martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015


Migrate, emigrate, immigrate

Immigration vocabulary

Spaniards, emigrants again

Learn the vocabulary about immigration, read the text "Spaniards, emigrants again" and send a comment to the blog explaining the three most interesting things you have learnt reading this text.

52 comentarios:

  1. In this text I have learned that Spain became a country with an enviable standard of living that no longer produced emigrants, but welcomed them. Also I have learned that Spain has never been known for having a low unemployment rate, no one imagined that the current crisis would result in 5,273,600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people and finally I have learned that according to the Spanish press, around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs.

    Lucía García 3ºB

  2. Reading this text I've learnt that around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs.
    Also that many spanish people have to leave the country and inmigrants that are not of this country work here for less money.
    Although the impact in the country, socially and economically has been happening for many years, it has only recently been talked about and considered a problem.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  3. From this text, I have learned that, because of the cuts in the research field, there is a 'brain drain', which means that people with high studies prefer to go to other countries than staying here, and that is going to be a high impact in our society and economy. I've also learned that some young people think that they can leave the country, go to another one and, when the crisis is over, they will come back again to Spain, but this crisis may dure for a long period of time. I've learned that the Spanish Government keep making cuts, without thinking in the consequences that those cuts in studies will bring, such as a lot of young people leaving the country in large numbers.

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  4. I have learned that, there is a brain drain.
    I learned also that young people say they can leave the country but when finished the crisis would return to Spain.
    Finally I learned also that the government must keep making cuts without thinking rescortes studies of young people as the number of young people leaving the country around 300,000 between 2008 and 2011 for lack of work.

    Claudia Carmona Román 3ºB

  5. In this text I have learnt that the youth unemployment now is around 50%, despite the large number of young people who have emigrated in the last few years.Other thing that I learnt is that the young people see the crisis as a temporary situation. They are thinking about working abroad for a few years until the crisis is over.
    Also I have leart that some theories claim that the crisis will be followed for a long period of depression that will last for years, during which there will be no significant changes to the unemployment rate, and even then, things will never be good as before.

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  6. In this text, I have learned that Spain has never been known for having a low unemployment rate, no one imagined that the current crisis would result in 5,273,600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people

    Also, I learned that around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs.

    Finally, I learned that in Spain the Government continues making cuts and young people are leaving in large numbers.

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  7. In this text I've learned that around 300.000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs, and that furthermore, recent labour reforms approved by the new Government, allow small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to fire workers without compensation or cause during the first year of employment.
    Finally I've learned that young Spanish people no longer migrate only to Northern European countries, also to Eastern European countries.

    I thinks that this text is very interesting.
    Ángela Cotán 3ºB

  8. From this text I've learned that people emigrate from their country because they are looking for a better lyfe because in their country can't have it. In 1960 people from Europe and America emigrate to United States. Also I've learned that due to the current crisis, many young people have been forced to migrate to other countries in search of employment, but still those who have not migrated form a 50% unemployment in Spain. Finally I've learned that today unfortunately we don't know how this situation can last unemployment. Young people hope that there will be a better future, and soon, those who have emigrated back to our country and take work. However the cuts remain in our country, and we still find and work for which we have fought. Invades us a question, can we someday work on what we have studied and get a good standard of living? hopefully better times but not reach the fullness of our country.

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  9. Reading this text, I have learned what was the "Spanish Diaspora".It was a phenomenon based on the emigration of Spanish people from Spain to America and Europe in the 1960s. I also have learned that now,youth unemployment is around 50%, that's the reason of the emigration of a lot of young people in the last few years.Finally I have learned that Spain continues making cuts and for young people is so difficult to find a job so we don't know if the young people's fate is to be without job.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

  10. In this text I have learn that 300.000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011 because in Spain there aren't jobs. Also I have learn that the young people under 25 years old have a low salary because they have a lack of experience. And they think that they work in foreign country a few years until the crisis is over in Spain; but this process is very long.

    Elena Gelo Bejarano 3ºB

  11. In this text I have learnt that young unemployment now is around 50%, another thing that I dont know was that some theories claim that the crisis will be followed for many years, and another thing was that labour reforms, allow small and medium enterprises to fire people without compensation or cause during the first year of employment.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3ºB

  12. In this text I have learned that Spain has never been known for having a low unemployment rate, no one imagined that the current crisis would result in 5,273,600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people.
    I have also learned that because of the few jobs that exist in Spain many young people have had to emigrate in search of his work in another country, thus leaving his family and others.
    I have finally learned that they had an average of about 300,000 young Spaniards to emigrate between 2008 and 2010 to other countries since in Spain there were so many jobs for so many young people.
    I liked this text that I learned far too many things that I did not know.

