lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Plans for the summer, plans for the future

What are your plans for next summer? What are your predictions for the future? What do you think will or may happen?
Write four paragraphs: two about the summer, two about the future (love, family, house, work....)

Use :  be going to
           may /might

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

Give some advice to your classmates

Read all the letters that your classmates have written telling their problems, choose three and write them letters of advice.
"You should... You shouldn't...."
"If I were you, I would...."

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

Agony column

First, read these examples:

A problem page letter

Agony aunt  letters

Then, write a letter to Carla giving her your advice.

Strict parents

My parents are very strict. They don't let me go out with my friends in the evenings or accept invitatins to parties or discos. They say my friends are irresponsible, but they've never met my friends. I don't know what they are afraid of. I can go out on Saturday afternoon, but only if my cousin comes with me. I love my parents, but they don't understand that I'm 16. I need to have some independence -- I feel like I'm in prison. what should I do?

Finally, write a letter asking for advice about a problem you have.

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Voluntary work

Raleigh International

Visit the webpage of Raleigh International, think about the best way to help them according to your interests and abilities, and write them a letter offering your help.

1. Introduction
2. Personal information: skills and experience
2. Where, when, how to help
3. Conclusion and farewell