martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

The Middle Ages

In a paragraph, tell me something interesting you have learnt about the Middle Ages.

59 comentarios:

  1. What I liked the most was the fact that chinese people knew everything before people in other places, like at Europe. They knew about the spectacles before the others, so they thought that we were kinda silly, and I dind't know about that.

  2. I have learnt that in the middle ages there were inventions that I didn't know, for example the windmills, the compass..., and I have learnt also that the plague was in 1350, and this disease undermines the power of the church.

    By: Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  3. I have learnt that Charlemagne created the science and education schools for all people including women.Classes were held in monasteries because the school didn't exit yet.

    By: Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  4. I have learnt that in 622 be born the beginning of Islam and that Charlemagne promotes science and education. Also, in the year 800 appear the University.
    I have learned very much about this video.

    By: Manuel Chico Mateos, 3ºB

  5. I have learnt that in the middle age the chinese people knew everything before people in other places. There were inventions that I didn´t know and I didn´t know that the middle age began before of the Roman Empire.

    Rocío Olivo García 3ºB

  6. I learned that the Middles Ages starts from the year 500, that Al-Khwarizmi popularized Indian numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ...) and that in 1436 was invented the printing press.

    Anabel Rodríguez 3ºB

  7. I have learnt that Charlemagne created science and education for all, even for a few women. Schools were found in monasteries and people learnt about a lot of subjects. I also have learnt that Jabir Ibn Hayyan arranged chemical elements and Al-Khwarizmi popularized the use of indian numbers.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB


  8. I learned that in the Middle Ages many inventions were made and I did not know was that began before the Roman Empire.

    Claudia Carmona Román 3ºB

  9. In this video I have learnt that in 622 was the beginning of the islamic expansion and that they invented the greek fire and the stirrups.

    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

  10. I learned that in Middle Ages Charlemange promotes science and education, schools are founded in monasteries. He said that education was for everyone.

    Rocio Navarro Campos 3B

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. I have learnt that in the Middle Ages a man called Al-Haytham was founder the of optometry and Al-Khwarizmi arranged chemical elements. Also that in the year 1350 there was a plage from China and that the first universities in Europe were Bologna, Paris and Oxford.

    Clara Pérez López 3ºB

  13. One of the things that I learned was that Charlemagne promoted science and education, another thing was that Jabir IBN HAYYAN popularized the use of the indian numbers, I also learned that the crossbow was created in 1139 and another interesting thing that I didn´t know was that the first universities in Europe were Balogna, Paris and Oxford.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  14. One of the things that I learned was that Charlemagne promoted science and education, another thing was that Jabir IBN HAYYAN popularized the use of the indian numbers, I also learned that the crossbow was created in 1139 and another interesting thing that I didn´t know was that the first universities in Europe were Balogna, Paris and Oxford.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  15. I have learned that along the life have been inventing new things and causing new civilizations.
    And in the middle age, charlemange he promotes the school between others that were founded on the monasteries.

    Juan Carlos Ruiz Fdez 3B

  16. I have learnt that in the middle ages there were inventions that I didn't know, also I learned that the Middles Ages starts from the year 500

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  17. I have learnt that Al-khwarizmi popularized the used of indian numerals. Also that Averroe translated woks of aristotle and anotated them and the dominican wanted to translated to the latin.

    Mª Victoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  18. I have learnt that Charlemagne promotes Sciences and Education, even for a few womens! I have learnt too that the people learnt more about Sciences; for example, chemical elements. Finally I have learnt that in the Crusades the Cristians re-conquer Jerusalem.

    Ana Mª Castaño Candeas 3ºB

  19. I have learnt that in the fall of Constantinople was invented greek fire. I have learnt also that the first universities were created. Also was invented windmills.

    Lucia Garcia Gonzalez 3B

  20. I have learnt that Carlemagne said 'Education for all' but he also said 'even for a few women'. I thought that in that period of time womens still couldn't study. Also, I have learnt that in the east they had universities.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  21. I have learnt that in the middle age a man named Ibn Hayyan popularized the use of the indian number, in 1139 was fabricated a new invent for the wars, the crossbow, I have learnt too that in 1350 was a plague in china, with this video I have learned many new things.

    Iván Suárez Méndez

  22. I learned that about 1216 they were created the first universities like the university of Bologna, Paris and Oxford. Also they were created the inventions like the spectacles the compass the windmills and the spinning wheel.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

  23. I learned that about 1216 they were created the first universities like the university of Bologna, Paris and Oxford. Also they were created the inventions like the spectacles the compass the windmills and the spinning wheel.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

  24. I have learnt that in the middle ages, I did not know that in 1139 was the invention of the crossbow. Also, in 1216 the first universities were established, for example of Bologna.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3B

  25. I have learnt that Charlemagne created the science and education schools for all people including women.Classes were held in monasteries because the school didn't exit yet.

    Marta Ibáñez García 3ºB

  26. I have Charlemagne learned that promotes science and education and ordered that all citizens have education even for few women and he founded schools in monasteries. He created lessons about grammar, logic and rhetoric.

    By: Marta Reyes López 3A

  27. I have learnt that Charlemagne created the science and education schools and also I have learnt that have been created new inventions that weren't discovered.

    By: Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  28. I have learnt that the middle age began after the fall of the roman empire , in 622 the islam began , a man of the east called Al-Khwarizmi discover the indian numerals and in the 1492 Columbus discovers America

    Paco Reyes Madrid 3ºA

  29. I have learnt thatin 1216 they created the first university of Bologna, Paris and Oxford. I also have learnt that Al-khwarizmi popularized the used of indian numerals and that in 1436 they invented the printing press.

    Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra 3ºA

  30. I have learnt that the plague came from Asia by the constant trade with this region.
    Also I have learnt that Charlemagne has been promoted the education and ordered.

    By: José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo 3ºA

  31. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  32. I have learned that Charlemagne invented the education he said that all the people must have lessons of many subjects the school didn`t exist in the middle ages.

    José Ángel Cea Torres

  33. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  34. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  35. I have learned that in 1216, Averroes translated Aristoteles's works and annotated them and later he translated them into the Latin.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 3ºA

  36. I have learned that the plage in the year 1350 was a very danger ilness, and they didn't know how to save this ilness.

    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA

  37. I didn't know that in Middle Ages were discovered the greek fire,the strrips and the crossbows. I also didn' t know that Carlomagne improve the education , for few womans too and also were discovered new subjects like the bible lessons,geometry,music and astronomy.
    By: Lola Valverde González 3ºA

  38. By : Ángel Fraile Delgado 3ºA

    I have learnt that in this age they made up the stirrups and i didn´t knew that the irish monks discovered iceland and i didn´t know that the islamic people popularized the indian numerals

  39. I learn in this video that Al-Razi discovered the difference between the smallpox and the measles that were two diferent illness. Also, I have learnt that Al-Khwarizmi created the indian numerals.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

  40. I have learnt that in the Middle Ages the first university established in Europe was in Bologna, Paris and Oxford also I learnt that the musulmans bring the number at Iberian peninsula created by the indians.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  41. I have learned the crosbow was invented in 1139 and pope innocent II forbade it, the plague came from china in 1350 and the middel age finished in 1500

    By: Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 3ºA

  42. I have learnt that charlemagne promised science an education for all (even for a few women) school are founded in monasteries

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  43. I have learnt somes inventations that I didn't know, for example the spectacles, compass, spinning wheel and also I have learnt that the plague was in 1350, this causes the undermines the power of the churche.

    Manuel Ryes Lopez 3ºA

  44. I have learned that Charlemagne founded the monasteries and believe the colleges and Maco polo he travelled to Asia

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  45. I have learnt that Charlemagne created the science for boys and girls.I have learn that the was in 1350 too and at this age were a lot of inventions very important like the crossbow.

    Ramón Rodríguez Bejarano 3ºA

  46. I have learned that in the middle ages were a lot of important people that invented the crossbow, the compass the windmills and spinning wheels. Charlemagne created the education for all the people and the school. The first universitities were established , like the university in Paris and Oxford. The arabians invented the numbers that we use today.

    Carmen Fraile Campos. 3ºA

  47. I have learnt that Charlemagne that created science.In 1139 was fabricated a new invent for the wars. I have learnt that in 622 was the beginning of the islamic expansion.I learned that about 1216 they were created the first universities like the university of Bologna.

    David Sanz

  48. In this video I have learned that in the middle ages there were very importants events, a man called charlemagne promotes sciences and education for all,even for a few woman.I have learned too that the chinese people knew everything before people in other places.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA

  49. I have learnt that the siege of Constantinople happened in 673 AD, that the schools were founded in monasteries and Al-Khwarizmi popularized the use of the Indian numerals. Also, I have learnt that the crossbow was invented in 1139 and it was forbidden, because it was very dangerous. Finally, there were some people that were sick. They had the plague, a disease from China (this undermines the power of the church).

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºA

  50. I have learned that the greek people invented the greek fire and also I learned that the indian invented the numbers and the Christians invented the crossbow.

    Santiago Jara Montero 3A

  51. In this video I learnt that in the middle ages Charlemagne pormoted science and education school and founded monasteries, the lesson are: grammar, logic and rhetoric, music, astronomy, geometry and arithmetic.
    Paula Delgado Román 3ºA

  52. in 476 AD the roman empire fell and the medieval ages started they didnt has education and in the 622 AD the islamic expansion the came to spain and they conquered the south and the siege constantinople and they invented the greek fire[ a sort of flame thrower. In the 800 the vikins invasion and the education for all they invented the crossbow but they banned and the invention of the university and another trades. The plague from asia and the printing press and then the renaissance by Antonio Jose Garcia Delgado 3A

  53. I have learned that in 1216 invented several objects in the europa's first university and in others of europa later: Bologna, Paris and oxford. the objects that were constructed were: the windmill, the compass, the spectacles and the spinning wheel.

    Cristina Anton Llorente 3ºA

  54. I have learnt that the middle age began 476 A.D. In the 622 began the islam, in this age the inventions was the greeks fire and the stirrups. In the 800 Charlomagne founded the schools in the monasterys. Al- KHwarizmi popularized the indian numbers. In 1216 was funder the firs university in Europe (Bolognie). In 1350 was the palgue. In 1492 colombus discovered American

  55. In this video I learnt that in the 800 Charlomagne founded the schools in the monasterys and I didn´t know was that the first universities in Europe were Balogna, Paris and Oxford.

    Mari Carmen Quitanilla Gelo 3ºA.

  56. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  57. I have learnt that the middle age began after the fall of the roman empire and that in 1436 was invented printing press.


  58. I have learnt about the Middle Age that Charlemange promotes sciences and education for all, even for a few women and the school was founded in monasteries.
    With this video I also have learned that Al-Qanun Fi Al-Tibb wrote the canon of medicine, Al Khwarizmi popularized the use of indian numeral, Jabir Ibn Hayyan arrange chemical elements and Al-razi discovered the difference between smallpox, the measles and kerosene.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºA

  59. I have learnt that in the middle age discovered the difference between smallpox and the measles, and they wrote the canon of medicine. Also I have learnt Al- KHwarizmi popularized the indian number.
    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA
