lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Plans for the summer, plans for the future

What are your plans for next summer? What are your predictions for the future? What do you think will or may happen?
Write four paragraphs: two about the summer, two about the future (love, family, house, work....)

Use :  be going to
           may /might

67 comentarios:

  1. This summer I'm going to do a lot of things. From July 1st to July 20th I am going to go to the beach in Chipona. There I will be with many friends and we will go to parties on the beach. In summer I will train basketball for the season of the next years and I will rest a lot with my family.

    The rest of the summer I will be at my house with my parents and we will go to my pool to spend a month together with my friends and my cousins. Then in August my family along with my cousins ​​will go again to the beach to spend what remains of summer.

    For the future in the field of work I want to dedicate myself to something related to the sport because I like to do sports and help others, I am also thinking of dedicating myself to the economy because I am very good at the subject of the institute and in the Play games I'm very good at the economic theme.

    In the family environment I would like to have two children of different age but without much difference because I would like them to dedicate one professionally to basketball and another to soccer and to learn from each other so I want the same age.

    David sanz 4D

  2. Next summer I am going to go to the beach of Rattan in Cadiz with my family to the chalet and wait to spend it to me very well with all of them and to be able to be going to go fishing though this year hecharemos great of less to my aunt Antonina since it does a little time that I leave us.

    Also we will have to be very dependent on my aunt Merce that this pregnant woman of 5 months. And it is necessary to be dependent on her because apart she is a diabetic and we do not know what can to him happen

    In the future I would like to be a military man and to be able to go away abroad, but before I would like to study a career of history and for going away of erasmus abroad and to spend it to me very well to know different sites and to learn other languages.

    Also I would like to have something of money to be able cojer a theater box in the stadium Ramon Sanchez Pízjuan and power like that enjoy with my family.

    Cristina Antón Llorente 4ºD

  3. I want to have a great time this summer. I will always start going to my pool to be comfortable, then I go to the beach ten days with my parents, my sister and my sister's boyfriend, I would like to come to the water of my friends but I really had a great time with them. I am going to the beach of the dead, a beautiful beach where I am going to make many photos and where I will go out to have fun, to meet people and, above all, to relax

    Then for my birthday, on July 29th, I will go with my friends and my friends to "Acuopolis", where we always have a great time every time we go because it is so much fun to be there and finally I will go several times to Magic Island. Apart from all this, I have several friends birthday that surely celebrate and we will party, this summer is going to be spectacular.

    In the future I would like to have finished my studies of styling and image editing as my favorite stylist. Next year I will start a baccalaureate of arts and after those two years I will start to study what I really like. After finishing the top tier of styling, I want to go to the University of London where I study another stylist that I like very much and thus to be able to get a job that inspires me and I like it.

    I would like to start a family with someone special, but I do not want to be in a hurry. When I find that person, I would like to travel a lot to places like Cancun, India, Mexico, Cuba, etc and when we see the life well I would like to have some other child to experience how it would be and take care of it as I have taken care of myself.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4ºESO D

  4. SUMMER.

    In the summer my plans are mainly to make this summer a different summer and above all unforgettable since I finally graduate and I also plan to work teaching children etc.

    I hope to be able to go to the beach many times, to the pool, to have barbecues with my friends, pajama parties, birthdays, graduation parties, and I am also looking forward to June 12, since we are doing a barbecue on the farm, we will meet All of the school and I see people that I have not seen for years and I'm very excited.


    First, just after I graduate (which I really want), I move to Triana, Seville, with my grandmother to do art baccalaureate at the IES Polytechnic. When I finish high school I am a higher degree of Graphic Design or Social Reinsertion.

    At 18 I will finally get my driver's license that I have a lot of desire and I hope to have a job that I like and become independent since I want to do it soon, I want to get married on a beach and by the court and have a maximum of 2 children.


  5. This summer I be going to a summer camp with my best friend and my sister for a week, I might make a triple (for a friend my sister and me) bitrhday water-party, I like to arranged so much with my friends and make skype with them if they travel.

    Of coure I be going to see a lot of tv serie, animes, films, to read books and mangas, to write and dwaw etc. There are the tings that I love make in my house.

    I will try to get a summer job preferably in a library or a merchandising shop, maybe like a babysiter or any another thing because I need money, but this only would posible if I doesn´t need study for a recovery.

    I be going to the beach with my family like all years, normally I celebrate my britay party there, but if I make the triple water-party I suppose I don´t make a party there.

  6. Summer:In this summer i will pass al my subjects and i would like to stay in my home or in a beach i would like to stay with my family or with my friends. I will go to the swiming pool and also be. Im going to have a good summer,with a lot of free time, i will go to work and earn money to spend in my.

    And also im going to have my hunt permisison, but i am going to study a lot, i thing that i will pass this examns because i like a lot, also im going to hunt to a hunt place, i will hunt a lot wth my frinds and also with my father.

    My future:
    I might have one children but i dont know. But i know that i will go to the university, but i dont know how to study,i might study politics science or i might study something relationate with history.

    Also i dont know where i will live but i will like to live in a town like Olivares or other towns but also i will like to live in a city like sevilla or Madrid. Im going to have a lot of money and i will have a lot of houses and cars.

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

  7. In this summer I will go to the beach for 3 weeks in Matalascañas with my family. We will also go to Castellon where I have family and we visited and enjoyed 8 days visiting Castellon, Peñiscola, Villareal, we went 6 years ago. I'm going to stay with my friends and I'll go out and enjoy the summer.

    I will also train with my team because we have championships in summer of volleyball and beach volleyball for me is very important because I had never participated in the championship of beach volleyball.I will celebrate the birthday of my best friend and we will go to the mcdonals and to the cinema.

    In my future I would like to study law and political science at the University of Seville and I do not know if it will match Jesus Muñoz. I live in a medium-sized house in Seville or in a village. I would like to travel to another country to learn and improve my language in the USA.

    I would like to work in a law office, but I would like to train myself with another person and thus have more job security and help innocent people.
    I would like to form a family with two children a boy and a girl.

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD


    This summer has to be incredible. It has to be different, better than any other because this year I finally finished 4th ESO and I am very happy, so it has to be a very good summer before starting Bachillerato.

    This summer I will go to many pools, including those of the private club and those of my friends. I will also travel to Lanzarote, as 2 years ago. I love Lanzarote, it's a place with great tranquility and you meet new people, etc. I have many friends there, but it never hurts to meet more people. Of course, the beaches of Lanzarote are beautiful. I will also go to a barbecue with my classmates of 6th grade, to meet all the old friends. In addition, I will go several weeks to a camping on the beach, although I still do not know which beach to go to.


