martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

America's Immigration History

Watch the video and send a comment to the blog explaining the three most interesting things that you have learnt about immigration in the USA.

50 comentarios:

  1. What I've learn from this video is that the U.S.A. factories supplied some weapons during World War I. I also learned that a law was created, because a lot of mexicans were coming to the U.S.A., and this law consist in that mexican people has to have their document papers, and if they didn't, they were arrested and deported back to Mexico. I learned that almost the 20% of the immigrants in the whole world are in the U.S.A. thats incredible!
    I liked a lot this video, it was very interesting.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  2. What I've learn from this video is that the fist successful colony in America was established in 1607 in Jamestawn, Virginia by English settlers. Also learned that starting around 1620, tens of thousands of British, German and Dutch, but mostly British Puritans came to North America to escape religious persecution or to search for better opportunity, or simply for an adventura. I learned that almost the 20% of the immigrants in the whole world are in the U.S.A.

    Rocío Olivo García 3º ESO B

  3. I have learn in this video that the British people, stated Pensilvania and the comercial service of Philipinas.
    Also I have learn that the British, German and Spanish people went to América to colonisated it, they went conquisted for north to south of América. The colombian people thounght that they can won but, finaly the emigation people won and colonisated usa.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3°A

  4. In this video, I have learnt that starting around 1620, tens of thousands of British, German and Dutch, but mostly British Puritans, came to North America to escape religious persecution or to search for better opportunity, and that's one reason by which are immigrants for differents countries, and of more.
    Also that hundreds of thousands of Africans were mercilessly captured and taken prisoner to send their to America to become servants.
    And the number of new immigrants let in fell from over 800.000 in 1920 to just over 300.000 admitted in 1921, and I don't know how they could took away as many immigrants, only in a year!

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  5. In this video I have learn that the first colony succesful colony in america was establish in 1607 in jamestown.
    I have also learn that today 14,3 percent of the total american population is foreign born. That is more than 45 million people!!
    The video was very interesting.

    Ramón Rodriguez Bejarano 3A

  6. I have learn in this video the first successul colony in America was established in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia by english settlers.Also I have learn that the British people, stated Pensilvania and the comercial service of Philipinas and I learned that almost the 20% of the immigrants in the whole world are in the U.S.A
    The video is interesting because you learn new information!
    Lucía García 3B

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. In this video I've learn that the population of United States in 1790 has a total to 3.900.000 but only 100.000 approximally were Native Americans. Also, between 1840 and 1850 the people that went to United States growth so quickly.
    And finally, I find awesome that the 20% of immigrants are in U.S.A.

    Anabel Rodríguez Silva, 3ºB.

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. I learned with this video that hundreds of Africans were mercilessly captured and taken prisoner in their own lands, then put on ships bound America, where they were sold into a life of hard labor for no pay, and no change at freedom. Also that there would be more Irish women who immigrated than Irish men. And finally that from 1860 to 1910, the urban population grew over 6 million to over 44 million.

    Clara Pérez López 3ºB

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. I learn from this video is that the U.S.A. factories supplied some weapons during World War I. and Was fine by America whose steel coal automobile textile and garment productions industries were booming
    Also, I have learned the Unites States also took full advantage of Europe's paralyzation during the first world war
    This video Its very interesting, I learn so much

    Carmen Gonález Fuentes 3ºA

  14. I have learned in this video that the first successul colony in america was establish in 1607 in Jamestown (Virginia).

    I have also learned that in 1970, 60% of immigrants came from Europe this number just fell off a cliff by the year 2000 when only 15% were from Europe.

    I have learned that the number of new immigrants let in fell from over 800000 in 1920 to just over 300000 admitted in 1021.

    I really enjoyed this video because I have learned many new things.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3°B

  15. I have learnt in this video about the History of American's Inmigration that in 1607 established in Jamestown (Virginia) the first successful colony in America, by English settlers.
    Also I have learnt that the people of German, Brithish and Spanish went to America to colonisated it. And finally I have learnt that the final era of inmigration to America is the one we're still currently in, which began 1965 with the passage of the Hart-Celler Act.
    I think that this video is very interesting because you can learned very much in spite of seeing it, since it explain everything on the American's Inmigration History.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºA

  16. In this video, I have learned that the first successul colony in América was established in 1607 in Jamestown, (Virginia)

    Also, I have learned that between the years 1840 and 1850,the people that went to United States growth so quickly,

    And finally, I learned that almost the 20% of the immigrants in the whole world are in the U.S.A.

    This video is very interesting, and the learn many new things

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  17. In this video, I have learn that starting around 1620, tens of thousands of British, German and Dutch, but mostly British Puritans, came to North America to escape religious persecution or to search for better opportunity, and that's one reason by which are immigrants for differents countries, and of more.

