martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

Reading: The Twelve Dancing Princesses

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

1. Tell me five new words (and their definitions) that you have learnt reading this tale.

2. Invent a short tale (three paragraphs, no more than 120 words) where these five words are included.

Don't forget to use the simple past and the past continuous!

47 comentarios:

  1. The five words that I've learned are:
    -Cloak: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat, that has no sleeves, and that is worn over the shoulders are attached at the neck.

    -Robe: a long, loose piece of clothing that is worn on top of others clothes to snow that someone has high rank or an important job.

    -Delightful:very pleasant:giving or causing delight.

    -Tremble:to shake slightly because you are afraid,nervous,excited...

    -Heir:a person who has the right to become a king or queen or to claim a title when the person holding it dies.

    MY TALE:
    Once upon a time there was a girl from a very humble family, as always wore an old coat cloak .Her mother told her that cloak had belonged to his grandmother, and had rolled down from generation to generation, and despite not having much money, they never lacked anything, for that cloak just getting it from becoming much.

    The girl was all woman and fought a lot in life to be someone and never shed his coat, as he considered his amulet.

    In the final year, she met a delightful young man. That young man invited to the final party of the year and got his heart tremble and falling in love with him.
    She agreed to go to the party with him, not knowing who was heir to a fortune. The young man gave her a beautiful robe for the party and both were very happy.

    Belén Torres Delgado 3ºB

  2. The new words I've learn:

    -Seem(parecer):To appear to the observation or understanding/to give the impression of being.

    -Fight(pelea):to contend in battle or physical combat; especially : to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons/to put forth a determined effort

    -Snore(Ronquido):to breathe noisily while sleeping

    -Clap(aplaudir): to hit the palms of your hands together usually more than once

    -Glittering(reluciente):to shine brightly : to shine with bright points of light


    I was at my bed and I was in one of my many dreams. I was dreaming that two boys were fighting to get a toy. It seemed wrong so Santa claus came to help the boys. Then Santa took others toy to give it to the children. There were two PlayStations 4 and I was one of this boys!
    But suddenly I woke up and my father was there trying to get up me clapping. He said that I was snoring. The whole window was open and the bedroom was glittering!
    Then I realized it was all a dream.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. The five words that I've learned are:

    Wounded (herido): injured by a weapon.

    Cloak (capa): a loose outer garment.

    Willing (dispuestos): not refusing to do something.

    Skipped (omitido): to move or proceed with leaps and bounds or with a skip.

    Deny (negar): to say that something is not true.

    MY TALE:

    Once upon a time a child who lived in London. One day he decided to go for a ride with his friends, but that day was very cold. Her mother before leaving her house recommended him to put the layer to make it happen not cold. He refused because he said if it was questioned at the time already had it removed because they were going to run.

    One of his friends, called Jaime felt omitted group already called child, Jesus always was going with them. But a boy of his gang, named Pablo, was willing to welcome him gave him a bit of shame that out of his gang and not meet with him.

    On December 12 they were again all children, Jaime slipped in a puddle and it hurt. Now all of the gang felt bad because before they didn't join the but when they saw what was happening wrong went to help him and from that day were all friends and Jaime was one of the best friends of Jesus.

    Rocío Olivo García 3ºESO B

  5. This are the new words I've learned:

    -Grove:a group of trees that grow close together, generally without many bushes or other plants underneath.
    -Fellow:a man or boy.
    -Sank:(past of sink) to fall, drop or descend to a lower level.
    -Simpleton:an ignorant,foolish or silly person.
    -Trod:(past of tread) to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk.

    MY TALE:

    One time, there was a young fellow who was very innocent. This little kid has one older stepsister and one older stepbrother who were very bad with him. One day, his stepbrother told him:

    -Hey! Step-simpleton, I dare you to go to that forest near your house and get one brunch of those groves right there. But you have to be very carefull with that monster in the forest that eats stupid children like you.
    -And what do I win? 'told the child'
    -You win that we don't tell your father that you just did this- and then, suddenly, the step sister took a golf stick and broke his father's car and both of them started laughing.

    The young fellow went to the forest crying, to get the branches. While he was walking,he sank into a hole beacuse he gave a bad trod. He heard some steps and he started to feel scary, because he thought, as he was very innocent, that the monster was there to eat him. He was prepared for everything but, finally, his father told him that it was him, and helped him to get out of the hole. He told him that he saw how the stepbrothers tricked him.

    At the end, the father had an argue with the stepbrothers and they never tricked the kid again.

