miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Read and improve your classmates' anecdotes

1) Read your classmates' anecdotes

2) Choose one of them

3) Improve the anecdote: tenses, spelling, punctuation ...

4) Send the improved anecdote to the blog

41 comentarios:

  1. One day, when I had two or three years more o less, went to a park with my family.In the park, there were some ducks. I was walking eating a banana, and there were many ducks, one came to me an took the banana and I began to cry.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB
    Improved by: Claudia Carmona Román 3ºB

  2. I went to the cafe of my father, I sat down to take a soda drink, with such bad luck that the chair was broken and fell.
    My parents were concerned about me, but to see that nothing happened to me... we started laughing all three.

    Claudia Carmona Román 3ºB
    Improved by: Rocío Olivo García 3ºB

  3. This summer I went to Italy with my aunt. When we arrived at the airport of Bologna, we had to pick our suitcases. I saw a suitcase like mine, but I was sure that was mine. When we went to leave the airport. was not my suitcase! I running behind the woman who had the same suitcase! at the end I took my suitcase.

    Lucía García Gonzalez 3ºB
    Improved by: Victor Bejarano Guzmán 3ºB

  4. One day, when I was seven years old, I went to the beach with my parents. I was playing, I looked back, I could not find my parents. A woman that saw me alone was question me, I gave the number to my mother and she was called to my mother, and my mother found me.
    Marta Ibáñez García 3ºB
    Improved by: Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  5. One day, my cousin and I went to a concert in Seville. Before, we were at a wedding and we needed to hurry up to arrive there. When we arrived at the concert, I haven't notice that my shoes were on a different color until my cousin told me. It was very funny and the concert was incredible.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 3B

    Improved by: Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  6. One day, when I was seven years old, I went to the beach with my parents. I was playing, when I looked back and I couldn't find my parents. A woman that saw me alone, asked me about they. I answered her that I could not find my parents. She asked me their numbers, and I said her the number of my mother. She called my mother, and they could find me.

    Marta Ibáñez García, 3ºB.
    Improved by: Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  7. One day in the summer I went with a friend and our mothers to the cinema, when we arrived to Cinesa Camas there was a very large tail and then we had to went to a cinema in Bormujos. In the path, a light went on in the car, then we noticed that the car had run out of oil; we were very scare, because the engine could catch on fire. When we arrived to Megaocio, there was another large tail, but we wait. After that, when we were sitting in the cinema the screen turned off, for 10 minutes more or less. We were in the dark. Then a man told us that the lamp had cast; we had to wait one hour. Finally we saw the film, then we went to Burger King and there was another large tail. When we finished, the car made so much noise, but we arrived safe and sound.
    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3º A.
    Improved by: Ana María Castaño Candeas 3ºB

  8. The last year, on May 18th, I was riding my bicycle in the lane. I falled in a slope. My head hit with the floor. The people that was walking phoned an ambulance. When I arrived, unfortunately, I was in comma.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3ºB
    Improved by: Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. One day, when I was playing football, I broke my elbows because i fell into the street. My parents were surprising because they saw how i was crying. Later the doctor said: Juan carlos , have more care!

    Juan Carlos Ruiz 3ºB
    Improved by:Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  11. One day, my cousin and I went to a concert in Seville. Before, we were at a wedding and we needed to hurry up to arrive there. When we arrived at the concert, I haven't notice that my shoes were on a different color until my cousin told me. It was very funny and the concert was incredible.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 3B

    Improved by: Marta Ibáñez García 3B

  12. One day, when I was six years old ,I traveled to Madrid with my family and "PEÑA BETICA". We were at the station and when I had to cross trough some doors,I crashed my face on one of them. Then, we got on the train and we didn´t know which stop we went to so, we stopped 14 times and finally we found the exit

    Carmen Gonzalez Fuentes 3ºA
    Improved by: Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  13. About five years ago my sister went to our friends' house and she staied there for a night. When my sister was in the bed , she was scared. Then my dad went at 4 a.m to brought my sister home . The next day the mum of my friends told me that she didn't phone my dad and he went there as he had telepathics powers. It was very funny and curious.