    Marta Ibáñez García 3ºB

  18. To see this video I heard that 20% of immigrants are in the United States. Also that the US factories delivered weapons during the First World War. I saw in the video that had created a law, which was that the Mexican people have to have their documents because then if they do not, they are arrested and deported to Mexico. Besides all this I have learned from the video, the British, German and Spanish people went to America to colonization and went to conquer North and South America.

    This video has been very interesting because there are things I did not know.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  19. In this video I have learn that the first succesful colony in America was established in 1607 in Jamestown (Virginia)Also that the British, German and Spanish people went to America to colonizated America. And finally I have learn that the 20% of inmigrants are in the U.S.A.

    This video is very usefull, because I have learn things that I didn´t know.

    José Ángel Cea Torres 3 A

  20. I have learnt that the first colonny was estabished in 1607 in Jamestown. I had also learn that hundreds of africans were taken to their country as prisioners. Finally,I had learn that from 1860 to 1910 the population form 6 million to 44 million.
    Lola Valverde González, 3ºA.

  21. From this video I've learned that the first colony successful in America was in Virginia, in a town called Jamestown, in 1607. Also I've learned that the 20% of immigrants are in USA and that hundreds of africans were mercilessly captured and taken prisoners.

    I think that's this video is very interesting, and I've learned many things.

    Ángela Cotán, 3B

  22. I've learn that most American immigrants are from England with a number approximately 2300000 people.
    Also, the population of the United States since the year 1840-1850 has growth rapidly.
    The inmigrants allowed into the United States in 1920 are 805228 people.

    Zacarias Suarez Perez 3ºB

  23. In this video I have learn that today 14,3 percent of the total american population is foreign born.
    Also I have learn that the number of America population was very densely by deseases, war and migration to the west but only 1000 were left in the territory of United States.
    Other thing that I have learn that the USA was during their fifty years emigration ware for about 1860-1920 that many dead and the people migrate.
    This video is very interesant because I have learn more about the migration.
    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  24. In this video, I have learned that the first successul colony in América was established in 1607 in Jamestown (Virginia), also I have learned that 20% of immigrants are in the United States. And to end, I have learned that from 1860 to 1910, the urban population grew over 6 million to over 44 million.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  25. I have learned with this video that hundreds of Africans were captured and taken prisoner in their own lands, also that the 20% of the inmigrants are in the USA. I have learnt that the first colonny was settled down in 1607 in Jamestown, also that starting around 1620, tens of thousands of British, German and Dutch, but mostly British Puritans, they came to North America to escape religious persecution

    Manuel Ryes López 3ºA

  26. I've learned from this video that the british sent 60,000 prisoners across the ocean to Georgia, although the only thing many of these men were guilty of was being poor and out of work. Also I've learned that in 1880's, tens of thousands of immigrants began arriving on her eastern shores, again, mainly from Britain, Ireland and Germany. And finally also I've learned that the United States also took fall advantage of Europe's paralyzation during the first World War. With millions dying in the middle of the bloodiest struggle the european continent had ever seen every country there had to completely focus its industries on producing all the supplies- the guns,the uniforms, the tanks, the boats.... all the stuff needed to carry on and win the fight.

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  27. One of the things that I have learnt of this video is that stated Pensilvania and the comercial service of Philipinas. Another thing that I have learnt is that the first immigration law in American history was known as the Asian Exclusion Act. And the other thing that I have learnt of this video is that from 1860 to 1910, the urban population grew over 6 million to over 44 million.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  28. I've learnt from this video that from the 1850s, the amount of immigrants arriving in the USA each year tripled again to about 170,000. I've learnt also that a group of young people, most were under 30 years old, were finding a work in a fam or in a factory, but the owners of the farms and factories prefered to have an efficient machine that they didn't have to pay. also I've learnt that in the 1920s, immigration was capped for the first time in American history. One of the exceptions to the strict quotas were documented contract workers from the western hemisphere, who could come into and out of the USA freely. The other exception were the hundreds of thousands of refugees who were allowed in.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  29. I have learn that the first colony succesful colony in america was establish in jamestown.
    Also I have learn that the number of new immigrants let in fell from over 800000 in 1920 to just over 300000 admitted in 1921.
    And the third thing that I have learn is that at the end od this piriod, between 1944 and 1954,the number of immigrant coming from Mexico increased by 6000 percents.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

  30. I have learnt from this video that Columbus said that he could conquer the whole peole were living in The New World with 50 men; and he could. The final era of immigration to America is the one that began in 1965 with the passage of the Hart-Celler Act. Finally, I have learnt to, that today, 14.3 porcent of the total American population is foreing born.

