since you are a teenager and it is normal that you do not want to leave your life, I also have to say that California is very beautiful and you know new people and also with the technology of today, even if it is not the same , You can continue to have connections with your friends.

    Hi Guiomar

    I understand your problem but let's ... it's not that bad, you just needed a little imagination, even so, here's my advice.

    The first thing I think your friends will love is the idea of ​​partying on the beach ... so why do not you talk to your friends to celebrate with your brother on the beach? I think it would be a fantastic idea, and regarding the gift, you could look on the internet and give them craftsmen gifts that are much cheaper and you have for God .... This is my advice and I hope it serves you!

    Hello Marta,

    I understand your problem and I think that even if it is not so serious you have to think enough to know what to do, in spite of everything, there goes my solution.

    I think you have several options:

    1º. You can talk to your best friend very well about that guy or introduce you to another guy of type "relationship tirita" so that you forget your best friend.

    2º. You can tell or say bad things about your best friend to your best friend if there is no way to like it.

    3º. You can try to make your best friend stop liking the other girl and like your best friend.

    4º. Take them party and solved.


  4. I am going to give an advaice to three of my classmates they are: Ángela Fraile, Elena Gelo and Mari Carmen Quintanilla.
    -Advaice to Ángela:
    Hi Ángela, I imagine how stressful are you now: three exams on the same day, stress and many thing to do . I have been in that situation many times, so I will give you some advaices you should take.

    If I were you I will take all the weekeend to study withot distractions, turn off your phone and use it only in the evening or before going to bed. If I were in your shoes, I will get up early in the morning and try to understand, if you understand it, it will be easier to you to study. Once you have understand it and practice about it, try to tell to someone so you feel more confident. Now you have end with one subject, now yu have to start with the others. Take the weekend to study and then during the week, before the day of the exams, you will only have to read it. Then, the day of the exam, you must be confident because if you get nervous you are going to throw all the work you have done.

    -Advaice to Elena:
    Dear Elena, I can imagine how angry are you, yu want to travel and know new cultures and your father don't let you.I have an idea and some advaices to tell you.

    If I were in your shoes, I will take some magazines where they can look for more information, I will also talk with them and say how a great idea it is, you ould bring them cake to convince them. I have had an idea: why don't we think about it together? I could talk with my parents, i think they will let me because they want me to travel and get all the oppportunities I can get, so, If I finally get the permission, we could talk with yours and persuade them to got together. I am shure that if they know I go, they will let you because then you will not go alone and I know if we go together we have an special price.

    -Advice to Mari Carmen:
    Hi Mari Carmen, it also happens to me, i study a lot for each subject but then i get nervous on the exam and i don't know how to answer. I will give you some advice that i hope it helps you.

    If I were you, I will continue studyng as good as you do, but at the moment of the exam, I will focus on it and try to forget about the nervous and think how much I have studied for the exam.
    Anyway, if the exam is failed talk to your parents and say that you can do no more, you study a lot but something happens in the moment of the exam that you lose all your work. Your parents will understand you, if not you should talk with them and try them to talk with the teacher.

    Lola Valverde González. 4ºD

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Dear David:
    If i know well your parents doenst allow you to have pets i your house.

    I think that you have to say your mother, "If i have goods marks i have a dogs". If your mother dont give you a dog the only thing that you have to do is dont have goods marks. If you cant have a dog because of the space you can have a little pet like a bird or a hamster, thin is also a very good pet and dont have problems to take care of it.

    Dear Carmen:

    I understand that your problem is relationate with mathematics.

    I think that one solution is to attend more in your classes,
    Another solutions is to do allways your homeworks becuase if you do it well or bad you learn mathematics,
    Another solutions is to do extraescolar class with another teacher that explain better that your teacher.

    Dear Chema:

    If i understand well you want yo go to a summer camp but you cant because of your money.

    One thing that you can do is to work in summer to eanr money and to pay your summer camp. If you cant work you can have goods marks and to say your parents, i think that if your poarents are goods persons they pay you the summer camp.
    you can borrow the money and later pay this money with time.

    I hope that all this solutions helps.

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  8. Dear Vero:

    I understand your problem that you are stressed by the exams and your family problem is complicated the situation but there is always a solution

    I think that you should put in a quadrant the days of the week and there organize for hours and it will be easier for you to study to do homework etc ... regarding the family problem I want to advise you to support yourself more in your friends Find hobby that you like and that motivates you and so you will be more relaxed.

    I hope you have good luck with my advice

    Dear Jesus:

    I know it's complicated to wear glasses and if you want to leave always you have to go with them or have problems with them there are many difficulties ...

    If you were me I would buy contact lenses that lasted about 8 months and so you do not have to worry about the glasses and so you can go quiet and not have problems that you get lost or something

    I hope it helps you and you do not have complications

    Dear Chema:

    I understand your problem and that your parents do not let you go but there is always a way to solve this problem

    You should talk to your father and give them a good excuse to let you go to the camp and tell them that it is the last year that you can go and enjoy with your friends I think that if you talk always with respect and sincerity they will understand you and let you go

    I hope you can go and enjoy the camp

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD


    Dear Cecilia,

    I understand you because I'm also more or less in the same situation as you. I am going to give you some advice for planning your week.

    What you should do is to read the books little by little but all the nights because if not you won't have time for all.
    The exams you should study each moment you have free, and also you might meet your friends for the works before studying for the exam, but leaving time.

    See you, Jesús.


    Dear David,

    I have read your problem and I was in the same situation as you some years ago because my sister and me wanted to have some pets or a dog, something, and my mother also, but my father didn't want anything.

    You have to talk to your parents but with your brother next to you, and when you are together, giving arguments to them, they might think the situation but you shouldn't argue to them because if you do this they are going to be angry with you and you are not going to have anything.

    Good luck and see you soon, Jesús.


    Dear Carmen,

    I know that mathematics can be difficul but it's only to understand them. I dind't understand some parts but my mother explains it to me before the exams.

    If you understand a very difficult activity you should know what to do all of them, and if you don't know either, you might go to afternoon classes to pass all the exams and to have the summer free.

    I know you can and I hope you pass the maths' exams.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  10. 1. Dear Jesus:
    I know that you don`t like to go out with glasses because too many people dont´t like it. If I were you I will try to buy contact lenses. With them you don`t have to wear glasses and you can see well. I hope you like my advice.

    2.Dear Guiomar:
    I understand your problem because I think it is a difficult situation. If I were in your shoes I don`t know what to do.
    The only solution that I can give it to you is that you can go to both birthdays If you want because you can go to one a time and one time to the other. If you do that you have to be stressed but you can go to both birthdays. For the problem of the money what you can do is to earn a bit of money and distribute it to bou two presents.

    3.Dear Carmen:
    I understan very well your problem because I have it a lot of times. I know that it can get you hungry or desesperate.
    Why don`t you change your method of study? You can say it to your mother and she can help you and say you a new method of study. Maybe you don`t study all that you have to. If you don`t study the necessary you can call to a math teacher and she or he can explain you very well. Also another reason for that is when you go to the exam you get very nervious and that can be a very bad problem because the nervious are a very bad thing to concentrate on the exams.
    I hope my advice can be useful to you.

    Cecilia Cáceres Mariscal. 4ºD

  11. Dear Cristina Anton:

    I understand your problem, the exams of mathematics are very difficult for which to solve it I think that you must speak with the teacher or if you are more persons that fall the exams, go to speaking with the teacher of your class. If it does not give result, I think that you must be going to speak with the tutor of your class and he speaks with the teacher of maths. Also I think that if you continue fall the exams you must go to a class of mathematics out of the highschool to understand better the practice.

    Dear Paula:
    Queriada paula:

    I understand your situation of stress in the last months of course, also I understand that there are many holidays and for which you cannot center. The solution that I give you, is that you must continue studying without becoming oppressed and you must not stop going to the holidays that your you want. If you organize the time you can manage to go to the holidays and to study also. Luck friend!!

    Dear Ramon Rodriguez:
    I understand your problem. I understand the situation of your parents not to leave yourself to go only with your friends to the beach but also I understand you, think that you must speak with them and to say to him that already you are the sufficient old to go only with your friends to any side. Luck!!

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

    Dear Jesus;
    I understand your situation, because I have also been through it, in fact I think the same as you.
    I have the solution for your problem, I hope it helps you a lot.

    I think I do not fit the glasses, although some people say yes. But to be good with yourself, you have to look good and like yourself first. I long ago was determined that I did not want glasses, because I did not like anything. And I decided to wear contact lenses. It is the best solution, they are comfortable, they do not bother, and although sometimes I'm lazy to put them to me, but when I wear them I like them a lot. If I were you, I would buy contact lenses and you will notice a very good change, and you will see better.

    Dear Jose Manuel;
    I understand what you're going through, and maybe it can be hard to get what you want, but with effort everything is achieved.

    You should talk to your parents, because your parents will always want you to be well and happy and the best for you. If you talk to your parents, and tell them your problem, just as you told me, I assure you that they will understand. Surely your parents will give you the money to go to that camp even if it costs money and you have already gone to one, but if your parents see that you are very excited to go, they will give it to you, since it is the only year you can go. I hope it helped you.

    Dear Rocio;
    I understand the problem, because it is a very serious problem. I'll give you some advice for your friend, maybe I'll help you.

    If I were your friend, in principle, I would do the pregnancy test, to be sure, maybe it's just a scare. But well, in case the flies, that the pregnancy test is done. If it comes out negative then perfect. If he comes out positive, he should talk to his parents, and parents should understand, because even if they scold him and give him a talk about precaution, but what is done, done is and there is no turning back. If you talk to your parents, I think they will understand you and help you find a solution.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

  13. To David Sanz:

    I understand you, that's hard my parents dont want a pet too, I was really sad with their answer that's why I try to make your lonely life without a pet better.

    Well, You can't deal with your parents about this theme you just can back to home one day with a pet and make your parents responsable of this poor animal's fate.

    Good luck with the punish! ^.^

    To Angel fraile:

    I understand you, I also have a problem with my physics teacher. it's quite different than yours but the base is the same.

    you just can go extra phisics clases, and work harder and pay attention in the clases.
    Good luck with your exams!

    To antonio:

    I understand you, It's really normal in occidental society. I have and uncle with the exactly same problem, we were really worried without news about her.

    if you just can eat food you had hunt with your own hands, try to go a Mc Donald's or a common supermarket like Mercadona or Dia and try hunt with an spear a hamgurber of rice.

    Good luck with your filia! ^o^

    By:José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  14. Dear Leo

    I am texting to you to help you about your problem the thing that I think that you have to do is talk to her about her problem and talk to the her boyfriend to solve it

    Dear Angel José

    I know that your problem is a very big problem but if your parents don´t let you drink water you also can drink vodka, whisky, beer or wine and if they don´t let you drink water you can consume drugs too to take out the think of water.

    Dear Rodrigo

    If you can´t stay in class near to this perfect hair you mus find another school or ask him if he want to be your boyfriend or you can consume drugs and be happy forever

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 4ºB

  15. Desireé Rodríguez González
    Good afternoon precious, reading some of the problems I read yours and I think it is a very serious problem, that the advice I give you esque make a "planing" of important things you want to do .. or another option is that you Spend at least two hours studying and what is missing to be with your friends.

    Dear Paula Castro Rodríguez, eeennn ... I think you should have informed yourself a little before choosing science. And other things is that you should strive in those subjects that are costing you a lot of work and dedicate as much time as possible. Pd: I care about your name and where you live! HAHAHA

    To have Mrs. Irene Montañés Ramos, what you should do, if she does not fuck you, you stop talking, so you realize that for a foolishness with your boyfriend you can lose great friendships for that nonsense and that you realize Once you are doing a lot of damage that bastard. Or another thing is that you report it! Nice to meet you!

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  16. Hello Ana
    I think of your problem and in truth what you could do is if you go to the baroque in the afternoon you could study in the morning and try to learn everything possible and then when you get to study another time, I hope to be able to help you with this advice.

    Hello fidel
    My advice is that if you train at half past six you can eat lunch and study for a while until six thirty you go and then when you arrive it continues a while longer and the next day you get up early and study.

    Good morning santiago
    You could talk to family tuss as you have muhos and help you pick up that great disaster, you could talk to your parents and explain what happened but try to come a little later your trip.

    Carlos Lopez Gelo 4ºB

  17. By : Ángel Fraile Delgado


    To Rodrigo :

    Dear Rodrigo I know thinking about your future in Bachillerato can be stressful and thinking about your profesional future it´s more stressful and about your teacher I´ve never had this problem so I can´t give advice about it.

    If I were you i won´t be stress about your future you just have to work harder and if your willness is enough to reach your dreams you will have the work of your dreams.

    To Antonio Rodriguez:

    Dear Antonio I understand your problem I supose come from a war where all your friends had died is traumatic and if you were 3 months hunting it´s normal your problem.

    I think you should do a casting for the last survival , in this program you can hunt what you want and you will never have food from restaurants so you will be happy but starving.

    To Leo Dominguez :

    I understand your problem because I have recently split up with my girlfriend and it´s very difficult problem to find the answer .

    If I were you , I would go out with your friends a lot of dayts to make him feel happy and that He isn´t alone so He will recover his smile and his happy mood.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    Dear Clara:
    I understand your situation, because I am very stress with the exams. You should understand that this is the last quarter and luckily is the shortest but the most treacherous, since many assignments are continuous. Also there are many free days and you must take advantage of it to the maximum since this way you will be less stressed. You should be positive if you want a free summer.
    See you soon.