    Ana María Castaño Candeas 3ºB
    Improved by: Clara Pérez López 3ºB

  14. When I was 6 years old, in summer, I was on the beach. Then, I saw a boy with a ball and I walked to him to play with the ball. I was playing with he about 4 hours, and when I went to my parents zone in the beach, there are no persons. My parents forgot me in the beach. Later, they went again to the beach and saw me. Now I think this was funny!

    Victor Bejarano Guzmám 3ºB
    Improved by: Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  15. One day when I was ten years old more or less I was riding my bike with my brothers and my cousins and my father told me to leave the bike in the garden and when I was cycling I fell down and I didin't remember anything. I was in the street for a few minutes and then I woke up in the car but I coudn't see anythig, then I stayed in the hopital for all the day.
    Santiago Jara Montero
    Improved by: Miguel Ángel Carmona Parra

  16. Last summer, my teacher of the horse's school made me a joke. In the Riopudio's bar he put a bottle with water and under there was a coin. He said to me that the coin was under and I saw now that was real. Then he put a cloth on the bottle and said "abra cadabra the coin was in the bottle". He took off the cloth and said to me that now the coin was in the bottle. When I saw the bottle he sequeezed it and all the water that was in it fell in my face!!!!
    Monte Fraile Campos 3A
    Improved by: Santiago Jara Montero 3A


  17. The 8th of June at six o'clock I went to the casting of flamenco.
    At 7 past ten my mother came with the car to carry me to the firm of Antonio José, the winner of the voice.
    When I arrived there were my cousins and my friends. I was waiting seven hours and finally I took a photo with Antonio José.

    Elena Gelo 3ºB

    Improved by: Ramón Rodriguez Bejarano

  18. One day I and my cousin went to a concert in Seville. We were at a wedding and we had a great hurry. When we went to the concert I didn’t notice that my shoes were of different color, until my cousin told me. It was very funny and the concert was incredible.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 3B
    Improved by: Paco Reyes Madrid 3ºA

  19. One day, when I was seven years old, I went to the beach with my parents.I was playing when I threw a rock to the sea because there was nobody and suddenly a person who sold t´shirts appears and the rock fell down in her head.
    I didn´t tell anything to my parents but the man came with me and my parents told me that it was bad.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3A

    Improved by: José Ángel Cea Torres 3A

  20. The day that the Olivares' patron saint went out, all the family we went to my grandparents' house to see the patron saint.
    My cousins went up stairs to see her from there, but a few minutes before she passed, they push fall down a coke and my grandfather that was just below fell everything and he had to change the T-shirt before passing the patron saint.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºA
    Improved by:Nati Montero Cotan 3A

  21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  22. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. I was in Seville with my parents and my sister. I was talking with my sister and I didn't see a streetlight and I shock , the people on the street started to laugh and I spend a lot of shame

    Jose Manuel Méndez González

    Improved by: Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  25. One day, I was riding my bike with my friends. We went to the 'fuente archena' for a school job. I went very fast in the slope and a man saw me and told me 'you will fall'. I began laughing and thought that the man was stupid. Two minutes later I fell.

    Carmen Fraile Campos, 3ºA

    Improved by: Desirée Rodríguez González, 3ºA

  26. One day when I was ten years old more or less I was riding the bike with my brothers, my cousins. My father told me to ride the bike to the garden and when I was cycling I fell down and I didn't remember anything. I was in the street for five minutes. Then I woke up in the car but I didn't see anythig. Then I stayed in the hopital for all the day.

    Santiago Jara Montero 3ºA
    Inproved by: Monte FRaile Campos 3ºA

  27. The last day of August, when my family and me were in the car. We were arriving to Olivares, the car didn't work in a curve. My father was the driver and he was very angry but my mother, my brother and me were laughing because all the cars cross next to looked my car. Later he called to the cane and then we downed all the suitcase in the highway and we went to my house with the heavies suitcases.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA
    improved by Ángel Fraile Delgado 3ºA

  28. Two years ago, I was in the birthday of my friend Mari Cruz and it was a surprise. We prepared her birthday party while the best friend of Mari Cruz met with her to have a shower to her dog at seven o'clock. When it was half past six a girl knocked at the door and she opened it. It was Mari Cruz!!! She discovered the “surprise birthday party”.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA
    Improved by Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºA

  29. It was a very hot day of summer. I was with my friends and we went to my house, I asked to how danced each, I started to dancing as a crazy and two women were behind and they were laughing and I went very fast to my house with the face as a tomato. I was ashamed!!!

