domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

Agony column

First, read these examples:

A problem page letter

Agony aunt  letters

Then, write a letter to Carla giving her your advice.

Strict parents

My parents are very strict. They don't let me go out with my friends in the evenings or accept invitatins to parties or discos. They say my friends are irresponsible, but they've never met my friends. I don't know what they are afraid of. I can go out on Saturday afternoon, but only if my cousin comes with me. I love my parents, but they don't understand that I'm 16. I need to have some independence -- I feel like I'm in prison. what should I do?

Finally, write a letter asking for advice about a problem you have.

66 comentarios:

  1. If I were you, I would try to talk to my parents and get them to meet your friends so they can see that they are not a threat and start trusting you. If they believe that your friends are not a bad influence and they like you, they will give you more freedom and let you leave more times.

    Hello, I came to this page because I have a problem. My parents do not let me have pets at home, I have long wanted to have a pet but my parents say they are very annoying and do not want a pet, I have tried to convince my parents to have a dog because my brother also wants to have a pet dog.
    What can I do to be allowed to have a pet?

    david sanz 4D

  2. Dear Confuser:
    I recommend you that if you talk with your parents and your parents met your friends, then he know that your friends are very responsible. I f you are 16 you have to prove that you are responsible, and also say that if your are responsible you dont have to come wiht your uncles, also you have to do the homewoks and have goods marks, if you do all this things i am sure that your parents let you to come with yours friends.

    I hope that this comment help you

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado.

    I have a problem.the problem is that I cant study more than 1 hour. I cant study some subjects like mathematicor lenguage, my problem is that if i study more than one hour
    I felt sleep, my mum punish me because I fail my exams , I want to study more than 1 hour but I CANT!

    Antonio José Garcia Delgado 4ºD

    Dear Carla:
    I think that your parents are afraid because they think that something is going to happend to you. If I were you I could try to get trust to my parents of me. Then If they see that you are responsible they get more liberty to you and you can do more things.

    (My problem) HARD WEEK
    Dear friend:
    I`ve a very bad problem. I have to do three exams and three works and that in one week. I have one exam each day and also I have to read to books and in the afternoons I have to go to english clases and I don`t know how to do it without fail anyone. I don`t have too much time.
    What should I do?


  4. -Strict Parents:
    Hi Carla, I imagine how much angry and uncomfortable are you, I am so sorry. If I were you, I will take a moment, a normal day, find a moment were your parents are not tired, when they are cheerful and relaxed. If I were you I will say to parents that i am responsable, I am good studing and I don't give usually any problems. I will also say that I am a teenager, sometimes we need to disconect, and have a rest for a moment, we have stress because of studying... You should ask if they give you permission to go out once at week, maybe on friday afternoon, and then when they notice that you are responsable and you are able to continue studies with having fun. At the moment they notice you are relaxed and quit, they will to, so then you will get on better with them.
    I hope this advice help you,see you soon.

    -About my agony colomn:
    I am a bit stressful and I don't have time to relax. That's the last term and we already have lots of exams, there are so much subjects!
    I feel I don't have time for all of them, i also have extra activities in the afternoon as sport so i want to go but i feel i have to study. I usually finish doing my homeworks late at night, even i waste all the afternoon . I ssomething that annoys me a lot because i am very responsable. What should I do?

    Lola Valverde González, 4ºD

  5. dear Carla.
    Yours parent only want protect you, and its posiblle that the problem was that yours parent don´t meet your friends an this is the reason why they didn´t let you go out with them, try to intruduce them.

    Dear friend
    My friends are divided in two groups because they have a figth, where they figth I was in a travel, and the two groups said that I had to choose one group, but all are my friends and I don like to choose between my friends, I sincerly like that all everithing come back I go travel. What should I do?


  6. Advice:
    If I were you, I would talk to them quietly and explain the situation. They should leave you that freedom, so they can see that you can be responsible and take care of yourself and above all you want to meet your friends with whom you spend the time to be more secure.

    A cousin of my friend we meet is always a bit worried because she had a relationship with her boyfriend some time ago and is very bad because she has symptoms of pregnancy. He has fainted and often has little strength and we do not know what we can do, please we need you to give us advice for this problem

    Rocío Navarro Campos 4ºESO D

  7. Dear Carla,
    I understand how you feel. If I were you I would talk with your parents and I would try to make them understand that you are a teenager and that you have to go out with your friends and have fun. You should introduce your friends to your parents so they could see that they are good kids. You should always have your phone when you go out and always send messages to them so they will trust more on you. And you should also always do your homeworks and they will see that you are a good kid.
    Maybe you could invite your friends to your home to study and your parents will see that your friends are not irresponsible.

    My problem:

    Dear friend,
    The birthday of my brother and the birthday of my best friend is the same day. My problem is that I don´t know to what party should I go. My brother´s party is in the beach with all my family and I don´t want to miss this party, but I also don´t want to miss my best friend´s party because all my friends are going to go. And I also have another problem, I don´t have enough money to buy two presents, so I have to choose between both. What should I do?

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 4ºD


    Dear Carla,
    I think your parents just want to protect you and take care of you, your parents will always want the best for you. But, one thing is to want the good for you, and another, is that they do not give you freedom, do not let you go out with your friends, etc.
    I advise you to talk to your parents, and tell them what happens to you, what you feel and what you want, and they will surely understand you. If your parents really want the best for you, they will reflect and let you out more.


    Dear friend, I would like to share with you and tell you a problem that I have, because I feel that you can help me a lot.
    Lately I feel very stressed, I have many exams, and I do not know where to start. Not only that, but I also have some other family problem, and that stresses me more.
    I do not know how to organize very well, and I always leave everything for the last hour. I am a disaster when it comes to studying.
    What should I do?
    I would be grateful if you would tell me several tips.