    Dear Santiago:
    If I were you I would call the some friends who came to your party and I would ask them to help me clean the house, sure some friend helps you, I understand you and you should start now, while your friends arrive. Your parents should not know about this.
    See you soon.

    Dear José Ángel:
    I understand you, you should organize in studies, this will facilitate you to go to more classes, you also have to understand that you have a lot of activities and you can not attend all. You should know that your studies are more important.
    See you soon.

    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  20. Dear antonio your problem is very complicated you have not had much luck since in the jungle normally there are many indijenas that could help you or if you could not turn away Immolated and finished

    Dear angel is a very important problem but you have to know that you can kill your parents and drink your blood and water and then your parents are dead can not punish you for drinking water

    Dear rodrigo and society do not discriminate because of being the opposite sex so you know you can always operate and change what you have between your legs and so you feel more comfortable with yourself

    Carlos Rodríguez Mondéjar 4ºB

  21. Dear Alfonso Gonzalez:
    You should try to get along with your teacher, because if you do not do it can go wrong. Study and show interest in the subject, ask the doubts behave well and do the homework as your teacher in the end is not so bad or you will fall so bad.

    Dear Marta Rodríguez:
    I understand that you want to be on the beach, have fun and make new friends. But you should stay in Seville and see your cousins, because if you live far away you can not see it very often and to the beach you could go more weekends since it is something that does not move and is always there. Your cousins are your family and there is nothing more important than that

    Dear Marta María Maldonado:
    You should strive for what little you have left this year and try to pass whatever it takes to not have to study in the summer. Next year you could take an easier branch so that you do not pass this year or just take science and study very much to reach your career

    Paula Castro Rodríguez 4ºB

  22. I'm going to give advice to three of my classmates: Clara Pérez, Marta Reyes and Jose Manuel Méndez.

    Clara Pérez :

    Dear Clara, I know that now is when there are many exams and when you are most overwhelmed, that is why I would like to give you some advice to take everything in order. First what you should do is have the notes of classes a day and not leave everything for the last day and second I would like to tell you how I personally would study biology, since it is a subject with many discrepancies. I think you should start studying days before the teacher said the date of the exam so when you know the date you will go much further. I hope these tips are useful to you.

    Marta Reyes:

    Dear Marta, I think about the vaccination of your dog what you should do is insist a little more your sister to take it as soon as possible since that is dangerous for the dog. In the event that your sister still did not go, what you could do is tell her to give her the money and go with your parents with the dog, so he will be more protected and you would be able to take him for a walk without any problem. I hope you will use my advice.

    Jose Manuel Méndez:

    Dear Jose Manuel, I am going to give you my opinion about your problem. I think what you should do to be able to go to the camp is to save as much as possible, with the money your parents give you, sister, uncles ... So when you have almost all the money saved you could convince your parents, telling them that they You do not have to pay anything that you already have everything saved and also telling you that it is a nice experience and above all to meet new people you have a good time. I hope that your thought strengthens and this answer is useful to you.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºD


    Dear Irene:

    I have read your letter and I would like to help you with that conflict. My name is Marta, and the truth is that I understand that you are wrong, because it would also cost me a lot to see my friend in that situation. I think you should keep trying to talk to her, and try to convince her that she has a toxic relationship and that she is the most disadvantaged of that. But if this is not right, I think you should talk to your family, to help her, and advise her on what is best for her. If after this, she decides to stay with him and the abuse continues, they should call the 016, and help her before it can happen to him worse than a few blows.I hope these tips will help you and you can decide how to help your friend.

    Regards and good luck,



    Dear Desireé:

    Hi friend, I have read your problem and I have decided to write to try to help you. I understand perfectly in this theme, because also I have been through those things in the institute and sometimes still I continue them happening. It is very oppressive because on the one hand you do not want to suspend, and on the other hand you also want to enjoy your friends and parties. My advice, and what I think you should do, is, to begin with, organize all the subjects and have a calendar where you can write all the exams and works, so you can organize the time you have before delivering them. Although on this topic, I also advise you never to stay behind and do all the homework and work as they are sent, because if you start to leave things behind, in the end you are all packed and you do not have time; I tell you from experience jaja. Well, I think that will start to get better, if you study day by day, the day before the exam you will only have to go over it and you will be able to go out more with your friends because you will have everything more controlled. Hope this can help you.




    Dear Paula:

    Hey Paula, I have read your letter and I have seen that you are having problems with the sciences this year. Understand you, happens to me equal. The only solution I can give you in this issue, is that if the race that you want to study in the future, has something to do with science, if I were your; It would follow by science, because even if it costs you more, probably, in the future, you'll be choosing the sciences and so we can make what you want. On the other hand, I think that if the race that you plan to do, has nothing to do with science, you could get on the other hand, as for example, the social sciences or humanities, so that it is not you so hard and to take the subjects that you are costing so much this year. You also have to keep in mind that studies are not easy, and that maybe this year has been a bad year; and may the coming year be you everything much better. Although that decision, you should take it with caution and patience; because you can check your future. I hope my tips you have been of help.

    Greetings, Marta.

    Marta María Maldonado Parejo. 4ºB

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  25. Dear Guiomar Marín:

    It is a big problem if you like both options for the same. If I were you, I will talk to your best friend and tell her your problem, and if she is reasonable, she will change the day of her birthday's celebration. I think that a party with your friends is more often organised than a party in the beach with your family, because it is more difficult to meet with adults than with teenagers. If not, I will go at my brother's party because it is in the beach.

    Love you,


    Dear Desirée Rodríguez,

    I know your point of view because I am also in this situation. All that I think is that if I study a lot now and I do not go out a lot with our friends to pass the time studying, it will be worth the effort. I encourage myself by thinking that in summer I will go out a lot and have great time with my friends. All this is what I do, I hope that it will be an inspiration for you.

    Love you a lot,


    Dear Jesús Muñoz,

    I have read your problem and I think there are an easy solution. If you do not like wearing glases while you are out of your house, it is simply, you only have to buy contact lens and use them. If you had done this aption, I think that another solution is that you can buy prescription sunglases. I know that they are very expensive, but as it is summer, they are useful by two parts, to see better and for the sun.