    Rocío Olivo García 3º ESO B

  13. From this text I have learned that although Spain has never been known for having a low unemployment rate, no one imagined that the current crisis would result in 5.273.600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people. Also I have learned that around 300.000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs and finally I have learned that the young people under 25, because of their lack of experience, may be doomed to work for a very low salary.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3°B.

  14. In this text II have learned that unfortunately do not know how this situation can last unemployed. Young people hope for a better future and alos who have migrated to another country, but the costs remain at home and still hard to find and work with everything we have fought. Then I learned that the cause of the cuts in the area of research, there is a brain drain, which means that educated people prefer to go to other countries to stay here, and that's going to be a high impact in our society and economy. Finally I heard what was the 'Spanish Diaspora' is a phenomenon based on the emigration of Spaniards from Spain to America and Europe in the 1960.

    María García Fernández 3ºB

  15. From this text, I have learnt, that after the “Spanish Diaspora”, Spain became a country that no produced so much emigrants, but welcomed them. I have also learnt, that around 300,000 Spanish people left the country between 2008 and 2011, looking for job. Finally, I have learnt, that most young people are thinking about working abroad for a few years while “the crisis is over”, and then to come home and find work.

    Ana Mª Castaño Candeas 3ºB

  16. I have learnt that young people under 25, because of their lack of experience, may be doomed to work for a very low salary or be trapped in a cycle of unpaid internships. Also that the Czech newspaper Lidové Noviny, in a recent article, talks of the large increase in the number of young immigrants from Southern Europe to Eastern Europe. And finally that many of these young people have grown up in families with a standard of living that they themselves will not be able to attain.
    Clara Pérez López 3ºB

  17. In this text I learned that the youth unemployment now is around 50%, despite the large number of young people who have emigrated in the last few years. Around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs. Also I learned that young Spanish people no longer migrate only to Northern European countries, known for their high standard of living, but are also beginning to migrate to Eastern European countries.
    I think that this text is very interesting and the young people learn very much with them.

    Ivan Suarez Mendez 3ºB

  18. I have learnt in this text that the cardboard suitcases, who emigrated to America and Europe in the 1960 and also was called the Spanish Diaspora.
    Also, I have learnt that Spain has never been known for having a los unemployment rate.
    And that this may be because young Spanish people no longer migrate only to Northerm European controles,known for their high standard ofertas living.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3°B

  19. I have learnt in this text that the cardboard suitcases, who emigrated to America and Europe in the 1960 and also was called the Spanish Diaspora.
    Also, I have learnt that Spain has never been known for having a los unemployment rate.
    And that this may be because young Spanish people no longer migrate only to Northerm European controles,known for their high standard ofertas living.

    Manuel Chico Mateos 3°B

  20. Reading this text I've learnt that Spain became a country with an enviable standard of living that no longer produced emigrants, but welcomed them. Other thing that I didn't know before and I've learnt also from this text is that no one imagined that the current crisis would result in 5,273,600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people. I think that it is too much unemployement.From this text I've learnt also that most young people see it as a temporary situation. They are thinking about working abroad for a few years until “the crisis is over”, or at least until the worst of it is over, and then to come home and find work. I think that it won't be easy for they.

    Irene Montañés Ramos 3ºB

  21. In this text I have learned the following: Spain has never been known to have a low unemployment rate,so no one imagined this very high number of unemployed (5,273,600) and the mayority are young; which because of their low experience, they can be work for very low pay or be trapped in a cycle of unpaid. Most of them see it as something temporary, but some theories say that the crisis will be followed by a long period of depression that will last for years.

    Anabel Rodríguez, 3°B.

  22. Caugth my attention the phenomenon so called the "Spanish Diaspora". Also it impressed the number of unemployed, since it has increased this number. There will be many young persons who in the past will emigrate to other countries for the crisis. Also the topic of the "brain drain" is very interesting. The question is interesting of all that the crisis will last and this topic seems to me to be very interesting I humble that it is crierto that all the young persons we think that the crisis will be temporary and in this text it indicates that it is not like that, qaue many studies affirm that the crisis will last years more.
    Maria Escudero Parra, 3 ESO B.