    For the future, I have thought that I will study in a University of Seville, what I still have not clear is if I will study criminology or journalism. I'm between those two, but before the end of the year I'm sure I've decided on some. When I grow up I want to have a good education and a job that earns enough money to be able to have at least an average standard of living.

    I want to have two children as much, because then I keep them cost a lot and I like children a lot but I think with two it's okay, I do not know yet where I want to live, that is, I have few plans for my future, because I focus more on the present and to achieve the goals of the present to have a good future.

    Verónica González Sevilla 4D

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  10. Plans for the summer:
    I`m going to go to the beach. I will go to Matalascañas like every summer. I usually go with my parents but may be this summer I will go with some friends. I`m going to pass this the mayority of the summer there. I may be will pass a better summer holidays than the other before.

    I`m going to go to a dog`s competition. This competition is going to be in Extremadura. I will go to a hotel of five stars. Also we will stay a weekend in that hotel to celebrate my birthday. I`m going to have a very good time.

    Plans for the future:
    For a good future I`m going be prepared and to have very good qualifications. When I finish 4º of ESO I`m going to do Bachillerato and finish it rapidly. I`m going to do Bachillerato of letters because I want to study english.

    Another thing that I would like to do in the future is pass all the english exams that I`m doing in an english academy and have good results. Also I would like to go to university and have the career of English. When I will be older, may be if I had good results I will be an english teacher.


  11. This summer I'm going to go to Portugal to a house that I have in Portimao and also to the beaches that there are around it, and sometimes with my family also because my parents are separated and my mother also wants to go with my sister and me, and the Portimao's house is of my father.

    I should do some school work in the summer but I think that if I pass all the subjects I won't do anything because I want to relax from school a little, but I will go to parties when I could. I might go to Doñana's camping with my best friend and with another one to pass some days there, for swimming and going to some discos, and also to meet some new persons.
    I will go to my aunt's house to go to the swimming pool, and all the summer, everyone in my family is there and we have dinner together in the garden.

    In the future I will be a judge, because I want to study right and political science and when I am a lawyer I want to study to be a judge. I want to be a psicologist but I don't want to go for science, so I have to have good marks to access it from letters.

    I want to have a big house and I am going to have two children. I love cars and I will have my own one when I am 18. I might have a lot of animals but I am going to have some dogs because I love them and there are a lot of them abandoned.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 4ºESO-D.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. We are reaching the end of the course, for me a joy as we have a year with many exams, jobs and homework. Looking forward to June and not back to school until September.
    The first day of summer I still do not know what I'm going to do, but I would probably like to keep all the notebooks and stay with my friends to enjoy the start of the holidays.
    During the month of June I will be preparing my vacations, clothes to take to the beach floor and above all I will be very happy because I go camping therefore I will have to prepare also the things that I have to take.

    During the month of August, I will go to the beach floor to enjoy with my family and friends. Every day we will go to the beach and in the afternoon to the swimming pool in addition to going out at night to the village to go for a walk and dinner or to eat. Also during the month of August I will return a few weeks to Olivares as it is the fair here and the fiestas of Villanueva and surrounding villages.
    Then I will return to the beach to be able to rest a few more days.

    Talking about the future, I will talk a little about my studies of the two years I have left in school to be able to decide what I do in the future. I would like to finish very well Bachillerato de Ciencias Sociales, so that I can continue my career later. In this course I will choose what I like the most, I will forget Biology and Physics and Chemistry and I will concentrate better in Mathematics and Economics.
    I would like also when I turn 18 to take the carnet of the car so I can go wherever I want and not depend on my drivers take me.

    In the future, I would like to start a family. I would also like to be able to find a job in Spain and if it is much better near my home so I do not have to spend my whole life traveling since my family has it in Spain and if I had to go to another country it would be very difficult for me. Another goal I have is to welcome some children from Africa to stay with me to live forever since their life there is a bit complicated.

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºD

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  15. This summer I am going to do exercise. Probably, I will go to the gym and I will go out to run once or twice a week. In June, when I will finish the classes I am going to take a few days to relax and to do anything. In July, I will have enjoy with my town’s parties and with my birthday. I will spend a lot of time in the swimming pool and in different barbecues with my friends

    In August, I think that I will go to beach for a week. Other week of August I will play my instrument in the Olivares’ fair and it is too my town’s fair. The Sundays I will go to my grandfather’s field with my cousins, my aunts and my uncles to eat there

    My plans for the future are to continue studying Bachillerato and ICT engineer degree in Seville’s university. I would like to work in a company or enter in the police. I would like to earn the money that I and my family need to live well. I would like to have 2 or 3 children and I would like to give them and my wife the things needed to have a well life

    I would like to live in Seville but it doesn’t matter to live in a town or in the city. I would like to have a good house for live well and in a quiet neighbourhood. I would like to be like this because I think that it would be a way to be happy in the future

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4ºB

  16. By: Ángel Fraile Delgado

    In June this summer I might have a new girlfriend , I´m going to go to Magic Island with if i have luck all my friends Carlos , Leo , Antonio , Manuel , AJ , Fernando , Mario and Marcos .

    In July I´m going to celebratre my dad´s birthday also I´m going to go to my pool in my countryside a lot of times if I can and sleep and play videogames all the days.

    About my further future I will marry my future girlfriend if I have luck also I will do the profesional studies in Biotecnology , Biology , Biochemics and I will do a master in genetics engineering.

    I will travel a lot to diferent copuntries to know their culture and traditions I will travel to the United States , to Italy ,to Greece , to China and the most important to Japan where I will go to the main centres of videogames and manga and I will meet Eichiro Oda and the writer of Fairy Tail and go to the One piece theme park and I will eat a lot of strange things .Then when I will be 35 years old more or less I will have two babies a boy and a girl.

  17. By: José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

    This summer I'm going to go to the Magic Island with Carmen, also I will go to the pool all the days to swim, but I think in august Doland trump will be killed by an Russian spy.

    Since Doland's trump death will start my farther future, The third world war were germany will conquer the world with the bliztkrieg, Europe will support Merkel and her zollverein. But China will keep the war against Europe over 300 years, I Know what will happen in 300 years becouse Angelo Fraile Donatello will discover the inmortality fount and we will life with our families in a high technology bunker until the war end, his wife will be Mike Baratheon Romanov because he will discover his sexuality when his first girlfriend rape him this summer, I will life with him with my wife Karume because she did a trade with angelo donatello about threat me and give him mike Baratheon.

    at the end all the earth population will die and we will live in our independient bunker forever. :DDDDDDDDDDD

    THE END.

  18. Carlos Rodríguez Mondéjar 4ºB
    I will go to another planet to conquer it to know about the aliens and to be its dictator, while I take care of them as if they were pets, while I continue visiting more planets, clear that planet would be called planet nazi, but I am a Nazi that respects all the religions, So that to make it easier it will convert them all into Christians.
    I will invent my own sports with my own rules to never lose and if they ignored me I would lock them in a metal box where they would not eat for two days without killing them to know that I have a heart.

    The next summer I am going to the beach during three months. I am going to Chipiona,there I have a house. There I'll stay with mis friends, that they also have a house there. I will meet with their to go to the beach.
    I might try to return to Olivares because in August are the locals holidays.

    If I return to Olivares I'll meet with my bets friends and we will go to the locals holidays. If I have a little freetime I could organize the materials for the next quarter. Lastly, when the locals holidyas finish, I will go back to Chipiona but I should go back to Olivares before the quarter starts.

    About my plans for the future, , I am going to study in the Ies Heliche a baccalaureate of social sciences. When I finish high school and the selectivity tests, I will study the career of child education and when I finish I will took for a job.

    During my career I'm going to meet a variety of people, I might fall in love with a man who could be my future husband and we could form a happy family. I would like to have two childrens when we go to have our particular home. I would like live in Olivares with my family.

    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  20. I hope I will pass all my subjets in June, for don't being necessary studying any subjet this summer to pass the exams in September. I hope all my effort at this moment will be worth.

    This summer I will spend one week or more in Matalascañas' beach, with my cousin in our aunt and uncle's appartament. It will be a very enjoyable time because we also had stayed last summer. I will also spend almost all the summer in my social club's swimming pool. All my friends and me are going to go to this swimming pool.

    I think in my future I will travel a lot, I will go abroad all the times I could afford. I hope I will visit UK, USA, Russia, Austria and more. If I travel to all those countries by teaching English, Spanish or French It will be a fantastic future.

    From another point of view I think that I will be brilliant if I study the medicine degree. It will be a fantastic opportunity to learn a lot of the human body and be able to save people from illness, or maybe being a surgeon will be an unbelievable chance.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB


    This summer I am going to go to the beach some days and I am going to go to my grandfather’s pool with my cousins and sometimes with my friends also If my friends invite me to theirs pools or to go to some party I will go with them. I am preparing the B2 so I expect to pass the exam and to have good marks in all the subjects.
    This summer I hope to work and earn some money because I am 16 years and I have enough years to work will spend in clothes or in a new mobile pone I would like to work as a waitres or as a shop assistant a part-time job were you have to deal with diferent people.


    In the future I would like to work as a surgeon in a good hospital I don’t mind If it is abroad but If I have to choose I will work in La paz a hospital in Madrid I hope to be married with a beautifull and inteligent girl and to have at least two soons.
    I hope to have a good house near the Wanda metropolitano or near the hospital I will work I hope that all my family will get married and have a lot of nephews and I hope to make new friends and still having contact with the old friends I will train to be fitness

    Santiago Jara Montero 4ºB

  22. We are arriving to the end of the course and the summer is getting near. I am making the last effort to pass all the exams and in June say goodbye to the school, studies and hmeworks until September.
    I can't wait more for summer, the first day of hoildays, I will pack all te notebooks and material of school and save in a box with the rest of things of others courses.
    During the month of July I will rest at home,but I will keep going to the English Academy for the B2 exam. When I get up on the morning, I will go to Salteras to the English Academy, I don´t know the timetable yet.Then I will swim at my swimming pool until is time to lunch, later I will going to go back during all the afternoon or read a book. At about 9pm I might go for a walk with my parents, when I arrive, I will have a shower and rest.

    At the month of August, at the first week in the town takes place the fair, which is in front of my house, during these days I will not sleep, so I will rest at the mornings and swimming or reading at the afternoons. Then, I will have a shower and having dinner and about 12 in the night I will go out with my friends to the fair until 5 in the morning or so.
    At the lasts weeks of this month, I will go to the beach, I don't know which one yet, maybe Sánlucar de Bda. I might stay for 4 or 5 days, my parents and I will go there, hoping to rest.

    Talking about te future, I am focus on my studies, specially the following years, in which I need the higher mark I am able to go to the University and study what I love. Next year I will take the option of social science, saying goodbye to maths; and I am going to try to get the hihgest mark I am able to, because the marks are so important that says what you can study at university and what you can not. I will be very happy if I can study History or History of Art, to be a teacher at high schools or universities, because I love reading and knowing about the history of Seville and the art, churches…I will also do some exams to have permission for driving, and I will have my own car.

    Thinking about a farther future, I might find a job in Spain as a teacher of History in a High School or in a University. I will travel a lot with the money I will earn, because I love travelling and I have practice it flying 3 times years ago.When I get older, about 35 or so, I will look for create a family and having children. If I have children, I will educate them in equality, peace and quite, I will save money to travel with them at summer, wherever they want to. I will have some dogs and a big house that is in the process of building in the field my house is. I will also like to have some children of Africa in summer that some organisations send to Spain during these months, so they will have a better life during this period.

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  23. This summer is going to be very cool since after a very long and heavy course I think I deserve it. I have a pool in my house and I plan to invite my friends just after giving us the notes to celebrate the closing of this course which is very important because we close a stage of our student life. I also imagine that my friends invited me to their swimming pool.

    In the second fortnight of July I go to the beach of Puntaumbria, there I will go with my whole family. I love the beach and I'm very excited because I could be in it all day. My older sister and I have said that at night we would see a series that we like or we will leave through the center of Puntaumbria.

    In my future I want to study computer engineering because I am passionate about everything that has to do with modern technology. After 4 years studying this career I want to find a job that I like and it make me learn more. During my stage of work I will find my love. With my love I will share my tastes for the technology and together we will create a company related to the computer science.

    Next to my love I will have three children who will be very intelligent and handsome. They will study hard and they will pass quickly and easily their cours. They are going to study things related to computer science and they will help us with the company. I will continue to enjoy my loves until I die or not …

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  24. This summer I´m going to the beach with my family and later I will go with my friends to another beach. All of us will go out together, we will go to the swimming pool and we will play football, but It´s going to be very hot so we will be more time at the swimming pool. Santiago should invite me to his swimming pool or I will get angry.