    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  26. Dear Sara Álvarez:
    I understand your situation, I know that is difficult because now you are going to live fair of your friends. Talk to your parents and ask them if you might come in the holiday or if you might come once in a while. Also you will learn new things and meet new people. I think it can an experience very nice. If I were you, I would talk to my father and ask them if the work would be for a long time and we could come to some conclusion and it would not be so difficult for you.
    Regards and good luck in your new experience
    Ana isabel

    Dear Marta Barba:

    It is difficult to be in that situation because the two people are your friends and you do not like to hide anything. I think you should talk to the boy who wants your friend and explain that nothing happens that she finds out she loves her. Maybe I could be good for him and fall in love.
    I love you
    Ana Isabel


    Dear Paco Reyes:

    It is a problem a little difficult, since you want to do all those things without much time. I think you should leave something for another day, I would focus more on the studies and then the hobbits. But if you have a good organization, I think you could do everything you want. If I were you, I would make a calendar so that I could organize myself better and be able to do everything I want
    I love you
    Ana Isabel

  27. Dear Jesús:

    I understand that you don't like glasses and you think that go out with glasses but I think that if you have a problem in your eyes you could put glasses or if you don-t like the glasses when you meet with yours friends you can use contact lenses

    Dear Antonio Manuel:

    I understand your problem, I think that is a very big problem this problem only have two ways you and your girlfriend have the baby or the abortion and this two ways the parents have to know what is going on.

    I think that you and your girlfriend must talk with your parents and you must explain that was an accident. With time your parents will understand you, and the next time use protection.
    You need good luck.

    Dear Ramón Rodriguez:

    I understand you, but I understand your parents also, they care about you but I think that if you explain to your parents that you and your friends are responsible they can understand you and probably they will not you go but maybe the next year, but you can try.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  28. Dear Nati Montero:
    I've just read the problem your best friend has and I want to give her an advice.
    Tell her that I can understand the situation she's going through because I have some friends with this problem too and they have tell it to their parents. It has been very useful because their parents have understood them and next year they'll study the A level of letters. So I think your friend should tell it to her parents because I believe they'll understand her and she will study whatever she wants.

    Dear María García
    I can understand what is happening to you so let me give you an advice.
    I think you should let her do whatever she wants, watch films or stay at home mostly of time. If you only want to go parties and be out of your house mostly of time and you don't want to be alone just go out with another friend. The day your friend wants to go out, she'll call you and you can go out with both.

    Dear Victoria Fraile
    An advice I give you for your problem is look for others friends to be out until the time you want. I'm sure that it's not a trust problem your friends have with their parents and I'm also sure that your friends go home at a good time. You're only 16 years old and it's not age to go home at 3 or 4 p.m at normal weekends. Sorry but I desagree with your and your fathers opinion. Nonetheless I think like I've tell you before, if you don't want to go home early just look for other friends.

    Ángela Cotán 4D

  29. Dear Antonio Manuel

    I will give you an advice. You have to talk with your girlfriend if you to have it and them if you want talk to your parents telling it. You are very young so if i were you I talk to my girlfriend to abort. You should use condoms.

    Miguel Angel Carmona

    You should talk to your teacher to do the examen before or after you go to the Rocio. If the teacher don´t let you do it another day, you should come to do the examen beacuse you can fail the subject and your parents will be angry with you.

    Gerardo Ibañez

    First you shouldn´t say silly to your brother. And second talk to your mother to castigate your brother if he is very noisy. You can let your playstation too, because he will be quite playing.

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4ºB

  30. Dear Monte,

    Firstly, I’m so sorry for your horse. I know it's difficult to see the animal you have grown with, in bad conditions and ill, but it is fact of life. The time to die comes to all living being, we can’t do anything to avoid it.

    I think you should centre yourself in what you want, not in what your parents or anybody wants. I think the best to you is to establish your wishes: compete in a higher level with a new horse or stay with your current horse in a lower level. From what I have read in your letter, I have checked the affection that you have to your current horse and I understand you… But you can buy a new horse to compete and continue having the one that you have now. It’s a good idea because you can compete in a higher level and stay with your horse until he dies.

    That’s what I would do if I were you. What do you think? I hope your answer and the improvement of your ill horse.



    Dear Ana Isabel,

    I know that Physics is neither your best subject nor your favourite, but you have to think that we are in the last month of the course. I think you should organize yourself very well, for example before going to El Barroco, you can get up to study. It means, if you are going to go at 13:30 or something similar you can get up at 10 o’clock to start studying. I know it’s difficult because the night before you went home so late, but who wants something, something cost him. If you don’t understand the unit, you should first ask your physics teacher. If he doesn't clarify your doubts well, you can ask some classmates about it. Another alternative could be to talk with someone who gives particular classes out of the school, and receives it. The most important thing is to trust in you and work hard during the week.

    That’s what I would do if I were you. What do you think? I hope your answer and good luck in your exam. Remember: impossible is nothing!!



    Dear José Manuel,

    I understand you because I have been in a similar situation… But I think that you should understand your parents. I’m sure that they give you all they can and if they have said you that you can't go, it means that they can afford to pay you this camp. You must think that you have gone to Asturias, which cost 300€ plus indirect costs like clothes, money to carry to Asturias… You must value the economic situation of your family. But if you want to go to the camp whatever the case may be… Have you think in pay it with your saved money? That’s a great idea because your parents don’t have to spend money and you will go to the camp!!

    That’s what I would do if I were you. What do you think? I hope your answer and that finally you can go to the camp.


    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  31. Dear Angel;

    I think that you have a big problem with the water because our body is formed an 60% of water. And also that was a pity, because your are in a party and somebody ask you, if you want anythink for drink?? and you say "No no, my parents will not let me drink water", but I have the solution for that.

    I understand that your parents can tell you what do you do, but I think that they understand if you talk with them abouthow good the water is, they will let you drink water but if this hasn't got solution, you ought to signed a deal with your parents that say if your pass all the exams before finished the school, they would let you drink water.
    I hope I have helped you
    Dear Santiago; I understand you because I am a little brother who made a party in my hose without my pass, taking advantage that my parents are traveling, and the house is alone, but they arrived before the time, and they punish me, because I am the big brother and of course to my brother.

    But you still have a chance, you ought to tell to all the members of your party who help you to clear the house, while more people help you ,your house will be clear before. If that hasn't got solution you should call all your friends and ask for help for clear and fix the house, arranging in different groups who clear different parts of the hose: for example un group who fix the bathrooms, other the kitchen,bedroom,garden...
    I hope I have helped you
    Dear Lucia; I am the same problem with all the exams, I was stressed like you and I didn't know what to do but now I have very time for stay with my friends and also I get very good marks, and I say you the solution for finish with your stress.

    The easier solution for that, is organize the time: if you make your activities and study a little everyday, you can make two things: have a good marks and time for your friends.You should organized in the week the hours of study with the hours of make others things.For example: After lunch, you can do the homerworks and then immediately study for one or two hours, so all the week and I assure you that you will get good marks and more free time.
    I hope I have helped you

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4°B

  32. Dear Irene:

    I understand your problem, It happened to me once. It is a very difficult circumstance because you know that you have to tell the people but if you tell something your friend will probably be mad to you.

    I think that your friend's life is the most important thing here so you should tell their parents. Hopefully their parents will helped her but if they can't you have to tell the police, don't forget that this is a very serious problem. If I were you I will talk to your friend first, I will tell her that you are going to tell people about her problem and if she say that she don't want you to do that, tell her that you are going to do it anyway.