    Ana María Castaño Candeas 3ºB

  31. The most interesting things that I have learnt are that from 1860 to 1910 the urban population of the USA grew from over 6 million to over 44 million; the first immigration law in American history was known as the Asian Exclusion Act ,that was passed in 1875; and in 1970 , 60 % of immigrants in the USA were from Europe. Now, most of immigrants in the USA are from Mexico.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  32. I have learnt the first successul colony in América was established in 1607, in Jamestown.
    Also, I have learnt that the British people, stated Pensilvania and the comercial service of Philipinas.
    And I have learnt that almost the 20% of the inmigrants in the whole word are un the USA.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3°B

  33. In this video,I have learnt that some scholars think there may have been a population of 20 million native americans and the vast majority, were killed by old world diseases.
    I have learnt that today 14,3 percent of the total american population is foreign born. In 1970, the 60% of immigrants came from Europe, this number just fell off a cliff by the year 2000, when only 15% were from Europe.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 3ºB

  34. I have learned in this video that the first successul colony in america was establish in 1607 in Jamestown (Virginia). Also I have learned that the number of new immigrants let in fell from over 800000 in 1920 to just over 300000 admitted in 1921 and I have learned that the USA was during their fifty years emigration ware for about 1860-1920 that many dead and the people migrate.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA.

  35. I have learnt from this video that today,14.3 percent of the total American population is foreing born,I have learnt that the first colony in América was established in 1607 in Jamestown (Virginia),by the english settlers.Finally I have learnt too that in 1970 the 60% of immigrants came from Europe,this number just fell off a cliff by the year 2000,when only 15% were from Europe.
    I think that this video is very interesting,because the man who talk in the video explained very well and specifically and you can learnt very much of the america's immigration easily.

    Manoli Dominguez Fuentes 3ºA.

  36. I have learn in this video the first successul colony in America was established in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia by english settlers also I hav learn that today 14.3 percent of total American population is foreing born . In 1970 the 60% of inmigrant came from europe and 20% of immigrants are in USA.I have learn that the British German and Spanish people went to América to colonisated it

    Nati Montero Cotan 3A

  37. I've learn that the first colony of america was in 1607 from the england army they are Jamestown in Virginia And then i've learned that in 1492 Cristobal Colon discovered south america called "The new world" and the they conquered but not only spain aother countries in europe like germany British people came to south america escaping for war.the 14.3% of American population is foreing born. Then in 1970 the 60% of immigrants came from europe And the 20% of immigrants are in USA

  38. I have learnt is that the factories of USA provided some arms in the World War I.
    Also is that in USA are form 20% of immigrants of all the world.
    And i have learnt that the first colony in America was established in 1607 in Jamestawn , Virginia by English settlers .

    By: Marta Reyes López 3ºA

  39. I have learn that the 20% of immigrants are in USA, and that hundreds of africans were mercilessly captured and taken prisoners. Other things that I learnt is that the U.S.A. factories supplied some weapons during World War

    By: Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  40. I have learned that the British, German and Spanish people went to América to colonisated it, they went conquisted for north to south of America. That a law was created because a lot of mexicans were coming to the U.S.A.: if they didn't their document papers, they were arrested and deported back to Mexico. Also I have learned that today 14,3 % of the total american population is foreign born.

    Carmen Fraile 3A

  41. What I've learn from this video is that the U.S.A. factories supplied some weapons during World War I. I have learn that the first colony succesful colony in america was establish in 1607 in Jamestown. Also, I have learned that between the years 1840 and 1850,the people that went to United States growth so quickly
    This video is very usefull, because I have learn things that I didn´t know.
    Gerardo Ibañez 3°A

  42. I have learn that British people sent 60,000 prisioners to Georgia across the ocean.Also I learn that the amount of immigrants arriving in the US each year tripled. And don´t forget that I learned that in USA the immigrants are from 20%

    By: Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  43. I have learn that British people sent 60,000 prisioners to Georgia across the ocean.Also I learn that the amount of immigrants arriving in the US each year tripled. And don´t forget that I learned that in USA the immigrants are from 20%

    By: Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  44. In this video i learnt that the British people, stated Pensilvania and the comercial service of Philipinas.
    Also I have learn that the British, German and Spanish people went to América to colonisated it. They conquist from north to south .Finaly the emigation people won and colonisated usa.

  45. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  46. I have learn in this video that in Jamestown (Virginia) in 1607 was established the first colony. Also, I learnt that in 1970 the 60% of immigrants came from Europe and finally,I have learn that the British German and Spanish people went to América to colonisation it. This video is very long but is very interesting and I learnt a lot of things.
    Paula Delgado Román 3ºA

  47. From this video, I've learned that around 1620 tens of thousands of British, German and Dutch, came to North America to scape religious persecution, to search for better opportunity or for an adventure. Also, that hundreds of thousands of Africans were mercilessly captured and taken prisoner in their own lands, then put on ships bound for America where they were sold into a life of hard labor for no pay, and no chance of freedom. And finally, I've learned that in 1921, Congress pushed trough a law that marked a turning-point in American immigration policy.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºESO A

  48. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  49. By:Ángel Fraile Delgado 3ºA

    I learn that the indigenous of America came from Siberia and I didn´t know that the most of the indigenous died because of illnesses and I am very amused because 90% of colons were farmers and I learn that in 1880 the old ships were replaced by the large steam powered ships and that it was cheaperto travel in new ships tan in old ones

  50. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