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. Advice

    I think that you do not have to worry, we all go through that stage. The only thing I'm saying is that it's independent, always taking into account the opinion of your parents and letting the problem go, because sooner or later your parents will Let go out with your friends and let you be independent
    I hope that this coment help you

    Dear friend , My problem is that I do not know how to study mathematics I find it very difficult but the exercises I do and I do well but I do not know what happens to me when I take the exam. I always try to practice and do all the exercises but I do not get it and I do not find the method either Of study I am a disaster to organize me that is part of blame I have always had problems with math and I want to find a solution to stop worrying.

    Carmen González Fuentes 4ºD

  11. Advice for Carla:

    I think that you should say to them that trust in you that you they are going to demonstrate that you are responsible and that you are not going to commit any bilge.

    My problem is that it is going to remain me mathematical for September because not as approving it, for much that he studies I do not manage to pass and already I am tired of not obtaining proved in mathematics

    Cristina Anton llorente 4ºD

  12. Strict parents

    Hello Carla, I'm going to try to help you about your problem with your parents.
    I think that you should wait until one day that you are not so angry that you want to leave, when arriving that day the first thing that you should do is not to raise your tone very much to them, since if you elevate it you will see that your friends are bad for you . I personally think that you should explain to him that your friends are very good, that they do not do anything bad in any place and mainly explain to him that you are responsible enough to be able to go alone. One thing you should not do is call him at dawn to pick you up because if you do he will see that you are not independent enough, even if he is more likely to wait for a friend of yours who lives nearby to accompany you. I think you should start off on a Friday maybe without your cousin to see that you are responsible and that if you try to convince them not to tell you an hour neither too early nor too late.
    I hope your help has helped you with your problem.

    About my problem

    The problem I have is that I want to go to "Rocío". My problem is that if the teachers put tests on that date I will not be able to go since I have to stay in my house studying. Another problem I have is the transportation to take me since my parents to be under age do not let me go alone in the bus and they are not in my house either. I ask the teachers that they did not put texts in those dates since they are very significant days for me. What should I do?

    Rocío Olivo García 4ºD


    Dear Carla,
    First of all I introduce myself, my name is Maria and I'm your age, so I understand you, I think you should sit with them and tell them what you feel, sincere, make them see that you are mature, even if you are not of age, you are responsible And I'm sure that just like all mothers will sometimes say "you're old enough" to remember day by day that not only are you to make the bed or prepare the meal, but also you are to make decisions and choose the right way , You can also tell him that if they do not let you go wrong you will never be able to learn.
    I hope it works, good luck!


    Hi, I'm Maria and I wanted to tell you about a problem that has a friend of mine, a few years ago she suffered bulling and had to change schools and now she is in another one, although she has her friends who we do and we do everything we can for her , In his family does not receive much apollo, has a little sister that makes life impossible, if, although it seems a lie, it is the little sister that bothers him, does not receive the apollo of his parents and by nonsense they punish him, I talked to them but the thing does not change, I hope you can give me some advice so I can talk to her even though we (my friends) have already given 10000.


  14. Well Carla, good morning, there are some parents who are like that, but you have to respect them, while you are under your roof and when you are eighteen already you will do what you want, but in the meantime you will have to do it I tell your parents, I'm sorry! Life is so. I understand that you have to be dependent, but that's it, you're still underage. Your thing is to tell your cousin to pick you up and after your cousin goes with his friends and you go with your own, without depending on anyone, and when you go home your cousin to take you .

    One of my problems, is that there is a teacher that I fell super bad, no, the following, can you give me some advice?

    Alfonso González Valero 4ºB

  15. Dear carla, your problem is normal in parents that really love you because they dont want you seel any pain. You must to try talk with them and make them to see that you are not irresponsible and try to met them with your friends. Also try get good marks in the Highschool and help them with home-tasks.

    About my problem:

    I am trying to study for the next year but I dont know how and when. I am really stressed about this theme because I dont want to be a street swepper like my father. The main problem is physical because I cant pay attention because of the teacher's hair. he make me wonder about my sexuality. well if someone could help me with physical and how to study, I could to thanks you prettily.

    By: José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo

  16. Ángel Fraile Delgado 4B

    Hi Carla my advice is you should organise a barbecue in your countryside with all your family and friends to make your parents see your friends aren´t irresponsible and to make them let you go out you should make a treat with them , so you can go out but just a little time and they will let you each time more time.

    My problem with the physics

    Hi , I´m Ángel and I want to tell you about my problem with physics that is that I don´t understand nothing the teacher says , I want help to undertand physics or the teacher or to put up with the teacher and with the most boring classes even.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. Dear Carla.

    To begin with, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Marta, and I'm also your age.
    I have read the problem that you have, and I would love you, if you accept me, give you a piece of advice.
    The truth is that most of the young people usually go through such problems; You have to think that your parents only want the best for you, although sometimes you think they are too strict. I would tell you to try to talk to your parents, about how your friends are, and even how they are present; You have to try to make them see that your friends are not at all a bad influence. If your parents still think they are a bad influence for you, maybe you can find a friend of your parents who knows your friends and can talk about them to your parents and try to get them right. Also, I would advise you to do your best and fulfill your duties at home; If they see you with a good attitude, they will think better and they will let you out more and above all you will have more time with your friends. But after all this, above all I tell you, that parents only want us to be well, that we study and that we have good people around us.

    About my problem.

    Good afternoon, my name is Marta Maldonado and I am 16 years old.
    I would like to talk about my problems with the studies.
    The truth is that years ago, I was a very hardworking student and I've always had very good grades. But when I get to 4th of ESO, I am very dissatisfied with my qualifications. I see that I study a lot, but I can not reach the notes I want, and even some subjects I suspect! I am very overwhelmed because in this course I have to decide on what specialty I want to get into, and to do what I want, I have to continue with the subjects that are being given to me this year. This is my problem and the truth is that I am very confused because I do not want to see my dreams truncated for a bad year and for a bad experience with my teachers.
    I hope someone can help me, because I do not know what to do with this problem and it causes me enough stress. Thank you very much for the attention and I hope solutions.