    I have a english examen (B1) and I hope I will pass it. My teacher Miguel will be happy if I pass it. On August I´m going to the olivare´s fair with my friends and we will have fun and a good time.

    About my future, I think I will study mechanical engineering beacuse I like cars very much. I´m going to have my car license at 18 age. I will go everywhere with my car. About my love, I will have some childrens.

    I hope in the future I could live near my parents´s house, in Albaida or Olivares, I don´t care about it.

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4B

  25. SUMMER:

    This summer I want to pass all the subjects for which I have to study.
    I would like to travel to Barcelona.When I am there I would like to visit PortAventura where I would enjoy the different attractions.

    Then I'll be at the beach.
    I will also go to the beach with my cousins and parents. During the summer I will invite my friends to my pool.


    In my future I could have two children. I do not think I'm going to go to university because it's very difficult to take a higher degree. I still do not know what to study.

    I would like to live in a village like Albaida. I'm going to have money and I'll buy a house to live in.
    I'll have a car.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 4ºD

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  27. SUMMER:

    This summer when I will finish the exams I will have one or two weeks for relax. I will go to the beach, but I don´t know to which one. Also I invite to friends to my pool and will make barbacues with my cousins. Some nights, I will go out with my friends to pass a good time.


    In the future I will study bachilerato, and when I finish them, I like to study for early childhood education.
    Also, I like to have two childrens and live here in Seville, if is possible I prefer in a village than in the city. Two of the places that I will like to visit in the future are
    in Italy, Rome and Venice.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 4ºD


    For my summer I hope pass all the subjects and I am not have to study in summer If I pass all the subjets I think that I will go to beach with my family and also I hope that this summer I am going to have a lot of parties and barbacues.

    Also in August I will go to the Olivare's fair and I hope to others fais of the others villages of the Aljarafe. In September me and my friends, we are going to go to the festivity of Albaida because some of my friends are from Albaida.


    In the future I will study Bachillerato and later I will study history or business also I would like to do the B1 exam and also I would like to go to study in United Kingdom or other country, I would like to be married and have 2 or 3 children also I will work very hard to have a good house and my children can be happy also I wouldn’t want to lose the contact with my friends and that we can go out together, also I would like to take care to my parents when they because I would like to do the same thing that they do with me before.

    José Manuel Méndez González 4º D

  29. SUMMER:

    This summer I want to pass all the subjects, and go to the beach on holidays.


    In the future I could have my house with my girlfriend. Have a job with a good salary and have a good car.

    Ramón García Díaz 4ºD

  30. Summer plans
    This summer I'm going to go to the beach for two weeks with my father and my sister, I hope to make friends there and to visit new places, because the beach I'm going to have never gone to. The last days that I will be there, my cousins ​​will go with me and we will go to many parties.

    This summer I can go to Italy or Germany. I will go to these places if I approve everything in summer, if they do not punish me and I will have to stay at home taking care of my sister and studying to approve them in September.

    Future plans
    In the future I will live in Triana, as close as possible to the church of my brotherhood. I will also work in the very important company and I will become the head of this.Also maybe have a floor on the beach, specifically in Almeria, where I will go in summer.

    But to get this I will have to study a lot. I will have to study an economics degree. I would like to study in a city other than Seville, but my parents do not leave me for what I will have to study in Seville.


    This summer I will go to Malaga and I will spend one week in a hotel near to the beach. I am going to hang out with friends and we will go to Olivares fair and to "Festividad" and "Loreto" that are two parties that celebrates the people that live in Albaida and we are going to celebrate paties with friends and more people.

    In the future I will be a very prestigious sports journalist and I will live in Spain, in a very expemsive house.
    I am going to buy a white Range Rover if I have money, I will get married with a beautiful girl and I will have one son and one daughter. I will study so much to have a great work and win a lot of money for take care of my family.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4ºD

  32. This summer I am going to go to Roma with my mother, my aunt, and some other friends, I am going to travel the 21st of June, the high school will end on the 23rd of June I think, so I am going to miss some lessons. I hope that Michael doesn't miss me too much. Maybe I will go to Germany with my dad and my cousin but I don't know it yet.

    Then I am going camping with my cousin and my father, my cousin and I have to choose the beach but we are thinking about it, we may go the 25th of July. My cousin is from Torremolinos so when we come back from the camping I will stay in her home with her and my other cousin, I usually go there on summer and I stay there for 2 weeks or even more.

    When I left this high school I am going to live with my father in Triana, so that the university will be closer than if I stay here in Olivares. I am going to study bussines in Seville. For the summer of 2018 I want to do the exam of B2, so I should start next course to study it because I don´t want just to pass it, I want to get really good marks.

    When I finished all the studies in the university I want to spend a hole year traveling but I don´t know yet if I will stay in the same country the hole year just visiting all the country, or if I will be traveling to different countries. Then if I am able to I would like to live alone or with a flatmate in Seville or in Triana and I would like to work while I start making a company.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD

  33. Summer plans
    This summer I am going to study the subjets that fail, also I will go to Huelva with my parents

    Future plans
    In the future I will be a computer technician and i will live in Tokyo

  34. I will talk about my plan for the next plan is as follows
    Depends on whether I suspend a subject or can not change my plans, if I approve I would go every day I could to the pool.
    On July 15 I would go to summer camp and we would be 7 days there.
    Then I would go to the beach with my parents, when I arrive, I will go to the fair in my town. And the rest of the summer time will be spent with my friends playing.

    If I suspect I should study in summer, get into an academy and I can not enjoy the summer, if I went to the beach or somewhere, I will have to take the book to study, in September I will not be able to suspend any, otherwise repeat course.

    I'll talk about my plan for the future in love is as follows
    I should be looking for a good woman, to marry her, I would live in another part of the world and thus to travel and to know countries, at 27-28 I would like to have a baby, preferably a boy better than a girl, but would not be The only thing I would have, I would also like to have another baby later.

    I'll tell you my future plan at work is as follows
    I should study a career to be a teacher of physical education or I would also like to be a police officer, either of them would be worth it.
    If I were a teacher of physical education, I would be a very good teacher and I would put the children in good physical shape and if I were a police officer I would like to get to work in demonstrations, and thus be a cavalry.