    -The end-

    Rocío Cotán Pallares 3º ESO B

  6. Wounded (herido): injured by a weapon
    Snore(Ronquido):to breathe noisily while sleeping
    Deny (negar): to say that something is not true
    Clap(aplaudir): to hit the palms of your hands together usually more than once
    Glittering(reluciente):to shine brightly : to shine with bright points of light.

    One time a man was in his house sleeping with his wife and his wife throw him to the floor because he was snoring and he wounded, later his wife clap, later when he went to the job saw in the floor a Glittering coin and when he arrived the word his boss tell him that he was fired, and when he was in the street a bird stole his wallet, and later he went to his house and he sleeps forever

    Antonio Rodriguez Fuentes 3ºA

  7. This are the new words I've learned:

    -Tremble:to shake slightly because you are afraid.
    -Simpleton:an ignorant,foolish or silly person.
    -Glittering:to shine brightly to shine with bright points of light.
    -Snore: to breathe noisily while sleeping.
    -Skipped: to move or proceed with leaps and bounds or with a skip.

    MY TALE:
    One time ago, a boy called mike was Tremble because his family was really simpleton and their house wasn't Glittering. His Sister snored while his mother was skipping the unemployment letter. His father was alcoholic and waste a lot of money in alcohol.

    In the 18th mike's birthday he went to play basketball and a group of offender stole his ball. Mike was in a hard depression and tried to suicide but his sister stoped him.

    Mike bought a lottery's ticket and he won 1 billion dolars. that was the first time he was a lucky boy but unluckly a trailer run over him when was arriving to the cinema "Mike didn't see the trailer".

    -The End-

    José Rodrigo Sánchez Toledo 3ºESO A

  8. Daughter:a female offspring especially of human parents
    Chamber:a usually large room where members of a government group (such as a legislature) have meetings.
    Afraid:having a dislike for something
    Eldest:of the greatest age
    Soldier:one engaged in military service and especially in the army

    One day, when I was with my daughter Celia and we were trying to get a little bit of food, the eldest person came with us and we were afraid.
    Later, my mom came with we, she gave food to usand we were very happy.
    We knew a soldier that was in a chamber, he was eating with his family.
    Three years later the soldier die and we went to his funeral because we love the soldier Santiago.

    Gerardo Ibañez Torres 3ºa

  9. The new words I've learn:
    -Snore(Ronquido):to breathe noisily while sleeping
    -Willing (dispuestos): not refusing to do something.
    -Deny (negar): to say that something is not true.
    -Glittering(reluciente):to shine brightly : to shine with bright points of light.
    Cloak (capa): a loose outer garment.


    Once upon a time a rich king was willing to kill anyone to lied him.One night when the king was sleeping and snoring. One of his servents stole a lot of things. A cloak , a glittering ring, jewellleries...
    The next day the king asked:
    -Who stole my things?
    The king knew that was one of his servents.One month later they discovered who stole the things but the servent deny this idea.
    And the servent scaped to other country.

    David sanz 3 A

  10. This are the new words that I've learned:

    Several: more than two but not very many.
    Cloak: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat, that has no sleeves, and that is worn over the shoulders and attached at the neck.
    Snore: to breathe noisily while sleeping.
    Simpleton: someone who is not very intelligent or who does not have or show good sense or judgment.
    Glittering:to shine brightly.

    My tale:

    Once upon a time a girl wearing a glittering cloak and she was walking by his village. Suddenly she heard a snore and then several others. She was scared and ran to her house and when she found an old simpleton that was asleep and she collided with him and she woke up and found it was a nightmare. Then she began to mourn and her grandfather was and she realized it was the same old person that in the nightmare and ran to the room of his parents and stayed there overnight.

    Marta Reyes Lopez 3ºA

  11. New words:
    Holes-More or less round opening in a surface
    Snore-Breath loudly during sleep
    Fellow-Person who shares with another stay in one place, studies, a job or practice of a sport or other activity
    Tremble-Move or shake with fast, continuous, and involuntary movements of small amplitude
    Loud-It causes a lot of noise

    My tale:

    One day a child was at boarding school where he lived with his fellow and were planning something to avenge their child falling ill, and one said to another that went to sleep it was too late and that tomorrow would plan something and they did.

    Later in the night, one of the children dreamed that the child fell ill threw into a hole and was shaking.

    He was having a bad dream and thanks to the fellow as loud snoring woke up.

  12. Words:

    -Cloak- a thing that hides or covers someone or something.
    -Mischance- something caused by bad luck.
    -Wine- an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes.
    -To row- to propel a boat by means of oars.
    -Gown- a long, formal dress that a woman wears especially during a special event.
    -King's heir- a person designated to be the king when the king will die.



    Once upon a time, a peasant and his family were living in a poor village in Brooklin. A very bad stormy night in 1890, was taking away lots of houses and trees. The peasant thought that when the storm will arrive to their village, they would have no house because of the strong wind, and they will die.

    The peasant knew that they could run very fast to the river of the village and left their home. When they were in the river, they took a boat and rowed very fast to cross the river. When the storm passed, they only had an old cloak, a gown, a wine and a lot of mischance.

    With all of these things they became rich, because he sold the cloak to an old woman, who knew that it was a magic cloak; the wine to the old king’s servant, and the gown to the prince’s sister.

    The peasant’s daughter got married with the prince, and their son was the king’s heir. And the mischance of the family became good luck.

    And that's the end.

    Jesús Muñoz Molina, 3ºB.

  13. The five words that i have learnt are:

    Cloak: is a piece of cloth that you use as a coat.
    Hole: is a circle open in the surface.
    Deny: to say that something isn´t true.
    Wine: an alcholic drink.
    Snore: to breathe noisily while sleeping.

    Once upon a time there was a girl who wasn´t very happy because her stepfather forbidden a lot of things for she.

    One day, his stepfather hided a cloak in a hole under the surface. He denied to the girl looked in this hole saying that there isn´t anything. Two days ago when his father drank a lot of wine he was snoling in the bed and the girl went to the hole and took the cloak.

    She put it on and she begans to fly to a country where she will be with a good family and will have a better life.

    It´s the end.
    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA

  14. The five words that i have learnt are:

    Cloak: is a piece of cloth that you use as a coat.
    Hole: is a circle open in the surface.
    Deny: to say that something isn´t true.
    Wine: an alcholic drink.
    Snore: to breathe noisily while sleeping.

    Once upon a time there was a girl who wasn´t very happy because her stepfather forbidden a lot of things for she.

    One day, his stepfather hided a cloak in a hole under the surface. He denied to the girl looked in this hole saying that there isn´t anything. Two days ago when his father drank a lot of wine he was snoling in the bed and the girl went to the hole and took the cloak.

    She put it on and she begans to fly to a country where she will be with a good family and will have a better life.

    It´s the end.
    Antonio Manuel González García 3ºA

  15. WORDS:
    -Daughter: a female offs pring especially of human parents
    -Cloak: Is a clothe that hides or covers someone or somethig
    -Soldier: A person that work in the service military and use the army
    -Snore: to breathe noisily when yo sleeping
    -Wounded: A person that have a wound


    Once upon a time a queen that lived in a high tower. This tower was protected by a soldier.

    One day a prince decided rescue to the queen. He bought a cloak and went to the tower. When he arrived , he saw that the soldier was snore.
    He rescued the princess and when they were coming out to the castle , the soldier woke up.

    The soldier caugth the princess and he nail his sword, the princes was wounded. The queen cured the prince. The next year they got married and they had a daughter.

    Nati Montero Cotan

  16. The five words that I have learnt are:
    *eager-very excited and interested : feeling a strong and impatient desire to do something or for something.
    *mischance-something caused by bad luck.
    *clapped(clap)-to hit the palms of your hands together usually more than once
    *glittered(glitter)-to shine by reflection with many small flashes of brilliant light.
    *Branch-a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk.

    MY TALE:
    Once upon a time in a small town a group of 4 kids decided to take a walk in the woods, when the sky glittered. Then they ocurred an idea. That was to make that walk out interesting. His idea was a game that consisted to climb up a tree and back down as quickly as possible. The winner would get a shiny coin.

    The first child got it in 10 minutes, the second in 8 minutes , the third in 5 minutes and when the last one that was eager to make up, one tree branch began to creak. The boy couldn't back down the tree because if he moved the branch would fall. Everyone feared a mischance, the situation became very difficult, the branch didn't stop creak and no one appeared in the woods. Then they began to ask for help.

    A family heard the cries for help and they start running to help. The father climbed the tree slightly when the boy was almost on the floor. He got saved and everyone start to clap. Juan, the hero, who was his nickname, warned the guys that they never did that madness again. Then all came back of their houses.


  17. This are the five new words that I've learned:
    -Battle (batalla): a violent fight in which people use weapons.
    -Several (varios): more than two but not very many.
    -Wise (sabio): having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually from learning or experiencing many things.
    -Luck (suerte): the things that happen to a person because of chance.
    -Safe (seguro): not able or likely to be hurt or harmed in any way.

    My Tale:
    One time a family that was living in a place near to the mountain. They had a hard life, as with what was gaining the oldest of the three brothers, called Alex, it wasn't sufficient.
    The economy of the family was his responsibility, as the father had died in a battle after several months or war.

    For this motive, the family decided to emigrate to another country more safe, in which they were luck. Because Alex obtained a good job with the help of the wise old.

    They decided risk and emigrate, and found for what always they looked.

    -THE END-
    Eva Mº Fdez Franco 3ºA

  18. The five words that I have learnt are:
    HOWEVER: In spite of that; nevertheless; yet: The book is expensive; however, it's worth it.
    HARDLY: To almost no degree; barely at all; almost not: I could hardly hear the speaker.
    LAUGHED: To express certain emotions, especially mirth or delight, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements.
    GLITTERING: A sparkling or glistening light.
    CONFESSED: To disclose (something damaging or inconvenient to oneself); admit. See Synonyms at acknowledge.

    MY TALE:
    One day my 11 sisters and I were having dinner when we saw a species of light that was shining to the bottom of the garden, we approach and we realized that it was a species of secret entry in the one that was waiting for us 12 smart princes, we were charmed with being going to that place, to dance and forgetting everything until one day we saw one of those princes alone and ask him, he said to us that one of the princesses habia missing person and that we had 12 hours to find her or this place would disappear forever, ultimately we find and live through it there happy, forever.


  19. New words:
    -Way:A method or system that can be used to do something.
    -Soldier:A person that work in the service military and use the army.
    -Wine:An alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes.
    -Wise:Having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually.
    -Safe:Not able or likely to be hurt or harmed in any way.

    My Tale:
    This was once a soldier called Petter who was working for a very humble king. A day this soldier was for a forest near the castle and it decided to be going to give a walk, thinking since she could be a better person as his king, and one thought with a wise old man that it advised him and this soldier followed his way.

    When it came to the castle Petter he thought that everything might be grateful to his king what it had done for him and prepared a dinner for him with wine, chicken and delicious food more.

    And Petter already he was very sure that already he might be a good person as his king.

    Mari Carmen Quintanilla Gelo 3ºA.

  20. The words that I have learned:
    -shut: Is the opposite of open

    -Hearing: Is when we hear something

    -Wounded: Is when you have a wound

    -Luck: Is when something happens by chance

    -Stood: Is the opposite of being moving

    MY TALE:
    Today I went out for take a walk early and I found a wounded dog. I realized that it was wrong to hear it howl.

    The dog was stood and lying on the sidewalk. Near, there was a veterinary clinic but its doors were shut.

    Hardly had time to react, I took the dog sick and transfer him to another vet that luck the attended and was able to save it

    Ángela Fraile Gelo 3ºB

  21. Approach: to move or become near or nearer to something or someone.
    Delightful:very pleasant : giving or causing delight.
    Row:: the sport of racing in long, narrow boats that are moved by using oars.
    Glitter: to shine brightly : to shine with bright points of light.
    Vane:a thin, flat or curved object that is attached to a wheel and that moves when air or water pushes it.

    "Persue your dreams"
    A long time ago a boy called Pepe that he liked the popular racing his people race only those who ran faster. He dreamed to race with his other classmates who also liked to run.

    One day the PE teacher who was delightful and wanted everyone to pursue their dreams told them that he was willing to glitter in the tests were to choose participants. They accepted and worked very hard.

    When the day arrived they only chose Pepe and three friends. The others felt that all the work had been in vain. Pepe and his three friends were very happy. In the race they rowing and there were many cameras approach them all. It was very exciting and finally Pepe and his friends met their dreams.

    MªVictoria Fraile Pallares 3ºB

  22. During this text, I have learnt:
    *Stood: is the opposite of be moving
    *Uneasy: worried or unhuppy about something
    *Mischance: bad luck
    *Simpleton:someone who is not very intelligent or who does not have or show good sense or judgment
    *Trod:to walk, in the present is the verb tread
    My tale:
    Once upon a time, a child called Ben, started to like the swimming. He wasn´t stood, he never stop doing something!, just a boring minute was the end of the life for him.He wasn´t so good at the school, he was simpleton and he was uneasy about that.

    He also had mischance, while he was getting new friends,something bad started to go out of the group, one and another time.But one day when he was trodding from the swimming pool of the village,his life started to change.He saw that he was healthier than before, he felt stronger as never and he started to be positive, hat is the only way to keep your dreams, that was Ben started to do.Every time a classmate said that he couldn´t have good marks, he repeat to his own, yes, I would, and I will be the best student, and I will have lots and lots of friends.

    Being positive,his life was better, he wons some races at the swimming, he started to compete at national races, he started to have better luck, new friends, good marks, a girlfriend, and lots of things, just chainging his mind.This is a tale, but also advacie you, that if you open your mind, there is another world, being positive, you will win lots of things, but the more important thing, is to say I will do it , I can and I will get it.

    Lola Valverde González, 3ºA.

  23. New words

    cloak:Long and free cloth that covers the body, without sleeves.

    wine:Alcoholic drink that is obtained by the juice of the grapes.

    fellow:Person who has not come to the adult age.

    Rowing: I orchestrate for resea that consists of a long and narrow spade of wood that allows to move or to make advance a craft.

    Soldier: Person who forms a part of an army, specially the one that belongs to the troop.


    There was once a soldier who was looking for a princess who was missing. One day Princess Sofia was celebrating his party and when the princess a glass of wine was drunk and went into the garden and heard a noise disappeared.The father of the princess sought and decided to call a soldier.the soldier decided to find princess because he received tracks. He followed the trail and took a boat and when the river came the end of the river the rowing broke. When he reached the village where the princess was had to disguise and put on a layer that covers the whole. He came to the site and fought the evil that was a boy who was in love with the princess.
    After the soldiers came the journey to save the princess fell in love with the princess like him. After some time the king accepted the marriage and were married and lived happily ever after.

    Carmen González Fuentes 3ºA

  24. The words I have learnt are:
    Snore-loud breath during sleep
    deny-say is not true
    however-in whatever manner or way
    fight-to use weapons or physical force to try to hurt someone, to defeat an enemy
    Delightful-very pleasant: giving or causing delight
    MY TALE:
    Once upon a time handsome prince who was married to the most beautiful princess who had. The prince had a defect and that their snoring is thunderous and the princess were not meant it because he was a delightful man and believed they were going to fight.

    However, she was very tired because she could not sleep. She told her father, King Alfonso, and he told him to leave his home and leave him. She refused to leave because they loved him. The other week when she could not sleep and had all the sleep she could not work and told him.

    That night she went to told him before bedtime when entering the room the princess saw that he was not there, but there was a note on the bed that read "sorry for not letting you sleep." Since that night the princess never saw the handsome prince.

    I am Ivan Suarez Mendez 3ºB

  25. The five words I have learnt are:
    Snore:to breathe noisily while sleeping
    Soldier:A person that work in the service military and use the army.
    Wise: having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually from learning or experiencing many things.
    Deny: to say that something is not true.
    Willing: not refusing to do something.

    MY TALE:
    There was once a young soldier who lived in a very old house. Once he was called to join the army but he deny. A month after they called and told they needed for the war and decided yes. during the war I met a lot of soldiers who willing to figth. During that time I also met a man who sonier much but was a wise old man who always helped him in all his problems.

    Lucía García 3B

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    - Looked: The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
    - Chamber: room; especially : bedroom
    - Soles: the bottom, under surface, or lower part of anything.
    - Hole : an opening through something
    - Wounded: injured, hurt by.


    A long time ago a king who had who had a very pretty daugthe, one day the king died of an illness but the princess could not govern because she was minor and the king’s brother came whit her daughter that hated the princess.

    One day they decided to looked in his chamber because the a prince looking for a wife the prince an the princess’s cousin met in the castle and and when the prince came they looked the princess.

    Came th day of the wedding and the princess left her room and she went to the churt when she arrived had holes in the soles of her shoes and took a weapon and she shoot killing her uncle and her cousin and leaving some wounded

    José Manuel Méndez González 3ºA

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  29. NEW WORDS:

    -Soles: the bottom of a shoe, slipper, or boot.
    -Holes: an opening into or through something.
    -Robes: a loose piece of clothing that wraps around your body and that you wear before or after bathing, swimming, etc., or while resting at home.
    -Cloak: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat, that has no sleeves, and that is worn over the shoulders and attached at the neck.
    -Mischance: something caused by bad luck.

    MY TALE:

    Once upon a time,a girl of brown hair and blue eyes called Carla, had a cat called "Manolito".

    One day, Carla decided to do a madness.She put a shoes with a sole full of holes, a robe and a cloak overhead and she decided left to the street.She was going with her cat when suddenly a car came and knock down "Manolito". She went away to her house crying and when she arrived,she told everything to his parents and brothers and they also started to crying.The people said that they was a family with a lot of mischance because always were happening many things bad to him.

    After the hours they decided to bought other cat and they were happies.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  30. NEW WORDS:

    -Soles: the bottom of a shoe, slipper, or boot.
    -Holes: an opening into or through something.
    -Robes: a loose piece of clothing that wraps around your body and that you wear before or after bathing, swimming, etc., or while resting at home.
    -Cloak: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat, that has no sleeves, and that is worn over the shoulders and attached at the neck.
    -Mischance: something caused by bad luck.

    MY TALE:

    Once upon a time,a girl of brown hair and blue eyes called Carla, had a cat called "Manolito".

    One day, Carla decided to do a madness.She put a shoes with a sole full of holes, a robe and a cloak overhead and she decided left to the street.She was going with her cat when suddenly a car came and knock down "Manolito". She went away to her house crying and when she arrived,she told everything to his parents and brothers and they also started to crying.The people said that they was a family with a lot of mischance because always were happening many things bad to him.

    After the hours they decided to bought other cat and they were happies.

    Rocío Peña Carrera 3ºA

  31. These are the new words that I've learned:

    Drop: a very small amount of liquid that falls in a rounded shape
    Mischance: something caused by bad luck
    Simpleton: someone who is not very intelligent or who does not have or show good sense or judgment
    Gown: a long, formal dress that a woman wears especially during a special event
    Snore:to breathe noisily while sleeping

    MY TALE:
    Once upon a time, there was an ogre's marriage. The husband snored every night so the wife was very angry because she couldn't sleep. She decided to call her friend and she asked her:-What can I do to stop my husband snoring?-and her friend told her that there was a potion to eliminate snores. She went rapidly to buy the potion and she told her husband that it was a juice so he drank a drop of it. At night, he snored higher and his wife couldn't take it. Next day, she told it to her friend and this one said her that she didn't have more ideas. The ogre’s wife was thinking and had a new idea: she was going to take her best gown and put it to her husband while he was sleeping, it was very uncomfortable so he was going to stop snoring. At night, she tried it but he snored higher than last night, and she couldn't sleep again. She thought that it was a mischance: she was never going to sleep. Next morning, she was very angry so she decided to told it to her husband. She said:-You, simpleton, I'm very angry about you! You snore a lot all nights and I can't sleep!- He got very angry, his face turned red and he was all day screaming. At night, the house was in silence, he didn´t snore more, he only wanted to scream! From this moment his wife could sleep well so they were very happy.

    Sol Benítez Reyes 3ºB

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  33. Tremble :to shake slightly because you are afraid, nervous, excited, etc.
    Cloak: Is a clothe that hides or covers someone or something
    Deny: to say that something is not true.
    Fellow:a man or boy.
    Mischance: something caused by bad luck.

    Once upon a time, in a far city there was a small house where lived a family that have a mischane because in the last 3 years was died all of the animal there were in their farm.

    One day was appereared a old fellow that had the dad of the family in the school, but he
    wore a dark cloak. The two children ran to the house and there were tremble. This man appeared because the dad of the family called. The misterious man was called Javier and the most strange for this man was the fur of the cloak because was making with a similar or equal type of fur that had the animals lived in the family's farm.

    The dad of the family acussed to Javier that he kill the animals from the farm. He deny but the dad search and research for this topic after a week, finally found the answer but the dad died and he was the only person that know who was the killer of the animals from the farm.

    Sara Álvarez Pérez

  34. This are the new words I've learned:

    -Branch: a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk.

    -Cloak: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat.

    -Robe: a long, loose piece of clothing that is worn on top of other clothes.

    -Snore: to breathe noisily while sleeping.

    -Sink: to displace part of the volume of object and become totally submerged.


    MY TALE:

    Once upon a time a man called George. One day he decided to walk around the night, in a branch of a large tree, there was a small cat. George went to his house with his friend to catch a very large coat. The cat jumped and took him home to care for him.

    When they got home George and his friend Frank, they put the robes.After George offered him a bowl of milk.

    At early morning, Frank waked the cat with a big snore. George took the cat to her room and sink into her bed. Two years after, the cat died and George and Frank were going twice a week to the countryside to visit the tomb of the cat.

    And that's the end.

    Francisco de la Cruz Gelo Pérez 3°B

  35. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  36. 5 new words:
    -Chamber: a small space inside something (such as a machine or your body)

    -Shut: to close (something)

    -Battle: a military fight between groups of soldiers, ships, airplanes, etc

    -Task: a usually assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time

    -Mischance: bad luck

    One day, a princess called Isabel, was in love, but he mischance was very bad becouse the man that she was in love was a pour. She went to the village to talked with him, becouse she liked to know his.

    Her parents could not saw that they are together and decided to went to the village all the morning to visited his. But her parents saw her, and they decided to shut in a chamber and obligated to did a lot of taks.

    He went to a battle becouse his country had a wars, but when he retourd, he went to the castle and rescue the princess. They was together for all of their life.

    Monte Fraile Campos 3ºA

  37. The words are:
    Snore-a noise that the people produce when they are asleep
    fellow- a man or a boy
    clapped her hands- make noise with the hands
    nail – a piece of metal that is use for nail things
    grove- a little forest

    Once upon a time , a giant called Frank that lived in a grove in anywhere of Scotlan. One day the giant fell into a deep sleep and his snores were so big that they listened in the town. The citizens heard the noise and went to the grove to woke the giant. They try a lot of things but the giant still asleep.
    A fellow woke him giving blows to a nail. When the giant woke all the citizens clapped their hands and went to their houses for sleep.

    Carmen Fraile Campos 3A

  38. The 5 new words:

    -ELDEST.: of the greatest age.

    -CONFESS.: to admit that you did something wrong or illegal.

    -WHETHER.: which one of the two.

    -HORN.: the hard material of which horns are made.

    -FINE.: well.


    Once upon a time, A boy confessed that He know a person who killed another person. The boy that was died was very famous in her village.

    The boy was died because another person cut her head and the boy that confessed this, saw that moment.

    The bad boy whether this went to a party with his friend. In the party he fight with another person. The family of the died boy was unhappy because the boy was died. The police arrested to the bad boy and they went to the prison.

    Finally the bad boy was 10 years in the prison. When he went out of the prison. He was a very kind person. He started to play the horn fine in a band.

    This is the end of my history


    José Ángel Cea Torres 3º A

  39. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  40. The new words that I had learned are:

    Branch:is an armlike division of the stem of a tree or shrub.

    Snored:is to breathe during sleep with hoarse or harsh sounds.

    Rowing: is the activity of moving a boat by using oars.

    Drop:is to cause to fall vertically; cause to have an abrupt descent

    Wounded:suffering injury or bodily harm, as a laceration or bullet wound

    There was a boy called Josh that used to went to a small village in summer for the holidays.He loved to go there because he had a lot of friends there and he was very happy there.His best friend there was Charlie.

    He love to go to the river all weekends , there he used to rowing with some friends and they spend time talking and sleeping in the boat because it was very relaxing.

    One day Josh and Charlie went to the river to rowing and they were talking a long time about what did they do in the school and the marks, then they were very boring and they slept, after a minutes Josh snored and Charlie slept quickly because Josh's snore scared him so he droped the oar .They dont know how to come back so they took a branch and they tried to return, but Josh was wounded with the branch but it wasn't important because Charlie helped him because his father were a very good doctor.

    Guiomar Marín Jimeno 3°B

  41. The five new words:

    - Task: a piece of work that has been given to someone : a job for someone to do.
    - Able: having the power, skill, money, etc., that is needed to do something.
    - Snore: to breathe noisily while sleeping.
    - Loudly: making or causing a lot of noise : strong and noticeable in sound.
    -Eager: very excited and interested.


    Long ago, there was a princess who lived in his wonderful kingdom with her king and all its lackeys. All was very nice but after three months of big wedding everything went wrong.

    Best childhood king’s friend came and the king offered him to stay there forever. The queen became jealous, and wanted to do everything possible to make your stay was the worst but did not know if she was able to perform that task.

    One night, not too loudly, the queen went to the guest room to spray oil on the ground with the aim that this fall. When she was leaving the room, she heard a loud snore and she gets scare. He was eager that arrived the next morning. What will happen?


  42. The five words that I have learned are:
    Several → more than two but fewer than many
    Glitter → to shine brightly : to shine with bright points of light.
    Approach → to come very near to.
    Shore → the land bordering a usually large body of water.
    Snore → to breathe during sleep with a rough hoarse noise due to vibration of the soft palate.


    Laura and Marta are two 12 years old friends. They love going shopping, eating healthy, doing sports and cooking.

    One day they decided to go to the beach at 11 o'clock. But when it was half past ten, Laura knew that Marta was sleeping because she didn't answer to her messages, so Laura decided to go to Marta's home. When she arrived, Marta was sleeping and even, she was snoring. Laura woke up her and they went to the beach.

    When they were in the beach, they approach to the shore because they saw several things that had glitter. It was a treasure!!! They took and saved it. Later, they discover that there were a lot of necklaces, bracelets, rings and more things. They were very happy and they didn't tell their secret to nobody.

    Dulce Nombre Herrera Herrera 3ºESO A

  43. The five words are:
    –Task:a piece of work that has been given to someone : a job for someone to do
    –Fellow:a boy or man
    –Mischance: bad luck
    –Chamber a small space inside something
    –Wise: a person who is very clever

    It was difficult the task that they had ahead. The tree fellows faced a problem and they had to solve it before midnight. They had discovered a secret chamber in the basement of the school.
    After hours of search the young persons found a lever that opened a door. They entered and all was dark. They ignited a lantern and they saw a precious chest in there was jewelry and gold, the same that had told them the wise that they saw in the park.
    That mischance! All was the dream of John.