    Marta Maldonado Parejo. 4ºB

  19. Dear Darla:
    About your problem, If you love yours parents, i think you should speaks first with you mother and you say that, your mother should understand you. When your mother understand you, your mother and you would tell to your father the problem. You should tell all desavantages to this problem. A good idea is that your parents would met to your friends, you could present your friends to them. I hope they trust you and you can feel more free.
    Dear my friend:
    This therm I am very desmotive. That is the last therm of the course but I have been studying during the course. I know I should not stop studying but I am very tired. This therm is full of parties like: Barroco, Corphus Christi, Rocío... and it will cost me more to concentrate. thank you for understanding.I wait for your answers, see you
    Paula Delgado Román 4ºB

  20. Dear Carla,

    I understand what you think about all this situation, it is a pity that your parents are like this, because I have been in that situation and it seems to be a prison, like you have said before. So I am going to give you some advice, if I were you I will have a discussion with your parents, tell them about your problem, that you have 16 and you are responsible. If they are reasonable they will let you going out more, more time and without your cousin.

    And now, I am going to tell you a problem that I have, asking for some advice from you. It is about one good friend. She has a boyfriend, and their relation has started four years ago. I am worried about her because his boyfriend is very pushy and when he gets angry he hits her. She sometimes tells me about that, but other times I have to guess it. I often have talked with her about it, I am trying to convince her to broke her relation with him, but she doesn't do it because he is scared and also because she is in love with him. What can I do? I can not continue seeing her like now.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 4ºB

  21. Dear Carla

    I'll give you some advice so you can solve your problem.
    You have to talk to your parents, explain that your friends are good, and that you are old enough to be responsible when going out with your friends just like the studies. You can also talk to them before leaving for an hour to return. If you are punctual on the way back they will trust you and let you out more from time to time.

    I´m going to tell you a problem that I have. My problem is that I want to go to the beach with friends in a flat but my parents do not want to. I think I'm old enough to be responsible if I go. What do you think I should tell them to let me go? They say I'm not old enough and I'm very young yet but I want to go

    Ramon Rodriguez Bejarano 4B

  22. Dear Carla:

    To begin, I understand your parents who are worried about you, since they only want to protect you. But on the other hand they can not keep locking you in your house. You have to have freedom and live your own experiences, so I recommend you tell your strict parents how you really feel, everything, and if they want you they have to understand. Say it well and you could also invite your friends one day to meet your parents and see that they are not as bad as they think

    And now I'm going to tell you my problem. My name is Paula Castro and I am 15 years old and I live in Seville. Last year I made the big mistake of choosing science for fourth and that has paid me an invoice. I was good at subjects like biology and physics and chemistry but this year it is seen that are the worst that I am given. As much as I study I always suspend both and I find it difficult to follow the teacher's explanations in physics. I do not know how to approve them and I do not want to repeat or have to study all summer. What I do? I've tried everything and nothing is good.

    Paula Castro 4ºB

  23. Dear Carla
    I'm Nati and I understand you because when I was young my parents thought that I had bad friends but one day I explained them the truth. I think that you should talk with your parents and explain your problem because your parents only want the best for you that's why your parent are stricts. You have to say that you are a responsible, also you can say that you have time for everything, you can study and you can met with your friends. Your parents have to trust in you and I think that when you explain this to yours parents, they understand you and everything will get better.

    I'm going to tell you the problem of my best friend. She is a person that doesn't like the biology and the maths and she want do the A levels of letters because she likes so much the language but her parents wants that she do the A levels of sciences because they think that is better for her future and because her parents are very excited with her studies.She want study the pre-school education's career but her parents want that study medicine. She doesn't want speak with them because she doesn't want disappoint them but also, she doesn't want study medicine because she doesn't like this career. What should she do?


  24. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  25. Dear Carla
    An advice I give you for your problem is let your parents know your friends. You should carry them one day your house and have a good afternoon all together. Two or three days after it, ask your parents for trust in you and in your friends and I think they'll understand you.
    If it isn't like that, then make a treat with them like: "you can go out only at weekends and you only can be in parties until 2 p.m. and because of it you'll study a lot daily and you'll have very good marks"

    I hope it's useful for you.

    Now, I'm going to tell you my problem.
    One of my friends, has an 'special friend' who more or less she goes out with him. My friend lives near of my house and we are usually togheter and when I go to her house her mother (who knows about her "relationship")is always asking me about her 'special friend' and I don't know what to do, because I'm polite and I don't like to ignore her questions but if I tell her something of the "relationship" of my friend, my friend gets angry with me.
    What I should do?

    Ángela Cotán 4°D

  26. Dear Carla,

    I think you should find out when your parents have a few minutes to sit down and talk with you about your plans. By experience, you should negotiate the schedules not only thinking in what you want, you must be understandable with their opinions but that does not mean that you have to be conformist. For example, if your family is usually all together for dinner or Sundays afternoon that would be a good time to ask. An important thing that you should keep in mind is to make sure your parents are in a good mood when you discuss with them and be patient while the conversation. Another advice that you can take, is to explain the reasons why you want to go giving convincing arguments and tell your parents what they want to hear, that is, what is the best for you, for example, calm down them saying that where you are going is safe and that you aren’t so foolish to do anything dangerous or illegal or say them that you will carry your mobile phone, so they will be communicated with you. I think a positive point can be to suck up to them, offering yourself to do extrawork around the house, doing all your homework, having a correct behaviour… Finally, give your parents a chance to meet your friends and let them know they aren’t irresponsible people.

    Could you write me back if you convince your parents to go out with your friends? I hope these advices will help you.



    Dear Aysha,

    First of all, I'd like to apologise myself. Recently, I've been very busy and I have not been able to write you much. I’m writing to ask you for some advice, I need your help.

    Do you remember Albert? That boy that we knew last summer in Chipiona. Well, when you returned to Seville I continued talking with him. He told me that he knew how to do many things: he speaks three languages, he knows how to surf, he played bass in a jazz band... Even he lived in Italy for four years!!

    My problem is that when I met him, he asked me if I had travelled much and I lied to him. I said yes, I had been living in Cuba. Then he asked me if I had ever eaten in an Italian restaurant and I lied to him again. I told him yes. Finally, he asked me if I could speak Italian and I said yes, but I don't know either. When I told him all this was because I thought I was not going to see him anymore, but this week he is in Seville and he asked me if I would like to go out with him and his friends this evening. They want to go to an Italian restaurant and then to the cinema, they want to see a movie in Italian!

    What do you think I should do? I want to go, but I’ve told so many lies. What would you do if you were me?



  27. Dear Clara

    I think that you must talk with your parents about your friends and you must tell them where are you going when you are out or introduce them to your friends and maybe the change their opinion about your friends or if you have met their parents you can give them the number of your parents to make a conversation between your parents and their parents and maybe the became friends

    Hello my name is Antonio Rodriguez and I have a very big problem I am going to talk about how it happens, well I was coming back from in a plane and a group of Vietnamese shoot down my plane and all of my soldier friends died and I were alone in the jungle and I survive there 3 months until I make a boat with hair of the deads Vietnamese and when I came back I can eat normal food again and when I go to a restaurant I can´t eat the food and I only can eat the things that I hunt so please help me


  28. For Carla

    Hello Carla, I'm writing to help you with your problem, I think you should tell your parents how you feel and that you would like to go out with your friends, they will understand you and have also been teenagers, I also think I do not know what to do, I do not know what I do not want to do it, I do not want to do it. Leave the night but be more responsible than I can trust in me.

    About my problem

    Dear friend
    I write to tell you a problem, I have a friend who is having a bad time. She is a girl with abesidad, she has very bad because the class children get in with her for being fat. I spend very badly to see her cry and I defend all of them who insult her but I do not know what else I can do. I need you to give me advice

    Piedad López López 4ºB

  29. Dear Carla

    Hello Carla
    I'm a boy with 16 years old also and with the same problem and I solved the problem talking about my parents with that, and now they trust me. To begin, you should talk with your parents about this problem, and introduce them to your friends, in this way your parents undertand that they can confiated in your friends and of course in you, you should make that, celebrating a meal with all your friends and their parents and invite your parents. This is a good idea for your parents met new friends. Also you should make that your parents see that their daughter is reliable and give their the number of your friends and of their parents, just like that your parents can be in contact with them and trust more in you.

    I hope I have been of help
    See you

    Dear Friend

    I'm going to tell you about the problem of my friend. She is a person very cheerful and nice but now she was very sad and inhappy. She was a big argument whit her boyfriend and for that she isn't the same person who always have a long smile. I try console her but is the same, I don't get help her. For this reason I ask you advice because you have a problem with your girlfriend and you got over this problem. I need your!!!

    Leo Doínguez Rodríguez 4ºB

  30. Dear Clara:

    Hello, I think you should one day be with your parents in the living room that they are in a good mood and rested talking to them and to say to them that already you are not a child that you need to clear up of the studies.
    The second advice is that you must make present your friends So that they see that they are not as they think.
    Once they let you out you must prove that you are responsible and that way they will trust you more.
    I hope you serve my advice.

    I have a friend who likes a child but the problem is that that boy is my best friend and he likes another girl. I can not say anything to her since that boy does not want anyone to know that he likes a girl and then he would betray my friend but I do not want her to be deluded either.
    What should I do?

    Marta Barba Granados 4ºd

  31. Dear Clara
    I think you should talk quietly with your parents, but without shouting and knowing that you are talking, because if you feel like taking a little girl and so they will not let you go out with your friends.I also think that you should tell her that you work hard at school and that you need to rest even if it is only one day, and that even if you leave with your friends, your work will not change for the worse, but for the better, since the reward for studying is Go out with your friends and you are ready to do that.If they only let you out one day, do not shout just thank him and show your parents that you deserve to leave even if your friends have bad pints. If your parents see you continue to work, they will let you leave more and your friends will start to like you.If this does not work, please re-write and we will solve it.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Dear Clara.
    I have a problem that I need to solve as soon as possible.The problem is that I have been offered to go to the beach with my friend for a month in summer, during that time come to Seville a few cousins ​​of Vitoria.I am very hesitant since I would like to be in the sites but that is not possible. I'm going to give you the reasons why I would like to be in each place, to see if you can help me:I want to be on the beach with my friends because I love the beach and there it is not so hot and I will be able to be with my friends and I will be able to know that part of Cadiz, I am also sure that we will have a good time and I make new friends.But I also want to be in Seville because my cousins ​​are going to come and I have not seen them for a long time and I would like to show you Seville and like this city so much that they come to live here, and we will spend it too because we are all the same age and not Let's have fights between us.If you were me, what would you do?
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  32. Dear Carla:

    I understand you very well because my parents are also very strict, I think that you can talk with them and tell them how you felt, I think that if you talk with them, they can understand you and provably they leave you some freedom, but obviously they don’t leave you a lot of freedom because you are only 16 years old. Also you can organized a conversation or a meeting to your parents and with your friends, to they meet your

    I hope that you can convince your parents.
    José Manuel.

    Dear friend:

    My name is José Manuel, I’m 16 years old, I’m from Seville and I’m going to tell you a problem that I have. This summer I would like to go to a camp because it’s the only one that I can go but in April I went to Asturias with my classmates and I don’t know how to convince my parents to go to this camp because go to Asturias and the camp it’s a lot of money.
    What I should do?