    Manuel Reyes López 3º A

    Improved by Rocío Peña Carrera 3º A

  30. The christmas day when I was five years old more or less, I went to eat with my parents to a restaurant called Gambrino. I saw a black person in front of me. I went to him and I asked him:
    ¿Are you a black king? That year I was a very good person and I wanted a lot of presents.

    Maria Escudero Parra 3ºB
    Improved by: Elena Bautista Linde 3ºA

  31. A long time ago,I went with my parents and his friends to Seville. We were going to saw a Virgin. We were staying in a park. We went to take a photo in a tree, but in the moment exactly when we took the photo, a friend fell and we laughed very much. But the more funny were that in this instant the Virgin left !!

    Rocio Peña Carrera 3ºA
    Improved by:José Manuel Méndez González

  32. One day I and my cousin went to a concert in Seville. We were at a wedding and we had a great hurry. When we went to the concert I didn’t notice that my shoes were of different color, until my cousin told me. It was very funny and the concert was incredible.

    Rocío Navarro Campos 3B
    Improved by : Paco Reyes Madrid 3ºA

  33. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  34. Last year, the 18th of May, I was with the bicycle, in the lane and I fell in a slope. My head hit with the floor. The people that were walked, phoned the ambulance. When I arrived to the hospital , unfornately, I was in comma.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3ºB

    Improved by: José David Díez Fuentes

  35. one day in the summer I went with a friend and our mothers to the cinema,when we arrived to Cinesa Camas there was a very large tail and then we had to went to a cinema in Bormujos,in the path light went on in the car,then we noticed that the car had run out of oil and we were very scare,because the engine could catch on fire.When we arrived to Megaocio,there was a another large tail,but we wait,then,when we was sitting in the cinema the movie turned off,for 10 minutes,more or less,we were in the dark,and then a man told us that the lamp had cast,we had to wait one hour.Finally we saw the film,then we went to a Burger King and there was a another large tail.When we finished,the car did a very horrible noise,but we arrived safe and sound.
    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3º A.
    improved by: Marta Barba

  36. I was in Seville with my parents and my sister. I was talking with my sister and I didn't see a streetlight, I crashed and the people on the street started laughing and I passed a lot of shame.

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA
    Improved by: Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA.

  37. The 8th of June at six o'clock I went to a casting of flamenco. At ten past seven, my mother came with the car to carry us to the firm of Antonio José, the winner of the voice.
    When I arrived my cousins and my friends were there. I was waiting seven hours and finally I took a photo with Antonio José.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

    Improved by: Eva Mª Fernández Franco. 3ºA

  38. I was in Seville with my parents and my sister .I was talking with my sister and I didn't see a streetlight and I crashed and the people on the street started laughing and I pass a lot of shame.

    Jose Manuel Méndez González

    Improved by: Marta Reyes López.

  39. The last day of August,my family and me were arriving to Olivares when the car stoped at a curve.My father was the driver, he was so angry, but the rest, my mother, my brother and me laught a lot,because all the cars were looking at us.Later, we called to the crane.We removed the suitcases in the highway and we went home with the heavy suitcase.
    Sara Álvarez Pérez.
    Improved by:Lola Valverde González.

  40. Anecdote:

    The last Sunday,my football team, called Albaida played with Brenes. The match was at twelve o´clock in the morning. In this match we started losing 0-1, but we were playing very well and we scored two penalties , in the first penalty the referee expelled the goalkeeper of the other team. Later he expelled a player of our team. At the last minute the referee gave a penalty to Brenes and we lost the football match 2-3.

    I am Iván Suárez Méndez.

    Improved by : Carmen Fraile 3A

  41. When I was 5 years old, I was jumping in the bed with my brother and sister. My father was angry and he punishing us. My sister jumped the bed and when I jumped I broke my hand. The next day I went to the hospital

    Nati Montero Cotan
    Improved by: Manuel Reyes Lopez 3ºA