    Zacarías Suárez 4ºESO

  35. In this summer, I am not going to study until September, so I am going to forget all about school. In July, I am going to leave all weekend with my friends. Also, 26th of July I am going to celebrate my birthday with my friends in my swimming pool. All sundays of July and August I am going to the swiming pool of my uncle with my family and also some friends of they.

    In August, the first week is the Olivares´s fair that go on for since wednesday unitl sunday so I am going to go all days. The fair is celebrate this date because is the day of the Olivares´s patron saint. Also I am going to go to the beach one week with my friends and other week with my family.

    About the future, I will study the Science Bachiller because I will study Optics and Optometry in the University. Also I want have a job and if is necesary I will go to other country for found job. Finally I will live in Sevilla and I will have a floor in the beach. Also I will have the B1 of english.

    About my love, I will find he in the University. Then I will marriage with about 29 years old and I will travel to Venecia. After, I will have two or three children and we will live in Seville centre. Also we will travel a lot and we will have a cat and a dog. Finally, we will be very happies and we will be a family very good.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  36. This summer I will visit very new beaches and I will go to the swimming pools with my friends. Also the only thing that I won't do is study because in the course I'm very stress and in summer I will be relax. I'm going to go some travels this summer one of them is Barcelona I will go with my family, also we going to Islantilla my family and othe family that are friends of my parents.

    All the year I'm going to a summer camp but this year is diferent because is the last one. I'm very sad because I don't want that rhis finish my only joy is tha I will be monitor when I'm going to more old. This camps are a very special experience and all the children of Olivares should go because is a experience that never forget.

    In the future I will study bachillerato first and when I finish I'm goint to want study Social Worker because is my dream. Is a job that I think is the best for me. I would like work in a office or in a prision, the only thing that I want is work in the job that I like. Also I would like have a job to give the necesary to my family. Because I will want have 2 or 3 children.

    After I will have children I want travel, travel a lot but alone or with some friends. When I'm going to have children and job I'm going to be 30-35 years old not more young and I want live in Olivares or other village but not in a city because is stress I prefer more silence.
    With this I think that I will be happy.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4°D

  37. Summer:
    This summer I hope to pass all subjects and not have to study. When you finish the exams I will have 3 weeks in which I will have to prepare the room for my American.
    Because this summer will come an American called Ally, it will be 5 days with my family. Visit Seville, we go to the beach, shopping...
    Also this summer we go on vacation to the beach one week, probably to Chipiona. We'll go on vacation the family, also would my dog and my cousin Elena.
    "Festividad", which is a celebration that is celebrated in Albaida in the month of September I hope to pass it very well with my family and friends.

    When I finished high school, I will take the career of tourism and I would like to devote myself to work in hotels as a receptionist at the hotel, because I like tourism and hotels. When you find a stable job, I have a House with a garden and I have a boyfriend I will marry 29 years. I have 3 or 4 children and two pets.
    In the future I would follow with my friends and also I would like to keep my hobbies such as flamenco, go out with my friends, listen to music and spend time with children.
    I also would not have money problems or health problems and have much happiness.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4ºD.

  38. This summer I am going to go to the British High School from the 1st of July to the 31st of July. I hope to learn a lot of English there and before it do the B1 examn for get this level.

    Then I will go to El Rocío with my family and my friends from the 1st of August to the 30th of August. We may go to the Matalascañas beach some days because it is next to El Rocío.

    In the future, In 2019 I hope to have the B2 English level and then go to the University to study english filology. In the middle of it I hope to do a make-up grade because I want to live in London and there I'll have to work in something to survive.

    I'm going to do the 'Erasmus' at the end of the career to any British city.
    Then, when I finish the career I want to live in London for 2 or 3 years to speak very well the English language.

    Ángela Cotán 4°D

  39. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  40. In this summer I'm not going to study anything, in June I'm going to go to the pool every day with my friends. From 10 to 15 July I'm going to go to the beach with my boyfriend, come back to go to my pool.

    From 23 to 25 July I'm going to go to '' Santiago '' And in August it's the ''feria'' of Olivares, salteras and villanueva, I'm going to go to them all too. Another weekend I go to the beach with my parents.

    In the future I want to be a journalist, when I finish high school I'm going to go to university to study a career. I would also like to study the title of flight attendant in summer when I am of age along with the carnet.

    When I'm in university, I want to travel with the Erasmus scholarship and improve my English. If everything ends well I would like to go to live in Italy.

    Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 4D

  41. For this summer I am making a list with all the things that I want to do, some of these are: I am goint to make a song and play it with the guitar.Also I am going to see a lot animes, read more than 8 mangas and others types of books. Today I speak with the french's teacher and maybe I will go to France of exchange again, in the summer.
    I am going to learnd capoeira and of course I am going to travel a lot, in Jully's month I am going to go to France for two weeks and after I am going to stay in Rota(Cadiz). In Agoust's month I and my family, going to the saw the last week of this month. The rest of the days I will stay with my friends and we are going to go to the pool.

    In the future I will be a big person that know a lot, and also a big person from the point of view of my person, I am going to be a upstanding person. I think that I might have a good house and a very big family, surrounded by my usual friends and other new more friends. Also I think that in five or six years if the president of USA, Donald Trump,remains, the trird war world will burst and all the countries incluyed Spain will have a lot of problem, some countries will be destroyed and many others contries, will have a important economical crisis due to the fall of the american economy,that will affect all developed countries.Before that happened I am goint to built a big bunker of pillows and I'll save food for two years.I think that if happened I WILL SURVIVE.

    Leo Domínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  42. For the summer I hope pass all the subjects. For the summer I think that I will go with my family to the beach of Punta Umbria. We aro going to pass 2 weekends. May be I will stay all the day on the beach because the flat is near the beach. I don like the beach because of the sand . We will go only to the beach because my parents went to a travel in frebuary. Also my twin sister and me went to Asturias. For all this we went only to the beach but also somes days to differents places.

    In the future, In 2019 I hope to have the B2 English level and then go to the University to study. I will be work how a painter. I only want to work in the bob that I want because if you work in the place or do the things that you love you are motivated and do better your job.

    When I'm in university, I want to travel with the Erasmus scholarship and improve my English. If everything ends well I would like to go to live in USA.

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 4ºD

  43. For the summer I hope pass all the subjects. For the summer I think that I will go with my family to the beach of Punta Umbria. We aro going to pass 2 weekends. May be I will stay all the day on the beach because the flat is near the beach. I don like the beach because of the sand . We will go only to the beach because my parents went to a travel in frebuary. Also my twin sister and me went to Asturias. For all this we went only to the beach but also somes days to differents places.