    Dear Piedad:

    I know how you fell, I think that this is a very special problem because it is hard to tell your friend that she is fat but you also have to care about her health.

    You should encourage her to do exercise and to start eating healthier. I think that you can go on a walk with her and try to eat healthy with her, so that if you both go out to eat she won´t fell like she is the only one eating healthy. If she doesn´t like exercise you can also do activities like trekking, paintball, row... instead so she will enjoy while lost weight.

    Dear Ana Isabel:

    I have the same problem as you, I think we all have it. But we have to deal with it. It is really difficult to combine the studies and the time going out but we have to try it.

    I recommend you to make a timeetable, where you can pu the hours and the things that you have to do, It will be much better if you do all the homeworks in the morning and after luch to have time to prepare yourself and go out at night. I alsoo recommend you to put an alarm at each hour of your timetable to don´t lose the control of the activities that you have to do. You can also put your mobile phone away to be concrentrate and don´t waste time, and if you have TV of course don´t turn it on.

    Guiomar Marin Jimeno 4ºD

  33. Dear Santi:
    If I were you I would call the some friends who came to your party and I would ask them to help me clean the house, sure some friend helps you, I understand you and you should start now. Your parents should not know about this.

    Dear Desi
    I just read your problem and I think it is common problem in the students, because the students have to study day after day so that they do not accumulate agenda. You should keep studying for to pass the course with your friends and graduate.

    Dear Antonio:
    I don't now what it feels like to lose your friends but it is a very traumatic experience. You should go to psychologist to look at you if you have a food trauma but I think that You think you are your only savior For be the only survivor of the plane but you should believe in people.

    Ángel José López García 4ºB


  34. Dear Ramon:
    What your you must say is that I'm already becoming a man and that my friends have left their father to you also you must leave, tell you too that will be in contact with them every day. I hope that you come well my help.

    Dear Santiago:
    What you should do is stay on the morrow of the feast with all those who have gone and pick up, sort and clean your House and so your parents can say that although you've organised a party without your consent you've known as getting things and leave the House very well. I hope that you have served help.

    Dear Piedad:
    What you should do is talk to teachers, heads of studios and Director and tell him what happens if that doesn't work contact parents who insults her and tell them what their children do and since the parents are in charge. I hope that you will help


  35. Hi David
    David should talk seriously to your mother and tell her that if you have good grades you could buy a dog and if you say no, you should not try so hard and you should use your time in other things like work and buy your own dog with your money . I also recommend that you talk to people who have dogs because when they have puppies they usually give them to people willing to take care of them.

    Hi Chema
    Chema you should do things to make money like helping your parents, work somewhere accessible to you or even have to make excellent notes so that your parents let you go to summer camp also, you should understand that they may not have money to pay for it.

    Hi Jesus
    Jesus should accept that you must wear glasses although it is difficult for you may help you a lot and also if you do not like you can use contact lenses but you may have better glasses, you should try them before to see if you like.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres

  36. Dear Antonio Rodríguez.
    I understand your problem, because I have also been stationed in Vietnam, where many friends of mine have died. My advice is to do as I do and see a psychologist, there they will help you with your problem.

    Dear Ángel José López.
    Well, your problem is a bit weird. My advice is to talk with your parents about how beneficial is water for the body, since our body is formed mostly by water.

    Dear Leo Dominguez.
    Your friend has a big problem, but it can be solved. If you want to help her, take her to do something fun so she does not think about her problems.

    Óscar Gómez Bascón 4ºB

  37. Dear Mayte Macías,
    If I were you, I would try to talk to your friend and tell her that it is not your fault that her boyfriend had stayed with someone else and that it was better that she had known about you than someone else or that she had never heard of it. May mean that your friend's boyfriend did not want her. If this does not work what you could do is to leave a little time for him to react until he realizes that it is not your fault, since he is paying you the anger you have with your boyfriend. I hope that your problem is solved and we see as much as possible.

    Dear Ivan Suarez,
    If I were you I would tell your mother since the mothers are there to help you and also together you can find solutions, but if you do not say it is worse since when you see the report card you will say that because you did not say that You had suspended and because you had hidden and then if you punished him all summer. While if you tell it now your mother can point you to classes of mates and you can approve and not punish you because she knows that you have tried hard to get it even if it could not be. I hope you approve the subject and the next time you write to me or to stay in the summer.

    Dear Paula Castro,
    If I were you, what I would do would be to speak with the teachers who give you this subject or with the tutor and they would advise you to advise some place of private lessons or you could give classes in recess and you could approve. If this does not work I could help you since I have already gone through that situation. Sometimes it is not bad to repeat course since you could make new friends and you could follow more easily the explanations of the teachers. I hope you clear the subjects and can pass course. Good luck.


  38. Dear Paula Castro,
    If I were you, what I would do would be to speak with the teachers who give you this subject or with the tutor and they would advise you to advise some place of private lessons or you could give classes in recess and you could approve. If this does not work I could help you since I have already gone through that situation. Sometimes it is not bad to repeat course since you could make new friends and you could follow more easily the explanations of the teachers. I hope you clear the subjects and can pass course. Good luck.

    Dear Mayte Macias,
    If I were you, what I would do would be to talk to your friend and you are not to blame for anything and I would also tell you that it would have been better if you had known about yourself than other people or even that you would never have said it, Shows that her boyfriend could not want him too much. Also if this did not work I think you should leave space and realize that you are paying the anger with your boyfriend with you when you have not been guilty of anything. I hope that your problem is solved and that you can befriend again, and if not we will find other solutions to fix it, since friendship is something that should not be lost.

    Dear Ivan Suarez,
    If I were you I would tell your mother as soon as possible since the two together you can solve it, since she can explain some things of mathematics or you could point to classes and so you would not suspect and would not punish you in the summer. But if you hide it and when you see the suspense in the bulletin you will punish yourself because you have told him that you had suspended exams and you will have to study in summer. I think if you want to solve the problem you should talk to your mother. I hope that you can approve the subject and next time you write to me or to see when we can stay in summer.


  39. Dear antonio:
    If you cant eat, you have to stop eating and when you are about to die surely you can eat normal food

    Dear Angel Fraile:
    You can kill your teacher and when the substitute comes you can approve

    Dear Leo:
    I think they have to talk to each other and you have to support her in everything you can.

  40. Hello Rocío Olivo,

    I have read your problem, and I am going to say you what I think. First, I undertand you like go to Rocio, but now the studies are the most important for you. Also everything has solution and you should be educated with teachers and say them your problem. If I were you I wait a moment that they were only for talk quietly with them- I'm sure that they will understand you and they put exams out of the Rocio.