    José Manuel Méndez González 4ºD

  33. Dear Carla,

    I know that you love your parents but you have to argue your problem with your parents. It's not possible that with 16 years old, 2 years left for be of higher age, you can't go out so long.
    You have to know your parents and wheny you say this that I have written to you, they would think it.
    I hope my letter can help you!
    See you soon.

    Dear Carla,

    I'm writting you because I have a problem.
    I don't like going out with my glasses but I don't have anything else to put on in mu eyes.
    I have tried without nothing but I can't see very well and I don't like this.
    I hope you answer me with something I can do. Thanks before you answer. See you.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina. 4 ESO-D.

  34. Dear Carla
    I understand your position, I think that if you talk to him yo can get it if you said to they in a good manners. If they do not leave, think that also if for your sake and look at the positive side and is within short also will be age of majority and then already if you can walk where your you want and with whom you want.

    In the next week I have 3 exams in the same day, and I don´t know I'm going to be able to study three subjects so different at the same time,I need that you give to me any advices about who I can study this three differents subjects and the day of the exams I know all very well.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo4ºD

  35. Dear Carla
    I understand your despair, but you should ask yourself why your parents behave this way. I do not know you but I could only tell you that your parents do not want to hurt you, they may behave this way because they do not trust you, or because they are afraid of your growing up. I could just tell you some advice.
    When you talk to them respectfully and speak them quietly and make them understand your concerns. Show them that you are responsible with facts, that is, do things that demonstrate your responsibility. Perhaps taking the initiative in something they see your maturity, your responsibility and begin to trust more in you. When you want to ask them for something, do it calmly and if they refuse, ask them for a negotiation, I do not know, for example that if you go out they can call you on the mobile as many times as they need. So you will establish limits for both them and you. Of course you never lie to them, always talk to the truth and establish a lot of dialogue with them, I think it's the only way you can start to take a little bit of the protection of their wings.

    Dear friendship,
    I consider it very important to develop independently outside of my family, but what did I do to make you treat me so badly?
    I had a group of friends from childhood, with our arrival at the institute I thought we would meet new friends and our group would become bigger. For a first moment it was like this, we all started to know each other, and it went well. Little by little within this large group, subgroups were being made where some were more accepted than others. At first I let myself go, but little by little I realized that some criticized others and that did not start to like me. They acted in a way that I did not fit and I saw how they were turning my back on me. My lifelong friends walked away from me and even lied to me to exclude me from that group. I cried and wished myself many times. I told my parents and they always tried to see things differently until one day my mother could see what was happening and took up the subject. I had to leave that group and find new friends. I had a hard time breaking with that past, which had practically been my whole life, but it was hurting me and I could not stand it any longer.
    Now I have new friends, with which I gradually fit, I feel better. It's hard to break something and start over, but it's always better to break with what hurts you even though it's hard to get started. My mother says 'nobody said it was easy but not impossible'. The difficult thing is not to start something but to last forever.

    Belén Torres Delgado 4ºB

  36. I recommend that your parents know your friends so that they know they are responsible.

    I have a problem, I study a lot of time every day and then I do not approve.

    Ramon Garcia Diaz 4°D

  37. Dear Carla,

    I understand you totally, because I have a friend in your similar condition. I think that you should sit with your parents and speak with their seriously, you can tell that has enough years to start a go out without a person that care you, also you can tell that is the perfect moment for your parents start trust you because You have to start to become independent. With this I think you can get out with your friends.

    Now I tell my problem, I'm Sara and I'm 15 years old. My parents tell me the last Tuesday that we have to go to California because my father has had a better job there, and I don't know what I have to say because I know that is a very dificult situations to my parents and I do not want to make it harder. If I say that I do not want all my friends here.

    What do you think I should do? say my parents that I don't want go or I endure and get used to all that


    Sara Álvarez Pérez 4ºd

  38. Hellow Clara.
    The first thing is that I feel very identified with your problem, also I am 16 years old, my parents protect my a lot. One day I talk with my mother about this and she said that the life is changing because a lot of bad things happen but I understand that when you are 16 years old you have to go out with your friends.
    If I were in your shoes, I would do good things for your parents to trust in you and show them how responsible you are.
    If they continue thinking that you can't go out, You should talk to them and convince them that you arrive at the time that they said , and you will do good things.

    My problem

    I am very angry with my parents because I think that they don't understand me . I want to go to a English course with EF (education first) where you can do activities, live experiences, you can make many friends and you can learn English. You can choose where to stay. I would like to stay in Seatle but I kown that it is too far away and the most confortable is stay in England. Another problem is that it cost 2500$ , is very expensive. Finally my parents don't want me to go alone.
    What have I to do to convence my parents?

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 4ºD

  39. Dear Carla

    Your situation is not easy for the children with our ages. I think that our parents wants the best for we. Sometimes the think that the decisions that our parents say are the best. If I were in your situation I talk with my parents and I say to them that I have got 16 years ago and I know all the bad things that have go out, go parties.... I hope that your parents hear you and let you go out with your friends.


    I study a lot all the subjects. But sometimes in the exams I fail the exams because are too difficult and I am too nervous in the exams. When I go to my house my mum say to me a lot of things...For example she says to me that I don't study subjects. But this is false I study all the days in my room. Minimum 3 hours. The other ours I do my homework. I will talk to my mum and with the teacher. I will study more to pass the exams

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 4°D

  40. Dear Carla,
    I understand your situation with your parents because my cousin is the same, my advice is to invite your friends to have dinner at your house and your parents know them, I think your parents there will realize that your friends are very good and I also advise that when you leave you pick up at the time they tell you and so you show that you pay attention to what they tell you and in notes your parents will know that you are a girl that you are always pending studies.

    I hope my advice is useful.

    Now I'm going to tell you my problem, I have a friend who loves to be at home, to watch movies, to sleep ... does not like leaving very much, and I that I am a girl that I love to go out and to be of parties I do not know that do to convince her and go out with me and our other friends I would love you to tell me, which is what I have to do.