    In the future, In 2019 I hope to have the B2 English level and then go to the University to study. I will be work how a painter. I only want to work in the bob that I want because if you work in the place or do the things that you love you are motivated and do better your job.

    When I'm in university, I want to travel with the Erasmus scholarship and improve my English. If everything ends well I would like to go to live in USA.

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 4ºD

  44. It is difficult to know what our future is, when we do not have a certain present. The most certain thing I have of my future are the holidays that are about to arrive.

    I hope to finish the course with some qualifications to have an unforgettable summer. The first thing I want to do is stay with my friends and enjoy many days of my pool, go to the cinema, to the beach, and have a good time.

    Then with my family we have organized a trip to disneyland for the communion of my sister, which I am certainly looking forward to. But in reality what I like most about the summer is to enjoy my friends and my family, without having to depend on time. I hope with asiendad this summer because I hope it is different and good for all.

    To define my future self, I still have many doubts, for I do not even know what I want. The fears persecute me to know if I will be happy and if I will be successful. I just hope to get to work on what I like, that I can have economic independence, but above all I would like to have emotional stability, have a nice family or someone to share my achievements and failures. I am also clear that I would like to continue doing the things that I love, for example dancing. For nothing of the world I would like to stop doing something that I love so much, despite or leave behind my responsibilities.

    I would like to remain spontaneous and appreciate every detail that life offers me. I would like to remain astonished at every little thing.
    I would like to have many friends with whom to share our things, and also to help others. I want to have my family and feel them close, so that I never forget what is my essence and everything that made it today. I would also like to do something risky, or crazy or some nonsense I could remember. But above all, even if I want to have my feet on the ground, I want to continue dreaming and always fight for my dreams, because although life is hard if we fight for what we want, everything will be possible.

    Belén Torres 4ºB

  45. SUMMER:

    This summer I going to the beach as every year with my family and friends. I will also travel with my friends to Madrid, there we will be two weeks. When I arrive to Olivares we will go my friends and I to pools of other friends and we do barbecues all together, well we had a great time!


    In the future I would like to finish my studies and go to some country to work and have new experiences, and once I come from that country to start working as a teacher in school, I would also like to travel and learn new things.

    María García Fernández 4°D

  46. This summer I am going to do a lot of things. The most important thing is that in July a American girl is going to stay in my house. I am very exiting because I am going to learn more english and she is going to practice Spanish. I think that it will be a good oportunity to meet a friend for other country. Also I will go to the beach with my family. We are going to stay in a hotel. Somedays I think that I will go out with my friends and go to some swimming pool.

    When I finish the High school I will study in the University of Tourism. I would like to work in a hotel as a recepcionist. I would like to get married with a beautiful, interesting and the most important he must be a good person. I will have two children, I would like to have a girl and a boy. If ai have the oportunity I will like to be a famous person.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  47. This summer I think that I'll have a good time.
    I probably will go to Portugal with my friend Carmen we only are together in summer because she live in Zafra and is far from Olivares, I'll stay there ten days, we'll go shopping, to the beach and to pass time together.

    Then when I arrived from Portugal I will stay in Olivares with my parents we have a pool here and we'll go all the days. And sometimes I'll invite my friends and we will do barbacues. Another thing that I want to do is travel to Madrid because my cousin live there and she had a child and I want to see them.

    In the future I want to finish my studies. Then I will do selectivity and If do not get the note for the career os fysiotherapy I get into a degree of fysio also.

    Also when I finish my career I want to live in England to improve my English. And do a master there, because I like very much English , and If they offer my a work I will not have any problem to stay there.

    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4B

  48. This summer I hope enjoy because this year I study so much. This summer I going to go to Madrid with my cousin during one week. I'll shopping and I'll swimming in her pool because she live in a urbanization and she has a pool. The rest of the summer I'll stay in the countryside of my grandfather that have a big pool. My grandfather have 38 grandchildren so, all the summer we'll to the countryside because in the countryside is all my family. Of course, I'll meet with my friends and I'll eat with them.

    In my future I want finish my studys. I 'll do tje selective and later I 'll do the degree of nurse for later I'll do midwife, but I have study so much and have a excelent marks. If I haven't good marks I'll do a module or I'll do the degree of child education. I hope work in a hospital like a midwife because I like so much the childrens.

    Nati Montero Cotan

  49. SUMMER:
    This summer I'm going to have a great time because I'm not going to fall any subject and I'll be very calm.

    The main thing I will do in summer is to go to France because I have family there and also my brother moved there last year and I have not seen him for a year and I miss him very much, I really want to go to see him and also see the rest of my family, when I arrive from my two-week holidays in the lates of July in France, the Olivares fair begins and I'm going to go with my friends and my family, other than that, I'll go to the pool in my village (Albaida del Aljarafe) with my friends and maybe with my family, we will also go to the beach some days and I will go with my cousin to his beach flat in Mazagón.

    About my future I will talk about my family, my future partner, my future home and also about my work.

    When I am 25 years old I will be very happy with my family and we will have family reunions to eat together and be join as always. Regarding my future stable partner, he will be a very responsive, affectionate, and very good father, because we will have two children, a girl and a boy. We will have a very large house with four bedrooms, a children's playroom, two study rooms for them and a work room for my future husband and myself. I will be a psychologist with many patients and I will be very busy so I will have to use that work room almost every day, my job will choose two months of holidays and 15 days free that I can choose whenever I want.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 4ºB

  50. To begin my summer, I would like to be able to approve them all so to have a quiet holiday. This summer the most important thing is going to be spending time with my friends and going to the beach and swimming pool as many times as I can
    Maybe we traveled to a cruise my father, my cousin and I in September but still not know for sure. I will also go to visit my uncles to Ayamonte and Cordoba

    My plans for the future is to finish high school and make selectivity in order to study psychology. I would like to go to Madrid or Barcelona because they are places where you are most likely to find work
    I would like to live in Seville since it is a province that I love. At the moment I would not like to marry or have children, as I would like to adopt

    Paula Castro Rodríguez 4B

  51. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  52. In the next summer I want to do many things. First I am going to rest because we are studying a lot and I am going to sleep nine hours everyday. Then I will meet my friend and we will go to the swimming pool. We also are thinking about go to the beach some days to Sara's floor. And we will go outside many days of the week because We deserve to enjoy the holidays.

    Also I think that my family and I will go to the beach some weeks. It would be in July because is when my mother have her holidays. Probably I will go with my parents, sister and my cousins, aunts, uncles... I will stay all the time in the beach because I love it.