    Hi Chema,
    I understand you because like everyone in summer want to do funny things like you, and the problem many times is the money. If I were you, first I would understand your parents because they, like all, are working for you and if they really can they give you the money for see you happy. Now I think you should to talk with them and also, do things for earn money, like save the money, help your neighbors... I think you can get the money!

    Greetings and good luck!

    Dear Rocio Peña,
    It's the time to exams and the final of the ESO, so you have to have now more force that in the rest of the year. I understand you have a lot of exams, and this come together with parties like you said: barroque, Rocio... If I were you, I would write an organizer by hours where you write the time for studied and the time for go parties. You need only willpower for do it and your problem will solve, I'm sure.

    Greetings and luck!

  41. Dear Monte,
    I understand you totally because I have two cats that I love very much. But if I were you, I would train the new horse for take care also. I know that you can´t let cry but is better have other horse for remember the other horse. You can participated in competition and have a good level again. I hope that your ill horse improve, but all animals and people die.

    I hope it helped you, regards.
    - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Dear Anabel,

    I know that is almost impossible study with a lot of noise. I also cannot study with this. If I were you, I would go to library for concentrate. Also your brother can practice in his bedroom with the door closed. Another thing that you can do, is organized both, for example un hour your brother practice and an other hour you study.

    I hope it helped you, regards.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Dear Sara,
    I understand you, but also you have to understand your parents. You have to know that your parents neither want go to California but he have to work. If I were you, I should do a party with your friends for say goodbay and have a good time. Also you don´t have to preocupate because you can return and see your friends. In California you have new friends.

    I hope it helped you, regards.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  42. Dear Ana
    I think that you should get up early to study and then be able to go to the baroque with your friends, and not pick up too late to get up every day to study.

    Dear Santiago
    I think that you should contact all the friends who were at the party and between all of you put to clean the house and fix everything that is broken, this way your parents will not notice when they arrive.

    Dear Jesus
    I think you should buy some lenses and try to go without glasses, if you see well with the lenses and you can leave without them.

    Zacarías Suárez 4ºD

  43. 1-Dear Monte,
    I think your case is complicated, because two types of factors intervene, the economic one but the one that worries me the most is sentimental.
    I understand the position of your parents, when you raise the problem, because economically maintaining a horse is very expensive, imagine two. But I imagine that you are so bad, because with your horse you join more than triumphs and competiticones. This goes further and this is what you have to make your parents understand.
    I advise you to investigate on your own if you have a family member who has a wide field in order to keep your beloved horse, and even if it does not be good to compete you can keep it.
    On the other hand you can tell her to look for a babysitter job or to teach in your free time, to make some money and contribute to the expenses.
    So, maybe if you compromise you understand your feelings, and you can keep it. I hope you have good luck!

    2- Dear Mayte,
    As for your problem, I think you have a difficult situation, because your friend has lost confidence in you. I think you have to make her see that the situation you experienced was very complicated, because you were both friends. You have to ask her to put yourself in your place, and value what she had done. Let her see that what you saw was nothinglike a date between two friends and that's why you did not give it more importance. You can also tell her that you talked to him (if it was true) and that he told you that he would tell you when he found it more opportune. That you gave a period to him so that it was so and that if he did not fulfill it you would have told her.
    I think it's the only way, that little by little your friend will trust you again.
    I hope you have my advice and good luck!

    3-Dear Ramón Rodríguez,
    The truth is that as for your problem, I believe that its basis lies in the trust and maturity that your parents see you. So your parents fear that something can happen to you and that you are not prepared to live together for a few days alone.
    The solution that I can offer you, is that you go slowly demonstrating, that you have grown up and that you are a responsible person capable of solving any situation. For this, if you show that you are responsible for the housework, with your studies, with your meetings that arise the possibility of letting yourself go at least a few days to the beach with your friends.
    I do not advise that you get angry or pressure them, always go with the truth and try everything you can, so that they can appreciate that you are no longer a child and you are able to live a few days alone with your friends. I hope it serves you and Good luck!

    Belén Torres 4ºB

  44. Dear Clara,
    Hi Clara! I am going to explain you a good method to pass all the exams without problems.
    The best method to study I believe that you have to study all the days making abstracts with frequency and of course can't leave it for 2 or 3 days before the exam because it is a very difficult subject so you have to spend more time on it than in other subjects.

    Dear Santiago,
    Hi, in my opinion you have to fix it because you can not go back so you have to think what to do.
    I think that you would talk with the people that went to the party and ask them to help you to fix all the damages when your parents come. Although, I think that you have to talk with your parents and explain them all.

    Dear Anabel,
    Hi, if you have a situation like that it is difficult but you have to solve it.
    You should talk with him and set hours for each one, for example between 16:00 and 18:00 your brother plays the tuba and between 18:00 and 20:00 you study.
    But other thing that you can do is study in a library in your village while your brother is playing it.

    Elena Bautista Linde 4°B

  45. Dear Paula Castro,
    If I were you, what I would do would be to speak with the teachers who give you this subject or with the tutor and they would advise you to advise some place of private lessons or you could give classes in recess and you could approve. If this does not work I could help you since I have already gone through that situation. Sometimes it is not bad to repeat course since you could make new friends and you could follow more easily the explanations of the teachers. I hope you clear the subjects and can pass course. Good luck.

    Dear Mayte Macias,
    If I were you, what I would do would be to talk to your friend and you are not to blame for anything and I would also tell you that it would have been better if you had known about yourself than other people or even that you would never have said it, Shows that her boyfriend could not want him too much. Also if this did not work I think you should leave space and realize that you are paying the anger with your boyfriend with you when you have not been guilty of anything. I hope that your problem is solved and that you can befriend again, and if not we will find other solutions to fix it, since friendship is something that should not be lost.

    Dear Ivan Suarez,
    If I were you I would tell your mother as soon as possible since the two together you can solve it, since she can explain some things of mathematics or you could point to classes and so you would not suspect and would not punish you in the summer. But if you hide it and when you see the suspense in the bulletin you will punish yourself because you have told him that you had suspended exams and you will have to study in summer. I think if you want to solve the problem you should talk to your mother. I hope that you can approve the subject and next time you write to me or to see when we can stay in summer.


  46. Dear Lola
    I understand you because I am in the same situation. Everyday I have to wake up too early because I don´t have time in the afternoon but I know you and I know that you are very organized and responsible. If I were you I would do in a piece of paper a planning where you can include your extra activities. After this if you don´t have time you will have to get up earlier during this week of exams. Then you can enjoy the summer.

    Dear Guiomar
    I think that you should talk to your best friend and ask her If she can change the day of the party because I think that you brother´s party can´t be change because it is in the beach and is already organized.
    If you can´t change the party I would go to my brother´s party because I think that the family goes before friends, I don´t know if you think the same.
    About the present if you don´t have money you should do something manual or write a letter also you can decorate a box and put inside sweets and chocolates, I think that this present is very cheap.