    María García Fernández 4°D

  41. Dear Clara:
    I understand your situation, but also I understand to your parents. They think that your friends are a bad influence but if you feel good with them there isn't any problem. The solution that your parents knee your friends and see you that you are happy with them.

    My problem:
    The problem that I have is that this week I have a lot of exams and also now is one of the holidays more important from Olivares, the Baroque. I am stress doing everything what I can but I has not time to do everything. Can someone give me some solution??

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  42. Dear Clara:
    I understand your situation, but also I understand to your parents. They think that your friends are a bad influence but if you feel good with them there isn't any problem. The solution that your parents knee your friends and see you that you are happy with them.

    My problem:
    The problem that I have is that this week I have a lot of exams and also now is one of the holidays more important from Olivares, the Baroque. I am stress doing everything what I can but I has not time to do everything. Can someone give me some solution??

    Manuel Reyes López 4ºD

  43. Hello Carla

    This situation is normal with boys and girls with the same age than us. I know very well this situation because my parents sometimes are similar. My parents let me go all the parties and go out with my friends...But they are saying to me that study all the days, no the day after the exam. Sometimes is difficult. This is an age that have good things and have bad things. Good things are that you can go out all the weekends with your friends but also have bad things for example your parents want the best thing for you in your life.


    Every weeks I have got a lot of extra activities in the afternoon.... All the days of the days I have something. On Mondays I have conservatory 2 hours and then I have got basketball's training 1 hour but then I go to play trumpet with the band. Mondays is the most difficult day that I have in the week. My parents say to me that I can't go all the the things. Because I have to study that is the most important thing. But I want to follow with all my extra activities. I pass the exams in the highschool and I follow with my extra activities.

    Jose Angel Cea Torres 4°D

  44. Dear carla, your problem is normal in parents that really love you because they dont want you seel any pain. You must to try talk with them and make them to see that you are responsable also do all your homework and study a lot because yor parents want you to study. If you are hard working student and responsable your parents will let you to go out with your friends.

    My problem with my brother.
    I have a little brother that is so silly with me and he do not let me study in the afternoon and my mother do not tell anything to him. I only want to study in the afternoon without my silly brother.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 4 D

  45. Advice:
    Dear carla:
    If i were you, i talk to my parents, your parents want protect you, for this reason they didn't let you go out with your friends. When you go out, you should have your phone and csll they because with this advice your parents will trust more on you.
    Your friends met with your parents, because they will see that they are good persons.
    Your parents will let you out more and think in you.

    My problem:
    My problem is that I am very stressed because in May and June I have many exams.
    This week is "barroco" and I will not be able to study because it is a very important date for Olivares in June is "el Rocio". I'm going to try to take time I spend all week studying to get good grades I hope you get reward later. I do not know what to do because I have not been out for a long time or stay with my friends and I'm having a hard time.

    Lucia Garcia 4°D

  46. Hi Carla,
    I think you should one day be with your parents in the living room that they are in a good mood and rested talking to them and to say to them that already you are not a child that you need to clear up of the studies. Also you can organized a conversation or a meeting to your parents and with your friends, to they meet your.

    My problem:

    My problem is that I´m going to be dad but I´m very young and I´m not able to say that to my parents. Can someone give me a solution

    Antonio Manuel González García 4ºD

  47. Dear Carla,
    If I were you I will speak with your parents and try to meet with your friends. Maybe if they see that your friends are good persons they will let you to have more time with your friends and you will be happier.

    My problem,
    The first week of June I will be in the "Rocio", but one of my teacher put me an exam on Wednesday. I spoke with she but she sais that they wont change it and i want to stay in the "Rocio". So I don't now if stay there o come to the high school to do the exam

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 4ºD

  48. Dear Carla,
    I understand you totally, because when I was 13 years old, I had in your situation. I think that you have to talk with your parents. You should said that you now are big and all your friends can leave. Also you should be responsable and should help in your house for your parents let leave you. If I were you , I would said them that you don´t need that your cousins go with you. Finally your parents must meet your friends, this way your parents can be leave you when ever you want.

    Now I tell you my problem. I am Rocio and I am 15 years old. My problem is that I am very stressed because I have a lot of exams. Always in the end of each term I feel in this way. But in this finally term, is when I am more stressed, maybe that there are a lot of parties such as baroque, rocío, feria... For example in this week I am five exams. I try organize buy always I arrive late. I like always have good marks, so I don´t know that can do.
    What would you do if you were me?

    Thanks you, Rocío

    Rocío Peña Carrera 4ºB

  49. Dear Carla,
    Hi Carla, I am Elena and I am 16 like you so I understand you very well and I can put in your place. But we have to think that always parents are afraid because they thing that something will happen to us so for that reason they don´t let you to go out with your friends. I believe that you have to talk with them and show them that you are responsable and try to convice them to present your friends to your parents and you know how to defend yourself. Althought, it needs time so you don´t have to despair with time tou can convince them.

    I am going to explain you my problema. I don´t have problems but if I have to talk about one, I will say that I have a big brother that is very responsible and he demands me a lot, but he doesn´t understand that I am not like him so would I have to be like him in their abilities?


  50. Dear Carla,

    I have read your problem and I think you do not have to worry so much about it because it is not such a serious problem. The first thing you should do is talk to your parents seriously and tell them that you just want to have fun after school and that you will not do anything wrong. Tell him that you are going to take the phone and that you will always be communicated. Convince him that your friends are good and that you will be following with them by inviting them to your house or something. You must also count on your parents to tell you what is going on so they are in a good mood so they can talk to them better, without being scolded. Start helping your parents with the things they ask you to do and if you bring bad grades start to change them completely and I think they will let you out safely.
    I hope that I have helped you in everything possible and can talk with you to see if they have let you go or not.
    Looking forward to hearing from you, Ivan.