  23. In this text I have learnt that young unemployment now is around 50%, another thing that I dont know was that some theories claim that the crisis will be followed for many years, and another thing was that labour reforms, allow small and medium enterprises to fire people without compensation or cause during the first year of employment.

    Marta Ibáñez García 3ºB

  24. By: Ángel Fraile Delgado 3ºA

    I didn´t know that originally in the 1960s there were a lot of spanish people that were inmigrants that wennt to America looking for Jobs and it is amazing that the half of the young people were unemployment , there were 300.000 Young inmigrants .

  25. In this text I have learn that Spain has never think about a low unemployment rate so no one imagined this very high number of unemployed. Also i have learn that around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs.
    Now in Spain the Government continues making cuts and young people are leaving in large numbers.
    Ramón Rodriguez Bejarano 3ºA

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  28. In this text I learned that the youth unemployment now is around 50%, despite the large number of young people who have emigrated in the last few years.Also I've learned that due to the current crisis, many young people have been forced to migrate to other countries in search of employment, but still those who have not migrated form a 50% unemployment in Spain. And finally also I learned that Spanish Government keep making cuts, without thinking in the consequences that those cuts in studies will bring, such as a lot of young people leaving the country in large numbers.
    Santiago Jara Montero 3A

  29. I didn 't know that in 1906 there were a lot of Spanish people that went to find job in America. I learnt that now, the young uneployement is about 50%. In this text, I also learnt that the movement was called the Spanish Diaspora.
    By: Lola Valverde 3°A

  30. In this text, I have learnt that Spain became a country with an enviable standard of living, also I have learnt that according to the Spanish press, around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs and finally, I have learnt that the phenomenon was called the “Spanish Diaspora” and ended with the oil crisis in 1973.

    Verónica González Sevilla 3ºA

  31. In this text, I learn that in Spain the person emigrated to America and Europa in 1960 in search of a job and a better life. Also I learn that this phenomenon was called " Spanish diaspora"and ended with the oil crisis in 1973. I didn`t know that the current crisis would result in 5273600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people. I learn that some teories claim that the crisis will be followed for a long period of depression that will last for years

    Nati Montero Cotan 3A

  32. In this text,I have learn that the phenomenon was called the “Spanish Diaspora”. Also I have learn that according to the Spanish press, around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011. I didn´t know that now youth unemployment is around 50%.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  33. In that text, I have learnt that the phenomenon called Spanish Diaspora are emigrants who emigrated the country to other country to find a job and a better life, I have learnt too that the current crisis translates to 5,273,600 unemployed and many of them are young people.

    Elena Bautista Linde 3ºA

  34. In this text I have learned that the phenomenon that happen in the year 1960 was called the ''Spanish Diaspora''. This phenomenon consist in the emigration of a lot of spanish people to America to find a job, and also I have learned that ended with the oil crisis in 1973.
    I didn't know that Spain not produce more emigrants, although it gave them the welcome,since a country was done with an enviable standard of living.
    Finally I've learned that now youth unemployment is arount 50%, despite the large number of young people who have emigrated in the last few years.

    Eva Mª Fdez Franco 3ºA

  35. With this text, I have learned that the phenomenon of Spanish Diaspora was the emigration of a lot of Spanish people to America and Europe in the 1960s in search of a job and a better life are well known. Also, that between 2008 and 2011, around 300.000 Spanish youth left the country and finally, that Spain faces a 'brain drain', because researchers have been forced to look for employment abroad because of cuts in the research field.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºESO A

  36. In this text, I have learn that This phenomenon was called the “Spanish Diaspora” and ended with the oil crisis in 1973 and as a result of Spain joining the European Union..Youth unemployment now is around 50% and around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  37. I've learned in this text that the phenomenon "Spanish diaspora" are pictures of cardboard suitcases emigrants who emigrated to the United States and Europe in the 1960s in search of work and a better life.
    I have also learned that young people under 25, per their lack of experience, can be forced to work for very low wages and have learned that Spain no one imagined this high employment numbers because it has always had a low unemployment rate.