    Dear Mari Carmen
    I´ve known you for a long time and I know that you are intelligent. I am going to give to you an advice that it is “DON´T USE YOUR MOBILE PHONE SO MUCH” everytime that I see you , you are with your phone and I suppose that when you are studying you get distracted with he phone and sometime when I am talking with you, you don´t pay attention to what I said.
    Also I can give you another advice that is that you can take an amulet for the exams and you won´t get nervous.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  47. I am going to give an advice to three of my classmates they are Mari Carmen, Elena and Antonio Jose.

    -Advise to Mari Carmen :)

    Hi Mari Carmen
    Almost everyone who studies that happens to us. For this problem I would advise you to continue studying this way but you have to study for other forms of studies, such as schemes or study the subject as if it were a story.
    You should pay attention to the teacher a little more and review everything learned at night.
    Good luck!!

    -Advice to Elena :)

    Hello Elena
    I understand you, but everyone wants to travel like you.
    I advise you to wait a few more years. You should go to English classes in your town and when you are a little bigger than winning scholarships, you can travel.
    Good luck!!

    -Advice to Antonio Jose :(

    Hello Antonio Jose

    I advise you to watch cartoons before you start studying.
    You should drink a little coffee before studying and I advise that you need natural light to study well.
    Good luck!!

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4º D

  48. Dear Ramon

    If I were in your shoes I would talk to my parents and said them that they can trust in me because you go out but you are responsable and your parents know how are your friends I suggest you to said that If you go to the beach you wouldn’t be diffent and said them If the distance is the problema you would go to the nearest beach.
    I hope I help you

    Dear Jose Manuel
    Waah! Thats a through one If I were you I would work If you are 16 years old you can work maybe as a waiter or helping your father with his work I f the money that you earn It isn’t enough they will gave you the money that you need because they will see that you work for this and they will help you
    I hope that my advise is usefull for you

    Dear Sara
    That’s a delicate situation If I were you I would accept that I’m going to leave my village and go to California and see the good thigs you will meet more friends you will learn English perfectly and yours family economic situation will be better and you also can still beeing in contact with your friends of your village and maybe you came in summer.
    I hope I help you

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B

  49. Dear Jose Manuel:
    If I were in your shoes, I would talk seriously to my parents. I would give them some arguments as that although you have gone to Asturias in April and they have spent a lot of money in this trip, in the summer camp you will enjoy a lot and it isn't too expensive as the last trip.
    I hope you get to understand

    Dear Sara:
    If I were in your shoes, I would say it to your parents but I would tell it calmly and try at the same time their situation. I think also that your friends would understand you because its an opportunity that your father cannot  refuses.
    I hope that you think quietly and decide what to do

    Dear Jose Angel:
    If I were in your shoes, I would show to my parents that I am able to do all the extracurricular activities and also show them that I can carry out all studies with good marks
    I hope you get to understand

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4°B

  50. Dear Maria,
    I understand you because my friend is like that too, but I think that you friend should understand you and you understand her, so, I think that you should speak with her. One day you can watch film with her and the next day she can go to the party with you.

    Dear Santiago,
    I think that you should call to your friends and tell them that if they could help you because your parents arrive these afternoon and you can´t clean your house alone and when you parents arrive you should explain that you do a party and you are very sorry.

    Dear Angela,
    I think that you should speak with the mother of your friend and tell her that is you friend and you can't tell her nothing. Also, you can say that she aks to her about her special friend and probably she tell her mother.

  51. Dear Ivan Suarez.
    I am writing to give you advice to solve your problem that you have already told me. If I were you I would have told my mother from the first that I had failed my exams but since you did not do it you could decide now because it is better to always tell the truth and not hide things since in the long run they will bring you more problems of The ones you already have on top. Your mother will understand that you tried hard to pass the exam but it could not be. Now you should prepare well the suspended exams to overcome the subject and leave a bit next story (but not much) as you have it approved. I hope these tips will help you and good luck with your mother and the exams!

    Dear Marta Rodriguez.
    I am writing to help you with your problem. I think what you should do is stay in Seville with your Vitoria cousins since they come from a long distance only to be with the family and you have not seen them for a long time. With your friends you can go to the beach another day but you do not know when you will see your cousins from Vitoria again in Seville. Explain it to your friends and if they are real friends they will understand you and will have no problem. I hope I can help you with my advice, see you soon!

    Dear Piedad Lopez.
    I'll give you advice that you can follow if you like and I'll tell you a little story. When I was little my classmates would get in touch with me, they would insult me and say very ugly things to me, sometimes they even beat me up. My best friend helped me a lot, I defended myself and when she could not do anything to prevent others from telling me things she was just with me, she made me laugh and she did anything so I would not think about what my classmates They made me So support her in everything you can and you are by her side, try not to leave her alone alone and go out with her and do things with her so that she does not think about what they are doing to her. If you do not feel better, you should contact someone older to help. I hope this story helps you and you can end the problem of your friend that is also your problem too. Very good luck and encouragement!

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  52. Dear Cecilia
    I understand perfectly because I am also going through something similar. My advice is to organize yourself well in the afternoons and do not get bored to get everything right.

    Dear Santiago
    The truth is that you have a big problem since it is difficult to solve because there are things broken.
    You must fix the maximum possible things and also tell the truth because alfinal sure end up finding out and it is better that you tell it yourself

    Dear Anabel
    You have a difficult problem to solve but I give you some options. Ask your parents to try to insulate the walls from the noise, I know this is a bit expensive and needs work but it's an option. The other option is that when you have more difficult tests you go to the library to study them with more tranquility.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4°D

  53. Dear Elena Gelo.
    If I were you I would have speak with my mother and would convince her saying that you can travel with EF if you study and work to pay the trip. In addition you might find a friend to travel with you. Your mother will understand that you want to travel for the world, to live through experiences and to learn English in another country.

    Dear Jose Manuel Mendez.
    If I were in your shoes, I would say to your parents that it is last year that your you can go to this camp and convince them, on the other hand your you could work to gain money or to help in house and I am sure that will leave you to go to the camp!

    Dear Lola Valverde.
    That’s a delicate situation If I were you I might organize better, because if your you pay attention in class you will have to study less and will have mas free time to do the homework and to practise sport. I would advise you to pay attention in class and to organize your days. Good luck!

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4ºD.

  54. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  55. Hi Dulce,

    How are you? I would like help you in this problem. I understand that you, in this moment, don’t think about the things that you do; only you wanted to have something jointly and have a conversation with Albert, but you should be true. I think you should go with there and explain why you say this and have a good time. The most important thing is that always you have to be true, hereby everything will be simpler and better.

    I hope that my advice helps you clarify the ideas.
    Hi Paula,

    I understand you because you would like to do everything and it’s very difficult to study and think I others things. In my opinion you can do all the things that you want. This is difficult to get but if you want you can. The first things that I think you have to do is to organized your time and take advantage of all the afternoon after the holidays. This is a good form to have the thing keep in the loop.