    Dear Eustaquio,

    I am writing this to tell you about a problem I have recently.
    My problem is that I have suspended two math exams and I have not told my mother yet and I do not know what to do because when the course started my mother told me that as I suspended a course I left without going out all summer and I am very worried Because I do not know if I can approve it
    The other day the teacher said that the recovery was the same day as a history exam and we are going to do because I do not know if I study for maths that I have both exams suspended and history I have approved. Should I tell my mother? Or I hope they give me the notes of recovery ?.
    I hope to have your answer as soon as possible, many thanks for reading my problems.
    Looking forward to hearing from you, Ivan.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 4 ° B

  51. Dear Carla,
    I understand you problem because I'm in same conditions. The parents are very protectors of their children because they care about you. You should go out with you cousin and introduce it to your friends for that day you can have fun with everybody.

    My Problem:
    I talk about my problem. My problem is I like drink water but my parents don't want me to drink. What should I do?


  52. Dear Carla
    I think you should understand your parents because they think you're still small. I think you are old enough to go out at night on weekends and I also think you are too old to have some responsibilities. I think your parents do it to protect you but you have to show them that you are older and that it is now up to you to protect yourself.
    You should sit down to talk to your parents without fighting exposing your arguments and have them explain why they do not let you leave. If your parents still believe that you are still small to go out at night demonstrate that you are already responsible and that they can trust you and so surely they see a responsible girl that they can trust and let you leave.

    For 6 months in my house we live with a dog named Pongo. It came when my sister adopted it. In my house we had bad experiences with a dog that we had and because of that my parents did not want dogs. When my sister brought the dog, my mother became very angry. Finally he stayed at home but only with the condition that my sister takes care of all the expenses and care of the dog. She accepted and my brother and I told him that we would help him by taking care of him but not economically. The dog had to have been vaccinated the first month but 6 months have passed and it is not yet vaccinated. I would like to go for a walk with him but I can not because I am afraid that It will contract some disease because it is not vaccinated. I have already told several times to my sister but she says that if it is going to vaccinate but it continues delaying. What should I do?

    Marta Reyes López 4ºB

  53. My advice to Carla

    I think that your parents are like this because you are a teenager and is normal that they be worried when you go out with your friends, or if you go to parties and disco, but if you think that you and your friends are responsaible you should talk with them to make them understand that you have friends and they must trust you.
    All problems are solved talking, you only have to talk about respect for they understand you.

    My problem
    I have the problem with my brother, because he's 18 years old and he is thinking to study music, because he plays the tuba from 5 years, and always he have to practise, and some days I have to study a lot and I can't because this instrument make a lot noise. My parents said that I have to put up because this is his future, because my studies are my future. What should I do in your opinion?

  54. Dear Carla.

    I am writing this letter to give you some advice for the problem with your parents. I think the first thing you should do is relax and be calm, your parents do not allow you to party with your friends not because they do not feel about you, but because they are afraid that something can happen to you, they have you overprotected and also I think that's not good for you, because one day you could get fed up with that. With the theme of your friends you could introduce them one day doing a barbecue and speak well of them, so they see that they have nothing to fear when you go out with your friends. Your parents have to understand that not only with your cousin are you protected, but also with your friends, that you are 16 years old and it is the time where you enjoy life apart from studying (you can not leave it behind). Do not let your parents take your teen life and try to talk to them with the utmost respect always to find the solution to this problem.

    My problem

    Hello, I am writing to inform you about a problem that I have and that I would like you to give me some solution because I do not know what to do anymore. A year and a half more or less my best friend went out with a guy and they were very in love. Before long I saw my best friend's boyfriend with another friend of mine having dinner together and they looked very romantic. I talked to my best friend's boyfriend and I told him that what I was doing was not right and that I should tell Marie (my best friend). When Marie found out she was very angry with her friend who was having dinner with her boyfriend and broke up with him. Marie and my other friend stopped talking. The worst of all was that soon after my best friend learned that it was me who discovered the romance of her boyfriend with her friend but had not told and learned by her boyfriend instead of her best friend. Now my best friend does not talk to me and I do not know what to do because I love her very much and I need us to be like we were before, I regret a lot of not telling her first.
    I am looking forward to your response.

    Mayte Macías Díez 4ºB.

  55. Dear Carla

    In your situation, If I were you, I would talk to your parents and ask them to give my friends a chance to meet them and give me a chance to go out with them. I think that at 16 you should ask your parents for a bit more independence and give you confidence. I also think you should show them that you deserve that trust.


    Im going to tell you about my big problem. Im going to have three exams in this week, Im going to go to play football three days also and I have to go to play trombon also three days. I know that the more important thing is to study and the high school's things but I want to do all the things. My big problem is that I think that I haven't enough time for all but I think that I organise well, I have time for all

    Paco Reyes Madrid 4°B

  56. Dear Carla

    I think you should talk with your parents but you have to speak first to one and then to the other because If not they will put agreement and you will lose the oportunity.
    I would speak before with my parent and said him who are your friends what they do If they smoke or they drink and were you usually go out to party and he will think that you don’t mind that they know were you go and with and said him that you have grown that you aren’t the same girl as ten years but you have to said this serious this will give you points after I would speak with my mother and said the same things and also said to your mum that you don’t drink alcohol or you dont smoke and also said that you don’t mind to go out with your cousins but tell she that you haven’t got the same friends and this is not the same and this will give you more points .Your parents will talk about it and will knownthet you are enough old to go out alone.
    I hope this will help you


    I have a big problema I have organized a big party in my house without the consent of my parents and the party get out of control the people have broken lot of things and the house is too dirty the beds are dirty the bathrooms are destroyed and the window of the living room is broken I’m desperate I need an urgent solution my parents came in two daysand the house is horrible.
    I wait your answer

    Santiago Jara Montero 4B

  57. Dear Carla: your parents are going to be wrong because they believe that you will something happen. I if your you would say my parents who had faith and close in my since they have given you an education. Then if they see you're maturing and doing things properly you'll have more freedom when it comes to doing things that wouldn't let you do before.