    Marta Reyes López 3ºA

  38. I have learn of this text that the emigrant that went to America and Europe had suitcase made of cardboard,this phenomenon called "Spanish Diaspora¨.
    Another thing that I have learn is that in Spain there were employment abroad and in Spain face a real brain drain.
    Also, I have learn that in the "Czech newspaper Lidové Noviny", in a recent article, talks of the large increase in the number of young immigrants from Southern Europe to Eastern Europe.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

  39. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  40. With this text, I've learned that around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of job other thing is,youth unemployment now is around 50%, despite the large number of young people who have emigrated in the last few years and Spain became a country with an enviable standard of
    living that no longer produced emigrants, but welcomed them.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez 3ºA

  41. I've learned in this text that the phenomenon "Spanish diaspora" are pictures of cardboard suitcases emigrants who emigrated to the United States and Europe in the 1960 to find a job and a better . Life many of these young people have grown up in families with a standard of living that they themselves will not be able to attain.Also I have leearned that Spain has never been known for having a low unemployment rate, no one imagined that the current crisis would result in 5,273,600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people.

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 3ºA

  42. I have learned that after the “Spanish Diaspora”,Spain was a country in which there weren't many emigrants
    , that young people of Spain left the country between 2008 and 2011 because in Spain there wasn't jobs. I also have learned that now,youth unemployment is around 50%, that's the reason of the emigration of a lot of young people in the last few years .

    Carmen fraile Campos 3A

  43. I this text I have learn that the phenomenon was called Spanish Diaspora. Also I have learn that the young unemployed is 50 %. and finally I have learn that the crisis translate to 5,273,600 unemployed. I think that this text is very interesting and I like it.

    José Ángel Cea Torres 3° A

  44. In this text I have learned that Spain has never been known for having a low unemployment rate, no one imagined that the current crisis would result in 5,273,600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people.
    Also I have learned that around 300.000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011, discouraged by the lack of jobs
    Finally I have learned that now youth unemployment is arount 50%, despite the large number of young people who have emigrated in the last few years.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA.

  45. In this text I have learned that the phenomenon was called the Spanish Diaspora, that the crisis is in 50 %, in spite of the fact that the majority of the young persons without work emigrated to another country and that the unemployment will be still for a long time while the politicians they will continue doing cuts.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 3°A

  46. In this text I have learned that the phenomenon was called the Spanish Diaspora, that the crisis is in 50 %, in spite of the fact that the majority of the young persons without work emigrated to another country and that the unemployment will be still for a long time while the politicians they will continue doing cuts.

    Desirée Rodríguez González. 3°A

  47. In this text I learn that In Spain, images of emigrants with cardboard suitcases who emigrated to America and Europe in the 1960s in search of a job and a better life and also I learn that Spain became a country with an enviable standard of living that no longer produced emigrants, but welcomed them.

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  48. I have learn of this text that the emigrant that went to America and Europe had suitcase made of cardboard,this phenomenon called "Spanish Diaspora¨.
    I didn't know that Spain not produce more emigrants, although it gave them the welcome,since a country was done with an enviable standard of living.
    I learned that almost the 20% of the immigrants in the whole world are in the U.S.A.
    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3'A

  49. I have learn of this text that the emigrant that went to America and Europe had suitcase made of cardboard,this phenomenon called "Spanish Diaspora¨.
    I didn't know that Spain not produce more emigrants, although it gave them the welcome,since a country was done with an enviable standard of living.
    I learned that almost the 20% of the immigrants in the whole world are in the U.S.A.
    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3'A

  50. In this text I have learned that Spain became a country with an enviable standard of living that no longer produced emigrants, but welcomed them

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 3ºA

  51. When I read the text, I learnt that the “Spanish Diaspora” is a phenomenon is produced when in Spain, a lot of emigrants with cardboard suitcases who emigrated to America and Europe in the 1960s in search of a job and a better life are well known. Also, I learnt that the current crisis would result in 5,273,600 unemployed and that so many of them would be young people. Finally, I learnt for that due this numbers of unemployed around 300,000 trained Spanish youth left the country between 2008 and 2011. Thanks for you attention.

    Paula Delgado Román 3ºA

  52. In this text i have learnt the Spanish Diaspora. Also it impressed the number of unemployed, since it has increased this number.
    I also have learned that now,youth unemployment is around 50%, that's the reason of the emigration of a lot of young people in the last few years .
    Finally, that Spain faces a 'brain drain', because researchers have been forced to look for employment abroad because of cuts in the research field.

    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA
