martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

King Arthur


King Arthur

King Arthur's Quiz

Tell me three interesting things you have learnt about King Arhtur that you didn't know

52 comentarios:

  1. I have learnt that King Uther had a secret son, called Arthur, his pulled the sword from a stone and was King.

    Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 3ºB.

  2. I have learn that the queen name is Guinevere, Sir Lancelot was from Brittany (in France) and that the King Arthur kill his nephew.

  3. I was surprised with this story, because I thought that, the Round Table was very weak, but with this story, I know that it can hold about 150 knights! That's incredible!

  4. I have learned that King Arthur is married with Igraine and they have had a son. I also learned that the sword King Arthur cleared it and Bedivere threw it in the lake.

    Anabel Rodríguez Silva 3ºB

  5. I didn't know the part of the story, in what Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot got away and went to Brittany, and also I didn't know that the King Arthur at first didn't know that he took the sword of the stone (for his brother) which many man had tried before.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  6. I didn't now that Arthur was crowned by St. Dubricius, I didn't now also that a Lady of the lake gaves him a magic sword called Excalibur and finally I have learnt that with Excalibur always won a war, a fight...

    By: Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

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  8. I did not know that King Uther had a secret son named Arthur, didn´t know that the Queen called Guinevere and the sack sword King Arthur and the round table was very weak, but I know that can hold 150 knights.

    Rocio Olivo Garcia 3ºB


  9. Arthur was crowned , a lady of the lake drew a sword . Finally he learned that a war always won Excalibur.

    Claudia Carmona Román 3ªB

  10. I have learnt that Arthur never knew who were his real parents. I also have learnt that he married a princess named Guinevere and when he was going to die after a very bad war(a lot of people died),he gave Excalibur to Sir Bedivere because he wanted him to return it to the magical lake.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

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  14. some parts of the storyI don´t understand but a party that I understood I was interested . It was when Arthur managed to pull the sword from the stone and become king.

    Rocio Navarro Campos 3B

  15. I didn't know that Lancelot rescued Guinevere and they escaped to Brittany and that Arthur took a big army across the English Channel to Brittany because he wanted to punish Lancelot and Guinevere.

    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

  16. I have learnt that Arthur never knew who were his real parents. I also have learnt that he married a princess named Guinevere also I have learned that King Arthur is married with Igraine and they have had a son.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  17. I have learn that King Arthur he was born in Tintanel castle. Also I have learn that King Arthur never knew who were historia parents. The name of the king Arthur married is Guinevere.
    Zacarias Suarez Pérez. 3.B

  18. I have learnt that King Uther´s son born at Tintagel Castle. Also I have learnt that when King Uther died, no-one knew he had a son and when he as a bit older, he married a princess named Guinevere, the daughter of King Leodegrance of Cameliard.

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

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  20. I have learnt that King Arthur's parents was King Uther and Igraine. Also that the best and bravest of knights of the Round Table called Sir Loncelot fell in love with Guinevere that was Arthur's wife and that three Queens arrived in a boat and took Arthur away to the Isle of Avalon and he died.

    Clara Pérez López 3ºB

  21. A new thing that I learned was that he may have been a blilliant commander in charge of the British army or a High-king like Vertigern, another thing was that he had a foster brother called Kay, and the last thing was that the Round Table had 150 knights, I thought that it had less.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  22. I have learnt that King Arthur's knight was called Sir Lancelot, also that the true love of Sir Lancelot was Guinevere, but she was married whith King Arthur. Finally, I didn't now that the Lady of the lake gaves him a magic sword called Excalibur.

    Ana Mª Castaño Candeas 3ºB

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  24. I have learned that King Arthur is married with Igraine. Also I have learned that King Arthur was born in Tintanel Castle and that Arthur never knew who were his real parents. ¡It´s incredible! This story is very entertaining.

    By: Manuel Chico Mateos, 3ºB

  25. I have learnt that Morgan Le Fay was Arthur's wicked sister. I also have learnt that Sir Lancelot, Arthur's friend, came from Brittany (in France). I have learnt also that King Arthur’s nephew was called Mordred and he was an evil man.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  26. I have learnt the knights of the round table went to look for a religious cup called 'Holy grail'. Also I have learnt that the parents of arthur are king Uther and the queen Igraine . I think that this story is very interesting and exciting. I read this book in first of ESO but i don't remember.

    Iván Suárez Méndez

  27. I have learnt that the High-King of Britain fell in love with the Lady Igraine.
    I didn´t know that a magical lake appears in the story and also I have learnt that Arthur married with a princess called Guinevere.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

  28. I have learnt that the king Unther had a secret son called Arthur. I didn´t know that Sir Loncelot was the most brave knights of the Round Table.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3B

  29. I was surprised with this story, because I thought that, the Round Table was very weak, but with this story, I know that it can hold about 150 knights! That's incredible!

    Marta Ibáñez García 3ºB

  30. I have learnt that the High-King of Britain fell in love with the Lady Igraine.
    that was Arthur's wife and that three Queens arrived in a boat and took Arthur away to the Isle of Avalon and he died.
    I didn´t know that a magical lake appears in the story.

    By: Ángel Gámez Augusto.

  31. I like this story because is interesting, I didn´t know that Sir Lancelot came from Brittany (in France). And he fells in love with the Lady Incrine.

    José Ángel Cea Torres 3ºA

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  33. I have learned that King Arthur was married with Igraine and I also have learn that Arthur never knew who were his real parents.
    I didn't know that there was a magical lake in the story

    Ramón Rodriguez Bejarano 3ºA

  34. I have learnt that Arthur married with a princess called Guinevere, I did not know that a magical lake appears in the story and I learnt that the Round Table had 150 knights.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA

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  36. I have learnt that Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot got away and went to Brittany, and also that King Arthur's parents was King Uther and Igraine.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  37. I have learnt that is the round table there were two chair that were for the best two knights for every year. Also, I have learnt that in the prohibided chair put "this chair is taken".

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

  38. I have learned that King Arthur is married with Igraine.
    I didn't know that there was a magical lake in the story


  39. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  40. I have learned that when he was going to die after a very bad war,he gave Excalibur to Sir Bedivere because he wanted him to return it to the magical lake and I also learned that the King Arthur kill his nephew.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA

  41. I have learnt that King Arthur didn´t know who were their real parents, that is a little bit sad, and also I didn´t know that there was a magical lake in this story.
    Lola Valverde González.3ºA.

  42. I have learnt that Arthur married with a princess called Guinevere, I didn´t know that a magical lake appears in the story.

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 3ºA

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  44. I have learnt that the true love of Lancelot was Guinevere and the mentor of King Arthur was Merlin.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  45. I have learnt that the real name of the Lady of the Lake was Nimue and also that the died of the King Arthur was in Camelot.

    Jose Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  46. I have learnt that Lancelot's true love was Guinevere, also I learnt that the real name of the Lady of the lake was Nimue and king Leodegrance gave King Arthur the Round Table.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºesoA

  47. I have learnt that Nimue gave Lancelot a new sword when he broke it, that the name of Arthur's father was Uther and King Arthur granted to Sir Gawain to be knight of the Round Table. Also, I have learnt that King Leodegrance gave to King Arthur the Round Table.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºESO A

  48. I have learnt that Lancelot's true love was Guinevere and that Arthur never knew who were his real parents and was a little bit sad.
    I didn't know that there was a magical lake in the story.

    Gerardo Ibáñez Torres 3ºA

  49. I have learnt that the king Arthur had a secret son and that the queen real name was Guinevere.

    Marta Reyes López 3ºA

  50. I have learnt that King Arthur didn´t know who were their real parents. Lancelot true love was guinevere and that there was a magical lake in the history.

    Carmen Fraile Campos 3A

  51. By: Ángel Fraile Delgado 3ºA

    I have learn a lot about King Arthur like he was married with Guinevere and that he had a lot of knihgt i thougt he only had twenty and i lern that one of them was Sir Lancelot

  52. I have learned that king Arthur have 150 knihgt and that he married with Guinevere and also that the name of his father was Uther.

    Santiago Jara Montero 3A
