martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

Reading: The Twelve Dancing Princesses

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

1. Tell me five new words (and their definitions) that you have learnt reading this tale.

2. Invent a short tale (three paragraphs, no more than 120 words) where these five words are included.

Don't forget to use the simple past and the past continuous!

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015


Migrate, emigrate, immigrate

Immigration vocabulary

Spaniards, emigrants again

Learn the vocabulary about immigration, read the text "Spaniards, emigrants again" and send a comment to the blog explaining the three most interesting things you have learnt reading this text.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

America's Immigration History

Watch the video and send a comment to the blog explaining the three most interesting things that you have learnt about immigration in the USA.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Studying grammar for the exam

The grammar points for the first term exam are:

1. Past simple / Past Continuous / Used to
2. Questions (subject questions and object questions)
3. Comparative and superlative of adjectives
4. Quantifiers (much, many, a few, a little, a lot of, some, any)

There are three grammar links on the blog (see the column on the right) that can be useful for you to study for the exam:

"English Maven" --> "Grammar" ----> "Interrogatives"

"Grammar exercises" ----> "Questions" , "Quantifiers", "Tenses"

Good luck!

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Home sweet home

Vocabulary: the house

Home swap

Choose one of the houses and write an imaginary email to the owners explaining why you have chosen that house.
Then, write a detailed description of your house, trying to convince them to swap your houses.
Send the letter to the blog's comments.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

The Middle Ages

In a paragraph, tell me something interesting you have learnt about the Middle Ages.

King Arthur


King Arthur

King Arthur's Quiz

Tell me three interesting things you have learnt about King Arhtur that you didn't know