    《My problem》Hard Week:
    I have a big problem, my problem is that tomorrow was training and had all day to review for the exam of biology and at the end I have not put the training tomorrow at 6:30 and I have to review very much and with little time. What should I do?

  58. Dear Carla
    I understand your problem but your parents care about you. I believe that first you must speak with your parents and to explain him that your friends they are not bad companies. Also, I think it's important that your parents trust in you to that give you a bit of freedom.

    I have a big problem, I have exam with physical but the weekend is Barroco and go out with my friend. I don't know how to organize and i'm really nervous.
    What I can do?

  59. Dear confuser:
    I think that you have to talk with them and you have to say them that you haven't got five years old, that you are 16 and you know what to do in every moments, you have to say them that you can lose your friends because in every moment they don't call you when they see that you don't go out with them, you have to say them that you are responsible and your friends are too, that you chose them because are goods persons and they love you and don't want to hurt you. You are in the age to enjoy your life apart of study and you have to say this to them. I hope I've helped you and I hope that you problem have solution soon.

    Hello, I have a big problem with my studies, I have a lot of exams, and I want to go out with my friends but I have to pass all the subjects because I want to enjoy all the summer and I don't want to study in the summer, I am very disorganised and I want to know how do you organise all the subjects and go out with your friends, I hope that you can help me please, thank you for your attention.

    Desirée Rodríguez González, 4°B

  60. Hello Carla,
    I read your problem and I think that you must talk with your parents and explain your situation and also must say to them that all your friends meet and you have 16 years old. If you are tried this you can do another like for example, invite to your friends one day to your house for dinner to show to yours parents that they are good and the beaviour of their are well.
    I hope that my advice can help to you!

    My Problem
    My parents rely a lot of me because I tell to their the majority of the things. They leave me to do a lot of things because they know that I´m very independent and responsable, and also my friends are like me but their parents many times say to their that they must be in her house earlier, we don´t want but we have to go to our homes. What can I do?
    Maria Victoria Fraile Pallares 4ºB

  61. Dear Carla I think the first you should do is talk with your parents and explain them again that your friends are responsable. If they don't believe propose them to let you one day go out with your friends. So they realize that you are a responsable person because you pick up at the time they told you and that's why your friends aren't a bad influence.

    I have a problem. I am very stressed with exams. In particullary with biology exam because I had to rewrite a lot of things to study before the exam. I worked very hard in these days and I didn't go out at weekend. But tommorow I have the exam and I still had to rewrite two pages and study three pages. I would love to be advised with some study methods to now how I would have to organize.


  62. Hi Carla,
    I wanted to help you about this problem. On one hand I understand your parents because they think you can have a problem or an accident but I the other hand I think your parents must be trust you and in your friends. In my opinion this problem can be solved of different forms. The best thing you can do is invite your friends to your house with the permission of your parents and invite them to snack with them. It’s a good form to talk your friends with your parents and have the opportunity for your parents to trust more in your friends and may be you can go outside more days. Another form is going outside with your friends and your parent and sees what they are doing during their free time. Although If the problem is that you haven’t got good marks you can do an effort and give them a surprise. About your cousin, you can tell for your parent that your cousin also meets with her friends and if one day you wanted to go outside and she is with their friend you can’t go outside. An also you are a younger girl and I think you have the necessary aptitude to face the daily problems. In conclusion you have to win the trust of your parent to try to go outside with your friend. I hope that I could have helped you.

    I’m very sad with this thing. I have a horse that I love it. But he’s is becoming major. I’m participating in competition and now I have a good level to participate in higher level. If I wanted to advance I need to buy a new hose. My problem is that if I send his I’m to cry a lot and I’m going to be a very sad time. I talk this with my parent and They say to me that I can have booth horses and I think, my horses is better with me but when he died I’m going to be sadder even. I don’t know what I have to do, but prefer that he remains with me because I know that he is going to be better that in other place.

    Monte Fraile Campos 4ºB

  63. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  64. Dear Irene Montañes
    Your problem is an important and a difficult situation because we are talking about a boyfriend that is very pushy and when he gets angry he hits her girlfriend and she doesn't broke her relation with him because he is scared and also she is in love with him. I am going to tell you some advices. I think you should have a conversation with your friend to try to make him see that her relationship is very dangerous. And if she is afraid to broke the relationship you should tell her family because they could go talk to the boy and cut the relationship before it goes any further.

    I hope I've helped to you

    Dear Paula Delgado
    I understand you very well. I know you are very tired and desmotive. In this trimester are a lot of parties and it is why we leave more our studies. I think you should study hard before parties so you can pass the parties without stress. I know it is difficult but we have to do this to have a excellent summer.

    I hope I've helped to you

    Dear Jose Manuel Mendez Gonzalez
    I understand you because I also want to go to this summer camp and I went to Asturias. I am going to say you what I do to be able to go to both trips. I told my mother that I wanted to go to both trips so throughout the year the money that my family has given me for Christmas and for my birthday I have saved. So I get the money for one of my trips This has helped me convince my mother to go. You should tell your mother to give you money for your birthday and try to save as much as possible.

    I hope I've helped to you!


  65. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  66. Dear Ángela Cotán
    I understand your problem because I know that you are a very educated person and you do not want to ignore the mother, but if I had that problem what I would do is tell my friend to tell her mother without any problem and so she does not have to Ask you and you're not upset when you do not want to answer your mother.

    Dear Mª Victoria Fraile
    I understand your problem with your friends because I am one of them and they do not let me be so late outside my house. If I were you I would try to convince the mothers of your friends to let them pick up late.

    Dear Sara Álvarez
    Your problem is difficult to solve since your father is going to have work there and you are going to have to go, but do not worry because on vacation you are back with your friends and also there you will have new things and new friends, but You will not lose friendship with the village friends.

    María García Fernández 4ºD