    Spirit, which alone stays one month for the summer holidays!
    Hi Jose Ángel,

    I would like to help you because I have the same problem than you. I have a lot of extra activities in the afternoon lie you and it’s very difficult do every things but it’s not impossible. I have English class 1 hours every Monday and Wednesday, I am going to train four or five times per week and every day , I go 2 or 3 hours. I know that it’ difficult but for example you say that the day that you have more things is n Monday, well, you can do all the things in the weekend and this day you only have to do the homework. In the other hand, you an talk with your parents and explain them that if you have good marks and also you like so much all the extra activities you could continue with all.

    I hope I can help you to look for a solution.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  56. Dear Giomar
    To be the two birthdays the same day is difficult because I understand you want to be with your family and your friends, but on both sides at the same time can not be. I would go in the morning, your brother's birthday because it is on the beach and in the evening you will not be able to enjoy it and in the afternoon I would go to your friend's birthday and stay until the party ends. For the money I do not think you should worry because if there is still enough time for the birthdays, it will surely give you time to save something by restricting some whims or if the birthdays are soon you can tell your parents to leave you some money and when you go you are returning it.
    I hope it helps, greetings

    Dear Rocio Olivo
    I understand that you want in Rocio because a date is very special and that you are annoyed and you can not go because you have exams during those dates. But you must also understand that in this courses greater responsibility and sacrifices are already required. For what if you think it is indispensable to go to Rocio, what I would do is talk to all the teachers, even if I do not have exams with them during these days, but for they know that you go to Rocio. I would talk to the teachers and the demand that to do the exams others days. For the subject of the transport I think that there is not worry much because surely some acquaintance of the town goes to Rocio during this date and I do not think that it has problem in taking you if it have site in your vehicle.
    I hope it helps, greetings

    Dear Piedad
    I think what you are doing for your friend is very good and I think that shows that you are a good friend. I understand that you are confused because you do not understand how people hear you make fun of a person who has problems, but people are bad and do not care about the feelings of others. So if I were in your situation I would tell my friend to contact professionals who they sure know how to bring the subject much better. You keep encouraging her and being her friend that's the best you can do.
    I hope it helps, greetings

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  57. 1. Dear Maria,
    I understand you very well because my friends are the same as you and is very difficult to convince them. But I have an idea , there is that we meet together when their don´t want to go out and prefer to stay in heir houses. I hope that we meet and the problem can be solve.

    2. Dear Angela,
    Your problem is very difficult but you have to think in you friend. You can´t say the thicgs to her mother,but you have to talk with your friend for her to talk abaut the case. I think that it is the best idea.

    3. Dear Nati,
    I thinkthat your problema is difficult but I think that you have to struggle for the things that you want , and If your friend like a humanities career she must talk with their parents abaut and explein to them. I hope that your friend can do a humanities career.

    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4B

  58. Dear Marta Maria Maldonado:
    Hello my friend, I understand your problem because I am going through to the same thing, I think that you have to study a lot, and if you fail the exams or your subjects, you can go to class out of the high school, because we have to pass all the subjects and we have to have the high school graduate in summer. We can, and strength and luck. I hope that you pass all the subjects.

    A kiss, I love you.

    Dear Ángel Lopez:
    Hello, I don't believe your problem, your parents want to kill you, I recommend you that talk with them and say that you have to drink for live and if they don't let you to drink you take it off the water and if they follow with this, go to the police and say them that you want to change the family because your parents don't love you. It sounds tough but it's reality. I'm so sorry and I hope that I could help you.

    A greeting.

    Dear Irene Montañes:
    I understand your problem because I know a lot of people that pass for this in same moments in their lives, I think that you have to recommend a lot of things to her and let that she be aware of the situation that is happening, I think that the girl have to learn alone but also with your help, that you are at her side at all times, because she need you. I hope that I help you and your friend.

    I love you, a kiss.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4°B

  59. Dear Gerardo
    I have the same problem, I have got a broher and I can't study because he always stay with me.
    If I were you, I think that you can go to the library, because in the library people don't speak and you can study more.
    Greetings, Lucia

    Dear Sara
    I understand you, this is a big problem because go to another country is difficult.
    If I were you, I talk with my parents, you should try to convince them not to move altought they have problems they must understand that you are a teenager girl and that it will difficult leave yout friends school..
    Regards, Lucia

    Dear A.Manuel.
    I understand your problem, I think that is a difficult problem, this problem it's difficult to solve because there are few solutions.
    If I were you I would tell my parents they can understand and give a good solution. You can have the baby with you girlfriend or use the arbotion, but first you should tell your parents.
    I hope, I have helped you, Lucia.

    Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 4D

  60. Problem of mari carmen
    I think that you should concentrate more and prove to your mother that you study a lot of truth and so approve with better grades than you are now. Make your mother trust you and do not get angry with her because she only wants the best for you and your studies so that you have a good future. Luck

    Problem of Mayte
    You should have told her friend from the first moment and she did what she thought necessary, you have done wrong to hide it but now to solve this problem you could talk to her and explain in detail what happened and apologize. Luck

    Problem of Elena Gelo.
    You must understand your parents, but they should also understand that apart from being a trip and a new experience is also an opportunity to perfect your English and that this trip could open the doors to many jobs. Talk to them and explain this, behave well with them and ask permission to work and earn money to accumulate money to pay you the money. Good luck.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4 ° B

  61. Dear Manuel,
    I know that you have lots of exams and is the party of your village but you can get time for all for example study at morning and go to the party at night.

    Dear Miguel Ángel,
    IF you can´t change your exam you have to study for the previous exam to get a good mark and pass the subject or to come this day from the Rocio and do the exam.

    Dear Chema,
    If your parents don´t give you the money for the summer camp you can work for get this money or you can get good marks at summer and your parents will give you the money.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  62. Dear Gerardo:
    I think you must to talk with your mother and say to your brother that you have a lot of exams and you need to study because you need to pass.

    Dear Antonio Manuel:
    If I were you must to say with normaly, you say that you made a mistake and trie to explain it more or less, I am sure that they will be with you

    Dear Jose Manuel:
    In my opinion you must to trie to convince your parents and one option is tu said that yopu can go to work with them and earn a little bit mone too

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD

  63. Problem of Gerardo

    You should tell your mum this and built a new room for your brother or other solution is talk directly with your brother and say that you have to study and it's too important the concentration.

    Problem of Ramon

    You have to study more and better for pass alll the subjects . It's not too difficult to pass the course of 4ESO.

    Problem of Manuel

    You have to organized more and better to pass and stay relax if you are organized you will have time for do everything that you want. It's important have also free time.

    Jose ANgel Cea Torres 4D