    In the future first I am going to finish my studies of high school and then I am going to study in the university but I'm not sure what I'm going to study. When I finish my studies I will try to found a job. When I have enough money I will buy my own house. When I found my boyfriend I will marry and I will have two children a boy and a girl and we will form a beautiful family.

    I will have a floor in the beach and in Seville. My job will finish with 60 years old and I will have a lot of grandchildren. But the most important thing is that I want to be happy.


  53. This summer I will enjoy the holidays so much, because for me this year has been so difficult and I need it. I'm going to go to the pool with my friends and my family, also we are going to go to the beach. In this places I should put sunscreen in my body because I have a sensitive skin, also there, I'm going to make sport especially with my friends in the beach. Other days, I am going to go shopping with my mother because we like so much pass her freetime together and do things like that. I think also I will go with my friends, and we will go to eat in McDonals for example.

    Maybe, I might go with my aunt, my uncle, my cousins and also my family, to pass some days on the beach in a caravan. I would like this because this would be my first time. In the beach I will play with my little cousins, their names are Africa and Juanma, they are lovely, I will go to walk with my aunt and my mother because they like this, and with my brother I will play with the ball or rackets, apart of we will bath in the beach and in the pool that is near to the place where is the caravan.

    But now, althought I'm thinking about the summer, also I'm thinking about my future, because I'm in the last year of the ESO and I should know what I will do with my studies. I'm not sure, but I think I am going to do bachelor of science, but without biology and with technical drawing. I would like change the high school, but I can't, so I'm going to do the bachelor in the same high school. And later, I will do a degree in architecture, but I'm not completely sure.

    On the other hand, I also think about my long-term future and I think I will not married and I will have children. I am going to live alone until I find the best person in my life to live together, a boyfriend, a group of friends, only a friend.. but I know I should change a person that I can study quiet, and if it isn't possible I will live alone because my studies for me are the first. But in the long-term future I will live in Olivares or near to here, in a big house with a big pool. I hope I will have a good job for have a lot of money for my family and me, and also I might travel with my friends, family, or alone, why not? But especially I will enjoy my life in all ways.

  54. SUMMER:
    To start well my summer I want to approve all to be calm during the whole summer.
    Like every year I go to Puerto de Santa Maria(Cadiz) to spend a few days with some friends.
    In july i go to Madrid visit at my friend and I'm going to see the bulls in the Ventas
    And to finish the summer in August I go to Cortelazor (Huelva) with my family to the town festivals.

    In my future I would like to end the studies and work of criminologist in the Guardia civil.
    I want learn German and live in Germany with my boyfriend.
    In the love, i would like to get married and have two children and also want to adopt a boy with down syndrome because i like the boys so.

  55. Only 12 more school days! I can't believe it! Many exams, many projects, many afternoons studying, many weekends without going out, too much stress... This school year has been exhausting and it seemed endless. But now the reward to the effort arrives, almost 3 months of holidays!!! In summer holidays I still don't know very well what I will do, but I’m sure that it’s going to be an unforgettable summer. Some days, I will go to the swimming pool with my friends and others I will go with my family. Furthermore, some Sundays I will go to spend the day in the beach with my parents, my sister and my cousin. This summer, I would like to do a lot of sport because I love it and I couldn't do it last months of the school year.

    From 5th to 10th July I’ll go to a summer camp organised by a group of young people of the Church, where we’re going to do a lot of different games and activities and where we are going to know well many teenagers. From 25th July to 2nd August, I will go to a hotel in Almuñécar, called ‘Playa Cálida’. It has a lot of toboggans in the swimming pool and the entertainers are really good. I think I will know other teenagers and make friends. From 3rd to 6th August is the Olivares’ funfair. It isn’t very big, but last year I had very good moments there, so this year I’m sure they will be better! The best is that there’s a space called 'Caseta de la Juventud' where people from 15 years old go on night to dance and drink alcohol. I don't like alcohol but I can dance and have a good time with friends. From 21st to 28th August, a group of 8 friends are planning to go to Sara’s floor in the beach without parents. I think it will be a great week!! Then, September comes and the Villanueva’s funfair too. Perhaps, I will go on Saturday night or Friday night, I don’t know. The second week of September the high school will start again, but now a new stage for us start: Bachillerato. I hope everything goes well and I can reach the marks I need to study the degree that I want.

    When I have 30 years old, I hope I have finished the medicine degree. It lasts at least 11 years… So, I will have to study a lot! With my internist degree finished, I am going to have a work in a hospital. Moreover, I am going to have three houses: one in Olivares, another one in Seville and the last in the beach. The houses located on Olivares and the beach will have a big swimming pool and a Jacuzzi. I will have two cars: a red convertible mini cooper and Volkswagen polo.

    Respecting to my family, I would like to have 3 children: a pair of twins and a boy. Their names will be Clara, Dulce and Fernando. In addition, I will have a boyfriend who I’m going to marry with. I only request that he loves me and that he also respect me and my opinions. I hope to have good relationship with my parents and my sister’s family, and also with my future husband family. My biggest wish is that my whole family have health and never be short of food to eat.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 4º ESO B

  56. This summer I think it's going to be one of the best I remember since I'm going to live a new experience with a person named Vivi, she's an Americana who comes to spend five days with me! We along with my cousins and their respective Americanas we will go to the beach we will visit Seville to know her and I will go with Vivi to ride a horse that she loves because she said it in her cover letter.

    When Vivi leaves and is no longer with us, my family and I will go to the beach not for long, we will enjoy the sea and some other beach bar. During the month of July I do not think that I will be able to go to a ship where some floats are prepared for the parties of my brotherhood that is in September, just before I start high school, but I'm going to go all month August to help.

    I think that in the future I will be studying to be local police in an academy in order to reach my goal. I will not make a lot of money but if it's a bit like buying a house here in Seville (I do not know which town yet because I think that in Albaida there will not be a place when I buy my house). Apart from the house where I will live I also want to buy another house in Chipiona because I love being there to spend the summer with my family.

    As for the subject of love I think that I will continue with my current partner and we will be married in the chapel of my brotherhood when we are 29 or 30 years old. I want to have three children and put the names that I have in mind. Part of the money that I would earn my boyfriend / husband would also earn money so I think we could afford whims and we would not have problems in that aspect.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  57. Next summer, I am going to spend it doing nothing because 4ºESO have left me tired because I had to study a lot,do my homeworks, spend days studying a lot for when the teacher gave me the exam I fail it, so in that summer I am going to go out with my friends, watch series on the computer, sleep a lot...