  44. Five words that I've learnt:
    *lock(cerrar con llave)- secure with key.
    *suceedd(tener éxito)- It's when a person does something, at work, in any activity, etc.
    *way(forma). It's the synonym of manner.
    *hardly(apenas)- Is a similar expression to sparsely.
    *delightful(encantador/a)- Is a adjetive used to kind people, sympathetic, etc.

    My tale:
    10 years ago, a young singer than 25 years was successful, but his music started to to bore people, and she got into a difficult depression.

    One day when she got up, he thought of go to visit her parents to the village because he did not find other way to stop thinking of his failure as a singer after 15 years of success.

    When he got there barely he recognized his neighbors, friends and acquaintances of the village. All received it with love and joy. She went into the house and greeted his parents and younger brother. While they were eating she told everything, and their parents started to scold she. they always told to study and let the singing as a hobby. She, crying and not knowing what to do, go into his old bedroom and locked.

    Spend a few days there, remembering old times and visiting old friends. He met a delightful boy, with which after a few months they they started dating. He played guitar, and helped her to forget about their problems and see the music another way, they were very happy.

    THE END.

    Anabel Rodríguez, 3ºB

  45. I have learnt:

    LUCK-(suerte)--the things that happen to a person because of chance : the accidental way things happen without being planned

    TASK-(tarea)-- a usually assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time

    ELDEST-(el mayor)--of the greatest age

    WISER-(el más sabio)--having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually from learning or experiencing many things

    EAGER-(ansioso)--very excited and interested : feeling a strong and impatient desire to do something or for something

    MY TALE:
    It was once when a litle girl was walking in the countryside, and she was looking for her dog, and she was eager for find her dog. Thirty minutes later walking for the countryside she found a house, and a very old man was in the garden of the house, and she went to ask the old wise if he had seen his dog, and the wiser old asked:
    -you must take a piece of meat and so soon find your dog if it gets dark the wolves will eat you
    And the girl took a piece of meat I had in the bag
    It was night and the girl decided to go home, and when she talked with the eldest of the family, they made a plan, and the eldest man decided to distribute the tasks, and the eldest said:
    The next day we will have more luck. At the end they found the dog but was dead.

    The End

    Manuel Reyes Lopez 3ºA

  46. New words:
    Task: a piece of work that has been given to someone : a job for someone to do.
    cloak: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat, that has no sleeves, and that is worn over the shoulders and attached at the neck
    wise: having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually from learning or experiencing many things
    vain:too proud of your own appearance, abilities, achievements, etc.
    silly: having or showing a lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment : foolish or stupid

    There was once a neighbor of the neighborhood of Caleta who taught biology, called Oscar. This was very wise, know much, but a little vain because they didn't gave alms to the needy. One day I had a lot of task to do and to get some rest went to the cafeteria. While drinking coffee, this was a poor drew from his cloak a picture of his family. Oscar went to the poor and and realized that the man was just a poor unemployed worker who missed his family. Oscar had never been in that situation, the poor need help told her that did not have to eat and where to sleep and Oscar offered shelter and food until she found her family. Oscar thought it would be silly to offer this, but so was a way of giving happiness those who need happiness.END
    Paula Delgado Román 3ºA

  47. New words:

    Drop: small amount of liquid
    Might: there is a possibility to do somecing
    Mischance: unfortunate, bad luck
    Simpleton: idiot
    Cloak: is a piece of clothes that is worn over the shoulders and is attached at the neck.

    My tale:
    Once upon a time a little boy called Thomas that his partners make fun of him. They were calling him "the simpleton of the school". Thomas was very sad but he had a friend named Miranda. She was his girlfriend and she was his confident and his only fiend in ten years.

    When Thomas was twenty years old he married with Miranda and it happens something that nobody though that it could happen. The day of the wedding it was a might of rain and it happens, it was a might of were cold and it happens a lot of things happens that they, It was only mischance? No, it was a lot of mischance.
    When Thomas arrived to the church he noticed a drop on his shoulder, hi think that is was a drop or water but it was a drop of shit of bird. Thomas was very sand and he think to cancel the ceremony but in the last minute "Super Willy" come and save the situation. He was a man that was wearing a cloak and had superpowers.
    Finally when Miranda arrived to the church it was a very beautiful day and the clothes of Thomas was clean; it was a perfect day.
    THE END.
    Ana María Castaño Candeas 3ºB