    On the second part of July, I should go to Malaga, to visit my sister and I will go to the beach there, spending some days with my family, having fun, doing routes... Also, I am going to go to Jaén, Granada,Seu d´Urgel, Cádiz... I will go there to visit the rest of my family and enjoy days with them.

    In the future, I will be a judge because I love the theme of that type of job, also I am a very serious person but I am very kind because I want the best for the rest, so this is a disadvantage because when I have to blame the person but I will learn to do it.

    To sum up, I believe that I will have a boyfriend that I found in the university and I will be married with him in the Cathedral of Seville. I should have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Iwant to be the best mum ever for them.


  58. This summer may be I’m going to go to isla canela like the others years. This beach it’s pefect for doing sports like padel-surf, windsurf, sail and also run ride bicycle, skating and others. I’ going to go to this beach because I have a flat there and also I have my group of friends and I want to see them. I’m not every summer there, only one moth August.

    In July I’m in Olivares and every day I’m going to go to ride a horse in Riopudio. In the morning early I am going to run to the rail that this near the equine school. Then I change my clothes and I ride y horse. I’m going to go to competitions and maybe I will go to Andalucía’s competition, so I have to train every day. Sometimes I will go to the countryside to relax my horse with some friends that also go to Riopudio. In august I’m going to Isla canela’s beach. Every day I’m going to go run very early, and then, depend of the day, I’m going to the swimming pool or I’m going to play padel first and then go to the pool. My beach can be separate in to part, Isla Canela and Punta del Moral. Every Tuesdays and Thursdays we are going to see a free movie in the beach and then, we are going to go to a chiringuito that have music and it’s so fun. In conclusion I don’t know what I’m goingo to do because I like to do everything I can do to have an incredible summer.

    In the future I will like to go to the Caribe because there is an incredible island and also spectacular and different. It’s one of the things that I want to do but my dream that I thinks It’s very difficult, It’s that I will go to national or international competition of dressage with four of my friends. This will be he bet thing I can have because for me, ride horse and stay with them is the best. The equine one for me is not alone a sport it is a passion.

    I the future I will work in an hospital like doctor of children in Seville. I will like live in Olivares it’s depend of the place that I will work, maybe I will live in Seville. Also should be do a cruise with my family and other with my friends. Don’t know what will happen in the future but one of the think that I like to have is that I will be Happy.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  59. This summer my parents have planned to go to the beach for a week with my uncle and I will go to Madrid to see the lion king show they gave me at Christmas. My girlfriend invited me to her pool every time I want with her family.

    Besides all that I will leave as many times as I can with my friends I will go to Seville, I will also go to the pool of a friend named Jose Angel who is of the other class. Afterwards I will go to the Olivares fair which is in August with my friends and with my family because it is a very special party for Olivares and all his people.

    For my future, I plan to study for a physical education teacher at the University of Seville with a friend named Zaki, we both like sports and especially physical education and in the future we would like to run marathons and do other types of sports In addition to soccer.

    In my social life I would like to make a home in my town and be able to live here as long as I can or later move to Seville to prove how I would live in a city. I would like to have 3 children a girl and two children and I would learn to play all kinds of sports because it is very good to do sport since boys.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4 ° B

  60. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  61. This summer I´m go to the beach with my family and more afternoon I will go with my friends to another beach. All of us together will go, we will go to the pool and we will have to play football, but It´s is going to be very hot so we will be more time in the pool.

    In August I´m to the fair olivare´s with my friends and we are going to have fun and a good time.

    About my future: I think it estudiare history has that I really like all the times in which we lived. About my love, I have some kids.

    I hope in the future could live near my house parents´s, in la Albaida, don´t attention upon him.


  62. SUMMER:
    This summer I will go to beach or take a walk with my friends in the afternoons but before I have to pass this course, because also my parents will punish me and I won't can go to beach with my friends. On October I will go to Galicia with my family for spend the holidays there, it will be funny. I should study now and send the coment to Michael.

    In the future I will study sports and physical activity sciences or I will study computing, after I will my self to military because I like the action and physically crush and with the carrer that I studied I will have a good military rank. To end, when I come back try to get married and have at least one boy or girl.

    Angel Jose Lopez Garcia 4ºB

  63. The first thing I will do this summer will be to order my room.
    In half July I will go with my parents to the beach. Other days I will go to the swimming pool with my friends.
    When olivo has the driving license we will go shopping and to the Mc donals.

    My boyfriend invited your floor in the beach. i will go to the fair of Olivares in august and a Villanueva in Septembre. On 29th the July.
    Will my cousin marry. I will go to a meeting of young people in the Rocio. I will have barbecues with my friends. And above all I will study English!!

    for my futur , I plan to study for a government at the University of Seville. I would like to travel to London to learn english and to France. I would work in the telepizza to pay for my studies. I will have driving license.

    At the 30 age old I will marry and form a family. I will have a house in the country and will have horses.

    Marta Barba Granados 4ºD

  64. In this summer I will do a lots of things. In July I will go to a summer camp with my friends and then I will go to the beach of Isla Cristina with my family and my girlfriend.

    In August I will go to the fair of my village with my friends where we will dance and drink a lot. The other part of August I will be with my family and I will go to the gym to do sport.

    In my future I will study Physical Education Teacher because I love sports but it requires a lot of mark so If I don't get the mark required I will study Economy because I'm good at this subject.

    I will have a family with my girlfriend and I will have 3 daughters and 1 son to defend his sisters and to do sport with me. My house will be in a big city or near the beach.

    Antonio Manuel González García 4°D

  65. This summer will be one of the best, since I will go to places I had not met before. I go to the guadalpar with my friends, I had never gone and made me much illusion.
    When my father has a vacation we will go to the beach like every year. I want to go to the beach and see my friends there, I miss them very much. I'm on the beach for a month.
    When I arrive from the beach I will go with my cousin to Galicia. We will be there with some friends who had to mdar for family reasons. We will be there for two weeks, we will visit many things and also go to the beach, although he said that there the water is very cold try to bathe.
    The last three weeks of August I am in my town and I will not do anything interesting, I will go every day to the poti, a park where we go almost every weekend. We will also go to the public pool of Albaida.
    The first two weeks of September in my town there is a party, so I will go and have a great time.
    These are my summer plans, I hope everything goes well.

    Piedad López 4ºB
